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Transcript of AROUND LONDON

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    London is thecapital city of England and theUnited Kingdom. Itssituated in theSouth East of England with apopulation of 14

    million people.

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    London is oneof the oldestcities in the world, and it was founded by the Romans in43 A.D. and


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    Since 1965 GreaterLondon has beendivided into 32districts in addition tothe ancient City of London.

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    Thames flowsthrough Londonand divides the

    city in two parts. The River Thames

    is 338 km long. It is 245 m wide

    here. Even big seaships

    can visit London.

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    worlds largestfinancial centrealongside New York. It is hometo the Londonstock Exchangeand Lloyds of London.

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    London public transportinclude: LondonUnderground, London Buses,River Services and theNational Rail.

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    The Underground is alsocalled tube , because of the cylindrical shape of thetunnels. It has 276 stationsand runs over 243 miles

    (408km) of line, making itthe longest railway in the world. It is the oldest one,too, because it started in1863 as theMETROPOLITAN


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    The buses known asthe red doubledecker buses and rail network inLondon is very well

    developed, frequentand efficient. Withthe red phone box,The red doubledecker bus is one of the symbols of the

    city, where you cansit downstairs andupstairs.

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    The parks are a real part of the Londoners life. Peopleoften have lunch in the parks,spend their free time andchildren can enjoy themselves

    in many pools and little lakes.The Royal parks in the westare HYDE PARK, ST JAMESSPARK, GREEN PARK,KENSINGTON GARDENS; inthe North there is REGENTSPARK. In the suburb we canfind GREENWICH PARK,BUSHY PARK ANDRICHMOND PARK.

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    Hyde Park is one of the largest parksin the central London, where thereare many concerts each year; it isfamous for its Speakers Corner, in which everyone can do lawful publicspeaking. Its divided by theSerpentine Lake, where you can havea swim or go rowing

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    St. James Park is the oldestRoyal Park in London and it issurrounded by three palaces.The most ancient one is Westminster Palace, but thereare St. James Palace and of course, the best knownBuckingham Palace, too.

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    Greenwich Park isa former huntingpark in Greenwichand one of thelargest single greenspaces in SouthEast London.

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    This big palace is the most famous

    building in the world the BritishParliament.The building is 280 metres long.There are more than 1000 rooms.The palace is where the twoHouses of the Parliament of theUnited Kingdom (Houses of Commons and Lords) meet for

    political purposes. The oldest partof the building dates back to 1907.

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    Big Ben isnt the clock on thetower, but just the bell inside it.People all over the world can hearits sound on the radio and TV programmes. Its always right,

    never too fast or too slow. Thereis some debate over why Big Benis called Big Ben. Some believe it was named after Sir BenjaminHall, the Commissioner of Worksin 1858, when the tower was

    completed. Others believe it wasnamed after boxing's EnglishHeavyweight ChampionBenjamin Caunt.

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    The Tower of London is ahistoric tower in the centreof London, near the riverThames. The Towersprimary function was a

    fortress, a royal palace, anda prison. Many prisoners were executed in thistower, for example AnneBoleyn and Thomas More.

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    The Towers greatesttreasure is the ImperialState Crown.

    There are 2 800 diamondson it.

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    The guards of the Tower are called Beefeaters.

    The legend says that if theravens leave, the Tower and the country will fall.

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    The Tower Bridge is a bridge closeto the Tower of London whichgives it its name. Ithas become aniconic symbol inLondon, and its

    situated over theRiver Thames.

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    Buckingham Palace isthe official home of theBritish Monarch inLondon.It was built in 1703.

    There is a greatcollection of paintings. When the flag is put upon the pole, it meansthat the Monarch is inthe palace. It is also afamous touristattraction because of the Queens Royalguards.

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    Every morning at half pasteleven people all over the worldcome to see the changing of theguards, which ends at noon. Allthe guards taking part in theceremony are dressed in

    traditional red tunics andbearskin hats, and theceremony is set to music.

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    The London Eye ,also known as theMillennium wheel was built in 1999,and since then it isthe biggestobservation wheelin the world. It is

    170m high and youcan see the beautifulLondon skylinefrom the top.

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    Westminster Abbey wasbegun by Henry III in 1245,

    but its oldest part dates backto 1050. Its one of the mostimportant Gothic buildingsin the country with themedieval shrine of an Anglo-Saxon saint still at its heart.It is next to the Houses of Parliament, in the Westminster neighbourhoodof London All English kings have beencrowned and buried in thechurch since 1308

    Many important people areburied here, too, such asShakespeare and Dickens(inthe so-called Poets Corner),Darwin. William and Kate married

    here on April 29, 2011

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    It was built between 1895

    and 1903. This is the seat of the

    Cardinal Archbishop andthe leading RomanCatholic Church inEngland.

    Its bell tower is 84 metreshigh.

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    St.Pauls Cathedral is a famous building too. Prince Charles andPrincess Diana married here in 1981. Itis one of the most visited sites of thecity of London. It dates back to theXVII century because the old one was

    destroyed in the Great Fire of Londonin 1666. The new building wasdesigned by Christopher Wren andcompleted in 1708, in a Renaissancestyle, but its cross-shape is medieval: ithas got a beautiful dome at the top.

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    THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Its a science museum full of interesting exhibitionsabout the Earth and its inhabitants, even dinosaurs species.

    The famous Diplodocus at the Natural History Museum, London.

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    The BritishMuseum containsEgyptian collectionsof mummifiedskeletons found inthe Pyramids, Greeksculptures from theParthenon in Athens

    and two of the fourexisting originalcopies of the MagnaCarta(1215)

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    The National Gallery is one of the mostimportant art galleriesin the world. It is inTrafalgar Square and it

    contains a collection of beautiful paintingsfrom the XIII century to the XIX century. Italso includes acollection of Italian

    paintings by Michelangelo,Caravaggio andLeonardo.

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    Madame Tussauds is amuseum in which you can visit wax sculptures of the worlds most famouspeople of past and present

    times.It was created by Marie Tussauds in 1835.Nowadays it is one of themost visited places inLondon, because a lot of tourists take pictures near

    the wax sculptures,sometimes looking like thereal famous people.

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    Some of them were built as public open spaces, like TRAFALGAR SQUARE butmost of them originally had private communal gardens for the inhabitants of thenearby houses. Apart from TRAFALGAR SQUARE, we can remember

    PARLIAMENT SQUARE, an open green area on the north-western side of the Westminster Palace, created to improve traffic flows. There are statues of some

    important people like Churchill, Lincoln and recently one of Mandela;LEICESTER SQUARE: built in 1635 by the Earl of Leicester it is nowpedestrianized. There is a small park there with a statue of Shakespearesourrounded by Dolphins. The film premieres are done here.COVENT GARDEN, it was a market until 1974, then it has been transformed in apedestrian area.

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    Built in honour of Admiral Lord Nelson to celebrate his victory against Napoleon in the Battle of Trafalgar in1805Every winter there is a big Christmas

    tree which is a gift from Norway in themiddle of the square.On New Years Eve people gather around the tree.In the middle of the square there isAdmiral Nelsons Column , with his

    statue on the top. It is sourrounded byfour lions.

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    There are a lot of covered, outdoor and street markets, they are the mirror of the city life and Londons history. PORTOBELLO AND PETTICOAT are the most famous ones , with many

    antiquarians and junk dealers; PORTOBELLO is in Notting Hill it is acolourful, dynamic stretch of London. For those who have the patience tosearch, there are some fantastic bargains. PETTICOAT LANE isLondon's world famous Sunday market and sells mainly clothes for men,women and children.

    COVENT GARDEN has been a famous fruit, flowers and vegetablesmarket until 1974, when it was transformed in a pedestrian square withcafs, shops, art galleries, restaurants, stalls and street entertainers.

    CAMDEN MARKET is for young people, and you can find music,clothes and jewellery in it;

    LEADENHALL MARKET is a famous food market in the City. It dates

    back to the XIV century. Its buildings are attractive with their roofs painted, and the cobbled floor.

    BRICK LANE MARKET : you can find from antique books to ornamentshere;

    RIVERSIDE WALK MARKET is the ideal place to find good books,magazines, maps.

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    Piccadilly Circusis a famous road junction and publicspace of Londons West End in theCity of Westminster. It wasbuilt in 1819 to

    connect RegentStreet with themajor shoppingstreet of Piccadilly.

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    OXFORD STRRET is Europes largest shopping street, ithas got an extent of a mile and a half from Marble Arch toHyde ParkREGENT STREET it is full of elegant buildings, artgalleries. It was for rich people.CARNABY STREET, in the Soho district of London, youcan find clothes shops and music shops here; it is famousbecause The Beatles records could be bought here. Thereis a large banner at the entrance, CARNABY STREET WELCOMES THE WORLD;FLEET STREET It is named after the river FLEET and itruns from the City to Westminster. It was an importantsite for newspapers and journalists in the past. Nowadaysthere are Law firms and Banks here.

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    Theatres are an important part of life in London.Most of London best known theatres are in the West-End, like

    THE LONDON PALLADIUM, The faade dates back to the 19th century. Formerly it was a wooden building, then it becomes a circus venue that included anaquatic area. Next it became a skating rink with real ice. In the 60s the theatrestarted out as The Palladium , a premier venue for variety performances.

    THE ROYAL OPERA HOUSE is an opera house. It is the home of The RoyalOpera, The Royal Ballet, and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. Originally called the Theatre Royal, it served primarily as a playhouse for the first hundred yearsof its history. In 1734, the first ballet was presented.

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    HARRODS is anupmarket departmentstore located in Knightsbridge.Starting as a small grocery storein 1834, now it occupies a 5-acre

    of selling space in over 330departments making it thebiggest department store inEurope. The Harrods mottois Omnia Omnibus Ubique All Things for All People,Everywhere . It is famous for itsquality, but because it isexpensive, too.

    SELFRIDGESThe UK's second-biggest shop, itis a little over half the Harrods size. It is dated 1909 and it is inOxford Street. It is a very elegantdepartment store, with its windows and architecturalexcellence and it is a famoustourist destination