Aruba Party Edition 53

16 ALL ABOUT THE Way We Party EXCLUSIVE NEWS TODAY Let’s Get This Party Started! This is where Aruba Party This is number53 . Event Photo’s . Pharmacy on call . Sanicolas Events . Caribbean Recipe Inside: If your picture is NOT in our Party News Paper, your party was not hot enough for Aruba Party to be there!


Crazy Easter Weekend

Transcript of Aruba Party Edition 53


Let’s Get This Party Started!

This is where Aruba Party This is number53

. Event Photo’s

. Pharmacy on call

. Sanicolas Events

. Caribbean Recipe



If your picture is NOT in our Party News Paper, your party was not hot enough for Aruba Party to be there!

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* Why did you all come up with a newspaper that focuses mostly about Sanicolas? -Because Sanicolas have so much talent and so many good things going on,and information and education is the key. *Can we subscribe and get a copy of your paper at home? We are doing our best to reach everyone, however send us a mail at [email protected] and we will put you in our mailing list.

Replying Your E-mails !

Must Go Event:

Aruban Born Francio Guadeloupe Corner !

"His dance was like a carefully places explosive that destroyed the prison houses of race, gender, class, and ethnicity with which we imprison others and ourselves. His torso, his smile, his arms, his legs, moving with a syncopation that was majestic in its humbleness and humble in his majesty, told a story that these prison houses often make us forget: humankind is essentially a No to all categories of identity. he was still a Bahia man, a black man, a poor man, an oppressed man, a favela man, and more than likely a patriarchal man. But he was all this in a different way. these were identifications, not his essential identity (as if he had any). he was a verb not a noun. Pure movement, embodied differance - differing and deferring, not to be pigeon holed in anyway. His dancing touched me in a way that forced me to move out of the common senses that blinded me from seeing without truly seeing. And though we did not speak, he remained a stranger that i gazed at and he gazed back with his body, I thank him for giving me the sight that allows me to feel (and therefore to affectively see) the human beyond exclusionary identity labels."

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Time To Smile

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Pharmacy On Call

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”Chicken fried Rice” 5 cups cooked rice (see note below) 1 lb chicken (chicken breast) 1 cup diced carrot 2 scallions (chopped finely) 1/2 cup diced bell pepper 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 3 cloves of garlic crushed or grated 1 teaspoon grated ginger 3 tablespoon vegetable oil (divided) 3 tablespoon dark soy sauce * 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 1 large onion diced 1/2 cup diced celery 1 cup bean sprouts 1 tablespoon shado beni (optional) 1/4 teaspoon Chinese five spice powder 1/2 scotch bonnet pepper

Notes: I used white rice, which was cooked in salted boiling water. For best results place the cooked rice in the fridge to chill before using. This will give you a lovely grainy texture (no clumping) and remember when cooking the rice, stop the cooking process when it’s about 95% done, so it’s not soggy. Start off with 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, but depending on how dark you want the finished chicken fried rice, you may need to adjust. Please dice the scotch bonnet pepper very finely and don’t include any seeds. We simply don’t want the raw heat.

Tip. To get the chicken sliced thin, when it’s still a little frozen use a sharp knife and you’ll be better able to get thin slices since it will be firm.

The first thing we need to do is to season the sliced chicken with the 5 spice powder and black pepper. Mix well and let it marinate for a few minutes. Heat your wok or non stick frying pan (you’ll need a large one) on med/high heat, add 2 tablespoons of the veg oil then add the seasoned chicken. Since we’re working with fairly high heat, remember to stir and it will cook in about 3-4 minutes. Now remove and set aside.

Now it’s time to add the remaining 3 ingredients. Add the bean sprouts and toss, then top with the finely chopped scallions and if you were able to source the shado beni (see West Indian, Asian or Latin grocery stores.. may also be called Culantro) and cook for a minute or 2. That’s it.. you’re done.

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Sunrise City Sanicolas:

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Carubian Egghunt for the kids:

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Organization Be The Bridge active in Sanicolas: Organization Be The Bridge has been active to reach out to troubled youths to show them that there are people out there who really care for them and want them to follow their dreams and be all they can be. Aruba Party was present for a few meetings and realized that the crowd of kids grew more and more every meeting as interest grow more stronger. Getting feed back from the kids was vital to create solutions to the on going problems. What was brought up the Be The Bridge organization was that the kids have no where to go practice sports like foot ball, all over is closed and when they play in the street people call police for them. Well 1 week after that comment Be The Bridge organized a football game inside of Bonaire Club showing the kids that together we can accomplish anything. Enjoy the pictures of this event as much more events ,and courses to come.

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Sanicolas museum is something you have to see for yourself:

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Aruba the Party Island:

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Hot-Ones Band”The Soca Mafia”Live April 27th Yard Jam!8pm untill 4am at Hot-Ones Studio see you there! CD and T-shirt on sale