art design and Aesthetic final

Oriental Philosophy V/S Occidental Philosophy Group members: PARTH KHANNA, ADITYA GOYL MANSI ARYA, OJASVI TYAGI, STUTI KHANNA


ancient to medieval to future aesthetic

Transcript of art design and Aesthetic final

Oriental Philosophy V/S Occidental Philosophy



Ancient Medieval Modern

Time Line

Main Schools:• Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Integral Yoga, Islam,

Taoism, Zen.

Main Principals:• Cosmological unity.

• Life is a journey towards eternal realities that are beyond the realities that surround us.

• Self-liberation from the false "Me" and finding the true "Me".

• Behavioural ethics.Beliefs and Values:• The true key is inside. His or Her ability to control and develop it

is of the highest value.

Main Schools:• Christianity, Rational, Scientific, Logical Schools.

Main Principals:• Feeling oneself as an element of the Divine.

• Life is a service (to the God, money, business, etc.)

• Everything has its beginning and the end.

• Self-dedication to the goal (success , happiness, etc.)

Beliefs and Values:• The main values are success and achievement. developing

inner strength.


Oriental Philosophy means Eastern Philosophy and Occidental Philosophy means Western Philosophy

EASTERN PHILOSOPHY WESTERN PHILOSOPHY Implementation:• Spiritual and missionary approach.

Goals & Key to Success:• To find inner freedom and freedom from worldly attachments.

• "He is able who thinks he is able.“-BuddhaLiving Principles:• Virtue.

Implementation:• Realistic and emotional approach.

Goals & Key to Success:• To be successful in life and carefully using every chance. Living Principles:• Ethic.

"The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, And let

it spring from love born out of concern for all beings." -Buddha

"Happiness lies in virtuous activity, and perfect happiness lies in the best activity, which is contemplative." - Aristotle

Eastern/Oriental Philosophy

Oriental Philosophy

• During the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism from Nepal also became a prominent philosophical and religious discipline. Neo-Confucianism is a philosophical movement that advocated a more rationalist and secular form of Confucianism by rejecting superstitious and mystical elements of Daoism and Buddhism that had influenced Confucianism during and after the Han Dyn.

• The period between 5th and 9th centuries CE was the most brilliant epoch in the development of Indian philosophy as Hindu and Buddhist philosophies flourished side by side.

• The major philosophers of this school were Gaudapada, Adi Shankara and Vidyaranya.

• Some Eastern philosophies have formulated questions on the nature of God and its relationship to the universe based on Monotheistic framework within which it emerged.

• Eastern religions have been as concerned by questions relating to the nature of a single God as the universe's sole creator and ruler. The distinction between the religious and the secular tends to be much less sharp in Eastern philosophy, and the same philosophical school often contains both religious and philosophical elements.

• Thus, some people accept the so-called metaphysical tenets of Buddhism without going to a temple and worshipping.

• Some have worshipped the Taoist deities religiously without bothering to delve into the theological underpinnings, while others embrace the Taoist religion while ignoring the mythological aspects.

Varuna Agani Prithavi

Western/Occidental Philosophy


• Medieval philosophy is the philosophy of Western Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages, roughly extending from the Christianization of the Roman Empire until the Renaissance.

• The history of western European medieval philosophy is traditionally divided into two main periods: the period in the Latin West following the Early Middle Ages until the 12th century, when the works of Aristotle and Plato were preserved and cultivated; and the "golden age” of the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries in the Latin West, which witnessed the culmination of the recovery of ancient philosophy

• The medieval era was disparagingly treated by the Renaissance humanists, who saw it as a barbaric "middle" period between the classical age of Greek and Roman culture, and the "rebirth" or renaissance of classical culture.

• The early modern era of Western philosophy is usually identified with the 17th and 18th centuries, with the 18th century often being referred to as the Enlightenment.

• A new focus on the foundations of knowledge and metaphysical system-building distinguish modern philosophy from its predecessors.

• Later modern philosophy is usually considered to begin after the philosophy of Immanuel Kant at the beginning of the 19th century.

• Within the last century, philosophy has increasingly become a professional discipline practiced within universities, like other academic disciplines. Accordingly, it has become less general and more specialized.

The Thinker

The School of Athens

Oriental and Occidental Philosophers according to the Time-Line

1.The Buddha

• born circa 450 BCE, form the basis of the Buddhist tradition.

• Born rich, between India and Nepal.

• ‘Buddha’ means ‘Awakened’, is conferred on an individual who discovers

path to Nirvana.


• Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, 13th century Persian poet.

• Islamic dervish and a Sufi mystic.• He is regarded as one of the greatest

spiritual masters and poetical intellects.• he belonged to a family of learned


3. Mao Zedung

• Born on December 26, 1893, in Shaoshan, China.

• Mao Tse-tung served as chairman of the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1959.

• Mao's "Great Leap Forward" and the Cultural Revolution were ill-conceived and had

disastrous consequences.


Occidental Philosophers1. Plato

• Born circa 428 B.C.E., a student of Socrates

and teacher of Aristotle.

• writings explored justice, beauty and equality.

• the author of philosophical

works of unparalleled

influence in Western thought.

3. Dale Carnegie

• Born on November 24, 1888, Maryville, MO.

• Born poor, a traveling salesman before teaching public speaking at a YMCA.

• His How To Win Friends and Influence People won him a national following. Died in 1955.

2. Pythagoras

• Approx. 580- 500 BCE.• The first pure mathematician.• born on the island of Samos.• He was interested in mathematics,

philosophy, astronomy and music, and was greatly influenced by philosophy and Anaximander (philosophy, geometry).

• He found The Pythagoras theorem.



Eastern and Western Art

Li. cheng , Buddhist Temple in the Mountains, 11th century, China, ink on silk.

Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring (1665-67), known as the Mona Lisa of the North

Eastern paintings

Bhutanese Art

Bhutanese thanka of Mt. Meru and the Buddhist UniverseMedicine Buddha painted mandala with goddess

Prajnaparamita in center, 19th century, Rubin

Cambodian art

Fronton Cambodge Musée Guimet 9972Bayon Angkor Relief1

Chinese painting

Spring Morning in the Han Palace, by Ming-era artist Qui Ying(1494–1552 AD)

The Sakyamuni Buddha, by Zhang Shengwen, 1173–1176 AD, Song dynasty period

Loquats and Mountain Bird, anonymous artist of the Southern Song dynasty; paintings in leaf album style such as this were popular in the Southern Song (1127–1279).

Indian Paintings

A fresco from Cave 1 of Ajanta.

Mother Goddess A miniature painting of the Pahari style, dating to the eighteenth century. Pahari and Rajput miniatures share many common features

Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, rock painting, Stone Age, India

Japanese art

Four from a set of sixteen sliding room partitions made for a 16th-century Japanese abbot. Typically for later Japanese landscapes, the main focus is on a feature in the foreground

Hiroshige, Snow falling on a town, c.1833, Ukiyo-e print

Western paintings

Egypt, Greece and Rome

Sennedjem plows his fields with a pair of oxen, c. 1200 BC

Symposium scene in the Tomb of the Diver at Paestum, circa 480 BC Greek art

Boscoreale Roman art

Middle Ages

Cotton Genesis A miniature of Abraham Meeting Angels

Byzantine icon, 6th century Book of Kells

Evangelist portrait

Chora Church

Simone Martini

Bonaventura Berlinghieri, St Francis of Assisi, 1235

Yaroslavl gospel

Giotto Cruxifixion

Renaissance and Mannerism

Fra Angelico

Madonna and

Child Filippo Lippi

The Mona Lisa By leonardo Vinci

Michelangelo Creation of Adam

18th and 19th centuries: Neo-classicism, History painting, Romanticism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism

David The Death of Socrates Jacques-Louis David 1787 Watson and the shark John Singleton Copley 1778

Bonaparte visitant les pestiférés de Jaffa Antoine-Jean Gros, 1804 Jean_Louis Théodore Géricault 1819


Byzantine, 6th century

Yang Zhi , Horizontal Chinese Landscape Painting of Waterfall Scenery, 1979


• Painters always embed their personal feelings and emotions

• Rather than just depict the details and exact appearance of the object.

• As a result, viewers can see a lot of white spaces and broad strokes.

• “Areas of the white paper voids are always to be found in Chinese painting and calligraphy, they are an integral part.

• The use of stroke and line are the main expression.


• paintings are affected by the faith of christianism.

• God is the creator painters always seek the trace of God’s presence

• As a result realistic natural scene is kind of contribution to the God.

• strategy is to shorten the distance between viewers and painting and make viewers to be involved into his paintings.

• create the realistic scene as much as possible.

Aesthetic basis

Technique of expressionComposition

EASTERN PAINTING • A conventional method in landscape painting is to classify

all the natural elements into the part of host and guests in order to reach the balance of the composition.

• Composition is referred to as the “host,” and the “guests” play a secondary role, mainly to balance that major point of interest.

• The color are mainly black and white.

• The ink traditionally regarded as ‘colors’ to represent tones and simple shading blended with different amount of water.

• there is no certain point to guide u and you might feel confused when you first look at it .

WESTERN PAINTING• Objectively depict color, appearance ,relationship between

the light and shadow ,viewers to feel they are surrounded by the environment and atmosphere that painter created.

• Emphasizes the random wildness of nature ,sporadically scattered elements. But paintings based on nature can have very patterned foregrounds, skies, and horizons.

• The use of color is very rich.

• vibrant colors or more neutral balanced artist must understand nature and be able to emphasize the senses of color, light, sound and smell.

• to create a real view of what they see, a variety of perspectives and technique of expression are applied.

The use of color
