Asbmb 2014 swi presentation barral

Small World Initiative: crowdsourcing search of new an0bio0cs to enhance undergraduate biology teaching Ana Maria Barral 1 , Huda Makhluf 1 , Paula Soneral 2 , Bri?any Gasper 3 1 Na0onal University, CA; 2 Bethel University, MN; 3 Florida Southern College, FL.

Transcript of Asbmb 2014 swi presentation barral

Small  World  Initiative:    crowdsourcing  search  of  new  an0bio0cs  to  enhance  

undergraduate  biology  teaching    

Ana  Maria  Barral1,  Huda  Makhluf1,  Paula  Soneral2,  Bri?any  Gasper3    

1Na0onal  University,  CA;  2Bethel  University,  MN;  3Florida  Southern  College,  FL.  

How  it  ALL  started….  


Focus  on  1st  two  years  of  college  for  one  million  more  STEM  professionals  because…  •  1st  two  years  ac<vely  

discourage  students  from  pursuing  STEM  degrees    

•  they  are  common  to  all  types  of  colleges  and  universi<es  

•  retaining  more  STEM  majors  is  the  lowest-­‐cost,  fastest  policy  op<on  to  meet  the  labor  force  needs  


“Engage  to  Excel”Recommenda0ons  

1.   Use  evidence-­‐based  teaching  prac0ces.  

2.   Replace  lab  courses  with  research  courses.  Students  are  are  more  likely  :  

■  to  persist  in  STEM  majors    

■  to  receive  beEer  grades  ■  to  complete  degrees  more  quickly  

3.   Launch  a  na0onal  experiment  in  math  educa0on.  

4.   Diversify  pathways  to  STEM  careers  using  stakeholder  partnerships.  

5.   Create  a  Presiden0al  council  on  STEM  ed.      

Jo  Handelsman    •  HHMI  Professor  of  mol/cell/developmental  biology  at  Yale  

•  Associate  Director  for  Science  at  the  Office  of  Science  and  Technology  Policy  

•  Councilor-­‐at-­‐large,  AAAS  (1/1/2012  -­‐  12/31/2016)  

•  Editor-­‐in-­‐Chief,  DNA  and  Cell  Biology  (1/1/2007  -­‐  12/31/2011)  

•  President,  American  Society  for  Microbiology  (05/31/2013  -­‐  05/31/2014)  

•  Co-­‐chair,  President’s  Council  of  Advisers  on  Science  and  Technology  Working  Group,  STEM  Educa<on  in  Higher  Ed  (01/01/2010  -­‐  02/01/2012)  

•  President’s  Council  of  Advisers  on  Science  and  Technology  Working  Group,  K-­‐12  Educa<on  (01/01/2009  -­‐  12/31/2010)  

A  current  problem:  Antibiotic  crisis  

Small  World  Ini<a<ve  =>  students  search  for  an<bio<c-­‐producing  soil  

microbes  •  Na<onal  issues  in  science  educa<on  •  Global  issues  in  infec<ous  disease  •  Strategies  for  an<bio<c  discovery  Yale:  Microbes  to  Molecules  Course  First  workshop  of  pilot  partners:  Summer  2013  Currently  24  ins<tu<ons  across  the  country  have  been/are  implemen<ng  the  SWI  curriculum  in  their  courses.  


SWI  course  overview  •Students  collect  soil  

•Culture  bacteria  from  soil  

•Test  bacteria  for  an<bio<c  ac<vity  

•Iden<fy  bacteria  

•Upload  data  to  website  u<lized  by  all  par<cipants  

•Iden<fy  chemical  structure  of  an<bio<c  

24  pilot  partners  across  the  US  

Pilot  partners  2013  workshop  

Course  materials  •  Curriculum  adaptable  to  different  courses:  

o  microbiology  o  general  biology  (majors/non  majors)  o  molecular  biology  

•  Lab  manual  (modular,  customizable)  

•  Instructor  manual  

•  Lab  protocols  •  Online  student  data  repository  (Yale)  


●  CURE  survey–pre/post  

●  Project  ownership  survey  (POS)  post  

●  Comparison  courses  ○  1  tradi<onal  sec<on  ○  1  SWI  sec<on  

●  Reten<on  in  courses    

●  Shared  assessments    

●  Longitudinal  study  

One  goal,  different  implementations  

Na<onal  University  


Private,  Non-­‐profit,  Accelerated  

Bethel  University  




Liberal  Arts  

Florida  Southern  College  

Small,  Private,  Residen<al  Liberal  Arts  

National  University:  SWI  for  microbiology  classes  

•  8  week  lecture  +  lab,  mainly  for  pre-­‐allied  health  (pre-­‐nursing)  students  

•  Total  of  10  class  mee<ngs,  4.5  hours  each.  

•  Half  lecture,  half  lab  sessions  (>2  hours  lab  <me  per  session)  

•  3  SWI  sec<ons,  total  53  students  

Example  of  course  schedule  Week   SWI  content   Skills   Pre-­‐allied  health  content  

1   Soil  pla<ng,  dilu<ons  Isola<on  &  descrip<on  of  colonies  Masterplates  

Asep<c  technique  Pipenng  Microscopy  Colony  morphology  

2   Ini<al  characteriza<on  of  isolates    

Simple,  Gram,  and  endospore  staining  Streaking  Differen<al  media  

3   Tes<ng  for  an<bio<c  produc<on  against  ESKAPE  pathogens  

Spread/patch  pla<ng    

Disinfectants  An<bio<cs  Hand-­‐washing  

4   Biochemical  characteriza<on  of  soil  isolates   Biochemical  tests   Bacteria  of  respiratory  &  GI  tract,  and  skin  

5   Interpreta<on  of  data,  Drao  report  due   Data  analysis  &  summary   Anaerobes  ELISA  

6   Colony  PCR,  Blast  of  sequences  

7   Organic  extrac<on,  re-­‐tes<ng.  

8   Poster  presenta<on   Communica<on  

Pre-­‐allied  health  microbiology  course:  student  survey  results  (pre/post)  

NU:  student  voices  •  Learned  a  lot  from  lab  technique,  to  record  keeping,  to  

analysis  and  synthesis  of  data  

•  Really  enjoyed  the  SWI  project  as  it  gave  a  clear  cut  goal  to  use  the  knowledge  we  learned  in  class  instead  of  just  memorizing  vocabulary  

•  I  feel  as  if  I've  done  a  project  that  would  make  me  definitely  more  comfortable  and  beEer  equipped  to  complete  future  projects  in  school,  and  I  would  not  be  as  in<midated  in  doing  a  professional  research  project

SWI  National  University  class  

Introduction  to  Molecular    and  Cellular  Biology  

   Course  BIO112   Introduc<on  to  Molecular  and  Cellular  Biology  

Format   MWF  Class  Sessions,  70  minutes  Lab  1  day  per  week,  2.5  hr  16  Weeks  

Enrollment   61  students  (3  sec<ons)  Biology,  Biochemistry,  Biokine<cs  Majors  Pre-­‐Allied  Health  

Pedagogy  and  Emphasis  

Scale-­‐up  ac<ve  learning  classrooms  Flipped,  Case-­‐based,  Coopera<ve  learning  Scien<fic  argumenta<on  and  modeling  emphasized  

Introduction  to  Molecular    and  Cellular  Biology  

Week 1 Week 16

Introduction  to  Molecular    and  Cellular  Biology  

Weeks 6-11 Week 16 Weeks 12-15 Weeks 1-5

CLASS-­‐BIO  Results  

Organic  extracts  

Credit: Brittany Pederson, Biology Student, Bethel University

Inhibition  zones  

Biological  Essentials  Laboratory  

•  Introductory  Biology  laboratory  course  for  majors  

•  14  week  course  w/  lecture  and  tradi<onal  skills-­‐based  lab  •  One  sec<on  of  tradi<onal  lab  replaced  with  SWI  pilot  

o  20  students  (13  females,  7  males)  

•  9  tradi<onal  sec<ons,  1  SWI  sec<on  

•  Lab  met  once  a  week  for  1  hour  and  45  minutes    

SWI  Lab  Schedule  Weeks   SWI  content   Skills   Introductory  Biology  Content  

1-­‐3   Media  selec<on   Asep<c  technique  Pipenng  Experimental  design  

Use  of  standard  lab  equipment  Scien<fic  method  Metric  units  and  graphing  

4-­‐5   Soil  pla<ng  Isola<on  &  descrip<on  of  colonies  Ini<al  characteriza<on  of  isolates  Choose  ESKAPE  pathogens  

Serial  dilu<ons  Spread  pla<ng  and  patch  pla<ng    

Diffusion  and  Osmosis  

6-­‐7   Tes<ng  for  an<bio<c  produc<on  against  ESKAPE  pathogen  safe  rela<ves  WriEen  report  on  ESKAPE  pathogens  


Career  Center  Visit  

8-­‐9   Prepara<on  for  chemical  extrac<ons   Light  Microscopy  Gram  staining  Heavy  streaking  

Colorimetery  Use  of  a  spectrophotometer  

10-­‐11   Organic  extrac<on    Pla<ng  extracted  compounds  against  ESKAPE  pathogen  safe  rela<ves  

12-­‐14   Colony  PCR,  Gel  electrophoresis,  BLAST  of  sequences  WriEen  lab  report  

Data  analysis  and  summary  “Manuscript”  prepara<on  

Student  Feedback  •  No  CURE  or  project  ownership  survey  data  (yet)  •  Student  reflec<on  papers  

o  13/18  would  like  to  con<nue  on  with  research  o  “I  had  many  friends  who  were  in  other  Biology  labs  that  I  heard  

complain  constantly  while  I  had  nothing  but  good  things  to  say  about  this  lab  even  though  it  was  at  8  am.”  

o  “This  research  actually  made  me  excited  to  get  up  at  8  am.”  o  “I  thoroughly  enjoyed  working  on  this  project  because  it  showed  

me  another  side  of  lab”  o  “Each  week  I  was  more  excited  than  the  previous  week  and  looked  

forward  to  coming  to  lab  to  see  the  results  and  perform  the  next  step  in  the  research.”  

What’s  next???  

•  Results  will  be  presented  at  the  American  Society  of  Microbiology  General  Mee<ng  May  2014  

•  SWI  faculty  &  students  presen<ng  their  results  

•  New  workshop  this  summer  

•  Updated  materials  

•  hEp://smallworldini<a<  

•  Contact:  Tiffany  Tsang  [<[email protected]]  

Thanks  to  the  generous  contributions  of...  

And to the Handelsman group, particularly Tiffany Tsang