arXiv:2005.10423v1 [quant-ph] 21 May 2020

Direct Characterization of Quantum Measurements using Weak Values Liang Xu, 1, 2 Huichao Xu, 1, 3 Tao Jiang, 1 Feixiang Xu, 1 Kaimin Zheng, 1 Ben Wang, 1 Aonan Zhang, 1 and Lijian Zhang 1, * 1 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Key Laboratory of Intelligent Optical Sensing and Manipulation, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 2 Research Center for Quantum Sensing, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 310000, China 3 Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211111, China (Dated: November 1, 2021) The time-symmetric formalism endows the weak measurement and its outcome, the weak value, many unique features. In particular, it allows a direct tomography of quantum states without resort to complicated reconstruction algorithms and provides an operational meaning to wave functions and density matrices. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate the direct tomography of a measurement apparatus by taking the backward direction of weak measurement formalism. Our protocol works rigorously with the arbitrary measurement strength, which offers an improved accu- racy and precision. The precision can be further improved by taking into account the completeness condition of the measurement operators, which also ensures the feasibility of our protocol for the characterization of the arbitrary quantum measurement. Our work provides new insight on the symmetry between quantum states and measurements, as well as an efficient method to characterize a measurement apparatus. Introduction.– A time-symmetric description of a phys- ical system involving both the initial and final boundary conditions allows not only the prediction but also retro- diction of its evolution, therefore may reveal more infor- mation about the system. Such description for quantum systems can be captured by the two-state vector formal- ism (TSVF) [1, 2]. The pre-selected state describing the preparation of the system evolves forward in time, while the post-selected state determined by the measurement on the system evolves backward. The TSVF provides a new approach to interpret many intriguing quantum ef- fects [39]. In particular, adding retrodiction to the stan- dard predictive approach allows an improved description of the evolution trajectories of quantum systems [1013]. One of the most remarkable phenomena from TSVF is the weak measurement and its associated outcome, the weak value [14], which are widely used in precision metrology [1519] and investigations of various phenom- ena [2024]. In particular, the complex weak value can be the complex probability amplitude of the wavefunction, therefore allows a direct tomography of quantum states and processes [2539]. Compared to the conventional to- mography scheme that reconstructs a quantum state with an overcomplete set of measurements followed by the complex post-processing of data [4042], the direct to- mography avoids the reconstruction algorithm and shows distinct advantages in both directness and simplicity. Therefore, the direct tomography promises to be espe- cially useful in the characterization of high-dimensional states [29, 39]. Until now direct tomography only takes the forward direction of the weak measurement to characterize the pre-selected state and its evolution. The time-symmetric formulation has not been fully explored. Since the pre- and post-selected states enter the formulation on equal footing, it is expected that the backward direction allows to directly determine the post-selected state, which can be viewed as the retrodicted state of the measurement performed on the quantum system [43]. This connection implies the feasibility of direct tomography of a quantum measurement [44]. In this paper, we propose the general framework for the direct quantum detector tomography (DQDT) protocol. A direct connection between the numerator of the weak value and either the eigenvector of the rank-1 positive operator-valued measure (POVM) or the Dirac distribu- tion of the higher-rank POVM is rigorously established with the arbitrary measurement strength. Such connec- tion allows to not only directly determine the POVM element of interest but also improve the accuracy and precision by adjusting the measurement strength. As a demonstration, we experimentally characterize both pro- jective measurements and general POVMs in the polar- ization degree of freedom (DOF) of photons. Moreover, we show the feasibility of our protocol for the characteri- zation of the arbitrary POVM thanks to the completeness condition of the POVM. Theoretical framework of DQDT.–The original direct tomography protocol is applied to determining a pure quantum state |si which is expanded in an orthogonal ba- sis {|j i}(J ) with the probability amplitudes {α j }. To di- rectly obtain α j = hj |si, the unknown state |si is weakly measured with the projector ˆ π j = |j ihj | of the orthogo- nal base state |j i followed by the post-selection to |ψ n i∝ j |j i. The outcome of this measurement is the weak value of ˆ π j , given by h ˆ π w j i (n) s = hψ n | ˆ π j |si/hψ n |si∝ α j . Thus, by measuring h ˆ π w j i (n) s that scans in the basis J , {α j } can be completely determined with the normaliza- arXiv:2005.10423v2 [quant-ph] 29 Oct 2021

Transcript of arXiv:2005.10423v1 [quant-ph] 21 May 2020

Direct Characterization of Quantum Measurements using Weak Values

Liang Xu,1, 2 Huichao Xu,1, 3 Tao Jiang,1 Feixiang Xu,1 Kaimin

Zheng,1 Ben Wang,1 Aonan Zhang,1 and Lijian Zhang1, ∗

1National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures,Key Laboratory of Intelligent Optical Sensing and Manipulation, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences,and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

2Research Center for Quantum Sensing, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 310000, China3Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211111, China

(Dated: November 1, 2021)

The time-symmetric formalism endows the weak measurement and its outcome, the weak value,many unique features. In particular, it allows a direct tomography of quantum states without resortto complicated reconstruction algorithms and provides an operational meaning to wave functionsand density matrices. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate the direct tomography ofa measurement apparatus by taking the backward direction of weak measurement formalism. Ourprotocol works rigorously with the arbitrary measurement strength, which offers an improved accu-racy and precision. The precision can be further improved by taking into account the completenesscondition of the measurement operators, which also ensures the feasibility of our protocol for thecharacterization of the arbitrary quantum measurement. Our work provides new insight on thesymmetry between quantum states and measurements, as well as an efficient method to characterizea measurement apparatus.

Introduction.– A time-symmetric description of a phys-ical system involving both the initial and final boundaryconditions allows not only the prediction but also retro-diction of its evolution, therefore may reveal more infor-mation about the system. Such description for quantumsystems can be captured by the two-state vector formal-ism (TSVF) [1, 2]. The pre-selected state describing thepreparation of the system evolves forward in time, whilethe post-selected state determined by the measurementon the system evolves backward. The TSVF provides anew approach to interpret many intriguing quantum ef-fects [3–9]. In particular, adding retrodiction to the stan-dard predictive approach allows an improved descriptionof the evolution trajectories of quantum systems [10–13].

One of the most remarkable phenomena from TSVFis the weak measurement and its associated outcome,the weak value [14], which are widely used in precisionmetrology [15–19] and investigations of various phenom-ena [20–24]. In particular, the complex weak value can bethe complex probability amplitude of the wavefunction,therefore allows a direct tomography of quantum statesand processes [25–39]. Compared to the conventional to-mography scheme that reconstructs a quantum state withan overcomplete set of measurements followed by thecomplex post-processing of data [40–42], the direct to-mography avoids the reconstruction algorithm and showsdistinct advantages in both directness and simplicity.Therefore, the direct tomography promises to be espe-cially useful in the characterization of high-dimensionalstates [29, 39].

Until now direct tomography only takes the forwarddirection of the weak measurement to characterize thepre-selected state and its evolution. The time-symmetricformulation has not been fully explored. Since the pre-

and post-selected states enter the formulation on equalfooting, it is expected that the backward direction allowsto directly determine the post-selected state, which canbe viewed as the retrodicted state of the measurementperformed on the quantum system [43]. This connectionimplies the feasibility of direct tomography of a quantummeasurement [44].

In this paper, we propose the general framework for thedirect quantum detector tomography (DQDT) protocol.A direct connection between the numerator of the weakvalue and either the eigenvector of the rank-1 positiveoperator-valued measure (POVM) or the Dirac distribu-tion of the higher-rank POVM is rigorously establishedwith the arbitrary measurement strength. Such connec-tion allows to not only directly determine the POVMelement of interest but also improve the accuracy andprecision by adjusting the measurement strength. As ademonstration, we experimentally characterize both pro-jective measurements and general POVMs in the polar-ization degree of freedom (DOF) of photons. Moreover,we show the feasibility of our protocol for the characteri-zation of the arbitrary POVM thanks to the completenesscondition of the POVM.

Theoretical framework of DQDT.–The original directtomography protocol is applied to determining a purequantum state |s〉 which is expanded in an orthogonal ba-sis {|j〉}(J ) with the probability amplitudes {αj}. To di-rectly obtain αj = 〈j|s〉, the unknown state |s〉 is weaklymeasured with the projector πj = |j〉〈j| of the orthogo-nal base state |j〉 followed by the post-selection to |ψn〉 ∝∑j |j〉. The outcome of this measurement is the weak

value of πj , given by 〈πwj 〉(n)s = 〈ψn|πj |s〉/〈ψn|s〉 ∝ αj .

Thus, by measuring 〈πwj 〉(n)s that scans in the basis J ,

{αj} can be completely determined with the normaliza-














FIG. 1. Experimental Setup. (a) The pulsed laser at 830nmfirst gets through a β-barium borate (BBO) crystal for thesecond harmonic generation and then inputs the potassium di-hydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystal for spontaneous paramet-ric downconversion (SPDC). Two photons are simultaneouslygenerated in SPDC, one of which is used for heralding and theother is collected to input the ’Direct Tomography’ module forthe characterization of the unknown quantum measurementlabelled ‘Measurement (I, II)’. The modules ‘Measurement I’and ‘Measurement II’ illustrate the experimental implementa-tion of projective measurements and symmetric information-ally complete positive-operator-valued measure (SIC POVM)in the polarization degree of freedom, respectively.

tion of the state. The direct tomography protocol is alsoextended to mixed states by exploiting the connection be-tween the weak value and the Dirac distribution or thedensity matrix [25–27].

As the formulation of weak value is symmetric for bothpre- and post-selected states (i.e., |s〉 and |ψn〉), thepost-selected state |ψn〉 can also be directly measured byproperly preparing the pre-selected state |s〉. The post-selection to |ψn〉 is typically implemented with a projec-tive measurement Πn = |ψn〉〈ψn|. Therefore, this directmethod is expected to be able to characterize a quantummeasurement.

We first concentrate on characterizing one elementof a rank-1 POVM Πn = ηn|ψn〉〈ψn|, in which |ψn〉can be considered as the retrodicted state and ηn isthe equivalent detection efficiency [43, 45–47]. Thepre-selected state of the quantum system (QS) is pre-pared to ρs = |s〉〈s| with |s〉 ∝

∑j |j〉. We imple-

ment the Von Neumann measurement of ρs by couplingthe QS to a meter state (MS) ρm under the Hamilto-nian H = gδ(t − t0)πjM giving the joint state ρjt =

exp[−i∫Hdt]ρs ⊗ ρm exp[i

∫Hdt], where g is the cou-

pling strength and M is the observable of the MS. Fi-nally, the unknown measurement operator Πn performsthe post-selection on the QS. The generalized weak value

formulated as

〈πwj 〉(n)s =Tr(Πnπjρs)


can be extracted from the measurement of the MS thatsurvives the post-selection. To simplify the process indetermining Πn, we define an unnormalized state |ϕn〉 =√ηn|ψn〉, thus Πn = |ϕn〉〈ϕn|. Instead of successively

determining ηn and |ψn〉, we directly measure |ϕn〉 toobtain Πn. Since there is no normalization condition in|ϕn〉, measuring the numerator of weak value, i.e., ω

(n)j,s =

Tr(Πnπjρs), is sufficient for characterizing Πn. In this

way, we have ω(n)j,s = 〈s|ϕn〉〈ϕn|j〉〈j|s〉 = t

(n)s 〈ϕn|j〉/


where t(n)s = 〈s|ϕn〉 and d = 1/|〈j|s〉|2 is the dimen-

sion of the QS. Since t(n)s is a constant for different

j, we take t(n)s as a real value that can be derived by

t(n)s =

√〈s|ϕn〉〈ϕn|s〉 =


∑j ω

(n)j,s ) (taking the real

part for practical data processing). Consequently, eachexpanding coefficient of |ϕn〉 in the base state |j〉 is givenby

〈j|ϕn〉 =



Re(∑j ω

(n)j,s )

. (2)

In the general situation to directly characterize higher-

rank POVM element Πn, ω(n)j,s naturally equals to the

‘right’ phase-space Dirac distribution of Πn in the d-dimensional discrete Hilbert space by scanning both theprojectors πj in the basis J and the pre-selected state

|s〉 = 1/√d∑d−1j=0 e

2πijs/d|j〉 in the Fourier basis S [48].For a qubit MS initialized as ρm = |0〉〈0| and the ob-

servable M = σy, both the real and imaginary parts of

ω(n)j,s can be obtained from the joint measurement of the

QS with the post-selection operator Πn and the MS withthe observables S1 = σx+ tan(g/2)(11− σz) and S2 = σy,formulated as [46]

ω(n)j,s =


2 sin(g)Tr[ρjtΠn ⊗ (S1 + iS2)]. (3)

The feasibility of a tomography technique is typicallyevaluated by the metrics of both accuracy and preci-sion. In the original direct state tomography, the ac-curate weak value can only be obtained with a smallcoupling strength due to the first-order approximation,which sacrifices precision. In view of effective effortsmade in the state tomography [31, 49, 50], the DQDTprotocol is valid for the arbitrary non-zero g allowing usto improve the precision of the tomography without lossof accuracy. Besides, the potential inefficacy of directstate tomography is caused by the orthogonality of thepre- and post-selected states [51–53]. In the following, weshow this efficacy issue can be overcome in the DQDT by


n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4(b)(a)


error distribution

(c)Th Exp


FIG. 2. The experimental results for the characterization of the ‘Measurement I’. (a) We plot the experimentally (points)

estimated and theoretical (circles) ω(n)j,s and ω

(n),⊥j,s by denoting the real and the imaginary parts of ω as the horizontal and

the vertical axises, respectively. (b) In the Bloch sphere representation, the solid (dashed) arrows refer to the theoreticalretrodicted states |ξn〉 (|ξ⊥n 〉) and the points (cubes) represent the experimental retrodicted states |ψn〉 (|ψ⊥n 〉). The red, green,blue and yellow colors refer to n = 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. (c) The schematic error distributions of the measured |ψ3〉 and |ψ⊥3 〉before (pink shaded area) and after (green shaded area) the normalization are shown in the cross-section of Bloch sphere. (d)The precision of the experimentally measured POVM (points) obtained from the Monte Carlo simulation with different g are

compared with the theoretical results (lines). The δ2(Πn) and δ2(Π⊥n ) denote the variances of the POVM elements before the

normalization. The variance δ2(Π′n) for both the POVM elements (Πn and Π⊥n ) after the normalization are the same. (e) Thefidelities (F = |〈ψ|φ〉|2 for |ψ〉 and |φ〉) between the experimental retrodicted states |ψn〉 (|ψ⊥n 〉) and the theoretical states |ξn〉(|ξ⊥n 〉) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4 are given in the table.

the appropriate use of the completeness condition of thePOVM.

The precision of the measured POVM {Πn} isquantified by summing the variance δ2(·) of eachPOVM element ∆2 =

∑n δ

2(Πn), where δ2(Πn) =∑j,j′ δ

2(〈j|Πn|j′〉) with |j〉 and |j′〉 the base states in

basis J . Since each POVM element Πn is independentlydetermined in the DQDT, the precision δ2(Πn) can beimproved when the completeness condition of POVM i.e.,∑n Πn = 11 is applied. To acquire the optimal precision

based on the completeness condition, the normalized ma-trix entries of the POVM element Πn can be obtained bya weighted average of the directly measured results andthose inferred from other POVM elements. The optimalweighting factors should be proportional to their metro-logical contributions quantified by the inverse of theirvariances [46]. As an example, we let Ek = Re(〈j|Πk|j′〉)and Ik = 1/δ2(Ek). The normalized E′k according to thecompleteness of POVM is given by

E′k =Ik

Ik + I◦kEk +

I◦kIk + I◦k

(δj,j′ −M∑m6=k

Em), (4)

where I◦k = 1/[∑Mm 6=k δ

2(Em)] and δj,j′ denotes the Kro-necker delta function. For the general POVM element,the positive condition (Πn ≥ 0) is also useful to improvethe precision [46].

Experiment.– The experimental setup is shown in Fig.1. By referring to the polarization DOF of photons asthe QS, we prepare the pre-selected state through a polar-

izer and a half-wave plate (HWP). Then, the pre-selectedphotons input a polarizing beam displacer (PBD), whichconverts the polarization-encoded QS to path-encoded.The polarization of photons in the two paths is employedas the MS. We use the computational basis {|0〉, |1〉} re-ferring to the |H〉 and |V 〉 for polarization qubit or theupper and lower path for the path qubit. A HWP at45◦ placed in path ‘1’ initializes the MS to |0〉m. Thecoupling Hamiltonian H = gδ(t − t0)πj σy is realized byrotating g/2 degrees the HWP placed in jth path. Sincethe post-selection on the QS and the measurement of theMS are physically commutable, we first perform the pro-jective measurement on the MS with the following com-bination of a quarter-wave plate (QWP), a HWP and apolarizer [54]. Afterwards, the transmitted photons arerecombined with the subsequent HWP at 45◦ compensat-ing the changes of the polarization during the couplingprocess. Finally, the quantum measurement, which is tobe characterized, implements the post-selection on theQS.

The ‘Measurement I’, composed of a QWP, a HWP anda PBD, performs the projective measurement on the po-larization of photons. We implement four configurationsof projective measurements {|ξn〉〈ξn|, |ξ⊥n 〉〈ξ⊥n |}(n =1, 2, 3, 4), in which the retrodicted states are parameter-ized as |ξn〉 = an|H〉 + bne

iφn |V 〉 and |ξ⊥n 〉 = bn|H〉 −ane

iφn |V 〉 with the parameters 2a1 = 2a2 = 2a3 = b1 =b2 = b3 = 2/

√3, φ1 = π/3, φ2 = −π/3, φ3 = φ4 = 0,

a4 = 1, b4 = 0. Since the retrodicted states are pure, wefix the pre-selected state to |s〉 = |D〉 = 1/

√2(|H〉+|V 〉).


g = -0.105 g = 0.733

Ideal Est ExpPrimaryNormalized

n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4



Ideal Est Exp

g = -0.105 g = 0.733



(d) (e)

FIG. 3. The experimental results for the characterization of the ‘Measurement II’. (a) By regarding the ‘Measurement II’

as rank-1 POVM, we illustrate the experimentally (solid markers) estimated and theoretical (hollow markers) ω(n)j,s . (b) The

experimentally derived pure retrodicted states (points) are compared with those of the ideal SIC POVM (arrows) in theBloch sphere with fidelities 0.9781 (red), 0.9912 (green), 0.9882 (blue), 0.9984 (yellow) for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. (c) Theexperimentally estimated (the cylinders) Dirac distributions of the ‘Measurement II’ are compared with those inferred fromthe results of conventional tomography (CT) (solid edges). The fidelities (F = [Tr(

√√ρ1ρ2√ρ1)]2 for ρ1 and ρ2) between

the retrodicted states of the directly measured POVM with those of CT are 0.9994, 0.9994, 0.9999, 0.9997 for n = 1, 2, 3, 4,respectively. The precision of the obtained POVM is illustrated in (d) (rank-1 situation) and (e) (rank-2 situation). In (d), wecompare the precision of the experimentally measured POVM (points and triangles) obtained form the Monte Carlo simulationwith the calculated precision of the ideal SIC POVM (dashed lines) and the estimated POVM (lines). In (e), the calculatedprecision inferred from the results of the CT (lines) and the ideal SIC POVM (dashed lines) coincide with each other. In both(d) and (e), ∆2 in lg(∆2) of the y-axis, represents the total variance of the POVM. The two insets show the precision of eachPOVM elements for g = −0.105 and g = 0.733, respectively. Here, we denote the precision of the directly measured results as‘Primary’ (blue) and that of the normalized results as ‘Normalized’ (red).

The coupling strength g is varied from −42◦ to 42◦ withthe step of 6◦.

Based on the Eq. (3), the measurement results of theobservable S1 and S2 for different g are fitted to obtain

an estimated ω(n)j,s shown in Fig. 2 (a) [46]. The corre-

sponding retrodicted states of the four projective mea-surements are compared with the theoretical results inFig. 2 (b). The fidelities between the experimental (|ψn〉and |ψ⊥n 〉) and the theoretical (|ξn〉 and |ξ⊥n 〉) retrodictedstates are given in Table (e) of Fig 2. Fig. 2 (c) schemat-ically illustrates the error distribution of the projectivemeasurements |ξ3〉〈ξ3| and |ξ⊥3 〉〈ξ⊥3 | both before and afterthe normalization of the POVM. Since |〈D|ξ3〉|2 is closeto 0, the precision of determining |ξ3〉 is originally muchworse than that of |ξ⊥3 〉, which is significantly improvedafter the normalization. The detailed results of precisionfor different g are shown in Fig. 2 (d). As we can see, theweighted average in Eq. (4) ensures that the precision ofthe normalized projector is better than that of either onein the arbitrary two-output projective measurement.

The ‘Measurement II’ in Fig. 1 illustrates the real-

ization of the symmetric informationally complete (SIC)POVM on the polarization DOF of photons throughquantum walk [55, 56]. Ideally, the POVM elementsof the four outputs from the bottom to the top are re-spectively Πn = ηn|ξn〉〈ξn| for n from 1 to 4 with allthe equivalent detection efficiency ηn = 0.5. Since allthe retrodicted states are pure, we first adopt the sameDQDT procedure as the projective measurement. The

experimental ω(n)j,s estimated from the results of different

g and the derived retrodicted states are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively. The precision of the SIC POVMboth before and after the normalization for different g isillustrated in Fig. 3 (d).

Due to the imperfect optical interference caused bythe spatial misalignment and air turbulence, the retro-dicted states of the realistic Πn may be mixed states.Therefore, the above results acquired by regarding the‘Measurement II’ as rank-1 POVM may deviate from theactual situation. To remove this error, we also preparethe pre-selected state |A〉 = 1/

√2(|H〉 − |V 〉) to acquire

the full Dirac distribution of all the POVM elements ω(n)j,s


(j = H,V and s = D,A) with different g, respectively.As a comparison, we reconstruct the POVM of the ‘Mea-surement II’ by the conventional tomography (CT) [46].The directly measured Dirac distribution that are esti-mated from the results of different g are compared withthose derived from the results of CT, shown in Fig. 3(c). The precision of the DQDT in characterizing the‘Measurement II’ before and after the normalization iscompared in Fig. 3 (e).

Discussion and conclusions.–By analyzing the preci-sion of the DQDT protocol shown in Figs. 2 (d), 3 (d)and 3 (e), we find that the statistical errors dramati-cally increases when the coupling strength g approaches0. Therefore, one should avoid the DQDT working witha small g. In the characterization of rank-1 POVMs, theprecision gets worse when the retrodicted state of therank-1 POVM element approaches being orthogonal tothe pre-selected state, which can be overcome with theuse of completeness condition of the POVM. Though asingle pre-selected state is sufficient to determine a rank-1POVM, deviation may occur when the realistic imperfec-tions render the POVM element with higher rank. Thus,measuring the Dirac distribution of the POVM providesthe complementary verification and the improvement ofthe accuracy to the preceding characterization of therank-1 POVM.

In conclusion, we propose a direct tomography schemeto characterize unknown quantum measurements by as-sociating the POVMs with the numerators of the weakvalues. An appropriate choice of the coupling strengthas well as the completeness condition of the POVM al-lows us to gain a precise characterization of the arbi-trary POVMs. In the experiment, the direct tomogra-phy scheme is applied to characterize both the projectivemeasurements and the general POVM. The DQDT re-sults coincide well with the theoretical predictions andthe results of CT, while showing the algorithmic andoperational simplification in characterizing complicatedmeasurement apparatus. Our scheme Extends the directtomography from quantum states, quantum processes toquantum measurements, which not only provides newtools for investigating non-classical features of quantummeasurement but also highlights the time-symmetric for-mulation of the weak measurement and extends its scope.

This work was supported by the National Key Re-search and Development Program of China (Grant Nos.2017YFA0303703 and 2018YFA030602) and the Na-tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.91836303, 61975077, 61490711 and 11690032) and Fun-damental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No. 020214380068).

[email protected]

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