Asheboro Events-Wente Vineyards Wine Tasting

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    Wente VineyardWine Tasting



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    2 Asheboro Events Magazine September 2010

    Asheboro Magazine is all about promoting andsupporting locally-owned, independent businesses.Its about making your hard-earned money gofurther, fueling the local economy, and helping to

    preserve the unique character of Asheboro. We would liketo introduce Asheboro Proud, a shop local community effortto keep more of your hard earned dollars in the Asheboroeconomy and strengthen the small businesses that makeAsheboro unique.

    Be aware of the impact of your dollars.A locally owned independent business returns

    approximately 73% of each dollar spent back to the

    community. Local, independent businesses assist thecommunity through a multiplier effect: one dollar spent ata locally owned business will return ve times that amountwithin the community through city taxes, employees wages,and purchase of materials and supplies at other independentbusinesses. In addition, these businesses will turn that dollarback into the community through school funding, socialservices, and contributions to local non-prot organizations.

    Chains and franchises contribute roughly 43% and at timesas little as 20% of the stores sales back into the communitythrough employee wages, sales taxes, and property taxes.Frequently, a chain store's location is owned by the larger nonlocal company, and the business is given tax breaks in order for

    shareholder prots to remain high. Locally owned independentbusinesses do not receive such benets and thus contribute afar greater proportion of revenues to local taxes.

    Choice makes for a richer communityLocal, independent businesses are located all over greater

    Asheboro. You can grab a coffee to go, pick up locally grown

    produce or freshly baked bread, shop for unique gifts orhousehold items, or choose a good book for a day at the beachYou can get your hair cut, have your taxes prepared, or applyfor a mortgage at your friendly community bank or creditunion.

    These businesses add to the character that is Asheboro,contributing more than just goods and services. Theyoffer personalized attention, add diversity to our shoppingoptions, and bring life to historic buildings. And they paytheir employeesand local taxeswith the income theyreceive. Each time you choose to spend your dollars at alocal, independent business, you are voting for the continuedstrength and vitality of our community. Below are 10 great

    reasons to shop at locally owned businesses every day.

    1. Buy local to support yourself2. Keep our community unique3. Be eco-friendly4. Create more jobs5. Get better customer service6. Put your taxes to good use7. Invest in the community8. Support community groups9. Promote competition and diversity10. Encourage future investment

    Were proud to be Asheboro business owners and weintend on keeping as much of our money local as we can andhope you will help us raise awareness of this initiative by doingthe same. We are just in the beginning stages of the AsheboroProud initiative, but we were so excited, we wanted to leteveryone know about it. Stay tuned...there is much more tofollow.

    An illustration of the

    importance of doing

    business with locally

    owned businesses.

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    Philip R. WenteVice Chairman

    Wente Family Estate

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    4 Asheboro Events Magazine September 2010

    Dave Johnson


    Dear Readers,

    AA s h e b o r o C a l e n d a r .com is a website wherelocal events and theirdetails will be posted., its sister site,is a website where local events willbe featured after the event. Bothwere designed to promote and then

    highlight the wonderful events thattake place here in Asheboro andRandolph County.

    This is a Special Event Magazinethat we will publish after eachevent we attend. Our goal is to rstraise awareness of each event so others willattend and, afterward, commemorateeach in pictures with a Special EventMagazine similar to this one. Bothwebsites are part of AsheboroMagazines, Asheboro Proud initiativewhich is designed to fuel the localeconomy by emphasizing the uniquecharacter of Asheboro.

    The Wente Vineyard Wine Tastingtook place at Lumina Wine and Beeron September 1, 2010. The guestof honor was Phillip Wente, ViceChairman of Wente Family Estatesin Livermore, California. Founded128 years ago, Wente Vineyardsis the countrys oldest, continuouslyoperated family-owned winery. It isntoften you get a guest of Phillip Wentes

    prestige at a small local wine tastingwhich speaks volumes about theWente familys commitment tohelping its customer grow.

    The attendance of this eventwas spectacular and the wines didnot disappoint. We started with aPinot Grigio. I am not a white winefan, but this particular wine wasvery pleasing to the palate. We

    then tasted a Chardonnay which,in my humble opinion, was on parwith some the best wines in its pricepoint. From there we moved to thereds. The rst red we tasted wasmy favorite. It was from the Wentefamilys Tams Estates which is aCabernet Sauvignon, Petite Sirahand Barbera blend.

    At around $10 a bottle, this isone of the best reds I have had thepleasure of drinking. It drinks like aMerlot but has the maturity and avor

    depth of a Cab. This blend of grapescreates an adventurously robust yetsmooth red wine with mouth-llingavors of blackberry, black cherryand plum, and a smooth, spicy nish.It denitely meets Luminas criteriaof a $10 bottle that drinks like a $25or $30 bottle.

    We then tasted the Merlot andthe Cabernet Sauvignon which werealso quite good. If it were me, I wouldhave saved the Double Decker Redfor last though because after tasting

    it rst, the other two did not get theattention they deserved.The best part of the event

    was meeting all the great folks inattendance, seeing some of our newfriends and talking with a world-classwine maker. It didnt hurt that weheard many great comments aboutthe rst issue of Asheboro Magazine.Keep an eye on for the next wine tasting atLumina Beer and Wine. You wontwant to miss it.

    DaveDave Johnson,


    Dave [email protected]


    Sherry B. [email protected]


    Kirsten [email protected]


    [email protected]

    w w w . a s h e b o r o e v e n t s . c o m T | 3 3 6 .7 3 6 .8 5 4 6

    F | 866.559.2920

    Content deadline for the PreimerePrinted Edition (October 2010) of Ase

    boro Magazine is Septmeber 30, 2010

    This Asheboro Events cover photowas provided by Dave Johnson taken

    on location at the Wente VineyardsWine tasting at Lumina Beer & Wineon September 1, 2010 If you wouldlike to submit a photo or any otherinformation to be featured in BeerSnob Magazine, please e-mail your

    files to [email protected]. If sending pictures, make sure

    files are 300 dpi and large enough tofill an 8 1/2 x 11 space.

    Asheboro Magazine is published monthly Crown Harbor Marketing, Inc. Any reproductior duplication of any part thereof must be dowith the written permission of the PublishAll information included herein is correct to tbest of our knowledge as of the publication daCorrections should be forwarded to the Publishat the address above.

    Disclaimer: The paid advertisements containwithin Asheboro Magazine are not endorsor recommended by the Publisher. Therefoneither party may be held liable for the businepractices of these companies.

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    5565 Tesla RoadLivermore, California



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    9 Asheboro Events Magazine September 2010

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