As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town...

1 From: Sent: 02 January 2020 16:04 To: Subject: [External] Ref: 19\2331\PLR As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town centre for three years), I am a regular and happy user of the night time economy. I wish to express my support for the local public houses, bars and night clubs, and especially the Jungle Bar. I am saddened to hear that the police are involved in the renewal of the licence for the Jungle Bar, which is one of a few thriving businesses left in Hertford. There is very little else to recommended the town centre. I understand people living in the town centre will be unhappy with early morning noise and rubbish, but these things go hand in hand with said businesses and town centre living. Perhaps police street patrols over weekend evenings would help calm any unruly behaviour. I believe it would be extremely detrimental to the economy of Hertford, and people wishing to enjoy a night out in the town, if the council were to impose Cromwellian limits on night time entertainment in Hertford. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Transcript of As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town...

Page 1: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 02 January 2020 16:04


Subject: [External] Ref: 19\2331\PLR

As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town centre for three years), I am a regular and happy

user of the night time economy. I wish to express my support for the local public houses, bars and night

clubs, and especially the Jungle Bar. I am saddened to hear that the police are involved in the renewal of the

licence for the Jungle Bar, which is one of a few thriving businesses left in Hertford. There is very little else

to recommended the town centre.

I understand people living in the town centre will be unhappy with early morning noise and rubbish, but

these things go hand in hand with said businesses and town centre living. Perhaps police street patrols over

weekend evenings would help calm any unruly behaviour.

I believe it would be extremely detrimental to the economy of Hertford, and people wishing to enjoy a night

out in the town, if the council were to impose Cromwellian limits on night time entertainment in Hertford.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Page 2: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 02 January 2020 15:51


Subject: [External] Licence Review 19/2331/PLR

I am disappointed to hear the Town Council have asked the local Police force to review the licence of The

Jungle Bar.

Having successfully closed down most of the shops that gave people a reason to come to Hertford you now

decide to initiate an American style Prohibition era.

The Jungle is a victim of it's own success and the lack of funding for an adequate Police force in this town.

The bar should not have alterations made to it because the influx of younger people to the town cannot

control themselves on their way home.

I am against the restrictions about to be imposed on the bar by members of a Town Council who never

actually go out in Hertford.


Page 3: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 31 December 2019 14:23


Subject: [External] Jungle Bar

Visiting the town for the first time last year, I couldn't be more surprised by the light and fun atmosphere in

the Jungle Bar, a unique place in Hertfordshire!

Even as a foreigner it was fairly easy to feel how this club connects an entire community and brings people

together in a very special way.

The UK has been going through a severe problem of loneliness: more then a fifth of the population feels

lonely in some way or another!

The perspective of closing or limiting the few venues in Hertford which actually allow people to connect

can only make this issue even worse...

When the youth is having a good time and bonding together, it means they are creating a sense of identity

with their home town and their families will also end up getting a lot closer. This is exactly what I saw and

felt when partying in the Jungle Bar, where people told me in a very affectionate way about the good

moments and stories they lived in this place!


Brazilian, 21

Page 4: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 28 December 2019 18:05



Subject: [External] 19/2331/PLR

To whom it may concern


I think it’s about time I spoke up in association to the proposed change in licensing hours of the Jungle Bar Hertford.

A friend of mine recently had a leaflet posted through his door encouraging him to object to the council – using one

of the rules needed in an objection against The Jungle Bar.

I lived at Bluecoats Court for 9 months and in that time I can honestly say that I never heard any noise coming

from the Jungle bar or indeed the Lord Haig

never saw any trouble apart from the occasional normal squabbles you would expect at the weekend, in fact the

noisiest thing I ever heard were the buses.

However, some of the residents I had to live alongside were absolutely intolerable to any slight neighbourhood

noise; at number would regularly have a go at us and other neighbours for playing music quietly , furniture

noise, doors shutting, things that as good decent residents we were always very conscious of not disturbing others.

As residents of Hertford town we regularly visit The Lord Haig and the Jungle Bar and have never witnessed any

problems. The jungle Bar offers a large amount of the Hertford Community and its welcomed visitors a slightly

alternative venue which allows a lot of the people who ultimately don’t feel comfortable in the more up market and

clique venues which populate The High Street. In the 6 years that the jungle bar has opened it has grown its

popularity and sees regular attendance by many eclectic people it is a community in itself and its proprietors work

selflessly to improve make safe and inclusive offering an almost family friendly environment to all who visit.

Hertford is a beautiful and vibrant town which has always been known for its music and entertainment and more

and more of these small businesses are being pushed out because of the intolerances of a small number of people, if

you live in a town centre you are bound to experience more living noise and if you don’t focus on them they soon

disappear which is why people can live next to train tracks.

The town needs these venues as internet shopping is killing any day time trade and entertainment venues rely on

the late licences to achieve their revenue. Giving different closing times allows the crowds to disperse gradually so

we don’t get everyone on the street at the same time. It also means there are ample doorman around the high

street to supervise the taxi rank and diffuse any potential rows and generally keep people safe without having to use

the small police resource we have.

We loved living in Bluecoats but it appears that some of the neighbours are going out of their way to stir up trouble.

former Blue Coats resident

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Page 5: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre


From: >

Sent: 24 December 2019 16:42

To: Housing & Health Services - Community Protection

Subject: [External] Jungle Bar 19/2331/PLR

Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently heard that the late licenses in Hertford are under review. Hertford’s later licenses are a big attraction for

people wanting a night out when compared to other towns in the area, and when weighed up against the time and

money to get into London.

I think reducing license hours would completely ruin the vibrant night time economy that draws people surrounding

areas to spend money in the town. With no incentive for them to travel, businesses will lose footfall and suffer

because of it. The redevelopment of Bircherley Green, should it be completed, will likely struggle to attract as many

people as it could if the town as a whole closes at 1am.

With regard to the Jungle Bar, where I occasionally DJ and host events at throughout the year, reducing it’s hours

would effectively kill it. The Jungle’s later hours allow it to effectively keep up with the larger clubs like PopWorld,

Deco & Cinnabar. Since the closure of The Marquee Club, The Jungle Bar is vital to Hertford’s live music scene and

the local culture. Losing it, and other places like it in the local area would be terrible shame

Kind regards and merry Christmas

Page 6: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre


From: >

Sent: 21 December 2019 18:01


Subject: [External] NIGHT TIME ECONOMY........HERTFORD













Page 7: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 21 December 2019 02:59


Subject: [External] Jungle bar -19/2331/PLR

Hi who ever it may concern,

I’m disgusted and outraged at the treatment of the jungle and it’s forward thinking when it comes to the nightlife

through Hertford town. I think we can both agree with the decisions the council have made with regards to the day

time trade and the fell of the Hertford town during the day, pleas don’t take away the importance of jungle bar, it

catches the essence of the town and is to important for you to imperilment this stupid rules on this great

establishment. I am a resident of this town and this venue is needed.

Norwood close



Page 8: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 21 December 2019 01:48

To: Housing & Health Services - Community Protection

Subject: [External] Jungle bar open hours

To whom it may concern,

I am a regular visitor of the jungle bar in Hertford. I am writing to you to express my concern of your implementation

of removing the premises rights to close at 1am.

I am a personal license holder who regularly visits the jungle bar. It has come to my attention that the local council

has plans to remove the premises license after 1am. The premises in question is secure, well managed, and has the

correct security to allow a late licence. I wish to express my concern upon this issue, as the jungle bar brings late

night visitors into the region. Many drinkers and visitors attend this venue within the late hours of the morning.

Therefore I believe it is imperative this venue remains open for its current opening hours. The venue provides safe

and legal security which prohibits anyone over the influence entering, underage persons entering the premises, and

drug prohibit being an imperative part of the venues objectives. The venue in question are upholding the four

fundamental licensing objectives. They should, in my opinion, be allowed to remain open in hours after 1am due to

the fact that they are within the guidelines of the licensing objectives and and upholding their legal diligence.

I hope you take my opinion into consideration, as this is a key part of hertfords night life which will subsequently

inject cash into the local economy.

Yours sincerely,

Page 9: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 20 December 2019 16:37


Subject: [External] Jungle Bar 19/2331/PLR

I visit the Jungle Bar usually at least 4 nights a week. It is always well staffed including the management on the

door. It’s always a good night with a friendly crowd of people and would be a big loss to the town if it has to close


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Page 10: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 20 December 2019 09:38


Subject: [External] Jungle Bar 19/2331/PLR

Good morning,

I wanted to email in to make sure i am heard.

At Jungle Bar, there is a real family feel. Customers respect all those that work here and the staff respect the


Jungle Bar being one of the latest places that is open isn’t just a convenience, but is ideal because of how

comfortable myself and my friends feel when I am here.

I personally have never experienced any issues when being here, due to the bar staff, the door staff and

especially the owners.

Closing Jungle Bar earlier due to the minority of people that act out and are clowns should never be the

reason that the majority of good, friendly people should suffer.

I have lived in Hertford my entire life. And Jungle Bar is a part of the beating heart that keeps it all going.


Page 11: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 19 December 2019 23:09


Subject: [External] Early closing of licensed premises in town.


To whom it may concern,

I am concerned and disappointed to hear the recent news that there is an aim to reduce the licensed hours of

venues in town.

I recently left Hertford however have lived there for the past two years and been heavily involved in the running of

one of the venues in the town. Over the 24 months I was living there I watched the decline in the retail of the town

and noticed the day time trade getting worse and worse, I strongly believe the largest economy in the town is its

late night trade and it pulls people from all over the county and surrounding areas.

I myself enjoyed my time there and am disappointed to learn of the intended early closure of the town, especially

the Jungle bar, this particular venue serves as a stronghold in the community, not just offering weekend drinkers the

chance to enjoy themselves but offering all sorts of different events during the week that people of various ages and

backgrounds can enjoy, from open mic night for up and coming musicians and jazz nights which draws an older

crowd. I am baffled by the proposed restrictions to be put in place on the current license pending the review taking


I would appreciate an explanation of this and reasoning as to why these restrictions are being put in place.

Kind regards

Sent from my iPhone

Page 12: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 19 December 2019 21:34


Subject: [External] reference Jungle Bar19/2331/PLR


Dear Sir,

It has been brought to my attention that you are considering reducing the opening hours of all bars,

pubs, clubs and restaurants in Hertford to 1am.

I am interested to know the reasons behind your thinking?

As a regular user of the night time facilities in Hertford, I am concerned that what is currently a busy,

vibrant community in the evenings, will reduce the town to the moribund state it enjoys during the


People travel from far and wide to enjoy nights in Hertford and the town is well known to be a safe,

friendly, trouble free place to spend a night out with friends or family. There is a wonderful selection of

different venues...something for everyone, whether you just want a quiet drink, a great meal, to sing

some Karaoke, or listen/sing/dance to a wide genre of music from classical, folk, rock, jazz or country.

Learn to dance Salsa or Northern Soul and see the most recent up and coming bands and musicians.

Many local people are employed by these venues and they all offer a friendly service which is

appreciated by all the many visitors to the town. These people rely on their jobs to support themselves

and their families and a cut in their working hours or, at the very worst, the loss of their job

completely due to the business they work for having to close down, would do great damage to the

town and the individuals concerned.

Although I frequent many venues in Hertford, my favourite place where I find myself spending the

most time is The Jungle Bar. The owners David and Sue have worked really hard to build the business

up to what it is today. They have been so very supportive of new up-coming musicians and run such a

wide variety of events to suit all age groups. I have never witnessed any trouble in or outside the

venue...I am aware they have a very strict no drugs policy and their door staff and security ensure

that no-one underage or looking for trouble is admitted.

The continuing demise of our High Streets in every town has meant that successful night time trade of

pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants has become the way that town centre businesses are able to thrive

and survive. The ever increasing cost of rent/business rates and utility bills means these businesses

need to look to optimise on the use of their buildings to cover these costs...surely cutting their opening

times will have a detrimental effect on the businesses, individuals and town centre as a whole.

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully.

Page 13: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre


Sent: 19 December 2019 19:37


Subject: [External] Ref: Jungle Bar 19/2331/PLR


Hi there,

I’m here to express my wish to keep the Jungle Bar open as it currently is, until 3am.

Jungle is a place where I meet and greet my friends, family and make new friends from week after another. It’s a

family, community late night venue to have fun and let go of the stresses of the everyday life/work.

I also work at the Jungle bar as a DJ on a monthly basis. I know the customers of Jungle absolutely love and enjoy the

late nights and the music the venue has to offer and they would also, be sad and disappointed to see the night being

cut off at such early hour. I’ve witnessed amazing atmosphere, love and togetherness at the venue for years. I can’t

see why doors should close any earlier than they currently do.

I pledge you not to do this.

Best wishes,

Page 14: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 19 December 2019 19:26


Subject: [External] Keep jungle bar open late

Reference jungle bar 19/2331/PLR

Dear sir or madam ,

I am a regular customer at the jungle bar in Hertford and i think this place should be kept open till late .

Every time I go there the door staff are very friendly , the staff are friendly, the atmosphere in the jungle bar

is brilliant. I’ve been going to the jungle bar For many years and I’ve always felt welcomed . The

management is excellent the staff at the jungle bar they hold loads of exciting events , bands and dj’s and

everyone is up on there feet enjoying themselves. It will be a shame if you guys shut the jungle bar early

because everyone has a laugh The owners are very friendly and polite , the door staff are always on hand if

you have any trouble or anything .

Let’s keep the staff happy and keep the jungle bar open

Yours sincerely

Sent from my iPhone

Page 15: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 19 December 2019 19:25


Subject: [External] Ref: Jungle Bar 19/2331/PLR


I am writing in reference to the proposal to close the Jungle bar at 1pm.

I visit the Jungle bar on Saturday nights on a regular basis I always leave at the end of the night and in the

five years that I have attended I've never seen any trouble, I believe that the staggered closing hours helps to

filter night life out of town more peacefully, some people don't go out until later as they may work odd

hours so they appreciate the ability to enjoy some of the excellent night life that Hertford offers.

If you reduce opening hours people will no longer have the opportunity to have a dance & late drink. Please

don't destroy Hertford's night life.

Kind regards

the Briars

Page 16: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 19 December 2019 18:50


Subject: [External] Reduced opening hours


Dear Sir, Madam,

It has come to my attention that the Council is looking to reduce open hours for the Jungle Bar in Fore

Street, Hertford.

As a resident living very close to the venue I strongly oppose this idea.

With the disastrous handling of the Bircherly Green development, the closing of shops left right and centre,

the departure of Loch Fyne and the closing of the Hummingbird, Hertford is very much in danger of

becoming a ghost town.

It is the night life that make this town stand out from other surrounding towns, and I for one like to keep it

that way.

The venue in question is well run, with professional security staff well in charge at the door.

I can see the venue from my window. There is no nuisance to speak of.

In my opinion, the two biggest problems this town has is the insane amount of traffic on the A414 twice a

day due to lack of a ring road, and the lack of parking. The latter made worse by the ridiculous

redevelopment of Maidenhead Street and Bull Plain, which technically involved spending over a million

pounds to get rid of some much needed parking spaces and planting a dead tree in an oversized rubbish bin.

I strongly suggest for the Council to address these issues first and leave the wonderful Hertford night life

intact. The town needs it.


Beesons Yard

Priory Street

Hertford SG14

Page 17: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 19 December 2019 18:45


Subject: [External] Jungle Bar 19/2331/PLR

Categories: BW

To whom it may concern,

I am writing in reference to the licensing for Jungle Bar Hertford. As a casual employee and regular at this

establishment I am incredibly sad to hear of the plans to reduce the licence to 1am for not only this venue but the

whole town. Hertford has bloomed into a town with a very exciting night life which I believe keeps the spirit alive

due to the continuous shop closures which have made Hertford a “ghost town”. As a person who works in

hospitality it is great to have an establishment such as Jungle Bar that is open later than any other venue, due to my

weekend being usually a Monday and Tuesday. The owners are two of the nicest most welcoming people I have ever

met and are always so caring towards the customers who come into the establishment, and I wouldn’t be the only

person to say that. By reducing the licence you are not only taking away peoples night life but also peoples careers. I

also work in Hertford House and reducing licences would take much needed hours off my wage slip. There will

always be people around not only Hertford but any town who cause distress when drinking but this will not change

by reducing licence hours, this needs to be a separate issue to deal with people who are out to cause grief and are

therefore ruining it for people who want to relax and have a social drink. I really hope you hear from other people

and take into consideration all their views and do not reduce a nightlife that keeps people in jobs and keeps

Hertford as a lively town.

Many Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

Page 18: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 18 December 2019 13:54


Subject: [External] Jungle Bar License Review

Reference quote: 19/2331/PLR

Good afternoon

I am resident of Bluecoat Court I live almost directly behind the Jungle bar and I've been there three times.

I object to the licensing review on the grounds that the evidence is too vague and places unreasonable

expectations on the bar.

Prevention of crime and disorder The description states: 'Increase in crime year on year associated with the premise , high levels of

intoxication and flashpoints during dispersal from the premises.'

Increase of crime associated with the venue is incredibly vague. What is the nature of the crime? In what

way is it associated with Jungle Bar? crime can range from littering to assault so clarification on this would


High levels of intoxication is another vague statement. Are there a high amount of people intoxicated or are

there certain individuals who have indulged too heavily? Punishing a venue based on the behaviour of

individuals places unrealistic expectations on the venue. Which is also the case for flashpoints. Punishing a

venue for flashpoints occurring seems to imply that the venue must stop a flashpoint before it starts. I think

attention should be brought to how 'high levels of intoxication and flashpoints' are managed rather than the

fact that they happen. Intoxication and flashpoints likely happen in almost every bar - the police know this

better than anyone - but only Jungle bar is having its license reviewed.

Public Safety and Prevention of Public Nuisance

The description states: 'The congesting outside the premise, with crowds forming and management of the

queue and smoking areas causing persons to spill onto the road'

As somebody who lives next to Jungle Bar I've walked past it a lot on my way home late at night. I've never

witnessed any uncontrollable crowds in the smoking area causing a nuisance and the management of the

queue and smoking area is good enough that I can walk past the venue without hindrance. I always see at

least one bouncer outside of the bar whilst it is open.

I think people walking on the roads outside Jungle bar is a very real thing. Crowds do form around that area

- but is it because of Jungle bar or is this an issue caused by Hertford nightlife in general. Attention should

be brought to Jungle bar's location where it is close to other late night venues and frequently passed by

people leaving them on there way out of town. I think there is a good argument to say that a lot of the crowd

are not composed of people leaving Jungle Bar but of people simply leaving the town centre. In this case,

Jungle Bar appears to be a victim of its location.

Anti-social behaviour is another vague statement. Is it happening inside the venue or is it outside? If it is

outside at what point does it leave the jurisdiction of Jungle bar and becomes a police matter?

Thank you for reading,

Page 19: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre


all the best,

Page 20: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 15 December 2019 11:48


Subject: [External] Jungle

Great bar, credit to the town and very well run by 2 dedicated ladies.

Always an enjoyable night

Sent from my iPhone

Page 21: As a resident of Hertford, (and having lived in the town for a revie… · I understand people living in the town centre



Sent: 15 December 2019 01:05


Subject: [External] Jungle Bar

Dear sir/madam,

I am a citizen of Hertford and regular patron of the Jungle Bar. I'm deeply concerned to hear that there are

plans to force the venue to close the bar at 1am. By closing down the independent venue, you're going to

force the party culture out of the town venues and into illegal venues, as well as hurting the night time

economy. This would be sad for the town, especially the young people. Please reconsider these plans.

Yours sincerely,