Aspartame Kills

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  • 8/13/2019 Aspartame Kills






    The newest items are listed at the top of the below list. The date that you see by each headline is the date when it wasposted here. If you know of a news story, research, or information that should be posted here, please let us know andprovide us with a link. The articles and links posted here and for informational and educational purposes only and do notnecessarily imply endorsement by the World Natural Health Organiation. The articles posted for previous years havebeen archived and links are provided to them! by year! at the bottom of this page.

    "# $ec #"%& ' The $angers Of (spartame)Has an embedded video on the web page*"# $ec #"%& ' +plenda Insecticide Turned +weetener-

    # Nov #"%& ' /ight (gainst The +oda Ta0 Why +ugar Ta0es $on1t Work

    %2 Nov #"%& ' $eath 3y 4ed 3ull With (spartame

    %2 Nov #"%& ' $airy Industry 5ushing To Hide (spartame In New $efinition Of 67ilk

    %# Nov #"%& ' 8icking (spartame- The 4ise (nd 4ise Of 594 :um

    %# Nov #"%& ' $iet +oda Turns Into /ormaldehyde-);ouTube video*

    %# Nov #"%& ' What (bout Natural +weeteners- Used In Moderation, Natural Sweeteners Can Make Eating Sweets ALittle Bit Healthier. But Rememer, Natural Sweeteners Are Still Sweet

    &% Oct #"%& ' The Truth (bout (rtificially +weetened +oft $rinks

    #< Oct #"%& ' %" 4easons To :ive =p $iet +oda

    #< Oct #"%& ' $r 5epper +napple :roup Not +o +weet On (spartame (nymore

    #< Oct #"%& ' 3attle Of The 3ulge =+ /ood >orporations /ueling Obesity ?pidemic With (ddictive Ingredients)Has anembedded video on the web page*

    #< Oct #"%& ' Trick Or treat

    #< Oct #"%& ' :ain Weight 3y @:oing $iet-A (rtificial +weeteners (nd The Neurobiology Of +ugar >ravings

    #< Oct #"%& ' =ncovered The +ecrets That (llow $odgy /oods (nd (dditives Onto Our +helves

    #< Oct #"%& ' ?ffect Of >hronic ?0posure To (spartame On O0idative +tress In The 3rain Of (lbino 4ats

    #& Oct #"%& ' (rtificial +weeteners :aining Increasingly 3ad 5ressB(nd /or :ood 4eason)Has an embedded video onthe web page*

    #% Oct #"%& ' (spartame :7O 3acteria ?0cretions >ausing 3lindness)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %" Oct #"%& ' +plenda The (rtificial +weetener That ?0plodes Internally

    %" Oct #"%& ' +weet 4emedy (nd The $ark ?arly $ays >ori 3rackett Interviews (ttorney 4ichard /. /aerber)Has anembedded audio file on the web page*

    %" Oct #"%& ' +oda >an Increase :out 4isk

    "2 Oct #"%& ' The >oke 7achine ( 3ook 4eview)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    "& Oct #"%& ' What Happens To ;our 3ody (fter $rinking >oca >ola-

    #C +ep #"%& '(rtificial +weeteners +abotage Weight Doss +tudy

    #& +ep #"%& '$ocumentary Way 3eyond Weight)Has an embedded video on the web page*
  • 8/13/2019 Aspartame Kills


    % +ep #"%& 'The 3rutally Honest >oca'>ola >ommercial ;ou6ll Never +ee On The (ir)Has an embedded video on theweb page*

    %E +ep #"%& 'C >ommon >hewing :um Ingredients That 7ay >ause >ancer)Has an embedded slide show on the webpage*

    %" +ep #"%& '(spartame 3acteria 5oop 4evealed (s +ecret Ingredient)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %" +ep #"%& '(spartame'Induced /ibromyalgia Nutrasweet- Nutra$?($F)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    "< +ep #"%& '5rotect /rom 5ancreatic >ancer (nd Other $isease 3y (voiding One Thing

    "< +ep #"%& '( 8iller In ;our /ridge G +weet 5oison( 7=+T 4?($

    "E +ep #"%& 'Natural News ?0clusive 5hosphoric (cid =sed In +oda 5op +hown $issolving Teeth In 4are ideo

    "& +ep #"%& '(spartame (wareness Week #"%&)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    &" (ug #"%& ' /at >hance $iet >oke /ights Obesity-

    #2 (ug #"%& ' Why >oke Is ( LokeBNew (d >ampaign $efends (spartame

    ## (ug #"%& ' 7igrainesBWhat >auses Them, (nd How ;ou >an 3est (ddress Them

    %M (ug #"%& ' +odas Dinked To +troke)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    " (ug #"%& ' $iet +oda Deads To $iet $isaster How $iet1 $rinks Increase ;our $isease 4isk

    " (ug #"%& ' >ardiology :oes 3etter With >oke

    "E (ug #"%& ' +weetener Warning (cesulfame 5otassium >ontains 7ethylene >hloride, ( 8nown >arcinogen

    "# (ug #"%& ' (spartame Why Is This 5oison +till (llowed-)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    "% (ug #"%& ' (spartame Dinked To >ancer)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    #M Luly #"%& '$iet +oda 7ay $o 7ore Harm Than :ood)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    #& Luly #"%& 'The +hocking +tory Of How (spartame 3ecame Degal

    #& Luly #"%& '>onsumption Of (rtificial +weetener' (nd +ugar'>ontaining +oda (nd 4isk Of Dymphoma (ndDeukemia In 7en (nd Women)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    #& Luly #"%& '/ormate In +erum (nd =rine (fter >ontrolled 7ethanol ?0posure (t The Threshold Dimit alue)5$/format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    %2 Luly #"%& '/reedom Of Information 7ethanol In (spartame Which >onverts To /ormaldehyde, /rom 7ethyl ?ster

    %2 Luly #"%& 'New +tudy On (spartame (t 5urdue =niversity Incorporates M" ;ears Of 4esearch

    %2 Luly #"%& '5urdue =niversity, $epartment of 5sychological +ciences and Ingestive 3ehavior 4esearch >enter '(rtificial +weeteners 5roduce The >ounterintuitive ?ffect Of Inducing 7etabolic $erangements 3y +usan ?. +withers)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    %E Luly #"%& 'There (re $angers In $rinking $iet +oda

    %C Luly #"%& 'Why ?veryone +hould +ay :oodbye To (rtificial +weeteners

    %% Luly #"%& ' 7ethanol Is (spartame Now IllegalP=nsafe In >alifornia-

    %" Luly #"%& '5epsi +till >ontains >ancer'>ausing Ingredient

    "% Luly #"%& '$ocumentary +weet 7isery)(spartame >an Trigger Headaches, +eiures, 3rain Tumors, and $iabetes*)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    #E Lune #"%& '>+5I $owngrades +plenda /rom Q+afeQ To Q>autionQ)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %& Lune #"%& 'The :oal Is To 8eep >hildren +eiure /ree ' It6s The (spartame IssueF

    %# Lune #"%& '2 +ummer 3everages To (void)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %# Lune #"%& 'Why (re /oods (nd +upplements 7ade /or >hildren 5acked With Haardous >hemicals, Hidden(spartame (nd :7Os-)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %% Lune #"%& ' >o'Op (dopts New :7O 5olicy)Note admission (spartame ingredients derived from geneticallyengineered organisms $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.*

    %% Lune #"%& ' 2% 7edications Which >ontain (spartame)This article covers only %% medications. (spartame can befound in many more $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.*
  • 8/13/2019 Aspartame Kills


    %" Lune #"%& 'The < /oods ;ou +hould Never ?at)Has an embedded slide show on the web page*

    " Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health (pril #"%& Dong'Term >onsumption Of (spartame (nd 3rain(ntio0idant $efense +tatus)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    " Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health Lune #""% 4elief Of /ibromyalgia +ymptoms /ollowing $iscontinuationOf $ietary ?0citoto0ins)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    " Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health Lune #""2 I'>ysteine (nd :lutathione 4estore The 7odulation Of 4at/rontal >orte0 NaR, 8tR, '(T5ase (ctivity Induced 3y (spartame 7etabolites)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new

    windowK" Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health 7arch #"%" 7ethanol ( >hemical TroSan Horse (s The 4oot OfInscrutable =)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    " Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health +eptember #""E 4esults Of Dong'Term >arcinogenicity 3ioassay On+prague'$awley 4ats ?0posed To (spartame (dministered In /eed)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    " Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health +eptember #"%# 7etabolic (cidosis 7imicking $iabetic 8etoacidosis(fter =se Of >alorie'/ree 7ineral Water)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    "E Lune #"%& '>enters /or $isease >ontrol (nd 5revention ' 7?TH(NOD +ystemic (gent)5$/ format* JIt will openin a new windowK

    "E Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health (pril &, #"%# :ender $imorphism In (spartame'Induced Impairment Of+patial >ognition (nd Insulin +ensitivity)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    "E Lune #"%& 'National Institutes Of Health 7ay to Lune #""2 ' /ormaldehyde, (spartame, (nd 7igraines ( 5ossible>onnection)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    "C Lune #"%& '/ood Industry /ront :roups ?0posed In New 4eport 7onsanto, >oke, 5epsi (nd 7ore

    "M Lune #"%& '3iotechnology (nd 3iological +ciences 4esearch >ouncil Has Dinks To :7Os

    "& Lune #"%& 'Trying To >ut >alories- >hewing :um Won1t Help(nd >ould Hurt

    "& Lune #"%& '>an (rtificial +weeteners Hike $iabetes 4isk-

    &% 7ay #"%& 'Top =+ 3rand Of >hildren1s itamins >ontains (spartame, :7Os, Other Haardous >hemicals

    &" 7ay #"%& '(rtificial +weetener >onsumption (nd =rinary Tract Tumors In >ordoba, (rgentina)5$/ format* JIt willopen in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '(spartame (dministered In /eed, 3eginning 5renatally Through Dife +pan, Induces >ancers Of TheDiver (nd Dung In 7ale +wiss 7ice)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '(ssociations Of +ugar (nd (rtificially +weetened +oda With (lbuminuria (nd 8idney /unction $eclineIn Women)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '>onsumption Of (rtificial +weetener (nd +ugar'>ontaining +oda (nd 4ick Of Dymphoma (ndDeukemia In 7en (nd Women)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '>ytoto0ic ?ffects Of 7ethanol , /ormaldehyde, (nd /ormate On $isassociated 4at Thymocytes (5ossibility Of (spartame To0icity)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '?ffective Of long Term Intake Of (spartame On (ntio0idant $efense +tatus In Diver )5$/ format* JItwill open in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '?ffect Of >hronic ?0posure To (spartame On O0idative +tress In The 3rain Of (lbino 4ats )5$/format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    &" 7ay #"%& '/ormaldehyde $erived /rom $ietary (spartame 3inds To Tissue >omponents In ivo )5$/ format* JItwill open in a new windowK

    #< 7ay #"%& 'NT5'>?4H4 ?0pert 5anel 4eport On The 4eproductive (nd $evelopmental To0icity Of 7ethanol '>enter /or The ?valuation Of 4isks To Human 4eproduction ' 4eproductive To0icology %2 J#""MK &"&&al +weetener 5acks $isease 4isk +plenda 7ay 7ess With Insulin Devels')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27627_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27627_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27627_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27627_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27c13104rs_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27c13104rs_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27methyl_alcohol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27methyl_alcohol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27methyl_alcohol.pdf%27%29/')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27http//')http://start%28%27627_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27627_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27c13104rs_methanol.pdf%27%29/http://start%28%27methyl_alcohol.pdf%27%29/
  • 8/13/2019 Aspartame Kills


    #" 7ay #"%& '+i0 ?asy Ways To +weeten /ood Without =sing 4efined +ugar Or (rtificial +weeteners

    %M 7ay #"%& 'Is (spartame To0ic-)I+ (+5(4T(7? TOUI>- To ask the Vuestion is to answer it. We6ve only knownthis M" years and study after study proves it. How many studies have to be done for agencies like /$( to take it off themarket- How many more millions have to die- The /$(6s modus operandi is to defer everything and do nothing. Onearticle showed /$( had postponed doing anything about carcinogenic dyes # times and this is an old article. They stillhaven6t done anything about taking them off the market even though its proven. With full knowledge on aspartame,having themselves tried to indict the company for fraud and revoked the petition for approval, today they say it6s safe.Now they Sust do what the manufacturer tells them. /$( gets over C" of their funding from 3ig 5harma. 7ass

    poisoning the world is the most heinous crime in historyF $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.*%M 7ay #"%& '+plenda (nd +ucralose 5roven To >ontribute To $evelopment Of $iabetes

    "% 7ay #"%& '7+ (nd 5arkinson6s +ymptoms /rom 7+: (nd (spartame)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    "% 7ay #"%& 'Tell The /$( To 8eep Hidden (spartame Out Of $airy 5roducts

    ## (pr #"%& 'The >oca >ola >ommercial We Wish Were 4eal-)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    ## (pr #"%& 'What the +oda 5op Industry $oesn6t Want ;ou To 8now

    %C (pr #"%& '>an $iet +oda 7ake ;ou /at-)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %" (pr #"%& '>igarettes Or $iet +oda Which :ives ;ou >ancer +ooner-

    %" (pr #"%& '+oda >ompanies 4ake In XM 3illion ( ;ear Of Ta0payer 7oney ia The :overnment /ood +tamp5rogram J+N(5K

    "M (pr #"%& 'Top Ten Ways Humanity Is 3eing 7urdered In The Name Of 6?vidence'3ased +cience6 JYC /ood(dditivesK

    "& (pr #"%& '2 Ingredients ;ou Never Want To +ee On ( /ood Dabel

    "& (pr #"%& '+ugary $rinks Dinked To Over %2",""" $eaths Worldwide

    #2 7ar #"%& 'Once 7ore ?/+( Whitewashes (spartame

    #2 7ar #"%& 'Zuestion To ?/+( How >an (spartame 3e >onsidered +afe-

    #2 7ar #"%& '5epsi To 3egin =sing =nlabeled, +weetness'?nhancing 67ystery6 Ingredients $eveloped 3y 6(borted

    /etal >ells6 >ompany#2 7ar #"%& 'The (merican >ancer +ociety Has $eceived The (merican 5opulation (bout (spartame

    #E 7ar #"%& '(spartame (nd Other (rtificial +weeteners $estroy ;our Health

    #E 7ar #"%& '7ilk Industry 5etitions /$( To Hide (spartame In $airy 5roducts

    #E 7ar #"%& 'Dab'7ade 6+werve6 +weetener 7arketed (s (ll Natural Here6s What ;ou Need To 8now (bout It

    #C 7ar #"%& '(spartame Dinks To 3irth $efects (nd (utism)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %C 7ar #"%& '(spartame (re (nts +marter Than Humans-

    %& 7ar #"%& '$airy Industry Tries To Hide (rtificial +weeteners In +chool Dunches

    %& 7ar #"%& '3ig $airy 5etitions /$( To (llow =nlabeled =se Of (spartame In $airy 5roducts%# 7ar #"%& '(spartame...(fter (ll These ;ears...What 5arliament Needs To 8now Immediately

    %# 7ar #"%& 'No To 4umsfield +tanford >ommunity)Dook at this. 4umsfeld really made a name for himself. He isreSected at +tanford =niversity. ' $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.* )5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    %% 7ar #"%& ' +weet 4emedy The 5oisonous ?ffects Of (spartame)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %% 7ar #"%& ' How $iet +oda 7akes ;ou /at J(nd Other /ood (nd $iet Industry +ecretsK)If aspartame was labeledproperly it would be several pages long. However, they could do it very simply by Sust putting on the label Q8eep out ofreach of humans. :enocidal.Q ' $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.*

    "E 7ar #"%& '+hort Desson In 7edicine)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    "E 7ar #"%& '$iet +oda Increases $iabetes 4isk"E 7ar #"%& '(spartame'+weetened 7ilk On The erge Of 3eing $eemed Q+afe /or ;our >hildrenQ

    "C 7ar #"%& '+weet 5oison)Dots of aspartame information*

    "C 7ar #"%& 'This Is ;our 3rain On Nutra+weet ' (nd It Isn6t 5retty
  • 8/13/2019 Aspartame Kills


    "M 7ar #"%& '/lavored 7ilk! 5etition To (mend The +tandard Of Identity /or 7ilk (nd % (dditional $airy 5roductsWith (spartame =nlabeled

    "M 7ar #"%& '$epartment Of ?nglish, The Ohio +tate =niversity ' #"%#' /actory /arms, (rtificial (dditives, (nd7ystery 7eat /ood +afety 4umors >oncerning 7odern /ood 5roduction ' 3y (bigail 3. +nyder)The fact thataspartame is a biochemical warfare weapon is on httpPPwww.dorway.comPnutrapoison%.html andhttpPPwww.dorway.comPnutrapoison#.html * )5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    "M 7ar #"%& '4umsfeld 3y His Own 4ules)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    #2 /eb #"%& '(spartame Needs ( 3ulletproof est#2 /eb #"%& 'William 4eed 3usiness 7edia ' /OO$ navigator' ' ## /eb #"%& ' +weetener (pproval Would+tem =+ +chool 7ilk >onsumption $ecline I$/()5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    # /eb #"%& '(utism, (nger (nd (spartame >asual >onnections Or ( +moking :un-

    # /eb #"%& '(merican /oods >hockfull Of Ingredients 3anned In Other >ountries

    #C /eb #"%& 'H. L. 4oberts, 7$. /(>5, />>5 Has $ied. /ather Of The (nti'(spartame 7ovement

    #C /eb #"%& '=.+. $airy Industry 5etitions /$( To (pprove (spartame (s Hidden, =nlabeled (dditive In 7ilk,;ogurt, ?ggnog (nd >ream

    #C /eb #"%& 'N;> 7ayor 3loomberg 3ans +oft $rinks /or ;our Health- While +upporting 7orning'(fter 5ills That

    8ill 3abies#C /eb #"%& '%" Dies (nd 7isconceptions +pread 3y 7ainstream Nutrition)Has an embedded slide show on the webpage*

    ## /eb #"%& '7+: (nd (spartame (re The Two Deading >auses Of >entral Nervous +ystem $amage In The =nited+tates

    #% /eb #"%& 'ascular Health +ciences 7edical (dvisor I6ll +ay It (gain, +tay (way /rom (spartame)ascular Health+ciences 7edical (dvisor $r. $e+ilva points to landmark research results to reiterate the dangers of aspartame

    #% /eb #"%& 'Is $iet +oda 7aking ;ou +ad- New +tudy +ays ;es

    %< /eb #"%& '/ake +weetener +plenda /ills Our Oceans, +cientists /ind

    %< /eb #"%& 'The Truth (bout $iet +oda (nd $iabetes $iet +oda Increases The 4isk Of $iabetes%2 /eb #"%& 'The ?ffect Of (spartame (dministration On Oncogene (nd +uppressor :ene ?0pressions)#""Hungarian study*

    %2 /eb #"%& '6$iet6 $rinks (ssociated With Increased 4isk Of Type II $iabetes

    %2 /eb #"%& '(lcohol 7i0ed With $iet $rinks 7ay Increase Into0ication 7ore Than (lcohol (nd 4egular $rinks

    %2 /eb #"%& '(re $iet +oft $rinks 3ad /or ;ou-

    %2 /eb #"%& '(spartame 5athway)Has embedded videos on the web page*

    %C /eb #"%& 'Open Detter (spartame Is ( >hemical 5oison

    %M /eb #"%& '4esponse To Zuery /rom /ood +tandards 4ebuttal To ?/+(6s ?valuation Of (spartame ?nough Is?nough, The Dies 7ust >easeF

    %M /eb #"%& '7erck 4esolves +ecurities >lass'(ction Dawsuits 4elated To The ?NH(N>? Trial

    %& /eb #"%& 'Open Detter To 7ayor 3loomberg ' $iet $rinks In +chools

    %& /eb #"%& '>alorie >ontrol >ouncil Dobbyist >onvicted Of 7ultiple >harges Of >onspiracy (nd Theft Of:overnment 5roperty

    %& /eb #"%& '$iet +oda $angers New +tudy 7ay Dink (spartame To >ancer)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %# /eb #"%& '4esponse >oncerning The (rticle QObama 5ushing (spartame On :rade +choolersQ

    " /eb #"%& 'The 5eople6s > ' /ebruary #, #"%& ' +plenda The (rtificial +weetener That ?0plodes Internally

    )5$/ format* )This is one of the best articles I6ve seen on +plenda because the writer says it like it is. ( lot of people beataround the bush but you have to hand it to this writer. ' $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.* JIt will open in a new windowK

    "E /eb #"%& '>onsumption Of (rtificially (nd +ugar'+weetened 3everages (nd Incident Type # $iabetes In The ?tude?pid[miologiVue (upr\s $es /emmes $e Da 7utuelle :[n[rale $e l6?ducation Nationale'?uropean 5rospectiveInvestigation Into >ancer (nd Nutrition >ohort
  • 8/13/2019 Aspartame Kills


    "E /eb #"%& 'Des ]dulcorants Non >aloriVues, 5ires Zue De +ucre-)In /rench*

    "E /eb #"%& 'Obama 5ushing (spartame On :rade +choolers

    "C /eb #"%& 'Detter To Taylor +wift (bout $iet >oke

    "C /eb #"%& '(spartame >an 7ake ;our >andida Worse

    "M /eb #"%& '+oda, >andy Out, (spartame In =nder =+$(6s 5roposed +chool +nack 4ules

    "M /eb #"%& '5epsi Loined 7onsanto To $efeat :7O Dabeling ' 3oycott 5epsiF

    &% Lan #"%& ' To >hallenge ?/+( On (spartame)This link for people to contact ?/+( and challenge their review thataspartame is safe. 5lease note on the left'hand side there are chapters. ;ou can click on what subSect you want tocomment on. They will accept &2"" characters. When this is received you can go to the ne0t subSect. This is not Sust forphysicians who no doubt will all challenge it but also for victims and activists.*

    #< Lan #"%& 'Namaste 7againe, olume %&, Issue %, pp. %"'%# ' What Happened To 7e When I +tarted Ingesting(+5(4T(7?)5$/ format* JIt will open in a new windowK

    #2 Lan #"%& ' 4ebuttal To ?/+(6s ?valuation Of (spartame

    #2 Lan #"%& ' $iet +oda, (spartame +hown To $estroy 8idney /unction

    #C Lan #"%& ' 4ebuttal Of The ?/+( $raft On (spartame +afety #"%& ' Lanuary #%, #""& ' 7ari^ (lemany )5$/ format*JIt will open in a new windowK

    #C Lan #"%& ' ?/+('$raft'5lagiarism

    #M Lan #"%& ' 7ullarkey /$( 5ivotal +tudies That (pproved (spartame

    #M Lan #"%& ' +weet $elusion ' 3y 3arbara (le0ander 7ullarkey With (dell . Newman )5$/ format* JIt will open in anew windowK

    #& Lan #"%&>onsumption Of (rtificial +weetener (nd +ugar >ontaining +oda (nd The 4isk Of Dymphoma (ndDeukemia In 7en (nd Women JIncludes +tudy J(spartameK (nd >ommentariesK)=pdated ' Originally posted on #ENov #"%#*

    #& Lan #"%& ' +plenda Insecticide Turned +weetener-)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    #& Lan #"%& ' 5arliament Is 4ight Independent (spartame +tudies 5rove It6s Not +afe

    ## Lan #"%& ' (spartame (lert ' $iet +oda $estroys 8idney /unction

    ## Lan #"%& ' 5ossible Neurologic ?ffect Of (spartame

    ## Lan #"%& ' The $angers Of (spartame)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    %2 Lan #"%& ' (spartame Dinked To Deukemia Dymphoma In :roundbreaking +tudy

    %C Lan #"%& 'No +afe $ose Of (spartame)4emember that $r. (drian :ross, /$( scientist and to0icologist, told>ongress, +enate, 2P%P2C that there is no safe dose of aspartame because it causes cancer. It can never be proven safe. Hesaid /$( should have been able to even set an allowable daily intake. ' $r. 3. 7artini, $.Hum.*

    %C Lan #"%& ' (spartame +weet or 7isery

    %C Lan #"%& ' India >hronic ?0posure To (spartame 4esults In O0idative +tress In 3rains Of (lbino 4ats (s Well (s7ethanol /ormation 2P&%P%# (spartame _ >orporate ?spionage

    %C Lan #"%& ' >ould $iet +oda >ause >linical $epression-

    %" Lan #"%& ' Want To :et /at- =se +ome +weetener

    "< Lan #"%& ' When :reat +uperstars ?ndorse 3ad Difestyle >hoices)Has an embedded video on the web page*

    "M Lan #"%& ' 3eyounce =rged To (bandon 5epsi ?ndorsement $eal ' (spartame (nd (cesulfame 8

    "M Lan #"%& ' $r. +piers (nd (spartame +tudy

    "& Lan #"%& ' +tudies On The ?ffects Of (spartame On 7emory (nd O0idative +tress In 3rain Of 7ice ' ?gypt

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