Artificial intelligence

PRESETED TO:- Mr. Sachin Dave Miss. Shefali agrawal By:- Nimesh parmar



Transcript of Artificial intelligence

  • 1. PREFACEArtificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is a combination ofcomputer science, physiology, and philosophy. AI is a broadtopic, consisting of different fields, from machine vision toexpert systems. The element that the fields of AI have incommon is the creation of machines that can "think".THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE PRESENTATION IS TOUNDERSTAND THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN BRIEFAND ITS OTHER BRANCHES & ITS APPLICATION.

2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIn the preparation of the Presentation, anyquote, summary, information, idea, text, data, photos, or any othermaterial which originally appeared in someone elses work, wesincerely acknowledge them. And alsoto Mr.Sachin Dave and Mrs.shefali agrawal (lecturer of computerapplication ,bba MSU Baroda. 3. definition:-Artificial intelligence (AI) is theintelligence of machines and the branch ofcomputer science that aims to create it. AI textbooks define the field as "the study anddesign of intelligent agents" where an intelligentagent is a system that perceives its environmentand takes actions that maximize its chances ofsuccess. John McCarthy, who coined the term in1956, defines it as "the science and engineering ofmaking intelligent machines." 4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the Intelligence of machines andthe branch of computer science that aims to create it.AI is the study of the : How to make computers do thingswhich, at the moment, people do better.In the different-different text book defines AI in different pointof view as a reasoning ,behavior performance & rationality. 5. Generally , artificial intelligence research aims to create AIthat can replicate human intelligence completely.Strong AI refers to a machine that approaches or supersedeshuman intelligence.Main aims to create AI to build machines whose over allintellectual ability is indistinguishable from that of humanbeing. 6. Soft AI refers to the use of software to studyor accomplish specific problem solving orreasoning tasks that do not encompass thefull range of human cognitive abilities.Example : a chess program such as DeepBlue. 7. The definitions of AI gives four possible goals to pursue :1. Systems that think like humans. (cognitive science Approach)2. Systems that think rationally. (Laws of thought Approach)3. Systems that act like humans. (Turning Test Approach)4. Systems that act rationally. (Rational agent Approach) 8. General goals :- Solve knowledge intensive tasks , Enhance human-human, human computer, computer-computer interaction / communication. Engineering based AI goals Develop concepts, theory and practice of buildingintelligent machines. Emphasis is on system building. Science based AI goals Develop mechanism & vocabulary to understandbiological intelligent machines. Emphasis is on understanding intelligent behavior. 9. Logical AI :- logic is a language for reasoning ; acollection of rules used while doing reasoning. Search in AI :- This is a problem solving technique thatsystematically consider all possible action to find a pathfrom initial state to target state . Pattern Recognition :- The assignment of physical objector event to one of pre-specified categories. 10. Knowledge Representation :- Knowledge is acollection of facts by a program, a suitablerepresentation is required. A good representationfacilities problem solving. Common sense knowledge & reasoning :- it is mentalskills that most people have. Teaching computers common sense. Project OpenMind at MIT here the goal is to teach acomputer things that human take them for granted. Project cyc it is an attempt to manually build adatabase of human common sense. 11. Game playing :- it is interactive program, an emerging area in which the goals of human-level AI are proposed. Games are made by creating human level artificiallyintelligent entities, e.g. enemies, partners, and supportcharacters that act just like humans.Speech Recognition :- A process of convertingrecognizing speech signal to a sequence of words;= In 1990s, computer speech Recognition reached apractical level for limited purposes. 12. Understanding natural Language :- NaturalLanguageprocessing does automated generation and understanding of naturalhuman languages. In these 2 parts are there 1. Natural Language generation system2. Natural Language understanding systemComputer vision :-Expert systems:--System in which human expertise is held in the form of rules. 13.