ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi...

R ecently I was sitting with my wife Betty early in the morning, sipping tea, going over the day’s tasks, and praying for our family, ministry, spiritual life, and current events. We realized that this was not only a devotional time, but how we work. It is our “methodology.” We live by intercessory prayer, by praying over each and every thing. At this stage of my life I am looking to turn over all our “ministry” operations to younger leaders. Thank God, we have amazing teams of gifted and motivated people, serving in almost every area. They are students of the Word, covenant friends, “five-fold” ministers, anointed musicians, effective administrators and talented communicators. I was wondering if anything was missing. One question came to my heart: Have they really grasped that everything we have pioneered and developed has been done first through intercessory prayer? Have we succeeded in passing that essential value on to them? In order to “pass on” the baton of intercessory prayer, I thought it would be good to try to summarize some of the essential aspects of prayer in a short article: Tikkun (tee-koon) n. [Hebrew] 1. Restoration: bringing back to health, strength; rebuilding 2. Setting in order; making straight 3. World redemption [Jewish tradition] - the final restoration of the world in harmony with God. Tikkun International Inc. is not affiliated with TIKKUN magazine, the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA T: 301.695.1315 F: 888.265.2871 E: [email protected] PAGE 2 Tikkun Global Lasting, Bonding Relationship of Love PAGE 4 Harvest of Asher Persevere & Achieve PAGE 6 Tents of Mercy Kelim~ Equipping for Destiny PAGE 7 Revive Israel Calling Israel Back February 2019 Vol. 28, No 2 Now on facebook weekly A Global Messianic Family Dedicated to the Restoration of the Church and Israel based in israel Continued on page 8 From a recent post at 1. By Faith – Yeshua taught us that when we pray, we need to have faith in God and the faith of God. Prayers backed by faith can move mountains (Mark 11:22-25). Words of faith act like “bulldozers” to get things done in the spirit. With faith-filled words, nothing is impossible. By the same rule: without faith-filled words, nothing of kingdom value is possible. Much of prayer is simply declaring verses of Scripture out loud by faith. 2. With Yeshua – Yeshua preached and did miracles for 3 to 4 years. He has been interceding in prayer from the throne of God for 2000 years. Apparently, He thinks this is an efficient way to operate, an effective use of His time! He is a full-time intercessor, praying for us at the right hand of God (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). We should not pray by ourselves, but “with Yeshua” in cooperation and partnership. 3. With Authority – Although we pray with a humble heart, submitting to the will of God, we also must pray with spiritual authority. Yeshua not only rose from the dead, but ascended into heaven “above all authority” (Ephesians 1:20-22). From that position of authority, He prays. He invites us to be seated with Him there (Ephesians 2:5-7), and to pray with Him from the same perspective and authority. ASHER INTRATER, Revive Israel & Tikkun Global

Transcript of ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi...

Page 1: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

Recently I was sitting with my wife Betty early in the morning, sipping tea, going over the day’s tasks, and praying for our family, ministry, spiritual life, and current events. We realized that this was not only a devotional time, but how we work. It is our

“methodology.” We live by intercessory prayer, by praying over each and every thing.

At this stage of my life I am looking to turn over all our “ministry” operations to younger leaders. Thank God, we have amazing teams of gifted and motivated people, serving in almost every area. They are students of the Word, covenant friends, “five-fold” ministers, anointed musicians, effective administrators and talented communicators.

I was wondering if anything was missing. One question came to my heart: Have they really grasped that everything we have pioneered and developed has been done first through intercessory prayer? Have we succeeded in passing that essential value on to them?

In order to “pass on” the baton of intercessory prayer, I thought it would be good to try to summarize some of the essential aspects of prayer in a short article:

Tikkun (tee-koon) n. [Hebrew]

1. Restoration: bringing back to health, strength; rebuilding2. Setting in order; making straight3. World redemption [Jewish tradition] - the final restoration of the world in harmony with God.

Tikkun International Inc. is not affiliated with TIKKUN magazine, the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner


P.O. Box 2997Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

T: 301.695.1315F: 888.265.2871E: [email protected]


Tikkun Global

Lasting, BondingRelationshipof Love


Harvest of Asher

Persevere& Achieve


Tents of Mercy

Kelim~Equipping forDestiny


Revive Israel

CallingIsrael Back

February 2019Vol. 28, No 2

tikkun.tvNow on facebook weekly

A Global Messianic Family Dedicated to the Restoration of the Church and Israelb a s e d i n i s r a e l

Continued on page 8

From a recent post at

1. By Faith – Yeshua taught us that when we pray, we need to have faith in God and the faith of God. Prayers backed by faith can move mountains (Mark 11:22-25). Words of faith act like “bulldozers” to get things done in the spirit. With faith-filled words, nothing is impossible. By the same rule: without faith-filled words, nothing of kingdom value is possible. Much of prayer is simply declaring verses of Scripture out loud by faith.

2. With Yeshua – Yeshua preached and did miracles for 3 to 4 years. He has been interceding in prayer from the throne of God for 2000 years. Apparently, He thinks this is an efficient way to operate, an

effective use of His time! He is a full-time intercessor, praying for us at the right hand of God (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). We should not pray by ourselves, but “with Yeshua” in cooperation and partnership.

3. With Authority – Although we pray with a humble heart, submitting to the will of God, we also must pray with spiritual authority. Yeshua not only rose from the dead, but ascended into heaven “above all authority” (Ephesians 1:20-22). From that position of authority, He prays. He invites us to be seated with Him there (Ephesians 2:5-7), and to pray with Him from the same perspective and authority.

ASHER INTRATER, Revive Israel & Tikkun Global

Page 2: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

2 | February 2019

W hat is life all about? That is a question that incalculable numbers of people have asked over the course of human

history. The Bible provides an answer. The meaning of life is primarily found through succeeding in establishing lasting, bonded relationships of love. That love also compels us to extend the circle of love in the Kingdom of God by serving others and introducing them to the liberation of the Gospel and discipleship so that they also might succeed in the great task of establishing bonded relationships of love. This is easier said than done, especially for people who were raised away from any context of seeing this lived out in before their eyes. However, through the power of God in Yeshua, we can all find healing and establish such relationships.

The first bonded and lasting relationship the power of the Gospel leads us into is with God, where we discover – as the Reformers taught – that the primary purpose of our lives is to love God and enjoy Him forever. This relationship is a key to learning to love and to overcome self-centeredness.

The next most important bonded relationship of love for most people, is with their spouse, with the potential for an amazing depth of joy. I am privileged to know that joy.

Then for most people, the next bonded relationship is with their children. We go through the struggles and, for the wife, the great pain of childbirth and raising young toddlers, for the joy set before us of

the potential of a lasting relationship of intimacy with our children.

Those not called to marriage and family are still called to deep bonded relationships with others. We have relationships with relatives and friends. God more than makes up for the lack of marriage and children for those who are called to a single life. God also gives us a heart to love people with great differences of interest and in many different stations in life. He broadens us.

The patterns of our modern Hi-Tech culture are arranged for fleeting relationships, for shallowness and trivia. They replace real intimacy with superficial information. They encourage zero or low commitment engagements and prioritize the immediate over the important. Many books have been written on this. I want to encourage you to stand against this trend. Internet Church is not Church. Facebook may be good for minimally keeping in touch, but can never be the relational basis for our lives.

Many years ago, I asked the Lord to give me a contingent of leaders who would walk with me in covenant love (bonded relationships of love) that would last a lifetime. God fulfilled that prayer, and I think the Tikkun story is largely a ripple effect initiated by those bonded relationships. We appreciate your connection to the Tikkun story and pray that your life would increasingly be given to establishing lasting, bonded relationships of love.

DAN JUSTER, Th. D., Restoration from Zion of Tikkun Global

tikkun.tvRestoration from Zion, Tikkun Global

Page 3: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

February 2019 | 3

It’s only a conversation. But the immortal dialogue between God and Moses in Exodus 3 alters history

and reveals an over-looked facet of the Almighty. From a blazing fire comes a voice. That voice comes from an intelligent Being. That Being is interacting with a human, conversationally!

When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!”

And he said, “Here I am.”

Then He said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” And he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God (Exodus 3:4-6).

God is stepping out of Eternity into Time, as an Actor/Participant. This is reflected in the action words ascribed to God in the original text (my emphasis): Saw,

called, said, am! As if to underscore his

“being,” in verse 6 God uses an archaic Hebrew word “Anochi”. This form of “I” is declarative. It emphasizes personhood, not just existence.”

Their conversation is not just about God getting the attention of an 80 year old shepherd who tried to free his people from slavery and is now receiving that same assignment from the only One who can truly free them. This conversation is a new level of God revealing Himself. “I see. I hear. I am involved. I am not a vague, amorphous deity in the distant heavens, far removed from human life.”

God says: “I’ve seen the oppression of my people...and have heard their cry, because of their taskmasters, and I know their sorrows. So I’ve come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey...” (Exodus 3:7-8).

All of these are words of activity. Someone must “do” them. What I love here is not only that God is involved, but that He IS (although it’s awkward to ascribe the term to the Eternal Author of the universe)...He is a Person.

After God informs Moses that He’s going to send him to free the Israelites from their miserable slavery, the shell-shocked fellow

asks a desperate question.

Moses: And who am I that I should do this?

God: I’ll be totally with you.

Moses: Ooof. Lord, you didn’t even answer the question. Or did you?

Moses: So, when I come to my people to announce this exodus, whom shall I say sent me?”

I love this exchange. First Moses asks, “Who am I?” Then he asks God, “Who are You?”

God: (and here’s the punchline) I AM WHO I AM. Or...I will be what I will be (which comes closer to the Hebrew: “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” (Exodus 3:14).

In other words, you are now speaking with ME. I have a name and this is my name forever – past, present and future. The Lord’s assurance of His personal presence empowers Moses and grants a solid inner security in the midst of a daunting task. God chooses to reveal Himself in a new, intensely personal dimension, not known to the Patriarchs (see Exodus 6:3).

Why? Because His ongoing conversational relationship with Moses will be the key to Israel’s supernatural victory

over Egyptian idolatry and their inheritance of the

promises. Should it be any different for us?

EITAN SHISHKOFF, Pastor Emeritus

Page 4: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

4 | February 2019

If Paul were living today he would probably have written about the ultra-marathons and long distance trail-running races popular today.

Paul spoke about running a victorious race in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. He encouraged each of us to set our focus on attaining the heavenly crown of victory. This involves not only our deeds but the attributes of our character. Running a race in order to achieve the heavenly crown demands that we have a spirit of perseverance and self-sacrifice that goes far beyond what is needed when competing for worldly prizes.

The spiritual race is one we all can win. Through God’s grace we can persevere and achieve victory. Let’s examine part of Isaac’s race as an example.

Isaac’s ChallengesIsaac was the son of promise, yet this did not mean that his life would be easy. In Genesis 26 we read that, after his father’s death, Isaac encountered many external challenges in his “race.” In his heart he still had peace and confidence in God’s promises. This is evidenced by the way in which he reacted to the conflict and rejection that he experienced.

Isaac was a farmer working his fields near the area known today as Gaza. His irrigation would have been from wells that were dug by him and his workers. Once the well was dug, water would be carried in buckets from the well.

The Lord blessed Isaac so much that due to his great wealth the Philistines became jealous and blocked his wells. Finally, fearful of Isaac’s power, Abimelech, king of the Philistines asked him to leave (Genesis 26:12-32) the area. So Isaac moved on, each time persevering by digging a new well only for there to be a yet another dispute that, in turn, caused him to go to another place. Without water it would be impossible for Isaac to sustain his household and flocks.

This cycle of moving to a new location, digging and finding water only to have it blocked by others, repeated itself a third time according to my understanding of the Hebrew text. The fourth time Isaac dug a well the situation changed. What we see is that eventually, after being rejected by Abimelech and the Phillistines several times in places where he found resources, the last time the situation was different. It seems they finally recognized that he wasn’t going to give up.

It’s not simple to find resources in the desert, and it demands much labor. Isaac’s perserverance and faith in God’s promise ultimately brought him to victory. Then Abimelech came to Isaac saying, “I see the Lord is with you” and made a covenant with him.

We as believers are called to keep on keeping on, in order to come into the place of God’s promises for our lives. In Him we have the ability to persevere and achieve His purpose for our daily life.

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PO Box 2124 Akko, Israel | Tel: 972-49915579


Page 5: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

February 2019 | 5

We would like to update you about another great Eagle Project Weekend that was organized jointly by “Return to Zion” and “Revive Israel.”

The goal of the Eagle Project Weekend is to invest in the young generation by united activity through fellowship, hiking, teaching, discussions and more.

During a weekend in December young adults from 9 congregations participated, along with Einar from Norway and 3 families from “Return to Zion” and “Revive Israel.”

In spite of an ominous weather forecast, we had two perfect days at the Sea of Galilee and on the Golan Heights. We started our trip with Naomi’s immersion (baptism). She participated in the last trip to Norway and chose to dedicate her life to the Lord. She was ready to make this step, and it was the first-time in the Eagle program that we immersed a young adult. We are grateful to God for this opportunity and can really see how He is working in the hearts of His people.

After the baptism we drove up to a guest house in the Golan Heights. The rest of the day was full of fellowship, games, a Shabbat meal and discussions.

That weekend we learned together from the book of James: about faith, a fruitful life and the standards of God’s Kingdom. These are important foundational topics to pass on to the young generation.

After a quality time of teaching and worship on Saturday morning, we had a great hike to Nahal ElAl waterfalls. (Yes, Israel has some lovely waterfalls.)

It is important sometimes to leave the normal routine, in order to to take a break and rest in Him. Wonderful people, great Israeli landscape, teachings and fellowship are fuel for our next steps in the land with Yeshua. It was a great weekend.

Many Blessings,

Evgeni Stanukevich

Address: P.O. Box 9609, Haifa 3109601, Israel Email: [email protected]

Shalom Dear Friends,

Page 6: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

6 | February 2019

W inter has officially arrived in Israel. In contrast to

recent years of drought, the months of December and January were mostly rainy, windy and cold. In the midst of this winter weather, a forecast finally came promising a pleasant respite. It was going to be a weekend of gentle sun – showcasing the lush, green landscape under a canopy of picturesque clouds and blue skies. On that weekend masses of Israelis swamped the Northern Galilee and the ski slopes of Mt. Hermon. Snow is rare here and the green beauty of the Galilee is breathtaking.

We too headed out to the Galilee to attend the second quarterly young adult discipleship retreat. These weekend encounters are part of KELIM, a discipleship program for young adults. Young adults, including soldiers home for the weekend, came to the equipping

retreat to dive into a subject that is dear to them. Relationships. Mainly, we focused on preparing for the covenant of marriage. We were blessed to have with us our dear friends and champion equippers for marital relationships – Larry and Lorrie, of Shepherd’s Heart Ministry.

As we began our sunny retreat at a beautiful location overlooking the sparkling Sea of Galilee, I was reminded of Yeshua’s intimate disclosure to His disciples in John 15:15, “...No longer do I call

you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” He shared with His friends the one desire He had for them that would make His joy and theirs, full. “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:11).

With these verses in mind, we explored the meaning of love, companionship and how to prepare for and build life-long relationships. Relationships are key to our spiritual growth. They are the ground where the truth of God is practiced. We have to be led to the right relationships and learn the principles of covenant and commitment for godly companionship. God does not evaluate our success by how many people follow us on Facebook nor by the size of our bank balance. He views success through the lens of relationships – first with Him and then with the people He brings to our lives.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and prayers for this project which aims to train and instruct Yeshua’s disciples here in the Galilee. This is probably the most valuable investment I can think of in preparing the next generation of Israeli believers.

May God continue to use our relationship with you to yield much fruit for the glory of His name and the success of His Kingdom here in Israel!


P.O. Box 1018 Kiryat Yam 29109 Israel | T: +972 (4) 877-7921 | F: +972 (4) 875-7792 | E: [email protected] |

Page 7: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

Here’s how I would summarize the plan of God in one sentence: God created and destined the world to be perfect in His sight, so that everything

would reflect His goodness and bring Him glory.

When God thought of you and me, He saw us in our fullness. He saw us in our perfect state. He saw something worth dying for.

His plan is to bring us into our full potential. By experiencing the ups and downs of life, we discover more of who we are and where we fall short of the glory of God. Through it all, we grow into the knowledge of God, and become more and more who He created us to be.

Yeshua came to reveal who we really are and redeem us. He redeems our human nature, our past, our family culture etc.

National Redemption Yet, His plan is greater than you and me. God is also in the business of saving and redeeming nations! Have you considered what your nation will look like in its full state of redemption?

Eventually, everything that has breath will praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6), including your nation, tribe, tongue and people (Revelation 7:9-10)! Though we’ve been taught in school how nations were formed in historical developments, God was always involved (Deuteronomy 32:8). Just as God has a unique calling for every individual, He also has a specific calling for every nation.

Most of the time we find it hard to see the God-given call over our nations – even here in Israel. I look at the people driving on the highway, and they are a far cry from reflecting God’s goodness on earth. I look at the corruption in our government and army, and it’s hard to believe God has not given up already.

Yet, if God created it, a nation has a calling. Let’s not allow our history or our unredeemed culture to define our nations’ callings. God is working out the redemption of each nation through the believing remnant in every nation, tribe and tongue.

Full Measure and Full Circle“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion. Blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles...And so all Israel will be saved...” (Romans 11:25-26)

What if the fullness of the Gentiles, is actually the redemption of every people group reaching a full measure of transformation?

If this is true, then we can’t ignore Israel. After all, this is where it all started: with one group of people, one family, one nation chosen by God to show the world His glory, His mercy and His righteousness.

I see it as a circle – God wanted to have all the nations in His Kingdom. He never wanted anyone left out. He wants everyone to see and experience His glory. So first, He showed who He is to Israel, and then at the right time He opened the way for everyone else. But the people of Israel had to be “blinded” in order for the other nations to discover God.

Now, it’s all coming back, full circle. The nations, the Gentiles, begin to enter into the fullness of their redeemed cultures. As they walk in their God-given fullness, they call the people of Israel back to Israel’s God-given calling. When the nations reflect God’s goodness, the people of Israel can be redeemed too.

This is how we will see the world fully redeemed, and walking in its full potential as God intended it to be.


February 2019 | 7

Connect with us at

www.reviveisrael.organd on Facebook

From a recent post at

Page 8: ASHER INTRATER, R - Tikkun TV · 2019-02-06 · the Institute for Labor and Mental Health, or Rabbi Michael Lerner TIKKUN ADMIN. OFFICE P.O. Box 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886-2997 USA

8 | February 2019

4. In Tongues – Praying in tongues is an amazingly

effective tool. Paul said that he prayed in tongues more than

anyone else (I Corinthians 14:5, 18). This was not a statement of pride but an exhortation for us to understand how important it is to pray in tongues. Prayer in tongues allows for intercession beyond our limited understanding and our limited ability to express words (Romans 8:26).

5. By the Spirit – We pray by the leading of the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit, and actually allow the Spirit of God to pray through us (Romans 8:16, 26; 9:1; 10:1). We pray not only by our own thoughts, but through the Spirit in a dimension beyond our thoughts(I Corinthians 14:2, 13-17; Judah/Jude 20). Prayer is a spirit-led activity that is akin to prophesying, in that we are “moved” by the Spirit (II Peter 1:21).

6. Forcefully and Energetically –Prayers are answered by the intervention of God, not by our own effort. On the other hand, real prayer requires a huge amount of effort. Elijah prayed so forcefully, that it stopped the rain and changed history (James 5:17). When Shimon (Peter) was put in jail, the community prayed with great forcefulness for his release, since in the previous case, they apparently hadn’t prayed hard enough for James’ (Yaakov’s) release and he was killed (Acts 12:1-5). We are urged to pray unceasingly, with diligence and boldness (Luke 18:1; Romans 12:12).

Connect with us at

www.reviveisrael.organd on Facebook

From a recent post at

In order to “pass on” the baton of intercessory prayer to the next generation, here are more essential aspects of prayer that need to be embraced:

7. Not Our Will – Often we simply pray for what we want. However, true intercession starts by denying ourselves and seeking God’s will (Luke 9:23). One of the greatest moments of prayer was Yeshua’s simple but piercing cry: “Not my will but Your will” (Matthew 26:39-40). Yeshua is still seeking those who will pray that kind of prayer, because it will change the whole world.

8. By Kingdom Plan – Prayer is not only asking for God’s will to be done in our own lives, but that His plan for human society would come to pass. That plan is called the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:9-10). Since He told us to pray for that kingdom to come, we understand that prayer can advance the purposes of God’s government. We coordinate our personal prayers with this overall pattern and strategy.

9. For Kings (Leaders) – We desire to bless everyone, but it is simply not possible for us to pray for every single person on the planet by name! It therefore seems obvious that we should pray for those with the most influence, who in turn can bless many, many others. This starts with government leaders, and includes judges, as well as business, cultural, educational and religious leaders (I Timothy 2:1-4). In our modern world, media figures have a particularly strong influence on public opinion.

10. In Agreement – Prayers of faith can do anything; and when those prayers are prayed together with others in heart agreement, the power of that prayer can

multiply ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and more. We seek to pray with others, as prayer partners or in prayer meetings, or through broad internet communication of certain prayer needs and themes (Matthew 18:19). Husbands and wives definitely need to practice praying together (I Peter 3:7).

11. For Unity – Those who understand spiritual warfare know that demonic forces always seek to divide and conquer God’s people, while we always seek to unite by prayer and love. Oneness with God is Yeshua’s highest example of prayer (John 17:21-23; Luke 11:17). If you are not praying for unity, you may unwittingly be part of the problem.

12. In Yeshua’s name – We pray everything under the lordship and authority of Yeshua the Messiah. We are aligned with Him. Proclaiming Yeshua’s name is not just about adding a pious salutation at the end of our prayers (“ Jesus’ name”). It is a consciousness that we are standing as His personal representatives on the earth (John 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23-24). That kind of prayer has unlimited impact and effectiveness.

Continued from page 1

Betty and Asher Intrater