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Transcript of ASD-ADHD

  • 7/26/2019 ASD-ADHD


    Managing ASD and ADHD

    in Classroom Setting

  • 7/26/2019 ASD-ADHD


    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition which affects

    individuals in two main areas:

    A. Individuals have impaired communication and social interactionB. Individuals have restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or


    ASD affects the way that individuals are able to interact with others and they

    often find the world to be a confusin place. Difficulty communicatin can result

    in !melt downs" # this differs from a tantrum as the individual does not choose tohave a melt down.

    Individuals with ASD often have sensory sensitivities # they may be under$ or

    over$sensitive to any of the five senses.

    %hat is ASD&

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    'anain ASD in schools

    Althouh there is a rane of intervention strateies desined for students with ASD and

    used in many educational settins, there is no one intervention or approach proven

    effective for every child with ASD (ational esearch *ouncil +).

    -o ain the most from any intervention or teachin stratey reuires a careful review of

    the family/s vision for their child0 the student/s ability to communicate, how they prefer to

    communicate, and the student/s conitive ability, learnin style, adaptive behavior and

    independent daily livin s1ills.

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    2 3se -as1 Analysis #very specific, tas1s in seuential order.

    2 Always 1eep your lanuae simple and concrete. 4et your point across in as few words aspossible. -ypically, it"s far more effective to say 56ens down, close your 7ournal and line up to ooutside8 than 5It loo1s so nice outside. 9et"s do our science lesson now. As soon as you"vefinished your writin, close your boo1s and line up at the door. %e"re oin to study plantsoutdoors today8.

    2 -each specific social ruless1ills, such as turn$ta1in and social distance.

    2 4ive fewer choices. If a child is as1ed to pic1 a color, say red, only ive him two to three choicesto pic1 from. -he more choices, the more confused an autistic child will become.

    2 If you as1 a uestion or ive an instruction and are reeted with a blan1 stare, reword yoursentence. As1in a student what you 7ust said helps clarify that you"ve been understood.

    2 Avoid usin sarcasm. If a student accidentally 1noc1s all your papers on the floor and you say

    54reat;8 you will be ta1en literally and this action miht be repeated on a reular basis.

    2 Avoid usin idioms. 56ut your thin1in caps on8, 5

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    2 4ive very clear choices and try not to leave choices open ended. >ou"re bound to et a betterresult by as1in 5Do you want to read or draw&8 than by as1in 5%hat do you want to do now&8

    2 epeat instructions and chec1in understandin. 3sin short sentences to ensure clarity ofinstructions.

    2 6rovidin a very clear structure and a set daily routine includin time for play).

    2 -eachin what 5finished8 means and helpin the student to identify when somethin has finishedand somethin different has started. -a1e a photo of what you want the finished product to loo1li1e and show the student. If you want the room cleaned up, ta1e a picture of how you want it toloo1 some time when it is clean. -he students can use this for a reference.

    2 6rovidin warnin of any impendin chane of routine, or switch of activity.

    2 Addressin the pupil individually at all times (for e?ample, the pupil may not reali@e that aninstruction iven to the whole class also includes himher. *allin the pupil"s name and sayin 5Ineed you to listen to this as this is somethin for you to do8 can sometimes wor10 other times thepupil will need to be addressed individually).

    2 3sin various means of presentation # visual, physical uidance, peer modelin, etc.

    2 econi@in that some chane in manner or behavior may reflect an?iety (which may betriered by a minor chane to routine).

    'anain ASD in schools

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    2 ot ta1in apparently rude or aressive behavior personally0 and reconi@in that the taret for

    the pupil"s aner may be unrelated to the source of that aner.

    2 Avoid overstimulation. 'inimi@inremoval of distracters, or providin access to an individual wor1

    area or booth, when a tas1 involvin concentration is set. *olorful wall displays can be distractin

    for some pupils, others may find noise very difficult to cope with.

    2 See1in to lin1 wor1 to the pupil"s particular interests.

    2 C?plorin word$processin, and computer$based learnin for literacy.

    2 6rotectin the pupil from teasin at free times, and providin peers with some awareness of

    hisher particular needs.

    2 Allowin the pupil to avoid certain activities (such as sports and ames) which she may not

    understand or li1e0 and supportin the pupil in open$ended and roup tas1s.

    2 Allowin some access to obsessive behavior as a reward for positive efforts.

    'anain ASD in schools

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD) is an internationally validated

    medical condition of brain dysfunction in which individuals have difficulties in

    controllin impulses, inhibitin appropriate behaviour and sustainin attention.As a result of these difficulties, a child or youn person can e?perience a rane

    of educational, behavioural, social and related issues.

    Specific learnin difficulties, such as dysle?ia, dyspra?ia and dyscalculia, occur

    in appro?imately E per cent of children with ADD, while disruptive

    behavioural disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder and conductdisorder, occur in about F per cent of cases. Ginally, an?iety disorders occur in

    about H per cent of all individuals with ADD.

    %hat is ADD&

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    Gor day$to$day manaement of learners with ADD in the

    classroom, specific tried and tested strateies and

    suestions are listed below. In some cases, these will

    simply confirm ood practice, but the 1ey is to developconsistent routines for learnin while retainin the fle?ibility

    to deal with some of the minor distractions and incidents

    that will occur.

    'anain ADD in schools

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    2 Seat the child near the teacher but include himher as part of the reular class2 6lace the child up front with hisher bac1 to the rest of the class, 1eepin others out of view

    2 Allow himher to use ob7ects to manipulative when sittin, as aids to concentration2 Surround the child with ood role models, preferably those seen as sinificant others2 Cncourae peer tutorin and cooperative learnin2 Avoid distractin stimuli. -ry not to place the child near heaters, doors or windows or other potential

    distractions, such as as taps in science lab. ih levels of traffic or bac1round noise can also be aproblem

    2 -ry to avoid chanes in schedules, physical relocation or unnecessary transitions. -hese children do notrespond well to chane or unplanned activities, so monitor them closely on e?tra$curricular activities suchas field trips

    2 Be creative. 6roduce a reduced$stimuli area or wor1station for learners to access2 'aintain eye contact with himher durin verbal instruction2 'a1e directions clear and concise and beconsistent with daily instructions2 'a1e sure she understands instructions and what is e?pected before beinnin a tas12 elp himher to feel comfortable with see1in assistance2 4radually try to reduce the amount of assistance the child receives2 Cnsure that a daily assinment noteboo1 is 1ept up to date and that parents and teachers sin daily for

    homewor1 tas1s

    2 4ive one tas1 at a time, monitorin freuently and modifyin assinments as necessary2 Develop an individualised learnin proramme for specific sub7ects2 *onsider the use of headsets to provide a proactive distraction when appropriate2 Brea1 assinments down into manaeable chun1s2 Cncourae controlled movement durin class time2 'a1e appropriate use of computerised prorammes and resources for specific learnin ob7ectives2 'a1e sure you test 1nowlede, not attention span

    ey Strateies that should be employedincluded in

    'anain ADD in schools:

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