
Article Only one year into their incredible music career, Santana and The Scene are already storming the charts with their new album ‘We Are Young’. The Band consisting of Santana Stewart and Amy Farlow come to FM headquarters to reveal all about their new album in an exclusive interview. Hi, thanks for letting us do this interview. You must feel strange at how quickly your popularity has grown? S- Yeah I find it very strange! I just keep thinking that just a year ago I was still going to school and living a normal life and now I have a number one album to my name! I love all our fans and I feel very thankful to them for what they have helped us to achieve. How did the two of you meet? A-We went to college together and we instantly clicked. S- I feel like I’ve known her all my life. What do people say when they see you in the street? A-At the start not many people recognised us on the street, but now we can’t even walk up market street in Manchester without getting stopped. People come up to us screaming and crying asking for a picture or autograph, it so surreal! I just keep thinking how the do they know me? (laughs) S- Yes I agree it is really surreal! You started off performing on the pub scene in Manchester, have you personally changed since then? S- We have worked so hard to get where we are today. We never stopped believing in ourselves! If we got knocked back we’d just pick ourselves up and carry, that’s the attitude you should take through life! Even though we’ve got fame very quickly we try to stay grounded. I still live at home with my twin sister and they help to stay grounded. I still gave to do my chores and tidy my room. A-Our friends also help us to stay like normal teenagers. Some people ditch their friends when they get famous, we would never do that! They supported and believed in us all the way so we owe it to them. What advice would you give to any potential up and coming artists? A-The biggest advice I would give them is not to let it go too their head! At what age did you start to play the guitar Amy?

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ArticleOnly one year into their incredible music career, Santana and The Scene are already storming the charts with their new album ‘We Are Young’. The Band consisting of Santana Stewart and Amy Farlow come to FM headquarters to reveal all about their new album in an exclusive interview.

Hi, thanks for letting us do this interview. You must feel strange at how quickly your popularity has grown? S- Yeah I find it very strange! I just keep thinking that just a year ago I was still going to school and living a normal life and now I have a number one album to my name! I love all our fans and I feel very thankful to them for what they have helped us to achieve.

How did the two of you meet?A-We went to college together and we instantly clicked.S- I feel like I’ve known her all my life.

What do people say when they see you in the street?A-At the start not many people recognised us on the street, but now we can’t even walk up market street in Manchester without getting stopped. People come up to us screaming and crying asking for a picture or autograph, it so surreal! I just keep thinking how the do they know me? (laughs)S- Yes I agree it is really surreal!

You started off performing on the pub scene in Manchester, have you personally changed since then?S- We have worked so hard to get where we are today. We never stopped believing in ourselves! If we got knocked back we’d just pick ourselves up and carry, that’s the attitude you should take through life! Even though we’ve got fame very quickly we try to stay grounded. I still live at home with my twin sister and they help to stay grounded. I still gave to do my chores and tidy my room.A-Our friends also help us to stay like normal teenagers. Some people ditch their friends when they get famous, we would never do that! They supported and believed in us all the way so we owe it to them.

What advice would you give to any potential up and coming artists?A-The biggest advice I would give them is not to let it go too their head!

At what age did you start to play the guitar Amy?A-Ermm I was around 11 I think. I started to play when I moved up into high school and quickly realised that I was actually quite good! (laughs)S-She thinks she’s amazing, and to be honest I think I could play better than her!A-Ok then…….. (Both start laughing)S- No I’m only joking, she is amazing at playing the guitar!

Is there any truth in the rumours that you are set to collaborate with Ed Sheeran?A-Maybe……..S- You will have to wait and see. Ed is an amazing singer and I think we would be good together, so yeah we will just have to see what happens in the studio? When we know FM magazine will be the first people to know!

If you hadn’t have made it as a singer what would you be doing right now?

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S- I think I would have been a photographer. If I didn’t make it in the music industry then I would have set up my own photography business with my sister. I love taking photos in my spare time but recently because we’ve been so busy recently I’ve not had much time to take many photos.A-I don’t know what I would be doing. It would probably be doing something to do with art or English. I’d quite like to be a journalist.

Ok so let’s move onto your new album ‘We are Young’, is it true that you wrote all the songs yourself?A-Yeah we locked ourselves in my house for a week and just wrote and wrote all week! All of the songs come from our personal experiences so they come from the heart.S- We like to write our own songs because we like to connect with our fans!

So what else is in store for you this year?S- We are going on tour at the end of the year and we have a few festivals lined up for the summer as well.A-I would love to have a number 1 single to go with our number 1 album!

If you could duet with anyone in the future who would it be?A- I would probably have to say someone like Beyonce! I think she has an amazing voice and I think it would be an honour to share a track with her.S- For me it would have to be Elton John. I grew up listening to his music as my grandad used to listen to it all the time. I think I would make him very proud if it was ever to happen!

What do you enjoy most about what you do?S- I love travelling and seeing new places that I haven't been before! We recently went to Japan and I loved it! It is so different to Britain but they have everything. The studios over there are also amazing, they have all different ways of recording music

If you could change one thing about your life right now what would it be?A- I would love to be able to spend more time with my friends and family but I'm living the dream at the moment! All the hard work that we have done over the last few years have payed off.

Finally who are the top 5 celebrities in your phone?A- Florence from Florence and the Machine, Alex Turner, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles out of One Direction and Beyonce. S- Ed Sheeran, Rizzle Kicks, Proffessor Green, Rhianna and Kelly Clarkson.