ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a...


Transcript of ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a...

Page 1: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


Bureau of Plant Industry S011s and Agricultural Engineering






IN 1952

11 XII II II ~

Lincoln Nebraska 264cc -February1953


UNITED STATES DEPARTh1ENT OF AGRICULTUBE Agricultural ~esearchAdministration

Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and Agricultural Engineering



IN 1952


L P Reitz Agronomist

Division sf Cereal Crops ~ Diseases


Experiments in 1952 bull of ~ ~ bull 3bull

Cooperating Agencies Stations and Personnel bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 4 5 Accession NUDlbers Assigned 5 6 New Varieties ~ 6 Uniform Varieties in Plots bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 6 7

Plot Data iamp 7 8 9 10 Standard Errors 36 SUlllIDfry middotof Plot Deta 36

Yields by districts bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 36 SUIllIllBry of agronomic data bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 36

Uniform Yield Nursery bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 46 Ieta Ob1a ined bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 46 47 Standard Errors bullbullbullbullbullbullbull 64 Summary o~ Nursery Yields bullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbull 64 SUmnJBry of AgIonomic Data bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 71

Uniform Wintermrdiness Nursery bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 73 Data from the Disease Nurseries bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 77 Data from the Quality laboratory 77

11 The writer expresses appreciation to Dorothy M Wilson Charles Pulham and George F Worker Jr for their assistance in preparing this report

-3shy ~



Some recordsmiddot are broken every year The 1952 ~ropmiddot year p~vided its smre bull

The southwest experienced a drought of unusual severity whereas Kansas and ~ ~ ~

Nebraska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahona equslled any previous

year Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if any thanks to an

extended dry hot and windy period early in June The crop ripened earli~middot~1Jan

normal in nearly all areas especially in the central and northwestern districts

Some of the loss caused by 1951 floods Was repaid by the good crop produced in

part because of high subsoil moisture storage

Investigational work Was conducted at an efficient and accelerated rate in

1952 New lines of inquiry or greatly increased programs w~re establis]ed1n

several states from state federal and private funds on wheat insects mosaic

and rust and to Bomeextent on other problems This 1s very encouragingand

results from these projects will be helpful to theunderstanding and perhaps

solution of many wheat questions

middot This volume summarizes the data on wheat variety tests but does not give

thefUll scope of these and relat~dfundamental studies It is intended that

this report will be of value to all workers with wheat in the regionby~rovid1ng ~

local and regional results with old and new varieties

Many persons contribute a part or all of their time to wheat reseerol1 -To

all who cooperate andcontribute to this program is extended special acmowledgshy~

ment and thanks A list follows this paragraph of those persons most active in bull ~j lt ~ ~ -


breeding and varietal testing work Omissions or errors are regretted and

should be called to the writer t s attentionbull ~


r ~

J bull

~ ~ -


(The asterisk() indicates Governmentfieidstattons)

BUEEAU OF PLANIf INDUSTRY SOIlS AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Division poundCereal Cr~Rs and Diseases R A Rodenhiser Whea t Investigations So C SalIilon ~

Hard Red Winter Wheat Coordinator L Po Reitz Rust Smut Mosatc CO bull Johnston H~ H McKi~ey

W C Haskett H Fellows Milling and Baking J A ShellenbergerKarl Finney

TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Asronomy (Corn and Small Grains) J E Adams College Station Agricultural Expo Etation E ~S McFadden

Denton Substation No 6 I M Atkins (State Leader) ~ Chillicothe SUbstation No )2 J R Quinby

Bushland Amarillo Experiment Station KB Porter



StillwaterAampM College A-~M Scblehuber (State Leader) To H Johnston H c Young

Cherokee Wheatland Conservatlon 8fa ~ A Abull Garrett Woodward Southern Great Plalns staog R Hunter Goodwell panhandle AgrExp- stao RayinondPeck


Manhattan Kansas State College H H~ IBude E GHeyne~ John ~chmidt DE WeibelRRpainter

ED Hansing W H8ill Hays Ft Hays Branch Exp 8 ta Wm Ross Wayne FQwler R C

Belllngbam Colby Colby Branch Station E H Coles Ted Walters

iGarden Oity GardenC i ty Agro Exp Sfa AE Lowe AB bull ErhBrt


Asronomy D W Robertson Akron U S Dry Iand Field stagJ JFBrandon T E

Fort Collins State AgricultlUaICollef$e T E Haus Hesperus Fort Lewis Substation R~ 0 Manp




Crops Research T A Kiesselbach Llncoln Agricultural Exp Sta bull L P Reitz V A Johnson North Platte North Platte Experiment sta M Greenwood Alliance Box Butte Experiment Farm L P Reitz Robert OKetlfe


laramie Agro Experiment Station R P Pfeifer Sheridan U S Dry rand Fiejdsta2 C R Hills





Brookings Agr Experiment Station

MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA1IO~ AgronoNmiddotandPlant Genetics st~ Paul University Farm Waseca Southeast Experiment sta

Grand Rapids


Dickinson Dickinson Substation


Bozeplan Montana Experiment Station ~

Mdccasin Judith Basin Branch Station Havre North Montana Branch Station Huntley Huntley Field 13tat~on

cAwADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICulTURE Lethbridge Alta~ Agr Exp Station

~ ~

Wbull Wbull Wqrzella J E Grafius

W M Myers E R~ Ausemus

R~ E Hodgson E R Ausemus

1 E stoa T ~ J bull Conlon

A H Post E R Hehn Ralph Williams L O Baker Stanley Brooks

J E Andrews


gJ Cooperation with Division of So11 Management and Irr~igation Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and AgricUlturalEngineering as well as with the statelt experiment ~tations


Cereal Investigation or Cr nuriiber~were assigned to several varieties of )lard wlnter wheat tbi~ year These numberaare prep8red oy the bivlsionofCereal iOrops and Diseases ancl lla ve nationa1 standing_ Therefore C r numbers shouldbe usedmiddot 1n interstate cqmmunicatiOI)BIn tpiseport state nUmbers are n~tl shoWA when f3C I number bas been assigned N6wnilnibers this year flreas folJpws

C I No state Nomiddot 1

12871 Early Bla0 khul1-renmarq x oro-Meditermnean-Hope K-smiddot471238

- 12872

-- 12873 Mediterranean-Hope-Pawnee x Oro-Illinois l-Com Mediterranean-Hope x Pawnee2

Ks 49383 KS ~50249

12874 Mediterranean-Hope xCo~nohe2 Ks 50266 12875



Pawnee x Cheyenne Eqypt Na 101 x 110pe cheyenne Bobin2 -Gaza x Pawnee

Nebr 483405 Ks~ 49R1476-8 Kso)j9RI012-3

12925 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Moro 472361 12926 Rio x Rex Moro43131 12927 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Mor0482161 12928 RioRex x Nebred i Moro482215 12929 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moregt 482232 12930 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moro482235 12931 Blackhull x Rex-Rio l-1or9482260 12932 Blackhull-Rex x Rex-Rio Morqmiddot482271 12933 12934

Blao1dlull-Rex x Cheyenne Rex x Rio3-1

Moro482296 PUllman Wn

12935 do ~5 do


C Ie No

12936 do -14 do_ 12937 12938

Ma~uillo~Oro x Oro-Turkey-Florencedo ~(

ICs 47135 Ks47B6

12939 middotdo Ks 47B9 12940 12941

C~)lIJanche x Oro-Turkecy-FlotEmce pro xOro-Turkey-Florence

Ks 47BI29Ksmiddotmiddotmiddot47BJ67 middotmiddot

12942 do Ksmiddot 471U68 13001 Oro 4 Blackhull-BardFederation OkJa wdw~44b2-24 13002 Kanred x Clarkan middotTex 7344-2]3 13003 do Tex bull 73-442C 13004 Martin -TeIllIJarq x Chief~n Tax ~t60 ~44~135 13090 Westar Selection Okla 515437 13091 MinturkiX Timstein-vuliarti2 Minn~ II40-100 13092 13093

Yogo x (H4l--Mipturki II-29-72) (Illinois I-Chinese x Timophee-i1) x Wisconsin

Minn II ~~O~07

Ped 2 Wis ~43~i-1-4-27

Sioux was the only winter wheat va~e-eycr~]easedin tl1a region in 195~bull This variety was selected in Nebraska from the cross Oheyeuro)nn~x Turkey and has been carried in various uniform experiments as C I~ 12142~ Sioux is well adapt~dtothe western half of Nebraska whereit is now recommend8d Its high yield df grain bunt resistance capttgity t9tiLler~m1 goodw1nterliardinessare itEipriricipaIcbarac terlstics of merit It bas high loaf volume lotenti~litiee but bas rather short dough mixing requiremants

Comanche x 13lackhUJl-HardFederation (c 112517) is beingin6reased i~ Oklahoma but no definite release date bBs been set

~ ~ lt


Uniform testsareplannedby districte~ThEl southern district includesTexas New Mexico andOk1BhollB tli~central distrigtinvoJy~s Xanaas Colorado and Nebraska the northeastern distrJct_inc1ult~esIowaSouthDakotaa1ldMinnesota and ~heno~~h we~tern district is ~~~Jip by yomlIJSmiddotand~qntana~Sozrietasta asthebUnttestfor example are re~ion wid_e~7heuniformY~~9nwseryocentCJpiestwo districts and llerdishyness tests are largely confined to the two northern areas

lfniform plot varieties for 1952 and 1953 are as follows

i i

bull Variety C I~ 1952 -- 1953

No 8 0 rNENW S C -NE NW

Kharkof 1442 JC -x X x X xmiddot Tenmarq

Early Blackhu11 6936 8856




Comanche Pawnee

11673 11669

X x Xmiddot

x X X

Red Chief 12109 X X X X Kiowa 12133 X X X Ponca 12128 X X X middotX

Hard Federation Hybrid Cqmanche i B1khuliHd Fed Minturki

12515 12517





middotXmiddotX X



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 2: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


UNITED STATES DEPARTh1ENT OF AGRICULTUBE Agricultural ~esearchAdministration

Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and Agricultural Engineering



IN 1952


L P Reitz Agronomist

Division sf Cereal Crops ~ Diseases


Experiments in 1952 bull of ~ ~ bull 3bull

Cooperating Agencies Stations and Personnel bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 4 5 Accession NUDlbers Assigned 5 6 New Varieties ~ 6 Uniform Varieties in Plots bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 6 7

Plot Data iamp 7 8 9 10 Standard Errors 36 SUlllIDfry middotof Plot Deta 36

Yields by districts bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 36 SUIllIllBry of agronomic data bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 36

Uniform Yield Nursery bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 46 Ieta Ob1a ined bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 46 47 Standard Errors bullbullbullbullbullbullbull 64 Summary o~ Nursery Yields bullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbull 64 SUmnJBry of AgIonomic Data bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 71

Uniform Wintermrdiness Nursery bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 73 Data from the Disease Nurseries bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 77 Data from the Quality laboratory 77

11 The writer expresses appreciation to Dorothy M Wilson Charles Pulham and George F Worker Jr for their assistance in preparing this report

-3shy ~



Some recordsmiddot are broken every year The 1952 ~ropmiddot year p~vided its smre bull

The southwest experienced a drought of unusual severity whereas Kansas and ~ ~ ~

Nebraska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahona equslled any previous

year Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if any thanks to an

extended dry hot and windy period early in June The crop ripened earli~middot~1Jan

normal in nearly all areas especially in the central and northwestern districts

Some of the loss caused by 1951 floods Was repaid by the good crop produced in

part because of high subsoil moisture storage

Investigational work Was conducted at an efficient and accelerated rate in

1952 New lines of inquiry or greatly increased programs w~re establis]ed1n

several states from state federal and private funds on wheat insects mosaic

and rust and to Bomeextent on other problems This 1s very encouragingand

results from these projects will be helpful to theunderstanding and perhaps

solution of many wheat questions

middot This volume summarizes the data on wheat variety tests but does not give

thefUll scope of these and relat~dfundamental studies It is intended that

this report will be of value to all workers with wheat in the regionby~rovid1ng ~

local and regional results with old and new varieties

Many persons contribute a part or all of their time to wheat reseerol1 -To

all who cooperate andcontribute to this program is extended special acmowledgshy~

ment and thanks A list follows this paragraph of those persons most active in bull ~j lt ~ ~ -


breeding and varietal testing work Omissions or errors are regretted and

should be called to the writer t s attentionbull ~


r ~

J bull

~ ~ -


(The asterisk() indicates Governmentfieidstattons)

BUEEAU OF PLANIf INDUSTRY SOIlS AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Division poundCereal Cr~Rs and Diseases R A Rodenhiser Whea t Investigations So C SalIilon ~

Hard Red Winter Wheat Coordinator L Po Reitz Rust Smut Mosatc CO bull Johnston H~ H McKi~ey

W C Haskett H Fellows Milling and Baking J A ShellenbergerKarl Finney

TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Asronomy (Corn and Small Grains) J E Adams College Station Agricultural Expo Etation E ~S McFadden

Denton Substation No 6 I M Atkins (State Leader) ~ Chillicothe SUbstation No )2 J R Quinby

Bushland Amarillo Experiment Station KB Porter



StillwaterAampM College A-~M Scblehuber (State Leader) To H Johnston H c Young

Cherokee Wheatland Conservatlon 8fa ~ A Abull Garrett Woodward Southern Great Plalns staog R Hunter Goodwell panhandle AgrExp- stao RayinondPeck


Manhattan Kansas State College H H~ IBude E GHeyne~ John ~chmidt DE WeibelRRpainter

ED Hansing W H8ill Hays Ft Hays Branch Exp 8 ta Wm Ross Wayne FQwler R C

Belllngbam Colby Colby Branch Station E H Coles Ted Walters

iGarden Oity GardenC i ty Agro Exp Sfa AE Lowe AB bull ErhBrt


Asronomy D W Robertson Akron U S Dry Iand Field stagJ JFBrandon T E

Fort Collins State AgricultlUaICollef$e T E Haus Hesperus Fort Lewis Substation R~ 0 Manp




Crops Research T A Kiesselbach Llncoln Agricultural Exp Sta bull L P Reitz V A Johnson North Platte North Platte Experiment sta M Greenwood Alliance Box Butte Experiment Farm L P Reitz Robert OKetlfe


laramie Agro Experiment Station R P Pfeifer Sheridan U S Dry rand Fiejdsta2 C R Hills





Brookings Agr Experiment Station

MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA1IO~ AgronoNmiddotandPlant Genetics st~ Paul University Farm Waseca Southeast Experiment sta

Grand Rapids


Dickinson Dickinson Substation


Bozeplan Montana Experiment Station ~

Mdccasin Judith Basin Branch Station Havre North Montana Branch Station Huntley Huntley Field 13tat~on

cAwADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICulTURE Lethbridge Alta~ Agr Exp Station

~ ~

Wbull Wbull Wqrzella J E Grafius

W M Myers E R~ Ausemus

R~ E Hodgson E R Ausemus

1 E stoa T ~ J bull Conlon

A H Post E R Hehn Ralph Williams L O Baker Stanley Brooks

J E Andrews


gJ Cooperation with Division of So11 Management and Irr~igation Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and AgricUlturalEngineering as well as with the statelt experiment ~tations


Cereal Investigation or Cr nuriiber~were assigned to several varieties of )lard wlnter wheat tbi~ year These numberaare prep8red oy the bivlsionofCereal iOrops and Diseases ancl lla ve nationa1 standing_ Therefore C r numbers shouldbe usedmiddot 1n interstate cqmmunicatiOI)BIn tpiseport state nUmbers are n~tl shoWA when f3C I number bas been assigned N6wnilnibers this year flreas folJpws

C I No state Nomiddot 1

12871 Early Bla0 khul1-renmarq x oro-Meditermnean-Hope K-smiddot471238

- 12872

-- 12873 Mediterranean-Hope-Pawnee x Oro-Illinois l-Com Mediterranean-Hope x Pawnee2

Ks 49383 KS ~50249

12874 Mediterranean-Hope xCo~nohe2 Ks 50266 12875



Pawnee x Cheyenne Eqypt Na 101 x 110pe cheyenne Bobin2 -Gaza x Pawnee

Nebr 483405 Ks~ 49R1476-8 Kso)j9RI012-3

12925 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Moro 472361 12926 Rio x Rex Moro43131 12927 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Mor0482161 12928 RioRex x Nebred i Moro482215 12929 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moregt 482232 12930 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moro482235 12931 Blackhull x Rex-Rio l-1or9482260 12932 Blackhull-Rex x Rex-Rio Morqmiddot482271 12933 12934

Blao1dlull-Rex x Cheyenne Rex x Rio3-1

Moro482296 PUllman Wn

12935 do ~5 do


C Ie No

12936 do -14 do_ 12937 12938

Ma~uillo~Oro x Oro-Turkey-Florencedo ~(

ICs 47135 Ks47B6

12939 middotdo Ks 47B9 12940 12941

C~)lIJanche x Oro-Turkecy-FlotEmce pro xOro-Turkey-Florence

Ks 47BI29Ksmiddotmiddotmiddot47BJ67 middotmiddot

12942 do Ksmiddot 471U68 13001 Oro 4 Blackhull-BardFederation OkJa wdw~44b2-24 13002 Kanred x Clarkan middotTex 7344-2]3 13003 do Tex bull 73-442C 13004 Martin -TeIllIJarq x Chief~n Tax ~t60 ~44~135 13090 Westar Selection Okla 515437 13091 MinturkiX Timstein-vuliarti2 Minn~ II40-100 13092 13093

Yogo x (H4l--Mipturki II-29-72) (Illinois I-Chinese x Timophee-i1) x Wisconsin

Minn II ~~O~07

Ped 2 Wis ~43~i-1-4-27

Sioux was the only winter wheat va~e-eycr~]easedin tl1a region in 195~bull This variety was selected in Nebraska from the cross Oheyeuro)nn~x Turkey and has been carried in various uniform experiments as C I~ 12142~ Sioux is well adapt~dtothe western half of Nebraska whereit is now recommend8d Its high yield df grain bunt resistance capttgity t9tiLler~m1 goodw1nterliardinessare itEipriricipaIcbarac terlstics of merit It bas high loaf volume lotenti~litiee but bas rather short dough mixing requiremants

Comanche x 13lackhUJl-HardFederation (c 112517) is beingin6reased i~ Oklahoma but no definite release date bBs been set

~ ~ lt


Uniform testsareplannedby districte~ThEl southern district includesTexas New Mexico andOk1BhollB tli~central distrigtinvoJy~s Xanaas Colorado and Nebraska the northeastern distrJct_inc1ult~esIowaSouthDakotaa1ldMinnesota and ~heno~~h we~tern district is ~~~Jip by yomlIJSmiddotand~qntana~Sozrietasta asthebUnttestfor example are re~ion wid_e~7heuniformY~~9nwseryocentCJpiestwo districts and llerdishyness tests are largely confined to the two northern areas

lfniform plot varieties for 1952 and 1953 are as follows

i i

bull Variety C I~ 1952 -- 1953

No 8 0 rNENW S C -NE NW

Kharkof 1442 JC -x X x X xmiddot Tenmarq

Early Blackhu11 6936 8856




Comanche Pawnee

11673 11669

X x Xmiddot

x X X

Red Chief 12109 X X X X Kiowa 12133 X X X Ponca 12128 X X X middotX

Hard Federation Hybrid Cqmanche i B1khuliHd Fed Minturki

12515 12517





middotXmiddotX X



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 3: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

-3shy ~



Some recordsmiddot are broken every year The 1952 ~ropmiddot year p~vided its smre bull

The southwest experienced a drought of unusual severity whereas Kansas and ~ ~ ~

Nebraska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahona equslled any previous

year Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if any thanks to an

extended dry hot and windy period early in June The crop ripened earli~middot~1Jan

normal in nearly all areas especially in the central and northwestern districts

Some of the loss caused by 1951 floods Was repaid by the good crop produced in

part because of high subsoil moisture storage

Investigational work Was conducted at an efficient and accelerated rate in

1952 New lines of inquiry or greatly increased programs w~re establis]ed1n

several states from state federal and private funds on wheat insects mosaic

and rust and to Bomeextent on other problems This 1s very encouragingand

results from these projects will be helpful to theunderstanding and perhaps

solution of many wheat questions

middot This volume summarizes the data on wheat variety tests but does not give

thefUll scope of these and relat~dfundamental studies It is intended that

this report will be of value to all workers with wheat in the regionby~rovid1ng ~

local and regional results with old and new varieties

Many persons contribute a part or all of their time to wheat reseerol1 -To

all who cooperate andcontribute to this program is extended special acmowledgshy~

ment and thanks A list follows this paragraph of those persons most active in bull ~j lt ~ ~ -


breeding and varietal testing work Omissions or errors are regretted and

should be called to the writer t s attentionbull ~


r ~

J bull

~ ~ -


(The asterisk() indicates Governmentfieidstattons)

BUEEAU OF PLANIf INDUSTRY SOIlS AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Division poundCereal Cr~Rs and Diseases R A Rodenhiser Whea t Investigations So C SalIilon ~

Hard Red Winter Wheat Coordinator L Po Reitz Rust Smut Mosatc CO bull Johnston H~ H McKi~ey

W C Haskett H Fellows Milling and Baking J A ShellenbergerKarl Finney

TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Asronomy (Corn and Small Grains) J E Adams College Station Agricultural Expo Etation E ~S McFadden

Denton Substation No 6 I M Atkins (State Leader) ~ Chillicothe SUbstation No )2 J R Quinby

Bushland Amarillo Experiment Station KB Porter



StillwaterAampM College A-~M Scblehuber (State Leader) To H Johnston H c Young

Cherokee Wheatland Conservatlon 8fa ~ A Abull Garrett Woodward Southern Great Plalns staog R Hunter Goodwell panhandle AgrExp- stao RayinondPeck


Manhattan Kansas State College H H~ IBude E GHeyne~ John ~chmidt DE WeibelRRpainter

ED Hansing W H8ill Hays Ft Hays Branch Exp 8 ta Wm Ross Wayne FQwler R C

Belllngbam Colby Colby Branch Station E H Coles Ted Walters

iGarden Oity GardenC i ty Agro Exp Sfa AE Lowe AB bull ErhBrt


Asronomy D W Robertson Akron U S Dry Iand Field stagJ JFBrandon T E

Fort Collins State AgricultlUaICollef$e T E Haus Hesperus Fort Lewis Substation R~ 0 Manp




Crops Research T A Kiesselbach Llncoln Agricultural Exp Sta bull L P Reitz V A Johnson North Platte North Platte Experiment sta M Greenwood Alliance Box Butte Experiment Farm L P Reitz Robert OKetlfe


laramie Agro Experiment Station R P Pfeifer Sheridan U S Dry rand Fiejdsta2 C R Hills





Brookings Agr Experiment Station

MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA1IO~ AgronoNmiddotandPlant Genetics st~ Paul University Farm Waseca Southeast Experiment sta

Grand Rapids


Dickinson Dickinson Substation


Bozeplan Montana Experiment Station ~

Mdccasin Judith Basin Branch Station Havre North Montana Branch Station Huntley Huntley Field 13tat~on

cAwADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICulTURE Lethbridge Alta~ Agr Exp Station

~ ~

Wbull Wbull Wqrzella J E Grafius

W M Myers E R~ Ausemus

R~ E Hodgson E R Ausemus

1 E stoa T ~ J bull Conlon

A H Post E R Hehn Ralph Williams L O Baker Stanley Brooks

J E Andrews


gJ Cooperation with Division of So11 Management and Irr~igation Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and AgricUlturalEngineering as well as with the statelt experiment ~tations


Cereal Investigation or Cr nuriiber~were assigned to several varieties of )lard wlnter wheat tbi~ year These numberaare prep8red oy the bivlsionofCereal iOrops and Diseases ancl lla ve nationa1 standing_ Therefore C r numbers shouldbe usedmiddot 1n interstate cqmmunicatiOI)BIn tpiseport state nUmbers are n~tl shoWA when f3C I number bas been assigned N6wnilnibers this year flreas folJpws

C I No state Nomiddot 1

12871 Early Bla0 khul1-renmarq x oro-Meditermnean-Hope K-smiddot471238

- 12872

-- 12873 Mediterranean-Hope-Pawnee x Oro-Illinois l-Com Mediterranean-Hope x Pawnee2

Ks 49383 KS ~50249

12874 Mediterranean-Hope xCo~nohe2 Ks 50266 12875



Pawnee x Cheyenne Eqypt Na 101 x 110pe cheyenne Bobin2 -Gaza x Pawnee

Nebr 483405 Ks~ 49R1476-8 Kso)j9RI012-3

12925 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Moro 472361 12926 Rio x Rex Moro43131 12927 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Mor0482161 12928 RioRex x Nebred i Moro482215 12929 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moregt 482232 12930 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moro482235 12931 Blackhull x Rex-Rio l-1or9482260 12932 Blackhull-Rex x Rex-Rio Morqmiddot482271 12933 12934

Blao1dlull-Rex x Cheyenne Rex x Rio3-1

Moro482296 PUllman Wn

12935 do ~5 do


C Ie No

12936 do -14 do_ 12937 12938

Ma~uillo~Oro x Oro-Turkey-Florencedo ~(

ICs 47135 Ks47B6

12939 middotdo Ks 47B9 12940 12941

C~)lIJanche x Oro-Turkecy-FlotEmce pro xOro-Turkey-Florence

Ks 47BI29Ksmiddotmiddotmiddot47BJ67 middotmiddot

12942 do Ksmiddot 471U68 13001 Oro 4 Blackhull-BardFederation OkJa wdw~44b2-24 13002 Kanred x Clarkan middotTex 7344-2]3 13003 do Tex bull 73-442C 13004 Martin -TeIllIJarq x Chief~n Tax ~t60 ~44~135 13090 Westar Selection Okla 515437 13091 MinturkiX Timstein-vuliarti2 Minn~ II40-100 13092 13093

Yogo x (H4l--Mipturki II-29-72) (Illinois I-Chinese x Timophee-i1) x Wisconsin

Minn II ~~O~07

Ped 2 Wis ~43~i-1-4-27

Sioux was the only winter wheat va~e-eycr~]easedin tl1a region in 195~bull This variety was selected in Nebraska from the cross Oheyeuro)nn~x Turkey and has been carried in various uniform experiments as C I~ 12142~ Sioux is well adapt~dtothe western half of Nebraska whereit is now recommend8d Its high yield df grain bunt resistance capttgity t9tiLler~m1 goodw1nterliardinessare itEipriricipaIcbarac terlstics of merit It bas high loaf volume lotenti~litiee but bas rather short dough mixing requiremants

Comanche x 13lackhUJl-HardFederation (c 112517) is beingin6reased i~ Oklahoma but no definite release date bBs been set

~ ~ lt


Uniform testsareplannedby districte~ThEl southern district includesTexas New Mexico andOk1BhollB tli~central distrigtinvoJy~s Xanaas Colorado and Nebraska the northeastern distrJct_inc1ult~esIowaSouthDakotaa1ldMinnesota and ~heno~~h we~tern district is ~~~Jip by yomlIJSmiddotand~qntana~Sozrietasta asthebUnttestfor example are re~ion wid_e~7heuniformY~~9nwseryocentCJpiestwo districts and llerdishyness tests are largely confined to the two northern areas

lfniform plot varieties for 1952 and 1953 are as follows

i i

bull Variety C I~ 1952 -- 1953

No 8 0 rNENW S C -NE NW

Kharkof 1442 JC -x X x X xmiddot Tenmarq

Early Blackhu11 6936 8856




Comanche Pawnee

11673 11669

X x Xmiddot

x X X

Red Chief 12109 X X X X Kiowa 12133 X X X Ponca 12128 X X X middotX

Hard Federation Hybrid Cqmanche i B1khuliHd Fed Minturki

12515 12517





middotXmiddotX X



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 4: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


(The asterisk() indicates Governmentfieidstattons)

BUEEAU OF PLANIf INDUSTRY SOIlS AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Division poundCereal Cr~Rs and Diseases R A Rodenhiser Whea t Investigations So C SalIilon ~

Hard Red Winter Wheat Coordinator L Po Reitz Rust Smut Mosatc CO bull Johnston H~ H McKi~ey

W C Haskett H Fellows Milling and Baking J A ShellenbergerKarl Finney

TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Asronomy (Corn and Small Grains) J E Adams College Station Agricultural Expo Etation E ~S McFadden

Denton Substation No 6 I M Atkins (State Leader) ~ Chillicothe SUbstation No )2 J R Quinby

Bushland Amarillo Experiment Station KB Porter



StillwaterAampM College A-~M Scblehuber (State Leader) To H Johnston H c Young

Cherokee Wheatland Conservatlon 8fa ~ A Abull Garrett Woodward Southern Great Plalns staog R Hunter Goodwell panhandle AgrExp- stao RayinondPeck


Manhattan Kansas State College H H~ IBude E GHeyne~ John ~chmidt DE WeibelRRpainter

ED Hansing W H8ill Hays Ft Hays Branch Exp 8 ta Wm Ross Wayne FQwler R C

Belllngbam Colby Colby Branch Station E H Coles Ted Walters

iGarden Oity GardenC i ty Agro Exp Sfa AE Lowe AB bull ErhBrt


Asronomy D W Robertson Akron U S Dry Iand Field stagJ JFBrandon T E

Fort Collins State AgricultlUaICollef$e T E Haus Hesperus Fort Lewis Substation R~ 0 Manp




Crops Research T A Kiesselbach Llncoln Agricultural Exp Sta bull L P Reitz V A Johnson North Platte North Platte Experiment sta M Greenwood Alliance Box Butte Experiment Farm L P Reitz Robert OKetlfe


laramie Agro Experiment Station R P Pfeifer Sheridan U S Dry rand Fiejdsta2 C R Hills





Brookings Agr Experiment Station

MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA1IO~ AgronoNmiddotandPlant Genetics st~ Paul University Farm Waseca Southeast Experiment sta

Grand Rapids


Dickinson Dickinson Substation


Bozeplan Montana Experiment Station ~

Mdccasin Judith Basin Branch Station Havre North Montana Branch Station Huntley Huntley Field 13tat~on

cAwADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICulTURE Lethbridge Alta~ Agr Exp Station

~ ~

Wbull Wbull Wqrzella J E Grafius

W M Myers E R~ Ausemus

R~ E Hodgson E R Ausemus

1 E stoa T ~ J bull Conlon

A H Post E R Hehn Ralph Williams L O Baker Stanley Brooks

J E Andrews


gJ Cooperation with Division of So11 Management and Irr~igation Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and AgricUlturalEngineering as well as with the statelt experiment ~tations


Cereal Investigation or Cr nuriiber~were assigned to several varieties of )lard wlnter wheat tbi~ year These numberaare prep8red oy the bivlsionofCereal iOrops and Diseases ancl lla ve nationa1 standing_ Therefore C r numbers shouldbe usedmiddot 1n interstate cqmmunicatiOI)BIn tpiseport state nUmbers are n~tl shoWA when f3C I number bas been assigned N6wnilnibers this year flreas folJpws

C I No state Nomiddot 1

12871 Early Bla0 khul1-renmarq x oro-Meditermnean-Hope K-smiddot471238

- 12872

-- 12873 Mediterranean-Hope-Pawnee x Oro-Illinois l-Com Mediterranean-Hope x Pawnee2

Ks 49383 KS ~50249

12874 Mediterranean-Hope xCo~nohe2 Ks 50266 12875



Pawnee x Cheyenne Eqypt Na 101 x 110pe cheyenne Bobin2 -Gaza x Pawnee

Nebr 483405 Ks~ 49R1476-8 Kso)j9RI012-3

12925 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Moro 472361 12926 Rio x Rex Moro43131 12927 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Mor0482161 12928 RioRex x Nebred i Moro482215 12929 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moregt 482232 12930 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moro482235 12931 Blackhull x Rex-Rio l-1or9482260 12932 Blackhull-Rex x Rex-Rio Morqmiddot482271 12933 12934

Blao1dlull-Rex x Cheyenne Rex x Rio3-1

Moro482296 PUllman Wn

12935 do ~5 do


C Ie No

12936 do -14 do_ 12937 12938

Ma~uillo~Oro x Oro-Turkey-Florencedo ~(

ICs 47135 Ks47B6

12939 middotdo Ks 47B9 12940 12941

C~)lIJanche x Oro-Turkecy-FlotEmce pro xOro-Turkey-Florence

Ks 47BI29Ksmiddotmiddotmiddot47BJ67 middotmiddot

12942 do Ksmiddot 471U68 13001 Oro 4 Blackhull-BardFederation OkJa wdw~44b2-24 13002 Kanred x Clarkan middotTex 7344-2]3 13003 do Tex bull 73-442C 13004 Martin -TeIllIJarq x Chief~n Tax ~t60 ~44~135 13090 Westar Selection Okla 515437 13091 MinturkiX Timstein-vuliarti2 Minn~ II40-100 13092 13093

Yogo x (H4l--Mipturki II-29-72) (Illinois I-Chinese x Timophee-i1) x Wisconsin

Minn II ~~O~07

Ped 2 Wis ~43~i-1-4-27

Sioux was the only winter wheat va~e-eycr~]easedin tl1a region in 195~bull This variety was selected in Nebraska from the cross Oheyeuro)nn~x Turkey and has been carried in various uniform experiments as C I~ 12142~ Sioux is well adapt~dtothe western half of Nebraska whereit is now recommend8d Its high yield df grain bunt resistance capttgity t9tiLler~m1 goodw1nterliardinessare itEipriricipaIcbarac terlstics of merit It bas high loaf volume lotenti~litiee but bas rather short dough mixing requiremants

Comanche x 13lackhUJl-HardFederation (c 112517) is beingin6reased i~ Oklahoma but no definite release date bBs been set

~ ~ lt


Uniform testsareplannedby districte~ThEl southern district includesTexas New Mexico andOk1BhollB tli~central distrigtinvoJy~s Xanaas Colorado and Nebraska the northeastern distrJct_inc1ult~esIowaSouthDakotaa1ldMinnesota and ~heno~~h we~tern district is ~~~Jip by yomlIJSmiddotand~qntana~Sozrietasta asthebUnttestfor example are re~ion wid_e~7heuniformY~~9nwseryocentCJpiestwo districts and llerdishyness tests are largely confined to the two northern areas

lfniform plot varieties for 1952 and 1953 are as follows

i i

bull Variety C I~ 1952 -- 1953

No 8 0 rNENW S C -NE NW

Kharkof 1442 JC -x X x X xmiddot Tenmarq

Early Blackhu11 6936 8856




Comanche Pawnee

11673 11669

X x Xmiddot

x X X

Red Chief 12109 X X X X Kiowa 12133 X X X Ponca 12128 X X X middotX

Hard Federation Hybrid Cqmanche i B1khuliHd Fed Minturki

12515 12517





middotXmiddotX X



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 5: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if




Brookings Agr Experiment Station

MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA1IO~ AgronoNmiddotandPlant Genetics st~ Paul University Farm Waseca Southeast Experiment sta

Grand Rapids


Dickinson Dickinson Substation


Bozeplan Montana Experiment Station ~

Mdccasin Judith Basin Branch Station Havre North Montana Branch Station Huntley Huntley Field 13tat~on

cAwADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICulTURE Lethbridge Alta~ Agr Exp Station

~ ~

Wbull Wbull Wqrzella J E Grafius

W M Myers E R~ Ausemus

R~ E Hodgson E R Ausemus

1 E stoa T ~ J bull Conlon

A H Post E R Hehn Ralph Williams L O Baker Stanley Brooks

J E Andrews


gJ Cooperation with Division of So11 Management and Irr~igation Bureau of Plant Industry Soils and AgricUlturalEngineering as well as with the statelt experiment ~tations


Cereal Investigation or Cr nuriiber~were assigned to several varieties of )lard wlnter wheat tbi~ year These numberaare prep8red oy the bivlsionofCereal iOrops and Diseases ancl lla ve nationa1 standing_ Therefore C r numbers shouldbe usedmiddot 1n interstate cqmmunicatiOI)BIn tpiseport state nUmbers are n~tl shoWA when f3C I number bas been assigned N6wnilnibers this year flreas folJpws

C I No state Nomiddot 1

12871 Early Bla0 khul1-renmarq x oro-Meditermnean-Hope K-smiddot471238

- 12872

-- 12873 Mediterranean-Hope-Pawnee x Oro-Illinois l-Com Mediterranean-Hope x Pawnee2

Ks 49383 KS ~50249

12874 Mediterranean-Hope xCo~nohe2 Ks 50266 12875



Pawnee x Cheyenne Eqypt Na 101 x 110pe cheyenne Bobin2 -Gaza x Pawnee

Nebr 483405 Ks~ 49R1476-8 Kso)j9RI012-3

12925 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Moro 472361 12926 Rio x Rex Moro43131 12927 Rio-Rex x Cheyenne Mor0482161 12928 RioRex x Nebred i Moro482215 12929 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moregt 482232 12930 Rio-Rex x Nebred Moro482235 12931 Blackhull x Rex-Rio l-1or9482260 12932 Blackhull-Rex x Rex-Rio Morqmiddot482271 12933 12934

Blao1dlull-Rex x Cheyenne Rex x Rio3-1

Moro482296 PUllman Wn

12935 do ~5 do


C Ie No

12936 do -14 do_ 12937 12938

Ma~uillo~Oro x Oro-Turkey-Florencedo ~(

ICs 47135 Ks47B6

12939 middotdo Ks 47B9 12940 12941

C~)lIJanche x Oro-Turkecy-FlotEmce pro xOro-Turkey-Florence

Ks 47BI29Ksmiddotmiddotmiddot47BJ67 middotmiddot

12942 do Ksmiddot 471U68 13001 Oro 4 Blackhull-BardFederation OkJa wdw~44b2-24 13002 Kanred x Clarkan middotTex 7344-2]3 13003 do Tex bull 73-442C 13004 Martin -TeIllIJarq x Chief~n Tax ~t60 ~44~135 13090 Westar Selection Okla 515437 13091 MinturkiX Timstein-vuliarti2 Minn~ II40-100 13092 13093

Yogo x (H4l--Mipturki II-29-72) (Illinois I-Chinese x Timophee-i1) x Wisconsin

Minn II ~~O~07

Ped 2 Wis ~43~i-1-4-27

Sioux was the only winter wheat va~e-eycr~]easedin tl1a region in 195~bull This variety was selected in Nebraska from the cross Oheyeuro)nn~x Turkey and has been carried in various uniform experiments as C I~ 12142~ Sioux is well adapt~dtothe western half of Nebraska whereit is now recommend8d Its high yield df grain bunt resistance capttgity t9tiLler~m1 goodw1nterliardinessare itEipriricipaIcbarac terlstics of merit It bas high loaf volume lotenti~litiee but bas rather short dough mixing requiremants

Comanche x 13lackhUJl-HardFederation (c 112517) is beingin6reased i~ Oklahoma but no definite release date bBs been set

~ ~ lt


Uniform testsareplannedby districte~ThEl southern district includesTexas New Mexico andOk1BhollB tli~central distrigtinvoJy~s Xanaas Colorado and Nebraska the northeastern distrJct_inc1ult~esIowaSouthDakotaa1ldMinnesota and ~heno~~h we~tern district is ~~~Jip by yomlIJSmiddotand~qntana~Sozrietasta asthebUnttestfor example are re~ion wid_e~7heuniformY~~9nwseryocentCJpiestwo districts and llerdishyness tests are largely confined to the two northern areas

lfniform plot varieties for 1952 and 1953 are as follows

i i

bull Variety C I~ 1952 -- 1953

No 8 0 rNENW S C -NE NW

Kharkof 1442 JC -x X x X xmiddot Tenmarq

Early Blackhu11 6936 8856




Comanche Pawnee

11673 11669

X x Xmiddot

x X X

Red Chief 12109 X X X X Kiowa 12133 X X X Ponca 12128 X X X middotX

Hard Federation Hybrid Cqmanche i B1khuliHd Fed Minturki

12515 12517





middotXmiddotX X



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 6: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


C Ie No

12936 do -14 do_ 12937 12938

Ma~uillo~Oro x Oro-Turkey-Florencedo ~(

ICs 47135 Ks47B6

12939 middotdo Ks 47B9 12940 12941

C~)lIJanche x Oro-Turkecy-FlotEmce pro xOro-Turkey-Florence

Ks 47BI29Ksmiddotmiddotmiddot47BJ67 middotmiddot

12942 do Ksmiddot 471U68 13001 Oro 4 Blackhull-BardFederation OkJa wdw~44b2-24 13002 Kanred x Clarkan middotTex 7344-2]3 13003 do Tex bull 73-442C 13004 Martin -TeIllIJarq x Chief~n Tax ~t60 ~44~135 13090 Westar Selection Okla 515437 13091 MinturkiX Timstein-vuliarti2 Minn~ II40-100 13092 13093

Yogo x (H4l--Mipturki II-29-72) (Illinois I-Chinese x Timophee-i1) x Wisconsin

Minn II ~~O~07

Ped 2 Wis ~43~i-1-4-27

Sioux was the only winter wheat va~e-eycr~]easedin tl1a region in 195~bull This variety was selected in Nebraska from the cross Oheyeuro)nn~x Turkey and has been carried in various uniform experiments as C I~ 12142~ Sioux is well adapt~dtothe western half of Nebraska whereit is now recommend8d Its high yield df grain bunt resistance capttgity t9tiLler~m1 goodw1nterliardinessare itEipriricipaIcbarac terlstics of merit It bas high loaf volume lotenti~litiee but bas rather short dough mixing requiremants

Comanche x 13lackhUJl-HardFederation (c 112517) is beingin6reased i~ Oklahoma but no definite release date bBs been set

~ ~ lt


Uniform testsareplannedby districte~ThEl southern district includesTexas New Mexico andOk1BhollB tli~central distrigtinvoJy~s Xanaas Colorado and Nebraska the northeastern distrJct_inc1ult~esIowaSouthDakotaa1ldMinnesota and ~heno~~h we~tern district is ~~~Jip by yomlIJSmiddotand~qntana~Sozrietasta asthebUnttestfor example are re~ion wid_e~7heuniformY~~9nwseryocentCJpiestwo districts and llerdishyness tests are largely confined to the two northern areas

lfniform plot varieties for 1952 and 1953 are as follows

i i

bull Variety C I~ 1952 -- 1953

No 8 0 rNENW S C -NE NW

Kharkof 1442 JC -x X x X xmiddot Tenmarq

Early Blackhu11 6936 8856




Comanche Pawnee

11673 11669

X x Xmiddot

x X X

Red Chief 12109 X X X X Kiowa 12133 X X X Ponca 12128 X X X middotX

Hard Federation Hybrid Cqmanche i B1khuliHd Fed Minturki

12515 12517





middotXmiddotX X



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 7: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if



CI 1952 1953variety No -S-C~middot--NE~-~middotmt=middot~middotbull S C NEmiddot NW

ir i JC

Yogo 8033 x x Minter 12138 xx x x

~ H44 x Minturki2 12532 X

Iohardi 12510 X x Turkey x Oro 12705 x H44-Minhardi x MarmiIi 12704 X x

~ Minn 2834 13005 X Min t x Timo Vulgare2 middot 12806 X

In addition middottothe uniform set of varietles~ eaclistatlon grows several Vartet1es 9f 10calinterest All varieties reported by the various cooperators are included In the station data for plot 16rieties thus giving a rather comple-Mscoount ofad~ vanced testing Permanent check varieties are Kbarkof Tenmrqand E8rly Blackbull in the southern district with Pawnee Tenmarq and Kbarkof so designated in the centraldfstrict-Inthe northeast Minturkiand iIi the northwest Kbark6f is used New varieties and a few cOlllDlercial varieties are included one teniporary basis


Field plot or advanced nursery data are given in table 1 The data for each station are tabulated separately and the varieties are listed in declining order of

y1elo fo 1952middot SumIlRry tablesfor variousdataare g1ven in tables 2 to bull~~ bull

Over the region as a whole there were some general crop grow1ngc6ildttionef Jorthy of mention Much of the -ceritraland eastern area received heavy rain inm1d-efummllr of 1951 providing deep storage of soil moisture Following this droughtconditions

prevaLled generally over the whorewinterwheat belt for therezraindeir omiddotf theseason The southwest was deprived of ~oisturemiddotexcept 10ca1ly resulting in f8iLuretogelt stands at the usualplantingseason~Generallythe wheat went iritc) the wit~ iP good condition bull A rather dry open winter caused greatconcern for the wheat but only a limited amount of winterkil11ng was reported Above nornalJartuaryandFebrushyary temperatures prob~bly set the stage for what proved to be an early harve~t Dry weather retarded plant growth but thephenologic cycle was ahead of nbrmlall sea~on from Texas tonorthemMontana ijigh temperatures in early Junb almost no rsih ahd high wind movement hastened zraturity and caused some damage Slch weather lrreeted rust developmentmiddotmiddot MUch of the crop was harvestedWi th very loW moisture 66ritet~t1 the combines runn1Iigriight and ooy in some areas bull It is estimated thB t Kariees garner~d

150 m1ll1cm bushelS of wheatduling one weekatthe peak ot the harvest ~bull

Cutworms attacked the crop early in the spring in central and southern area~

Mites were a bundant in the area rom sotithwes t Kansas actoss the Panhandle of ems Greenbugs w-erecommon inmiddot north~centralTexas and acrossOklalioIia intoKari~tisbut

damagewas not extensive 1iessianflY wasfound all across Nebra~ki3 this year qo~ng greatest damage -in thesoutheastem and far western areas An outbreakeittinCblri provided asetof readirissinthenuraery p1ahting~ Sawfly extended i-tsrangeihl$ year into Wyoming Nebraska and South Dakota Says plant bug was observed Inlarge numbers in northWes tern Nebraska in WYbmiilg and Mo~tana where some 9all8ge towhea twas done

The rusts were widespread but did relativeiyritt~e daIi8geexceptloc~11y~Wheit threatened to be a serious attack from both was checked by rapid ripenmg of the ct-op accompanied and hastened by hot dry weather Moeafc took a new turn this year with evidence in Kansas Nebraska and Oklahoma suggesting a soil b9rne virus in the wheat


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 8: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


Yellowmiddotatreakjt1WwampQ1ernmiddotmiddot vir~8bf such d~stru6ti V~ries8inmiddot1949amph1fted to middotmiddoteaBmiddottern Wyoming and was noticed elsewhere in very limited aD1ounts Bunt was very scarce Root rot proPleinj3rea-rCto~el~ Tem~ inthemiddot BlaclGiell Ok~homaea and in western NebriLeHs~ middotat-trected some attentlon~ ~~

Crop failures were noted at Goodwell O~hltgtrpafrocent dry conditions and Jateeowshylng and at Ft Collms Oolorado hail dest~oyeq all p1lantings

At Denton Texas there were 29 varieties iIimiddot the advanced nurserymiddot test whe~e the similar types C I 12517 and Cbull r 12515sUJl1)assed all ot~er~~ yi~ldbull TwoS1nvashylocho hybrids ranked third and fourth ThesejoUr wh~ats had low leaf rust l~tec+ tion also Comanche has the best period-of-year~ averageyiefdalthough some of the newer wheats are very promis ing

Drought at Ch~Jlicothecutshortth~petentlal yiell1 of ~rJy~turing var1eiies for the second st~lghty~rbull - later Yarleties were the hiSltest Jn yeld of ~1P~~ Kanred and~IkofhIgh thi~ yea~~~Jt 14~Jld 160ntlle a verage~ Apache Westai j Comanche and Cr 12702 he yamiddotgood middotave~ges


At BushlendtheCrQP was in ~middotptecarlo~PQsl1iopeJLYpoundlarAue to droUghtmiddotPie irrigatedplltgttsaveraged 188a~d the dzY~ndplotsaV(jagedrJ7 byenBhels t9 t4e acre Since there was no Variety x treatment interacti9n~ the data were coinbined and appear as one test Triumph and~ed (A~ef were hiSll in yleld while Blue Jacket and C r 12517 have the best period averages Varietitls with Blackhuli blood have done well at this station

A nearfailuremiddotdue to drought~cGlllredatCiqViSN~wMexicp In geIleral Blackshyhull wheat derivatives looked best at this Eltation This maybe a drought hardiness fe~tor P9ssess~dpy~theseWll~tso~th~~t ~~spoIlEteimay Pel related tomitEl resistance l1ore-wor1 is required to eetablishtlle factorflr~spltgtns1P~e

At$tillwater- OklahOma~ fivecBJac)centul+derivatiYElS fwElre~l8~es t tJlyielltL For tnreeyearsC ~~ 12l7haS beent~El outrrtalding var~~tr inthEIstatiqns testa Thiswh~t isb~tng incJeesed~ C I r2515probab1ydirferElcgtcentY ltsllghtlyfrozQlt andms anoutstanding recordalElo bull Poncawas dietinqtlY slJJilei~pr toPawnee thismiddot

yeer~ Leaf ruEtWas~oo1ight to readgt a gtrare ~llirlg formiddotstill~rter

In the Cherokee te~t C I 12517 WiqJi~tamiddot~ndPoh~a were $tthei~op foryield~ Cmiddot~ Ii25i1 and C r 12515 ~ve the best peJiCldaVeIeg~s folJQWedJgty Red Ohief

bull gt - bull bull bull bull - bull - - - ~ - bullbullbull - bull

rn~~e W09d~rd trial 01 i-515a~dgI)4g~i7yen~~e o~t~1~n(lJngtpisy~a~and have beenfor twq3pdthree~Elarshey middot9rJgi~teda~heWoQQ~ristationsohave aiong recoJd of good petformance here Low tElmperatur~sApril9UlJ)dlOdamagedmiddotearly jointing varieties causing a collapse of the culms and some loss of yield

In general tt was a TrJmiddotumph year in KazaBaS bull Jll2irlyvrheats d1dxtr~mely weLi ~ So1le middotothersmad~ a crepitable showing tQqjJloifeyElr~AtrManhat~nj[WiUmph was foLmiddot ~ lowed In yield byC bull t 1-2517CIL2707~anqJoncai Longmiddot-timemiddot avertigesshow pawnee and Triumph to be1gtest Cop~iderable lodgingand lea~rus~wasmiddotnotedmiddotShattering in Yigo Iohardi and Wicmiddothita seriouslyred~cedtheyi~ldoftheae varieties

In the Garden City testTriumPhJon~~iowa)andcomanclleproduced the best gratti crop This was ~de alinost oomllIetely on stored water because on June 9 less than an inch of precipitation had been received since January The wheat plants had exhausted the upper5feetoff1oH moisture by t~is dBtie and were depleting the water stored in the sixth foot of so11~

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 9: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

~~JIaya~i~aacY1eid bore a direct relation toea~1i~es~ withlatevariet1es yj~ld~Ilg only about twp~third~ as much as early onee Pawn~e Coman~he and Early BlackliulJ have tlw highest average yields

~ ~ -

Kiowa Triumph Pawnee and Ponca wereb13stat Colbybull KioWa pas about the best all around record of varieties tested at this station Sus6eptLbility tomiddot loose ~inut J~~~ ~~orf~ult

At Akron Colorado late wrieties were generally lower in yieid tban earlyhnd mid-early ones In view of the drought in this area it is remarkable to note that five varieties exceeded 20 bushels to the acre

At Lincoln Nebraska Pawnee and Red Chief had the highest yields Pawnee has the best long-time record later varieties generally ranked far down the list Leaf rust was heavy this year but came in too late to do much damage Shattering by two varieties and lodging by several detracted from their appearance

Beat yields at North Pla tte were made by three unnamed selections and Pawnee C I 12711 has a nne two-year record Nebred has the best all8round long record

At Alliance Nebraska two unnamed wheats Sioux and Comanche yielded over 39 bushels to the acre C r 12523 and Sioux have the best period averages stem rust threatened to do damage but came too late in 1952

In the Brookings South ISkota test yields ranged from 328 to Z87 bushels per acre Pawnee was the only variety failing to survive the winter with a full stand Stem rust was moderately heavy on alJ varieties C I 12704 has the highest 4-year a verage yield

At Waseca Minnesota selection 2827 outyielded all varieties but showed weak straw and high susceptibility to rust The rust caused little or no shriveling of the grain Minter continues to perform about as well as any wheat at this station

Yields at st Paul Minnesota were unaffected by differential winterkilling Minter was highest in yield Considerable infection from rust occurred C r 12704 has the highest 4-year average yield

Lower survival was noted for Iohardi at Grand Repids Minnesota Minter was the highest yielding entry this year and appears to be the best variety in terms of the period average yields availabJe

At Sheridan Cheyenne and Iranred were highest in yield this year and have the best long-time average

At Hevre Montana the wheat headed and ripened much earlier than usual Drought was the principal factor depressing yields Yogo was midway in rank in 1952 but conshytinues to show a high average yield C I 12108 has shown promise in 10 years of testing

Pawnee and Comanche were 5 to 7 bushels higher in yield tban other varieties at Ames Iowa Lodging was excessive straw was long and weight per bUshel Was low All varieties have period averages 10 to 26 above KDarkof

Yogo Newturk and Cheyenne were highest in yield at Moccasin Montana in 1952 All test weights were good COlllBnche suffered Bom~ loss of stand due to winterkilling and gave a poor yield Yogo and Irarmont are justifiably popular in this area beC8Wle of their long record of relatively good performance

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 10: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

At Huntley Chey~nri~ iedother var~etiea but may not be significantly better Poor seed of Yoga and pOSSibly winterkil1ing of Comanche resultedinpoor-stands at mrvest DrQught Was q~ite intenSe atlth1s statien so yte1ds- and -te~fwe ight~we~e low - -

Four other Montana tests have been combined on one p~se becaus~ three welre irri- t ~ ~~y ~ I l

sat~-g- t$stsand the fourth is on the westernslope of tlie state This grouping shows thevarietiea in order oi declining -1i~ld onJY for sidney -The outstanding variety at HUntley and Bozeman was the stiff sitrawed selection 14482296 (C I~ 21933)





J ~ 1 ~






bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 11: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


bull ol~ ~ bullbull ~_ ~bull middot1~ bull yenimiddotTable lmiddotY1E~1amiddotofmiddot greih and other data for winter wheat varieties grown in replicated

plots in cooperative experiments at 28 stations in the region in 1952 withperiod average yields

Danton Texas TerapLots rod rows


- Variety


C middotI or

Sel No

~te Plant Heishy~ht

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs Grown

Percent of

KnArkof RankHead-l

ed iR1pe f1948195Cmiddot

lql)2 lQ2

Apr May Ins 10 Lbs Bus Bus bull ~

cent~J1~i~Bi~7Hd Fed 12517 20 26 38 3 600 378 1 1277 2 HardFed HYQ 12515 20 28 39 860() 366 1 1236 3- Sin~alocho x vlichita 201-470-4 21 29 37 T 600 35-9 1

12701 i Wichita 127()~ 21 26 41 T61middotmiddot0 348 2 1214 5 Widbita 11952 17 ~5 37 53 600 328 224 8 1048 13 UoIl8nche 11673 21 29 38 28585 327 219 12 1340 1 Biiicidi~il_ - 6251 24 28 41 43620 326 224 19 1093middot 9 RedmiddotMBy Sel 11 7250-1 22 25 38 15 570 326 2 lil4 Ponca 12128 19 27 36 13 590 324 223 3 1647 14 P


Sv ~W1cl1 x HopeChey 208-46~12 21 30 37 T 600322 2 118~8 6 I-I

_ ~Fronte1ra x Red May y 131-46-3 19 26 38 T 580 320 Sv -Wich i Hope-Ghey 208-46~32 19 28 38 T 580 319 1~701 x Wichi1l 12703 18 26 37 T 61031~7 2 1081 10

Kanred 5146 24 28 40 41580 314 224 19 1134 8 Tenmarq 6936 23 28 39 43 57~4 312 216 19 1183 7 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 19 26 38 3 610 308 --Quanah 12145 20 30 38 10 590 304 2L4 4 1056 12

JCjowa 12133 20 29 37 63 590 302 222 3 1042 16 ~ -Wlchx Hope-Chey 12701~ 17 27 37 18 590 299 2 Q87 ~o

1lally Blackhull 8856 16 25 36 45 620 298 203 17 1215 4 - Frooteira x Red May 1 131-46-8 19 28 38 T 570 298 -

Kbarkof shy 1442 25 30 40 38 600 296 213 19~ 1000 18 Tr1umph 12132 13 26 35 45 600 -290 20~4 990 195 121~1 x Wichita 237-46-26-2 11 24 36 3 600 289 -- - 2 977 21 Denton 11 8265 ~ 23 29middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 42 3 - 576 283 209 19 107middot5 11 MediterraBean ~ 10086 24 26 435 580 2amp~2 19~7 19 1044 15 Red Chief 12109 22 30~-- 39 55 620 261 198 8 1025 17 Blackhawk 11 12218 25 30 45 T 580 234 1 Vigo I 12220 24 2644 20 580 223 1-

11 Soft wheats Standard error of a difference = 168 bushels


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 12: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


Chillfcothe Texas Ten plots rod rows

C To Weightlate Avo acente y1el9shy No Percent

per yrs bullbull of or first RankVariety l ~i=-r-1948-1952 1952 1952headed bushel GrownSel No Kharkof

-Apr Lbs Bus bull Bus bull Bus

Kanred 5146 22 58 Kbarkof 1442 22 58

Harl) Fed BYb 12515 18 60 C()tnanq~e 11673 18 60 westair lZl10 20 59 Chiefk x Mt-Tq 13004 20 59 Apacenthemiddot 12122 15 59 TeJ~rq 693(5 18 58 S~Valocho x Wichita 201~4704

18 6i 12701 x Wicliita 12102 15 60

do 237 -46-26-2 10 60

Blue Jack~t 12502 20 62 Ponca 12128middot 17 gt61 Sv-Wich x Hope-Chey 208-46-12 18 59 Mqo -Oro bull x Wichtta 218-465 19 60 KioWa 12133 18 60 B~Gkhulimiddot QZ51 20 60 Wi~Mta 11952 11 6i bqQ ~~~Q~o xWJQitl(l _Al-2364 11 ~61 12701 x Wichita 237-46-23-2 15 59 Red Chief 12109 20 62

middotJ2701 x Wichita 237-46-18-2 11 59 Chi~f~ x Mq0 bull -Oro 244-46-13 20 5~ Sv -~ach x Hope-Chey 208-46-32 15 58 Quanah 12145 12 60

Earl~31ackhul1 middot8856 7 60 Sv W1ch x Hope-Chey 12701 10 60 12701 x Wichita 12703 15 60 Triumph -60

12132 9

267 239 27middot1 257 224 273 254middot -shy -shy248 219 274 248 228 -shy246 225 -shy240 Z4o -shy234 ZO8 Z53 23210 -shy229 232 -shy227middot 220 -shy224 -shy -shy223 O5 291 222 ~11 -shy222 207

222 219 28-3 219+92 257 217 212 278

middot211 -_shy --shy208 202 - ~

208 205 270 207 -shy -shy

20bull7- -shy202 -shy-shy200 186 275

19 3 177 256 middoti8o 160 -shy180 -shy -shy i5~1 122 227

15 15

I 15

8 2 5

15 2 4 2 1 5 3 3 5

15 middot11

1 2

11 I I 1 6

15 3 2 7

102middot9 1000

988 114lt 1229 1004 1381 1068

938 1197

98-0 --shy

1064 95~8

1109 1036 1052 1124

900 1069

_-shy__ oJ

1097 middot1057

783 758 934

14 16 17 4 2

15 1 9

20 3

18 -shy10

19 6

13 12- 5

22 8


7 11 22 23shy21

I I-- F) I

Standard error of a difference =1061 buspels bull



Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 13: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


Bushland Texas Ten plots 4 irrigated

Variety c I No

Date Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre y-ie1d ~No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed Rille ~J

1952 1951shy 1949shy1952 1952

May June Ins Lbs Bus


Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 14: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

Clovis New Mexico Five 110 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date Plant

height Weight

per bushel

Av acre yield RipeHeaded I ] 1951shy

1952 1952 -July Ins Lbs~ Bus Bus

standard error of a

Blackhu11 Westar

Chieflmn Turkey Apache Cheyenne Triumph Tenmrq Wichita Pawnee ~


difference 077middot bushels

6251 62 6 12110 63 6 11754 63 6

1558 69 7 12122 531 5 8885 611 10

12132 526 4 6936 66 8

11952 530 4 o bullbull 11669 64 middot6 0

11673 66 7


22 20 24 22 20 21 20 21 19 20middot 21

583 567 578 556 575 567 567 55middot7

567 middot552


82 63 52 47 43 41 36 33 32 36 22

45 40 31 43 50 31 31 38 3middot2 28

I f I


) ~


bull omiddot



~ shy bull ~~bull ~- -


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 15: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


stillwater Perkins) OklahonB Four 1 68 acre plots

Variety C I No

rate Plant Height

Weight per


Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed iRipe 11951-1948shy

1952 1952 1952 -May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Com xBlk -HdFed 12517 6 10 35 625 244 235 -- 3 1270 1 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12516 7 12 35 632 238 217 -- 2 1079 6 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 8 11 35 628 23 -3 -- -- 1 Hd Fed Hyb 12515 7 9 35 626 229 229 -- 2 1140 2 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 9 13 32 635 220 21~2 -- 2 105middot5 7 Ponca 1212$ 7 8 32 612 213 196 207 5 1001 13 Westar 12110 8 12 35 602 212 197 225 7 1109 3 Com x Blk~Hd Fed 12710 9 12 32 615 211 -- -- I Kmrkof 1442 10 12 33 611 211 201 20middot7 20 1000 14 Kiowa 12133 6 9 34 622 204 194 215 5 1043 8 Red Chief middot12109 8 12 35 643 204 178 20middot7 10 1042 9 Comanche 11673 6 9 35 603 201 188 205 12 1082 5 I

~ shyEar1y Blackhull 8B56 1 4 39 641 201 171 206 20 946 17 J1

ClarkBn y middot8858 9 12 37 628 200 182 210 16 1023 12 I

Cheyenne 8885 11 12 31 606 198 195 208 20 1028 11 Tenmarq 6936 8 12 35 605 195 179 197 20 981 15 Wichita 11952 3 4 36 634 193 181 204 8 956 16 Quanah ~18112145 7 9 35 611 192 17middot1 5 877 18 Triumph 12132 2 middot4 35 632 183 169 202 10 1033 10i

Pawnee 11669 7 10 33 608 177 173 198 12 110l 4

Y Soft wheat

Standard error of amiddot difference = 126 bushels

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 16: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

Cherokee OklahoIm Five plots rod rows

Variety C 1

No Degree headed May 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Weight per


Av acre v ield No Yrs


Percent of

Kmrkof Bank11951 -

1952 1952 1948shy1952

June Ins

100 13 7 41 100 12 8 40 100 13 4 40

97 13 10 42 100 14 5 41 100 9 15 40 100 7 10 38

92 13 10 42 100 14 7 41 98 15 4 42

100 13 2 41 16~ 100 3 46

48 16 3 42 75 17 4 43 50 17 4 42 85 17 8 4L

42 25 lt 17 1 25 16 10 43 58 15 4 44

177 bushels

Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612 426 420 628 392 335 29~7 594 379 272 251 618 378 345 603 376 286 259 640 369 297 260 631middot 364 279 269 612 36bmiddotmiddot 361 - shy589 359331 293 599 357 607 351 337287 625 342 303 293 604 339~16 590middot 334305 269 580 322 -- 590 317 241 203 582310 278 270 598298 308 262 579296 282 248

Com x Blk-Ed Fed Wichita Ponca Elk-Qro x Pawnee Pawnee Early Blackhull lr1Wnph HardFed Hyb doma~che Com xChey-l31kh Kiowa RedChlef Blf-omiddotro x Pawnee W~siar Com x Blk -Ed Fed QUrhah clieyanne Kbarkof TenIrarq

~ standard error of a

12511 11952 12128 12516 11669

8856 12132 1~5J5

11673 12708 12133 12109 12rl09 12110 12710 12145 8885 1442 6936middot


3 1380 1 7 1157 4 5 958 16 2 1122 6 7 1061 12 7 1072 11

7 )119 7 2 middot1172 2 7 1139 5 1 5middotmiddotmiddot 1098 middotmiddotmiddotmiddot9 7 2

J164 Jo26

3 13

i I-

7~ ~104 8 0 I

1 5 --775 middotJ7 7 1078 10 7 1000 14 7 middot982 15

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 17: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

Woodward Oklahoma Five plots rod rows

Variety C I-No

Date Plant height

Weight per


Av acre vield I No 11951-11948- Yrsmiddot

1952 1952 1952 I Grown

Percent of

Kbarkof RankHead- ] Ripe

ed May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk -Rd Fed Cheyenne Com x Blk-Rd Fed

Com x Chey -Blk bull B~k~Oro x Pawnee Pawnee Triunph 1 Comanche Blk-Oro x Pawnee Wichita 11 Red Chief KioWa Ponca Westar Early Blackhul1 Tenmarl Kharkof qUanah

12515 12517

8885 12710 12708 12516 11669 12132 11673 12709 11952 12109 12133 12128 12110 8856 6936 1442


7 6

13 11 10 7 6 2 6

11 4 8 6 6 8 3 9

12 7

12 12 15 15 14 13 10 8 11 15

9 14 12 11 14 8

14 15


34 32 34 34 34 33 33 31 32 33 31 37 3~-32 34 34 34 34 31

622 626 607

608 616 622 608 626 602 626 628 625 608 613 602 620

605 597 597

309 303 298 293 279 278 266 264 264 264 261 261 259 246 2J9 232 229 222 190

271 259 25middot9 -shy- shy

258 219 174 239 238 219 255 232 195 216 203 220 213 169


237 -shy-shy-shy

219 193

212 -shy224 238 214

206 225 199 204 202


2 3

21 I I 2

15 8

l2 11 11 5 9

2J 21 21


127middot2 1268 1096 --shy

1209 1231 1042 1163 1117 1180

1172 1063

1020 1100

977 1062 1000 857

1 2



13 7 8 5

6 11 L4lt

9 16middot 12-middot 15 17middot

r I--1 I

1 Damaged most by low temperatures April 9 and 10

standard erI)r of a d1iferefic 167 bushels

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 18: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

- - -

Manhattan Kansas Three 1754 acre plots

Variety C 1

No late headshyed

Plant ht

Lodg-1Sbatshy r-Ruet ing tering I ~ smut 11000 per

Leaf is tem jseeds bu

Av acre yield 11951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952

No bullPercent Yrs of Rank

Grown iIDJarkof

jLoose i Weight

I ~ ~ ~ ~

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 19: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

Garden City Kansas Three 1745 acre plots on fallow

Variety C r No

rate Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankFirst I

Headed Ripe i 1947--1950

1952 1952

Triumph Ponca Kiowa Comanche Ternmrq Red Chief

stafford EarlyBlackhull Com x B1k~-Rd Fed l1qo -Oro x Oro-Tq Red Jacket Pawnee B1ue Jacket Iurkey Wichita

12132 12128 12133 11673 6936 12109 12706 8856

12517 12406 12713 11669 12502 1558


12 15 15 16 18 21 22 11 14 16 21 16 23 24 13

16 18 19 20 zo 21 22 16 18 20 22 20 22 23 17

30 34 34 36 38 38 38 34 32 35 40 34 39 35 35

606 590 603 585 575 608 599 626 591 588 602 598 606 57middot5 609

341 293 285 281 266

263 256 25middot5 240 237 237 235 218 196 180

280 300 319 306 27middot5 246 -shy249 -shy-shy-shy


261 23 261

6 5 6

13 13 10

2 13

1 1

2 13

5 13 11

1136 1274 1306 1354 1214 1164 1343 1152

-shy -1282 1323 1110 10b0 11~7

11 6 4 1 7 8 2 9

5 3

12 13


I- 0

~ y Iurkej used in place of Kbarkof bull

Standard error of a difference 134 bushels


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 20: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if


Early Blackhu11 11 Triumph Wichita gl Apache Com x B1k-Hd Fed 11 Pawnee Conanche Kiowa Chiefk x Oro-Tq Stafford Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq ~I Tennarq Blue J~cket

middotB14ckhll Khirkof Red Chief

Ponca Turkey Red Jacket

Hays Kansas Four 150 acre p16ts two on fallow two on crop land

I LateC 1 or head-

Sel No i ed May Ins Co Lbs

Plant Leaf Weight height rust per


8856 13 44 11 629 12132 13 42 18 620 11952 15 45 16 616 12122 18 40 4 598 12517 16 41 0 578

11669 16 43 2 604 11673 16 44 3 595 12133middot 16 43 14 609 12518 16 43 14 middot600 12706 19 44 2 593 12406 16 41 1 583

6936 18 46 4 568 12502 17 47 2 613

6251 19 43 5 604 1442 21 42 1 535

12109 19 47 2 591 12128 16 43 T 588

1558 20 42 3 565 12713 19 46 1 59~4

11 Four percent lodging gl One percent lodging 11 Standard error of a difference 229 bushels

Av acre yield I No ~ 1951-J 1947- t Yrs 1952 1952 Bus Bus

444 370 444 366 410 37middot7 329 366 326 -shy324 351 324 361 317 367 311 360 305 351 304 336 295 334 292 347 290 318 278 32-3 middot27332~5 267 311 264293 middot26 2 324

1952 Grown Bus

288 21 282 7 290 12 -- 8 -- I

274 15 272 16 288 8 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2

264 21 284 6 24~5 21 270 21 271 12 267 7 251 21 -- 3

Trace of winterkl11ing

Percent of


1189 1033 1148 1138

1235 1162 1121 1095 1102 1039 1133 105~O 1063 1000 1133



2 14

4 5

1 3 8

10 9

13 6

I12 1)

I11 16

7 18

985 17 1006 15

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 21: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

Colby Kansas Three 150 acre plots

Variety C 1

No Date

headed Plant height

Height per


Av acrayield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1950 amp

1952 1952 May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Kiowa 12133 22 39 603 484 495 5 1157 2 Triumph Pawnee

12132 11669

17 22

37 37

602 597

458 448

462 485

5 10

1083 1167

7 1

Ponca 12128 22 37 593 443 455 5 1070 8 Com x Blk-Hd Fed 12517 22 38 597 424 -shy 1 Mqo-Oro Stafford

x Oro-Tq 12406 12706

23 26

39 42

597 612

419 401


1 2 1031 10

Comanche 11673 23 40 578 400 479 11 1124 4 Wichita 11952 19 39 603 399 512 10 1131 3 Cheyenne Siowc Temnarq Turkey Red Jacket

8885 12142 middot6936 1558


27 26 24 26 26

38 37 39 41 42

595 598 595 588 621

399 middot383 377 372


482 -shy

473 459 464

14 1

13 14 2

1085 --shy

1095 1000 1012



-shy5 12 11

rv I-- I

Red Chief 12109 25 42 595 361 435 9 1055 9 I Blue Jacket 12502 26 43 606 middot358 447 4 981 13

Standard error of a diference = 234 bushels


Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 22: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if

Akron Colorado Four 141 acre plots 2 after corn 2 on fallow

Variety C 1

No Date

Headed Plant

Height Weight

per bushel

Av bull acre yield No Yrs


Bercentl of I Rank

Kbarkof 1 1951shy 1948shy

1952 1952 ~ 1952 -Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Comanche 11673 531 38 573 212 201 187 14 1092 3 Triumph 12132 528 39 588 211 184 -- 3 873 13 Early Blackhull 8856 528 40 59~5 20 bull8 188 179 21 1096 2 KioYlB 12133 63 38 553 204 216 191 6 1052 9 Wichita 11952 530 38 585 200 196 185 12 1059 8 Cheyenne 8885 610 38 558 196 201 197 21 1074 5 Red Chief 12109 67 43 583 191 192 196 11 1066 7 Pawnee 11669 62 39 558 187 197 183 1)+ 1072 6

63 Ponca 12128 37 555 187 188 189 5 984 11 Temmrq 6936 67 40 552 179 99 19i 21 1087 4 Kharkof 1442middot 610 38 563 191 204 192 21 1000 10 Alton 1438 611 40 555 178 180 171 21 823 14

f)Chiefk x Oro-Tq 12518 63 39 565 169 -- -- 1 --- -- f IKan-H Fed x Minh-Mint 11970 63 43 543 164 185 188 14 1105 1


Mintilrki 6155 610 39 550 160 174 18 0 21 930 12

Standard error of adifference 143 bushels



Lincoln Nebraska Five 151 acre plots

Sbat- No(Plant Lodg- WeightLeaf Av acre i ield PercentC I tershying rusthei-Variety No Yrs of Rank11949per 11951shylugght

Date Headed IRipe Grown Kharkofbushel 11952 1952 1952 - - J -

Red Chief 12109 27 30 51 0 0 63 622 362 345 319 10 114 0 4 Pawnee 11669 24 28 45 20 1 65 589 361 304 341 16 1257 1 Ponca 12128 24 28 45 19 T 2 600 358 285 31~ 5 1040 11 Cheyenne 8885 29 30 48 6 T 80 583 356 307 323 21 1119 5 Kiowa 12133 24 28 46 9 T 85 599 355 292 289 5 1012 13 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 25 ~8 45 13 1 75 589 354 -shy -shy I Nebred 1Q094 28 30 46 28 T 90 586 35middot3 327 339 21 1081 8 Blue Jacket 12502 26 30 51 2 T 65 614 352 312 -shy 3 1041 10 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 29 30 48 2 1 38 578 352 302 321 6 1173 2 Siouxmiddot 12142 28 30 47 5 1 70 569 330 316 330 7 1089 7 Tk~Tq~-Chey xTk 12523 26 30 48 4 1 23 592 328 315 349 6 1168 3 Comanche Pamiee x Cheyenne ~llr~y

11673 12715 12137

25 25 29

28 28 30

45 46 49

20 0


T 10 0

65 75 80

58middot7 594 578


315 30middot7

285 _shy


307 -shy




1114 --shy995

6 -shy15

I f) w


B~ckbawk 12218 61 71 52 T T 2 572 297 -shy -shy I middotKbarkof 1enmrq IQbardi

1442 6936


31 29 28

30 30 30

49 47 51

5 8 T



73 65 85

57middot1 57middot5 599

283 278 244

262 258 269

290 296 296

21 21 4

1000 1057 10L8

14 9

12 Min~~r 12138 31 71 51 34 T 33 554 236 253 289 4 994 16


Standard error or a difference = 156 bushels bull

North Platte Nebraska Five 1750 acre plots on fallow

Variety C I No

Date Plant heishyght

weight per


Av acre lield Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed 1Ripe 1951- 1948shy Yrs

195211952 I 1952 Grown


June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 12715 4 71 35 57 348 -- -- 1 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 2 30 33 56 330 299 -- 2 1120 1 Pawnee 11669 1 29 33 56 328 230 256 14 1074 5 Hung Sel 4 Nebred 12507 4 71 34 56 320 24~0 254 5 937 13 Ponca 12128 2 30 33 55 318 193 246 5 910 14 Cheyenne 8885 5 71 33 56 318 268 283 20 107middot9 4 Comanche 11673 2 30 35 53 318 234 257 14 1027 8 Nebred 10091+ 4 71 33 56 296 315 305 18 middot1084 3

6Kiowa 12133 2 30 33 56 middot29middot5 256 262 984 12 Sioux 12142 4 71 33 55 middot290 266 278 5 1027 9 N PTurkey 12143 3 30 33 55 289 225 257 20 1055 6 TenIriarq 6936 4 71 35 54 280 23middot3 260 20 1000 10

I)Kbarkof 1442 5 72 36 55 27middot7 267 27 1 go 1000 11 +shyRed Chief 12109 3 71middot middotmiddot37 58 270 291 27~2 10 1101 2 I

Tk -Tq -Chey x Tko 12523 3 JO 35 55 263 291 282 5 104 1 7

Standard error of a difference 112 bushels

Allianco NabraskB Six plots on fallow rod rows

Variety C 1 or

Sel No


Date headshy


Plant heishyght

Stem rust 1

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank f 1951-IIQ48shy

1952 1952 1952 J -

10 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus 0- Bus

Pawnee x Cheyenne 483251 80 9 42 T 610 421 -- -- I Chey Se1middotx Turkey 461289 90 6 45 1 614 402 -- -- I Sioux 12142 90 9 42 T 599 392 226 318 8 1135 2 Comanche 11673 80 9 45 T 593 392 220 291 12 1012 8 Hung Sel x Nebred 12507 80 8 42 5 602 384 204 279 7 944 11 Tk -Tq -Chey x Tk 12523 80 9 44 T 607 378 208 315 5 1152 1 Ponca 12128 80 9 42 1 604 37middot5 191 293 5 1074 4 Chey Sel x Turkey 462239 90 8 40 T 613 371 -- -- I Hope x Cheyenne2 12717 80 9 42 T 604 371 228 -- 3 1034 7 Nebred 10094 90 9 40 T 617 365 229 304 13 1043 6 Kiowa 12133 90 6 44 1 610 361 228 289 6 1052 5 Chey~R Chief x Pn-

~Mqq ~Oro 492303 90 9 39 20 6L6 353 -- -- 1 --- -- VI ICheyenne 8885 80 8 43 10 603 346 242 311 15 1100 3

Nebred 483491 90 9 41 T 605 346 -- -- I Turkey 12137 90 6 44 3 606 345 214 269 5 985 10 Kbarkof 1442 90 7 44 T 607 333 210 273 15 1000 9 Red Chief 12109 90 5 48 T 630 317 189 251 10 876 14 Hope1urkey x Chey NP44541 80 6 42 T 584 312 167 4 937 12 Tenmarq 6936 80 6 43 1 591 300 157 250-7 15 917 13 Chey-H44 x Chey Sel 461529 90 7 41 0 605 285 -- - - 1

1 ~e replication

Standard error of a difference = 283 bushels

Ames Iowa Three nursery plots

Variety c I

No Date Plant



Leaf Rust

Weight per


A v bull acre yield No yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Head IRipe I 1951shy

1952 1952 ~June July Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Pawnee 11669 531 1 45 35 40 582 424 -- 3 1261 2 ComauQhe 11673 531 1 45 43 30 563 406 251 2 1224 3 Minturki 6155 5 4 49 50 50 561 350 277 3 1265 1 H44 x Minturki2 12532 5 3 48 43 50 57middot2 321 260 3 1184 4 Minter 12138 6 3 48 53 70 552 312 250 4 1136 5

H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 l~ 4 46 63 50 551 303 247 3 110L8 7 Iobardi 12510 3 2 49 30 50 59~3 290 245 4 1113 6 Kharkof 1442 5 4 44 68 60 530 267 205 4 1000 8

I I)standard error of a difference ~348 bushels 0 I

-------------------------------------------------------- ------

Brookins sontli Dakota Two 1 50 acre plots

Variety C1 or

Sel No

Date headshyed

Plant heishyght

Weight per


stem rust

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Minturki RankI 1948-

1952 19501952 -

H44-Mint x Marmin 12704 12 31 57 40 328 336 4 1191 1 Iowin 10017 10 33 59 60 324 27middot5 5 938 9 Minter 12138 12 32 59 30 313 320 7 109middot7 4 H44-Minh x Mint M2786 10 32 58 60 313 -- I H44 x Minturki2 12532 12 32 58 80 309 316 4 1120 3 Marmin x H44-Minh M2768 11 30 57 70 309 -- I

H44 x Minttirki3 M2784 12 32 56 50 305 332 4 1175 2 Nebred 10094 10 26 58 80 305 293 7 980 7 Marmin 11502 10 32 58 80 302 314 5 969 8 Hope x Minturki 2 M2724 11 32 59 50 302 -- I

IbllaIdi 12510 10 33 60 80 294 -- 3 1087 5 Miriturki 6155 13 31 57 60 287 28~2 7 1000 6 -I

fJ Pawnee bullbull 11669 8 29 58 50 287 166 6 700middot 10 -J I

I- 8~ survival other varieties 100 -

Standard error-of a difference 211 bushels bull lt f

Waseca Minnesota Three 146 acre plots

Variety C1 or Minn


rate Plant height


Rust Weight per


Av acre ie1d No Yrs


Jgtercent of Rank

MinturkiRead Ripe stem Leaf 1951shy 1949shy

1952 1952 1932 June July Ins - Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mint-Io x H44-Mint 2 H44 x Minturki4 Minter Minturki Iobardi H44-Minh x Marmin Blackbawk Minh x H4~-Mint2

H44 x Minturki2 Mint x~imo bullbull-Vulg2 Kanredx Minbardi H44-Minh x Marmin Mint-Io xR4-Mint 2 H44x Mint~ki~ H44x Mintlirki

M2827 14 M2844 15

12138 14 middot6155 15 1~510 11 12704 14 12218 16 1280Jmiddot15

M2845 15 12806 21 11726 17

M2811 16 M2828middotmiddotmiddotmiddot 15 M2829 14 M2843 16

15 15 14 15 12 14 17 14 14 21 15 15 15 14 15

43 40 40 43

42 40 44 40 41 44 39 41 40 41 40

33 0 0

17 57

0 0

17 0 0 0 0 o

40 0

80 44 17 55 70 15 60 7 9

30 55 44 9

24 17

40 40 40 40 45 30 20 30 35 45 45 40 35 35 30

608 605 605 60~o

607 583 600 598 6003 618 590 603 6Q~8

598 575

330 318 316 311 311 308 302 293 289

middot285 283 276 26~8 245 228

324 - shy-shy -shy

319 305 321 309 331 middot301 326 283 339 319 -shy -shy-shy shy-shy -shy-shy -shy

303 -shy291 -shy

279 -shy-- -shy

2 1

10 19

4 5 9 I 1 I I 3 2 2 I


1052 1000

974 9lJ6

985 --shy

918 907 869


1 3 5 6 4

7 8 9

J) (0


standard error of a difference = 275 bushels


st Paul Minnesota Three 140 acre plots

No rercent Yrs of Rank

Grown inturki Variety

C1 or Minn No

Date Plant height

Rust Weight por


Av acre yield

Head j Ripo stem ILeaf I 1951-1949shy

1952 1952 1952 J- -

Minter 12138 9 10 32 15 50 middot590 325 320 283 8 1064 5 H44 -Minh x Marmin 12704 8 10 31 15 70 579 314 332 291 5 1128 1 Minturki 6155 11 12 34 15 35 579 312 294 261 13 1000 7 Blackhawk 12218 9 13 32 30 10 592 283 332 276 7 1035 6 Minh x H44-Mint 2 12807 11 11 32 15 30 601 276 -- -- 1 Mint~IoxH44~Mint2 M2828 10 11 30 10 15 621 275 329 -- 2 1119 2

do M2827 9 11 35 30 10 597 268 316 ~ 2 1075 4 2Mint xTimo-Vulg 12806 16 -- 32 5 35 616 267 -- -- 1 H44-Minh x Marmin M2811 10 12 29 25 60 598 266 319 -- 3 1098 3 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 9 10 31 15 60 609 259 -- -- 1

0Kanredx Minhardi 11726 12 14 34 -- 60 587 240 -- -- 1 --shyH44 x Minturki2 M2845 9 11 33 5 40 6L-2 236 -- -- 1

--- shy middot1 ruH44xMinturki4 M2843 8 12 30 15 50 576 234 -- -- 1 --- - 0 IIOl1ardi 12510 8 10 32 40 70 596 233 305 256 4 981 9

H44x-Minturki2 M2829 8 10 29 15 40 603 223 290 -- 2 ~87 8

standard error of a difference 210 bushels

Grand Rapids Minnesota Three 140 acre plQtS

Variety C1 or Minn


Date Surshyvivshyal

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acrevield No bull Yrs


Percent of

Minturki Rank

Head IRipe 11951-[1952 1952


June July Ofo Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Mintershy 12138 Minh x H44-Mint 12807 H44 x Minturki4 M2844 Blackbawk 12218 Mint x Timo-Vulg2 y 12806 Minturki 6155 H44 -Minh x Marnin 12704 H44 x Mintur-ki M2843 H44 x Minturki2 M2829 Mint -10 x H44-Mint 2 M2828 H44 xMinturki2 M2845 Mipt~Io x H44-Mint 2 M2827 KaIlored x Mipbar-di 11726 H44-Minh x Marmin M~811 Iobar-di 12510

15 17 15 15 25 16 15 15 15 16 16 15 17 16 15

27 28 26 27

86 26

27 28 28 27 28 27 26 27 25

88 85 88 93 92 87 83 85 83 82 85 83 83 82 78

30 30 28 29 35 28 27 27 27 30 28 30 2B 26 26

30 30 40 30 50 50 40 30 30 50 50 30 50 50 50

610 605 617 602 595 590 593 595 605 607 593 607 582 593 602

303 246 237 235 230 227 224 214 211 210 201 198 198 186 179

384 -shy-shy

342 -shy

345 336 -shy

30middot7 320

322 -shy

389 308

395 -shy-shy

379 -shy375 355 - --shy-shy-shy



8 1 1 7 1

12 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 4



1000 900 --shy891 929

933 --shy

1034 947



3 8

9 7

6 -2 5

I w 0


JJ Lodged 3Co

standerd error of adiff-erence- 295 busheJs bull

Sheridan viyominp Three 1750 acre plots

Variety C r No

Weight per

bushel ~

Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankI 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 I 1952 Lbs Bus Bus Bus bull

Cheyenne 8885 59 205 214 342 18 1082 1 anred 5146 58 174 206 346 22 1064 middot2 Turkey x Oro 12705 56 162 178 -- 3 939 11 Minter 12138 56 162 196 330 8 983 8 Nebred 10094 58 156 181 330 16 1023 4 Kbarkof 1442 59 156 179 303 22 1000 7 Marmin 11502 57 146 171 297 17 939 10 Ridi t x Kbarkof 12521 56 146 180 305 4 1007 5 Yoga 8033 56 141 179 317 22 1006 6 Martin x Tenmarq 11824 54 141 169 middot319 4 1050 3 Karmont 6700 58 135 176 309 22 978 9

W I-

standard error of a difference = 167 bushels

Havre Montana Four 1750 acre plots

Variety C I

No Date

Headed Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rankt 1951- f 1942shy

1952 1952 1952 June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

M 36-Be1og x Kanred 12108 5 20 581 197 280 218 10 107middot3 2 Karmont 6700 5 21 577 18~4 264 206 19 1042 3 Minter 12138 5 19 569 176 237 - shy 8 985 6 Newturk 6935 5 20 57middot3 175 244 -shy 13 1000 4 Yogo 8033 7 19 581 173 24 2 223 19 1111 1 Turkey x Oro 12705 5 20 553 170 222 -shy 3 755 7 Kbarkof 1442 5 21 569 170 254 203 19 1000 5 Kbarkof MC 22 6938 7 20 559 159 -shy -shy 1

Standard error of a difference ~ 088 bushels

f w f) I

Moccasin Montana Six nursery plots

Variety cr or Mont


Date headed

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre ield No Yrs


percent of

Kbarkof Rank1951shy

1952 1952 1946 1952

June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

Yogo 8033 16 28 60 202 181 29-9 19 1080 2 Newturk 6935 12 26 60 196 17middot9 244 18 103middot9 5 Cheyenne 8885 13 24 61 195 172 -shy 7 1068 3 Yogo x Wasatch -4 14 25 60 191 -shy -shy 1

do -9 15 23 60 179 166 -shy 3 1162 1 do -3 13 24 61 174 -shy -shy I

doshy -8 14 25 60 166 -shy -shy 1 Karmont 6700 13 25 60 166 169 251 19 1030 6 Wasatch Minter

11925 12138

14 14

25 24

60 61

165 138 161 148


5 8

956 992

10 8

Turkey x Oro 12705 14 27 59 156 136 -shy 3 945 11 Yogox Wasatch -6 11 23 61 153 -shy -shy 1

Nebred bullbull Kbarkof Tenmarq

10094 1442 6936

13 14 10

22 24 25

59 60 59

152 147 143

141 135 142

234 240 -shy

14 18


97middot9 1000 1056

9 7 4



Comanche 11673 10 27 59 96 89 -shy 5 819 12

- StanQarderror of a difference = 222 bushels

Huntley Montana Six nursery plots

C1 or Date Plant Weight Av acre yield-Variety Mont No

- first Head

height per bushel 1952 1952

I 1951shy

May Ins Lbs Bus Bus

Cheyenne 8885 27 23 55-3 164 -230 Tenmarq 6936 26 29 538 146 220 Karrnont 6700 28 26 532 144 206 Kharkof 1442 27 27 53middot5 144 205 Newturk 6935 27 27 520 143 211 Wasatch 11925 28 24 53middot5 142 197 Yogo x Wasatch -9 29 29 536 140 188

do -6 28 26 556 13middot7 do -3 28 25 537 137 do -4 28 24 542 137

- - do~ -8 28 27 518 134 Comanche 1 11673 26 26 533 140 212 TtirkEiYgtx Oro Nebr~d

12105 10094

- 7 27

28 24

524 533

-138 137

214 201


~ t

Minter 12i38~ 29 26 517 128 181 Yogo1 8033 30 26 520 125 193

1 Stands- thin May 19 - --

standard error of a differenee =not significant



other Montana Tests Irrigated Nureries except Creston

Variety C I cr

Se1 No

Sidney Huntley Bozeman Creston yield per


wt per

~ bu

yield per


wt per bu


yield per


wt per bu

yield per


lodg ing

Bus Lbs bull Bus Lbs

Bus Lbs Bus

Karmont 6700 75middot7 600 724 619 93 452 616 Cheyenne 8885 748 602 438 637 324 0 Yogo x Wasa tch -9 717 592 272 8 Tenmarq 6936 712 598 253 0 Turkey xCre 12795 697 592 498 629 255 2 Kbar~of 1442 694 600 335 52 Nebred 10094 676 598 326 0 Newturk 6935 639 595 605 622 87 324 0 Wasatch 11925 629 59 5 723 623 58 365 634 236 0 Mint~r 12138 607 597 477 631 305 10 Comanche 11673 438 593 788 623 35 382 638 286 0

lUYogo 8033 -- 595 686 621 83 416 636 317 0 I

Blkh-R~xx Cheyenne M482296 -- 906 632 20 470 639 -- J1 I

Rio-Rex x Nebredmiddot M42235 836 621 52 461 638 -shyRex X Rio M43096 757 633 62 495 642 -shyH~tley 5B 690 618 25 -shyRio-Rex xCheyenne M472361 507 637 23( 0 Com x CTF 12940 464 627 -- -shy

c rage x Wasatch -3 452 630 262 0 RexRio x Nebred M482215 432 641 -shyYoga x Wasatch -8 426 636 345 7

do -4 -shy 377 628 -shydo -6 358 640 224

0 Rio x Rex M4313l 419 629 - Mq0 bull -ero x GbullTF bull 12939 414 628 -shy

LS D~ (5) 47 156 91 6bull 7



Standard errors have been calculated on the yield data for the current year A summary of these is shown in table 2 together with the number of plots and avershyage yields at each station A footnote indicates where nursery plots were used in place of field plots

The analysis of variance was used on the data at each station The square root of the mean square due to error or the standard deviation was divid~d by the square root of the number of replications of each variety to obtainthe standard error of the mean The standard error of a Qiff13rence ibetweenanytwo variety means ~s obtained by mUltiplying the standard error of a mean by the square foot of 2 Error expressed as a percentage of the standard devie tion is given also These statistics have considerable practical value to the agronomist even though complete random arrangement of plots was not followed at all stations


Summaries of yield data for 1952 and the recent two-year period appear in the sections which follow along with an average of other agronomic da t8 for 1952

Yields by Districts

Only four varieties were grown uniformly in the northeastern district Results are given in tables 7 and 8 with Minter best in both comparisons and Iohardi lowest as a result of rather consistent low yields in 1952

In tables 9 and 10 are the yields rnade by varieties grown in the northwestern district Yogo end Karmont continue to be about the best varietiesin the tests bull

Summary of Agronomic Data bull

Insofar as the same kind of note was recorded on a series of varieties in a district such data were averaged and bavebeenplaceci in tables 11 12 13 and 14 m all cases the vadeties are given irrdeclining order of weight per bushel Red Chief and Early Blackhull were heaviest in the southern district Tenwarq was the lightest Maturity rank was about as usual with Triumph earliest and Kb8rkof latest Plant height varied from 33 to 37 inches with Red Chief tallest

Red Chief in the central district was tallest stiffest and had the heaviest test weight Ponca was distinctly more resistant to leaf rust

In the northeastern districtTohard was heaviest iin weight per bush~l and earliest C I 12704 was slightly shorter than the others and Minter was slightly lowest in stem rust and loaging

Only three traits were notampd in the northwestern uniform trial~ as shown in table 14 bull

Table 2 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the variety test at the cooperating stations in 1952

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

standard error of aI ~ifference Coefficient

of variabtUty

Single 1 plot In means Mean

Bus Bus Bus Bus

TEXAS Denton Chillicothe Bushland

10 10 10

29 29 25

309 220 158

376 361 236

168 161 106

119 114 075

1218 1642 1490

NEW MEXICO Clovis 5 11 44 122 077 054 2778

OIITAROMA Stillwater Cherokee Woodvmrd


4 5 5

20 19 19

208 351 261

178 2middot79 265

126 177 167


089 125 L18

857 796

1014 I VJ -1


Manhattan Garden City amplys Colby

3 3 4 3

23 15 20 16

355 252 316 406

278 164 324 286

205 134 229 234

145 095 162 165

707 651 10~28 700

COLORA)O Akron 4 15 189 202 143 101 1069

NEBRASKA Lincoln North Platte Alliance

5 5 6

19 15 20

323 30middot3 357

247 177 489

184 112 283

110 79


763 586


Wyoming Sheridan 3 12 157 204 167 118 1306

Table 2 Cont

state and Station No of


No of


Average yield all var

Standard error of a Coefficient of

variabilityplot in means Mean Single TIJifference 1

Bus Bus Bus Bus Ofo

IOWA Ames 3 81 334 428 348 246 l~eO

MlNNESOTA Waseca st Paul

Grand Rapids

3 3 3

15 15 15

291 267 220

336 257 362

2middot75 210 295

194 1155 148962 209 1645

SOUTH DAKOTA Brookings 2 13 306 210 210 148 690

MONTANA Moccasin Havre Huntley

6 4 6

16 8


165 176 140

385 124 267

222 088 NS

157 062 NS

2333 707


I W Ql

Nursery-size plots ~ Analysis based on 36 entries

Table 3 Summary of average yields of varieties grown uniformly at 6 stations in the southern district 1952


Variety C I No Dent-

Average yield in bushels per acre at f Chilli- 1 Bush- f still- I Chero- I Wood-


on cothe land water kee warltil average

Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 378 (220) 159 244 426 303 288 Hard Federation Hyb 12515 366 25 ~~ 151 229 360 309 278 Comanche 11673 327 248 152 201 359 264 259 Wichita 11952 328 217 (58) 193 392 261 258 Ponca 12128 324 223 147 213 379 246 255 Kiowa 12133 302 222 152 204 351 259 248 Early Blackhull 8856 298 193 157 201 369 232 242 Red Chief 12109 261 208 168 204 342 261 241 Triumph 12132 290 151middot 190 183 364 264 240 Kmrkof 1442 296 257 137 211 298 222 237 Tenmarq 6936 312 234 1~middot 5 195 296 229 235 Quanah 12145 304 200 (158) 192 317 190 227


0 I

Variety not grown Average of ell entries used in calculating the Six-station average

Table 4 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests in the southern district 1951 and 1952

Variety C 1 No

Average yield in bushels per acre at I Wcgtod-Six-

station average


1 Chilli- f Bush- I still- I Cheroshycothe land water kee ward

Number of years grown-------- 1 2 2 2 2 2 11

Kiow Comanche Ponca Red Chief Early Blackhull Triumph Kbarkcf Tenrnarq Quanah

12133 11673 12128 12109

8856 12132

1442 6936


302 327 324 261 298 290 296 312 304

219 219 205 205 177 122 224 208 186

140 122 119 148 121 143 138middot 124


194 188 196 178 171 169 201 17middot9 171

337 331 272 3C3 297 279 308 282 241

232 239 195 255 203 174 213 220 169

231 230 209 222 203 188 224 213 188

1 2 6 4 7 8 3 5 9

Grown only one year

I +shy0 I

Table 5 Summary of average yields of the varieties grown uniformly at 8 stations in the central district in 1952

C 1 Eight-I I Variety No Man- A1li- stationI

mttan anos average

Ponca 12128 427 267 293 187 358 318 375 344443 bull Conanche 11673 402 32~4 281 400 212 321 318 392 34-3

Kiowa 12133 408 317 285 484 204 355 295 361 339 Pawnee 11669 375 324 235 448 187 361 328 346 -326 Red Chief 12109 375 273 263 361 191 362 273 317 302 Tennarq 6936 355 29~5 266 377 179 27middot8 280 30~0 291 Klarkof 1442 288 278 196 372 19middot1 283 277 33~3 27middot7

Note Turkey instead of K1larkof a t Garden City and Colby Six-variety average used for this variety

Table 6 Two-year summary of varietal yields from plot tests at 8 stations in the I f=central district in 1951 and 1952 f-J I

Eight Variety No

C 1 Man- rHaYs Garden I Colby I Akron t Line-I North iAl1i- Istation re ttan City oln Platte anoe average

Number of years----------- 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 14

Kicwa 12133 438 367 285 484 216 292 256 228 312 Comanch~middot 11673 424 361 281 400 201 285 234 220 295

Red Chief 12109 38~0 325 263 361 192 34~5 291 18~9 291 Pawnee 11669 416 351 235 448 197 304 230 185 289 Ponca 12128 445 311 293 443 188 28~5 193 191 283 Ternnarq 6936 405 334 266 37middot7 199 25~8 233 15middot7 27middot3 Kbarkof 1442 344 323 196 372 204 262 267 210 271

Grown only one year Turkey


Table 7 Summary of average yields of 4 Tarieties grown unishyformly at 5 stationgl inl952 in the northeastern district

C I Variety No Five


Minter i2138 312 3103 316 325 303 314 Minturk 6155 350 28 311 312~ 221shy 297 H44-Minh x Marmin 12704 303 328 308 314 224 295 Iohardi 12510 290 294 311 233 179 261

Table 8 Two-year summary ofyields~ of 4 varieties grown in the northeastern district in 1951 and i952

C I-Variety No Five

stations Number of years-------middot2 9

Minter 12138 250 310] r 319 3~0 384 318 n44-Minh x Marmin 12704 247 328 326 332 336 312 Minturki 6155 277 28middot7 321 294 34 ~5 307 Iohardi 12510 245 294 331 305 308 297

Table 9 Summary of average yields of varieties 19rown uniformly in the northwestern ldicenttrict at 4 stat~onsin 1952

~ fmiddot

C I-Variety No T Four


Yogo 8033 141 125 202 173 160 Karmont 6700 135 144 166 184 157 Minter 12138 162 128 16)1 176 157 KlJarkof 1442 156 144 147 170 154 Turkey x Oro 12705 162 138 156 170 156

Table 10 Two-year summary of average yields of varieties grown in the northwestern district in 1951and 1952

C I-Variety No Four


Karmont 6700 17~6 206 169 264 20~4 Yogo 8033 179 193 181 242 199 Kharkof 1442 179 205 13middot5 254 194 Turkey x Oro Minter

12705 12138

178 196

214 181

136 14~

222 237

188 190


Table 11 Sunnnary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plot tests in the southern distrct 1952

Variety C I No

Av Date Plant height

Weight per

bushel Headed t Ripe

May June Ins Lbs Number of stations------------ shy 5 5 5 6

Red Chief 12109 4 13 37 619 Early B1ackhul1 8856 427 7 35 618 Triumph 12132 427 7 33 613 Com x B1k-Hd Fed 12517 3 11 34 601 Hard Fed Hybrid 12515 3 11 35 600 Kiowa 12133 3 11 33 599 Ponca 12128 3 11 33 592 Kbarkof 1442 8 14 35 589 Comanche 11673 3 11 34 586middot TenmarCl 6936 5 13 36 580

Table 12 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in plots in the central district 1952

Variety C I No

Av date Plant height



Leaf rust

Weight per

bushel Headed J Ripe

~y June Ins Lbs Number of stations----------shy 8 3 8 2 2 3 8

Red Chief 12109 26 27 45 5 2 45 607

Kioym 12133 24 2 40 12 2 60 596 Pawnee 11669 24 26 40 16 5 1~5 593 Ponca 12128 25 25 40 16 3 2 588 Comanche 11673 25 26 42 19middot 2 36 582 Tenmarq 6936 27 27 42 9 3 46 578 Kbarkof 1442 30 28 42 10 3 42 576

I -I= -I= I

Tllble 13 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for plot varieties grown in northeastern district 1952

C~ 1 Av Dlte Plant Rust Lodg- Weight ing per

bushel variety

J No Headed I Ripe height Leaf - Stem

- J J -

Number of stations--middot--------- shy 5 4 5 4 3 2 5

Iobardi 12510 9 12 36 54 63 4lt 600 Minter 12138 11 14 36 48 21 27 589 Mifiturki 6155 12 14 37 4J 43 34 580 H44Minhx Marmin 12704 II 14 35 48 23 32 57~

Table 14 SUlDII1ary of agronomIc data other than yield for plot varioties grown in the

northwestern district 1952 I =shyV1 Weight

Variety rate PlantC Ishy

headed height per bushel

June Ins Lbs Number of middotstations----------- 3 3 4


1442 5 24 574 6700 5 24 572 8033 7 24 565

12138 6 23 564 12705 5 25 557



This uniform test was sown at 17 stations over a six-state area in the central and southern Plains Kbarkof Blackhu11end Early Blackhu11 were retained as pershymanent check varieties Three new selections were added to the list grown in 1951 and seven were discontinued giving a test of 21 ilarieties for 1952 Hail destroyed theriursery at ~t Collins Co10rado The variet~es grown in the 1952 testSwere the( following

C LName State No bull No I

1 Kharkof 1442 2 Blackhu11 6251~ 3 Early Blackhu11 8856 4 Pawnee 11669 5 Comanche 11673 6 Triumph 12132 7 Blue Jacket 12502 8 Mqo~ -Oro x OroTenmarq 12406 K 431420 9 Rd Fed Hybrid middot12515 wd43hl-399

10 Comanche x Blackhull~HdFed 12517 Wd 43b2-123 11 Quivira Hybrid 12525 12 12701 x Wichita 12702 Tx 237-46-22 13 12701 x Wichita 12703 Tx 237-46-23-1 14 Stafford 12706 15 Pawnee Sel 33middot 12707 16 ComanchexCheY~Blackhull 12708 iWd 43h386 17 Blackhu11-0roxFawnee 12709iwd 43hl-398

18 C~riche x Blackh-ti11~lid~Fed 12710 1wd43b2-315i

19 P~wnee x Cheyenne ~ 12715 (Nebr 47NP1965 20 Turkey x Cheyenne 127111 Nebrmiddot 40672 21 Rope-Turkey x qheyenIle 12716 j Nebr 44NP555


First 18 are old ehtries~ I I


The data co11ected in 1952 are preE~pted iin tab1e yen-5 In all cases differ~n

tiel response of varieties has been thebasls ~or inclu~ing certain observations For example when all varieties survivelOO rio survi~1 columnmiddot is shown bull Equally comprehensive notes were not taken at alUstations but the more important local reshysponses are shown by the data middotormiddot bytheccbmdents in thentext paragraphs below

General conditionsovertheareabavibe~mdiscuss~dinthis report uzider Plot Data tt and apply to theuriiform nurseryal~o except aso1herwise iildicated irithis section Fall and winter drouth was a nitJor8~asonal d~flciency This carried over into the early spring months Subsoil reserves of moisture providedmiddot for the plant s needs for several months Near ~hetime of ripening high temperatures an~rapidJy moving winds swept over most of the area causing prematUre ripening at some stations

Three tests were harvested in Te~s bull At Denton C i I middot12517 made over 40 bushels to the acre and only two yielded less than 30 bushe1e oi-i less than IOJarkof Leaf rust was prominent IIi the Chil1icoth~ test KhBrkof WIt~ second high in yield Early varieties did poor1y Pawnee and Comanch~ llave good l4yearrecords The Bushland test favored stafford Triumph and Blacldiu11 Late varieties were poorest Pawnee Blackhu11 and Blue Jacket rank highest in the pariod averages


One test in New Mexico at Clovis was almost a failure from drought and was furshyther depleted by birds near harvest time Such low yields are of doubtfUl value in a single year The two-year averages give the Blackhull wheats some of the top rankshying positions although Pawnee ranks high also

Oklahoma had three tests At stillwater leaf rust broke out late to low readshyings on susceptible varieties All varieties exceeded 60 pounds to th~ bushel C I 12709 12515 and Stafford yielded over 40 bushels to the acre C I Nos 12517 12709 and 12515 have the highest period averages At Cherokee the yields weregoltgtd also stem and leaf rust lodging and Septoria (mainly on c r 12716) were evident C I 12702 C I 12517 Stafford and Comanche had the best yields These except Stafford have good period averages In the Woodward test weights per bushel exshyceeded 60 pounds Yields above 32 bushels to the acre were mdeby C I Nos 12515

bull 12702 12709 and 12710 Best four-year averages have been mde by C r 12517 and C r 12515

Three tests were in Kansas Shattering at Manhattan affected the yields of several varieties Even so high yields and excellent test weights were recorded Triumph Early Blackhull C r 12515 and C Ie 12517 were the highest producers Two-year averages favor C r 12517 although several have good records also Earlishyness at Hays tended to overshadow other factors Good yields were recorded for Triumph C I 12525 Early Blackhull Pawnee and others bull The be~t two-year record has been made by C I 12517 In the Colby test Triumph C I 12715 and C I 12711 were high in yield Two-year records made by C I 12515 and C I 12517 are imshypressive

Two tests in Colorado were harvested whereas a third was lost from hail Severe drought at Akron reduced yields but C I 12715 produced 182 bushels to the acre C I 12517 has the best two-year average At Hesperus C I 12702 and C I 12515 had the highest yields and the latterwith C I 12406 had the best three-year averages

At Ames Iowa severe leaf rust was noted and much lodging Yields of Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12715 andmiddotC I 12406 were highest Three-year averages favor Triumph Blue Jacket C I 12517 and Pawnee

Among the three tests in Nebraska C I 12711 was highest in yield at North Platte and ranked second and seventh at Lincoln and Alliance C I 12515 was highest at Lincoln and lowest at Alliance Different survivals at the latter station were recorded Hessian fly and leaf rust at Lincoln and stem rust at Alliance were added hazards this year Pawnee C I 12517 and C I 12406 rank first respecshytively at the three Nebraska stations

Table 15 Yield and other data for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery in cooperative UYN experiments at 16 stations in the baradwinter wheat region in 1952 and period averages

Denton Texas Four plots

RankC I No Date

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Leaf rust

Weight IAv acre YietJd No IPercent jper Tl950 amp Yrs bull of

bushel 1952 L1922 Grown Kharkof ------------- shyApril May Ins fa Lbs Bus Bus

12517 20 26 38 3 600 400 253 2 1252 4 12710 23 27 41 3 595 37~6 1 12711 21 26 38 60 590 375 1 12702 21 26 41 T 6l0 374 248 2 1225 5 12515 20 28 39 ~ 600 371 241 2 1191 6 12406 21 27 38 15 600 371 251 3 1165 7 6251 24 28 41 43 62~0 355 228 17 1145 8

11673 21 29 38middot 28 585 340 2L9 14 1264 3 12708 20 28 38 18 590 339 1 12709 22 29 37 5 610 336 1 --- ~

12706 23 29 43 45 6LO 326 1 CP

12525 8 23 33 23 590 324 208 2 1030 10 12703 18 26 37 T 610 323 216 middot2 1069 9 12716 22 27 38 40 590 3L8 1 12502 23 29 42 48 620 316 209 3 958 12 12132 13 26 35 45 60~0 314 200 6 953 ]J 8856 16 25 36 45 020 31ri~9 11 1377 1

11669 21 27 37 45 59~0 311 201 14 1370 2 1442 25 30 4Q 38lt 660middot 306 202 17 1000 11

12715 19 27 37 53 590 296 1 12707 14 23 34 58 600 248 1

standard error of a difference 261 bushels


Date Top headed growth

34 C Ie No


Four plots

Weight Av acre yield No yrs


Percent of Rank

Kharkof per

bushelmiddot l 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 -Aprl Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12708 20 65 59 297 272 2 1113 4 60


1442 22 60 296 244 262 14 1000 10 11673 18 60 60 291 236 252 14 1194 2 12709 20 65 61 288 245 2 1004 9 12716 20 80 59 286 1 il669 15 70 59 283 231 269 14 1194 1

18 12515 60 59 283 252 291 4 1112 5 12711 20 75 60 278 1 12710 18 60 57 278 232 2 949 14 12715 18 65 61 265 1 12502 20 70 62 256 245 264 5 977 12 12706 20 75 61 246 206 2 842 15 6251 20 50 61 245 201 222 14 1044 7

68856 7 85 60 228 179 231 14 1088 1 12702 15 75 59 219 22middot5 3 977 13

12406 18 55 59 219 189 243 5middot 988 11 12703 15 70 61 203 middot205 3 805 16 1middot2525 6 70 61 192 178 3 687 17

812132 9 75 59 156 123 194 8 1030 middot12707 7 80 59 142 161 2 658 18

J2517 Not grown 3 1116 3

Standard error of a difference 343 bushels



Bushland Texas UYN Ten plots four irrigated

C I No Date

Headed f Ri e

Plant height

Weight per


Av ~ acre yield I No Percent of

Kbarkof RankDry

1952 f Irrig t 1952 1951shy

1952 Av 1952 I 1949- t Yrs

1952 Grown May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus

12706 24 25 27 585 163 240 202 151 -shy 2 1098 4 12132 17 19 24 59-0 166 214 190 143 181 6 979 12

6251 25 26 27 578 139 238 189 152 195 14 1128 2 12715 24 24 25 573 152 197 175 -shy -shy 1 12708 25 25 26 548 131 204 168 125 - - 2 905middot 15 12517 24 24 25 540 109 20~9 159 127 184 4 1015 8 12502 25 25 28 595 131 196 164 148 200 5 110middot7 3 12525 16 18 23 580 138 189 164 113 -shy 3 742 18 12703 23 23 22 578 121 201 161 130 -shy 3 1038 6 12702 11669

23 22

22 21

25 24

563 558

127 135

192 18~3

160 159

121 120



918 115middot1

14 1

12515 8856

11673 12707

25 18 25 16

25 19 25 18

26 25 25 24

538 585 538 575

118 127 115 134

1803 186 188 170

151 157 152 152

136 121 122 108

186 178 180


4 14middot 14 2

1023 985

1084 785

7 11 5


I Jl 0 r

12710 25 25 25 538 121 167 144 139 -shy 2 1011 9 12711 24 24 25 550 108 1]9 144 -shy -shy I 12406 24 24 25 550 115 164 140 103 153 5 857 16 1442 29 27 25 548 108 165 137 138 181 14 1000 10

12709 25 25 25 54-13 125-shy 14~3 134128 -shy -2 92~7-- 13 12716 28 27 24 555 103 159 131 -shy -shy I

standard error of a difference middot113 bushels dry 196 bushels irrigated (Variety x treatment interaction not significant)

Clovis New Mexico Three plots

C I No Date

Headed Plant Height

Loss to


Av acre yield

1952Y j 1950 and 1952 - - J - -

12706 ~ 8 19 30 30 12502 2 6 18 12 30 96 12716 g6251

11 7

16 15

13 23

2middot3 21 84

12703 6 16 20 20 7ltmiddot6 12711 10 15 19 20 --shy11669 gJ12702

5 3

14 16

29 26

18 18

81 82

12515 5 16 28 17 81 144~ 12 16 12 16 69

12710 10 15 23 15 12517 5 16 32 15 6~4 I

12132 8856


14 13

39 56

14 14

68 66

J1 I- I

12406 8 15 37 14 52 12709 10 15 15 13 12715 2 125~5 shy12708

10 529


17 15 16

18 41 32

12 10 09

61 --shy

12707 11673

529 7middotmiddot

14 14

48 34

08 07middot 72

Y Adjusted yields _ g Weight per bushel above 57 1bs others ranged from 52 to 56 middot1bsmiddot

standard ~rror of a difference 044 bushels ~

~ -

(Y r

~r T ~ bull bullbullJ~ c

stillwater Oklahoma UYN Four plots

c I No Date Plant

height Leaf

r~~ Weight

per 1lpshel

Av acre yield1 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952

No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank

Headed I Ripe Nay June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

612709 11 42 10 620 419 391 -- 2 1250 2 12515 3 8 44 12 620 413 388 351 4 1224 312706 6 9 44 18 633 409 347 -- 2 1110 10 12702 3 7 45 1 617 385 380 -- 3 1199 4 12517 2 7 43 10 613 384 397 359 4 1255 1 12710 6 11 42 12 600 38~1 365 -- 2 1166 6

11673- 4 8 42 10 607 375 361 313 14 1153 7

1213~ _ 4~9 5 40 30 626 367 311 286 a 1137 912708 6 9 41 10 614 362- 356 -- 2 1139 8 )2711 5 8 39 30 622 354 - -- I 12793 2 7 44 T - -610 35-3 322 -- 3 992 14 6251 7 10 41 13 627 345 317 290 19 1067 11

I8856 428 5 44 20 632 341 29~6 27middot5 19 1067 12 VI 41 ru

I12406 4 9 10 Ob5 337 313 284 5 980 16 12716 6 9 40 30 605 33 2 -- -- I 12715 5 9 41 25 612 328 -- - - 1

412525 423 39 T 612 323 274 -- 3 892 171442 8 9 43 20 --614 321 313 286 19 1000 13812502 5 47 25 627 317 307 284 5 983 15

40 -shy 11669 J T -- 3D ekl~7 306 30~4 279 16 118~7 512707 425 4 39 20 616 247 230 - 2 734 18

1 Pustule type 4 except type 3 for 1252512702 12703

standard error of a difference 212 busbels shyIII

UYNCherokee Oklahoma Four plots

C I No

Degree headed Mas 15

Date ripe


Plant height

Rust June 5

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rank~ 1951-1 1949shy

1952 1952 1952Leaf Jstem

to June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

12702 100 11 10 43 T T 618 442 353 3 1250 2 12517 100 12 8 41 15 10 610 439 419 354 4 1444 1 12706 100 17 8 46 25 T 624 392 310 2 1103 9 11673 98 13 5 41 25 T 591 390 - 332 296 6 1179 4

88-56 100 7 18 39 35 T 642 385 295 247 6 1022 15 12715 100 16 4 41 35 5 605 385 1 12515 100 13 5 40 15 5 611 381 347 256 4 1044 12 12406 100 16 4 42 5 T 598 378 344 304 5 1242 3 12132 100 7 13 37 T 62~7 378 276 277 6 1163 6 12108 87 14 5 42 15 T 611 375 325 2 1159 7 12703 100 13 8 41 T T 623 371 304 l 1045 11 127ll 97 17 4 40 35 5 591 369 1

I12709 85 16 4 42 15 T 616 367 32 bull 9 2 1173 5 J1 _- VJ

I12525 100 7 15 37 T 62bull 5 357 31-8 3 1024 14 6251 87 17 6 43 30 T 6~7 351 277 230 6 998 17

12502 100 17 2 45 40 5 642 350 327 282 5 1136 8 11669 100 12 2 40 35 T 664 349 247 243 6 1032 13 12716 57 17 2 43 25 T 599 339 1 12710 58 11 10 42 25 T 585 331+ 297 2 1057 10 12707 100 9 18 38 5 628 330 264 2 941 18 1442 38 17 4 44 30 T 592 306 281 245 6 1000 16

Note Early maturing varieties damage(i by frost April 9 and 10

standard error of a difference 185 bushels


Woodward Oklahoma UYN Four plota

C 1 No Dates

Headed IRipe

Plant height

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof Rankt 1951- I 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

7 3412515middotmiddot 13 62~4 343 286 312 4 1289 2 12702 7 12 34 63 bull0 337 283 ~- 3 1272 3 12709 11 15 35 62~6 326 26a -- 2 1163 5

-II 12710 11 15 34 619 325 259 2 1154 7

wmiddot12711 8 11 32 middot 623 31 5 -- -- I --- shyl25i7 7 13 33 middot 622 303 25middot3 314 4 1297middot 1 127Q6 10 14 37 middot 626 30Q 23middot3 -- 2 1036 11 12708 11 15 35 middot 622 ~9 t 230 2 1022 13-~

12502 9 middot14- 38 630 2Qbull4 22~6 242 5 998middot 15 6251~ 11 15 36 626middot ~~~4 231 253 21 1045 9

1]673 7 12 32 614 2sect1 22 8 257 16 1156 6 ~~712716 10 14 ~5 605 278 -~ 1 --- - I

J14 B669 7 10 32 620 210 2r~1middot 29 18 1208 4 j

~442 13 16 3~ 605 2]0 22~5 24middot2 21 1000 14 I

--~12703 13 33 61bull9 i26~~ 20bull1 3 904 16 12525 11 7

3 10 ~8 62~9 26~bull1 191 825 17-~lt

12715 7 rf middot33 614 26Zl -- -~ 112132 3 8 30 622 259 194 239 8 1111 8 sect1356 3 8middot 31 628 middot~5 la~9 233 2L 1043 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot10 12406 9 14 32 610 243 19 bull9 247 5 1029 middot12 12707 Y 1 7 30 middot6l4 243 178 2 791 18

1 These in particular andother earlyv-arieties daInfsed by p6st April 9 and 10 bull

Standard error of a difference =236 bushels

- -- -----

Manbattan Kansas UYN Six plots

No Percent No headed height ing rust 1 per

c 11 Date IPlant IShatter- Stem IBunt Weight rrs of I Rank

bushel Grown Kharkof May Ins 10 Lbs

12132 13 38 1 60 75 622 502 431 318 8 1227 9 8856 13 40 T 60 75 644 490 400 289 21 1170 14

612515 19 42 2 - 60 1 624 483 434 311 4 1256 12517 17 41 1 60 2 61-3 466 401 321 4 1295 4 6251 20 45 4 60 70 634 454 408 33 5 21 1151 15

12709 22 42 1 60 3 625 438 406 -- 2 1395 I 12525 12 38 6 70 50 627 427 362 -- 3 1104 16 12703 16 41 T 50 60 621 423 389 -- 3 1227 10

12706 22 46 5 60 75 635 422 40~4 -- 2 1388 2 4 12502 20 5 1 60 80 639 4h9 383 330 5 1236 8

12406 19 45 7 40 0 608 418 396 331 5 1223 11 11673 rtf 40 1 60 2 596 414 382 313 16 1245 7 I

12707 13 38 T 60 65 632 411 350 -- 2 1201 12 Jl Jl

I12702 16 42 15 50 40 618 410 383 -- 3 3-260 5 12711 20 41 5 60 3 60~1 371 -- -- I 12708 22 43 12 70 1 622 343 344 -- 2 1182 13

I12715 19 41 13 60 60 60~7 329 --

-- I 11669 18 39 12 60 25 613 326 303 270 18 1306 3

1442 23 43 9 60 70 611 30~~ 291 248 21 1000 18 12710 22 43 18 60 3 630 302 316 -- 2 1086 17 12716 22 44 35 10 0 608 297 -- -- 1 --- -shy

Y Data from separate disease nursery

Note Two replications harvested June 21 others June 23~

Standard error of a difference 266 bushels

l HaYs Kansas UYN Four plots

C Ie No

Date Headed

Plant Height


Leaf rust

Weight per


Av acre yield No Yrs


percent of

Kharkof Rankl 1951- l 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 May Ins ~ Lbs BUB BUB Bus

12132 i4 41 10 23 6l0 419 395 234 8 1180 13 12525middot 12 40 3 1middot 625 411 362 -- 3 1245 10 8856 14 42 3 4 615 370 372 267 20 1159 15

11669 19 41 3 5 565 361 372 277 17 1299 8 18 44 57~O 35~8 392 282 1611673middot 3 3 1256 9

)2515 18 43 26 3 56~5 351 384 271 4 1364 5 12707 middot12 40 23 18 61~0 340 middot337 -- 2 134~0 7 12Th 19 44 4 13 58~5 330 -- -- 1 12706 20 44 9 1 59~Q middot32 7 middot387 -- 2 1537 1

1 20 8 4 58~5 32a 360 258 20 112~8 16625 4512517 17 41 5 T ~7~5 317 middot416 305 4 153~5 2 12715 20 45 0 4 99~0 314 -- 1 --- -- I1240euro) 20 bull 42 0 omiddot 565 middot31~-0 middot335 255 5 116~3 14 Jl

I12709 19 middotmiddotmiddot41 4 0 ~70 3007 37-6 -- 2 1493 4 0

12108 29 45 5 T 57middot0 middot30~J 77 -- 2 1499 3 12702 17 45 23 T 59bull5 292 352 -- 3 134~ 6

12103middotmiddotmiddot 16 44 16 0 59~5 282 337 -- 3 1193 12 ~-11 J2716 24 44 4 560 024d -- 1 --shy

12502 21 47 8 2 580 241 301 229 5 1084 11 1442 23 40 8 1 550- 231 25~2 199 20 1000 18

12710 22 44 9 1 53middot0 207 308 -- 2 1225 11

Standard error of a difference 3bull 55 bushels

--- ----



Colby Kansas UYN Four plots

C 1 No Date

Headed Plant Height


Weight Ier


Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof Rank 1 1950 amp

1952 1952 -

-May Ins Lo ~

-620 12132 20 35 T 416 332 3 975 8

n Bus

12715 26 35 T 613 410 12711 24 36 1 595 405

r12709 25 37 2 613 39 r


12515 23 37 2 603 389 406 2 1325 1 12703 20 36 1 613 388 364 2 119middot0 4 1~702 22 37 2 605 379 371 2 1212 3 8856 19 37 T 625 365 336 4 840 13

12406 23 37 T 570 356 314 3 926 - 11 12706 - 27 40 T 610 - 354 1 shy

1317 - 212517 23 36 2 593 346 403 2 12710 __ 27 36 1 575 334 11673 bull -- 23 36 1 585 333 340 12707 15 32 2 630 332

1 314

- I

1017 shy 6 J1

--J I

6e5lmiddot 25 T 585 326 317 1037 927_12525 15 33 T 615 324 317 2 1036 5

26 37 1 590 320 1 --shyi270B 11669 23 35 T 593 319 309 3 95middot5 - 9 12716 27 T 600shy 317 135

1442 27 311 306 4 100037 T 575 7 12502 26 40 T 610 301 286 3 892 12

standard error of a difference 207 bushels


Akron Colorado UYN Five plots

C Ie Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Headed I Ripe height per

bushel f 19491950

1952 1952 -June JUly Ins Lbs Bus Bus

12715 11 5 36 58 182 -- I 11673 9 1 37 55 169 190 14 1071 7 12406 1middot1 3 37 57 165 195 4 1016 10 12708 8 5 38 56 153 -- I 12703 7 3 38 57 153 bull -- 2 107~7 5 12166 9 5 38 58 1503 -- 1 ~--

12515 9 2 37 54 151 168 3 10L8 9 ~12i09 11 5 37 54 151 -- 1 _- -- 12716 9 4 37 52 middot middot151 1 -shy

12702 7 1 37 56 150 -- 2 1161 2 6 middot2 middot147 205 i24~2 1

125i1 35 53 3 1i669 8 2 37 56 143 188 15 11003 4

I12132 5 1 36 53 143 186middot ( 103a 8 J1

I1442 14 4 36 56 middot139 165middot 17 1000 11 ())

-~ shy12711 14 4 35 56 131 1 --

6251 9 5 37 57 -128 168 17 107~5 6 shy1107 7 2 36 58 middot123 - -- I -shy

12525 6 630 36 55 121 2 95~7 12 125lt12 10 4 38 58 middot119 bull 163 4 86~8 13 J3856 7 3 37 56 116 189- 17 TrL5 3-_ 12716 10 4 35 57 middot111 1 --

--- -----

C 1 Date Lodg-No Headed I Ripe ing

12702 14 12515 14 12502 14 12406 15 12517 middot14 12708 16 6251 14 1442 17

12132 11 12706 14 middot8856 11 12707 6 12709 16 12715 16 12711 middot17 11669 13 11673 14 -12710 15 12716 15 12703 13 12525 9

73081 73182 81 83 81 83 72882 730 72983 8384 8181 81 82 7130 7130

2 1 0 2

1 2 3

10 3 5 4 5 0 2 omiddot 2 1 3 3 0 4

Hesperus Colorado Five plots irrisated

Weight Av acre yieldI per I 19491950

bushel I 1952 1952 -

630 396 - shy620 388 424 630 381 414 620 369 438 62 5 363 389 615 356 -shy625 353 377 620 337 362 620 319 374 625 311 -shy620middot 306 342 630 3003 -shy630 297 -shy640 292 -shy625 288 -shy605middot 285 391 610 278 389 620 271 -shy640 264 -shy625 263 -shy630 23middot5 -shy

No Yrs


2 3 4 4 3 I

13 13 6 I

13 I I 1 I

13 13

I I 2 2

Percent of


1095 1172 1179 1262 1076

1161 1000 1020


1096 1210

694 575



7 4 3 1


5 11 10

9 VI-- 0



6 2

12 13

Ames t Iowa UYN Three plots triple lattice

c I Date Plant Lodg- Leaf Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Headed IRipe height ing rust per

bushel 1949 1950

1952 1952 I TYPe - - ~ J -shy

12132 I 25 629 42 41 10 4 12502 11 61 3 41 40 60 3 12115 62 2 41 19 50 _ 4 12406 6L 2 shy 46 50 20 2-3 8856 28 629 44 13 40 3 11669 3i 1 45 35 40 3 12702 30 1 45 45 20- 0-2 12703 29 144 42 20 P-2 lat06 62 3 41 12 50 3 11613 31 1 4543 30 3 12716 63 2 4630 503 12517 31r 1 45 71 20 2~3 12525 24 1 39 90 2004 1~tl1 61 1 4533 504 127Q8 63 3 45 80 3003 1251) 31 2 44 81 20 0-4 12109 63 3 45 83 30 0-3 6251 62 3 46 15 40 3

12710lt 64 2 45 68 303 1442 65 4 44 68 60 3

12101 24 630 42 31 60 3

604 463 461 6 620 442 446 3 590 436 -shy 1 589 432 410 3 624 430 403 11 58~2 424 433 11 59-2 420 - -shy 2 60-7 415 -_ 2 608 409 shy -shy -1 56~3 406 431 11 58~G 395-shy 1 591 393 444 3 601 384 - -shy 2 585 383 -shy bull 1 56~5 35~6 -shy 1 57middot30 354 430 3 566 338 -shy 1 590 329 380 II 530shy 282 -shy 1 530 267 342 11 602 261 -shy 1

1219 1306

1200 1053 1040 i401 1206 --shy

1186 --shy

1300 13~~6

- - 1259 --shy

1006 --shy


6 3

8 10 11 L- 1shy


-shy4 2





~ l

Y 18 loo~e smu~ heads in 3 rows

S~ndarderror of adifference 348 b~8hels


Lincoln Nebraska UYN Five plots

C 1 Date Headed 1 Plant Rust Weight Av acre yield No

Yrs Grown

Percent of

Kharkof RankNo Ripe height Fly Leaf t stem

2 per

bushel t 1951- 11949shy

1952 1952 1952 - - - J J -

12515 26 25 44 5 3 25 608 409 369 400 4 1288 2 12711 26 25 41 4 35 60 600 397 -shy -shy I 12406 26 25 44 0 T 30 597 394 369 372 5 1213 3 12702 25 25 42 5 T 30 613 384 308 -shy 3 1081 10 12502 26 25 49 3 30 40 620 378 344 356 5 1176 5 12706 27 26 47 4 10 35 616 373 331 - _ 2 1128 9 12715 26 26 43 2 53 35 604 368 -shy - - 1 11669 25 25 41 3 38 30 603 353 326 355 18 1303 1 6251 27 26 44 4 35 40 615 346 295 29middot5 21 1078 12

12517 26 25 43 5 7 50 606 344 317 362middot 4 1165 7 11673 25 25 44 4 18 35 596 341 309 342 16 1130 8 12709 27 28 42 5 T 30 611 335 318 -shy 2 1082 11 I

12716 27 26 44 4 55 5 middot593 335 -shy -shy I --shy -shy 0 I-

12703 middot24 25 42 4 1 5 618 333 282 -shy 3 97 1 17 I

1442 29 28 46 5 40 30 577 329 294 310 21 1000 16 12707 18 20 38 2 35 15 612 323 311 -shy 2 1058 15 12132 21 23 38 3 60 25 622 323 305 345 8 1170 6 12708 8856


27 22 28

26 24 28

43 43 42

4 3 5

4 50 2

40 35 35

592 615 577

318 31-3 311

313 280


-shy315 -shy

2 21 2

1066 1200 1065

13 4

14 12525 20 23 35 4 20 50 635 266 237 -shy 3 906 18

5 = heavy infestation 03 none gl Data from separate disease nursery bull

Standard error of a difference = 247 bushels

North Platte Nebraska UYN Three plots

C I Date Plant Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kharkof RankNo

Headed l Ripe height per

bushel I 1951-11949shy

1952 1952 1952 June June Ins Lbs Bus Bus Bus

127111 12715 1 11669 530 125t7 53012132 528 12515 530 12707 527 11673 531 8856 528

12102 530 ~middot12716 3middot

12706 1 12703 middot530 1442 4 12502 l

6251 2 12525 52712710 2 12708 2 12709middotgt 1 12406 Lmiddot

30 29 28

27middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot 26 27 25

29 - 26

28 71

30 28 771

30 29 25 30 30 29 3q

36 37 38 39middot 38 38 36 38 39 40 37 41

lt38 39 41 40

middot33 37 37

middot37 38

620 383 625 363 600 358

59middot5 middot bull 335 610 334 middot595 332 615 32 bull1 600 324 590 306 595 30~1

605 bull 300 580 29~7

middot 590 294 middot 660 2903

620 287 595 287

middot 635 28~5 middot 550 27~2

570 27~2 bull 570 25~2 middotmiddot590 24~3

- -shy-shy -shy205 268 205 301 173 226 195 289

middot177 - 182 242middot

170 198 176 -shy

-- 19~2 -~

16~5c -_ 199 235 18 f 2 234 17 ~l 191 150middot -~

167 -shy16~5 -shy

176 --

163 255

1 1

14 4 8 4 2

12 15


1 2 3

15 5

middot15 3 2 2 2 _ 5

1226 1283 880

1232 887 1137 991 917

J--shy965 156

1000 1019 971 675 839 827 88 bull4


3 1

14 2

12 4 8


10 1J 7middot 6 9ie

i5 16 13 5

~ ~ -

0 rQ

standard error of a difference = 247 bushels bull

~ _


Alliance Neraska UYN Three plots

C I Spring Date Plant Stem Weight Av acre yield No Yrs


Percent of

Kbarkof RankNo Survivshy

al headshy

ed height rust

Jj per

bushel l 1951- t 1949shy

1952 1952 1952 10


-LbsJune Bus Bus BusIns

11669 42 606 427 226 261 14 1017 690 5 12707 90 1 42 15 615 410 205 2 1041 4 12i32 80 6 43 10 616 397 199 248 8 948 10 12525 80 1 40 10 621 393 197 3 804 17 12517 80 7 44 30 620 387 219 274 4 1116 2 12702 80 5 47 1 608 366 183 3 853 15 12711 80 5 45 T 607 360 1 12706 90 6 50 1 620 35middot3 199 2 1010 7 12502 90 8 48 5 625middot 347 202 249 5 1029 5 12716 90 9 44 1 598 344 1 6251 70 9 45 5 622 343 172 238 17 938 II

12708 80 5 44 35 603 340 170 2 86~3 1312715 90 8 44 T 608 339 1 --shy12709 90 8 43 5 597 339 170 2 860 14

I 0

I w

11673 80 9 45 T 593 339 190 244 14 973 9 8856 60 5 45 3 618 330 165 236 17 879 12 1442 44 T 607 327 197 246 17 1000 8

41 10 585 326 163 2 827 16 44 5 597 325 214 27middot0 5 1139 1

90 786

12710 70 12406 80 12703 90 46 T 605 325 163 3 781 185 12515 70 6 44 20 597 306 225 268 4 1092 3

One replication

Standard error of a difference = 341 bushels



A statistical sumnary of the yields produced in the various uniform nursery tests is made in table 16 Standard ~ethods of computing the values were used as explained in connection with the plot tests Standard deviation in percent of the general average indicates the relative variation at each of the stations


Yields at 15 stations ~ve beenbrought together in table 17 Thi~ shows how each of the 21 entifesperformed over the region in 1952 It is of special interest that the two very simiier entries C I 12515 and C I 12517 ranked highest in the averages and difcentered by only one-tenth of a bushe1~ ~iumph and C I 12702 also had high average yields PaWIjee Se133 andOJar~oi averaged lowest The tTo enshytries having the highest ttverag~bi$ttltes ver-e the fol1ovring Tems C I middot12515 and C I 12708 pkialioma C~ r 12702 and C I 12515 Ranses TItumph and C I 12515 and Nebraslre C I 12711 and Pawnee

Eighteen var~et+es weregroWIl at 10 stations both in 1951 and 1952 ~Theaverage yields appear together in table 18 C I middot1~515 and C~ I 1251rl were highest in rank surpassing the nearest competitor by two bushelsmiddot to the acre C I 12709 and C I 12702 also rank well up in the ten~stationaverages ~




bull I~ ~ -- bull



Table 16 Number of plots average yields and standard errors for the uniform yield nursery at the various stations in 1952

state and Station Noshyof


No of


Average yield

all var

Standard error of a I Coefficient of

variabilitv Single I Difference plot between means Mean -Bus Bus Bus


Table 17 Summary of the average yields in bushels per acre I1Bde by the 21 entries grown in uniform yield nursery at 15 stations in 1952 with state averages bull

shy - ~ ~


Har-d Federation Hybrid Comanche x Blk -EdFed Triumph 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne Comanche

Stafford Bllf~Or6~ Pawnee Qu1vira Hybrid Early Blackhull Bl8ckhull

Pawnee Mqo -Or6 ic Oro-Tq P~Wnee~ Cheyenne

tmiddot middot12701 X Wtchita Blue Jacketmiddot ComanchexChey-Blk Pawnee Sel 33middotmiddot CoIi8riche x Blk -Ed Fed bull Hope-Turkey x Cheyenne

c Kbarkof-

Not grow

C I~


12515 12517 12132 12702 12711 11673 12706 12709 12525 8856 6251

11669 12406 12715 12703 12502 ]2708 12707 12710 12716 1442


Dent- on

371 400 314 374 375 340 326 33~6 324 311 355 311 371

middot296 323 316 339 248 376 318 306middot

Chilli- ~ cotha

283 156

219 278

middot291 246 28~e 192 228 245 283 219 265 203 256 297 142 278 286 296

- - -

Texas I RaIk~Bush- Avershy


19 9 3 6 7 8

18 l~f 5middot

10 15 12 17 13 2middot

20 4

14middot 11

Clovl~ Newmiddotmiddot


11 15 14 18 20 0middot7 30 13 10 14 21 18 14 12 20 30 09 08 15 2-3middot 16


i 0 0 I

~ ~


151 159 190middot 160 144 152 202 134 164 15middot7 189 159 140 175 161 164 168 15 ~2

144 131 137



220 251 266 261 258 253 227

23middot2 263 251 243middot 245 229 245 268 181 266 245 246

Table 17 Cont

Variety C I No

Oklahoma Kansas still- 1Chershy tWood- Aver- Rank water oke9 ward age


I Hays t Colby I Avershy 1 Rank age

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 413 381 343 379 2 483 351 389 408 2 Comanche x Blk-HdFed 12517 384 439 303 37middot5 3 466 317 346 376 6 Triumph 12132 367 378 259 33~5 10 502 419 416 446 1 12701 x Wichita Turkey x Cheyenne

12702 12711

385 354

442 369

33middot7 315

388 346

1 8

410 371

292 330

379 405

360 369

14 7

Comnche 11673 37~5 390 281 349 6 414 358 333 368 8 stafford Blk-Oro x Pawnee

12706 12709

409 419

392 367

300 326

367 37middot1

5 4

422 43~8

327 30 T

354 397

368 381


Quivira Hybrid 12525 323 357 261 314 18 427 411 324 38~ 7middot 4 Early Blackhull 8856 341 385 255 327 12 490 370 365 408middot 3 Blackhul1 6251 345 351 284 327 13 454 321 326 36~7 10 Pawnee 11669 306 349 270 308 19 326 361 319 335 16 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 337 378 243 319 16 418 310 356 361 12 Pawnee x Cheyenne 12701 x Wichita Blue Jacket

12715 12703 12502

328 353 317

385 371 350


261 262 294

32 5 329 320

14 11 15

329 423 419

314 282 241

410 388 301

351 264middot 320

15 11 18

I 0 -J


Comanche x Chey-B1k 12708 362 375 297 345 9 343 303 320 322 17 PawneeSel 33 12707 24-7 330 243 27middot3 21 411 340 332 361 13 Comapchex Blk-HdFed Hope-~keyx Cheyenne Kharkof

12710 12716 1442

381 332 321

334 339 309

325 278 270

34 7 316 299

7 17 20

302 297 308

207 243 231

334 317 311

281middot 286 283

21 19 20

Table 17 Con

Variety C I No

Akron Co10shyrado

Ames low

Nebraska Fifteen station

avoLincoln ( North 1 A111shy IAver-Platte ance aRe

I Rank

Hard Federation Hybrid 12515 151 354 409 332 306 349 8 316 Comanohe x B1k-HdFed 12517 147 393 344 335 387 355 4 315 Triumph 12132 143 463 323 334 397 351 5 312 12701 x Wichita 12702 150 420 384 301 366 350 7 309 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 131 383 397 383 360 380 1 308 Comanche 11673 169 406 341 324 339 335 11 301 Stafford 12706 153 409 373 297 353 341 9 306 B1k-Oro x Pawnee iuivira Hybrid

12709 12525

151 121

338 384

335 266

252 285

339 3~~3

309 3i5

20 18

296 283

~a~lyelackh~ll 8856 Ii6 430 313 306 330 31 6 16 294 ~yenC~~l+

Pawpee Mqo Oro x Oro-Tq PaWlie~x Cheyenne 12701 x wichita Blue Jackei

C9inanChe J( Chey -B1k bull Egtawnae Se1 33 domanche x a1k -Hd Fed bull


6251 ~11669 r~~Q6

12115 1n03 12502

12708 12707 121ib i7l6 1442

1~8 i~3 16~5ie2 153

119 153 123 151 111 139

329 424 bull43-2 middot436

45 442 35~6 26~7 282 395 ~67

346 353 394

368 333

378 318 3-23 311 3-35 329

287 358 243 36~3 29)~ 281 272 32~1 272 300 293

343 4~7 J~5 33~9 32~5 34) 340 41~0

326 344 3~middotT

3g5 31 9 321 35 ~7 ji~7 J~lt7 31middot0 3~1 303shy326) 316 ~

13 2

14 3 15

10 19 middotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot6

21 12 17

288 294 290 ~98 287

284 283 260

269 270 257


~ I

Table 18 Summary of two-year average yields in bushels per acre for 18 varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery at 10 stations in 1951 and 1952

Variety C I No

Texas Oklahoma Chill1-1

cothe Bush- IAvershyland age

Stil1shywa ter

1 Chero- t Wood- I Avershykee ward age

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Blk-Rd Fed

12515 12517

25 2y2531 136 127

194 190

388 397

347 419

286 253

340 356

Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 245 128 187 391 329 261 327 12701 x Wichita 12702 225 121 173 380 353 283 339 Stafford 12706 206 151 179 347 310 233 297 Comanche 11673 236 122 179 361 332 228 307 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 272 125 199 356 325 230 304 Blue Jacket 12502 245 148 197 307 327 226 287 Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq 12406 189 103 146 313 344 199 285 Blackhul1 Com x Blk-HdFed

6251 12710

201 232

152 139

17-7 186

317 365

27middot7 297

231 259

275 307

Triumph 12132 123 143 133 311 276 194 260 PaWnee 12701 xWichita Early Blackhull

11669 12703 8856

231 205 179

120 130 121

176 168 150

304 322 296

247 211 304 201 295 189

254 216


1 0 0 Imiddot

KlJarkof 1442 244 138 191 313 281 225 273 QUivira Hybrid 12525 178 113 146 274 318 191 261 Pa~ee Sel 33 12707 161 108 135 230 264 178 224

1 Not grown in 1952 yield for Bister line used

Table 18 Cont

Variety C I No

Kansas Nebraska Ten station

av_ Manshy

battan I Hays l Avershy

age Lincoln I North I Alli - J Aver-shyPlatte ance age

Hard Fd Hybrid 12515 434 384 409 369 195 225 263 302 ~ Com x Blk-HdFed 12517 401 416 409 317 205 219 247 302 Blk-Oro x Pawnee 12709 406 376 391 318 176 160 221 280 12701 x Wichita 12702 383 352 368 308 176 183 222 276 stafford 12706 404 387 396 331 192 199 241 276 Comanche 11673 382 392287 309 182 190 227 273 Com x Chey-Blk 12708 344 377 361 313 165 170 216 268 Blue Jacket 12502 383 301 342 344 182 202 243 267 Mqo-Orox Oro-Tq 12406 39~6 335 366 36_9 163 214 249 263 Blackhu]l ~6251 40~s 360 384 29~5 176 162 214 259 Com xBlk ~HdFed 12710 316 308 312 313 167 163 214 256 trl(lmph 12132431 395 413 305 173 199 226 255 Pa~~el1669 303 372 338 326 bullbull 205 226 252 255

lZ10il7Wic1lita 12703389 Ea7Jyl31ackhul18856 ~~O

337 372

363 386

~82 280middot

165 170

16lt3 16~~

203 250 205 247


~rkbf 1442291252 272 294 199 197 230 243 Qti1vlra Hybrid 12525 362 362 36 2 23 7 15b19~7 195 23 8 p~wi1~e$~J 33 i2107 ~50 337344 311 17f 205 231 232



Data other than yield have been averaged and appear in table 19 Varieties are in order of declining average weight per bushel It is obvious that Blue Jacket Early Blackhull and Quivira Hybrid were heaviest at the 14 stations C 1 12710 averaged lightest There is a close relation from year to year in the rank of varieties for this character Maturity was checked at numerous stations and accurshya tely ranks the varieties for earliness Plant height ranged from 33 to 41 inches Lodging at four stations showed that C I 12715 C I 12716 and Pawnee stood best and that nine entries lodged more tban Kharkof Leaf rust at six stations points out the good resistance of the Sinvalocho Marquillo and Hard Feder~tion derivashytives stem rust at two stations was light and inconclusive

Table 19 Summary of agronomic data other than yield for varieties grown in the uniform yield nursery1952

Variety C I

No Date Plant

heightmiddot Lodgshy

ing Rust Weight

per bushelmiddot

headed triPe leaf t stem

~y June Ins J

10 j

Lbs Number of stations----------shy i3 8 13 4 6 2 14

131ue Jacket 12502 20 19 41 13 34 5 616 Early Blackhull Quivira Hybrid

8856 12525

13 11

14 14

37 33

24 27

32 13Y 2

5 613 611

Pawnee Sel 33 12707 11 13 34 20 38 10 609 Stafford 12706 20 19 41 22 25 1 60 bull8 Blackhull Triumph

6251 12132

20 13

19 14

39 35

22 18


5 5

606 606

12701 x Wichita Pawnee x Cheyenne

12703 12715

16 19

17 18

37 37


4 37

T 3

605 602

12701 x Wichita 12702 17 16 39 20 4 1 601

I ~

Turkey x Cheyenne Blk-Oro x Pawnee Com x Blk-HdFed Pawnee -

12711 12709 12517 11669

19 2deg320-middot 17

18 19 17 16

37 37 37 36

11 23 23 10

37 10 9


3 3

20 T

59middot5 594 593middot 593

-J I)

Hard Fed Hybrid Com x Chey-Blk Hope-Tk x Cheyenne

12515 12708middot 12716

18 20 21

18 19 19

38 38 38

30 23


10 13 35

13 18 1

59259~lGJ 590

Mqo-Oro x Oro-Tq Kharkof

12406 1442

19 22

18 20

38 38

14 20

8 32

3 T

589 5K6

Comanche 11673 18 18 37 13 19 lJ 585 Com x BIk-Hard Fed 12710 21 19 37 22 14 5 572

11 Five stations y Thirteen stations3J Twelve stations



As in previous y~~rs two unifQrm bard1ness nurseries ware maiita1nedbull The supplementary unit conteins new selections of interest to workers in al1 parts of the region It was amiddotsingle-row nursery planted in duplicate series in 1951-52 at Alliance Akron Brookings stmiddot Paul Moccasin and Dickinson Usable dilta -this year were obtained at all stations except Akron and Dickinson These were summarshyized and sent out before harvest to -breeders concerned with the entries in the test The four-station a verage ~urvival for Kbarkof Turkey and Tenmarq were 725 635 and 618 percent respect~vely Among the 127 tested 51 exceeded the average for Tenmarq and 10 surpassed Kharkof bull One entry killed completely at all etations As groups the wheat x rye s~lections and the Yogo x M~nter bulks had the highest _ average survival shy

The uniform replicated nursery contains varieties of interest to workers in the more northern statesfor the most part In 1951-52 16 varieties were tested at nine stations Survi~ls appear in table 20 Minturki and Kharkof M C 22 pad the best survival Yogo usUally among the hardiest had thin stands at several stations and this may bave influenced results

The uniform nursery Was-harvested for yield at seven stations The data are summarized in table 2L Kharkof and Sioux averaged highest and C I 12517 owing to winterkilling at several stations yielded least Weights per bushel are shown for six stations in table 22 Iohardi was clearly the best in this respect Various other notes were taken on the varieties at some stations

Table 20 Survival of wheat planted in the Uniform Winterbardiness Nursery 1951-1952

C I Average survi1sl at 17 Plot or A1lishy Iarashy Archer Albin st Washy Brookshy Dickln~ Lethshy 9-station No Name Se1 ance mie W1ashy Wyo Paul seca ings son bridge average

No Nebr




Minn Minn SDak to to 10 bull NDak

Alta bull

1 2

Kbarkof Kbarkof MC 22

1442 6938

93 93

88 75

48 43

83 88

0 17

90 100

100 loa

11 20

55 75

63 bull 1 67middot9

3 Nebred 10094 93 88 31 88 0 63 93 3 40 554 4 Minturki 6155 93 79 45 91 17 87 100 9 75 662 5 10bardi 12510 97 83 44 93 0 80 83 3 30 570 6 Minter 12138 93 89 35 95 8 53 100 4 55 591 7 Turkey x O~o 12705 92 88 43 85 0 87 93 5 38 590 8 Cheyenne x Turkey 12142 93 78 40 89 0 87 93 2 30 569 9 Turkey x Cheyenne 12711 82 90 43 96 0 90 97 1 33 591

10 Yogo 8033 95 83 28 83 7 78 100 1 53 587 11 12

Minbardi Hope-rk x Chey

5149 12716

93 98

87 84

38 45

86 91

5 2

80 63

100 97

1 o

53 38

603 57~6 ~



Mint -10 x B44 Mint 2

Hope x Cheyenne2 11-40-42

12717 93 80

68 89

41 63

88 89

3 3

90 77

93 90

1 0

58 40

59~4 59~~0



15 Comanche x B1kHd F~ 12517 78 75 13 80 0 72 37 1

5 401 16 Yogo x Wasatch Mont 9 87 -shy -shy -shy 2 60

--shy - _~-

90 _~ ---shy -

1 gt_ - -shy---- 480


y Nurseries were SOWIl at Sheridan Wyo Ames 1a and Havre Mont but differential readingsw-ere not obtain~d

g Not groWIl at Laramie Archer and Albin Wyo and Lethbridge Alta Canada


Table 21 Average yields of varieties harvested in the uniform winterbardiness nursery 1952

Kharkof Kharkof Me 22 Nebred Minturki 10hardi Minter Turkey x Oro Sioux Turkey x Cheyenne Yogo MinJlardi Hope~Tk~ x Chey

MiIit ~Io x H44-M 2 Hope x Cheyenne2

rCbm x Blk -HdFed YogoxWasatch


HppeTk x Chey qro x Mqo-Oro

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 12142 12711 8033 5149

12716 1r-40-52

12717 12517

Mont~ 9 8885

NP44541 N45711

230 327 195 343 158 396 239 314 426 389 185 321 264 322 155 384 145 360 139 276

133 368 165 344 342 359 172 349

-150 387 247 304 -shy 345

-shy 350 -shy -shy

283 228 295 211 246 253 224 259 288 296 230 25middot7 239

255 224

273 -shy shy


270 196 216 271 231 187 221 223 221 246 184 247 161 233 201 282 330 224


80 65 86 83 55 60 56 61 92

102 42 47 47 64 55 _ 7middotP 77 50

174 163 164 141 119 159 151 162 130 161 122 160 120 172 69 shy

190 138 160

504 411 371 397 221 359 405 519 342 430 380 317 254 315 195 -shy

399 328 32 bull8

267 229 241 237 241 218 235 25middot2 225 236 208 220 217 223 1831276y26711 2231194shy

1 8 3 5 4

12 7 2 9 6

14 11 I 10 15

--J 1

LSD 87 68 NS 67 31 59 140 ~

Jj Average for stationa shown


~ionlRank m1e avera~e


Thble 22 Average weight per bushel for varieties grown in the uniform winterbardiness nurserY1952

C 1 tVariety No


Kbarkof Kharkof MC 22 Nebred Minturki Iobard Minter Tlirkeyx OrO Sioux Turkey x CheyenneYogo MLnhardl Hopeo1k x Cheyenn~

Mint -10 x H4~-M HQIlemiddotmiddot x Ch~yenIl~2 c C9Ill ~ x BibiHd~~~ed

1442 6938

10094 6155

12510 12138 12705 1214~ 12711 8933

5Ll-9 127J6

II4052 12717 19511

470 607 512 587 500 617 522 589 553 621 510 596 552 604

49~0 599 482 607 510 600 534 591 492 598 554 611 49gt 607 549 626


uy ~ive-station average~

590 567 585 576 607 575 564 560 574 597 578 582 596 57~9 5~4

603 560 579 595 604

-shy592 573 578 597

57middot8 ~~ ltwmiddotmiddotr~

583 564

530 560 565 550 590 565

565 590 565 575 57middot9 5800 middot555 559 560


595 571 606 581 594 594


597 599 6003 575

593 587 60 bull0


Six-station avera e

566 560 575 569 595-1568- 5r~1 563 568 58bullOl l 51CF 57 1y581

5~ 9 56bull 2


ct I




The uniform bunt nursery was grown at six stations in 1952 A seIJarate reIJort on this test has been prepared which is available for cooIJerators and other intershyested persons

The uniform rust nursery data likewise will appear as a separate reIJort


Grain harvested from the uniform plots uniform yield nursery and uniform winterhardiness nursery along with tha~ from promising new strains of local intershyest was sent by cooperators to the Federal Hard Wheat Quality Laboratory for milling and baking studies Results on these samples will appear in a separate reIJort preshypared by laboratory workers

Page 23: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 24: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 25: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 26: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 27: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 28: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 29: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 30: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 31: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 32: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 33: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 34: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 35: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 36: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 37: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 38: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 39: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 40: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 41: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 42: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 43: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 44: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 45: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 46: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 47: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 48: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 49: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 50: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 51: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 52: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 53: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 54: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 55: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 56: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 57: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 58: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 59: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 60: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 61: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 62: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 63: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 64: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 65: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 66: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 67: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 68: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 69: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 70: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 71: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 72: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 73: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 74: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 75: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 76: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 77: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if
Page 78: ARS Home : USDA ARS · 2008. 2. 13. · Ne,braska produced their largest wheat crops and Oklahon:a equs.lled any previous year. Rust threatened but did not damage the wheat much if