Arrival Requirements - ·...

Arrival Requirements For All Vessels Calling To Namibian Ports L o g i s t i c s S u p p o r t Services ( P t y ) L t d

Transcript of Arrival Requirements - ·...

Arrival Requirements

For All Vessels Calling To Namibian Ports

Logistics Support Services(Pty) Ltd

Arrival Requirements

Information Sent To Agent Prior To Arrival:

• Estimatedtimeofarrival• Arrivaldraftsofvesselforeandaft• Arrivalcrewlist• Q88(vesselspecifications)• Contactdetailsforvesselbridgeandmaster

ISPS Info To Be Sent To Agent Prior To Arrival:

• International Ship Security Certificate numberandexpirydate

• Securitystatusofvessel• Lastportofcall• Dateofdeparturefromlastport• WasthisportISPScompliant• Securitystatusoflastportofcall

Documents To Be Prepared For Authorities On Arrival:

• 5xCrewLists• 5xPassengerLists• 5xNilLists• 5xPortofCallLists• 5xNarcoticsList• 5xVesselSpecifications• 1xStandardCustomsCrewDeclaration• 1xBondedStoresList• 1xInternationalMaritimeDeclarationofHealth• 1xVaccinationList

Originals Certificates For Sailing Clearance:

• CertificateofRegistry• LoadLineCertificate• SafetyradioCertificate• SafetyEquipmentCertificate• InternationalTonnageCertificate• InternationalOilPollutionPreventionCertificate

Additional For Tankers Calling Port:

• Numberandvolumeofcargotanks• Toensurethatcargotankshavebeenventedfor

atleast24hourspriortoarrival• Ensure that all cargo tank hatches are open in


Documents Required To Apply For Permission To Bunker Inside Port Limits (IPL)

• Q88ofvesselsupplyingthebunkers• Q88ofvesselreceivingthebunkers• Certificateofhoseusedforbunkertransfer• Certificateofcouplingusedforbunkertransfer• FuelQualitycertificate• Tradinglicenseoftanker

Documents Required To Apply For Permission To Bunker Outside Port Limits (OPL)

• Q88ofvesselsupplyingthebunkers• Q88ofvesselreceivingthebunkers• Certificateofhoseusedforbunkertransfer• Certificateofcouplingusedforbunkertransfer• FuelQualitycertificate• Tradinglicenseoftanker• Application form will be sent by agent for

completionbyclient inorder toapply forOPLbunkeringapproval

• Declaration stating reason why vessel cannotenteranchorageareatocompleteoperation

• Application for OPL Bunkering approval takesseven to ten working days, and is based onGovernmentdiscretion


Walvis Bay Office Lüderitz Office

Logistics Support Services (Pty) Ltd Corner of 2nd Street East & John Newman Synchrony Lift Industrial Area P O Box 4407Walvis BayRepublic of Namibia

Telephone: +264 64 276600 Fax: +264 64 276601 / 602 Cellphone: + 264 811460228

Email: [email protected]

Logistics Support Services (Pty) Ltd Waterfront BuildingOffice D/2 Hafen StreetP O Box 6LüderitzRepublic of Namibia

Telephone: +264 812456060Fax: +264 63 204216 Cellphone: + 264 812456060

Email: [email protected]

Logistics Support Services(Pty) Ltd