Asmodeus - The Complete Guide for Hearthstone Player 2.0


Transcript of Asmodeus - The Complete Guide for Hearthstone Player 2.0

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   ASMODEUS | THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR HEARTHSTONE PLAYER 1!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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  -by Asmodeus

T("s "s u3o44"c"$! %u"e "3 3o '$y $ssoc"$te '"t( o& e3o&se by 5!"$&E3te&t$"3me3t6


He$&t(sto3e7 He&oes o4 8$&c&$4t co3te3t $3 m$te&"$!s $&e t&$em$&2s $3 co#y&"%(ts o4 5!"$& E3te&t$"3me3t9 I3c. "3 t(e U.S. $3/o& ot(e& cou3t&"es. A!! ot(e& t&$em$&2s $&et(e #&o#e&ty o4 t(e &es#ect")e t&$em$&2 o'3e&s.You m$y 3ot #ost9 mo"4y9 "st&"bute9 o& 

&e#&ouce "3 $3y '$y $3y co#y&"%(te m$te&"$!9 t&$em$&2s9 o& ot(e& #&o#&"et$&y

"34o&m$t"o3 be!o3%"3% to Asmoeus o& ot(e&s '"t(out obt$"3"3% t(e #&"o& '&"tte3 co3se3to4 t(e o'3e& o4 suc( &"%(ts.


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Thank you, to everyone who contributes to Hearthstone and the gaming

community. Whether you're a big streamer and content creator or someone

who just helps other players by answering their questions on forums. ou are

elevating gaming and e!sports to a higher level. "nd thank you reader for

 picking up this e!book in an attempt to become a better player. # wish you the

best of luck.

! "smodeus

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Table of contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Part I – Beginner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1. Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2. Building your collection and earning gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3. Crafting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4. Game fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5. Hidden rules and exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

6. Common mistakes and misconceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

. Building your first deck ! constructed play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

". Basic arena strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

#. $art % & 'axxramas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

  #. $art %% & Blackrock (ountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Part II – Inter!ediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

1). *empo and +alue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

11. ,ynergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

12. *-e correct order of actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

13. oresig-t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

14. inding t-e -idden play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

15. *ilt and decision&making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

16. ocus and mindset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. Ho/ to impro+e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

1". *racking your results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Part III – "d#anced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

1#. *-e art of mulligan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

2). 0eading and predicting t-e enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

21. eeper understanding of a card game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

22. ,imilarity to poker ! using poker resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

23. Calculating proaility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

24. eckuilding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

25. dusting decks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

26. %nno+ating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

$eco!!ended resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Personal coac%ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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% +ie/ playing games at t-e -ig-est le+el as a form of art. $layers express

t-emsel+es t-roug- t-eir playstyles and t-eir gameplay paints a picture /-ic- is admired y t-eir fans all o+er t-e /orld. -en you reac- a -ig- le+el of proficiency at a game you

disco+er a completely ne/ dimension. 7ou can finally play around and still e successful.

7ou can start meta&gaming and outsmarting your enemies. *-is is /-at % most enoy aout

games and t-at8s one of t-e reasons /-y % /ant to -elp ot-er players get etter.

%8m gi+ing t-is e&ook a/ay to anyone /-o /ants to ecome a etter Heart-stone

 player t-an t-ey8re currently /it- t-e -ope of adding ust a little it to t-e Heart-stone

community and ele+ating t-e a+erage skill le+el of Heart-stone player&ase ust y a little


*-is e&ook is designed to to -elp players of all le+els ecome etter at

Heart-stone. %f you8re a eginner it /ill speed up t-e initial learning cur+e y a lot. 7ou

/ill learn -o/ to a+oid t-e most common mistakes and find some decks and ad+ice t-at

you can follo/ step y step rig-t a/ay. %f you8re an intermediate player you8ll learn aout

t-e most important concepts of t-e game and /-at is t-e difference et/een you and t-e

 est players. (ore ad+anced players /ill find resources and met-ods of getting small

ad+antages and finding t-eir strong points to maximi9e t-eir /ins.

,-are t-is e&ook /it- anyone ne/ to Heart-stone to -elp t-em get a :uick start tot-e game /it-out -a+ing to learn e+eryt-ing on t-eir o/n. 0ememer t-at e+eryone in

Heart-stone starts from t-e same place. Ha+e fun playing learning and enoy t-e rest of

t-is e&ook;

&smodeus!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Part I

e!"##er!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 1.

(etting started

$%irst came the chicken.$ 

-en you log in to Heart-stone for t-e first time you8ll e guided y t-e innkeeper

t-roug- t-e +ery asics and after playing a fe/ matc-es against % you8ll e left on your

o/n to explore and disco+er /-at t-e game -as to offer.

(y first ad+ice to you is ! read e#er)t%ing* %t /ill sa+e you a lot of time

confusion and effort if you ust read e+eryt-ing you encounter. -en you see a ne/ card

take a /-ile to read t-e text on it. 'oody /ants to sit do/n and learn card descriptions

one y one. *-is is playtime not sc-ool so spare yourself t-e effort and get to kno/ e+ery

card as soon as possile one at a time. Before you kno/ it you8ll e familiar /it- most

 playale cards and ready to explore furt-er.

+e#eling and ,uests

 %n -eart-stone t-ere are 2 types of :uests. aily :uests and uni:ue :uests /-ic-

you can complete only one time. or no/ /e8ll focus on t-e latter.

*-ere are currently # playale classes in Heart-stone eac- of t-em offers you a setof basic cards /-ic- you can ac:uire simply y getting to le+el 1) /it- eac- class. *-is

s-ould e t-e first t-ing you do. <nce you complete t-e tutorial and unlock e+ery class

you8ll e re/arded /it- 1)) gold.

 #n chapter & you'll find decklists for decks that you can make with only basic cards

 for each class.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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 'ext you can ump into practice mode and fig-t against t-e expert %. Beating all of 

t-e expert % opponents /ill grant you anot-er 1)) gold. ocus on playing 1 class at a

time and ecome familiar /it- t-eir cards and -ero po/er. <nce you -it l+l 1) /it- your

first class you8ll e re/arded /it- a 'ac- of e'ert cards. $ick anot-er class t-at you like

and one y one get t-em to l+l 1). <nce you do t-at you /ill unlock all asic cards andget anot-er 1)) gold.

fter you defeat e+ery expert % -ero go to t-e $lay mode to e matc-ed against

real players of approximately your skill le+el. 7ou /ill get more experience points y

 playing against ot-er people t-an y playing against % and on top of t-at for e+ery 3

+ictories in play mode you /ill recei+e 1) gold =maximum 1)) per day>. 7our first game

in t-is mode /ill also grant you 1 'ac- of e'ert cards and first 3 games regardless of

t-e result /ill gi+e you 1)) gold.

dditionally you can also earn a single /'ert Pac-  y playing a game on ot-er

de+ices suc- as i$ad =t-is can e done also t-roug- emulators on your computer so you

don8t actually -a+e to o/n t-e i$ad>

This is all the $free$ gold you're getting until you hit (( and then ((( wins in any

 game mode, which will both reward you with an additional )(( gold each. *on't spend it

all on candy+

$ead e#er)t%ing

nloc- all basic cards

&o!'lete uni,ue ,uests for gold!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 2.

Building )our collection and earning gold

$ne way or another #'m gonna get ya+$ 

?nless you8re prepared to spend a fortune on card packs uilding your collection

/ill take some time ut many people -a+e already pro+en t-at you can get access to e+ery

competiti+e deck /-ile going completely @free to play@ on any account.

T%ere are !ulti'le a)s of getting cards

• ll asic cards are earned y le+eling eac- class to l+l 1)

Axpert packs & 1)) gold eac- ! re/ards you /it- 5 random expert cards from t-eclassic set or t-e appropriate expansion

• rena re/ards ! you /ill get at minimum a random pack of cards after completing

an arena run

• ,oulound cards ! t-ey8re a/arded for completing :uests and single player

ad+entures suc- as 'axxramas and Blackrock (ountain

• Crafting cards ! you can craft all cards except t-e soulound ones

A+eryt-ing mentioned ao+e can e ac:uired /it- real money or t-e in&game

currency. *-e est use of your gold at t-e eginning of your Heart-stone ourney is t-erena entrance fee ut in order to get t-e re:uired 15) gold you8ll -a+e to earn it from

 play mode and :uests first.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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o to get t%e !ost out of dail) ,uests

A+ery day you8ll recei+e a daily :uest for completing /-ic- you8ll earn eit-er 4)

5) 6) or 1)) gold. 7ou can -old up to 3 :uests at any gi+en time. *-e asic strategy of

doing daily :uests in+ol+es t-e aility to re&roll one :uest per day. By pressing t-e red @x@in t-e top rig-t corner you8ll e ale to exc-ange t-at :uest for a ne/ random one. uests

t-at gi+e 6) and 1)) gold are more rare and t-us you s-ould ne+er try to exc-ange t-em.

l/ays try to re&roll t-e 4) gold :uests and if you get anot-er 4) gold :uest t-at in+ol+es

a class /-ic- you can a+oid playing sa+e it for t-e next day so t-at you can try to re&roll it

again in case your next daily :uest /ill e t-e one /it- 6) or 1)) gold re/ard lea+ing you

/it- an option to sa+e it and try to exc-ange t-e old one.

*-ere is also a single :uest /-ic- re/ards you /it- an expert pack of cards for

spectating a friend /in a game. %f you still need cards from t-ose packs it8s essentially a

1)) gold for a couple minutes of your time /-ic- makes it +ery /ort-/-ile.

/arning gold fro! 'la) !ode

$lay mode ! often referred to as Constructed & is /-ere you can test your skills /it-

custom made decks in eit-er casual or ranked matc-es. or e+ery 3 +ictories in t-is mode

you8ll get 1) gold and you can repeat t-at 1) times ! gi+ing you maximum of 1)) eac-

day. %t doesn8t matter -o/ many losses you get you don8t -a+e to streak t-e /ins so /it-

time you can al/ays get your gold t-is /ay if you /ant to.

(old s'ending strateg)

,pending your -ard earned gold. *-is is /-ere most people fall into t-e instant

gratification trap. %f you follo/ t-e ad+ice in t-e next fe/ paragrap-s you can sa#e

)ourself a lot of ti!e t-at e:uates to a lot of money simply y spending your gold

correctly and eing patient.

irst of all ! try to a+oid uying card packs /it- gold. Aspecially in t-e eginning if 

you uy a pack instead of an arena entrance fee you deny yourself t-e opportunity to get

lucky ut e+en more importantly you deny yourself t-e opportunity to impro+e at arena.

-y is it so important Because arena is t%e fastest a) of earning gold and cards in

Heart-stone once you get good at it and t-e est /ay to get good at it is to play it.

This applies mostly to beginners, if you're already a veteran with a bank of -k gold,

 you have my blessing to go on a pack shopping spree+!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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n a+erage /in rate of 5)D /-ic- e:uates to 3 /ins in arena re/ards you /it-

almost t-e same amount of potential cards as 15 expert card packs. nyt-ing extra is

simply a onus. rena is strictly more efficient /ay of spending your gold ecause you8re

getting more +alue for your currency.

%t may seem counter intuiti+e ut /aiting for more gold to enter t-e arena instead

of uying packs is going to get you cards muc- faster in t-e long run. t first your priority

is ust to ecome more proficient at it ut once you can a+erage around 6 /ins /it- t-e

-elp of daily :uests you can keep playing arena indefinitely and uild a gold ank toget-er 

/it- your collection rapidly increasing in si9e.

s a eginner you /on8t get enoug- /ins to play only arena ut you can @c-eat@ it a

little it y using multiple accounts. By playing on more t-an 1 ser+erEaccount you8ll get

more t-an 1 daily :uest per day and alternating accounts /ill let you play more arena8s

since you8ll get t-e 15) gold faster doing :uests t-an grinding 3) /ins in constructed. *-at/ay you can get etter at it faster and transition to playing only on your main account once

you can keep playing arena t-ere. But it8s ust an option if you really /ant to maximi9e

your time in arena.

%f your goal is to only play constructed and you8re ne+er planning on getting good at

arena t-en your options are eit-er uying t-e packs for 1)) gold eac- or spending real

money and uying as many as you need. Fust kno/ t-at taking t-e time to learn -o/ to

 play arena pays off ecause grinding packs t-roug- arena can e more t-an 5 times as fast

as grinding packs t-roug- constructed y t-e same player once you can a+erage aout 6

/ins. ?ltimately it8s your c-oice ut t-ose are t-e options.

 #f you're interested in more comprehensive analysis of arena vs pack cost check out

this spreadsheet %'!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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'ending !one) on eart%stone

Ho/ muc- you /ant to support Bli99ard is completely up to you. A+eryt-ing can e

otained for gold ut spending money /ill speed up t-e process significantly. Here are my

recommendations for you in regards to spending money on Heart-stone.

1. 'axxramas is currently t-e est use of your money. 7ou kno/ /-at you get you

 pay for a single player c-allenge /-ic- is a lot of fun to complete and t-e :uality

of re/ards is +ery -ig-. efinitely /ort- uying one /ay or t-e ot-er.

2. Blackrock (ountain is second est. *-ere is not as many great cards t-ere ut

you8re getting guaranteed +alue and t-ere are still some +ery strong pieces in it.

3. rena entrance ! if you8re planning to play t-is game for more t-an fe/ /eeks

in+esting in your aility to ecome self sustaining arena player is muc- more

+aluale t-an t-e s-ort oost of cards t-at8s /-y % recommend uying arena o+er

card packs.

4. Axpert card packs ! %f you /ant t-e main ulk of important expert cards you8re

likely going to -a+e to in+est a little it in t-ose packs.

Before you uy packs make sure you kno/ in ad+ance -o/ many you8ll e uying ecause getting t-em in ulk is c-eaper and you sometimes you can use a deal /it-

ama9on or ot-er promotions to do your pack s-opping all at once and sa+e a little it of

money or simply get more packs for it.

Tr) to get 60 and 100 gold ,uests b) rerolling t%e 40g ones

a#e gold for arena

(et a second account or alternate ser#ers to get faster gold for arenas

(et t%e ad#entures before bu)ing card 'ac-s!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 3.


$# solemnly swear to uphold the dust and never disenchant a card without thinking$ 

– The "rgent *ust ath

Crafting cards is one of t-e most re/arding features in Heart-stone. *-e more

 patient you /ill e t-e igger t-e re/ards and satisfaction. 7ou can craft most cards using

arcane dust /-ic- you /ill get eit-er from arena re/ards or disenc-anting ot-er cards.

7ou can disenc-ant only t-e cards /-ic- you can also craft.

&ards t%at cannot be crafted include5

• Golden promotion cards =suc- as golden Gelin (ekkator:ue>

•  'on&golden 'axxramasEBlackrock (ountain =and any future ad+enture> cards

• Cards from t-e asic set

• ,oulound :uest re/ards

Before you start crafting it8s important to understand as muc- as you can aout t-ecards and t-e crafting process itself 

 He thought disenchanting Hogger was a good idea, until control warriors showed

that Hogger really is super powerful+!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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*-e tale elo/ /ill s-o/ you t-e cost and re/ard for crafting and disenc-anting a

card of eac- rarity typeI

$arit) &ost of &rafting $eard for isenc%anting

$egular (olden $egular (olden

&o!!on 4) 4)) 5 5)

$are 1)) ")) 2) 1))

/'ic 4)) 16)) 1)) 4))

+egendar) 16)) 32)) 4)) 16))

n exception to t-ese rules is applied /-ene+er Bli99ards decides to uffEnerf or

alter -o/ any particular card /orks in any /ay. fter a patc- /it- t-ese c-anges goes li+e

you can disenc-ant affected cards for full +alue. *-at means if you -appen to -a+e some

extra pyrolasts and t-at card is affected y a patc- you /ill -a+e aout 2 /eeks from t-e

time t-e patc- goes li+e during /-ic- you can disenc-ant pyrolast and get 4)) arcane

dust ack ecause it8s an epic card. *-is is /-y you can sa+e extra cards and /ait /it-

disenc-anting t-em if you don8t need to use t-e dust rig-t a/ay.

%ic% legendar) to craft first

*-is is one of t-e most commonly asked :uestions on forums. Aarning 16)) dust

takes some time and it8s an important decision ecause next c-ance to craft a legendary of

your c-oice may not -appen for some time. *-ere are a couple of factors t-at go intocrafting legendary cards.

irstly ! do you -a+e a main class %f t-ere is a specific class /-ic- you enoy

 playing t-e most you may /ant to in+est in t-e class specific legendary. 'ot all classes

use t-eir legendary card ut /-en in dout you can use t-e tier list elo/ to see /-ic- of

t-e cards are /ort- sa+ing for.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&lass 'ecific

Tier I

– rc-mage ntonidas

– Ad/in JanCleef 

– Grommas- Hellscream

– ord Faraxxus

– (al8Ganis

– *irion ordring

Tier II

– l8kir *-e indlord

– Cenarius

– readscale

– Aadric t-e $ure

 'eptulon– 0-onin

– *rade $rince Gally/ix

– Jarian rynn

– Jol8in

Tier III

– cidma/

– nu8arak 

– +iana

– Bol+ar ordragon– Confessor $aletress

– lame e+iat-an

– Ga-98rilla

– %ron Fuggernaut

– ing rus-

– (alorne

– $rop-et Jelen

– *-e (istcaller 

– ilfred i99leang!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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,econdly /e -a+e to consider legendary cards t-at fit in most decks eit-er ecause

of t-eir +ersatility or s-eer po/er. % ordered t-e neutral legendary cards so t-at you can see

/-ic- ones you s-ould consider crafting first and /-ic- ones are not /ort- it.


(od Tier– r. Boom

– ,yl+anas indrunner 

Tier I

– lexstras9a

– Bloodmage *-alanos– C-illma/

– Harrison Fones

– Fusticar *rue-eart

– 0agnaros t-e irelord

– 7sera

Tier II

– Baron Geddon

– Cairne Blood-oof 

– Aydis arkane

– ola ig-tane

– Gormok t-e %mpaler 

– ing (ukla

– eeroy Fenkins

– (alygos

–  'exus C-ampion ,araad

– ,need8s <ld ,-redder 

– *-e Black nig-t

– *rogg9or t-e Aart-inator 

Tier III

– Blingtron 3)))

– Bolf 0ams-ield

– eat-/ing

– oe 0eaper 4)))

– Ga9lo/e

– Hogger 

– <nyxia

– ,kycap8n ragg

– *os-ley!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Tier I:

– Captain Greenskin

– Alite *auren C-ieftain

– Gelin (ekkator:ue

– Gruul

– Hemet 'esing/ary

– %ce-o/l– %llidan

– ore/alker C-o

– (ekgineer *-ermaplugg

– (ill-ouse (anastorm

– (imiron8s Head

– (ogor t-e <gre

–  'at $agle

–  'o9dormu

– *-e Beast– *-e ,keleton nig-t

– *inkmaster <+erspark

 How ironic that the most powerful of ogres / 0ruul / sees much less play time than

a simple 1oulderfist gre.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&rafting dec-s

%n t-e eginning you8ll play around /it- t-e asic decks ut t-ey can only get you

to a certain point. fter t-at if you /ant to progress in constructed ranks you8ll -a+e to

 uild a stronger deck using additional cards. ?ntil you de+elop a strong sense of t-egame card interactions and t-e metagame it8s est if you ust copy a deck t-at8s tested y

experienced players. $opular streamers and top pro players often keep t-eir decks

a+ailale to t-e pulic and after e+ery tournament ne/ decks are released for e+eryone to

copy and take ad+antage of t-e deckuilding talent and expertise of pro players. 7ou can

also find current popular decklists on +arious /esites =you8ll find links to t-em at t-e end

of t-is e&ook>. *-ere is often an option to sort t-e decks y t-e crafting cost so t-at you

can find somet-ing affordale for yourself. Be +ery careful /-en disenc-anting cards it

takes muc- more dust to craft t-em t-an t-e amount you get from disenc-anting and it8s a

+ery inefficient /ay of getting cards.

t t-e start it8s est to stick /it- c-eap aggro decks ecause you can craft t-em

fairly :uickly and earning gold in play mode /it- t-em is faster. ggro -unter and @Koo@

/arlock are examples of c-eap aggro decks t-at are capale of reac-ing legend rank in t-e

-ands of a skilled player.

Consult a list or an experienced player efore you disenc-ant a card

,tart crafting /it- t-e essential cards for your main deck 

Craft cards starting from t-ose /-ic- you8re t-e least likely to get ot-er/ise =craft

legendary first epic second etc.>

,tart y copying c-eap aggro decks!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 4.

(a!e ;unda!entals

$  2rrraggglhlhghghlgh@

Basic !ec%anics and in conditions

%n Heart-stone t-ere are many /ays to /in t-e game ut t-e most asic of t-em is

/inning t-roug- oard control. *-is means prioriti9ing putting as muc- po/er in play as

you safely can and remo+ing enemy minions from t-e oard to limit -is options. By

trading efficiently /it- enemy minions and using appropriate spells to remo+e enemy

t-reats you can create small ad+antages for yourself e+ery turn and /-en t-e enemy runs

out of ans/ers or simply gets o+er/-elmed your minions /ill easily finis- -im off.

$laying for oard control means t-at you don8t -a+e to /orry aout your enemy H$until you can kill -im /it-in 1&2 turns. 7ou s-ould focus on remo+ing enemy minions

e+en if t-at means dealing 6 damage to a 3 H$ minion. imiting t-e options of your enemy

and pre+enting -im from utili9ing +arious uffs is t-e safest /ay to t-e +ictory.

-en you kill an enemy minion /it- your o/n /it-out losing it you can force t-e

enemy to use anot-er card in order to deal /it- your damaged creature. *-at /ay you gain

card ad+antage ecause -e -ad to spend t/o cards in order to deal /it- your one.

The term 3drop4 relates to a creature that can be played on it's own for specific

mana cost. %or e5ample 6iver 7rocolisk is a 8!drop, and 7hillwind eti is a 9!drop.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&ard ad#antage and draing cards

not-er /ay to /in t-e game is to gain a significant card ad+antage. %n later turns

of t-e game /-en you -a+e more mana a+ailale you8re ale to play multiple cards eac-

turn and since you8re naturally dra/ing only one card per turn you run t-e risk of runningout of cards.

Whenever a player is out of cards / we call it a topdecking mode. Topdecking refers

to playing a card that you just got from the top of your deck.

Ha+ing some card dra/ mec-anics in your deck is +ery important ut too muc- of

it can mean t-at you sacrificed a lot of po/er for t-e aility to dra/. Balancing t-e amount

of card dra/ in a deck comes /it- experience. 7ou can also gain card ad+antage y

 playing igger minions /-ic- are ale to trade for t/o or more smaller minions played yt-e enemy or you can play <A =rea <f Affect> spells t-at deal damage or kill multiple

minions at once suc- as lamestrike.

"lternati#e a)s of inning t%e ga!e

<t-er /ays of /inning t-e game include /inning y -a+ing muc- more tempo t-an

your enemy. *-is simply means t-at your deck can deal more damage and put more

 po/er in play for t-e same amount of mana as your enemy -as to pay for less damage orminion stats. ecks t-at rely on tempo re:uire significantly more dra/ po/er to /ork


*-e last met-od of /inning a game /-ic- % /ill mention ! is /inning y fatigue.

*-ere are 2 /ays to /in y using t-e fatigue damage. <n one -and you can stall t-e game

for so long t-at ot- you and your enemy dra/ all 3) cards in your decks and t-roug-

 pre+enting damage and -ealing yourself you can outlast t-e enemy /-ile you ot- take t-e

fatigue damage.

<n t-e ot-er -and you can force enemy to dra/ multiple cards /it- cards suc- as

Coldlig-t <racle or t-e 'aturali9e spell toget-er /it- opponents dra/ cards /-ic- -e8ll

 e forced to play ecause you8re filling -is -and and -e runs t-e risk of destroying cards

once -e -as t-e maximum of 1) t-at eac- player can -old. orcing enemy to o+erdra/ and

 prematurely reac- fatigue damage /-ile discarding -is cards is referred to as milling and

decks t-at do t-is are called mill decks.

The sheer panic of your enemy when you force him to draw and destroy multiple

cards in one turn, makes for some very fun situations+!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&ontrol t%e board to build u' ad#antage

Trade efficientl) it% ene!) creatures to sa#e )ours and gain card ad#antage

"la)s be aare of )our card ad#antage or disad#antage

$e!o#e ene!) !inions to li!it %is o'tions!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter .

idden rules and ece'tions

$H" H""""""+ ...wait, that's not what i had in mind.$ 

%n t-is c-apter you /ill learn aout some not&so&o+ious rules in Heart-stone. <ften

t-e situation in game gets complicated /it- multiple trigger effects in play and sometimes

you can get lost in it all. Heart-stone takes t-e card descriptions +ery literally =in most

cases ! molten giant is one of t-e exceptions>.

%) reading is i!'ortant

or example ! let8s take a look at t-e /arrior epic card ! Gore-o/l t-e E1 /eapon.

*ext on t-e card readsI

$"ttacking a minion costs "ttack instead of *urability.$ 

so you go a-ead and smack a couple of enemy minions do/n in t-e next t/o turns and on

t-e t-ird one /-en -is oard is empty you -it -im in t-e face. <- no; Gore-o/l

disappeared; (any players are confused /-en t-ey encounter t-is situation at first. A+en

t-oug- t-e card text doesn8t say t-at $:; attacking a minion costs "ttack$   t-at rule is

still implied y t-e literal meaning of t-e card description.*-is is t-e case /it- almost e+ery card and aility in Heart-stone so y reading carefully

you can a+oid many easily pre+entale mistakes.

idden rules

*-ere are many rules in -eart-stone /-ic- are not o+ious to t-e ne/ player and at

first it may seem random or t-at somet-ing didn8t /ork as intended ut at t-is point

Heart-stone /ent t-roug- so muc- testing t-at ug8s are incredily unlikely and t-ere is proaly some -idden rule you mig-t not e a/are of. Here are some of t-e most

important onesI!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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1. eat-rattle triggers after t-e comat -appens in t-e order in /-ic- t-e minions

/ere played one y one.

2. Pla)ing a card or a minion means playing it from your -and. (inions and effects

summoned y ot-er means do not count as @$layed@.

3. Battlecries /ork only /-en t-e minion is played from your -and.

4. estroying a minion ! for example using ,-ado/ ordI $ain on it doesn8t deal any

damage to t-e minion so it doesn8t trigger any effects t-at -appen /-en damage is


5. *-e maximum mana pool you can -a+e is 1) ! if you8re at 1) and /ant to play acoin or inner+ate you -a+e to spend some of your mana first.

6. 7ou can -a+e maximum of minions on oard at once and /-en t-e oard is full

you cannot play any more.

. ,ecrets suc- as mirror entity are triggered after attlecries occur.

". ,ecrets trigger in t-e order t-ey /ere played.

#. estroying di+ine s-ield does not count as dealing damage.

1). ,pell damage affects e+ery card t-at is a spell and deals damage and it affects only


ou can find a very comprehensive list of hidden rules in the "dvanced 6ulebook  

 page of Hearthstone wiki.


,ilence is one of t-e most confusing game mec-anics for ne/ players. *-e easiest

/ay you can look at it is to t-ink of silence simply as an eraser or a ruer. -en you

-o+er o+er a minion you can see t-e description and +arious uffs or deuffs if t-ey8re

 present. ,ilence remo+es all of t-at. *-e only t-ing t-at stays is t-e minion statistics suc-

as mana cost attack -ealt- and t-e minion type =Beast ragon etc.>

7ou can silence enemy uffs taunts di+ine s-ields deat-rattle and trigger effects

 ut you can also silence deuffs from your o/n creatures. ,ilencing a minion /-ic- -as

 een fro9en /ill remo+e t-e free9e effect and let you attack /it- it t-is turn ust make

sure t-at t-e minion doesn8t -a+e ot-er eneficial effects ecause silence /ill remo+e all of 

t-em. 7ou can e+en silence minions after a player used A:uality to restore t-eir -p or

minions affected y ldor $eacekeeper to ring ack t-eir attack po/er.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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$olymorp- and -ex turn minions into completely different creatures t-ey8re not

counted as deuffs and t-us you can8t silence t-em to get your original minions ack.

<ilencing 6agnaros the %irelord will let the owner attack with him like with a

 simple =>= giant, it can be sometimes used to finish the enemy off by avoiding the random

component of the card.

Card descriptions are simplified ut almost al/ays precise /it- t-eir /ording

*ry to rememer t-e order in /-ic- secrets /ere played

0ememer t-e order in /-ic- minions /it- deat-rattle /ere played

-en silencing a creature rememer t-at all effects are silenced not only t-e ones

you /ant!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 6.

&o!!on !ista-es and !isconce'tions

$ou can do everything with a shield... no, really.$ 

Getting good at anyt-ing re:uires you to make a lot of mistakes. *-at is to eexpected and you s-ould emrace it. *-e more mistakes you make t-e more /ays you

find of -o/ not to do t-ings. A+ery mistake t-at you notice is a ig step to/ards ecoming

a etter player and reac-ing your goals. it- t-e specific mistakes you8ll -a+e to deal

yourself or /it- personal coac-ing ut rig-t no/ %8ll -elp you a+oid some of t-e common

 ig mistakes t-at could ot-er/ise set you ack if left unc-ecked.

&reating bad %abits

0epeating t-e same t-ing for a long time /ill cause you to de+elop a -ait of doing

it. 7our o is to make sure you e+aluate t-e /ay you play to find any ad -aits you

mig-t e creating. good example of t-is /ould e dra/ing t-e cards first.

-en you8re planning out your turn and you decide t-at it /ill include dra/ing a card you

s-ould dra/ first in case t-e ne/ card can -elp you make a etter and more efficient play.

*-e key is to al/ays act as if t-at /as important e+en /-en it isn8t. By dra/ing first e+en

if you -old t-e est possile ans/er in your -and you8re reinforcing a good -ait and you

eliminate t-e c-ance of misplaying /-en it actually matters.

 *raw first, ask questions later+!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Being :/$< o'ti!istic

*-is is a +ery common mistake and a reason /-y many players struggle to impro+e

/-ile eing stuck in a plateau. *-ere is not-ing /rong /it- eing positi+e and optimistic

/-at %8m talking aout is al/ays expecting fa+ourale outcome and not looking at t-e igger picture.

*-is -appens during deck uilding drafting arena decks and during t-e game itself.

$eople get stuck at t-e first idea t-at pops into t-eir -ead.

–  Hey man if # pick this "larm!o 1ot # could get like a really big creature or even a

legendary and get it on board for free, that would be cra?y+ ;et's pick it.

*-at scenario is possile ut it8s so unlikely t-at it8s asolutely not /ort- picking a card

like an larm&o Bot in arena. 7ou -a+e to look at all t-e possile options and try to udge

-o/ likely it is t-at t-e one you8re imagining is going to -appen.

*-is is especially important for t-e ne/ players /-o are o+erestimating como8s

and synergies. Before you gain a lot of experience /it- t-ese cards and get a firm grasp on

/-at usually -appens you s-ould try to stay +ery realistic and go /it- t-e c-oices t-at

seem t-e most solid and consistent.

Pla)ing too fast

A+en t-e est of t-e est are guilty of t-is sometimes. 0us-ing and making :uick

decisions can only lead to ad t-ings. *-ere is often a -idden and marginally etter play to

make and acting too fast may ro you of t-at opportunity.

*-e simplicity of Heart-stone is often misleading. %t appears +ery easy and casual

and t-at8s /-y t-e difference et/een t-e est and a+erage players may sometimes e not

o+ious. %t8s all aout increasing your c-ances. *aking your time eac- turn ensures t-at.

 1onus tip right click on the enemy portrait and squelch him at the start of each

 game so that they don't bother you when you're thinking through your turn.

ot loo-ing at t%e bigger 'icture and being i!'atient

*-is one is a dead gi+ea/ay to e+eryone t-at t-ey8re dealing /it- a rand ne/

 player. %8m talking aout asting s'ells and attac-s to %it t%e ene!) face and caring too

muc- aout your o/n -ealt-.

?sing /eapons and -ero po/ers to attack minions is one of t-e est /ays to gaincard ad#antage and pull a-ead in t-e game.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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 'e/ players often care too muc- aout t-eir -ealt- and t-e enemy -ealt-. <nce you

learn t-e most common cominations of urst damage you8ll e ale to +ery precisely tell

/-en you8re safe and /-en you s-ould protect your -ealt- pool. Aspecially in arena you

can easily go to 15-p /-ile your enemy sits at 3)-p and still e in a dominating lead

 ecause of your oard presence and card ad+antage. on8t /aste your resources to damaget-e enemy -ero unless you8ll e ale to finis- -im in t-e next 1 or 2 turns /it- let-al

damage. ?sing any spells to damage enemy -ero /it-out -a+ing let-al in t-is or t-e next

turn is almost al/ays a ig mistake.

*-ink aout t-e future turns and try to anticipate /-at can -appen. %t8s etter to use

spells to protect your minions ecause your minions can -it t-e enemy face multiple times

/-ile spells are gone after you cast t-em.

 ;ethal / refers to having enough damage to kill the enemy hero right away

Tr)ing to rein#ent t%e %eel before learning t%e basics

*-is one applies proaly t-e most to constructed play. Creating ne/ decks is fun.

or me it is t-e most interesting aspect of t-e entire game ut efore you can create a deck

t-at is successful and /orks against ot-er players you -a+e to make sure you kno/ t-e

game itself and current metagame like t-e ack of your -and.

*-e est /ay to experience and learn t-e game is to experiment and % encourageyou to do so -o/e+er /-en you8d like to mo+e up in t-e ladder and your goal is to /in

more you s-ould take ad+antage of all t-e great /ork t-at ot-er Heart-stone players -a+e

done for you.

7ou can al/ays netdeck somet-ing t-at fits your style. earning to play good decks

and getting to understand -o/ t-ey /ork is a +ery +aluale experience ecause you can

see /-at /orks and /-at doesn8t +ery clearly.

 :etdecking is simply copying decks from the internet. <ome people look down upon

it, but that's beacuse they've lost to netdecking players too many times+

l/ays try to make optimal c-oices to create good -aits

*ake your time eac- turn

Hero -ealt- is ust a resource don8t e afraid to use it

,tick /it- tried and tested strategy until you fully understand -o/ it /orks!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 7.

Building )our first dec- – constructed 'la)

$# may be a novice, but # can still kick your butt+$ 

t t-e eginning of your Heart-stone ourney in order to earn your gold from daily

:uests and +ictories in t-e play mode you /ill need some starting decks. <n t-e next page

you8ll find a list of decks created entirely out of asic cards /-ic- are a+ailale to you

once you -it l+l 1) /it- t-at class.

$lay mode ust like t-e name suggests s-ould e a playground. Here you can try

t-ings out and get familiar /it- cards game mec-anics and t-e flo/ of t-e game. (et

co!fortable 'la)ing against all classes before )ou !o#e to arena.

*-ese asic decks /ill -elp you learn t-e fundamentals and gain some experience.

7ou /ill -a+e an ad+antage o+er ne/ players /-o are ust starting and trying to play /it-

t-eir o/n decks ut it can only take you so far. -en you face decks /it- legendary and

golden cards don8t get discouraged e+eryone in Heart-stone /as a eginner at first and

-ad to deal /it- strong competition. it- time you8ll de+elop your skills and your card

collection and you8ll e ale to take on t-e est decks in -ig-er ranks.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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   ASMODEUS | THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR HEARTHSTONE PLAYER 30!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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   ASMODEUS | THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR HEARTHSTONE PLAYER 31!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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nce you get more cards that you'd like to put in your original decks you can

consult the arena tier list to see which cards are better than the ones you were using.

Become familiar /it- e+ery class in play mode efore you go into t-e rena

,tart /it- t-e asic decks from t-is c-apter and upgrade t-em as you earn cards

Basic decks can take you only so far ut proaly muc- furt-er t-an you t-ink

,tay positi+e e+eryone in Heart-stone started from t-e same place!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 8.

Basic "rena strateg)

3<ome day #'ll be just like that popular streamer+4

rena is t-e true test for -o/ strong your fundamentals are. <+er time e+eryone

gets approximately t-e same luck during draft p-ase and t-e a+erage /in rate across many

games /ill reflect -o/ /ell you can play t-e game. Before you ump into t-e arena make

sure you played t-e game long enoug- in constructed to not e surprised y /-at ot-er

classes can do against you.

T%e raft

rafting is incredily important in arena. *-ere are many t-ings to consider ut t-efirst c-oice you8ll e faced /it- is al/ays picking one of t-ree random classes. or

ad+anced players t-e strengt- of e+ery class /ill e relati+ely close and classes like 0ogue

or Hunter ecome stronger at t-e top le+el. 7ou can perform /ell /it- all of t-em.

or eginners % recommend t-at you go eit-er /it- a class t-at you -a+e t-e most

experience /it- or use t-is simple tier listI

*ier 1I

• 0ogue

• $aladin

• (age

*ier 2I

• ,-aman

• ruid

• Hunter 

*ier 3I 

• $riest

• arlock 

• arrior!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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rafting )our arena dec- 

fter c-oosing your class you /ill e offered a c-oice et/een 3 semi random

cards until you create a full deck. -en learning to play arena % recommend you consult

an arena tier list until you de+elop a strong sense for eac- card so t-at you can make t-e est c-oice a+ailale to you. 7ou /ill find links to arena tier lists at t-e end of t-is c-apter.

T%e rules of drafting a good arena dec- 

<t-er t-an picking t-e est cards you also -a+e to consider your mana cur+e. *-ere

are different playstyles and many +iale types of mana cur+e ut -ere are some guidelines

for youI

• 7ou s-ould -a+e at least fi+e or six 2&drops =you can count t-e 1 drops as /ell>

• Good 3&drops are -ard to get /-en you -a+e a -ard c-oice lean to/ards t-em. 7ou

s-ould -a+e at least four 3&drops

• *-ere are some great 4&drops you can e more picky aout t-em.

• on8t pick too many cards t-at cost 6L mana t-e peak of your mana cur+e s-ould

 e around 4 mana.

• Be a/are of -o/ many picks you -a+e left

 2ana curve is the distribution of your cards mana cost across the deck. %or

e5ample ! a lot of cheap cards makes for a 3low4 mana curve.

A+ery fe/ picks you s-ould take a look at -o/ many cards you -a+e left and -o/

your deck looks so far. *ry to identify strong and /eak points in it so t-at you can proceed

/it- t-e draft accordingly. %t is important to -a+e a plan and t-ink aout -o/ you /ill try

to /in t-e game. %f your deck consists of many small minions you s-ould get a little moredra/ po/er /-en gi+en t-e c-ance and if your deck seems +ery top -ea+y /it- multiple

 ig creatures you s-ould look to fill your early game -oles.

round pick 15 and e+en more after 2) you s-ould prioriti9e a little /eaker cards in

order to alance your mana cur+e. A+en legendary cards /on8t sa+e you if you lose adly

t-e fig-t o+er oard control in t-e first 4 turns.

0emo+al spells suc- as ireall and ,/ipe are +ery +ersatile pick a lot of t-em.

<n t-e ot-er -and situational remo+al for example ,-ado/ ordI eat- can sometimes

 e a dead card in your -and. %t8s +ery important to -a+e one or t/o of t-em ut any more/ill -urt you more t-an -elp.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Fust like /it- remo+al you can consider e+ery card in t-at sense. (inions and

spells /-ic- are +ersatile and good in e+ery situation s-ould take priority o+er nic-e and

situational cards t-at re:uire special conditions to /ork /ell.

Good /ay to alance your deck is to -a+e ust enoug- dra/ ust enoug- remo+al ust enoug- ig t-reats and a lot of /ays to /in or stay e+en in t-e early game =turns 1&4>.

*-e more experience you -a+e playing arena t-e easier it /ill e for you to identify t-ese


)nerg) in arena

,ynergy and comos are +ery often o+er+alued y ne/ players. -ene+er you8re

trying to uild a deck around certain synergies like Houndmaster or (ad ,cientist you

s-ould look at /-at you already -a+e in your deck rat-er t-an trying to t-ink aout /-at

you can get in future picks. 7ou can8t predict /-at t-e draft /ill gi+e you t-at8s /-y youneed to focus on t-e information t-at you already kno/. ook to t-e future ut rely on t-e

deck t-at you already -a+e. 7ou can also expect specific mana cost minions more relialy

t-an spells.

Try to remember or better yet / screenshot your decklist or use the deck tracker

before you jump to your first match in arena.

"rena draft tier lists

% recommend you start using as soon as you can to assist you /it-

drafing your arena decks. %t8s de+eloped y some of t-e est arena players out t-ere. 7ou

can use t-eir tier list o+erlay or /esite to consult on your card c-oices. %t /ill e most

-elpful for t-e ne/ players and it8s only a guideline ut it /ill gi+e you a asic idea aout

t-e strengt- of eac- card /it-out -a+ing to play t-ousands of games and learn it from

your o/n experience.

$ick your est class

ocus on t-e -ig-est +alue cards at t-e eginning of your draft

round pick 15 start filling your mana cur+e

Constantly look at your deck and e+aluate it!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 9.

Part =ne


31ring it on @el'Thu?ad+4

Curse of 'axxramas is t-e first ad+enture mode added to Heart-stone. %t consists of 

fi+e /ings containing 15 osses to defeat. Beating eac- oss re/ards you /it- 2 copies of 

a specific ne/ card otainale only from 'axxramas. dditionally after completing eac-

/ing you /ill get a specific 'axxramas legendary card. *-ere are also class c-allenges

/it- class specific cards as a re/ard.

7ou can uy eac- /ing of t-e ad+enture for )) gold or access t-em y spending

real money. %f you8re considering paying for anyt-ing in Heart-stone uying t-e entire 'axxramas ad+enture is definitely /ort- t-e money. 7ou kno/ efore-and /-ic- cards

you8re going to get =t-ere are 3) collectile cards to get> and t-ey8re used in almost e+ery

competiti+e deck. %t8s a lot of fun to experiment and find creati+e /ays of defeating t-e

 osses especially in t-e -eroic mode /-ere t-e c-allenge ecomes significantly -arder.

%n order to get all t-e cards you /ill -a+e to complete t-e class c-allenges /-ic-

gi+e you a predetermined deck to fig-t one of t-e osses from regular 'axxramas /ings

and you8ll -a+e to defeat t-e osses t-emsel+es in normal mode.

Heroic mode is completely optional and t-e re/ard for it is a t-emed card ack. *oget t-e cards you8ll -a+e to eat eac- oss only in t-e normal mode. %8+e created a deck for

eac- of t-em to -elp you get started. % tested e+ery single one of t-em in t-e 'axxramas

ad+enture and eat eac- oss on t-e first try =/it- ust a it of luck of course>. *-e good

ne/s is t-at you /ill need only asic cards to uild t-ese decks and /it- expert cards you

can impro+e t-em significantly to eat t-e -eroic mode.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Basic dec-s for eac% of t%e 1 ara!as bosses.

T%e "rac%nid >uarter


Beating t-is oss s-ould not e a prolem.

*-e fig-t is +ery straig-tfor/ard ust make sureyou8re controlling t-e oard /-ic- s-ould e easy

/it- t-e card c-oice of t-is deck. $lay your 

minions kill -is minions and once you get enoug-

of an ad+antage s:uas- t-at nasty ug.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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(rand ido ;aerlina

*-is deck deals +ery /ell /it- t-e Grand ido/.

e8re playing /arlock -ere to a+oid -er -ero

 po/er doing too muc- damage. 7ou can empty

your -and really fast and as a /arlock you /ill

not run out of card due to t-e ife *ap -ero aility.

*-e minion c-oice emp-asi9es creatures /it-

more -ealt- so t-at you8re guaranteed to -a+e a oard after s-e launc-es -er missiles. ,imply

spend your cards as fast as you can and you /ill

/in y o+errunning -er.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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ig-t against (aexxna is a +ery interesting

one. *-ere are many /ays of eating -er ut t-e

easiest one is y using minions /it- attlecries

c-arge and small token minions t-at /ill play

around -er -ero aility. <n normal difficulty you

can fairly easily o+errun -er /it- lo/ cost

minions and paladin -ero po/er. <nce s-e returns

a minion /it- attlecry or c-arge to your -andyou8ll e ale to enefit from it again. looding

t-e oard /it- small guys is etter t-an playing

one large minion.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e Plague >uarter

ot% t%e Plaguebringer

*-is oss can e tricky if you8re not careful.

7our oecti+e in t-is c-allange s-ould e

to keep your minions ali+e t-at8s /-y priest

is t-e est c-oice -ere. 7ou can -eal your 

minions up and increase t-eir -ealt- to

a+oid 'ot-8s passi+e -ero aility. oedamage from deat-rattles and your -oly

no+a /ill e enaug- to deal /it- -is 1E1

skeletons t-at spa/n e+entually. on8t panic

/-en -e destroys all your minions ust

make sure to dra/ cards from your cleric

and you can catc- up +ery easily.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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eigan t%e nclean

*o defeat Heigan you can use t-e exact

same deck t-at you used for 'ot- t-e

$lagueringer. $ositioning your minions

correctly is +ery important in t-is fig-t.

(ake sure to put creature /it- t-e most

-ealt- on t-e left side of your oard. %f you

manage to uff it /it- $o/er ordI,-ield

or i+ine ,pirit you t-e game s-ould e a piece of cake from t-at point. 7ou can

continue to -eal t-e leftmost minion /it-

your -ero po/er /-en you can and /in

t-roug- oard control.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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$laying against oat-e can e +ery fun.

*-e finis- is al/ays +ery explosi+e due to

t-e spores /-ic- uff your creatures. *ry to

flood t-e oard as muc- as you can /it-

small minions and your -ero aility. -en

you manage to keep se+eral minions on t-e

 oard you can use one of t-em or 

somet-ing like consecration to gain t-e

attack uff and finis- loat-e in 1 turn so

don8t /orry aout -is -ealt- untill you fillyour side of t-e oard /it- minions.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e @ilitar) >uarter

Instructor $aAu#ious

*-is oss is all aout preparation. %f you

kno/ /-at8s /aiting and you come /it-

correct deck you can /in /it-out any

 prolems ot-er/ise %nstructor can destroy

you in ust a couple of -its. (ake sure to

get your /ater elementals and oo9es earlyt-ey8re t-e key to /inning t-is attle. 7ou

don8t need to acti+ate t-e crystal until after 

you take 1 -it from -is /eapon feel free to

de+elop your oard y playing t-e early

minions. <nce you can -it -im /it- t-e

/ater elemental and pre+ent -is /eapon

from oliterating you it8s ust a matter of 

 playing minion after minion and killing -im

/it- t-em.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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(ot%i- t%e ar#ester

%n order to defeat Got-ik you8ll need to

utili9e t-e token minions you get from

killing off -is creatures. $laying a /arlock 

allo/s you to keep up /it- -is -ero po/er 

dra/ing cards. (ake sure to sa+e uffs like

,-attered ,un Cleric for t-e ,pectral

minions and once you uff t-em use t-em

to trade /it- enemy minions to a+oid takingtoo muc- damage =ut don8t /orry aout

t-at damage too muc- t-e fig-t /ill e o+er 

 efore it matters>.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e ;our orse!en

*-e our Horseman may seem scary ut if 

you manage to dra/ ,-ado/ ordI $ain

and sa+e t-e cidic ,/amp <o9e for later

you /ill defeat t-em decisi+ely. $riest is t-e

 est class to tackle t-is oss /-ile using

only asic cards. 7ou can dra/ a lot of 

cards and keep yourself ali+e untill you take

out t-e 1E minions and finis- t-e remainingBaron 0i+endare. 7ou can try to (ind

Jision early to get -is ,-ado/ ordI$ain

and make t-e fig-t e+en easier.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e &onstruct >uarter


$atc-/erk is a +ery uni:ue oss. He doesn8t

-a+e any cards except -is giant -ook. Fust

like in t-e %nstructor 0a9u+ious encounter

you /ill rely on mages aility to free9e

mirror images and cidic ,/amp <o9e.$ay attention to -is mana costs and plan

your turns accordingly. looding t-e oard

/it- small minions /ill play around -is

-ero aility and /it- t-is deck you s-ould

-a+e no prolem eating -im.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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*-is -ideous fello/ /ill try to <A your 

creatures do/n t-at8s /-y priest is again

t-e rig-t c-oice. 7our -oly no+a s-ould deal

/it- t-e slimes and ec-oing oo9es /-ile

your eefy minions endure -is -ero po/er 

miltiple times. Getting t-e Guruas-i

Berserker in play is a +ery :uick /ay to

+ictory.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Glut- is one of t-e -arder opponents in

 'axxramas. His /eapon can ecome a

 prolem o+er time so try to clear t-e oard

/-en it8s not e:uiped or /-en you can play

t-e <o9e after/ards. $ay attention to t-e

deat-rattles and use t-em to your 

ad+antage. 7ou can -eal yourself y killingt-e 9omie c-o/8s and clear t-e oard /it-

unstale g-ouls after -e uses -is -ero po/er 

and you uff your minions /it- ,torm/ind

C-ampion.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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*-is encounter can e +ery fun and

unpredictale. 7ou can take ad+antage of 

t-e <A uff auras from mnions like 0aid

eader and ,torm/ind C-ampion ecause

your minions /ill gain stats permanently

after *-addius uses -is -ero aility.

0ememer /-en planning your next mo+e

t-at eac- turn t-e -ealt- and attack of allminions /ill c-ange.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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;rost)r! +air


*-e encounter /it- ,app-iron can last a

long time and e+en take you to fatigue ut

it8s only due to ,app-iron free9ing your 

minions and t-e limitation of -is -ero

 po/er t-at /ill let only 2 of your minions to

sur+i+e eac- turn. *-e fig-t is actually +eryeasy it ust takes a /-ile to finis- t-e

mig-ty frost&/yrm.

*ry to keep 2 iggest minions t-at are

a+ailale to you on t-e oard one on eac-

side of t-e ro9en C-ampion. eep -ealing

t-em and killing off ,app-iron8s t-reats.

<nce -e runs out of cards you can ust keep

-ealing and attack /-ene+er your creatures

are not fro9en.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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efinitely t-e most c-allanging oss in all

of 'axxramas =-e /ould like me sayingt-at>. *-e most important card against * is

lamestrike. 7ou can sur+i+e a lot of -is

rost Blasts ust try to de+elop your oard

and kill -is armor once you8ll -a+e at least

mana and a flamestrike or rost 'o+a

a+ailale. He /ill play a lot of minions at

t-e same time and you8ll -a+e to catc- up y

using <A. %f you manage to successfuly

cast at least one flamestrike t-e final oss

s-ould fall to t-e onslaug-t from your  igger minions.

-et-er you use gold or real money 'axxramas is /ort- purc-asing

7ou can unlock all cards ust y eating t-e normal mode

Class c-allenges -a+e t-eir o/n fixed decks

*o eat t-e normal mode you8ll need only asic cards!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 9.

Part To

Blac-roc- @ountain

Blackrock (ountain is t-e second ad+enture added to Heart-stone. Fust like

 'axxramas it consists of fi+e /ings ut t-is time you8ll face 1 osses. *-ere are 31 ne/

cards to earn y defeating eac- oss in t-e normal mode and completing t-e class


gain you can uy t-e /ings separetely or purc-ase t-e /-ole ad+enture. *-e first

/ing -as t-e est re/ards ut t-ere are great cards in later /ings as /ell. *-e decks you8ll

find elo/ -a+e een tested against all osses in t-e normal mode of B0( and again all

you need are t-e asic cards earned t-roug- ad+ancing eac- class to le+el 1).!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Basic dec-s for eac% of t%e 17 B$@ bosses.

Blac-roc- e't%s

T%e (ri! (uAAler

*-e first encounter is an easy one. e8re

 playing druid for t-e access to %nner+ate

and ild Gro/t- as /ell as t-e %ronark 

$rotector. *ry to mulligan for your spells

and t-ro/ t-e minions a/ay. -en you

-a+e t-e ad+antage on t-e oard -it t-e

enemy face and let -im deal /it- t-e

minions.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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ar- Iron "rena

%n normal mode t-is is a +ery

straig-tfor/ard fig-t and a +ery standard

mage deck /ill do /ell -ere. *-e enemy

doesn8t -a+e many early game cards and

you s-ould e ale to gain a ig ad+antage

in t-e first fe/ turns.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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/!'eror T%aurissan

e8re going to use priest class -ere to keep

(oira Bron9eeard ali+e. Control t-e

 oard keep (oira ali+e and as your oard

gro/s you8ll e ale to kill t-e oss easily.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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@olten &ore


*-e key to eating Garr is controlling t-e

turn at /-ic- -is minions die. 7ou can -eal

 uff or damage t-em to keep t-eir 

deat-rattle damage in c-eck. $riest /orks

/ell -ere ecause you can dra/ t-e cards

/-ile you -eal your or enemy minions and

your Guruas-i Berserkers /ill stay ali+elonger.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Baron (eddon

*-e faster you defeat t-is oss t-e easier 

t-e fig-t. (ulligan for your 1 drop and

rememer t-at you can kill off your o/n

minions to pre+ent i+ing Bom from

exploding. $lan a-ead so t-at you can

al/ays spend all your mana and rus- t-e

 oss do/n.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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$agnaros t%e ;irelord

0agnaros may seem difficult at first ut

t-ere is an easy met-od to eating -im.

irst you need to uild your oard /it-out

killing (aordomo. ea+e -im at around

1"-p so t-at -e can play molten giants one

 y one and you can ans/er t-em /it-

,-ado/ ordI eat- your o/n minions or 

(ind Control. fter you get a -uge oards/ing for t-e kill and /it-in 1 or 2 turns

0agnaros /ill fall.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Blac-roc- 'ire

ig%lord =!o-- 

,mas-; *-e est /ay to deal /it- Hig-lord

is rus-ing -im do/n /it- a lot of small

creatures. His spells and ailities are not

mana efficient /-en -e -as to deal /it-

small minions and t-is agressi+e /arlock 

deck makes s-ort /ork of <mokk.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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(eneral ra--isat%

or t-is oss /e8re again stacking our deck 

full of -uge minions. *ry to mulligan for t-e

(ind Control spell as it +ery strong in a

format /-ere you can use only 1 card eac-

turn. (ind Control allo/s you to ot- &

remo+e a minion and put a minion on your 

side of t-e oard.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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$end Blac-%and

asic mage deck does /ell in t-is

encounter. ,pells like rcane Axplosion

-elp you against -is -ero aility and you8ll

 e ale to de+elop your o/n oard /-ile

dealing /it- -is. Closing t-e game out

:uickly efore -e gets a lot of +alue out of 

-is -ero po/er is a good idea.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Blac-ing +air

$aAorgore t%e nta!ed

*o eat 0a9orgore /e8re using t-e /arrior 

class -ere. arrior offers an easy /ay to

clear t-e early eggs /it- iery ar xe and

Clea+e gi+ing you t-e time to de+elop your 

 oard. ,lo/ly trade your minions and uild

t-e ad+antage to finally start -itting t-e face

and finis- t-e oss off.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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:aelstrasA t%e &orru't

or t-is fig-t you can use any class you

/ant t-e main rule is to use a lot of c-eap

minions and try to rus- t-e oss do/n. %n

t-is encounter Jaelstras9 -as a lot of 

remo+al so playing ig minions is

ineffecti+e. on8t /orry aout discarding

cards t-e game /ill e o+er efore it

matters.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Ho/ fitting t-at C-romaggus fig-t is

tedious and takes a lot of time. *rade -eal

remo+e -is card from your -and. 0inse and

repeat until -e runs out of cards and armor 

gain. %f you didn8t make too many mistakes

you s-ould -a+e enoug- to kill t-e oss

after -e runs out of steam =/-ic- takes a

/-ile>.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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+ord :ictor efarius

*-is encounter is more fun t-an /ork since

you8ll get some -elp from an old friend. *-e

additional cards you get in t-is encounter 

make t-e c-oice of deck pretty muc-

irrele+ant t-at8s /-y i recommend standard

 asic mage deck. Can8t go /rong /it- t-at.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e idden +aborator)


%f you /ant to defeat t-is oss easily you

s-ould try to use t-e minions -e spa/ns

/it- -is -ero aility against -im. or 

example /-en -e first spa/ns arcanotron

you can let -im play a couple more

minions and /ipe t-em all /it- arcane

explosion. 7ou can -o+er o+er -is -ero

 po/er to see /-ic- minion -e8ll spa/n

next.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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(aloriak /ill start t-e fig-t +ery

aggressi+ely ut don8t /orry you /ill take

o+er t-e control of t-e oard soon enoug-.

7ou don8t need to -eal your -ero ust keep

 playing minions and taking fa+orale

trades. A+entually one of your -ig- attack 

minions /ill stick to t-e oard and you8ll eale to destroy t-e oss s/iftly.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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tramedes is going to use a /eapon /-ic-

means t-at -e8ll lose some -p doing it and

t-at makes -im easy to rus- do/n. $laying

/arlock gi+es us e+en more c-ances to

dra/ cidic ,/amp <o9e. eep t-e

/eapon in c-eck /it- special cards you get

and oo9es and t-e encounter s-ould e

s-ort and easy.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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*-e final oss. *-is fig-t consists of 3

stages. $laying mage /ill gi+e us t-e option

to free9e onyxias /eapon and flamestrike

comes +ery -andy to reco+er at t-e

 eginning of t-ird p-ase in t-is encounter.

 'efarian :uickly runs out of cards so ust

deal /it- -is t-reats and t-e last oss of 

Blackrock (ountain /ill e defeated.

irst /ing of Blackrock (ountain -as t-e est re/ards

7ou can unlock all cards ust y eating t-e normal mode

Class c-allenges -a+e t-eir o/n fixed decks

*o eat t-e normal mode you8ll need only asic cards!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Part II

I#termed"ate!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 10.

Te!'o and #alue

Total *ominanceA+ Buest accepted+


*-e understanding of tempo is incredily important in Heart-stone. %n t-e most

 asic sense it refers to -o/ muc- you can do /it- t-e same amount of mana as your

enemy. $laying faster or -a+ing etter tempo means t-at you can put in play more

meaningful stats =-ealt- and attack> y using efficient minions or deal more damage y

using c-eap spells.

ecks ased on tempo rely on playing lots of c-eap cards and dealing a lot ofdamage +ery :uickly =for example aggro Hunter> or o+errunning t-e enemy /it- a oard

full of minions /-ic- are ale to trade efficiently =suc- as Koo arlock>. *-ere are also

decks t-at use specific cominations of spells to gain a ig tempo lead or finis- t-e game

rig-t a/ay =for example midrange druid or -andlock>

*-e trade&off for playing faster decks is t-e fact t-at you /ould e spending cards

too fast to stay rele+ant for more t-an fe/ turns. Because of t-at decks t-at rely on tempo

re:uire muc- more dra/ po/er.

 Criest is able to recover its hand si?e by using the :orthshire 7leric, and Doo

Warlock supplements his natural draw with the hero ability / ;ife Tap.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Jalue refers to -o/ muc- a card can accomplis- in terms of gaining card ad+antage

and in relation to its mana cost. or a simple example let8s take a look a 2E4 Gnomis-

%n+entor +s. 4E5 C-ill/ind 7eti. Bot- cards cost 4 mana t-at8s /-y it8s easy to comparet-em. Gnomis- %n+entor is a good card it allo/s you to put a minion in play and dra/ a

card -o/e+er you /ould need t-ree Gnomis- %n+entors to take out t-e C-ill/ind 7eti

and -e /ould kill all t-ree of t-em in t-e process. %n a +acuum t-is situation /ould gi+e 1

card ad+antage to t-e player /-o c-ose t-e 7eti and /e can say t-at t-e 7eti -as -ig-er

+alue t-an Gnomis- %n+entor.

7ou can also compare t-e comined +alue of all t-e cards in your deck /it- your

enemies deck. %f you8re playing a ramp druid +s. an aggro deck consisting of small and

c-eap creatures you /ill proaly need only 15 or 2) of your cards to kill off t-e entire 3)card deck of your enemy ecause your cards -a+e more +alue =t-e difficult part is

sur+i+ing long enoug- to dra/ and play t-em>.

ero 'oer

Hero ailities are anot-er /ay to gain +alue. By killing off a damaged creature /it-

your -ero aility you can eliminate enemy card from play /it-out spending any cards of

your o/n. ,ame /it- -ealing your inured minions. %f you keep t-em -ealt-y t-ey8ll e

ale to trade for more t-an 1 enemy minion and put your opponent at a card disad+antage.

Hero aility lets you gain +alue at t-e cost of tempo.

 6amp *ruid is a deck that uses mana gain mechanics in order to play many big

minions, turn after turn until the enemy has no answers to them and gets overwhelmed.

&%oosing beteen te!'o and #alue

no/ing tempo and +alue is one t-ing ut applying it in practice /ill take some

experience. %n general faster plays offer less +alue and gaining +alue re:uires playing

slo/er and spending more mana.

or example ! if you8re playing a priest and -a+e 3 mana t-is turn you can c-ose to

-eal your damaged 2E3 0i+er Crocolisk so t-at -e sur+i+es attacking enemy 2E2 oold

Geomancer and t-at /ould e playing for +alue ut you can also suicide t-e damaged0i+er Crocolisk and play ark Cultist lea+ing you /it- 3E4 on t-e oard instead of 2E1.

*-at8s playing for tempo. 7ou sacrifice a card to put more stuff in play.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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%f you -a+e a significant card ad+antage o+er your enemy you can afford to spend

your cards less efficiently. 7ou8re unlikely to lose y -a+ing less cards t-an your enemy so

make sure you don8t fall e-ind in tempo. %nstead of sa+ing your minions y using -ero

 po/er you can play more minions to ad+ance your position on t-e oard and sacrifice

your /eaker minions. ,pending cards faster t-an your enemy /ill allo/ you to capitali9eon your card ad+antage.

<n t-e ot-er -and /-en you -a+e stronger oard t-an your enemy and you8re not

in immediate danger of dying ut you8re e-ind on cards compared to your enemy you

s-ould utili9e t-e tempo ad+antage =you already -a+e more minions or stats in play t-an

your enemy ! so -e needs to catc- up> and make t-e most efficient trades possile. *ry to

sa+e your creatures use your -ero aility ut make sure to not o+erextend against possile


l/ays e+aluating your position in game /it- regards to tempo and +alueEcardad+antage /ill let you pick t-e est play in any situation. it- time and experience you8ll

 e ale to see it more clearly and make finer distinctions t-at allo/ for e+en more optimal

 plays. %n t-e current state of -eart-stone tempo is +ery important and /-en you8re in

dout you s-ould proaly c-ose t-e line of play t-at allo/s you to do more t-ings and

 play more stats for less mana.

l/ays try to e a/are if you8re a-ead or e-ind on cards and oard position

Hero aility pro+ides +alue at t-e cost of tempo

aster decks re:uire more dra/ po/er 

%dentify your opponents deck so t-at you kno/ if +alue or tempo is more important!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 11.


3"ny 1lood @nights aroundA4

(any players including me are initially attracted to Heart-stone ecause of all t-e

cool comos and synergies. -en t-e stars align you can make some incredile plays.

7ou can e+en kill your enemy /it- a single attack from an ngry C-icken. *-e dra/ack

of any como deck is inconsistency. Como decks are +iale only due to t-eir po/erful

dra/ engines /-ic- allo/ t-e player to dra/ so many cards t-at -a+ing t-e necessary

como pieces is almost guaranteed.

%n t-e eginnig try to rely on t-e expertise of seasoned players /-en it comes to

 uilding decks ased on synergy et/een specific cards or complicated cominations.

 'e/ players often o+erestimate -o/ good t-ese decks are ecause t-ey don8t -a+e anykind of real refference. *-ey don8t kno/ -o/ likely it is to dra/ specific t/o t-ree or

e+en more cards. %n order to kno/ t-at you need to play enaug- games for t-e luck factor

to e+en out across t-em all t-at /ay you8ll kno/ /-at to expect on a+erage.

@ulti'le s!all s)nergies #s. =ne %uge co!bo

?nless you8re dra/ing your entire deck relying on cominations of cards t-at

re:uire multiple pieces to /ork is not t-e est idea. 7ou /ill e muc- etter off includingin your deck cards t-at synergi9e /it- more t-an one ot-er element of your deck. or

example ! a deck suc- as token druid uses multiple cards t-at allo/ you to fill your oard

/it- lots of /eak minions in order to capitali9e on <A uffs like ,a+age 0oar or $o/er

of t-e ild ut eac- of t-ose cards -a+e multiple uses so t-at /-en you cannot pull off

your como you can use t-em on t-eir o/n and get somet-ing out of t-em.

Token is usually a small minion summoned by other card!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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@an) a)s to s)nergiAe

*-ere are many game mec-anics t-at alo/ you to create po/erful decks /-ic-

include strong synergy et/een t-e cards. card like (ad ,cientist -as +ery lo/ +alue on

its o/n t-at8s /-y it8s not t-e est pick in arena ut once you add multiple secrets to your

deck -e suddenly ecomes one of t-e est cards in t-e game. *-is kind of synergy is ased around specific card mec-anics. *-ere are also minion type synergies ! suc- as

 easts for -unters or demons for t-e /arlock.

-en adding a ne/ card to your deck take a look at t-e cards you alraedy -a+e in

it and ask yourself if t-e card t-at you /ant to add /ill make any of your ot-er cards

stronger or /eaker

%f it makes more t-an 3&4 cards stronger t-en it /ill -a+e a -ig-er +alue t-an normally and

it8s considered as -a+ing great synergy /it- t-e deck.

<n t-e ot-er -and some cards can make your deck /eaker. %f you add a 'eru8arelord to your paladin deck filled /it- attlecries it /ill pre+ent you from playing your

minions at t-e correct times /-ile it8s in play. *ry to a+oid anti&synergies like t-at as muc-

as you can.

$o/erful multiple card comos are unlikely to /ork unless you can dra/ many

cards consistently

(ultiple small synergies are etter t-an one ig como

?se +ersatile cards t-at can synergi9e /it- more t-an 1 piece of your deck 

-en adding cards to your deck c-eck for cards t-at enefit or ecome /orse y

adding t-at ne/ card!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 12.

T%e correct order of actions

3When it comes to loot / *@C before age and beauty.4

7ou already kno/ from pre+ious c-apters -o/ important it is to culti+ate good-aits and a+oid creating ad ones. A+en if t-e situation doesn8t call for it you s-ould

exercise t-e correct /ay of playing ust to practice and make it automatic. *-at 5D of t-e

time /-en it actually matters /ill make t-e difference in your /in&rate.

Here is a list you can use to make sure you8re doing e+eryt-ing rig-t /-en it8s your

turn to act. 7ou can de+elop your o/n mental c-ecklist ut t-ese are t-e general

guidelines you s-ould try to use.

1. @a-e a !ental list of all )our o'tions %en )our ene!) ta-es %is turn.

✔ Ho/ muc- mana /ill you -a+e next turn

✔ -ic- cards can you play

✔ Can you use your -ero po/er toget-er /it- some of t-em

✔ re you likely to -a+e let-al damage and finis- t-e game

✔ re you a-ead or e-ind in cards!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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2. %en it?s )our turn to actC sit bac- and don?t touc% t%e !ouse. <ou %a#e 7

seconds to !a-e )our !o#e. In a ga!e based around decision !a-ingC ti!e is

)our friend.

%f you -o+er o+er t-e cards t-at you can play your enemy can guess /-at8s in your-and.

✔ %magine t-e entire turn in your -ead efore you start doing anyt-ing to make sure

you -a+e enoug- mana

3. In !ost situations t%is is t%e order in %ic% )ou s%ould act during )our turn.

✔ ra/ cards if you decided on doing it t-is turn ! t-ey may c-ange /-at you

ultimately do t-is turn

✔ 0oll t-e dice ! for example if you play s-aman getting a specific totem mig-t

affect /-at you can do t-is turn or -itting certain targets /it- (ad Bomer could

allo/ you to trade more efficiently.

✔ $lay minions /it- trigger effects first ! uesting d+enturer or nife Fuggler /ill

 enefit from playing t-em efore ot-er minions.

✔ $lay t-e rest of your cards or use -ero aility.

✔ ttack enemy minions or t-e -ero.

4. /nd t%e turn after )ou !a-e sure t%ere is not%ing else )ou can or ant to do.

 #f there is no possible plays, you'll hear the 3Eob done.4 sound and the Fnd Turn

button will turn green.

$ractice al/ays playing in t-e correct order 

?se t-e time during your opponents turn to plan your next possile mo+es

Go t-roug- e+ery card in your -and efore you act

on8t -o+er o+er cards until you8re ready to take t-e action to conceal t-e

information from your enemy!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 13.


3arrrr+ 1lood and plunder+ # hope you have insurance+4

*-is aility alone is t-e difference et/een an a+erage player and t-e top of t-eladder. it-out it most games /ould e determined purely y luck of t-e dra/ and /-ic-

deck counters /-ic-.

$%oresight ! the ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be

needed in the future.$ 

Predicting )our ene!)

*-ere are a lot of factors t-at go into predicting future plays of your opponent. %f

you kno/ t-e decklist of your enemy you8ll e ale to count t-e cards and keep track of

/-at -e already used =playing /it- a deck tracker  -elps immensely>.

%n situations suc- as playing against a ne/ deck or in arena you -a+e to go /it-tendencies and card popularity. $laying around t-e cards t-at are almost ne+er played can

get you in more troule t-an not playing around t-em /-ic- is t-e exact opposite /-en it

comes to cards t-at are popular and expected to rest in your opponents -and.

*-e top players are ale to oser+e t-e position in -and from /-ic- enemy cards

come into play and ased on t-at +ery accurately guess /-ic- cards does t-e enemy -old.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Planning )our future turns

*-is one is fairly easy in comparison ut e:ually important. ?sing coin to play your 

2 drop mig-t seem like a great idea at first ut if your -and -as no ot-er 2 or 3 drops

you8re going to e stuck doing not-ing /-ile t-e enemy pumps out minions e+ery turn andcatc-es up to you.

$lanning your turns ased on cards t-at you can see in your -and is one t-ing ut

 planning your turns ased on t-e proaility of dra/ing specific cards takes muc- more

t-oug-t and experience. *-at8s /-y kno/ledge of your o/n deck is so important. %t lets

you calculate t-e odds of dra/ing an early drop /-en you need it and /it- t-at

information you can make muc- etter plays in t-e long run.

/nding turn it% t%e best board state

%t feels nice to make easy trades and lo/ minions up /it- spells ut often if you

consider t-e situation carefully you8ll find a muc- etter play t-at /ill set you up for

+ictory later on.

-allmark of an excellent player is eing ale to stop yourself from making an

o+ious play in fa+our of doing somet-ing less o+ious t-at /ill enefit you later on.

?nderstanding tempoE+alue and card ad+antage lets you e+aluate your position muc-

 etter and you8re ale to make t-e correct play ecause often it8s /ort- to lose a card ustto e ale to put more po/er in play.

noing )our dec- and )our outs

% mentioned t-is already ut it is /ort- a separate point. %f you kno/ your deck to a

card you8ll e muc- etter e:uipped to make -ard decisions. %t is also important to keep

track of -o/ many cards you8+e already played.

Ha+e you e+er een in a situation /-ere you /onder /-et-er you s-ould trade or

try to dra/ remo+al ut you8re unsure aout your c-ances to dra/ one or /-et-er you

e+en -a+e any left in your deck Ho/ aout going all in and /ondering if you can dra/

additional damage l/ays try to keep track of t-e cards played y you and your enemy

on a piece of paper or y playing /it- a deck tracker .

*-is is t-e kind of kno/ledge t-at lets you make decisi+e plays and marginally /in

games you could -a+e lost ot-er/ise.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Ta-ing s!art ris-s

ll of t-e ao+e points come toget-er in t-is one. good example is t-e 7<< *ap

 play made y 0eynad. *-e odds /ere in -is fa+our ut t-e only /ay of kno/ing t-at /as

keeping track of e+ery card -e used and kno/ing precisely /-at is left in -is deck.

7ou need to kno/ t-e c-ances of your enemy to /in t-e game in t-e next turn and

your c-ances to dra/ a card t-at secures t-e /in precisely in order to make somet-ing like

t-at /ork out for you most of t-e time.

0ememer t-at e+en if it -as a c-ance to fail you s-ould take t-e fa+ourale odds.

%f you play arcane missiles against a 2E1 orgen %nfiltrator and it misses 3 times it8s still a

good play. *-e result of 1 0'G roll is ne+er an indicator of -o/ correct t-e play /as.

eep t-at in mind.

*-ere is a great dept- to predicting your enemy t-e dra/s outcome of 0'G rolls

and -o/ it all interacts /it- t-e game t-at you8re playing. %t8s one of t-e most important

yet under&appreciated aspects of t-e game ut it enales etter players to /in so


 6:0 / 6andom :umber 0enerator / refers simply to a randomi?ed outcome, which is

outside of the players control.

*o etter predict t-e enemy take note of t-e most popular cards in arena and learn

t-e most popular ladder decklists

l/ays keep your next turns in mind /-en making a decision

no/ t-e deck your playing take a screens-ot or use t-e deck tracker 

*ry to calculate or estimate t-e percentages of possile outcomes to predict /-at8s

most likely to -appen!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 14.

;inding t%e %idden 'la)

3Think first / but then ! charge forward+4

ece'ti#e si!'licit)

<n t-e asic le+el Heart-stone is a +ery simple game t-is creates an illusion t-at

t-e game is simple in e+ery aspect. *-is in turn causes many players to ne+er find out

aout t-e dept- to /-ic- t-ey can pus- t-eir aility to make t-e est decisions.

,ometimes t-e mark of a superior player is playing t-e game slo/er instead of

faster. <ne of t-e Heart-stone pro players & ifecoac- & is often roug-t up /-en talking

aout people /-o take a lot of time to make t-eir turns ut t-ere is a reason /-y -e8s one

of t-e most consistent tournament performers in t-e /orld. *-ere are many traps for

 players /-o are easily satisfied /it- t-e first con+enient play t-ey see. Gaining small

incremental ad+antages e+ery fe/ turns really makes t-e difference. *-ere are many t-ings

to look out for /-en you8re searc-ing for t-e most optimal play.

Buffs and auras

C-eck for all t-e /ays you can uff or alter your minions to find more efficient

trades /-ic- /ill let you end t-e turn /it- a etter oard state.

*-ink aout enemy uffs and auras. ,ometimes you can remo+e enemy minion /-ic-

temporarily grants -ealt- or attack to ot-er creatures ! suc- as ,torm/ind C-ampion/-ic- in turn can -elp you trade etter and sa+e some of your minions.

)na!ic !ana cost 

*-ere are many minions and spells t-at allo/ you to play cards for reduced mana

cost or temporarily gain mana crystals =for example t-e Coin or %nner+ate>. $lan out t-e

 est se:uence of actions to get t-e most out of t-em. %f you /ant to attack and trade /it-

,orcerer8s pprentice make sure to cast any spells you need first.

Turn one 7airne 1loodhoof will seem like a great idea every time... until he gets

 sapped+!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e routine tra'

,ometimes it8s easy to miss t-ings t-at you8re not used to. %f you *-oug-tsteal a

/eapon as a priest you may forget t-at you -a+e it e:uipped ecause t-is is not somet-ing

you deal /it- on regular asis. 7ou can miss a deat-rattle t-at /ill spa/n a minion andacti+ate your nife Fuggler or a /ay to enrage your minion /it- t-e ,tormpike

Commando attlecry.

it- almost )) playale cards it is impossile to kno/ efore-and e+ery

interaction et/een t-em. *-e more you play t-e more you learn ut kno/ing t-e general

 principles of t-e game and eing t-oug-tful /ill gi+e you a ig edge o+er your enemies

regardless of your experience.

se e#er) tool

l/ays look for alternati+e /ays of dealing /it- your in&game situation.

%mpressi+e and effecti+e plays are not o+ious and t-at8s /-y t-ey8re impressi+e. *-ey8re

difficult to spot so make sure you go o+er e+ery card you -a+e in your -and e+en if it

seems o+ious /-at you8ll do next.

on8t e satisfied /-en you find a good play al/ays try to look for somet-ing e+en


eep in mind all t-e c-anges t-at /ill -appen /-en you take eac- action during

your turn

atc- out of unusual mec-anics you don8t normally interact /it-

$ay special attention to dynamic effects suc- as uffs deuffs and attlecries!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 1.

Tilt and decision !a-ing

3#'ve got the revenge in my sights+4

ecision making is e+eryt-ing in Heart-stone. %f you can8t t-ink clearly your

opponent -as a ig ad+antage. ,ome players use t-is to t-eir enefit y trying to make t-e

enemy impatient or frustrated t-roug- ausing emotes. or t-at reason % recommend t-at

you squelch t-e enemy player at t-e eginning of eac- matc-.

0reetings G <quelch is a very powerful and underrated combo in Hearthstone+


Being on tilt means t-at you make poor plays /-ic- you kno/ are /rong ut t-e

emotions interfere /it- your aility to stay focused and t-ink clearly. 'oody is immune

to tilt e+en t-e est and t-e most calm of players /ill sometimes e affected y it.

*-e most common cause of tilt is -a+ing specific expectations t-at don8t come true.

%f you play a card /it- randomi9ed effect /-en you8re ")D fa+ourite and lose t-e roll fe/

times in a ro/ you mig-t get frustrated ecause you expected t-e outcome to e different.*-at8s /-y understanding proaility and statistics -elps a lot /-en it comes to expecting

specific outcomes. (ake sure you understand -o/ random effects /ork and remind

yourself and e+eryone gets ust as unlucky and -as t-eir s-are of so called Mad eatsN.

eep your -ead up and try to keep making good decisions despite t-e ad luck.

+osing strea-s

not-er /ay of ecoming frustrated ecause of your expectations is simply losing

many games in a ro/. %f you8re focused on /inning eac- particular game you may ecome

angry /-en you don8t reac- t-at goal o+er and o+er again. *-e simplest /ay to deal /it-

it is focusing on -o/ you play instead of t-e end result.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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7ou s-ould e satisfied as long as you played to t-e est of your aility. on8t try to

control t-ings /-ic- are outside of your reac- instead focus on t-ings t-at you can

influence directly. ocus on t-e decisions you make and al/ays try to look for /ays you

can impro+e. %f you set impro+ement and making etter decisions as your goal you8ll stop

/orrying aout losing games and in turn it /ill e easier for you to /in; %8ll explain moreaout outcome dependence and process orientation in t-e next c-apter.

i!'le re!ed)

A+eryone /ill tell you t-is ! /-en you8re on tilt ! take a reak. $eople often askI

-at s-ould % do /-en %8m on a losing streak

irst of all stop t-e streak instead of extending it. $laying more and trying to c-ase t-e

loses ne+er /orks. %f you can record your gameplay it can e +ery -elpful to /atc- t-elest fe/ games or etter yet let someone else /atc- it so t-at t-ey can look at it /it- a

fres- eye.

*ake a look at your surroundings. %s t-ere somet-ing ugging you %s someone

 ot-ering you or is t-ere some unfinis-ed tasks /aiting for you and making you

distracted eal /it- t-ese issues first so t-at you can come ack to play /-en you8re

calm and collected and actually enoy t-e game /-ile -a+ing some fun playing.

<taying healthy through good nutrition and regular e5ercise W#;; make you playbetter+

*ry to notice t-e triggers for your frustration. no/ing yourself -elps ust as muc-

as kno/ing t-e game.

,taying in good p-ysical s-ape reduces your tendency to go on tilt

0ecord your games or let someone /atc- you play /-en you8re not sure /-y you8re


*aking a reak al/ays -elps /-en you8re on a losing streak!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 16.

;ocus and !indset

3# have the right mindset+ "nd # have the left mindset+4

%n order to succeed at anyt-ing you need t/o t-ings. Clear and compelling +ision or goal and focus. 7ou cannot -it a target t-at you can8t see t-at8s /-y -a+ing a specific

measurale goals is incredily important.

%) do )ou 'la) t%e ga!e

o you ust /ant to -a+e fun for a /-ile (aye you like t-e competition <r

maye you /ant to test your skills -ate+er it is pick somet-ing to stri+e for.

%n pre+ious c-apter aout tilt %8+e mentioned -o/ focus can -elp you pre+ent

frustration. %f your goal is to collect e+ery Heart-stone card a+ailale surely a couple

losses /on8t stop you from doing t-at. %f you picked somet-ing like ! increasing your

a+erage arena /in rate to /ins t-en one or t/o ad runs /ill not make you frustrated if

you can look at t-e igger picture and reali9e t-at t-ere /ill e plenty more of lucky and

unlucky runs and /-at matters is t-at you ust play a little etter eac- time.

<nce you -a+e picked a goal for yourself you8ll e ale to direct your attention

to/ard it and make some real progress and progress is /-at makes people -appy. Being ina etter mood /ill make playing more enoyale and you8ll e ale to learn more impro+e

faster and reac- your goal t-at muc- :uicker.

Ha+ing a igger goal also makes eac- little loss insignificant so you don8t get

frustrated y t-em as muc-. *-ere is somet-ing to e learned from eac- loss t-us eac-

defeat rings you closer to your goal. *-at allo/s you to +ie/ losing as somet-ing

 perfectly normal and e+en enefit from it.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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%n order to stay on top of your form /it- regards to decision making you -a+e to

feel /ell.

• fter eac- game take a s-ort reak you can reflect on t-e game or do somet-ing

unrelated for a /-ile

• ,tay -ydrated and eat;

• 7ou play etter /-en you8re /ell rested

• aily exercise /ill -elp /it- ringing more oxygen to your rain ! t-at8s a good


*-ese are t-e o+ious t-ings you can do ut often o+erlooked /-en players

/onder /-y t-ey sometimes play etter and sometimes /orse.

i#iding )our attention

(any people including me like to /atc- streams read ro/se internet etc. /-ile

 playing t-e game. 'ot gi+ing your full attention to t-e game /ill -arm your /in&rates. %t8sfine if you do t-at /-ile grinding 1) more gold from t-e play mode or finis-ing some

daily :uests ut /-en it matters /-en you try to s:uee9e t-at last fe/ /ins in arena to get

t-e re:uired numer of /ins you8re etter off muting or s-utting do/n t-e distractions and

focusing on t-e game at -and.

With all that focusing don't forget to have fun+

$ick a specific measurale goal for yourself in Heart-stone

*ake care of your ody and rain and your ody and rain /ill take care of your

Heart-stone results

ocus single&mindedly on t-e game you8re playing if you /ant to maximi9e your


on8t put too muc- pressure on yourself you /ill impro+e faster if you8re -a+ing

fun!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 17.

o to i!'ro#e

3Train to become a knight, not just a better squire.4

obod) is cut fro! a different clot%

%f you /ant to e successful at somet-ing find out /-at t-e est people in t-at field

do copy it and do /-at t-ey did until you get t-e same results. oesn8t matter if you8re a

genius or you graduated from t-e part of t-e class t-at made t-e top 5)D... possile.

,uccessful players simply do t-e rig-t t-ings in t-e rig-t situations ased on specific rules

and t-e important part is t-at e+eryone can learn it.

(ost pro players keep t-eir decks pulic and t-anks to streaming you can see

exactly -o/ t-ey8re played. 7ou can use t-is to your ad+antage and instead of eing lost

 ust /alk t-e pat- t-at -as already een pro+en to lead to success.

 #f someone else can do it / you can do it 

ealing it% 'lateaus

earning occurs in plateaus. 7ou get a ig oost /-en you learn somet-ing ne/and t-en you plateau. nd t-en you disco+er anot-er ig t-ing and plateau again. But

eac- plateau is -ig-er t-en t-e pre+ious one.

%t8s on t-e plateaus t-at people gi+e up and stop trying to impro+e like t-ey /ere

 efore. -at you need to understand is t-at plateau is a perfectly normal part of t-e

learning process. uring t-e plateau p-ase you don8t see any c-anges so in order to

impro+e you need to -a+e t-e confidence t-at you8re still mo+ing to/ards your goal.

ocusing on incremental impro+ement /ill get you t-roug- t-ese periods.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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 Clateaus and setbacks are only temporary.

+earning fro! strea!s

-ene+er you8re /atc-ing a Heart-stone stream t-ere is a +ery simple /ay you

can impro+e /it-out muc- effort. %f t-e streamer is a good player you can try to make t-e

decissions eac- turn efore -e does it. *-at /ay you8ll e ale to compare your line of

 play /it- -is. %f /-at you /ould do /as different from /-at t-e streamer did notice /-at

/as etter aout -is play.

• id -e clear t-e oard /it-out losing as many minions as you did

• id -e sa+e an important spell

• id -e play around a s/ing card like Consecration

fter some time you8ll find t-at you can often make t-e exact same decission as t-e player 

you8re /atc-ing t-is is a good sign t-at you8re impro+ing.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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o to !a-e )our luc- 

not-er t-ing t-at keeps people from impro+ing is confusing luck and c-ance.

$eople get discouraged /-en t-ey get unlucky and t-ey t-ink t-ey -a+e no control o+er

anyt-ing t-at -appens in t-e game. -et-er you get a set of legendaries or 4 /isps andancient /atc-er in a pack is out of your control utI

• %f you learn more aout t-e popular decks and -o/ t-ey play out ! your

 proailities of /inning are greater.

• %f you keep learning aout tiny ad+antages you can get /it- your deck ! your

 proailities of /inning are greater.

%t8s not ust luck anymore. %f you trace it ack you8ll find out t-at t-ere are certain t-ings

 ust t-e smallest c-anges t-at affected many of your /ins or losses. %gnore t-e luck andimpro+e your c-ances;

@a-e e#er)t%ing fun

Aac- time you don8t make fun of yourself you lea+e t-e o to someone else. A+en

if you play t-e most oring deck in t-e /orld you can make t-e game enoyale. %magine

your opponents face /-en you8re top deckin8 and /reckin8 -im.

*ry to come up /it- t-e cra9iest scenarios t-at could -appen if eit-er you or your

enemy get insanely lucky i8m sure you8+e seen plenty of t-ose -appening on +arious

streams or youtue clips. 'e+er make a ig deal out of your losses and it /ill e muc-

easier to learn from t-em.

*-e more fun you -a+e t-e less affected you are /-en you lose and t-at protects

you from tilting and going on -uge losing streaks. earning and impro+ing is necessary to

/in more and t-ere is no etter /ay to learn t-an y playing and -a+ing fun.

Copy t-e t-ings t-at great players do and try to understand /-y t-ey do t-em

%nstead of gi+ing up & e moti+ated y plateaus and c-allenge yourself to raise

ao+e t-em

*ry to make decisions and c-oices toget-er /it- t-e player you8re /atc-ing during

t-e stream and compare t-em

*ry to get as many small ad+antages as you can ! t-ey accumulate o+er time and

-elp you /in more games!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 18.

Trac-ing )our results

3This "lterac alley battle is going on since yesterday, has either side made any


*-e tips and ad+ice %8m going to gi+e you next apply not only to -eart-stone ut to

+irtually any acti+ity t-at can e measured and tracked o+er time. -et-er it8s for ot-er

games like eague of legends ,tarCraft 2 or real life acti+ities suc- as /orking out.

%) )ou need to trac- )our results

irst let me s-o/ you /-y tracking your results /it- soft/are or on paper is

essential and cannot e replaced y anyt-ing else.

s -umans /e li+e in sort of a medium reality. Because of t-e /ay /e e+ol+ed /e

can8t rememer +ery small details or o+erlook large periods of time t-ose skills /ere not

critically useful to our ancestors.

Fust try to recall your last 5 games of -eart-stone. Can you tell precisely /-ic-

decks you8+e faced -o/ many times you started first and -o/ many times you8+e -ad t-ecoin Ho/ many of your last 5) games /ere against mages 5 or 15

%t8s futile to try and rememer all of t-at and it can -urt us more t-an -elp us if /e8ll

try to do it y feeling ecause almost e+ery time /e8ll get it /rong due to +arious iases

and psyc-ological tendencies t-at can8t e circum+ented.

,o no/ t-at you kno/ t-e @/-y@ let8s get to @/-at@ and @-o/@.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Trac-ing softare

irst step is to c-ose 1 met-od of tracking and stick /it- it. %t8s important to use 1

met-od of tracking consistently ecause t-e more data you can gat-er t-e more accurate it

 ecomes. 7ou can simply /rite e+eryt-ing do/n in a /ord file or on paper ut it /ould ea -uge /aste of time considering t-ere are already plenty of tools you can use.

Heart-stone eck *racker  is /-at % use and recommend it captures t-e results

automatically and lets me o+er+ie/ t-em any /ay i /ant. eel free to c-eck out any

numer of t-ose tools and pick one t-at suits you t-e est.

ou'll find more links in recommended resources section at the end of this e!book.

%at to loo- for

<nce you start tracking your games you can notice all sorts of t-ings. 7ou8ll /ant

to use some kind of c-arts if a+ailale. *-e aility to sort your /in rates y dates class

decks and opponents is +ery -elpful.

<ne of t-e iggest enefits of tracking your /in rates against specific opponents is

aility to re&e+aluate your decks. 7ou can clearly see /-ic- classes are t-e most

 prolematic for your main deck and /-at you need to adust for. (aye you suddenly find

out t-at your /in rate against rogues and mages is surprisingly lo/ and it pulls youro+erall performance do/n *ime to add oat-e to your deck;

7ou can see day y day -o/ t-e metagame c-anges y c-ecking out -o/ popular

ot-er classes are and t-anks to t-at you can pick t-e most optimal deck and /in more


,ometimes t-e games can e so similar t-at it all ecomes a lur and efore you

kno/ you8+e lost 1) games to a single deck t-at you keep meeting o+er and o+er again. %f

you -a+e tracking soft/are no/ all it takes is one glance at your performance against

different classes and you can rig-t a/ay identify t-e prolem and deal /it- it.

%t8s +ery important to find t-e iggest nastiest -ole in your play or deck c-oice and

fix it first efore e+en looking at somet-ing else. *-is /ill -elp you impro+e muc- faster

t-an if you /ere ust grinding games /it-out a clue aout your iggest sticking points.

it-out a coac- or a friend /atc-ing you play it8s almost impossile to find t-ose -oles in

your play y yourself ut tracking soft/are can assist you in t-at task.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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0ememer t-at it8s not al/ays t-e deck t-at needs c-anging. ,ometimes your

 playstyle needs to e adusted. (aye you -a+e some ad -aits or tendencies t-at make

you lose more against certain decks. 'o/ you can see /-ic- decks are t-e -ardest for you

to eat and /-at you s-ould focus on.

not-er interesting tip ! if you notice your /in rate /it- and /it-out *-e Coin you

can see -o/ /ell you8re using it. *-e percentages s-ould e around 5)E5) so if you8re

losing significantly more games /-en you go as t-e second player you can look at

impro+ing your usage of coin and gain additional edge to /in more games t-at /ay.

?nless you8re not -uman you can8t track your results accurately in your -ead

ind t-e est tracking met-od for you and stick to it

0egularly c-eck your /in percentages against eac- class to find t-e iggest

/eakness t-at you can fix

(ake sure to gat-er a lot of data t-e more data you -a+e t-e more accurate it

 ecomes!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Part III

 Ad$a#%ed!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 19.

T%e art of !ulligan

3:obody wants to see me in their starting hand...4

(ulligan is one of t-e most o+erlooked parts of t-e game. 7ou can /in or lose

matc-es rig-t t-en and t-ere if you mulligan incorrectly. Basic strategy is to t-ro/ a/ay

cards /-ic- can8t e played in t-e early turns to ensure smoot- mana cur+e and -a+e

somet-ing to play on eac- turn. (ulligan is more important t-an you t-ink... e+en if you

already t-ink t-at.

noing )our dec- 

no/ing your deck is crucial for t-e mulligan p-ase. %n constructed you s-ould

al/ays kno/ /-ic- cards you keep and /-ic- cards you replace in certain matc-ups. %t8s

so important t-at many deck guides on t-e internet -a+e a specific section explaining t-e

exact /ay to mulligan for e+ery popular matc-up. *-e more you play /it- one deck t-e

 etter you ecome at c-oosing t-e rig-t cards to keep or t-ro/ a/ay.

*ry to rememer /-at you -a+e kept and /-at you replaced so t-at you can see

-o/ t-at /orked out for you during t-e game. 7ou /ill notice often somet-ing t-at seems

like a good idea on paper doesn8t /ork out at all ecause of t-e game flo/ different

tempo or somet-ing else entirely t-at you couldn8t account for.

noing t%e !atc%u's

,econd t-ing you8ll /ant to kno/ is t-e exact decklist for eac- popular deck. 7ou

-a+e to kno/ your enemy in order to keep t-e est cards in your -and. %f you8re playing

against an aggressi+e and tempo ased deck you -a+e to e +ery strict and keep only t-e

lo/ mana cost cards t-ro/ing a/ay anyt-ing t-at is too slo/ to keep up. %f you face

slo/er decks like a priest or paladin you can get muc- more greedy and sa+e t-e -ig-+alue cards t-at are important in t-is specific matc-up.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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"rena !ulligan

%n arena early game is incredily important. *-e first 3&4 turns /ill often dictate

-o/ t-e game goes t-at8s /-y you need to kno/ precisely -o/ many minions you -a+e

t-at you can play on eac- of t-e early turns. %f your deck lacks in t-e early game yous-ould generally keep anyt-ing t-at costs 3 or less mana. %f you -a+e a lot of early game

and you8re offered some of your est cards for t-e midgame ! you can keep some of t-em.

(oing first or second

*-ere is a distinct difference et/een -a+ing or not -a+ing t-e coin. Ha+ing a coin

and one more card to /ork /it- makes t-e mulligan more flexile ut also more

complicated. %f you8re going first you usually don8t /ant to keep doule 2&drops or 3&

drops /-ile /it- t-e coin you can play one of t-em a turn earlier and get t-e guaranteedearly game play. Going first you also don8t /ant to keep cards t-at cost 4 or more mana

unless t-ey elong to t-e game&c-anging category descried elo/. l/ays t-ink aout

t-e first 4 turns and /-at possily you can get from your deck if you c-oose to replace any

of your cards.

(a!e c%anging cards

%n certain matc-ups or in some arena decks t-ere are cards t-at can gi+e you a ig

mid game ad+antage and -elp you catc- up to t-e faster decks. *-ese include <A spells

/eapons t-e -andlock 4&drops etc. %f you -a+e +ery limited numer of t-ese cards it8s

often good to keep t-em in your -and.

good example /ould e an arena paladin deck. %f you -a+e only one consecration

and a+erage or elo/ a+erage early game you s-ould keep it ut if your deck -as more

<A or an early game t-at8s +ery roust you can t-ro/ it a/ay in order to get a +ery

smoot- opening.

(ulligan is incredily important prioriti9e impro+ing in t-is area

*-e etter you kno/ your opponents and your o/n decklists t-e easier it /ill e for 

you to mulligan correctly

%dentify t-e crucial and game&c-anging cards t-at you s-ould almost al/ays keep in

specific matc-ups

*ry to plan your first 4 turns ased on /-ic- cards you keep and /-ic- cards you

can get from mulliganing!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 20.

$eading and 'redicting t%e ene!)

3Will he uproot or will he notA4

Axperienced players are ale to guess fairly accurately /-at cards t-e enemy is

-olding. <ften /-en you play you can name t-e card t-at t-e enemy is aout to play

 efore its re+ealed ased on -o/ fast -e reac-ed for it. %f -e did it fast ! it8s most likely t-e

most o+ious response to t-e current situation.

no )our ene!)

7ou -a+e to e ale to put yourself in t-e s-oes of your enemy. or example ! if

you8+e played a couple of early game minions /it- 2-p and t-e paladin on -is turn 4

instantly tries to play a card ut t-en decides against it and instead plays a minion to

matc- your oard you s-ould expect t-at -e mig-t e -olding a consecration and trying to

make you commit to t-e oard more.

uring eac- game keep track of t-e oard position and ask yourself t-ese


• -at /ould e t-e est card my enemy could -a+e to respond -ere• %s t-is a good time for my enemy to <A

• %f my enemy -ad remo+al /ould -e use it on one of my minions no/

eep track of t-e possile scenarios during t-e game and /-en it8s time to commit

to t-e oard eit-er /it- a ig t-reat or multiple minions you8ll kno/ if your enemy is

likely to -a+e a response to it ased on -is pre+ious actions.

 %f you already played a ig creature and -e -ad to run -is smaller minions into it

 putting you in t-e lead t-at means -e proaly doesn8t -a+e t-e appropriate remo+al andyou8re safe to play t-e next ig t-reat.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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T%e 'la)er !atters

0eading your enemy /orks est against players /-o kno/ /-at t-ey8re doing and

t-ere are t/o kinds of players t-at are +ery -ard to read

1. Beginners /-o didn8t learn -o/ to play correctly yet

2. *-e asolutely est players ut t-ey /on8t luff you unless t-ey also kno/

you8re a good player capale of making strong reads.

%n t-e case of eginners you s-ould ust play safe and solid style and you8ll make up for

any surprises caused y t-eir unusual play.

 *on't try to bluff a fish+

Pla)ing around sing cards

,/ing cards are t-e cards /-ic- allo/ for t-e player /it- disad+antage to punis-

t-e enemy for o+erextending on t-e oard and take t-e lead. *-ey usually in+ol+e <A

damage or some form of (ind Control.

$laying around s/ing cards is especially important in arena ecause in order to

counter t-em you need to -a+e an appropriate s/ing card of your o/n. %n constructed

decks are muc- more resilient to t-em ecause you can play minions /it- deat-rattles to

 e less +ulnerale against <A damage and you kno/ exactly -o/ muc- damage you8ll e

ale to output during t-e game so t-at you can punis- t-e enemy for using -is entire turn

on dealing /it- t-e oard.

*-ere are t/o maor t-ings you can do to kno/ /-en you s-ould play around t-ese

cards. irstly like % mentioned efore keep track of t-e oard situation and enemy mana

to see if t-ere are good turns for -im to use t-e card you8re trying to dodge. ,econdly keeptrack of t-e position of cards in -is -and.

&ard 'osition in %and

-en you look at your opponents -and t-e cards are ordered ust like a mirror

image of your -and. 'e/ dra/n cards are put on t-e far rig-t side and t-e position of

cards cannot e c-anged unless t-ey8re played and some-o/ returned to -and ut e+en

t-en you8ll kno/ exactly /-ic- card in your enemies deck is t-e one returned.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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it- t-at in mind if you see t-at your enemy is playing cards only from t-e rig-t

side of -is deck you can safely guess t-at on t-e left side of -is -and are eit-er situational

cards for /-ic- t-ere /as no good turn yet or cards /it- larger mana cost t-an your

enemy -ad a+ailale up to t-is point.

%f you notice someone -olding on to one card for t-e entire game it8s likely to e a

late game finis-er card ! somet-ing like $yrolast or (ind Control.

eep track of t-e oard situation for ot- sides to see if your enemy -as

opportunities to play important remo+al or <A

?nless you8re playing against someone t-at you kno/ is a top player t-ey /ill

likely do t-e most o+ious plays

eep track of t-e positioning of enemy cards as muc- as you can

$ay attention to enemy -o+ering o+er -is cards t-ey8re usually an o+ious reaction

to /-at ust -appened in t-e game!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 21.

ee'er understanding of a card ga!e

3# sea a giant4

Ta-e %at )ou can get

*-e ad+ice in t-is e&ook is designed to -elp you figure out e+eryt-ing t-at mig-t

 e -elpful for you to get etter at t-e game and /in more. *ry to approac- t-e game from

many different angles to find your strong points.

A+eryody is different you8ll e ale to take ad+antage of some t-ings etter and

some t-ings not so /ell. *ake /-at you can get and play into your strengt-s. l/ays look

for t-ings t-at make you play etter or /orse regardless of /-at t-ey are.

!all ad#antages

ike % mentioned efore Heart-stone is decepti+ely complicated e+en t-oug- it

seems +ery simple on t-e surface. <nce you get to -ig-er le+el of play it stops eing aout

finding a good play to make and starts to e aout a+oiding mistakes and making

marginally more optimal decisions.

-en e+eryone is playing /ell you -a+e to gain small ad+antages and accumulate

t-em to /in t-e game. *-ey /on8t /in you e+ery game ecause of t-e significant factor ofrandomness ut o+er time t-at one small t-ing t-at you learned to do can gi+e you ).1D

 etter /in&rate. ind ten /ays to get small ad+antages and t-at8s 1D -ig-er /in&rate and if 

you keep it up for a /-ile soon you8ll learn enoug- to oost your /inrates across all

matc-ups y a fe/ percent and t-at8s enoug- to turn a losing player into a /inning player

/-o can clim t-e ladder easily.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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/#er)t%ing !atters

rom -o/ /ell you eat and sleep to t-e specific /ays you play t-e game

e+eryt-ing can gi+e you an ad+antage. *-ese are t-e t-ings t-at you don8t notice. *-ese are

t-e t-ings t-at you8d like to kno/ /-en you go on a losing streak and -a+e no idea /-y it-appened. %t8s +ery -ard to look at yourself and /-at you do in a a +ery road spectrum. %f 

you can do somet-ing etter to increase your c-ances of /inning t-e game t-ere is no

reason not to do it. fter eac- game ask yourself t/o :uestionsI

1. -at -a+e in done /ell

2. -at could % do etter

7ou can learn somet-ing ne/ from eac- game regardless of t-e result. %f you keep

asking yourself t-ese t/o :uestions after e+ery game you8ll e on t-e fast track toimpro+ement.

Ta-ing fro! t%e outside

$laying ot-er games mig-t gi+e you a ne/ perspecti+e on Heart-stone especially

 playing ot-er card games and games /-ere decision making is critical. $layers coming

from poker or ot-er *CG8s -a+e an ad+antage o+er t-ose /it- no prior experience ecause

many of t-e general rules are uni+ersal et/een t-ose games. <nce you understand t-eimportant ideas aout optimi9ing your decision making proaility and statistics as /ell

as psyc-ology tied to t-e game you8ll need to /ork only on t-e specifics of t-e game.

T70 / Trading 7ard 0ame

?se e+eryt-ing you can to your ad+antage

lot of small tiny and seemingly insignificant decisions accumulated toget-er are

t-e real difference et/een t-e a+erage Foe and a Heart-stone pro

$laying ot-er games and looking at t-e igger picture of -o/ t-ey /ork can -elp

you understanding Heart-stone etter 

eep going ack to asics and try to look at t-em in order to stay open&minded and

find etter /ays to /in t-e game!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 22.

i!ilarit) to 'o-er – using 'o-er resources

3*on't try to coin me, your dirty gambling money has no power over me.4

Heart-stone may e a +ery popular game ut it8s not as popular as poker -as een

t-roug-out -istory. $oker games -a+e een around for muc- longer and t-ey8+e een

studied extensi+ely. it- money on t-e line people /ent to great lengt-s to find e+ery

 possile /ay of getting an ad+antage t-at8s /-y learning from poker can -elp you


i!ilar but not t%e sa!e

eep in mind t-at despite all t-e similarities and common rules t-ese are different

games. %n -eart-stone you8ll /ant to play safer ecause e+ery matc- ends /it- a /inner

and a loser /-ile poker can e treated as a ne+er&ending game /-ere your o is to

maximi9e t-e +alue. %n t-at sense Heart-stone -as more in common /it- 2agic The


e) conce'ts fro! 'o-er t%at a''l) to ot%er card ga!es suc% as eart%stone

1. $syc-ology

2. <ptimi9ing t-e decision&making process

3. *ilt

4. $roaility

5. ,tatistics

e already /ent o+er some of t-ose aspects and in t-e next c-apter %8ll talk aout

 proaility ut first...!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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,tatistics can get +ery complicated ut all you need to kno/ are ust t-e asics.

7ou need to kno/ t-at data or outcomes /ill +ary a lot in small numers and t-e more

data you collect and t-e more outcomes you oser+e t-e more accurate t-e distriution/ill e. -ic- means t-at /-en you8re trying a ne/ card deck or a strategy you8ll need to

try it more t-an a couple of times to see /-et-er or not it /orks.

Fust ecause somet-ing you did ! ga+e you a positi+e result ! t-at doesn8t mean it8s

t-e rig-t play. *-ink /-at /ould -appen if you made t-e same play 1) ))) times ould

you /in most of t-e time %t /orks ot- /ays so don8t get discouraged /-en somet-ing

doesn8t /ork. it- large amounts of randomness in Heart-stone you -a+e to e patient

and see more t-an ust fe/ examples to learn /-at /orks est.

 "t the end of this book you'll find some recommended resources to learn more

about it.

+oo-ing at t%e ga!e li-e a 'ro

+ery -elpful /ay of looking at t-e game in order to udge your odds and c-ances

is to percei+e random elements of t-e game as t-eir a+erage outcome o+er time. 7ou can

t-ink of Boom Bot as a minion t-at deals 1&4 damage from deat-rattle ut you can also

look at -im as a minion t-at deals 2.5 damage from t-e deat-rattle. *-e %mplosion spell

/ill do 2&4 damage ut you s-ould use it as if it did 3 damage ecause t-at8s t-e a+erage

result you8ll get. %f t-e stakes are igger & let8s say you -a+e to finis- off an important

minion and you need t-e 4 damage & t-en you can go /it- more risk and play it any/ay if

you -a+e no ot-er options. no/ing t-e c-ances of random outcomes and /-at8s t-e

a+erage outcome /ill -elp you c-oosing t-e rig-t play.

*ake some time to study t-e asics of poker if you -a+en8t already

(any aspects from poker o+erlap /it- ot-er games especially games focused on

decision making t-at in+ol+e random elements

0ememer t-at not e+eryt-ing is t-e same in ot- games

C-eck out t-e recommended resources at t-e end of t-is e&ook to learn more!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 23.

&alculating 'robabilit)

3#s it hot in here or is it just meA4

Calculating proaility for Heart-stone can e +ery simple or nearly impossile. %t

depends on /-at you8re trying to calculate.

$( based cards

Cards /it- random effects are t-e most fre:uent suect of complaints from players

/-o -appen to get unlucky ut paradoxically out of all random t-ings in Heart-stone

t-ey8re t-e easiest to predict and manipulate. 0'G cards usually /ork y -itting a random

target. ,ome cards like mad omer can -it any c-aracter /-ile cards like nife uggler

can only -it enemy c-aracters. *o calculate t-e proaility first determine t-e numer to

targets t-at can e -it and t-en count t-e numer of fa+ourale outcomes.

or example & /it- a knife uggler if t-ere are 2 minions on oard on t-e enemy

side t-at means t-ere are 3 targets you can -it /-ic- gi+es you O33D c-ance to -it any of 

t-em. %f you8d like to increase your c-ances to -it a particular minion see if you can

remo+e ot-er creatures first and reduce t-e numer of possile outcomes.

%f you reduce t-e numer of outcomes /-ile -a+ing t-e same numer of fa+ouralescenarios you /ill increase your c-ances of -itting /-at you /ant.

*ry to rememer t-e most common numers so t-at you don8t -a+e to calculate

t-em e+ery time. or example if you play t-e (ad Bomer against 1 minion on t-e oard

t-e c-ances of killing it areI

1 -p minion O )D

2 -p minion O 26D

3 -p minion O 4D

or more complicated situations you can use t-is random attack calculator made y

raffyI %'!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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<our c%ance to dra

c-ance for you to dra/ a specific card is also a fairly simple t-ing to calculate

-en calculating your c-ance to dra/ a single specific card all you -a+e to do is take a

look at t-e numer of remaining cards in your deck and kno/ -o/ many of t-em are /-atyou8re looking for.

%f you -a+e 15 cards left in your deck and you8d like to dra/ eit-er a fireall or a

 polymorp- ot- of /-ic- you -a+e 1 copy of remaining in t-e deck t-en your c-ances

are 2 in 15. *o translate a fraction like t-at simply di+ide first numer y t-e second one

and multiply t-e result y 1)). %n t-is case t-at8s 13.3D to dra/ eit-er t-e fireall or


&%ance for )our ene!) to dra

etermining t-e c-ance for your enemy to -a+e or dra/ a specific card is more

complicated ecause you -a+e to take into account t-e (onty Hall effect. %t means t-at if

you8d like to kno/ /-et-er or not your enemy -as a specific card it matters /-at your

enemy is likely to do /it- t-at card.

et8s say /e8re trying to determine if out enemy -as at least one of -is t/o

flamestrikes after dra/ing 15 cards from -is deck. 'ormally you8d assume t-at it8s t-e

same as /it- your c-ance to dra/ ut you -a+e to take into account t-at some cards can8t

 e played efore you get enoug- mana and ot-er cards /ill e purposefully sa+ed y yourenemy so t-at -e8s selecting ot-er cards to play efore it and ske/ing t-e proaility.

*-e est /ay to deal /it- t-is is to try and ait out t-e card from your enemy first.

%f you notice t-at t-ere is a clear position /-ere your enemy could play t-e card you8re

trying to guess and t-e card is not played you can assume it8s not in -is -and and

calculating t-e c-ances of -im getting it from t-e top of your deck goes exactly t-e same

as calculating your o/n c-ance to dra/ cards.

 2ore about the 2onty Hall problem http>>>wiki>2ontyIHallIproblem

0'G cards are not so random you can often control your c-ances to get t-e desired


?se t-e calculator efore you learn to :uickly approximate t-e proailities

-en taking a risk try to see if you can calculate t-e proaility first

Cards kept y your enemy in -is -and are o+er time more and more likely to e

situational remo+al and end game finis-ers!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 24.


3# am The 1lack @night, sent by ;ich @ing himself... putt me in your deck, pretty pleaseA4

&o')ing successful dec-s is good

,uccessful decks are successful for a reason ! t-ey8+e een tested y a lot of people

and t-ey8re pro+en to /ork against current metagame.

*-e important t-ing /-en copying a deck is paying attention to any ad+ice t-e

aut-or of t-e deck mig-t pro+ide. ,ometimes t-e strengt- of a deck lies not only in t-e

cards ut in -o/ t-ey are played. l/ays try to learn /-y and -o/ t-e deck /orks.

Tournament decks are often not well suited for ladder, so make sure to copy decks

which are made for the ladder 


,ynergy et/een cards is often t-e premise e-ind t-e deck ut it8s also often

o+er+alued. %f you /ant to uild a deck around a certain como rememer t-at t-e morecards re:uired for t-e como ! t-e -arder it is to pull off.

*-e est como decks eit-er -a+e lots of synergies so t-at you can use any of t-e

many cominations t-at are /it-in t-e deck or t-ey dra/ nearly t-e entire deck to

guarantee getting t-e essential como pieces.

?sing multiple cards t-at synergi9e /it- t-e core of t-e deck is usually a etter /ay

to uild t-e deck t-an -a+ing super po/erful comos t-at can e rarely pulled off.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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in condition

A+ery deck -as to -a+e a /in condition. ,ometimes it8s not o+ious like for

example in control paladin or priest. %n t-eir case t-e /in condition is -a+ing more +alue

in t-eir cards t-an t-e enemy t-us if t-ey sur+i+e to dra/ most of t-eir deck t-eir cards/ill simply eat t-e entire deck of t-eir enemy.

%n aggro decks ! like tempo mage or -unter t-e /in is ac-ie+ed y dealing enoug-

damage to kill t-e enemy efore t-ey can take control of t-e oard and finis-ing off /it-

 urst damage from urn spells like kill command and fireall. l/ays make sure you

understand t-e /in condition of your deck so t-at you kno/ t-e correct playstyle in eac-


Te!'o #s ra 'oer

aster decks /ill re:uire more dra/ po/er /-ile slo/er decks sacrifice it for more

+alue cards. 7our mana cur+e s-ould e a good indicator of -o/ muc- dra/ you need.

 ecks like 9oo can afford to -a+e +ery lo/ mana cur+e ecause of /arlock -ero

 po/er t-at compensates for spending cards +ery fast on t-e ot-er -and if your mana cur+e

 peaks later and s-o/s many late game cards you8ll need less dra/. *-is is a -ard alance

to find and t-at8s /-ere testing and adusting comes in. $lay some games /it- your deck

and notice t-e /ays you lose in order to kno/ /-at to c-ange.

se %at or-s

-en uilding a ne/ deck see if t-ere are any similar decks already estalis-ed

and orro/ ideas from t-em. %f your idea is ust to use 3&4 cool cards t-at -a+e great

synergy you can attac- t-em to t-e core of anot-er deck /-ic- already /orks /ell /it-

t-e cards you8d like to use. ,ome ideas are uni+ersal and /ill /ork in almost any deck. or 

example it doesn8t matter /-at mage deck you8re uilding you8re proaly going to /ant

a mad scientist in it ecause of -o/ strong and +ersatile t-e card can e.

-en copying a deck make sure it8s /ell suited for ladder 

(ake sure you understand t-e /in condition of your deck 

%nclude cards t-at synergi9e and support your /in condition

dust t-e amount of dra/ to t-e mana cur+e of your deck!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 2.

"dDusting dec-s

3Wanna practice with meA4

Testing and adDusting

$er-aps t-e most important part of deckuilding. *-is is /-ere you test t-e deck

against t-e reality of t-e game. A+ery time you8re playing a ne/ deck try to take a note of

-o/ you /in and lose ! especially -o/ you lose t-e games.

• id you run out of cards efore you could take enemy -p lo/ enoug-

• id t-e enemy o+er/-elm you /it- a unc- of small minions

• ere you stuck /it- multiple copies of -ig- cost cards at t-e start of t-e game

-ate+er it is try to find out /-ic- scenario -appens t-e most often and adust for

t-at first. l/ays try to keep in mind your /in condition and make c-anges t-at support it.

*esting your deck is +ery important ecause of -o/ complex t-e game can e.

,omet-ing t-at seems like a good idea on paper & may ne+er /ork out in real game. -en

% first started to play Heart-stone % t-oug-t %8ll e ale to ust out -eal e+eryone /it- my

defensi+e priest deck and /in t-e game y fatigue ut % didn8t -a+e t-e rig-t idea aout ust -o/ muc- damage ot-er decks can deal and my plan couldn8t /ork. % -ad to t-en

c-ange my deck and make it /ork against /-at actually -appens on ladder.

&ountering t%e !eta

Jery crucial point. dding or taking out 1 card can make immense difference in

your /in rate if you understand t-e current metagame. 7ou8ll /ant to adust your deck ut

t-is time it8s not aout -o/ your deck /orks ut -o/ t-e decks t-at you face /ork. Cardslike Harrison Fones Big Game Hunter oat-e. *-ey8re all specific counters t-at can e

used to gi+e you additional edge o+er popular decks at t-e moment.!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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C-eck your statistics for eac- matc-up to kno/ /-at your deck is /eak against and

consider adding cards t-at /ill -elp you o+ercome it. ,ometimes a Komie c-o/ or

-ealot is all you need to s/ing your matc-up against -unter from 4#D to 54D and

suddenly you8re -appy to see -unters ecause you kno/ you can clim /-ile facing t-is


%aring t%e dec- so t%at ot%er 'la)ers can re#ie it

*-ere is a reason /-y Heart-stone pros practice and uild decks in teams. %t is

al/ays +aluale to -a+e your deck re+ie/ed y ot-er players. (aye t-ey8ll notice

somet-ing o+ious t-at you missed y accident or maye t-ey8ll find a /ay to eat t-e

deck t-at ga+e you t-e most troule.

,-are your deck and listen to t-e input from ot-er players. *-ey may e rig-t or/rong ut its al/ays /ort- listening ust to get second opinion.

&onstantl) i!'ro#ing and -ee'ing an o'en !ind.

*-e metagame is constantly s-ifting. %f e+eryone starts running *-e Black nig-t

 people /ill use less taunts and t-at /ill prompt e+eryone to stop using *-e Black nig-t.

%t goes in circles and your o is to al/ays e mindful of t-at decks you8re facing and /-at

are t-e popular cards.

$erforming /ell /it- any deck re:uires t-at you8re not ust passi+ely grinding

games ut paying attention to /-at your competition does. *-ere are al/ays -oles in t-eir 

decks and playstyles t-at can e aused. ook for t-at and e open minded. l/ays look

for /ays to impro+e your deck and yourself as a player.

l/ays test t-e decks. great idea in t-eory mig-t not /ork so /ell in practice

$ay attention to t-e decks t-at eat yours /-at do t-ey -a+e in common

*rack against /-ic- classes you8re playing t-e most and c-ange your deck to oost

your c-ances against t-em

l/ays keep e+ol+ing your deck and keep an eye for t-ings to impro+e!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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&%a'ter 26.


3Why are you still readingA+4

A+eryone can e creati+e. Ha+e you e+er -ad t-is experience & /-ere you -ad acool idea and t-en /eeks mont-s or e+en years later you see someone /-o made t-at

idea into a real t-ing *-e great secret to eing inno+ati+e is asking :uestions and not

taking anyt-ing for granted. %f you8re ale to take a step ack and go to t-e asics of t-e

game you can find many unexplored pat-s to t-e +ictory.

uring t-e time /-en % played ,tarCraft 2 % /as ale to stay a-ead of e+eryone else

in my league y inno+ating completely different style of playing it /as so muc- etter

t-an t-e standard /ay of playing t-at % could take on and eat (aster and Grand (aster

 players /-o -ad muc- etter mec-anics and more experience t-an me and a couple

mont-s later % sa/ more people using t-ese uilds.

Heart-stone is still a young game and many classes are not yet fully explored in

constructed play. it- ne/ cards eing added fre:uently t-is is t-e est time to e


obod) gets it rig%t t%e first ti!e

*o explore ne/ /ays of playing t-e game and make ne/ decks you8ll -a+e to fail.ailing is simply finding /-at doesn8t /ork and t-e more you do it t-e more you learn.

(ore feedack and experience /ill naturally steer your in t-e rig-t direction so don8t e

afraid to experiment.

%magine t-at you8re playing t-e game for t-e first time. 'otice t-e most asic trut-s

aout t-e game. Ho/ aoutI t-e player t-at gets to play more cards often /ins ind a

/ay to play a lot of cards y gaining mana or using c-eap cards t-at dra/ more cards. <r

maye you notice t-at $iloted ,-redder is one of t-e most prolific minions. lmost e+ery

deck is using it; -at ideas does t-at gi+e you Can you uild a deck /it- some minions

or spells t-at counter it <r maye t-ere is a deck t-at /ould greatly enefit from puttingadding t-e ,-redder ut noody -as done it yet ecause it /ould seem /eird!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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+oo- for ideas e#er)%ere

A+ery card and -ero can e an inspiration for t-e ne/ deck. t t-e +ery eginning

noody kne/ /-at8s est so e+eryone experimented asked :uestions looked for synergy

 et/een cards and identified t-e crucial elements /-ic- e+ery deck needs to -a+e aftermany ad decks someone stumled upon somet-ing t-at /orked +ery /ell s-ared it /it-

ot-ers recei+ed good feedack and t-e deck ecame a popular and /ell estalis-ed /ay to

 play t-e game. *-is process is ne+er o+er e+en if t-e degree to /-ic- you can c-ange

standard /ay of playing mig-t not e as significant.

Ha+e you seen interesting /ays to eat t-e solo ad+enture osses Ho/ aout

 putting t-ose ideas into decks t-at can /ork into real players C-eck out t-e game and

card statistics /-ic- can e found of +arious /esites. (aye you can make a deck using

t-e list of cards t-at s-are t-e -ig-est /inrates in t-e game /it- ust a couple adustments

for t-e mana cur+e and dra/ po/er

It?s fun

%nno+ating and trying to make t-ings /ork can ring you a lot of oy especially

/-en you find somet-ing t-at /orks. *-at8s /-y % al/ays encourage people to experiment

 ecause t-e more fun you8re -a+ing t-e faster you learn. %t8s +ery satisfying to reac- t-e

legend rank especially for t-e first time ut e+en more satisfying is getting to legend /it-

your o/n deck;

 'o matter /-o you are you can e creati+e

*-e etter you are at t-e game t-e faster you can de+elop a ne/ /orking strategy

0ememer aout t-e core elements of t-e game /-en trying to inno+ate

eep experimenting and s-are your ideas!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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$eco!!ended resources

"rena tier lists for drafting in arena5


;or learning arena I reco!!end )ou c%ec- out t%e "rena &oo' series and



;or 'o-er related !atters c%ec- out5


T%e @ont) all 'roble!5


;or trac-ing )our stats5


=t%er related ebsites5






-ttpIEE///.reddit.comErEcompetiti+e-s!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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Personal &oac%ing

% -ope you enoyed t-is e&ook and % /is- you good luck on your /ay to reac- any

goals t-at you may -a+e set up for yourself. %f you8d like a little s-ortcut to get t-ere %8moffering personal coac-ing for ot- & arena and constructed in Heart-stone.

uring almost a year of -elping ot-er players reac- t-eir goals %Q+e learned :uite a

lot myself y oser+ing /-en people make t-e iggest progress. *-at is /-y % /anted to

let you kno/ aout all a+ailale options so you can take ad+antage of t-em.

Coac-ing is done t-roug- skype ut t-ere are a couple /ays /e approac- it. <ne of

t-em is using screen s-aring or t-e spectator mode to gi+e you ad+ice /-ile you play and

-elp you understand t-e important decisions. fter/ards % /ill usually re+ie/ t-e crucial

 points of t-e game and /eQll focus on impro+ing t-e iggest mistakes.

not-er /ay in+ol+es recorded footage of your gameplay. *-e ad+antage of using

JoQs of your pre+ious games is t-at you can focus 1))D on impro+ing /it-out t-e

distraction of playing and % get to see your natural playstyle /-ic- lets us c-oose t-e est

approac- to your impro+ement.

*-e optimal /ay for you to enefit from coac-ing is a mix of ot- met-ods so if

you /ant to get t-e most out of it % recommend you consider recording some games and

during our session /eQll take a look at t-e situations t-at ga+e you t-e most troule.

% recommend t-e coac-ing for you regardless of your skill le+el. -et-er youQre

ne/ to t-e game and /ant an accelerated start to catc- up /it- t-e competition or a

seasoned player /-o -it a plateau and /ants to pus- for -ig-er ranks or etter scores in

arena. %8+e /orked /it- people rand ne/ to Heart-stone as /ell as legend players.

%t8s also a great /ay to ask all t-e :uestions t-at are +ery specific and relate to you

t-at you can8t find ans/ers to on t-e internet. % like to stay in touc- /it- e+eryone % coac-

 y adding t-em on so t-at t-ey can ask :uestions and % can see t-em climingt-e ranks after/ards.

7ou can al/ays find up to date information aout my coac-ing rates and a+ailaility on

my B<G or simply contact me t-roug-

 Have a great day+

 "smodeus!"#s  | $smoeusb!o%.tumb!&.com  |  t'"tc(.t)/$smoeusst&e$m  * +,- D$&"us M0y1c$2

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