ASHDALE MADELEY LANDSDALE CLUSTER POSITIVE EDUCATION RATIONALE Positive psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in life, from birth to death and at all stops in between (Peterson, 2006, p.4). Positive psychology has three pillars: the study of positive emotion, the study of positive traits, particularly strengths and virtues but also “abilities” such as intelligence and athleticism, and the study of positive institutions such as democracy and strong families that support the virtues which in turn support the positive emotions (Seligman, 2002, p.xiii). The National Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008, p.4) describes five remarkable changes of the past twenty years that have major implications for education. These include a rapid increase in global integration and international mobility; the growth and influence on the world of India, China and other Asian countries, necessitating the need for Australians to become ‘Asia literate’; greater demands on education and skill development in Australia in response to globalisation and technological change; complex environmental, social and economic pressures that demand high level skills and understanding of scientific concepts and principles as well as new and creative problem-solving approaches; and rapid and continuing advances in information and communication technologies. Schooling must not only deal with these changes as they are now but anticipate future conditions in which young Australians will need to function as individuals, citizens and workers (National Curriculum Board, 2009, p.5). Reflecting on the nature of life in the 21 st century, the National Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008) outlines general capabilities that schools should help students to develop throughout the curriculum. In addition to literacy, numeracy and ICT, thinking skills, creativity, self- management, teamwork, intercultural understanding, ethical behaviour and social competence are identified as important general capabilities for schools to develop in their students. It is the belief of the Ashdale/Madeley/Landsdale cluster of schools that by approaching teaching and learning from a positive psychology perspective we give our students the knowledge and skills to deal with these changes in a positive and fulfilling way. Landsdale Primary School Positive Education Policy Positive Education at Landsdale Primary School aims to establish and maintain high quality, positive relationships between staff, students and the school community. The Positive Education Policy will outline core practices, routines, rights, responsibilities and agreements that will guide the interactions and relationships of the school community. The policy will also outline the process of guiding the positive social development of students through embedding common language and explicit teaching of socially responsible behaviours within daily classroom activities and whole school


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Positive psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in life, from birth to death and at all stops in between (Peterson, 2006, p.4). Positive psychology has three pillars: the study of positive emotion, the study of positive traits, particularly strengths and virtues but also “abilities” such as intelligence and athleticism, and the study of positive institutions such as democracy and strong families that support the virtues which in turn support the positive emotions (Seligman, 2002, p.xiii).

The National Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008, p.4) describes five remarkable changes of the past twenty years that have major implications for education. These include a rapid increase in global integration and international mobility; the growth and influence on the world of India, China and other Asian countries, necessitating the need for Australians to become ‘Asia literate’; greater demands on education and skill development in Australia in response to globalisation and technological change; complex environmental, social and economic pressures that demand high level skills and understanding of scientific concepts and principles as well as new and creative problem-solving approaches; and rapid and continuing advances in information and communication technologies.

Schooling must not only deal with these changes as they are now but anticipate future conditions in which young Australians will need to function as individuals, citizens and workers (National Curriculum Board, 2009, p.5).

Reflecting on the nature of life in the 21st century, the National Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008) outlines general capabilities that schools should help students to develop throughout the curriculum. In addition to literacy, numeracy and ICT, thinking skills, creativity, self-management, teamwork, intercultural understanding, ethical behaviour and social competence are identified as important general capabilities for schools to develop in their students.

It is the belief of the Ashdale/Madeley/Landsdale cluster of schools that by approaching teaching and learning from a positive psychology perspective we give our students the knowledge and skills to deal with these changes in a positive and fulfilling way.

Landsdale Primary School Positive Education Policy Positive Education at Landsdale Primary School aims to establish and maintain high quality, positive relationships between staff, students and the school community. The Positive Education Policy will outline core practices, routines, rights, responsibilities and agreements that will guide the interactions and relationships of the school community. The policy will also outline the process of guiding the positive social development of students through embedding common language and explicit teaching of socially responsible behaviours within daily classroom activities and whole school practices.

The focus for the whole school is on Three Main aspects of Positive Education.1. Developing a common whole school approach to Virtues, Values, Strengths and

Resiliency:2. Developing Agreements, core practices, rights and responsibilities for the school to

maintain high quality, positive relationships between staff, students and the school community.

3. The promotion of staff and student engagement and well being.

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Focus 1: Developing a whole school approach to Virtues, Values, Strengths and Resiliency

Virtues/Strengths: Landsdale Primary School actively promotes the positive social development of the school community through the explicit promotion of the following 6 Virtues and the Character Strengths that underpin them.

Term Virtues Character Strengths1: Week 4-7 Justice Citizenship, Fairness, Equity and Justice, Leadership

1: Week 8-11 Courage Bravery, Persistence, Integrity, Vitality

2: Wisdom and Knowledge

Curiosity, Creativity, Open-Mindedness, Love of Learning, Perspective.

3: Week 1-5 Temperance Forgiveness and Mercy, Humility/Modesty, Prudence, Self Regulation

3: Week 6-10 Humanity Capacity to love and be loved, Kindness, Social Intelligence

4: Transcendence Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humour, Spirituality.

Landsdale also recognises the nine values which correspond to the virtues and strengths. Staff are encouraged to explicitly use the language of virtues, values and strengths whenever possible.Nine Values of Australian Schooling:Understanding, Tolerance and InclusionBe aware of others and their cultures, accept diversity within a democratic society,being included and including others( Humanity + Justice)

ResponsibilityBe accountable for one's own actions, resolve differences in constructive, non-violent andpeaceful ways, contribute to society and to civic life, take care of the environment(Justice and Temperance)

 RespectTreat others with consideration and regard, respect another person's point of view(Humanity and Justice)

IntegrityAct in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct, ensure consistencybetween words and deeds(Justice and Temperance)

Honesty and TrustworthinessBe honest, sincere and seek the truth(Justice and Temperance)

FreedomEnjoy all the rights and privileges of Australian citizenship free from unnecessaryinterference or control, and stand up for the rights of others(Humanity, Justice and Temperance)

Fair GoPursue and protect the common good where all people are treated fairly for a just society(Justice)

Doing Your BestSeek to accomplish something worthy and admirable, try hard, pursue excellence(Temperance)

Care and CompassionCare for self and others(Humanity and Transcendence)All staff will use the language of virtues, values and strengths when discussing behaviours (academic and social) and progress with students, constantly emphasising the desirable behaviours that demonstrate the virtues and build on the students strengths. The Virtues, values and strengths will be explicitly referred to through a variety of mediums: In the office: Posters, displays, multimedia presentations and use of consistent language when dealing with breaches of agreements or praise of excellent achievement.

In the Playground: Tokens to promote behaviours that demonstrate the virtues,values and strengths, staff to reinforce these behaviours by praising using the explicit language of the virtues, values and strengths.

In Specialist Classrooms/Classrooms: Posters, displays and use of consistent, explicit language relating to virtues, values and strengths.

Assemblies: Focus on strengths with merit awards reflecting the strengths for the term at both junior and senior assemblies. On the Wednesday that the class does not have assembly the half hour is encouraged to be a lesson/activity relating to positive education eg. Class meetings, activities to build resiliency, thinking skills and strengths. Years 4-7 particularly are encouraged to have a 15min year level meeting for the purpose of giving information, reinforcing positive behaviours with a reward system (eg. tokens, certificates), discussion of

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issues, etc. To encourage student leadership develop the meetings to be organised and led by students. After the meeting a 15min activity could be given to reinforce positive practices.Resiliency and Optimism:A whole school approach to developing resiliency and optimism in students: In Year 4 – 6 through the Aussie Optimism Program: Year 4&5 Positive Thinking Skills and Year 6&7 the focus is on Social Skills.In 2011 the positive education committee will investigate appropriate programs for Years PP-3A focus on Positive Psychology strategies for staff through articles in Lashings, PL opportunities for staff and professional sharing of strategies outlined in the staff well being section.

Focus 2: Developing Agreements, core practices, rights and responsibilities for the school to maintain high quality, positive relationships between staff, students and the school community.

Development of Staff /Student Agreements:

Aims:Landsdale Primary School aims to:

Create a safe, inclusive and positive environment where staff and students are valued and respected.

Develop staff and student self efficacy. Ensure all staff and students are treated fairly and equitably. Develop an environment where staff and students take responsibility for their own actions. Explicitly encourage courteous behaviours. Develop and maintain pride and respect in the school property and environment. Be proactive in developing social and thinking skills.

Whole School Preferred Practices: Reflective strategies: Goal setting, appropriate feedback, self reflection, daily “positives”, Class meetings/reflective circles: the format to be developed at year level collaborative meetings. Connect class and office consequences through “Traffic Lights”: Class agreements not adhered to

may lead to students being placed on Orange light/red light and following the process for consequences and behaviour recovery.

Explicit use of the language of virtues, values and strengths Whole school agreements developed by consultation with staff, students and parents through

meetings and surveys.. Class student and teacher agreements developed in the class in the first few weeks. Year level agreements developed in the first few weeks in collaborative year level meetings. Least to most intrusive resolution to breaches of school/class agreements. Model positive social and thinking skills.

Rights and Responsibilities:Core Routines/Rules:

Whole School Agreements:General: At Landsdale Primary School we:Walk on all hard surfaces around the school unless in a supervised class activity.Move around the school quietly during class transitions and respect other classes’ right to learn.Display courteous behaviours at all time: eg. Knock before entering a room; use please, thank you and excuse me; Greet people respectfully when encountering them.Abide by our uniform/dress code.Understand that to be safe we have a “No hat No play” policy.We only play in the areas appropriate for playing.Respect everyone’s right to be safe. Use our words to solve problems.Respect school and people’s property.Speak politely to each other and never use put downs.Treat others as we would like to be treated.Only enter classrooms when a teacher is present. Listen carefully to instructions and ask clarifying questions if needed.

Before School:

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Students are to go to the undercover area if they arrive before 8.30am without a parent/guardian. Students are to be seated and not to play or use equipment in the undercover area. Students may enter the classrooms at 8.30 am and should be involved in preparing for the day.Students are to only go to the bike racks if they are leaving a bike or scooter secured for the day.Bikes/scooters are to be walked onto the property.Students wait quietly for the class to be opened, no playground or sports equipment is to be used.

RecessStudents stay in designated play areas and do not return to classroom areas.Respect other people’s space and food.Strive to be on time returning to class.

1st Lunch:Students eat without disturbing others, polite social interaction is encouraged.Respect other people’s space and food.All students need to be seated in the undercover area or designated eating area, benches are not to be used at this time.Students remain seated until the duty teacher releases them, they may raise their hand when finished, the teacher will give them permission to leave the area if all rubbish has been collected.

2nd lunch When students are released from their eating areas they may:Line up for entry to the Information Centre (see rules/routines for Information Centre)Play in designated areasPlay non contact games only: ie. Modified rules for games that involve contact. (no tackling)Return to class safely and on timeStaff member on duty on the bottom oval to give a 5 minute warning prior to siren to enable students to return to class on time.

After School: Bicycle helmets must be worn according to the law.Students are to go make their way home as soon as the siren goes unless directed by a teacher.Students are to avoid play equipment after school to stay safe.All wheeled vehicles will be walked onto and off the property.A Deputy Principal will be on duty around the school especially the bike racks to ensure the safe departure of students.Students are to move quickly and safely to the “Kiss and Drive” as soon as the siren goes.An admin person will assist at the “Kiss and Drive” after school and supervise uncollected students.All students to remain safely behind the yellow line and to the left of the yellow pole when waiting for collection at “Kiss and Drive” Students are to safely walk to the car collecting them and enter from the curb side.

Specialist Areas: The Year Level Agreements will be displayed in each Specialist Room or Area. (U/Cover area for Phys Ed) so they may be referred to by the specialist teachers. Specific Rules/Responsibilities for the learning area will also be on display.Year Level:During year level collaborative meeting in the first few weeks of school year level agreements will be developed using collaborative strategies. These agreements will be displayed in common areas, specialist classrooms and in the classrooms for teachers and students to refer to.Class Level: Each class will develop their own agreements at the beginning of the year using collaborative strategies to ensure all have had input into the agreements. These agreements will be displayed prominently in the room.Breaches of Agreements: When dealing with breaches of the agreements please use the language of Virtues, Values and Strengths. eg. At Landsdale we expect you to be honest, if you have the courage to be honest we can work together to help you to understand the agreement you breachedClass Level: Each class will develop their own consequences to breaches of the agreements ensuring they are clear, appropriate to the age of students and adhere to reflective practices and least to most intrusive resolution strategies. Year Level: Year level consequences are developed in conjunction with the year level agreements to compliment the whole school policy.

Whole School Behaviour Restoration Procedures:

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The consequences for breaches of the agreements have been developed with the students at classroom level, in consultation with staff, students and parents at the whole school level.

Behaviour Restoration Procedures:

Class procedures are developed from least to most intrusive interventions as follows:1. Use of positive classroom reflective strategies (see appendix one)2. Non-verbal and verbal strategies. Here staff will use techniques such as Raising Awareness,

communicating calmness, allowing take up time, direct language, etc. 3. Strategies to find the source of the problem. Discuss the issues with the student away from other

students, move seats, behaviour incentives, home communication etc. 4. Formal warnings eg. Name on board, sad faces.5. Think time away from other students (in class.)6. Think time with reflection sheet in other class.7. Amber warning orange.8. Individual Behaviour Plan (developed with admin support if required)

Amber Warning: When an amber warning is given to a student the office must be notified but not necessarily involved. The teacher can choose to manage the reflection process in their class and give a time limit for restoring their positive behaviour or the student can be sent to the office for an Deputy to investigate the breach/es and decide whether to give an opportunity for restoring positive behaviour or go in the system on full orange. Class teachers are to let the office know when a student is on warning amber by sending the Amber Warning form to the office. (Appendix B)

Full Orange:The student will be given a reflection sheet to take home and parents are notified. The Deputy deal-ing with the incident will set the consequences and provide any follow up strategy.

Red Light:If another serious breach occurs while the student is on Orange light, the student is sent to the office for a Deputy to deal with the incident and allocate consequences. At this stage the student may be on cautionary red where a behaviour plan is put in place with consultation with the school psycholo-gist (if available), the parents/guardians and the Deputy Principal. If the student abides by the Indi-vidual Behaviour Plan for the set period the student will begin behaviour recovery and return to or-ange and then green. If the student continues to breach the agreements while on cautionary red they will be placed on Red light.Red Light may result in withdrawal, suspension or exclusion.

Specialist teachers: Please inform the specialist teachers as you deliver your class to them if there are any students on warnings or lights. Specialists to use the year level agreements with the addition of any specific area routines and agreements they have developed.

Relief Teachers:The relief teacher package will include the clear procedures for positive behaviour management. The package will make clear the procedure for referral to office before any “light” is given.

Positive Behaviour Letters:There will no longer be a green light letter to all students who have not received an orange light (remember this will not include the amber warnings) Instead there will be a “positive behaviour” letter sent to all the stu-dents the teacher decides have displayed consistent positive behaviour.

Playground duty:Teachers are to apply the whole school agreements while in the playground and use least to most intrusive interventions that match the breach. Eg. Pick up 5 bits of litter if the student left litter on the ground, walk with you for 2 mins if running on the hard surface, sit out on the bench for mild rough or inappropriate play etc. If severe physical or abusive behaviour is observed the student should be referred to the office for in-vestigation and consequences using the cards in the Duty Bag.Amber warnings are tracked online and duration monitored by the Admin and class teacher.

Focus 3: Development of Staff &Student Well Being

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Student well being:

Global Education: Global Education aims at giving students the skills and awareness to investigate, design and implement projects that impact on real world issues and values.Extension Programs: Students can extend their learning through being involved in the Multimedia group, Writing groups, PEAC, JETS, Speech and Drama activities and Programming. Areas for extension in the classroom are offered when required.Support Programs: Student support is provided to students in the areas of ESL, special needs and targeted groups.Sport/Fitness: Students fitness is catered for through programs such as the Legends of Landsdale, Daily fitness, Sports Interschool Friendlies, Active After Schools and sports carnivals.The Arts: Students are immersed in the Arts through collaborative Music, Art and Drama productions (MAD), the annual Cluster Muster and AssembliesStudent Council: The Year Seven students are encouraged to undertake leadership roles in the school through the Student Council.Faction Captains/Vice Captains: Students are encouraged to undertake leadership roles in sport.Innovation: Students are becoming more active and involved in their own learning and school environment through innovations such as the Year Seven Learning Spaces project, school and class agreements, class meetings and online learning module development.1-1 laptop program: Students are encouraged to purchase their own laptops to increase their access to ubiquitous technology for 21st century learning. Digital Citizenship: Students are provided with the experience, skills and knowledge to take part in online communities responsibly.Chaplain: The cluster provides a Chaplaincy program to further support student well being through the different elements of the program.

Staff Well Being:

Term Social Teams: Each term a team of staff members are allocated duties to cater to staff well being in the areas of care and organisation of staff room and morning tea, organising gifts for special occasions and organising the terms social events.Health and Fitness programs: The positive education committee are active in organising health and fitness programs during the year. eg Zumba, Tennis, Walking club etcFriday social Networking: Every Friday the staff have the opportunity to relax and network in a social setting.Lashings: Every Monday the staff newsletter “The Lashings” is emailed to staff. It contains work related information but also social news, articles to promote positive psychology and support our positive education policy.Staff Thank You: During the week staff members can nominate another staff member by filling in a “Thank You” slip in recognition of something they have done to demonstrate one of the virtues. Every Friday one is drawn out and a small gift and free Friday social time is given.Professional Learning opportunities: Many Professional Learning opportunities are given to staff that are related to their professional and personal growth. Applications can be made to the Admin staff for approval.Extra time given for extra responsibilities: Staff who undertake extra responsibilities without an allocated time component are provided with time when available to assist them in their duties.Common DOTT: All year levels have at least one common DOTT time to collaboratively plan and interact with their line manager.Professional Partnerships: The school encourages the development of professional partnerships within the school, across the cluster and the community.Induction: Our induction processes are reviewed and implemented by the Positive Education Committee Workflow group.Mentor program: New staff are provided with a mentor to assist them in all areas of their professional duties when needed. Mentors are also used in professional partnerships in different priority areas.

Appendix One:

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In Class Recommended Strategies:

The most important strategy is to actively promote teach and support positive behaviour:Use of Positive Feedback: Use clear descriptive feedback when encouraging students to continue and increase their positive behaviour. Eg. Be specific about the action you are encouraging: “That was thoughtful to help your partner…., “You are using your inside voice to good effect, “You started quickly on your task….. etc. Avoid meaningless praising such as “good boy/girl”.Non verbal: Proximity: Often it just needs you to be close to the student, make sure you are moving around the room not sitting at a desk.Cues: eg. Pointing to where they should be sitting, finger to lips for silence etc.Tactical ignoring: If the student is complaining about an instruction in an undertone however is following the instruction, ignore the grumble/mumbles.Verbal:Wait Time: Give an instruction and give the students time and space to take up the instruction.Describe the Obvious Reality: eg. You are swinging on your chair, it is dangerous, chair on all four legs thanks.Remind them of the Agreements.Communicate Calmness: firm, quiet confident voice.Model and discuss problem solving strategies.Model positive behaviours.Explicitly teach resiliency and optimism skills through learning activities and class meeting modelling.Use appropriate humour to relieve tensions.Most importantly, engage the students: use of fun activities, different lesson beginnings.

Appendix B

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Amber Warning:

Teacher: ______________________________________ LA ________

Name: ____________________________________ has been given these opportunities to respect our class agreements:

Use of positive classroom reflective strategies

Non Verbal and Verbal encouragement to behave appropriately according to our class agreements.

Strategies to find the source of the problem. Discuss the issues with the student away from other students, move seats, behaviour incentives, home communication etc.

Formal warnings eg. Name on board, sad faces.

Think time away from other students (in class.)

Think time with reflection sheet in other class.

This student has now moved onto an Amber Orange Light.

I will continue to work with the student in the classroom to return to green light behaviour.

I would like a Deputy to assist in the managing of this student’s behaviour as I consider it possible Orange Light behaviour.

This student is already on Orange Light.

I would like a Deputy to manage this student’s behaviour as I consider it possible Red Light Behaviour.