ASL Class 06 / 23 / 2014

ASL Class 10/28/14


ASL Class 06 / 23 / 2014. Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck. Asking to Borrow a Truck - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ASL Class 06 / 23 / 2014

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ASL Class 10/28/14

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Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

Asking to Borrow a Truck

Read the situation below before watching the videotaped series of conversations, “Asking to Borrow a Truck”. Then watch the tape and try to follow the intent of the exchange. Do not concern yourself with unfamiliar signs, but use context to help you figure out the meaning. After you can follow the converstation, fill in the information requested at the end of the exercise.

Situation: Anthony has just bought a dresser and needs to borrow a truck to take it home.

(Anthony goes to Joe’s home and finds him washing the car.)

Anthony: greets Joe

Joe: greets Anthony, asks what’s happening.

Anthony: asks if he still has a truck.

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Joe: says yes, tells where it is, asks why

Anthony: tells about his purchase, asks if he can borrow the truck, explains why he needs it.

Joe: responds

Anthony: accepts explanation, says he will ask around

Anthony and Joe: leavetakings….

(Anthony goes to a playing field where his friend Shane is sitting on the bench, waiting for his turn at bat.)

Anthony: gets Shane’s attention, makes request.

Shane: responds, asks why

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

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Anthony: explains why

Shane: asks if he knows Pat (name sign)

Anthony: spells out name to confirm.

Shane: confirms, explains she has an old truck.

Anthony: asks if Pat’s truck is very old.

Shane: gives opinion, suggests Anthony go see her and find out.

Anthony: asks if Pat still lives near the park.

Shane: replies affirmatively.

Anthony: says he will go see her (another ballplayer tells Shane he is up at bat)

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

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Anthony and Pat: leavetakings….

(Anthony approaches Pat, who is mowing the lawn.)

Anthony and Pat: greetings

Anthony: asks why her husband is not mowing the lawn.

Pat: complains about husband.

Anthony: responds

Pat: asks why Anthony is here.

Anthony: gives reason, makes request.

Pat: asks where Anthony lives.

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

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Anthony: tells where: nearby, in Berkeley.

Pat: tells him that is not realy near, it is far.

Anthony: disagrees.

Pat: responds to request.

Anthony: tells Pat he will check with other people.

Pat: apologizes.

Anthony: responds

Anthony and Pat: leavetakings….

(Anthony goes to Cinnie’s place, and finds her reading the newspaper on her front porch.)

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

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Anthony and Cinnie: greetings.

Anthony: tells about his purchase, makes request.

Cinnie: responds.

Anthony: responds, tells Cinnie he will get back to her if he cannot find another truck.

Cinnie: suggests he check with Lon who is coming by any minute.

Anthony: agrees.

Cinnie: offers him the paper.

Anthony: asks for sports section.

Cinnie and Anthony: discuss their favorite teams.

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

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(Lon arrives.)

Cinnie: (gets Anthony’s attention) tells him Lon is here.

Anthony and Lon: greetings.

Anthony: explains situation, makes request.

Lon: responds

Anthony: asks if he can pick it up tomorrow at 3:00

Lon: agrees.

Anthony: expresses relief.

All: leave takings.

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck

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Key phrases that express target language functions for this unit are highlighted. Observe how Anthony makes the same request in different ways, and how the reasons given for his request vary in detail with each person he asks. The reason he gives to Joe at the beginning includes information about his purchase and the fact that the store does not make deliveries. Giving a reason to Lon at the end, he explains that he tried to borrow a truck from several people to no avail, but Cinnie suggested he contact Lon. Watch the dialogue once more and observe the reasons Anthony gives to each person.

The responses that different people give to Anthony’s request also vary. Write down the type of response (see list below), and fill in the explanation or suggestion given by each person.

Types of response:

• Agree, with condtion.• Agree, tell shortcoming.• Decline, tell why.• Decline, suggest other solution.• Hedge

Unit 14 – Asking to Borrow a Truck