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    Article ID: WMC00502 ISSN 2046-1690

    The Death Of Cleopatra, A Medical Analysis Of The

    Theory Of Suicide By Naja HajeAuthor(s):Dr. William Maloney

    Corresponding Author:

    Dr. William Maloney,

    Clinical Associate Professor, New York University, 345 East 24th Street, 10010 - United States

    Submitting Author:Dr. William J Maloney,

    Clinical Associate Professor, New York University, 345 East 24th Street, 10010 - United States

    Article ID: WMC00502

    Article Type: Research articles

    Submitted on:24-Aug-2010, 04:51:29 PM GMT Published on: 24-Aug-2010, 08:25:08 PM GMT

    Article URL:

    Subject Categories:TOXICOLOGY

    Keywords:Cleopatra, Murder, Suicide, Naja Haje

    How to cite the article:Maloney W . The Death Of Cleopatra, A Medical Analysis Of The Theory Of Suicide By

    Naja Haje . WebmedCentral TOXICOLOGY 2010;1(8):WMC00502

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    The Death Of Cleopatra, A Medical Analysis Of The

    Theory Of Suicide By Naja Haje


    Cleopatra had been the source of mystery and intrigue

    throughout her life. It is imperative to remember that

    Cleopatra was a real human being while studying her

    life and, most ironically, her death. Her mythical status

    has been embellished throughout the past two

    thousand years by the numerous writers, historians,artists, and actors who have studied her life. These

    individuals have created a certain image of Cleopatra

    in the public?s consciousness which differs greatly

    from the once flesh-and-blood Queen of Egypt. It is of

    particular importance in examining her death to avoid

    the snares set by some of the most masterful authors

    (William Shakespeare), gifted artists (Guido Cagnacci)

    and talented actresses (Elizabeth Taylor). These are

    merely artistic renderings, albeit masterful ones, of

    what might have occurred at the scene of her death.

    One must remember that there are no eyewitnesses to

    the death of Cleopatra and her two handmaidens.There are many aspects of Cleopatra?s death which

    are unknown. Therefore, individuals ranging from

    historians of Cleopatra?s time to artists and actors of

    modern times have speculated as to what they think

    might have occurred. In analyzing the details

    surrounding Cleopatra?s death, one must not confuse

    the known facts from pure speculation or legend. The

    most widely accepted theory of Cleopatra?s death is

    that she committed suicide by an asp- specifically, the

    Egyptian Cobra. This theory has been promulgated

    throughout the past two millenia. This paper will

    analyze the feasibilty of such a theory by relying onthe known facts- both historical and medical. I will

    attempt to conclude whether the legend of

    Cleopatra?s death by an asp has any medical and

    scientific plausibilty or if it is merely the product of

    many creative imaginations throughout the years.

    Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator

    Cleopatra has become, through the ages, a symbol of

    mystery and intrigue. Cleopatra, the visceral Queen of

    Egypt, has become interwoven with the Cleopatra of

    legend. Today, Cleopatra is best remembered for her

    unparalleled beauty, her tragic romance with Mark

    Antony, and her untimely death. But how much do

    historians actually know today about the true

    incarnation of Cleopatra who ruled Egypt, the richest

    nation in the Mediterranean world and the last to

    remain independent of Rome (3)? Cleopatra was born

    in 69 B.C. in Alexandria, Egypt. Her father was King

    Ptolemy XII Auletes. Her mother?s identity is still a

    mystery. Leading theories speculate that Cleopatra?s

    mother was either the King?s sister, Cleopatra V

    Tryphaena, or one of his concubines (4). We do know

    that Cleopatra was Macedonian Greek and the last in

    aroyal line that began with Ptolemy who was

    Alexander the Great?s childhood friend and

    commander of his eastern military campaign (5).

    Contrary to most popular images, Plutarch has written

    that Cleopatra was not very attractive (1) but, she was

    very cultured, charming, multilingual and a beautiful

    singer (6). Cleopatra spoke the Egyptian language.

    Most observers would assume the Queen of Egypt

    would have be able to speak the Egyptian language.

    However, her forbears spoke Greek and observed

    Greek customs while being the rulers of Egypt (3). A

    coin dated 32 B.C. was recently discovered. It bears a

    portrait of Cleopatra who is depicted as having a large

    nose, narrow lips, and a sharp chin (3).

    At the age of 18 Cleopatra was married- to her

    10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII who jointly ruled

    Egypt with her (6). She would fight for power against

    him. She then seduced a married Julius Caesar and

    bore him a son, Ptolemy XV also known as Caesarion.

    Caesar returned Cleopatra to her throne. She married

    once again. This time to her youngest brother PtolemyXIV.

    In 42 B.C. a romantic and political relationship

    developed between Cleopatra and Mark Antony. After

    losing a one-sided battle against Octavian and thinking

    that Cleopatra had betrayed him, Mark Antony, fatally

    wounded himself (2). Cleopatra attempted to negotiate

    with Octavian a promise of the throne for her children.

    Octavian never made any assurances on this point (7).

    Cleopatra remained locked in her mausoleum during

    her last few days. Two handmaidens and possibly a

    eunuch were with her at the time of her death.

    Cleopatra was found dead by Octavian and his men.

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    The missing facts surrounding Cleopatra?s death has

    conjured many romantic images. It is imperative to

    note, when analyzing the cause of Cleopatra?s death,

    that extremely little is known of the details and what

    little that is known probably originates from Octavian?s

    recollections. The children of Cleopatra were treated

    sympathetically by the Romans after her death except

    for one child whom the Roman?s had killed. That child

    was Caesarion- son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar


    Naja haje

    The Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) held a special position

    in Egypt. The uraeus depicts the Egyptian cobra and is

    worn in front of the king?s headdress. The Egyptian

    cobra of the uraeus represented the goddess Wadjet

    who was associated with the Lower Egyptian

    sanctuary of Buto. Wadjet was seen to be the mythical

    mother and midwife of the king (8). Even rural farmers

    have looked on the presence of cobras as a mixed

    blessing. They have been known to kill humans while

    also ridding the peasant farmers of rodents that have

    the potential to ruin their crops and food stores (3).

    The Egyptian cobra is large and heavy-bodied (9). It

    has a maximum length of 9.8 feet and is the largest of

    all the Naja species (10). This is of particular

    significance as the snake or snakes which have beenimplicated in the deaths of Cleopatra and her

    handmaidens were purported to have been delivered

    to her concealed in a basket of figs. Ergo, one must

    question the veracity of the legend as it is seemingly

    implausible for some rural deliveryman to pass the

    guards with a basket (or a water jug as the

    conveyance vehicle has been alternatively posited)

    filled with enough of these large and heavy-bodied

    snakes to kill three adults.The Egyptian cobra?s

    venom is neurotoxic agent and is much stronger than

    the venom of the common cobra. Its venom contains

    lecithinase which is an enzyme that dissolves cellwalls and membranes surrounding viruses. For this

    reason, medical researchers have been using the

    venom of the Egyptian cobra for years (8). Naja haje

    venom is composed of three disulphide-linked

    polypeptide chains (11). The immobilization of

    potential prey and predator species is the biological

    function of the snake venom neurotoxin (12). It has

    been demonstrated that the venom of Naja haje

    significantly alters the arterial blood pressure and the

    electrical activity of the cardiac muscles in

    envenomated rats leading to the suggestion that an

    impairment of the electrical cardiac muscle may be themechanism of death of the Egyptian cobra?s victim


    The Egyptian cobra has a very distinctive pose when

    threatened- the front part of its body is raised, its neck

    is spread into a hood and dark bars are displayed on

    its throat and the front of its hood (9).

    An Analysis of the varioustheories

    An analysis of any proposed theory of the nature of

    Cleopatra?s death would be incomplete without an

    examination of all possible alternate theories. In the

    death of Cleopatra, it is natural that there would be

    multiple theories. There were, supposedly, no

    surviving witnesses to Cleopatra?s death. No

    implement of death was ever recovered. In such a

    death as Cleopatra?s it is to be expected that there

    would be multiple theories set forth surrounding her

    demise. From the evidence, I surmise that there are

    only three possible theories that have any form of

    legitimacy. They are the following: 1) Cleopatra

    committed suicide by poison hidden somewhere in her

    mausoleum; 2) Cleopatra committed suicide by the

    venom of the Egyptian cobra and 3) Cleopatra was

    murdered by means of poisoning by Octavian and his

    men. It is safe to conclude that Cleopatra died by one

    of these three scenarios. One must remember that

    there are no primary written accounts of the death

    scene and that most of what is known of the events

    surrounding Cleopatra?s death came from Octavian

    who must be considered a suspect in the Queen?s

    death. The oldest source of information is from Strabo

    who was alive at the time of the death. He stated that

    he was not sure whether she had been murdered or

    had poisoned herself but, that there were two stories

    surrounding her death- one revolved around a toxic

    ointment while the other focused on the bite of an asp

    (14). Cleopatra?s personal physician, Olympus,

    theorized that she either died from the bite of an asp

    or by applying a poisonous ointment (15) while Galen

    theorized that she broke the skin by deeply biting her

    own arm (16). The Egyptians had studied various

    poisons for many generations and were thus familiar

    with which poisons might provide a relatively

    comfortable death while not inflicting much outward

    trauma on the descendant?s body. This would lend

    credence to theories of either murder or suicide by

    poison. Death by the bite of a cobra would be the most

    poetic means of death considering the cobra was

    sacred to the goddess Isis of whom Cleopatra felt

    herself to be the physical incarnation (15). However,one must analyze only the historical and medical

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    facts.Firstly, if death came from the bite of one of a

    variety of North African adders- Cerastes vipera

    (Cleopatra?s Asp), Vipera berus, Vipera aspis, or

    Cerastus Cornutus- there would be considerable pain

    and swelling of the victim?s body. This supposedly

    was not the case. There were no significant bite marks

    present (6). However, if the serpentine culprit was

    Naja haje, the theory of suicide by means of a snake

    bite becomes slightly more plausible as its venom is

    extremely toxic and can lead to a very rapid death (10)

    with an inconspicuous bite mark (6). The plausibility of

    this theory declines rapidly when it is examined further.

    It would take an extremely large cobra (or two or three)

    to kill three women and possibly one eunuch in rapid

    fashion. These snakes could not have been hidden in

    a small basket of figs or a water jug as has been put

    forth by historians. Octavian and his men rushed toCleopatra after learning of her ?suicide plans?

    however even they did not find even one of these

    necessarily large cobras. Also, after forcing this

    enraged cobra to bite herself, would an envenomated

    Cleopatra be physically and/ or emotionally capable of

    handing over the serpent to her handmaiden who

    would have to grasp the snake and after receiving her

    own mortal bite hand it over, in turn, to the other

    handmaiden. This scenario does not seem plausible

    even though an Egyptian cobra is capable of inflicting

    a quick death with inconspicuous marks. Also, one

    must question where did these necessarily largesnake or snakes so quickly disappear as Octavian and

    his men supposedly rushed to Cleopatra?s

    windowless and sealed mausoleum so rapidly that the

    handmaiden, Charmian, was still alive.

    The spreading of the word that there were puncture

    marks on Cleopatra?s body was meant to mask the

    actual cause of death. Octavian needed to rid himself

    of Cleopatra and her political threat. An injection of

    one of various possible poisons would have provided a

    quick and relatively atraumatic death. If she and her

    handmaidens had committed suicide, Octavian?s men

    would have found some remnants of the poison and

    an instrument to apply such a fatal poison. Nothing

    was found as Octavian?s men obviously took the

    remaining poison and instruments with them after

    murdering the three women. Octavian had both the

    motive, to permanently remove the powerful political

    threat of Cleopatra, and the ability to murder Cleopatra.

    This proposed motive is confirmed by the subsequent

    murder of the politically threatening child, Caesarion,

    of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.


    The legendary theory of Cleopatra?s death being the

    result of suicide by an asp is implausible for a

    multitude of reasons when analyzed in a scientific and

    medical manner. The reality of the major aspects ofCleopatra?s life differ dramatically from the more

    poetic versions that legend has created. She was not

    the captivating beauty but, rather, a shrewd and

    intelligent political power. She had many romantic

    and/or sexual relationships with various men including,

    most significantly, Julius Caesar, rather than solely

    Mark Antony. In turn, her death should not be viewed

    as the ill-fated end to her tragic romantic relationship

    with Mark Antony. Rather, the facts clearly point to

    murder rather than suicide- murder at the hands of

    Octavian and his men for political purposes.


    1. Plutarch. The parallel lives: life of Antony.

    Translated by B. Perrin (1920), Vol. IX. Loeb Classical

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    2. Tyldesley J. Cleopatra: last queen of Egypt (2008).

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    3. Smithsonian Magazine. Who was Cleopatra? 2010.

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    5. Roller DW. Cleopatra: a biography. 2010. Oxford

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    11. von Zabern I, Przyklenk H, Vogt W. Chain

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    14. Strabo. ed. H.L. Jones, The Geography of Strabo.

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