33 RD I NTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE,RIO DE JANEIRO 2013 THE ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS CONFERENCE Recent results in cosmic ray physics and their interpretation PASQUALE BLASI 1,2 , 1 INAF/Osservatorio Astrosico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi, 5, 50125, Firenze, Italy 2 INFN/Gran Sasso Science Institute, viale F. Crispi 7, 67100 LAquila, Italy [email protected] Abstract: The last decade has been dense with new developments in the search for the sources of Galactic cosmic rays. Some of these developments have confirmed the tight connection between cosmic rays and supernovae in our Galaxy, through the detection of gamma rays and the observation of thin non-thermal X-ray rims in supernova remnants. Some other, such as the detection of features in the spectra of some chemicals opened new questions on the propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy and on details of the acceleration process. Here I will summarize some of these developments and their implications for our understanding of the origin of cosmic rays. I will also discuss some new avenues that are being pursued in testing the supernova origin of Galactic cosmic rays. Keywords: 1 Introduction The 33 rd International Cosmic Ray Conference took place one year after the hundredth anniversary of the discovery of Cosmic Rays (CRs). Hence it held sort of a symbolic meaning, in terms of trying to make the point of where we are and we are going in searching for the sources of CRs. The flux of all nuclear components present in CRs (the so-called all-particle spectrum) is shown in Fig. 1. At low energies (below 30 GeV) the spectral shape bends down, as a result of the modulation imposed by the presence of a magnetized wind originated from our Sun, which inhibits very low energy particles from reaching the inner solar system. At the knee (E K = 3 × 10 15 eV) the spectral slope of the differential flux (flux of particles reaching the Earth per unit time, surface and solid angle, per unit energy interval) changes from ∼-2.7 to ∼-3.1. There is evidence that the chemical composition of CRs changes across the knee region with a trend to become increasingly more dominated by heavy nuclei at high energy (see [1] for a review), at least up to 10 17 eV. At even higher energies the chemical composition remains matter of debate. Recent measurements carried out with KASCADE- GRANDE [2] reveal an interesting structure in the spectrum and composition of CRs between 10 16 and 10 18 eV: the collaboration managed to separate the showers in electron- rich (a proxy for light chemical composition) and electron- poor (a proxy for heavy composition) showers and showed that the light component (presumably protons and He, with some contamination from CNO) has an ankle like structure at 10 17 eV. The authors suggest that this feature signals the transition from Galactic to extragalactic CRs (in the light nuclei component). The spectrum of Fe-like CRs continues up to energies of 10 18 eV, where the flux of Fe and the flux of light nuclei are comparable. Similar results were recently put forward by the ICETOP collaboration [3]. This finding does not seem in obvious agreement with the results of the Pierre Auger Observatory [4], HiRes [5] and Telescope Array [6], which find a chemical composition at 10 18 eV that is dominated by the light chemical component. The presence of a knee and the change of chemical composition around it have stimulated the idea that the bulk of CRs originates within our Galaxy. The knee could for instance result from the superposition of cutoffs in the different chemicals as due to the fact that most acceleration processes are rigidity dependent: if protons are accelerated in the sources to a maximum energy E p,max 5 × 10 15 eV, then an iron nucleus will be accelerated to E Fe,max = 26E p,max (1 - 2) × 10 17 eV (it is expected that at such high energies even iron nuclei are fully ionized, therefore the unscreened charge is Z = 26). A knee would naturally arise as the superposition of the cutoffs in the spectra of individual elements (see for instance [7, 8, 9]). The apparent regularity of the all-particle spectrum in the energy region below the knee is at odds with the recent detection of features in the spectra of individual elements, most notably protons and helium: the PAMELA satellite has provided evidence that both the proton and helium spectra harden at 230 GV [10]. The spectrum of helium nuclei is also found systematically harder than the proton spectrum, through only by a small amount. The slope of the proton spectrum below 230 GeV was measured to be γ 1 = 2.89 ± 0.015, while the slope above 230 GeV becomes γ 2 = 2.67 ± 0.03. The slopes of protons and helium spectra at high energies as measured by PAMELA appear to be in agreement with those measured by the CREAM experiment [11] at supra-TeV energies. Some evidence also exists for a similar hardening in the spectra of heavier elements [11]. During this ICRC, some preliminary data from the AMS- 02 experiment on the International Space Station have been presented (see presentation by S. Ting). This data do not confirm the existence of the spectral breaks in the protons and helium spectra, as observed by PAMELA. Given the preliminary nature of these data and the lack of refereed publications at the time of writing of this paper, I cannot comment further on their relevance. The measurement of the ratio of fluxes of some nuclei that can only be produced by CR spallation and the flux of their parent nuclei provides the best estimate so far of the amount of matter that CRs traverse during their journey through the Galaxy. In order to account for the observed B/C ratio, CRs must travel for times that exceed the ballistic time by several orders of magnitude before escaping the Galaxy (this number decreases with energy). This is the best argument to support the ansatz that CRs travel diffusively arXiv:1312.1590v2 [astro-ph.HE] 9 Dec 2013



    Recent results in cosmic ray physics and their interpretationPASQUALE BLASI1,2,1 INAF/Osservatorio Astrosico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi, 5, 50125, Firenze, Italy2 INFN/Gran Sasso Science Institute, viale F. Crispi 7, 67100 LAquila, Italy

    [email protected]

    Abstract: The last decade has been dense with new developments in the search for the sources of Galactic cosmicrays. Some of these developments have confirmed the tight connection between cosmic rays and supernovae in ourGalaxy, through the detection of gamma rays and the observation of thin non-thermal X-ray rims in supernovaremnants. Some other, such as the detection of features in the spectra of some chemicals opened new questions onthe propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy and on details of the acceleration process. Here I will summarizesome of these developments and their implications for our understanding of the origin of cosmic rays. I will alsodiscuss some new avenues that are being pursued in testing the supernova origin of Galactic cosmic rays.


    1 IntroductionThe 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference took placeone year after the hundredth anniversary of the discoveryof Cosmic Rays (CRs). Hence it held sort of a symbolicmeaning, in terms of trying to make the point of where weare and we are going in searching for the sources of CRs.

    The flux of all nuclear components present in CRs(the so-called all-particle spectrum) is shown in Fig. 1.At low energies (below ∼ 30 GeV) the spectral shapebends down, as a result of the modulation imposed by thepresence of a magnetized wind originated from our Sun,which inhibits very low energy particles from reachingthe inner solar system. At the knee (EK = 3× 1015 eV)the spectral slope of the differential flux (flux of particlesreaching the Earth per unit time, surface and solid angle,per unit energy interval) changes from ∼−2.7 to ∼−3.1.There is evidence that the chemical composition of CRschanges across the knee region with a trend to becomeincreasingly more dominated by heavy nuclei at high energy(see [1] for a review), at least up to ∼ 1017 eV. At evenhigher energies the chemical composition remains matter ofdebate. Recent measurements carried out with KASCADE-GRANDE [2] reveal an interesting structure in the spectrumand composition of CRs between 1016 and 1018 eV: thecollaboration managed to separate the showers in electron-rich (a proxy for light chemical composition) and electron-poor (a proxy for heavy composition) showers and showedthat the light component (presumably protons and He, withsome contamination from CNO) has an ankle like structureat 1017 eV. The authors suggest that this feature signals thetransition from Galactic to extragalactic CRs (in the lightnuclei component). The spectrum of Fe-like CRs continuesup to energies of∼ 1018 eV, where the flux of Fe and the fluxof light nuclei are comparable. Similar results were recentlyput forward by the ICETOP collaboration [3]. This findingdoes not seem in obvious agreement with the results ofthe Pierre Auger Observatory [4], HiRes [5] and TelescopeArray [6], which find a chemical composition at 1018 eVthat is dominated by the light chemical component.

    The presence of a knee and the change of chemicalcomposition around it have stimulated the idea that thebulk of CRs originates within our Galaxy. The knee could

    for instance result from the superposition of cutoffs in thedifferent chemicals as due to the fact that most accelerationprocesses are rigidity dependent: if protons are acceleratedin the sources to a maximum energy Ep,max ∼ 5× 1015eV, then an iron nucleus will be accelerated to EFe,max =26Ep,max ∼ (1− 2)× 1017 eV (it is expected that at suchhigh energies even iron nuclei are fully ionized, thereforethe unscreened charge is Z = 26). A knee would naturallyarise as the superposition of the cutoffs in the spectra ofindividual elements (see for instance [7, 8, 9]).

    The apparent regularity of the all-particle spectrum inthe energy region below the knee is at odds with the recentdetection of features in the spectra of individual elements,most notably protons and helium: the PAMELA satellitehas provided evidence that both the proton and heliumspectra harden at 230 GV [10]. The spectrum of heliumnuclei is also found systematically harder than the protonspectrum, through only by a small amount. The slope ofthe proton spectrum below 230 GeV was measured to beγ1 = 2.89±0.015, while the slope above 230 GeV becomesγ2 = 2.67±0.03. The slopes of protons and helium spectraat high energies as measured by PAMELA appear to be inagreement with those measured by the CREAM experiment[11] at supra-TeV energies. Some evidence also exists for asimilar hardening in the spectra of heavier elements [11].

    During this ICRC, some preliminary data from the AMS-02 experiment on the International Space Station have beenpresented (see presentation by S. Ting). This data do notconfirm the existence of the spectral breaks in the protonsand helium spectra, as observed by PAMELA. Given thepreliminary nature of these data and the lack of refereedpublications at the time of writing of this paper, I cannotcomment further on their relevance.

    The measurement of the ratio of fluxes of some nucleithat can only be produced by CR spallation and the fluxof their parent nuclei provides the best estimate so far ofthe amount of matter that CRs traverse during their journeythrough the Galaxy. In order to account for the observedB/C ratio, CRs must travel for times that exceed the ballistictime by several orders of magnitude before escaping theGalaxy (this number decreases with energy). This is the bestargument to support the ansatz that CRs travel diffusively





    v2 [




    ] 9





    Figure 1: Spectrum of cosmic rays at the Earth (courtesyTom Gaisser). The all-particle spectrum measured by dif-ferent experiments is plotted, together with the protonspectrum. The subdominant contributions from electrons,positrons and antiprotons as measured by the PAMELA ex-periment are shown.

    in the Galactic magnetic field [12]. A similar conclusioncan be drawn from the observed flux of some unstableisotopes such as 10Be [13]. The decrease of the B/C ratiowith energy per nucleon is well described in terms of adiffusion coefficient that increases with energy.

    In principle a similar argument can be applied to theso-called positron fraction, the ratio of fluxes of positronsand electrons plus positrons, Φe+/(Φe+ + Φe−), wherehowever special care is needed because of the importantrole of energy losses for leptons. In first approximation, itis expected that positrons may only be secondary productsof inelastic CR interactions that lead to the production anddecays of charged pions. In this case it can be proved thatthe positron fraction must decrease with energy. In factseveral past observations, and most recently the PAMELAmeasurements [14] and the AMS-02 measurement [15],showed that the positron fraction increases with energyabove ∼ 10 GeV. This anomalous behaviour is not reflectedin the flux of antiprotons [16]: the ratio of the antiprotonsto proton fluxes Φ p̄/Φp is seen to decrease, as expectedbased on the standard model of diffusion. Although therise of the positron fraction has also been linked to darkmatter annihilation in the Galaxy, there are astrophysicalexplanations of this phenomenon that can account for thedata without extreme assumptions (see the review paper by[17] for a careful description of both astrophysical modelsand dark matter inspired models).

    The simple interpretation of the knee as a superpositionof the cutoffs in the spectra of individual elements, asdiscussed above, would naively lead to the conclusion thatthe spectrum of Galactic CRs should end at ∼ 26EK . 1017eV. Clearly this conclusion is not straightforward: somerare type of sources may in principle be able to accelerateCRs to larger energies while leaving the interpretation ofthe knee unaffected, though changing the energy at whichGalactic CRs end. This opens the very important questionof where should one expect the transition to extragalacticCRs to take place. Although in the present review I will onlyoccasionally touch upon the problem of ultra high energycosmic rays (UHECRs), it is important to realize that thequest for their origin is intimately connected with the natureof the transition from Galactic CRs to UHECRs.

    At the time of the writing, there is rather convincingand yet circumstantial evidence that the bulk of CRs areaccelerated in supernova remnants (SNRs) in our Galaxy, asfirst proposed by [18, 19]. The evidence is based on severalindependent facts: gamma rays unambiguously associatedwith production of neutral pions have been detected fromseveral SNRs close to molecular clouds [20, 21]; the gammaray emission detected from the Tycho SNR [22, 23] alsoappears to be most likely of hadronic origin [24, 25]; thebright X-ray rims detected from virtually all young SNRs(see [26, 27] for a recent review) prove that the localmagnetic field in the shock region has been substantiallyamplified, probably by accelerated particles themselves, dueto streaming instability (for recent reviews see [28, 29, 30]).Despite all this circumstantial evidence, no proof has beenfound yet that SNRs can accelerate CRs up to the kneeenergy.

    Charged particles can be energized at a supernova shockthrough diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) [31, 32, 33, 34,35]. If SNRs are the main contributors to Galactic CRs, anefficiency of ∼ 10% in particle acceleration is required (see§2). The dynamical reaction of accelerated particles at aSNR shock is large enough to change the shock structure,so as to call for a non-linear theory of DSA [36]. Such atheory should also be able to describe the generation ofmagnetic field in the shock region as due to CR-driveninstabilities [37, 38, 39], although many problems still needto be solved.

    The combination of DSA and diffusive propagation inthe Galaxy represents what I will refer to as the supernovaremnant paradigm. Much work is being done at the timeof this review to find solid proofs in favor or against thisparadigm. I will summarize this work here.

    In this review I will summarize some recent observa-tional results and their possible interpretations. The paper isstructured as follows: in §2 I summarize the main develop-ments in the SNR paradigm for the origin of Galactic CRs.In §3 I briefly discuss the evidence for spectral breaks andtheir possible interpretations in terms of acceleration andpropagation. In §4 I will discuss some recent developmentsin the study of CR acceleration in SNRs in terms of obser-vations of Balmer lines from the shock region. A summaryis provided in §5.

    2 Status of the SNR paradigmThe SNR paradigm is based on the fact that CRs may beaccelerated in SNRs with an efficiency of the order of∼ 10% through diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). CRsaccelerated in SNRs reach the Earth after energy dependent


    diffusive propagation in the Galaxy, which results in aratio of secondary to primary nuclei (for instance B/C) thatdecreases with energy per nucleon at E/n > 10 GeV/n. Inthis energy region the scaling with energy can be easilyshown to be the same as X(E) where X(E) ∝ 1/D(E) isthe grammage and D(E) is the diffusion coefficient forparticles with energy E. If one writes D(E) ∝ Eδ , theslope of the B/C ratio tells us the value of δ , and thenormalization of the B/C ratio tells us about the grammageat the reference energy. In general, for relativistic energiesof the propagating particles, diffusive transport of particlesinjected with a spectrum Q(E) ∝ E−γ leads to a spectrumat the Earth which is n(E) ∝ E−γ−δ . This rule of thumb isvery useful to derive several interesting constraints.

    In the context of the test particle theory of particle accel-eration at a strong shock, the spectrum of accelerated parti-cles is Q(E)∼ E−2 (in terms of the distribution function inmomentum the injection would be Q(p)∼ p−4); since theobserved spectrum has a slope ∼ 2.7, the rule γ +δ = 2.7implies that the required diffusion coefficient should scaleas D(E) ∝ E0.7. The process of diffusive particle accelera-tion at a shock when the dynamical reaction of the accel-erated particles is taken into account is described by thenon-linear theory of DSA (NLDSA) (see [36] for a review).The main predictions of NLDSA are the following: 1) thespectrum of accelerated particles is no longer a power law,and becomes concave, namely steeper than p−4 at low en-ergies (p . 10mpc) and harder than p−4 at high energies(namely harder than E−2 in terms of kinetic energy). 2)Conservation of energy and momentum across the shock,including accelerated particles, implies that since part ofthe ram pressure of the upstream plasma gets convertedinto accelerated particles, there is less energy available forconversion into thermal energy of the background plasma,therefore the temperature of the downstream gas is lowerthan expected in the absence of accelerated particles. 3)The super-alfvenic drift of accelerated particles with theshock results in several CR-induced plasma instabilities,that may facilitate the process of particle acceleration bycreating the scattering centers necessary to shorten the ac-celeration time and reach higher energies. In the absenceof this phenomenon it is easy to show that the maximumenergy achievable in a SNR is in the GeV range, rather thanclose to the knee, as observations require.

    The first two effects are illustrated well in Fig. 2 (from[40]) where I show the spectrum (thermal plus non-thermal)of the particles in the shock region for a shock Mach numberM0 = 10 (solid line), M0 = 50 (dashed line) and M0 = 100(dotted line). The thermal component is assumed to havea Maxwellian shape. Increasing the Mach number of theshock the acceleration efficiency is shown to increases, sothat the spectra become increasingly more concave (thedynamical reaction of accelerated particles increases). Atthe same time, the peak of the thermal distribution movesleftward, namely the background plasma becomes colderfor larger CR acceleration efficiency. The vertical dashedline in Fig. 2 shows the position of the thermal peak for ashock that does not accelerate CRs.

    One can appreciate that the spectrum of acceleratedparticles at high momenta becomes harder than p−4 (namelyharder than E−2). It follows that the value of δ required tofit observations when NLDSA is used is even larger than0.7. Realistic calculations [41] find δ ' 0.75.

    In both cases of DSA and NLDSA the injection spectrumis expected to be at least as hard as E−2 at high energy. The

    Figure 2: Particle spectra (thermal plus non-thermal) at aCR modified shock with Mach number M0 = 10 (solid line),M0 = 50 (dashed line) and M0 = 100 (dotted line). Thevertical dashed line is the location of the thermal peak asexpected for an ordinary shock with no particle acceleration(this value depends very weakly on the Mach number, forstrong shocks). The plasma velocity at upstream infinityis u0 = 5× 108 cm/s, pmax = 105mpc and the injectionparameter is ξ = 3.5 [40].

    correspondingly large value of δ implies an exceedinglylarge anisotropy [42, 68] which suggests that probably ourdescriptions of either particle acceleration or anisotropy areunsatisfactory.

    In the last few years several SNRs have at last beendetected in gamma rays, often from the GeV to the TeVenergy range. This gamma ray emission is the result ofinverse Compton scattering of electrons and pion productionin inelastic hadronic collisions. The latter process hasbeen viewed for a long time as the smoking gun of CRacceleration in SNRs. [43] pointed out that the CR spectrainferred from gamma ray observations of a sample of SNRsis substantially steeper than the prediction of NLDSA (andof DSA as well). This finding suggests that the problemdiscussed above might be in our understanding of theprocess of particle acceleration. Indeed, we are aware ofseveral effects that should go in the direction of makingspectra of CRs injected by SNRs into the ISM steeper. Wediscuss these effects below, but it is important to keep inmind that none of these effects is currently totally undercontrol from the theoretical point of view.

    If the velocity of the scattering centers [44, 45] responsi-ble for particles’ diffusion around the shock surface is largeenough, the spectra of accelerated particles can become ap-preciably steeper, since the relevant compression factor isnot the ratio of the upstream and downstream fluid veloc-ities, but rather the ratio of the upstream and downstreamvelocity of the scattering centers, as seen in the shock frame.This effect depends on the helicity of the waves responsiblefor the scattering, and may in principle lead to a hardeningof the spectrum rather than a steepening. In turn the helicityof the waves depends on numerous aspects of wave produc-tion which are very poorly known and are hardly accessibleobservationally.


    Figure 3: CR spectrum injected in the ISM by a SNR ex-panding in a medium with density n0 = 0.1 cm−3, tempera-ture T0 = 105 K and injection parameter ξin j = 3.9 (from[45, ]). The dashed line shows the escape of particles fromupstream, the dash-dotted line is the spectrum of particlesescaping at the end of the evolution. The solid line is thesum of the two. The escape boundary is located at 0.15Rsh.

    A very important point to keep in mind is that the spec-trum of accelerated particles as calculated at any given timeat a SNR shock is not the same as the spectrum of parti-cles leaving the remnant to become CRs. The process thatconnects the accelerated particles with CRs is the escapeof particles from the accelerator [46]. The understandingof this process is one of the most challenging aspects ofthe SNR paradigm. During the Sedov-Taylor phase of theexpansion of a SNR, particle escape can only occur at mo-menta close to the maximum momentum reached at thatgiven time. For an observer outside the remnant the escapeflux is strongly peaked at pmax(t). On the other hand, thisescape flux becomes close to a power law ∼ E−2 once itis integrated in time [45, 44], and its slope has no connec-tion with the slope expected from DSA. Non-linear effectsmake the spectrum of escaping particles somewhat harderthan E−2. The accelerated particles that are advected down-stream of the shock lose energy adiabatically and can leavethe remnant only when the SNR shock disappears. The totalescape flux from a SNR was calculated in the context ofNLDSA [45, 44] and leads to spectra such as the one inFig. 3, where the dashed line is the time-integrated escapespectrum from upstream and the dash-dotted line showsthe flux of particles escaped after the shock disappearance,again integrated over the history of the remnant.

    One can notice that the overall spectrum is somewhatsteeper than E−2 although the spectrum calculated at anygiven time would be concave. It is also important to appre-ciate the importance of the escape from upstream: in theabsence of this phenomenon the escape flux would have acutoff at much lower energies (dot-dashed line), because ofadiabatic losses during the expansion of the remnant. Thefact that the escape flux is steeper than the instantaneousspectra alleviates but does not solve the problem of theanisotropy discussed above. Moreover, since the CR spec-trum inferred from gamma ray observations is very closeto the instantaneous spectrum of accelerated particles, theabove considerations on escape do not affect the problemof the comparison of NLDSA with gamma ray observations[43].

    As mentioned above, arguably the most crucial aspect ofNLDSA is the phenomenon of magnetic field amplification.

    There are two aspects of this problem: 1) magnetic fieldamplification is required in order to explain the thin non-thermal X-ray rims observed in virtually all young SNRs;2) the phenomenon is also likely to be related with theneed for enhanced scattering of particles close to the shocksurface. If to use only the pre-existing ISM turbulence, themaximum energy of accelerated particles would be boundto be exceedingly low, and certainly much lower than theknee energy.

    There are ways to amplify the magnetic field (possiblyproviding an explanation of the X-ray rims) while notappreciably affecting the confinement time of particles atthe shock. For instance, magnetic field amplification canbe due to plasma related phenomena [47] if the shockpropagates in an inhomogeneous medium with densityfluctuations δρ/ρ ∼ 1. While crossing the shock surfacethese inhomogeneities lead to shock corrugation and to thedevelopment of eddies in which magnetic field is frozen.The twisting of the eddies may lead to magnetic fieldamplification on time scales∼ Lc/u2, where Lc is the spatialsize of these regions with larger density and u2 is the plasmaspeed downstream of the shock. Smaller scales also grow soas to form a power spectrum downstream. This phenomenoncould well be able to account for the observed thin X-rayfilaments. The acceleration time for particles at the shock ishowever not necessarily appreciably reduced in that no fieldamplification occurs upstream of the shock. It turns out thatthis mechanism may be effective in accelerating particles inthe cases where the initial magnetic field is perpendicularto the shock normal. It seems unlikely however that thisscenario, so strongly dependent upon the geometry of thesystem, may lead to a general solution of how to reach thehighest energies in Galactic CRs, although this possibilitydefinitely deserves more attention.

    A more interesting possibility, that may address at thesame time the problem of magnetic field amplification andthat of making particle acceleration faster, is related to CRinduced magnetic field amplification.

    It has been known for quite some time that the super-Alfvénic streaming of charged particles in a plasma leadsto the excitation of an instability [48]. The role of thisinstability in the process of particle acceleration in SNRshocks was recognized and its implications were discussedby many authors, most notably [49] and [50]. The initialinvestigation of this instability led to identify as crucialthe growth of resonant waves with wavenumber k = 1/rL,where rL is the Larmor radius of the particles generatingthe instability. The waves are therefore generated throughthe collective effect of the streaming of CRs but can beresonantly absorbed by individual particles thereby leadingto their pitch angle diffusion. The resonance condition,taken at face value, would lead to expect that the growthstops when the turbulent magnetic field becomes of the sameorder as the pre-existing ordered magnetic field δB∼ B0,so that the saturation level of this instability has often beenassumed to occur when δB/B∼ 1. [51, 52] used this factto conclude that the maximum energy that can possibly bereached in SNRs when the accelerated particles generatetheir own scattering centers is . 104− 105 GeV/n, wellbelow the energy of the knee. Hence, though the streaminginstability leads to an appealing self-generation of the wavesresponsible for particle diffusion, the intrinsic resonantnature of the instability would inhibit the possibility to reachsufficiently high energy. It is important to notice that the


    problem with this instability is not the time scale, but againthe resonant nature that forces δB/B∼ 1.

    For simplicity let us consider the case of a spectrum ofaccelerated particles coincident with the canonical DSAspectrum fCR,0(p) ∝ p−4 for γmin ≤ p/mpc≤ γmax. Whenthe CR efficiency is small, namely when the condition




    is fulfilled [49, 50], it is easy to show that Alfvén waves areexcited (namely Re [ω]≈ kvA) and their growth rate is:

    Im [ω] (k)≡ ωI(k) =π8


    nCR(p > pres(k))ni

    . (2)

    As an order of magnitude the density of CRs can be related

    to the efficiency of CR acceleration as nCRni ≈3ξCRγminΛ



    where γmin∼ 1 is the minimum Lorentz factor of acceleratedparticles and Λ = ln(γmax/γmin), γmax being the maximumLorentz factor. Eq. 1 becomes then




    )2 cVsh≈ 8×10−4




    (3)which is typically much smaller than the value ξCR ∼ 10%which is required of SNRs to be the sources of the bulk ofGalactic CRs. It follows that in phases in which the SNRaccelerates CRs most effectively the growth rate proceedsin a different regime.

    In such regime, that occurs when Eq. 1 is not fulfilled,the solution of the dispersion relation for krL,0 ≤ 1, namelyfor waves that can resonate with protons in the spectrum ofaccelerated particles (γ ≥ γmin) becomes:

    ωI ≈ ωR =[


    Ω∗pkVshnCR(p > pres(k))


    ]1/2. (4)

    Since nCR(p > pres(k)) ∝ p−1res ∼ k, it follows that ω ∝ k forkrL,0 ≤ 1, but the phase velocity of the waves vφ = ωR/k�vA. The fact that the phase velocity of these waves exceedsthe Alfvén speed may affect the slope of the spectrum ofparticles accelerated at the shock, as discussed above.

    Even neglecting damping, and requiring that the satura-tion of the process of magnetic field amplification is solelydue to the finite advection time, one can easily show thatin both regimes described above at most one can achieveδB/B0 ∼ 1, that falls short of solving the problem of reach-ing the knee by more than one order of magnitude.

    [53, 54] noticed that when the condition in Eq. 1 isviolated, namely when

    ξCR >γminΛ



    )2 cVsh

    , (5)

    the right hand polarized mode develops a non-resonantbranch for krL,0 > 1 (spatial scales smaller than the Larmorradius of all the particles in the spectrum of accelerated par-ticles), with a growth rate that keeps increasing proportionalto k1/2 and reaches a maximum for

    k∗rL,0 =3ξCRγmin



    )2 Vshc

    > 1, (6)

    which is a factor (k∗rL,0)1/2 larger than the growth rate ofthe resonant mode at krL,0 = 1. This non-resonant modehas several interesting aspects: first, it is current driven,but the current that is responsible for the appearance ofthis mode is the return current induced in the backgroundplasma by the CR current. The fact that the return currentis made of electrons moving with respect to protons isthe physical reason for these modes developing on smallscales (electrons in the background plasma have very lowenergy) and right-hand polarized. Second, the growth ofthese modes, when they exist, is very fast for high speedshocks, however they cannot resonate with CR particlesbecause their scale is much smaller than the Larmor radiusof any particles at the shock. On the other hand, it wasshown that the growth of these modes leads to the formationof complex structures: flux tubes form, that appear to beorganized on large spatial scales [55] and ions are expelledfrom these tubes thereby inducing the formation of densityperturbations.

    The problem of particle acceleration at SNR shocks inthe presence of small scale turbulence generated by thegrowth of the non-resonant mode was studied numericallyin [56], where maximum energies of the order to 105 GeVwere found, as a result of the fact that at the highest energiesthe scattering proceeds in the small deflection angle regimeD(p) ∝ p2. This finding reflects the difficulty of small scalewaves to resonate with particles, irrespective of how fastthe modes grow.

    Recently it was proposed that the growth of the fast non-resonant mode may in fact also enhance the growth of waveswith krL,0 < 1 [57, 58]. If this process were confirmed bynumerical calculations of the instability (current calcula-tions are all carried out in the quasi-linear regime), it mightprovide a way to overcome the problem of inefficient scat-tering of accelerated particles off the existing turbulencearound SNR shocks.

    The non-linear development of CR induced magneticfield amplification is likely to be much more complex thanillustrated so far. While there is no doubt that the smallscale non-resonant instability [53] is very fast, providedthe acceleration efficiency is large enough, the question ofwhat happens to these modes while they grow remains open.Both MHD simulations [53] and Particle-in-Cell simula-tions of this instability [59] show how the growth leads tothe development of modes on larger spatial scales. In recentnumerical work [55, 60] it has been shown that the currentof CRs escaping the system induces the formation of fila-ments: the background plasma inside such filaments getsexpelled from the filaments because of the ~J×~B force. Dif-ferent filaments attract each other as two currents would andgive rise to filaments with larger cross section. Interestinglythis instability, that might be a natural development of theBell’s instability to a strongly non-linear regime, leads tomagnetic field amplification on a spatial scale comparablewith the Larmor radius of particles in the CR current. How-ever, since the current is made of particles that are tryingto escape the system, the instability leads to a sort of self-confinement. The picture that seems to be arising consistsin a possibly self-consistent scenario in which the highestenergy particles (whichever that may be) generate turbu-lence on the scale of their own Larmor radius, thereby al-lowing particles of the same energy to return to the shockand sustain DSA [61, 62].

    In Ref. [61] the authors estimated the current of particlesescaping at pmax as a function of the shock velocity and con-


    cluded that the rate of growth of the instability is such as toallow young SNRs to reach ∼ 200 TeV energies for shockvelocity Vsh ∼ 5000 km/s (typical of SNRs such as Tycho),falling short of the knee by about one order of magnitude.A possible conclusion of this study might be that SNRswith an even larger velocity (therefore much younger) maybe responsible for acceleration of PeV CRs. The issue ofwhether such young SNRs may have plowed enough mate-rial (and therefore accelerated enough particles) to accountfor the actual fluxes of CRs observed at Earth remains to beaddressed. It is worth recalling that the argument discussedabove, if applied to scenarios involving SNe type Ib,c whereit has been speculated that the maximum rigidity may be ashigh as ∼ 1017 V [44], imply considerably lower maximumenergies. Future detection of CR protons of Galactic originin such high energy region would be hardly reconcilablewith DSA in SNRs of any type.

    Recent gamma ray observations of SNRs have providedus with a powerful test of the SNR paradigm for theorigin of CRs. There is no lack of evidence of CR protonacceleration in SNRs close to molecular clouds (MC),that act as a target for hadronic interactions resulting inpion production. Recently the AGILE [73, 74, 73] andFermi-LAT [75, 20, 76, 77, 78] collaborations claimedthe detection of the much sought-after pion bump in thegamma ray spectrum. This spectral feature confirms thatthe bulk of the gamma ray emission in these objects isdue to pp→ π0→ 2γ . These cases, besides confirming theexisting accelerated hadrons, are very important indicatorsof CR propagation around the sources [79, 80, 81, 82, 83].On the other hand, not much can be learnt from SNRs closeto MCs on the acceleration of the bulk of CRs in the Galaxy,since such SNRs are usually not young and the maximumenergies not very high.

    In this perspective, the cases of young individual SNRsare more instructive. The first clear detection of TeV gammaray emission from a relatively young SNR came fromthe SNR RXJ1713.7-3946 [84, 85, 86], later followed bythe detection of the same remnant in the GeV energyrange with the Fermi-LAT telescope [87]. Here I willbriefly discuss this case because it is instructive of how thecomparison of theoretical predictions with data can driveour understanding of the acceleration environment.

    A discussion of the implications of the TeV data, togetherwith the X-ray data on spectrum and morphology waspresented in [88]. A hadronic origin of the gamma rayemission would easily account for the bright X-ray rims(requiring a magnetic field of ∼ 160µG), as well as forthe gamma ray spectrum. If electrons were to share thesame temperature as protons, the model would predict apowerful thermal X-ray emission, which is not detected.Rather than disproving this possibility, this finding might bethe confirmation of the expectation that at fast collisionlessshocks electrons fail to reach thermal equilibrium withprotons. In fact, the Coulomb collision time scale for thisremnant turns out to exceed its age. On the other hand, itwas pointed out in [89] that even a slow rate of Coulombscattering would be able to heat electrons to a temperature& 1 keV, so that oxygen lines would be excited and theywould dominate the thermal emission. These lines arenot observed, thereby leading to a severe upper limit onthe density of gas in the shock region, that would resultin a too small pion production. [89] concluded that theemission is of leptonic origin. This interpretation appearsto be confirmed by Fermi-LAT data, that show a very hard

    gamma ray spectrum, incompatible with an origin related topion production and decay. Clearly this does not necessarilymean that CRs are not efficiently accelerated in this remnant.It simply implies that the gas density in this remnant is toolow for efficient pp scattering to contribute to the gammaray spectrum.

    However, it should be pointed out that models based onICS of high energy electrons are not problem free: first,as pointed out in [88], the density of IR light necessary toexplain the HESS data as the result of ICS is ∼ 25 timeslarger than expected. Second, the ICS interpretation requiresa weak magnetic field of order ∼ 10µG, incompatiblewith the observed X-ray rims. Finally, recent data on thedistribution of atomic and molecular hydrogen aroundSNR RXJ1713.7-3946 [90] suggest a rather good spatialcorrelation between the distribution of this gas and the TeVgamma ray emission, which would be easier to explain ifgamma rays were the result of pp scattering. In conclusion,despite the fact that the shape of the spectrum of gammarays would suggest a leptonic origin, the case of SNRRXJ1713.7-3946 will probably turn out to be one of thosecases in which the complexity of the environment aroundthe remnant plays a crucial role in determining the observedspectrum. Future high resolution gamma ray observations,possibly with the Cherenkov telescope array (CTA), willcontribute to clarify this situation.

    A somewhat clearer case is that of the Tycho SNR, theleftover of a SN type Ia exploded in a roughly homoge-neous ISM, as confirmed by the regular circular shape ofthe remnant. Tycho is one of the historical SNRs, as it wasobserved by Tycho Brahe in 1572. The multifrequency spec-trum of Tycho extends from the radio band to gamma rays,and a thin X-ray rim is observed all around the remnant.It has been argued that the spectrum of gamma rays ob-served by Fermi-LAT [22] in the GeV range and by VERI-TAS [23] in the TeV range can only be compatible with ahadronic origin [91]. The morphology of the X-ray emis-sion, resulting from synchrotron radiation of electrons inthe magnetic field at the shock, is consistent with a mag-netic field of ∼ 300µG, which implies a maximum energyof accelerated protons of ∼ 500 TeV. A hadronic origin ofthe gamma ray emission has also been claimed by [25],where however the steep gamma ray spectrum measuredfrom Tycho is attributed to an environmental effect: the lowenergy flux would be boosted because the shock is assumedto encounter small dense clumps of material. The flux ofhigh energy gamma rays is not affected because the clumpsare assumed to have a small size compared with the scat-tering length of the protons responsible for the productionof TeV gamma rays. In the calculations of [91] the steepspectrum is instead explained as a result of NLDSA in thepresence of waves moving with the Alfvén velocity calcu-lated in the amplified magnetic field. In this latter case theshape of the spectrum is related, though in a model depen-dent way, to the strength of the amplified magnetic field,which is the same quantity relevant to determine the X-raymorphology. In the former model the steep spectrum mightnot be found in another SNR in the same conditions, in theabsence of the small scale density perturbations assumedby the authors.

    The multifrequency spectrum of Tycho (left) and theX-ray brightness of its rims (right) are shown in Fig. 4(from [91]). The dash-dotted line in the left panel showsthe thermal emission from the downstream gas (here theelectron temperature is assumed to be related to the proton


    temperature as Te = (me/mp)Tp immediately behind theshock, and increases with time solely due to Coulombscattering, that couples electrons with the warmer protons),the short-dashed line shows the ICS contribution to thegamma ray flux, while the dashed line refers to gammarays from pion decays. The solid lines show the total flux.The figure shows rather impressively how the magneticfield necessary to describe the radio and X-ray radiation assynchrotron emission also describes the thickness of the X-ray rims (right panel) and pushes the maximum energy ofaccelerated particles to ∼ 500 TeV (in the assumption ofBohm diffusion).

    The case of Tycho is instructive as an illustration ofthe level of credibility of calculations based on the theoryof NLDSA: the different techniques agree fairly well (see[93] for a discussion of this point) as long as only thedynamical reaction of accelerated particles on the shockis included. When magnetic effects are taken into account,the situation becomes more complex: in the calculationsbased on the semi-analytical description of [37] the field isestimated from the growth rate and the dynamical reactionof the magnetic field on the shock is taken into account[38, 39]. Similar assumptions are adopted in [94], althoughthe technique is profoundly different. Similar considerationshold for [44]. On the other hand, [25] take the magneticfield as a parameter of the problem, chosen to fit theobservations, and its dynamical reaction is not included inthe calculations. The magnetic backreaction, as discussedby [38, 39] comes into play when the magnetic pressureexceeds the thermal pressure upstream, and leads to areduction of the compression factor at the subshock, namelyless concave spectra. Even softer spectra are obtained if oneintroduces a recipe for the velocity of the scattering centers[44, 45, 91]. This, yet speculative, effect is not included inany of the other approaches.

    Even more pronounced differences arise when environ-mental effects are included. The case of Tycho is again use-ful in this respect: the predictions of the standard NLDSAtheory would not be able to explain the observed gammaray spectrum from this SNR. But assuming the existenceof ad hoc density fluctuations, may change the volume in-tegrated gamma ray spectrum as to make it similar to theobserved one [25]. Space resolved gamma ray observationswould help clarify the role of these environmental effects inforging the gamma ray spectrum of a SNR.

    3 Spectral breaksChanges in the shape of the spectra of CRs as observedat Earth are a promising way to gather interesting infor-mation on the physics of acceleration and propagation.This justified the great interest in the recent data fromthe PAMELA and CREAM experiments [10, 11] that pro-vide evidence for a change of slope in the spectra ofprotons and helium nuclei at rigidity ∼ 200 GV. Morespecifically, PAMELA finds that the spectrum of protonsbetween 80 and 232 GV has a slope γ80−232 = 2.85±0.015(stat)±0.004(syst), while in the range > 232 GV theslope becomes γ>232 = 2.67±0.03(stat)±0.05(syst). Forhelium nuclei, γ80−240 = 2.766±0.01(stat)±0.027(syst)and γ>240 = 2.477±0.06(stat)±0.03(syst). The high en-ergy slopes appear to be in agreement with those measuredby CREAM in the TeV energy range. Two conclusions canbe drawn: first, both spectra appear to have a break at rigid-ity ∼ 230−240 GV. Second, the spectrum of helium is sys-

    tematically harder than the proton spectrum. During thisconference, the AMS-02 collaboration presented prelim-inary data that do not confirm the evidence for the spec-tral break, while confirming that the spectrum of helium isharder than that of protons. No quantitative assessment ofthese statements can be made at the present time since theAMS-02 data have not been published at the time of writingthis review paper.

    Independent support to the slope of the proton spectrummeasured by PAMELA came from the analysis of thegamma ray spectrum of gamma rays from molecular cloudsin the Gould belt [63, 64]. Since the density in these cloudsis very large, the observed gamma ray emission is mainlydue to inelastic pp scattering with pion production. Thespectrum of the parent CRs can be obtained by correctingfor the effect of the cross section and the slope of the protonspectrum that the authors obtained between 10 and 200 GeVis compatible with the one measured by PAMELA in thesame energy region. In addition, [63, 64] find evidence fora low energy flattening of the interstellar proton spectrum atE . 10 GeV. These findings are also qualitatively confirmedby the analysis of the Fermi-LAT data of the Galactic diffusegamma ray background [65].

    In [66, 67] it was suggested that a local source of CRsmight manifest itself in the total spectrum as a spectralhardening. This possibility becomes more realistic whenthe diffusion coefficient has a fast variation with energy,since in that case the fluctuations in the spectrum becomesizeable (e.g. see [8]). However, these are also the situationsthat correspond to a large anisotropy: whenever a sourcecontributes a flux comparable with the sum of all othersources, the anisotropy becomes of order unity [68]. Thisis the reason why for δ > 0.5 the anisotropy is usually inexcess of observations at sufficiently high energy.

    In [69] it was suggested that the observed spectra may re-flect the efficient CR acceleration at the forward and reverseshock of young SNRs. The sum of the two, with the con-cavity induced by the CR dynamical reaction may producespectra that resemble the ones that have been observed byPAMELA. However, one should keep in mind that for theconcave spectra that are predicted in the context of NLDSA,the observed spectra imply that the diffusion coefficient inthe Galaxy should have a rather fast dependence on energy,typically D(E) ∼ E0.75, so that again one expects stronganisotropy in this model, contrary to what is observed.

    The fact that the PAMELA spectral feature appears atthe same rigidity for protons and helium is suggestive that itmay be due to propagation effects. Two explanations havebeen put forward that are based on subtle aspects of CRpropagation. The first is that the diffusion coefficient canbe space and energy dependent in a non-separable way,thereby causing a spectral break [70] in the CR spectrum asmeasured at the Earth. The second explanation is based ontaking into account both the scattering in the self-generatedturbulence, induced by CRs while streaming in the Galaxy,and the scattering in a pre-existing turbulence cascadingtowards small scales from the much larger scales wherethe turbulence is initially injected. In Ref. [71] the authorsshow that within this framework the flux of protons agreesvery well with PAMELA and CREAM. It was later showed[72] that the B/C ratio and other observables are alsowell described by this theory, which returns the energydependence and normalization of the diffusion coefficientas well.


    Figure 4: Left Panel: Spatially integrated spectral energy distribution of Tycho. The curves show synchrotron emission,thermal electron bremsstrahlung and pion decay as calculated by [91]. Gamma ray data from Fermi-LAT [22] and VERITAS[23] are shown. Right Panel: Projected X-ray brightness at 1 keV. Data points are from [92]. The solid line shows the resultof the calculations by [91] after convolution with the Chandra point spread function.

    4 CR acceleration in partially ionizedmedia and Balmer line emission in SNRs

    Hα optical emission from Balmer dominated SNR shocksis a powerful indicator of the conditions around the shock[95, 96] including the presence of accelerated particles (see[97] for a review). The Hα line is produced when neutralhydrogen is present in the shock region, and it gets excitedby collisions with thermal ions and electrons to the leveln = 3 and decays to the level n = 2. In the following Idescribe the basic physics aspects of this phenomenon andhow it can be used to gather information on the CR energycontent at the shock.

    A collisionless shock propagating in a partially ionizedbackground goes through several interesting new phenom-ena: first, neutral atoms cross the shock surface without suf-fering any direct heating, due to the collisionless nature ofthe shock (all interactions are of electro-magnetic nature,therefore the energy and momentum of neutral hydrogencannot be changed). However, a neutral atom has a finiteprobability of undergoing either ionization or a charge ex-change reaction, whenever there is a net velocity differencebetween ions and atoms. Behind the shock, ions are sloweddown (their bulk motion velocity drops down) and heatedup, while neutral atoms remain colder and faster. The re-actions of charge exchange lead to formation of a popula-tion of hot atoms (a hot ion downstream catches an electronfrom a fast neutral), which also have a finite probability ofgetting excited. The Balmer line emission from this popula-tion corresponds to a Doppler broadened line with a widththat reflects the temperature of the hot ions downstream.Measurements of the width of the broad Balmer line haveoften been used to estimate the temperature of protons be-hind the shock, and in fact it is basically the only method todo so, since at collisionless shocks electrons (which are re-sponsible for the continuum X-ray emission) have typicallya lower temperature than protons. Equilibration betweenthe two populations of particles (electrons and protons) mayeventually occur either collisionally (through Coulomb scat-tering) or through collective processes. The broad Balmerline is produced by hydrogen atoms that suffer at least onecharge exchange reaction downstream of the shock. Theatoms that enter downstream and are excited before suffer-ing a charge exchange also contribute to the Hα line, butthe width of the line reflects the gas temperature upstream,

    and is therefore narrow (for a temperature of 104 K, thewidth is 21 km/s). In summary, the propagation of a colli-sionless shock through a partially ionized medium leads toHα emission, consisting of a broad and a narrow line (seethe recent review in [98]).

    When CRs are efficiently accelerated at the shock, twonew phenomena occur, as discussed in §2: 1) the tempera-ture of the gas downstream of the shock is lower than in theabsence of accelerated particles. 2) A precursor is formedupstream, as a result of the pressure exerted by acceleratedparticles.

    Both these phenomena have an impact on the shape andbrightness of the Balmer line emission. The lower tem-perature of the downstream gas leads to a narrower broadBalmer line, whose width bears now information on thepressure of accelerated particles, through the conservationequations at the shock.

    The CR-induced precursor slows down the upstreamionized gas with respect to hydrogen atoms, which againdo not feel the precursor but through charge exchange. Ifions are heated in the precursor (not only adiabatically,but also because of turbulent heating) the charge exchangereactions transfer some of the internal energy to neutralhydrogen, thereby heating it. This phenomenon results inthe broadening of the narrow Balmer line.

    A narrower broad Balmer line and a broader narrowBalmer line are both signatures of CR acceleration at SNRshocks [97]. The theory of CR acceleration at collisionlessSNR shocks in the presence of neutral hydrogen has onlyrecently been formulated [99, 100, 101] and has led to theprediction of several new interesting phenomena.

    The presence of neutrals in the shock region changes thestructure of the shock even in the absence of appreciableamounts of accelerated particles, due to the phenomenonof neutral return flux [99]. A neutral atom that crosses theshock and suffers a charge exchange reaction downstreamgives rise to a new neutral atom moving with high bulkvelocity. There is a sizeable probability (dependent uponthe shock velocity) that the resulting atom moves towardsthe shock and crosses it towards upstream. A new reactionof either charge exchange or ionization upstream leads theatom to deposit energy and momentum in the upstreamplasma, within a distance of the order of its collision length.On the same distance scale, the upstream plasma gets heatedup and slows down slightly, thereby resulting in a reduction


    of the plasma Mach number immediately upstream of theshock (within a few pathlengths of charge exchange and/orionization). This implies that the shock strength drops,namely its compression factor becomes less than 4 (evenfor strong shocks).

    This neutral return flux [99] plays a very importantrole in the shock dynamics for velocity Vsh . 3000 km/s.For faster shocks, the cross section for charge exchangedrops rather rapidly and ionization is more likely to occurdownstream. This reduces the neutral return flux and theshock modification it produces.

    The consequences of the neutral return flux both onthe process of particle acceleration and on the shape ofthe Balmer line are very serious: some hydrogen atomsundergo charge exchange immediately upstream of theshock, with ions that have been heated by the neutral returnflux. These atoms give rise to a Balmer line emissioncorresponding to the temperature of the ions immediatelyupstream of the shock. As demonstrated in [100] thiscontribution consists of an intermediate Balmer line, with atypical width of∼ 100−300 km/s. Some tentative evidenceof this intermediate line might have already been found inexisting data (e.g. see [102]).

    The most striking consequence of the neutral return fluxis however the steepening of the spectrum of test particlesaccelerated at the shock, first discussed in [99]. The effectis caused by the reduction of the compression factor ofthe shock, which reflects on the fact that the slope of thespectrum of accelerated particles gets softer. This effect ishowever limited to particles that diffuse upstream of theshock out to a distance of order a few collision lengths ofcharge exchange/ionization upstream. It follows that thesteepening of the spectrum is limited to particle energieslow enough as to make their diffusion length shorter thanthe pathlength for charge exchange and ionization. In Fig. 5(from [99]) I show the spectral slope as a function of shockvelocity for particles with energy 1, 10, 100, 1000 GeV,as labelled (background gas density, magnetic field andionization fraction are as indicated). One can see that thestandard slope ∼ 2 is recovered only for shock velocities> 3000 km/s. For shocks with velocity ∼ 1000 km/s theeffect may make the spectra extremely steep, to the pointthat the energy content may be dominated by the injectionenergy, rather than, as it usually is, by the particle mass.This situation, for all practical purposes, corresponds to nothaving particle acceleration but rather a strong modificationof the distribution of thermal particles. For milder neutralinduced shock modifications, the effect is that of makingthe spectra of accelerated particles softer. It is possible thatthis effect may play a role in reconciling the predicted CRspectra with those inferred from gamma ray observations,although limited to shocks with relatively low velocity,. 3000 km/s.

    So far, I have limited the discussion to the case of testparticle acceleration. However, it is clear that the shockmodification is both due to neutrals and to the dynamicalreaction of accelerated particles (§2).

    The theory of NLDSA in the presence of partially ionizedmedia was fully developed in [101], using the kineticformalism introduced in [99] to account for the fact thatneutral atoms do not behave as a fluid, and their distributionin phase space can hardly be approximated as being amaxwellian. The theory describes the physics of particleacceleration, taking into account the shock modificationinduced by accelerated particles as well as neutrals, and

    Figure 5: Slope of the differential spectrum of test particlesaccelerated at a shock propagating in a partially ionizedmedium, with density 0.1 cm−3, magnetic field 10µG andionized fraction of 50%, as a function of the shock velocity.The lines show the slope for particles at different energies,as indicated. The figure is taken from the paper by [99].

    magnetic field amplification. The theory is based on a mixedtechnique in which neutrals are treated through a Boltzmannequation while ions are treated as a fluid. The collision termin the Boltzmann equation is represented by the interactionrates of hydrogen atoms due to charge exchange withions and ionization, at any given location. The Boltzmannequation for neutrals, the fluid equations for ions andthe non-linear partial differential equation for acceleratedparticles are coupled together and solved by using aniterative method. The calculation returns the spectrum ofaccelerated particles at any location, all thermodynamicalquantities of the background plasma (density, temperature,pressure) at any location, the magnetic field distribution,and the distribution function of neutral hydrogen in phasespace at any location from far upstream to far downstream.

    These quantities can then be used to infer the Balmerline emission from the shock region, taking into accountthe excitation probabilities to the different atomic levelsin hydrogen. An instance of such calculation is shown inFig. 6, where I show the shape of the Balmer line for ashock moving with velocity Vsh = 4000 km/s in a mediumwith density 0.1 cm−3 with a maximum momentum ofaccelerated particles pmax = 50 TeV/c. The left panel showsthe whole structure of the line, including the narrow andbroad components, while the right panel shows a zoom-inon the narrow Balmer line region (gray shadowed region inthe left panel). The black line is the Balmer line emission inthe absence of accelerated particles. Allowing for particleacceleration to occur leads to a narrower broad Balmer line(left panel) and to a broadening of the narrow component(right panel). The latter is rather sensitive however tothe level of turbulent heating in the upstream plasma,namely the amount of energy that is damped by wavesinto thermal energy of the background plasma. In factturbulent heating is also responsible for a more evidentintermediate Balmer line (better visible in the left panel)with a width of few hundred km/s. It is worth recallingthat observations of the Balmer line width are usuallyaimed at either the narrow or the broad component, butusually not both, because of the very different velocityresolution necessary for measuring the two lines. Thereforethe intermediate line is usually absorbed in either the broador the narrow component, depending on which component


    Figure 6: Left Panel: Shape of the Balmer line emission for a shock moving with velocity Vsh = 4000 km/s in a mediumwith density 0.1 cm−3, as calculated by [101]. The thick (black) solid line shows the result in the absence of particleacceleration. The other lines show the broadening of the narrow component and the narrowing of the broad componentwhen CR are accelerated with an injection parameter ξin j = 3.5 and different levels of turbulent heating (ηT H ) as indicated.Right Panel: Zoom in of the left panel on the region of the narrow Balmer line, in order to emphasize the broadening of thenarrow component in the case of efficient particle acceleration.

    is being measured. This implies that an assessment ofthe observability of the intermediate Balmer componentrequires a proper convolution of the predictions with thevelocity resolution of the instrument.

    At the time of this review, an anomalous shape of thebroad Balmer line has been reliably measured in a coupleof SNRs, namely SNR 0509-67.5 [103, 104] and SNRRCW86 [105]. As I discuss below, the main problem inmaking a case for CR acceleration is the uncertainty inthe knowledge of the shock velocity and the degree ofelectron-ion equilibration downstream of the shock. Theratio of the electron and proton temperatures downstream isindicated here as βdown = Te/Tp. The other parameters ofthe problem have a lesser impact on the inferred value ofthe CR acceleration efficiency.

    The SNR 0509-67.5 is located in the Large MagellanicCloud (LMC), therefore its distance is very well known,50± 1 kpc. [103, 104] carried out a measurement of thebroad component of the Hα line emission in two differentregions of the blast wave of SNR 0509-67.5, located in thesouthwest (SW) and northeast (NE) rim, obtaining a FWHMof 2680±70 km/s and 3900±800 km/s, respectively. Theshock velocity was estimated to be Vsh = 6000±300 km/swhen averaged over the entire remnant, and 6600± 400km/s in the NE part, while a value of 5000 km/s was used by[103, 104] for the SW rim. The width of the broad Balmerline was claimed by the authors to be suggestive of efficientCR acceleration. In order to infer the CR accelerationefficiency the authors made use of the calculations by [106],that, as discussed by [107], adopt some assumptions on thedistribution function of neutral hydrogen that may lead to aserious overestimate of the acceleration efficiency for fastshocks. Moreover, a closer look at the morphology of thisSNR, reveals that the SW rim might be moving with a lowervelocity than assumed in [103, 104], possibly as low as∼ 4000 km/s. Both these facts have the effect of implying alower CR acceleration efficiency, as found by [108].

    In Fig. 7 (from [108]) I show the FWHM of the broadBalmer line in the SW rim of SNR 0509-67.5 as a functionof the acceleration efficiency, for shock velocity Vsh = 4000km/s (on the left) and Vsh = 5000 km/s (on the right) anda neutral fraction hN = 10%. The shaded area represents

    the FWHM as measured by [103, 104], with a 1σ errorbar. The curves refer to βdown = 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1 fromtop to bottom. For low shock speed and for full electron-ion equilibration (βdown = 1) the measured FWHM is stillcompatible with no CR acceleration. On the other hand,for such fast shocks, it is found that βdown� 1 [109, 98],in which case one can see that acceleration efficiencies of∼ 10−20% can be inferred from the measured FWHM.

    The case of RCW86 is more complex: the results of ameasurement of the FWHM of the broad Balmer line werereported by [105], where the authors claimed a FWHM of1100±63 km/s with a shock velocity of 6000±2800 km/sand deduced a very large acceleration efficiency (∼ 80%).In a more recent paper by the same authors [110], the resultsof [105] were basically retracted: several regions of the SNRRCW86 were studied in detail and lower values of the shockvelocity were inferred. Only marginal evidence for particleacceleration was found in selected regions. The morphologyof this remnant is very complex and it is not easy to defineglobal properties. Different parts of the SNR shock needto be studied separately. In addition, the uncertainty in thedistance to SNR RCW86 is such as to make the estimate ofthe acceleration efficiency even more difficult.

    Anomalous widths of narrow Balmer lines have also beenobserved in several SNRs (see, e.g. [111]). The width ofsuch lines is in the 30-50 km/s range, implying a pre-shocktemperature around 25,000-50,000 K. If this were the ISMequilibrium temperature there would be no atomic hydrogen,implying that the pre-shock hydrogen is heated by someform of shock precursor in a region that is sufficiently thinso as to make collisional ionization equilibrium before theshock unfeasible. The CR precursor is the most plausiblecandidate to explain such a broadening of the narrow line.

    Most important would be to have measurements of thewidth of the narrow and broad components (and possiblyintermediate component) of the Balmer line at the samelocation in order to allow for a proper estimate of the CR ac-celeration efficiency. Co-spatial observation of the thermalX-ray emission would also provide important constraintson the electron temperature. So far, this information is notyet available with the necessary accuracy in any of the as-trophysical objects of relevance.


    Figure 7: FWHM of the broad Balmer line as a function of the CR acceleration efficiency for the SNR 0509-67.5,as calculated by [108], assuming a shock velocity Vsh = 4000 km/s (left panel) and Vsh = 5000 km/s (right panel)and a neutral fraction hN = 10%. The lines (from top to bottom) refer to different levels of electron-ion equilibration,βdown = 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, The shadowed region is the FWHM with 1σ error bar, as measured by [103].

    Recent observations of the Balmer emission from theNW rim of SN1006 [112] have revealed a rather complexstructure of the collisionless shock. That part of the remnantacts as a bright Balmer source, but does not appear to bea site of effective particle acceleration, as one can deducefrom the absence of non-thermal X-ray emission from thatregion. This reflects in a width of the broad Balmer linethat appears to be compatible with the estimated shockvelocity in the same region, with no need for the presenceof accelerated particles. The observations of [112] providehowever a rather impressive demonstration of the hugepotential of Balmer line observations, not only to infer theCR acceleration efficiency, but also as a tool to measure theproperties of collisionless shocks.

    5 SummaryIn this paper I reviewed some recent observational resultsand their interpretation, with focus of what we can learn interms of CR acceleration and propagation. Our understand-ing of the origin of the bulk of Galactic CRs is still stronglybased upon the so-called SNR paradigm, but the structureof the paradigm is constantly adapting to the wealth of datathat are being collected (§2). The detection of X-ray non-thermal X-ray filaments has triggered a flood of investiga-tions of magnetic field amplification, a phenomenon thatplays a central role in the SNR paradigm as a tool to reachenergies close to the knee. Despite much theoretical workis being done to understand the different mechanisms thatmay produce magnetic field amplification on the relevantscales, a clear understanding of how it may be possible toreach energies as high as the knee energy in SNRs is all butachieved at the present time (see discussion in §2).

    Gamma ray observations in the GeV and TeV energyband have provided us with the first direct evidence for pro-ton acceleration in SNRs. Most evidence does in fact referto SNRs near molecular clouds: these sources are proba-bly more useful indicators of CR propagation around thesources than they are tools to understand acceleration. Onthe other hand, gamma rays from individual SNRs, suchas RXJ1713.7-3946 and Tycho have taught us a great dealon acceleration of CRs, but also made us realize the limitsof our theoretical formalism. In all these cases, it appearsthat environmental effects (for instance inhomogeneous dis-

    tribution of the target gas) affects the spectrum of the ob-served radiation more than details of our theories. Thereis however a more general problem that arises from com-paring the predictions of NLDSA with observations: theformer leads us to predict relatively hard spectra of accel-erated particles, which in turn force us to require a ratherstrong energy dependence of the Galactic diffusion coef-ficient. Such diffusion coefficient appears to be in contra-diction with the relatively low observed anisotropy of highenergy CRs. Moreover, statistically speaking, the spectraof gamma ray emitting SNRs seem to be too steep withrespect to the basic theory of NLDSA.

    Much attention has been dedicated to studying the prob-lem of escape of particles from SNRs, although this phe-nomenon remains poorly understood. A simple argumentcan be written down to show that the spectrum of escap-ing CRs (integrated in time through the history of the SNRexpansion) is steeper than the instantaneous spectrum ofaccelerated particles. The latter is expected to reflect moredirectly in the spectra of the gamma ray emission from indi-vidual SNRs.

    All these reasons for concern can only be properlyaddressed observationally by carrying out observationswith as high angular resolution as possible and on a largeenergy span. In Gamma rays this will be possible with theupcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array, both by observingspectrum and morphology of individual SNRs as well as bystudying the escape flux through the signatures it may leaveon the gamma radiation from molecular clouds illuminatedby CRs accelerated in a nearby SNR. Whether this will besufficient to solve our open problems it remains to be seen.

    The detection of spectral breaks in the spectra of protonsand helium nuclei by PAMELA (in agreement with whatmeasured by CREAM at higher energies) stimulated avast interest, as these breaks may be suggestive of newphenomena in either acceleration or propagation. In §3 Isummarized some of the models put forward to explainthese data. Unfortunately, the AMS-02 preliminary datapresented during this ICRC have cast doubts on the veryexistence of such breaks. It will take time to clarify if thePAMELA spectral features are real or the artifact of themeasurement.

    I dedicated the last part of the review (§4) to discuss anovel way to look for CR acceleration in SNRs, using thewidths (and intensities) of the Balmer lines produced when


    a SNR shock propagates in a partially ionized medium.This technique has a great potential for discovery and willhopefully inspire observers in dedicating observational timeto this type of measurement.

    Acknowledgment:The author is grateful to the OrganizingCommittee of the 33rd ICRC 2013 for support and hospitality inRio. This work was partially funded through grant PRIN INAF2010 and ASTRI.

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    1 Introduction2 Status of the SNR paradigm3 Spectral breaks4 CR acceleration in partially ionized media and Balmer line emission in SNRs5 Summary