Armed Race of China

China vs. the United States As we “build down”, China builds up.


Brief description of chinese armed race

Transcript of Armed Race of China

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China vs. the United States

As we “build down”, China builds up.

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Goals of Chinese Strategy

China’s primary national goal is to become a strong, modernized, unified and wealthy nation. China plans to become the preeminent power in Asia by generating enough strength so that no major action will be taken by any other country in Asia without fear of China.

China also plans on being a major player or power in the Western Hemisphere, and be able to control events in North and South America if necessary should they consider any Western power a threat or obstacle to their goals.

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China’s Military Goals

• Prepare for military contingencies along China’s borders

• Prepare to “retake” Taiwan

• Be ready to defend against Western intervention

• Develop and deploy long range weapons, including nuclear missiles, to thwart any interference

• Be ready to engage the United States if necessary or desired

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China’s Multifaceted Buildup

• Political Parity• Develop Resources• Manpower• Nuclear power• Military Technology• International

Economy• Military Strength

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Global Political Parity

• China’s seat in the United Nations

• China’s global economic impact

• China’s positioning in world wide trade

• China’s “Most Favored Nation” status

• Building armed forces of global impact

• Developing weapons systems of global reach and mass destruction (NBC)

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Chinese Subsystems of National Power

• Material or “hard” power (natural resources, economics, technology and national defense

• Spirit or “soft” power (politics, foreign affairs, culture etc.)

• Coordinated Power (leadership, command, management)

• Environmental Power (international, domestic, natural)

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Peace and Development?

• China’s security measures shifting from regional to global

• Wants US out of Eurasian affairs, including the Middle East

• Demands Taiwan’s return to control of mainland China

• Developing, producing and positioning military assets world wide

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COSCO and Hutchinson Whampoa

• China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) is part of PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy).

• Hutchinson-Whampoa is world-wide operator of ports, hotels, and other holdings. Controls ports on both ends of Panama Canal. Answers to Beijing.

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The company is owned by Li Ka Shing, the richest man in Hong Kong and as of March 9, 2006 - the 10th richest man in the world. According to a declassified U.S. Intelligence report, "Li is directly connected to Beijing and is willing to use his business influence to further the aims of the [Communist] Chinese Government. He has positioned his son, Victor Li, to replace him in certain Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa operations such as HW’s Hong Kong International Terminals (HIT). ... Li’s interest in the Panama canal is not only strategic, but also as a means for outside financial opportunities for the Chinese government.”

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Freeport, Bahamas

• Located just 80 miles from Miami

• Has largest loading cranes in the world

• Is largest ocean transhipment point in the Western Hemisphere

• China’s “Diego Garcia”

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Panama Canal--Cristobal

Port of Cristobal on Panama Canal. Capable of berthing large transports and container ships. Cristobal is located at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean side.

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Panama Canal--Balboa

Balboa, on south (Pacific) side of Canal is being developed into a mega port with 18 Super Lift Post-Panar cranes capable of accommodating five Panamax and two feeder ships simultaneously.

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China Ocean Shipping Company

This “civilian” corporation is owned by the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). It is geared to be a military asset for transocean shipment of troops and equipment on massive scales if needed. China believes, like we do, that prepositioning logistical assets in areas of contention or possible strategic concern is paramount to victory. By establishing deep water ports abroad, China is creating an infrastructure capable of handling massive movements of military and logistical supplies.

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A Well Known Military Fact

It is easy to transport troops long distances. It is difficult to transport supplies. You say “Get on the ship (or plane)” and the troops march aboard. You cannot do this with supplies. Troops do not require cranes or forklifts. Supplies and equipment do. By pre-positioning your logistical base in the zone of concern, it eases the time factor to react in that zone with significant force.

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Chinese Ports in the Americas

• Argentina: Buenos Aires Container Terminal

• Bahamas: Freeport Container Port, FP Harbor Company

• Grand Bahama Airport

• Panama: Cristobal and Balboa (Panama Ports Company)

• Mexico: Ensenada International Terminal, Terminal Manzanillo, Port of Veracruz (Gulf side)

• Port of Contenedores (Pacific side)

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China’s Build Up

• Feign weakness while building strength• Build up large Navy, Air Force, Army and

Technical Divisions• Replace old technology with new• Establish forward deployed bases and assets• Develop capability of seizing control of enemy’s

communications, transportation, and logistical reserves (including cyber-warfare)

• Be ready to deal with internal missions and defense

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Our “Build Down”

• 12 Nov 1989 Berlin Wall “Fell.” Troop strength then: 2,130,229

• 1990: 2,046,144• 1991: 1,986,259 (Desert Storm)• 1995: 1,518,224• 1999: 1,485,703• 2005: 1,370,000 (over 150,000 in Iraq)• Compare to June 1953: 3,555,067

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• China: 5% of GNP goes to military

• 379,524,000 available manpower

• 2.2 million active duty military

• 1.4 million frontline personnel

• 9,218 aircraft• 13,200 armor• 29,060 Artillery• 18,500 Missiles

• USA: 3.9% of GNP• 134,813,000 available

manpower• 1,420,000 active military• 220,000 frontline

personnel• 18,169 aircraft• 29,920 Armor• 5,178 Artillery• 35,324 Missiles• (2005 figures)

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China’s Forces are Modern

China’s military is making great strides to modernize and use the latest technology. Chinese Special Forces (above), as one example, are trained and equipped for 21st Century missions.

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Crossing our Borders

• Thousands of illegal foreigners cross our border every day

• Several reports of “Asians” being seen in these groups.

• Reports of “Asians” dressed in Mexican military uniforms from California by local citizens and police.

• China and Islamic Countries forming coalitions.

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Muslims and Asians Enter with Mexicans

• Several incidents have been reported wherein “Middle Eastern Males of Military Age” have been seen, and caught, crossing the border with Hispanic groups.

• In one incident, they ran from an abandoned ranch house and left behind prayer rugs, a Quaran, and a backpack with Arabic literature and a notebook.

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What Do We Do?

• Demand our elected officials remove China from most favored nation status

• Strengthen our Military forces with more personnel, Better and more equipment, and rigid training that is not influenced by “political correctness

• Encourage Citizen ownership and training with firearms.

• Demand that our borders and ports, including airports, are secured and enforced

• Find and remove all illegal aliens, and develop a method of checking/searching every container that comes into the US

• Stop supporting the Chinese military with technology, training and equipment.

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What the Chinese Do Fear

The Chinese military fears an armed citizenry more than a predictable military whose numbers can be counted. Chinese military leadership has voiced a concern during “war game planning” about the unknown number of American citizens who own and can use firearms. Learning from the Vietnamese (Viet Cong) and the teachings of Mao, a huge indigenous guerrilla force is an unknown factor that cannot be predicted or controlled. With millions of armed Americans, who have proved through history to be able to use the arms they possess, China is fearful of an occupation that would not be sustainable. They also fear the number of combat experienced veterans in our population. Such a base of experience can produce a leadership cadre for a huge guerrilla army.

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We Can Never Let Our Guard Down

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The End?