Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates

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  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    Corporate Rates Agreement - Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd

    04 October 2010

    Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd

    3 Lim Teck Kim Road #12-02

    Singapore Technologies

    Sinagpore 0!34


    "ear s KohSingapore 068811


    Thank $o% &or considering 'scott (nternational ser)iced residences as $o%r pre&erred choice o& accomodation* (65) 6220 8222

    +e are pleased to o&&er the &ollo,ing rates to $o%r organisation &or o%r ser)iced residences ,orld,ide* Facsimile

    (65) 6227 2220

    or $o%r recor s to e act )ate an oo ng to e accepte *

    e oo or,ar to ,e com ng $o%r sta at o%r ser) ce res ences an to t e opport%n t$ to contr %te to t e r p easant an pro %ct )e sta$ n t e c t$*


    +ith +armest Regards !&S'$!I!

    'scott (nternational anagement te Ltd !*$!IN




    Victor Wong (MR)

    "irector - .lobal Sales IN/I!

    "(" / 00 340 IN/N%SI!



    N% %!!N/

    +e accept the rates and agree to the conditions in this orporate 'greement* "*II""IN%S



    S&'* 4$%!


    '%thori5ed Signator$ ompan$ Stamp '*!I!N/

    &NI'%/ 4IN/

    6ame "ateI%'N!


    !N!%%N' "'%'/

    ( Regn. No:19860458H )

    'ttention7 Ms Theresa Koh No8Shenton a

    ease n cate $o%r acceptance $ s gn ng t s etter on t e sect on e o,8 an a9 t to %s at e ore cto er $

    :or reser)ations ;%er$ and booking8 kindl$ contact o%r .lobal entral Reser)ations O&&ice at en;%ir$

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    Ascott%s Corporate !n&ine 'ooking Sstem App&ication - Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd

    04 October 2010

    Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd

    3 Lim Teck Kim Road #12-02 T=> 'SOTT L((T>"

    Singapore Technologies

    Sinagpore 0!34

    Singapore 011

    >mail 7 Telephone

    / 220 222


    o$ ame *esignation *epartment +mai& Address / 22? 2220

    ain @ser,,,*the-ascott*com

    Users will be notified individually via email address provided with the login ID and password.

    Remarks 7



    Terms , Conditions A'=R'(6

    1 Onl$ applicants ,hose companies ha)e )alid contracts ,ith The 'scott Limited are eligible to appl$ &or logins* A>L.(@

    2 ain %ser is re;%ired to in&orm The 'scott Limited o& an$ sta&& mo)ements or resignations thro%gh o%r sales managers* =(6'

    3 >ach login ,ill be assigned a %ni;%e pass,ord ,hich m%st be kept pri)ate and con&idential* :R'6>

    4 The 'scott Limited ,ill not be liable &or an$ loss inc%rred as a res%lt o& an$ %na%thorised access to the orporate online booking s$stem* .>OR.('

    Logins to the s$stem is onl$ )alid d%ring the contracted period and it ,ill be a%to-rene,ed ,hen contract is rene,ed* .>R'6B

    Online corporate bookings are s%bCected to a)ailabilit$ and The 'scott Limited does not g%arantee a)ailabilit$ o& rooms and corporate (6"(' rates online at all times* (6"O6>S('

    ? orporate rates a)ailable online are onl$ applicable &or the contracted compan$ and is not trans&errable* D''6

    The 'scott Limited reser)ed the rights to re)oke access to the online booking engine and alter the terms and conditions ,itho%t prior K'E'K=ST'6

    notice* 'L'BS('




    SO@T= KOR>'

    For Ascott's Internal Use Only S'(6


    'ppro)ed b$ 7 @6(T>" 'R'A >(R'T>S

    @6(T>" K(6."O


    '%thori5ed Signator$ H "ate

    /Regn. No: 197900881N

    No8Shenton +a$ #13-01

    'ttention7 Ms Theresa Koh


  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 3 o 55 2556055.9:s

    2010 Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd Rates

    Country : China

    City : Beijing

    Property : scott Beijing

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR Penthouse Penthouse

    &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 105 120 1;; 178 205 2; 353 380

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment

    *oAseBeeping ser?ice&se o recreationa: aci:ities

    &se o resireaBast



    "enthoAse@ ; +omp:imentar >reaBasts

    Month'y rates inc'udes:

    /ai: >reaBast




    "enthoAse@ 6 +omp:imentar >reaBastsanagement ee

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age ; o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Beijing

    Property : scott Ra--'es City6 Beijing

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR %BR)(ecuti*e Premier )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 75 103 1;7 263

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment*oAseBeeping ser?ice

    &se o recreationa: aci:ities&se o resi cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 5 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Beijing

    Property : Ra--'es City Residence6 Beijing

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 2 BR&e'u(e &e'u(e

    Si+e "s,m# 88 1;2

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing ee a

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 6 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Beijing

    Property : Somerset rand 8ortune arden6 Beijing

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR % BR 9 BR Penthouse&e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 76 102 125 156 170 1 238 325 3;0

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment

    *oAseBeeping ser?ice

    &se o recreationa: aci:ities

    &ai'y Rates inc'ude:

    /ai: >reaBast





  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 7 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Beijing

    Property : Somerset honguanCun6 Beijing

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR&e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e

    Si+e "s,m# 60 75 6 125 136

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen e< 2 Aeen eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment*oAseBeeping ser?ice&se o recreationa: aci:ities

    &se o resireaBast



    Month'y Rates inc'ude:

    anagement ,ee

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 8 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Beijing

    Property : Lu(ury Ser*iced Residence6 Beijing

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 2 BR % BR&e'u(e &e'u(e &e'u(e

    Si+e "s,m# 7; 105 18

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment

    *oAseBeeping ser?ice

    &ai'y rates inc'udes:

    /ai: >reaBast




    Month'y rates inc'udes:

    anagement ee

    &se o recreationa: aci:ities

    &se o resi cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : $ianjin

    Property : Somerset /'ympic $o5er6 $ianjin

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR % BR % BR Penthouse&e'u(e )(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 70 101 116 116 138 185 208 256 322

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen ereaBasts

    anagement ee

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 10 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : $ianjin

    Property : Somerset !ouyi6 $ianjin

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR % BR)(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier )(ecuti*e Premier )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 63 86 2 2 135 13 15 15

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing ee a

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 11 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : &a'ian

    Property : Somerset ;arbour Court6 &a'ian

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR)(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e

    Si+e "s,m# 6;.;7 7.15 2.06 108.78 133.;

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen ereaBast

    StAreaBast $ 80 per person

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 12 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Shanghai

    Property scott ;uai ;ai Road Shanghai

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio Studio 1 BR 1 BR 2BR % Br Penthouse)(ecuti*e Premier )(ecuti*e Premier Premier Premier Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 6; 72 1 12 17 228 ;2;

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment*oAseBeeping ser?ice (3 times per weeB)

    anagement ee

    &se o recreationa: aci:ities

    &ti:ities charge

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 15 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Shanghai

    Property : Citadines Shanghai Biyun

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 2 BR % BR)(ecuti*e &e'u(e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e

    Si+e "s,m# 35.58 63.5; 7.1 16.1

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen ereaBast

    StAroaan< internet access

    Month'y Rates inc'ude:

    anagement ,ee

    *oAseBeeping ser?ice@ 'wice a weeB

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 16 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Su+hou

    Property : Somerset )mera'd City6 Su+hou

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR)(ecuti*e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e

    Si+e "s,m# 52 76 76 108 128

    Bed Con-iguration 1 /oA>:e e< 1 /oA>:e e< 1 /oA>:e ereaBast


  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 17 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Su+hou

    Property : Citadines Su+hou

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 18 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Chengdu

    Property : Somerset Ri*er*ie56 Chengdu

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio Studio 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR Penthouse Penthouse)(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier )(ecuti*e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 68 78 108 123 150 11 306 ;85

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice

    !ccess to itness centre*oAseBeeping ser?ice

    /ai: >reaBast



    Month'y Rates inc'ude:

    anagement ,ee

    +omp:imentar >roaan< internet ser?ice

    /ai: reaBast@ 1 Aantit per apt

    !ccess to itness centre

    *oAseBeeping ser?ice@ 'wice a weeB (%9cept SAn

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 1 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : uang+hou

    Property : scott uang+hou

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR % BR&e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e

    Si+e "s,m# 63.85 71.02 83.7; 11;.1 150.;1

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing ee a

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 20 o 55 2556055.9:s

    City : uang+hou

    Property : Springda'e Ser*ice Residence

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR

    )(ecuti*e &e'u(e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e &e'u(e

    Si+e "s,m# 38 65 5 100 138

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen e< 3 Aeen ee a

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    +hina - "age 21 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : China

    City : Shen+hen

    Property : Somerset arden City

    Currency : !uan Renminbi "RMB#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR % BR % BR)(ecuti*e &e'u(e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# ;8 58 6; ; 105 107 1;1 165

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eong

    Property : Citadines ;ongkong sh'ey

    Currency : ;>& ? ;ong >ong &o''ars

    partment $ype Studio Studio Studio)(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 18 2 32

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e:e e< 1 /oA>:e ereaBast

    SAite= SAperior= %9ecAti?e E %9ecAti?e SAite@ 2 +omp:imentar >reaBasts

    Somerset E /iamon< SAite@ ; +omp:imentar >reaBasts

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > creo?e

    Cance''ation 3 4o Sho5 Charges:

    "rior Notice (No +harge) @ Short sta (D30 nights) - ;8 hoArs@ i< E :ong sta (F30 nights) - 7 er 2010.

    inimAm sta reHAireJect to change withoAt Arther notice.

    /ther Charges "i- not inc'usi*e in rates#:

    roaan< @ I/$600000

    %9tra >e< @ I/$250000

    1 /oA>:e e< or 2'win e:e e< M 2'win e:e e

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    apan - "age 31 o 55 2556055.9:s

    2010 Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd Rates

    Country : =apan

    City : $okyo

    Property : Citadines $okyo Shinjuku

    Currency : =P!

    partment $ype Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio

    &oub'e $5in )(ecuti*e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 25.20 25.20 27.; 28.05 31.21

    Bed Con-iguration 2 Sing:e eroaan< internet ser?ice/ai: hoAseBeeping

    &ti:it charge

    uarantee 3 &eposit Charges:

    Aarantee ooBing @ $eser?ation is he:< ti:: 1500 An:ess gAarantee< > cre

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    4orea - "age 32 o 55 2556055.9:s

    2010 Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd Rates

    Country : South >orea

    City : Seou'

    Property : Somerset Pa'ace6 Seou'

    Currency : >orean on ">R#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR Penthouse)(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 2 36 ;2 ;6 73 80 112

    Bed Con-iguration 1 Aeen e< 1 Aeen e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 2 Aeen eua'a Lumpur

    Property : scott >ua'a Lumpur

    Currency : Ringgit Ma'aysia "RM#

    partment $ype Studio 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR % BR

    Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 57 78 81 117 120 133 168 168

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eua'a Lumpur

    Property : Somerset Seri Bukit Cey'on

    Currency : Ringgit Ma'aysia "RM#

    partment $ype Studio Studio 1 BR 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR

    )(ecuti*e Premier )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier

    Si+e "s,m# 5;.3 5;.3 5.5 67.8 87.05 103.86 117.05

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 Aeen e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing eroaan< internet ser?ice@ 1 access per apartment

    !ccess to itness centre

    *oAseBeeping ser?ice (/ai:)

    oca: te:ephone ca::s in *anoi cit (e9c:Ai:e phone ca::s E Internet Asage on :oca: te:ephone)

    +hange o :inen an< towe:s three times per weeB

    &se o aci:ities

    &ai'y rates inc'ude:

    /ai: >reaBast

    StAe car 7 seats &SP60per wa or ?an 15 seats=

    &ti :i ties charge per month @ %:ectrici t consAmption is cappe< at &SP1 per sHm per month.

    (!pp: ica>:e or mie pai< accoro?e)

    +ar "arBing ot @ &SP 100K month

    1 4ing e< M 2Sing:e e

  • 7/24/2019 Ascott Group Overseas Apartment Corporate Rates


    ietnam - "age 52 o 55 2556055.9:s

    Country : Gietnam

    City : ;anoi

    Property : Somerset est Lake6 ;anoi

    Currency : AS &o''ar "AS

    partment $ype Studio Studio Studio 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR 2 BR % BR % BR

    )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e &e'u(e )(ecuti*e Premier &e'u(e )(ecuti*e

    Si+e "s,m# 37 ;0 ;8 5; 75 87 5 2 112

    Bed Con-iguration 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing e< 1 4ing ee norma: car &SP35 per wa or +amr 2007= &SP35 per wa > 'oota *iace ?an

    &ti:ities charge per month @ %:ectricit consAmption is cappe< at &SP1 per sHm per month.(!pp: ica>:e or mie pai< accoro?e)

    +ar "arBing ot @ &SP 200K month

    1 4ing e< M 1Sing:e e