
Article The classical world is experiencing a sea change, leading this second renounce is the youngest classical composer, after the great Amadeus Mozart. David Meyer is without doubt this generation’s classical prodigy and is already selling out concert halls globally. He follows in the footsteps of Brahms with a new original sound which draws on inspirations but is unique and original. Critics are singing his praises claiming that his young interpretation is just what this stagnated industry needs right now. His philosophy is simple, for classical music to be re-introduced back into the global zeitgeist, and to inspire the next generation of classical composers. I met up with David in a small jazz bar along brick lane, on a crisp autumn morning. He is sitting at a vintage rustic piano casually playing a stream of music, occasionally stopping to jot something down in a small leather note book. It is at this point that I catch his attention, he smiles warmly rising slowly to shake my hand. His demeanour is calm and relaxed and is entirely in his element, dressed in a plain black shirt with jeans and sneakers, this casual state of dress is unusual to say the least, when I bring up this fact he laugh and says. ‘’Well I guess I am an oxymoron’’ shaking my hand he leads me to a small comfortable room in the back of the shop and the interview begins. What got you into classical music? To be honest (smiling) it was almost pre destined. I mean don’t get me wrong, classical music has been in present throughout my entire life one way or another. I asked him what he meant by this? Well my first memory a 4 year old me is lying in my bed listening, to what a later discovered was ‘’the four seasons by Vivaldi. I remember just lying there letting the composition wash over me into soothing sleep. But I really started to appreciate the music during my studies, it was classical music which allowed me to focus my mind and get me through education.


The article i wrote for my as media magazine

Transcript of Article

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ArticleThe classical world is experiencing a sea change, leading this second renounce is the youngest classical composer, after the great Amadeus Mozart. David Meyer is without doubt this generation’s classical prodigy and is already selling out concert halls globally. He follows in the footsteps of Brahms with a new original sound which draws on inspirations but is unique and original. Critics are singing his praises claiming that his young interpretation is just what this stagnated industry needs right now. His philosophy is simple, for classical music to be re-introduced back into the global zeitgeist, and to inspire the next generation of classical composers.

I met up with David in a small jazz bar along brick lane, on a crisp autumn morning. He is sitting at a vintage rustic piano casually playing a stream of music, occasionally stopping to jot something down in a small leather note book. It is at this point that I catch his attention, he smiles warmly rising slowly to shake my hand. His demeanour is calm and relaxed and is entirely in his element, dressed in a plain black shirt with jeans and sneakers, this casual state of dress is unusual to say the least, when I bring up this fact he laugh and says.‘’Well I guess I am an oxymoron’’ shaking my hand he leads me to a small comfortable room in the back of the shop and the interview begins.

What got you into classical music?To be honest (smiling) it was almost pre destined. I mean don’t get me wrong, classical music has been in present throughout my entire life one way or another.

I asked him what he meant by this? Well my first memory a 4 year old me is lying in my bed listening, to what a later discovered was ‘’the four seasons by Vivaldi. I remember just lying there letting the composition wash over me into soothing sleep. But I really started to appreciate the music during my studies, it was classical music which allowed me to focus my mind and get me through education.

Was it at this point that you realised you wanted to pursue a career in this industry? Well yes and no… Even thou classical music was a big part of my life I keep it secret from my friends and others around me. I did not want the social stigma which comes with liking that sort of music. At 15 I could barely play the accordion, and did not express any desire to learn an instrument.What change your mind about liking classical music? All that while I still yearned to play, without realising it, so one day out of boredom I took our old electric piano up to my room and started to learn.Are you saying your self-taught?Well to begin with yes. I did not pick it up overnight, but with the use of hundreds of educational material online I began to improve. I found it almost instinctual those first months with a piano, slowly discovering my talent and passion, and to this day I still possess an incredible fondness for the piano.

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So what happened next?Well the rest as you say is history. When my talent increased I started to perform, from small venues such as this café here, until one day I was noticed by a performing arts school. A full scholarship and three years later I had mastered several instruments and understood the rest on a granular level. From that point it was the next logical step to begin creating my own classical compositions.

What were your first compositions? Before any of my more popular works I composed a few pieces which failed to capture the public’s imagination. This was the teething stage of my life, and I was discovering my own sound. My first album titled ‘’le poison en du mar’’ contain a few controversial tracks, which mixed classical with modern jazz and R and B of all things.

How did that come across to the general public?It was a complete failure with fans mistaking my experimentation as disrespect to the genre and selling out in the eyes of the public.

What was your first successful composition?However the composition I am known for was the burning lake, a 24 piece orchestra with my own unique sound. It was meet with critic success and is still being played around the country.

Are there any upcoming events or compositions which you are willing to share?(Smiling) well I always have a hundred different ideas bouncing around in my head, but there are a few upcoming project that might be interesting to your readers. My new compositions premiers in the Royal Albert hall and is titled the experience of sound. I shall be conducting the piece and it already been sold out for the first five night. But that is not what important to me. What I want is to bring back classical music.

What do you mean by bringing classical music back?My passion has been to change people’s perception of classical music. I want to reach out to the kids like me who have that passion but with no way to express their emotions. That’s why I have created the charity symphony of youth, its aim it to give the advantage for all talented virtuoso out there. I hope that my success and background will inspire others to achieve what they are passionate about. And above all I am on a one man crusade to introduce classical music into the mainstream culture.

I hear that there is a new album in the works, care to share some details?Yes my new album is probably my finest work to date. I have learned from both my successes and failures, and trust me when I state your readers will never had experienced anything like it. I won’t go so far as to state it is my magnum opus but it certainly is close. It will be released at the end of this month, and it will be called ‘’Symphony of the night’’.

After speaking with this young virtuoso, I am stuck by the significance of his words and vision for redefining the image of classical music. Is the age of classical music solely consumed by the elite a thing of the past? And what will evolve to replace it? David

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Meyer has certainly opened up the debate for the possibility of a postmodern classical genre on the verge of fruition. I suggest that you keep an eye out for David Meyer and the Cultural Revolution he wishes to unleash, he is truly the representation of a Virtuoso.

David Meyer new album ‘’the Symphony of the night’’ is out now.