ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee...


Transcript of ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee...

Page 1: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •


Nagaraju Bende

Page 2: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 3: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• Display the buttons First, Next, Previous, Last only when clicked on Navigation LinkButton.

• Display the buttons Add, Modify, Delete, Find only when Clicked on Add/Modify/Delete/Find LinkButton.LinkButton.

• Write the code for all the buttons with/without stored procedures and classes.

Page 4: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 5: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• Bind the DropDownList with the Emp_Id Column.

• Display all the related information to that employee in the textboxes (read only).

Page 6: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 7: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• All the fields marked with ‘*‘ are must.• Provide the facility to check for the availability of

the User Name, if User Name exists prompt the user to change the User Name.

• On Submitting save the information to two • On Submitting save the information to two different database tables (Personal Details and Login Details).

Page 8: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 9: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• User Name should not be empty.• Password should not be empty.• If User Name or Password are not valid, display

a message to enter the correct User Name or Password.

• Redirect the user to the Registration page when • Redirect the user to the Registration page when clicked on New User LinkButton.

• Redirect the user to the Forget Password page when clicked on Forget Password LinkButton.

Page 10: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 11: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• Display the forgotten password to the user on submitting the correct Hint Question and Answer.

• Allow the user to change the password with a new one. New Password and Confirm Password new one. New Password and Confirm Password fields should not be empty.

Page 12: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 13: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Design the forms and provide the following functionality� ����������� ���� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������ ���� �������������� � ��������������������� �������������������� ����� ��������������������������

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Page 14: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 15: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• Using ArrayList bind the Repeater Control.• Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate,

AlternateItemTemplate for the items to be displayed.

Page 16: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 17: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the form and provide the following functionality

• Use ArrayList as the data source for the repeater control. Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, and AlternatingItemTemplate.

• Display the same data in another Repeater using SeparatorTemplateusing SeparatorTemplate

Page 18: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 19: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the forms and provide the following functionality

• Use ArrayList as the data source for the repeater control. Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, and AlternatingItemTemplate.

• Take a button for every Item in the repeater, clicking on which should display a message on clicking on which should display a message on the form as shown in the web form.

• Display the description of all the Items on clicking ‘Show All Item Description’ button, as shown in the other screenshot.

Page 20: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 21: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the forms and provide the following functionality

• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto.

• Display all the data in the tabular format.• For data list format use HeaderTemplate,

ItemTemplate, FooterTemplate and Table tag.• Display tooltip when mouse pointer is over a picture.• Enlarge the picture when clicked on it, and display it

along with employee’s address and description, as shown in the other screenshot.

Page 22: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 23: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the forms and provide the following functionality

• Bind the DataList to the database table ‘Items’ containing the columns ItemId, ItemName, ItemPrice, and ItemPhoto.

• Display all the items in the DataList in tabular form.• Display all the items in the DataList in tabular form.• Use HeaderTemplate, HeaderStyle, ItemTemplate,

ItemStyle, AlternatingItemTemplate, AlternatingItemStyle, FooterTemplate, FooterStyle for the DataList.

• Display a tooltip when mouse pointer is over a picture.• Enlarge the picture when clicked on it, and display it

along with the item’s description as shown in another screenshot.

Page 24: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 25: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

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Page 26: ASP.NET EXAMPLES -• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. •

������������� ��� ��Design the forms and provide the following functionality

• Bind the DataList to the database table ‘Employee’ containing the columns EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto.

• Display all the data in the DataList in tabular form.

• Take two LinkButtons Edit and Delete in the • Take two LinkButtons Edit and Delete in the DataList to edit and delete the record.

• Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate, FooterTemplate and Table tag.

• Display a tooltip when mouse pointer is over a picture.

• Provide the Edit, Update, Cancel, Delete feature to the DataList as shown in another screenshot.