Assessment 2B

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  • 8/10/2019 Assessment 2B



    Table of Contents

    1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 2

    2.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2

    3.0 IMC Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 3

    3.1 Overall IMC Strategy And Rationale ............................................................................... 3

    3.2 IMC Functions Breakdown .............................................................................................. 3

    4.0 Creative Strategy .................................................................................................................. 4

    4.1 Message Strategy.............................................................................................................. 5

    4.2 Message execution ........................................................................................................... 5

    5.0 Media Strategy ................................................................................................................... 12

    5.1 Media Selection and Reasons for Selected Media ......................................................... 12

    5.2 Media Plan...................................................................................................................... 13

    6.0 Budget and Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 15

    6.1 Budgeting Approach of Campaign ................................................................................. 15

    6.2 Evaluation of IMC Plan and Objectives ......................................................................... 15

    7.0 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 16

    8.0 List of Reference ................................................................................................................ 16

  • 8/10/2019 Assessment 2B



    1.0Executive Summary

    This assessment is regarding IMC Plan of Nescafe Instant Coffee Company. It contains the

    introduction whereby it describes about the background of Nescafe objectives and how they

    could achieve it. The following part of this assessment will be their IMC strategy which

    contains the overall IMC strategy and rationale and IMC function breakdown. The main

    objective is to increase the sales of Nescafe Instant Coffee. Therefore, the company has

    created a slogan for this product which is Brighten Up Your Day to let the target audience

    aware of the use of their product. The company did advertising and sales promotion for this

    product in order to enhance their brand awareness. The following part will be their creative

    strategy which consists of the message strategy and message execution. It is regarding a

    cheerful, harmony and warm environment to suit the target market within family members

    and working adults. Therefore, the company will be using TV commercial, radio commercial

    and media print to increase their brand awareness. On top of that, media strategy will be

    discussed in this assessment. Based on the Asteroid profiler, the media selection and reasons

    for selected media, it is found that the media consumption of most of the coffee buyer are

    heavy magazines reader follow by TV commercial and radio. Therefore, a media plan is done

    to count the cost to advertise the instant coffee. A budget and evaluation is set up so that the

    company would not exit the cost to advertise their product. The IMC campaign will be

    evaluated and measured in terms of the objectives, its advertising tools, and also the overall

    IMC program. Last but not least, a conclusion is done for this assessment. The campaign is

    conducted 6 months to achieve the overall objective for this campaign.

    2.0 Introduction

    Due to its potential coffee market in Australia, Nescafe had been planning to further its

    product market to reach more potential market in order to increase its revenue by precisely

    aiming on the target market. Thus the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plan was

    being approached by Nescafe in order to analyse the possibility of a successful campaign that

    could be held in order to achieve its objectives.

    The target audience for this IMC plan are the residents of Sydney, New South Wales where

    the target audience mainly comprises of men and women, particularly women of age fifty and

    above. Besides, the target audience have a lifestyle of environment friendly and prefer on

    products with higher quality over price. They also have a high tendency and frequency of

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    visiting the grocery shops and supermarket. Lastly, magazines are the highest media

    consumed followed by TV commercial and radio.

    Besides that, one of the objectives of this IMC plan is to change the perception customers or

    potential customers towards the Nescafe by 50% of coffee consumer in Australia over the life

    of the campaign which seeks an affective response by attempting to relate the emotions of a

    bright and cheerful day to Nescafe together with the cognitive objectives which advertise

    Nescafe Instant Coffee ability to combat tiredness and stress. The second IMC objective is to

    persuade and change consumer's brand preference to Nescafe that will increase their share in

    the market by 15% over the life of the campaign. This IMC objective provides the conative

    response by increasing the perceived value of Nescafe through either improving the quality of

    the product or reducing the price, such as giving out discounts or other incentives in hopes

    that Nescafe could pry some of the customers away from Moconna, its competitor.

    3.0 IMC Strategy

    3.1 Overall IMC Strategy And Rationale

    The overall IMC objectives of increasing the total sales of Nescafe Instant Coffee and

    changing customers preference towards Nescafe through both the cognitive and conative

    message strategy by influencing the customers thinking and doing is set to be achieve by

    adopting the advertising and promotional tools strategy. By using the cognitive message

    objective, Nescafe Instant Coffee product attributes could be appropriately being advertise

    through advertising tools by influencing customers knowledge and selection by stressing on

    the product benefits, in this case, using the introduced slogan, Brighten Up Your Day

    which give the hidden meaning of finding inspiration and keeping ones alert and afresh by

    drinking the coffee. The advertising means such as TV, radio, magazines and outdoor

    facilities could efficiently reach the target market through the continuous broadcasting of

    Nescafe commercial and also print magazines and outdoor advertising which may finally

    achieve the conative objective of purchasing behaviour of the product. Besides, launching

    sales promotion by giving out samples and discounts could attract the attention and interest of

    customer which may result in the conative objective strategy which induces the response of

    customer and lastly leads to purchase of product. Both of the strategies are interrelated where

    it added value to one and another which could grab the attention of the targeted audience

    from several channels either it from visuals, audios, verbal or tasting.

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    3.2 IMC Functions Breakdown

    In order to make Nescafe Instant Coffee meets its objective of creating awareness about its

    product, the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is useful. In simpler terms, the IMC

    process is a combination of various promotional tools used to communicate and build

    awareness among the targeted consumers (Duncan 2005). The IMC process consists of

    promotional tools which are advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling,

    interactive marketing, public relations, events and sponsorship (Tuckwell 2011). However,

    only advertising of traditional media channels and sales promotion functions are being

    practice throughout the campaign. In order to reach out to a large number of audiences in the

    shortest span of time, advertising seen to be the most effective and cost efficient promotional

    where it consist of many different tools for communications such as the television, radio,

    magazine and newspaper. Through the television, the advertisement would have a mixture of

    emphasis based on how Nescafe Instant Coffee product will help them achieve a lifestyle to

    keep their mind awake for the day. On the radio, the idea is to announce to the public that

    Nescafe Instant Coffee helps consumer meet their needs of maintaining a cheerful and

    harmony lifestyle on various radio stations in Australia. For the print media, such as

    magazine and newspaper, it would not be just like the normal form of advertisement about a

    product; the company plans to include a colourful print with slogan. The main emphasis will

    be on the slogan which is Brighten Up Your Day in order to make the target audience

    aware of the use of their instant coffee. The second promotional of sales promotion is being

    chosen as it enables Nescafe itself to provide an extra or added value or incentives to the

    consumers; the consumer orientated sales promotion to be specific. Even if Nestle holds a

    strong brand equity overall, the distinctive coffee market which covers a distinctive layer of

    coffee users causes Nescafe Instant Coffee has the need to organise a promotion in order to

    increase their sales and also their brand equity in the instant coffee market. Furthermore, it is

    important for Nescafe Instant Coffee Company to increase the demand of consumers by

    giving out sampling and selling the actual product at a lower price compared to the other

    instant coffee products in the market. The sampling techniques is basically providing an

    opportunity for the consumer to test out the new product, most likely located in where the

    product is sold whether is it at the grocery stores & supermarkets. Besides that, Nescafe

    Instant Coffee can also increase awareness about its product by setting up a booth in

    supermarkets and giving out sample testing to the target audience. It gives an opportunity for

    consumers to actually try the product and determine if they actually would buy it without

    incurring any risk of actually not liking the product. This also applies with the sales of the

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    consuming Nescafes products. To emphasize the message strategy, Nescafe Instant Coffee

    comes out with a series of IMC plan with the slogan Brighten Up Your Day.

    The Indicative Examples of Media Used:

    A.Pr in t Media -Magazines

    In the print media, Nescafe Instant Coffee is using the relationship between a happy family,

    who both working adults drink the products and sharing their joy together. This shows that

    even they have to wake up for work early in the morning a quick coffee will help them start

    off their day well. The slogan is placed at the upper right of the picture and brand logo is

    located at bottom right side. This could let the audience to focus more on the slogan first and

    have the deepest impression when focusing the brand as the last sight. Besides that, the printwill be colourful so that it can capture their memory. The print media will use the picture

    shown as below:


    Outdoor trams and buses and 24 sheets poster will be using the same print media so that the

    target audience will recognize the print easily whenever they go. Since our main target

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    market is family. Therefore, 24 sheets poster should be place around the supermarkets so that

    target audience will be aware of the Nescafe Instant Coffee advertising.

    C.Television Commercials

    As for TV commercial, Nescafe Instant Coffee will portray a lifestyle between a happy

    family who start off their day with a cheerful and harmony atmosphere at home. Once theyre

    at work place, they continue to feel awake after drink the instant coffee to deliver the main

    message. The TV commercial will be shown as below:

    The TV commercial will start off with a bright sunny day to brighten up the day.

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    When the both children are asleep, their mother will wake them up for school when its


    The mother will then prepare breakfast for the family to show a cheerful and harmony


    Not forgetting the most important thing to start off their day is with a cup of Nescafe Instant

    Coffee with strong aromatic smell. Their Nescafe coffee mug is the main attention for this


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    A cheerful face while holding a cup of Nescafe

    The husband and wife show each other drink coffee together happily with a joy.

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    Even during work, the atmosphere shows that surrounding is alive and cheerful because the

    coffee keeps them awake.

    It will then continue that Nescafe Instant Coffee brightens up their family day even after a

    long day of work.

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    At the end of the commercial, the products and slogan will be shown in order to capture the



    For radio commercial, the following script will be used:

    (Sound of Husband ready for breakfast, children sound and noises)

    Wife: When is the last time you enjoyed a really good coffee?

    Husband: Im not sure. I would love to try the Nescafe Instant Coffee.

    Wife: Sure, I will make a glass for you before you start off your day.

    (Sound of boiling the instant coffee and coffee has been served)

    Husband: The smell of the coffee smells good.

    (Drinking sound)

    Husband: Wow! This Nescafe Instant Coffee makes me feel energetic. Just a simple quick

    coffee I feel awake for the day.

    With Nescafe Instant Coffee, It will brighten up your day!

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    5.0 Media Strategy

    Media strategy is next developed to identify the ideal media channels to be used in a

    campaign in order to achieve the objectives of the whole campaign. A media strategy

    analyses the most suitable media to be used, the duration of advertisement, location and

    frequency of the media to be use (Tuckwell 2011).

    5.1 Media Selection and Reasons for Selected Media

    Based on the researched target market done previously via the Asteroid profiler, it is found

    that the media consumption of most of the coffee buyer are heavy magazines reader follow

    by TV commercial and radio. Therefore, magazines, television, radio and outdoors are being

    selected as the media to be used throughout the whole 6 months Nescafe Instant Coffee

    campaign period. Magazines are being selected because of the high quality reproduction off

    the magazines which allows a higher impact to the reader through the quality of the paper of

    the magazine and the strong colourful base in the magazines besides of its high readership

    (Dahlen, Lange & Smith 2010). TV is chosen as this is the only media that could provide

    most of the sensor that an individual could taste of from its flexible format which uses sight,

    movement and sound media together. The TV commercial will be slotted during the peak

    hours which enable the product to reach the target audience effectively. Radio commercial is

    also being select as one of the media which it only cover a relative small cost and its selectivedistinctive audience available (Pickton & Broderick). The radio commercial will be aired

    during the morning breakfast period which is the peak hour one will consume coffee which

    indirectly may influence the selection of coffee product of the listener. Afternoon off-peak

    hours are also being selected to reach the audience which are working who may think of

    coffee to keep them awake. Besides that, it is also found that the target market visits the

    supermarket and travels often. Therefore, the outdoor advertising media is chosen to fit the

    target market where we had prepared the 24 sheets poster to be advertised over 60 sites which

    include the supermarkets, convenience store, train stations, bus stops and also big

    advertisement to be advertised on bus and the light rail in Sydney. It is very useful as our

    campaign is only in one location which in fact increases the frequency the product being

    exposed to the target market too.

    Among the print media for magazines, Womens Weekly, Delicious, TV Week and Cleo is

    being chosen which consist of lifestyle magazine, women mass magazine, entertainment and

    also food magazine. This media will be concentrated at the beginning of the campaign fromOctober to December to raise the awareness of the target media to Nescafe. Whereas, we had

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    selected 3 types of different slot for the TV commercial which consists of off peak daily news

    section, peak hours dramas and entertainment slot which are the Ten Late News from

    Monday to Friday, Desperate Housewives and Australian Idol. The TV commercial will also

    be concentrate on the beginning of the campaign from September to December with more

    than 1 slot per program that is being chosen. Radio will be airing from Monday to Friday for

    the peak hour morning breakfast section and also in the afternoon throughout the whole six

    month campaign continuously from July to December with 2 slots per session per day for

    peak hour and once slot per session per day for off peak hours. 2 busses and 2 Metro Light

    Rail are being hired for the campaign for 3 months during the early-middle campaign period

    from August to October and 6 months of continuous 24 sheet poster will be pasted on 60

    available sites in Sydney as the outdoor media channel.

    5.2 Media Plan

    Next, the media plan will be focusing on the media spread and exposure pattern of the

    selected media employed by Nescafe. There are three types of schedule pattern which are

    continuous, pulsating and fighting (discontinuous) that may exist in a media plan (Dahlen,

    Lange & Smith 2010). Based on the excel spreadsheet below, the type of schedule patterns

    that are practice by this Nescafe campaign are of continuous and pulsating schedules.

    Continuous schedules are referred to as a constant exposure in regular slots throughout a

    campaign period while pulsating schedule is the schedule where advertisement consistently

    being spread but is being increase in burst around special events or holidays (Pickton &

    Broderick). Continuous schedule is being use for radio and outdoor poster in a steady stream

    from June to November which provides a higher frequency with constant exposure of the

    same regular media slot to create awareness of the target market and the whole market about

    the product. However, this type of schedule is accompanied by heavier media expenditures

    because of its continuous long term advertisement period (Pickton & Broderick). In contrast,

    pulsating schedule is being used where advertisements are placed in several media and is

    specifically more in the corner of holidays, in this case, the Christmas in December. The

    frequency of the printed magazine is more compare to the previous month and the number of

    TV commercial are also higher in each TV program slots to take the advantage of the event

    atmosphere and crowd during the season (Clow & Baack 2012).

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    6.0 Budget and Evaluation

    6.1 Budgeting Approach of Campaign

    The approach for budgeting in this IMC plan is using an objective and task budget. Objective

    and task budget considers all communications cost in accomplishing each of the IMC

    objectives (Clow & Baack 2012). It is also the ideal method because the objective of the IMC

    plan is not as simple as just increasing sales or competing with the competitors. The IMC

    objective aims to change the perception of consumers towards Nescafe, which is difficult to

    measure in terms of sales. Hence, budgeting methods that involves sales goals are not


    The total communication cost for this IMC plan is approximately $2.4 million. A total budget

    of $2.5 million will be allocated for this IMC campaign for its communications cost. Within

    the total budget, $1.1 million will be allocated for television advertisings. Radio

    advertisements will be allocated a total of $200,000 while outdoor advertising will receive

    $210,000. There will be a total of $650,000 budgeted for the creative production for all of the

    media advertisements.

    A further sum of $500,000 will be budgeted for any contingencies throughout the IMC

    campaign. This $500,000 will be used to deal with unforeseen circumstances such as theintroduction of a new product line for Nescafe and unexpected competitive situations (Berger

    & Bechwati 2001).

    6.2 Evaluation of IMC Plan and Objectives

    The IMC campaign will be evaluated and measured in terms of the objectives, its advertising

    tools, and also the overall IMC program. The first IMC objective, which is to change the

    perception customers or potential customers towards the Nescafe by 50% of coffee consumer

    in Australia over the life of the campaign, seeks an affective customer response, that is to

    increase the amount of positive feeling towards Nescafe. This can be measured and evaluated

    using emotional reaction tests on the television and radio advertisements. Emotional reaction

    tests are tests designed to measure the emotional impact of an advertisement through using a

    warmth meter (Clow & Baack 2012). Subjects are asked to rate how they feel after

    watching the advertisement on the warmth meter. The IMC campaign seeks to conjure a

    feeling of cheerful and happy on the target audience, hence the results on the emotional

    response test should score quite highly on the test.

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    The second IMC objective is to persuade and change consumer's brand preference to Nescafe

    that will increase their share in the market by 15% over the life of the campaign. To measure

    the effectiveness of the IMC program in achieving this objective, cognitive neuroscience can

    be used to evaluate it. Cognitive neuroscience is a brain image measuring test that tracks

    brain activity used to indicate preference (Clow & Baack 2012). The aim of this IMC

    objective is to try and persuade consumers to switch to Nescafe, and cognitive neuroscience

    tests can help to measure the effectiveness of the IMC plan by determining consumers of

    different brand preference after the campaign.

    Advertising tracking research is used to measure the effectiveness of the advertisements used

    in the IMC plan (Mehra 2009). It can to measure the recall rate of the IMC campaigns main

    creative message which is Brighten Up Your Day. Other than that, sales and response rate

    of the Nescafe products will determine whether the IMC campaign has help to increase any

    sales, response rate, or redemption rate. In terms of overall IMC program, the best method to

    evaluate it is to determine the return on investment of the IMC campaign. The return of

    investments can be defined as the incremental of sales from marketing such as the increase of

    market share and profitability (Balaghar, Majidazar & Niromand 2012).

    7.0 Conclusion

    In conclusion, this Nescafe Instant Coffee campaign IMC plan introduces the overall IMC

    strategy to be adopted for this 6 months campaign to achieve the overall IMC objectives of

    this campaign. Traditional advertising tools which include the printed magazines, television,

    radio and outdoor advertising are decided to be adopts as the advertising channels of Nescafe

    Instant Coffee to reach its target market in the area of Sydney. Promotional tools will also be

    use such as the giving out of samples and value packs will be used to advertise the product to

    the market as well. Lastly, the overall estimated media plan will be compromising a totalbudget of approximate $ 2.5million which covers all the selected traditional media channels

    over a duration of 6 months, starting from July to December 2012.

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    8.0 List of Reference

    Balaghar, AA, Majidazar, M &Niromand, M 2012, Evaluation of Effectiveness of Sales

    Promotional Tools on Sales Volume(Case Study: Iran Tractor Manufacturing Complex

    (ITMC)),Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 470-480.

    Berger, PD & Bechwati, NN 2001, The Allocation of Promotion Budget to Maximise

    Customer Equity, Omega, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 49-61.

    Clow, KE & Baack, D 2012,Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing

    Communications, 5thedn, Pearson Education Limited, England.

    Dahlen, M, Lange, M & Smith, T 2010,Marketing Communications A Brand Narrative

    Approach, 1st

    edn, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom.

    Duncan, T 2005, Principles of Advertising and IMC, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, New York.

    Mehra, A 2009,Advertising Management: Media Approach for Market Research, Global

    India Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.

    Nescafe 2011, .

    Pickton, D & Broderick, A 2004,Integrated Marketing Communications, 2ndedn, Pearson

    Education Limited, London.

    Tuckwell, KJ 2011,Integrated Marketing Communications Strategic Planning Perspectives,

    3rdedn, Pearson, Canada.