ASC Press Left Just Love Letters 0812 Rev

1 Excerpts from Leers from an Angel Hal Schroeder Leer 1. The Greatest Failure Dear Sweet Lily of the Valley, drinking in the Sun of love, and manifesting this beauty to the world, It seems that my inspiration for you from the desk of Angel Hal today is about the nature of failure and hurt. And it is this: that out of the greatest failure comes the greatest success, that out of the darkest of nights, including the dark- est of our souls, comes the greatest awakenings of light within us, and that out of hurt comes the realization that we are so infinitely stronger to go forth and to love, give, create and serve. Consider the loveliest flower in the world, what- ever you may think it is. Is it not the greatest failure, as it germinates underground? Put yourself in its place: only darkness and cold, and the absence of contact other than with the dirt, and a little nurturing water, but still in total darkness, and just begging and imploring to get the heck out of the ground.It beseeches, it prays, it implores, it threatens, it bargains, it gets angry, and yells: “Why is this taking so long? Why did I ever consent to be a flower? Let me just be a fast−growing weed!” It stumbles into the depths of the flower depression of its soul. But then, voilà, grace awakening so suddenly that it is miraculous; it bursts forth from the ground, buds, blossoms, blooms, and flowers into the majesty of its creation, and shines forth for all the world to revel in its glory, grandeur, and beauty. And it appears that all that effort of struggling to burst forth from its seeds of beauty, along with this universe of love, in its infinite grace had ev- erything to do with it, just not in its sense of time, as it never will be so with us. And this, it seems, is the same for us, as the more we struggle submitting to the truth of who we are, the sons and daughters of a Creator of light sending love, results in the awakening and forging of the infinite beauty of the flowers of ourselves. Thus, Beautiful Lady of Light and Love, consider that all the failures and hurts so great that tears were never enough, were just the signs of your greatest triumph, that is, the full blossoming, flow- ering, and awakening to the glory and grandeur of you. And it appears from my sense of time and contact with the Divine, that it is about to happen very, very soon. Do not be surprised if all of a sudden, you are reaching for the sky in the deepest of gratitude of becoming that most wonderful and most beautiful flower in existence that just feels infinite peace and joy, that has infinite wisdom, abundance, and prosperity, all from the struggles to which you have submitted, and from which you have real- ized that all that is left is the miraculous beauty of your soul, now manifest as this flower of infinite delight for the world to enjoy as you. Blessings and love, Angel Hal

Transcript of ASC Press Left Just Love Letters 0812 Rev

1Excerpts from Leters from an Angel Hal Schroeder Leter 1.The Greatest FailureDear Sweet Lily of the Valley, drinking in the Sun of love, and manifesting this beauty to the world, It seems that my inspiration for you from the desk of Angel Hal today is about the nature of failure and hurt. And it is this: that out of the greatest failure comes the greatest success, that out of the darkest of nights, including the dark-est of our souls, comes the greatest awakenings of light within us, and that out of hurt comes the realization that we are so infnitely stronger to go forth and to love, give, create and serve.Consider the loveliest fower in the world, what-ever you may think it is. Is it not the greatest failure, as it germinates underground?Put yourself in its place: only darkness and cold, and the absence of contact other than with the dirt, and a little nurturing water, but still in total darkness, and just begging and imploring to get the heck out of the ground.It beseeches, it prays, it implores, it threatens, it bargains, it gets angry, and yells: Why is this taking so long? Why did I ever consent to be a fower? Let me just be a fastgrowing weed! It stumbles into the depths of the fower depression of its soul.But then, voil, grace awakening so suddenly that it is miraculous; it bursts forth from the ground, buds, blossoms, blooms, and fowers into the majesty of its creation, and shines forth for all the world to revel in its glory, grandeur, and beauty.And it appears that all that effort of struggling to burst forth from its seeds of beauty, along with this universe of love, in its infnite grace had ev-erything to do with it, just not in its sense of time, as it never will be so with us.And this, it seems, is the same for us, as the more we struggle submitting to the truth of who we are, the sons and daughters of a Creator of light sending love, results in the awakening and forging of the infnite beauty of the fowers of ourselves.Thus, Beautiful Lady of Light and Love, consider that all the failures and hurts so great that tears were never enough, were just the signs of your greatest triumph, that is, the full blossoming, fow-ering, and awakening to the glory and grandeur of you. And it appears from my sense of time and contact with the Divine, that it is about to happen very, very soon. Do not be surprised if all of a sudden, you are reaching for the sky in the deepest of gratitude of becoming that most wonderful and most beautiful fower in existence that just feels infnite peace and joy, that has infnite wisdom, abundance, and prosperity, all from the struggles to which you have submitted, and from which you have real-ized that all that is left is the miraculous beauty of your soul, now manifest as this fower of infnite delight for the world to enjoy as you.Blessings and love, Angel Hal 2Leter 3.Perfect Peanut Buter SandwichThink today it is time to reach in Angel Hals grab bag and see what he has for you. So, lets see. Aha, there it is, perfect. I am giving you a perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with your favorite bread, your favorite peanut but-ter, plain or nutty, and your favorite jelly, whether strawberry, grape or other.And it is all yours, because the Universe wants me to remind you today in my angel whispering in your ear that you are a symbol of that perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich.First, it is a reminder of the joys of youth, and you are young and forever young in spirit that knows not age.Second, you are colorful like the sandwich, as these colors blend together into the colorfulness and rainbowness that you are. Third, it is tasty, as are you, in the delicacy of your total femininity, which you give to the world. Fourth, the sandwich is so smooth and refresh-ing, as are you, in bringing peace and light to the conficts and darkness in the world. And, ffth, it is nurturing, and as you so nurture the world as you do in your sublime gift of your feminine nature, so you shall be given daily pres-ents by this Universe of love, including scrump-tious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If you doubt in any way, shape, or form themagnif-cence and the total importance as this feminine nurturing force of this Universe, affrm the follow-ing: I forgive all doubts about my signifcance and purpose, as I have remembered that I am whole, complete, and perfect, here to nurture the world with my feminine force and power. And in re-membering, remember that there will always be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ready for you, as I am the angel of such sandwiches. I mean, dont sandwiches need angels, too? Blessings and love, Angel HalLeter 11.Bathed in LightI need to remind you today that your very es-sence is light, and that from that light comes your energy of love, and that as you release your energy of love, so do you bathe yourself and the world in light. And the best way I know to do so, in my role of Angel Hal whispering in your ear, is to say:Let go of all expectations, whatever they may be, and with every expectation you let go of, there will be more light emanating from you.And the world so needs to see and know that aura of light that surrounds you, and is you, a light that will save the world from its illusions of darkness.So, my whispering to you is:Let go and be free, free to be the light and mir-acle of Feminine Divine Power to enlighten the world right here and right now.So, Light of the World, be who you are, this femi-nine miracle and blessing of creation that every angel near and far, watches over and honors for the magnifcence of your light.Blessings and love, Angel Hal See the rest of thebook excerpts:http://ascensionistpress.blogspot.comOBSERVER REPORT Report from National LeagueReport from NJ LeaguecAscensionist Series The Ascension Seriesthrough Amazon.comAwakenings to AscensionThe purpose ofyour life is to ascend to be with Father Mother Source. Awaken-ing is the Ascension, Love Letters from an Angel is a collection of essays from Angel Hal to women every-where. His concern is their spiritual welfare---but this is an angel who canlaugh. Ascension Is All That There Is continues Awakenings to Ascension, with essential meditations on all aspects of ascending. Grace to Ascension leads you to recognize that grace is all around you; each and every instant, grace is in your life, propelling you towards Ascension.Ascension and Nothing-ness takes you through expe-riencing nothingness andits role in all we believe and all we can believe. Hal Schroeder is a student, facilitator, and writer on A Course in Miracles subjects. Although Halhas three tradi-tional degrees, he asserts that his most important degree is from The University of the Holy Spirit, with whom he has been communing since 1988. It was revealed to Hal that his writ-ings are a continuation of the ideas contained in A Course in Miracles.4Leter 27. Prayer for What Ails You Repeat three times:I forgive all that is not true and real and remem-ber only what is true and real and become what is true and real, right here and right now, as nothing else exists or has ever existed. Amen.I accept whatever consequences this has to my concept of me, self, survival, world, existence, or anything else as only what is true remains, exists, and all else must fade away, was never there, and is just gone and dissolved by simple remem-brance of what is true and real.Amen.Blessings and Love, Angel HalHals writing is centered on forgiveness and ways to practice it. The forgiveness affrmation is the center of each of his books and the basis of each essay:I forgive all that is not; I remember all that there is.The affrmation is italicized in the text. He believes that his work on forgiveness and spirituality is part of the new divine order of things, carried forth by me as a messenger of forgiveness as directed by Spirit. Hal organized and ran two humanitarian foundations, one in Ethiopia, one in the Philippines, both devoted to empowering people.He was also a superintendent of schools three times in the United States and abroad, creating numerous innovative programs, while encountering the wrath of those who did not want fundamental change.Email: [email protected]