Article on Our EDA HEADquarters

 TAKE ADVA NTAGE OF THIS BIG MARI JUANA PARTY HEADquarters BLUE ZONE LOOPHOLE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX - take the time to read this intro to a great notion and call us for more details. Our Party leader's [Blair Longley] position on this loophole is to point out that the law and its enforcement is nothing but a pile of bullshit on top of bullshit B! this pile of "onstitutional bullshit that this loophole creates really is bigger and better than anything they ha#e$ it's a really cool concept - check it out PREAMBLE ! st  t"#$% #$ t"#s art#&'e( )e $ee* t+ e,-'a#$ )"at.s a ./'ue 0+$e.1 it's all about %urisdictional issues [as in] 'who actually holds the fiduciary trust o#er a territory and protecting the common law rights of its members in that territory$ and the easiest way to e&plain it is by offering e&amples [like] first nations ' blue (one' is a territory [like - reser#ation land] where the )"*P cannot enter without appro#al of the Band "ouncil+ because they ha#e no authority to cross that blue-line+ because it's not in their territory or %urisdiction to inter#ene or interfere without being asked to do so [it's all about ,o#ereignty]. [in our case] nati#es with **) e&emptions ha#e challenged and won the 'blue (one right' to stop the )"*P from raiding their grow-ops !he police must get permission of the Band "ouncil before they go bust a grow-op on a reser#ation or pay all damages encured by #iolation their territorial rights to do what they want on their land. /"!0 /ederal "ourts ha#e recently ruled that 1 st  ations can grow cannabis on their land because it's now like ha#ing the blue (one right to grow their own tobacco+ #$ Fe*era' a$* Pr+2#$&#a' E'e&t#+$s A&ts( there are all kinds of blue-(one' protection to guarantee that a "ity [for e&ample] cannot force its policies and politics on any other political party+ and this starts by simply declaring that a Party 2ead3uarters does not need to get any "ity permits [period]+ B4",4 this way city officials cannot obstruct with our political party's right to protect our beliefs under our 4lections ct. !he B" *ari%uana Party 2ead3uarters is a great e&ample of this blue-(one status 5 frankly + we the *ari%uana Party [of "anada] are taking this model in order to empower any local acti#ists to open 6operate a *ari%uana Blue 7one 2453uarters in e#ery district across "anada n "anada+ e#ery cop and %udge is duty bound to a higher standard when it comes to protecting our mari%uana right to attract #oters especially during an election season. Our 45s actual hold a trust is to protect any B"," rights our members once  had under the **) [for e&ample] NOTE By simply becoming a member or agent of a local *ari%uana Party 45 means our 81 blue-(one entitlement can be enforced.  NAMELY 9e accept that0 :the /eds can legally ta ke take away the rights of any 'ordinary resident' B! they ha#e no such right to take away any B"," won right from a *ari%uana Party member or agent. [for e&ample] the only reason any dispensary or its growers are allowed to e&ist is because a B"," court ga#e someone like you that right [this right is called0 the rule of law] O$&e 3+u a&&e-t t"#s .t"#$4#$% +uts#*e t"e#r /+,. 5ea$s )e are $+) e5-+)ere* !he 81 reason authority does O! want us to organi(e politically is because we [literally] can Peacefully take this per#erted power grab away from per#ert authorities+ who think they can defraud us out of our right to O! be go#erned under !O statutes regulations because otherwise authority actually can take away our right to be go#erned under our rule of law BOTTOM LINE THE ONLY 6A Y TO PROTE7T OUR MARIJUANA RIGHTS THAT 6ERE 6ON IN B7S7 IS BY BEING A REGISTERED MEMBER 8AGENT OF OUR MARIJUANA PARTY EDAs NO6 ON OUTLINING OUR BULLET PROOF BLUE9ZONE LOOPHOLE Once an 45 is registered means the officers can get an 45 account - and the candidate elect opens an account. [on this] f a candidate wants a loan means he needs to back it with personal guarantees [period] B! an 45 can borrow money to buy a head3uarters [real estate]. and the Bank cannot insist that the "/ or the "4O are personally responsible for this loan to the 45. !his loan is endorsed 6guaranteed by the electoral district 'blind trust fund'+ and [because of this blind trust loan] no uthority can do anything about our 45 protecting our beliefs in our Blue 7ones+ because by #iolating our rights and territory would ha#e a huge negati#e impact on the public purse+ because we would not be able to pay the loan back SO IN OUR 7ASE !he 45 buys a ;<million building in our electoral district [for e&ample] as our new 45 2453uarters. n law+ the Bank *,! gi#e an 45 a loan when the 45 can show a ways and means to make the payments. /rankly it's impossible to not show that under the premise that when left alone+ we simply ha#e the ways and means to make the payments. :ON THIS; !he 45 Officers actually become the landlords of our 'premises' [big word in law]+  5 it's perfectly legal to pro #ide a space for someone who wants their B"," rights r espected. !his means the 45 itself can rent a room to an 45 agency that operates a dispensary+ and6or a #apour lounge+ and6or a cannabis bakery+ 5 we can rent grow-op rooms to old **) #ictims+  5 in fact+ the 81 reason why it's perfectly legal to become this *ari%uana Part y 2453uarters is because the 2arspter tried to pull the wool o#er our eyes+ and by being this e#il+ he inad#ertently  empowered us to take-back 6empower oursel#es to protect our rule of law B"," upheld rights. !his means no authority can stop our members from benefiting from our rule of law [not !O's] and the 81 reason no police or %udge can do anything abo ut it is because0 O!24)9,4 if they trampled on our premises+ means we "O! P= !24 LO B">. - o B" or no /ederal  %udge can issue a warr ant against our 45 or its renter s B4",4 the public purse and its trust would be compromised 6trampled on 6#iolated 6bankrupted by doing so. [in other words] Our blue-(one rights to protect our beliefs are guaranteed by the loan needing to be paid back.  [i know it's twisted logic but "anada 4lections and !rust law runs on these strawman realities] NO6 ON SETTING THE STAGE TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN Last year *arc Boyer ran for "ity "ouncil+ and our ?uadra 45 funded his campaign by issuing receipts for his remarcablefoods [cannabis edibles] at public e#ents under "@<-A) 'blue-(one' protocol. 2e then properly filed and got back his deposit$ [catch-AA] 9ith this security returned means+ nobody challenged our well-founded premise that there was no law broken [because of case precedent] otherwise they would ha#e challenged those returns. !24)4/O) no BO5= can arbitrarily deny any B" 45 the right to do the same "@<-A) blue-(one ways and means to raise funds in this election. THIS RESULTS 6HERE as long as our 45 agencies operate under our 'premises' means that our agencies can operate a dispensary and grow-ops in our district offices [for e&ample] TIMING IS VERY IMPORTANT es-e&#a''3 #$ -+'#t#&s 9e can do a lot that could be challenged if it wasn't an election year. n this year of grace+ Local and /ederal uthority are actually duty bound to make sure that things like our *ari%uana Party 2453uarter rights must be respected. Let it be clearly understood that0 those 45 agencies who do not respect the fact that we must operate under carefully worded rulings will 6can be prosecuted in Pro#incial "ourt+ B! let's face it$ that's far better than being #ictimi(ed by those !O 6/ederal "ourts !here's no such thing as being gi#en power to take control of your life+ you ha#e to take it. !his bold step should result in C 45 2453uarters in B"+ and will in effect many other pro#inces  The only thing that works is the efforts o f a small group of dedicated people  *argaret *eed

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