Army concepts in IT

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  • 7/30/2019 Army concepts in IT


    What strategies used by the armed forces personnel to communicate

    effectively can be used by you as manager? Explain in detail.

    I work in Information Technology (IT) where things are in general are verydynamic, the environment changes quick like that Army faces, but not as lethal as Army


    Before I go for a technical solution, I would like to have my staff learn how tocommunicate like Army. The staff during stressful periods should be able to speakcomplete and unhesitatingly sentences like army officers. And the staff needs to be goodlisteners, with an ability to get to the crux of difficult issues. I will identify the staffneeding training in listening and communications and take it up with the humanresources department. These two capabilities needs to emphasized and reminded onregular basis. I will bring this time to time in staff meetings. Such capabilities will bevery valuable within IT and in interacting with business who are customers for IT.

    I will implement intranet website where my IT staff could share the developingknowledge real time. The website will encourage real time collaboration in differentfunctional and technology areas. Since the website could grow large, soon informationmight be difficult to find, I will also implement good search engine with it. The searchengine will allow the staff to have any required information to solve problems in theirhands in seconds.

    As technology keeps changing and the business keeps running, many new and oldsituations develop daily. For new situations, the IT staff needs to do some research,think creatively or get trained. Once solution is found, the staff could post the solution tothe internal website, which could be helpful if the situation appear again.

    Another feature I will implement will be to have some member of staff to gothrough the postings to find patterns and create newsletter. The patterns could indentifyregular recurring problems which IT users face. This information will set mydepartments agenda for future work. And the newsletter will provide summary ofhappenings to IT staff. The staff will feel more educated and more connected. Whenthey see their postings being reviewed they will be more encouraged to continue to postand will bring any situation as it starts to develop to everybodys attention.

    Some of the problems IT deals with are procedural. I will have a tool on every staffmembers computer with which the staff can record the screen shots while installing andimplementing a program or fixing a problem. These recordings will be available in the

    intranet web site search results if same steps were to be done again.

    I also vision a widget which will keep pulling the changing information as

    headlines from the collaboration website to the staffs computer. The widget runs

    automatically each time the staff starts the computer and shows information without

    requiring the person to open web browser and visit the website. The widget will also

    show critical system metrics from the persons responsible area so that the person could

    become more proactive and take required steps before hand.

  • 7/30/2019 Army concepts in IT


    To encourage collaboration, I will have employee participation mandatory and as

    a part of the annual employee evaluation. The evaluation could be on the number of

    postings employee made and on how effective the information was. The collaboration

    technology I will implement needs to have these features so that evaluation

    measurements could be made. Since being collaborative is part the annual review, I am

    sure employees will be more sharing and help the company to run business efficiently

    and effectively in the long run. My goal will be to create learning communities, where

    "groups of IT staff engage in intellectual interaction for the purpose of learning, sharing

    and solving problems.

    How has communication in the armed forces changed as a result of a

    changing environment and the move toward more strategic


    For long time, Army was using one way communication with its


    Most of the soldiers are trained traditionally to learn doctrines and

    standard operating procedures, in a way which made them to follow orders

    without thinking. The whole army system was geared to make soldiers to be

    reactive instead of proactive, complaint instead of being creative and show

    adherence instead of audacity. The fear was if soldiers at ground level

    innovate then failure will be the result.

    Such course of action was all right in traditional wars, but in lastthirty years Army is fighting wars where enemy is not visible like that of

    older wars. The enemy, which Army fights these days, hides among civilian

    population and uses varieties of non traditional methods to hit the Army.

    The new enemy learns fast from Armys actions and changes tactics daily.

    The normal guidelines which Army used to distribute to its soldiers felled

    short in equipping the soldiers with knowledge about current changing

    ground realities. The Army would identify such changing situations,

    prepare response and hand it down. But it will be late as the situationwould have changed again. Most soldiers felt the information was stale and

    too much immersed in Army doctrine.

    Things started to change when Generation X joined Army ranks.

    Generation X is often more self-reliant and confident of their own

    capabilities, compared to the older baby boomer officers. The Generation X,

  • 7/30/2019 Army concepts in IT


    often questions authority and relies on their creativity to find solutions in

    unpredictable environment like that of Iraq. This new environment, needs

    flexible and cohort group eager to learn from each other to survive and

    carry on unexpected irregular tasks.

    Couple of new army officers created a collaborative web site, where

    army men can post questions and ask for any advice. The web site allowed

    unmediated, real-time cross-chat and debates. Suddenly soldiers found

    themselves exchanging ideas and they started to receive stream of

    information to unlock complexities of fighting an urban war. As soon as

    enemy created a new tactic and any of the Army members found how to

    face the new tactic it was immediately shared among other soldiers who

    was also facing same problem at same time. New cadets were also able to

    find introductory information and norms about the foreign country theywere being sent.

    Army found the website had become very useful and provided official

    sanction to it. Army liked the sharing and learning of knowledge as it got

    created in real time as ground realities. The one direction information flow

    has become bidirectional.

    Army also found that it needs to provide such communicative

    platform for its soldiers else the soldiers would create on their own. Thatswhat actually happened and the danger was that the secrets could get

    exposed to the enemy. Army created different channels for sharing different

    categories of information. Army has Call for training units in US;

    Companycommand and Platoonleader are for building leadership skills and

    sharing general tips and tricks about fighting in Iraq.

    Army also learned the troops were working with considerable lack of

    detailed guidance from the headquarters. The troops were capable of

    varieties of jobs which they were not trained for and that too in the countrywhere natives did not speak English. Army also overcame some of its

    reservations about allowing lower ranks to innovate and found that the

    soldiers were teaching themselves how to fight the war. The system for

    recycling combat experience improved hundred fold after a period of forty


  • 7/30/2019 Army concepts in IT


    With the ability to share, the lower ranks feel a sense of

    empowerment. A lone soldier now feels more confident and powerful since

    if time comes the entire collective mind power of the Army could be called

    with just one mouse click.