Armenia38 Tsolak Shahinyan (1964)


Transcript of Armenia38 Tsolak Shahinyan (1964)

Tsolak Shahinyan Tsolak Shahinyan

Armenian artist Tsolak Shahinyan, who works with clay and mixed media, was born in 1964 in Gyumri, Armenia.

After leaving secondary school in 1980, he moved to Yerevan to study at an art college in P. Terlemezyan. After graduating from college he went on to study at Art Academy and he had a specialization in ceramics.

Tsolak believes that family has played a central role in his life and work. The Armenian family traditions play a significant role in the working themes of his creations. The various seasons of the year dictate his creative style and activity. He enjoys painting in the summer months, and working with ceramics during winter months. However, he has found ceramics to be more of his passion than the painting. He feels that working with clay is more relaxing, especially during the difficult months of the year.

Sound: Lena Chamamyan - Sareri Hovin Mernem (Komitas)

Text and pictures: Internet

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu