Arrowhead Camp 2010 Postscript Highlights and Connecting the Dots Best read after attending camp and...

Arrowhead Camp 2010 Postscript Highlights and Connecting the Dots Best read after attending camp and reviewing your notes and presentations, but hopefully still valuable for those that were not able to attend…

Transcript of Arrowhead Camp 2010 Postscript Highlights and Connecting the Dots Best read after attending camp and...

Arrowhead Camp 2010

Postscript Highlights and

Connecting the DotsBest read after attending camp and reviewing your notes and presentations, but hopefully still valuable for those that were not able to


Hey,What’s the Big Idea?

1. Sensei PB’s: Isagiyoku thru Ho’oponopono

2. Sensei LJ: Invest in Loss

3. Sensei Leong: Sekiun’s Sword and Life Philosophy

4. Sensei NB: “Above All Connect thru Experiential Learning…”

Sensei Paul:

Isagiyoku thru Ho’oponopono

1. Sensei Paul: Ho’oponoponoLinkages to other aspects of our training

Every wisdom tradition incorporates elements of reconciliation and forgiveness, whether:

An institutional religion or a personal spiritual practice

From East or West (Shame or Guilt)

Rooted in Original sin, or a Perfect Birth that is subsequently tainted by conditioning

All mere mortals err…

See Sensei Paul’s slides…

Some excerpted here…

(Sensei PB) Ho’oponopono Hawaiian Kahuna Philosophy

I operate my life through the following Insights:The physical universe is an actualization of my thoughts.

If my thoughts are cancerous, they create a cancerous physical reality.

If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality brimming with Love.

I am 100 percent responsible for creating my physical universe the way it is.

I am 100 percent responsible for correcting the cancerous thoughts that create a diseased reality.

(Sensei PB) Ho’oponopono

I operate my life through the following Insights:

There is no such thing as out there. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

My problems are memories replaying in my subconscious.

My problems have nothing to do with anyone or anyplace or any situation

(Sensei PB) Ho’oponopono

I operate my life through the following Insights:

When I experience memories replaying problems, I have a choice. I can stay engaged to them or I can petition Divinity to free them up through transmutation, thus restoring my mind to its original state of zero, of void… of being memory free.

When I am memory free, I am my Divine Self as Divinity created me in its exact likeness.

(Sensei PB) Giving Up the Past

Only 2 laws dictate experiences: Inspiration from Divinity

Memory stored in the Subconscious Mind. The former Brand-New and the latter Old.

“Problems are just replayed memories of the past showing up to give us one more chance to see with the eyes of love and to act from inspiration”

(Sensei PB) Giving Up the Past In allowing memories to rule I give up clarity of mind, along with my alignment with Divinity. (I also give up the present)

Without alignment I lose inspiration and purpose.

If we are willing to clean up our “fore-bemoaned moans” (unpleasant fear based memories) we will be fine and everyone and everything else will be too.

Peace and freedom begin with me.

Isagiyoku begins with me

(Sensei PB) Continuous Cleaning

Continuous Cleaning brings you to the zero state

Nothing Exists at Zero

 The zero state is timeless, boundless, infinite, deathless

(Sensei PB) Zero

At zero you can:

Divine your true purpose

Access your creativity

Deliver your finest contribution

Ho’oponopono isThe ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness stemming from beliefs that:

Guilt caused by error made one sickStored Anger invited/induced sickness

“Angry people don’t go to hell, they are already there!”

“In most cases, specific ‘untie-error’ rites could be performed to atone for such errors and thereby diminish one’s accumulation of them.”

First empty, then fill…

And like the Lord’s Prayer

Forgive us our trespasses…

Like the Moral Code of the Samurai

PonoponoDefined as “to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat.”

BushidoIn its most surreal example, seppuku or hara kiri (ritual suicide) was to redress a wrong, so this injurious karma would not be carried forward to future generations

Like the Indian Concept of Karma

As the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) predominates in all of life and lifetimes, the purpose is mainly “to release unhappy, negative experiences in the past, and to resolve and remove traumas from our ‘memory banks’”

If karmic bondage hinders the evolution of mind, then (karmic) cleansing is a requisite for the expansion of awareness

Like the Wisdom Tradition of Ayurveda

Disease is caused by Ama = Undigested experience

Most toxic residue is emotional so release emotional ama

Like the 5th Phase in the Pinan Kata


The Void

Discipline as a path to Freedom

No Self


The State of Zero

Based on the principle of 100% responsibility

No memories. No identity.

Like 3 of Sensei Leong’s 6 Most Important words in PR

6: I admit I made a mistake5: you did a good job4: what is your opinion3: would you please2: thank you1: we (us)

Worst word: me/I

Ho’oponopono Cleaning Method





Neville’s mnemonic for the Ho’oponopono Cleansing Methodin a slightly different order…

There’s much use in crying over S.P.L.T milk, that you spilled yourself…

S: I am SorryP: Please forgive meL: I Love youT: Thank you

So, let the past be the Past…

Decide the Past won’t determine your Future

“Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle”

–A Course in Miracles

Create and Live a New NarrativeMy Life 2.0

“Tell it enough and it starts to become true…”

Understanding Dis-Ease According to ancient science

The complaint signal is the Ticket (attention)The more effective the sound barrier to the signal, unmet

need the greater the escalationSix Stages of Disease:1. Accumulation (of Ama- Undigested experience)2. Aggravation (notice of shift)3. Dissemination (moving more generally)4. Localization (re-localizes in concentration)5. Manifestation (of severe symptoms)6. Disruption (of health balance/system)

Reversing this for Well-Nessbased on experiential training

The Harmonic signal is the Ticket (attention)The more receptivity one has to the signal, the better the

receptionSix Stages of Wellness:1. Accumulation (of Chi-vital energy/life force)2. Energetic Awareness (noticing the shift of energy)3. Dissemination (Ability to move chi more generally)4. Localization (Ability to concentrate chi for healing)5. Manifestation (of uncontrolled exultation &

exuberance-see Saturday night at camp)6. Harmonization (of health balance/system)

There are no accidents…

“Misfortune Occurs in Negligence”– Funakoshi Sensei

Reminds us to stay vigilant

Injury Epidemiology Prevention & ResearchTrauma is a disease that kills more people from the age of 1 to 44 years than any other disease. Not all but most injuries sustained by those taken to trauma centers can be prevented. Quite often we see how the importance of social factors, cultural factors, behavioral issues, and the use of alcohol and drugs, end or affect the lives of the young otherwise healthy and productive individuals forever. Trauma is a disease and as such, it can for the most part, be prevented.

Universal Health Model

Focus intention, attention & attitude on wellness not disease

Ama release (undigested experience) by stages; Preparation, Identification, Mobilization, Release & Rejuvenation

Integrate Shakuraki: Borrowing energy from nature

Quantum Medicine

A Human being is a network of energy and informationThe Environment is a field of energy and informationHealth results from the appropriate exchange of energy and information between the individual and the environment

Harnessing the Power of Intention Attention & Attitude

Intention, Attention, Attitude

Intention (Energetic/Spirit)Sets the stage

Orchestrates Natures Intelligence & Infinite Organizing Power

Set the Intention with NO attachment to Outcome

Examples: “Relieve Suffering”, “Do no Harm”, “Cultivate Compassion”

“Intention sets the trajectory and orchestrates nature’s intelligence & organizing power”

Intention, Attention, Attitude

Attention (Mind)Observing the operations of one’s moment-to-moment internal and external experience

Mind-fulness sinks into its object the way a stone placed in water sinks to the bottom

Unstable mind, like unstable camera produces a fuzzy picture

“What you focus on manifests”…

…That is why we meditate

Intention, Attention, Attitude

Attitude (Heart)How one attends is also essential

Chinese character for mindfulness is two ideograms; presence & heart

Heart-full-ness (heart qualities in practice)

“Attitude is Important…”

Limbic Resonance is the healing response

Achieved through the interaction and inter-transference of emotional information thru words, gestures, touch, voice tone, facial expression, body language, music, poetry and ANY stimulus that evokes the moods and the emotions of love




Love is the healing force

Sensei LJ:

Invest in Loss

Sensei LJ: Invest in Loss

Learn to Tolerate Increasingly Higher layers and levels of discomfort

The Art of Learning, discussed at Toronto Camp 2008


Cheng Man-Ch'ing

The meaning of “investing in loss”, as originally recommended by the late Tai Chi master Cheng Man-Ch'ing was to neutralize a superior force through the practice of non-contention'ing

Who is willing to do this? To invest in loss is to permit others to use force to attack while you don’t use even the slightest force to defend yourself. On the contrary, you lead an opponent’s force away so that it is rendered useless

Investing in Loss:Learn to Tolerate Increasingly Higher layers and levels of discomfort

Shugyo-severe, austere training

Stay Principled

Mastery involves discovering the most resonant info (Passion, Purpose, Priorities, People) and integrating this so deeply and fully into our lives that it disappears and allows us to fly free!

Sensei Sean’s Slides on Fudoshin reinforce the value of these internal states…

Sensei Leong

Sekiun’s Sword and Life Philosophy

Sekiun Harigaya

Founder of Mujushin KenjutsuMujushin kenjutsu = “Sword of Heavenly Reason” or “Sword of No Abiding Mind”

Sekiun No KenSekiun No Tanbo

Intense Practice and a good Sensei can deliver a blow of heavenly reason that

may spark a Kensho…

See Sensei Charles’ slides…

Elements excerpted here…

Discern the Difference between Peacetime and Wartime Philosophy

In Peacetime: “Karate Ni Sente Nashi”

In Karate there is no first strike, or karate is only used for self defense

Which is why we practice Self Defense and begin each training with blocks

In Wartime: “Karate Ni Sente Hi Sho”

When you sense intention to strike you must initiate your attack (and not wait for their physical attack to manifest)

Which is how/why Pearl Harbor occurred according to some war strategists

Hence Sensei Leong’s Sword Principles

If you are in mae (critical distance) ATTACK!

If you are not in mae, then close mae and ATTACK!

Mujushin Kenjutsu the art

To treat the art of sword as combat was a corruption of its purity

Mujushin Kenjutsu is not about conflict , but a fusion of breath, spirit and power

It was said that the three things one must forget completely in Mujushin Kenjutsu were his own body, his sword, and the existence of his adversary

The Art of Sekiun lives on through Sensei Leong to us

Sekiun’s successor and senior student was Ichiun OdagiriIchiun Odagiri is considered by many as the greatest swordsman ever – better even than MusashiSekiun and Odagiri are mentioned in Sensei Kim’s Classical Man and Don Warrener’s The 20th Century Samurai

Odagiri taught the Takeda clan (Daito Ryu) that taught Yoshida Kotaro, who taught Sensei Kim, who taught Sensei Leong,

who taught us…

Quotables…Distortions: “Look into distorted mirrors long enough & it will shape our self view”

Intention: “Intention sets the trajectory and orchestrates nature’s intelligence & organizing power”

Set intention with no attachment to outcome

Humans are a “conditioned being with an unconditioned self at our core”

“Meditation and Mantra disconnect us from our “conditioned self”

“Embracing Uncertainty is Your Path to Freedom”

ChakrasEmphasis Neural Hormon

alName Law Color Sense Mantra

Root Sacral


Adrenals Muladhara Karma Red Smell Lam

Creativity Lumbar Reprod. Svadhisthana Wu-wei Orange Taste Vam

Energy Solar Pancreas Manipura Intention Yellow Sight Ram

Heart Cardiac Thymus Anahata Giving/


Green Touch Yum

Expression Cervical Thyroid Vishuddha Detachment

Blue Hearing Hum



Carotid Pituitary Ajna Dharma


Indigo Inner sound


Higher Cons.

Cerebral cortex

Pineal Sahaswara Pure Potent.

Violet Inner light

Did it connect?