
Arguments Build then fortify


arguments in competitive debate

Transcript of Arguments

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ArgumentsBuild then fortify

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Arguments The Pillars of your debate speech. They

are constructive in nature. They’re your selling points. They

persuade your listeners to side with you on a particular topic.

Their strength lies in how extensively they were explained in relation to the topic.

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Ideal Argument Structure1. Label: Sell it. Good names stick.2. Principle: It must be strong and

believable.3. Analysis: explain your argument in

relation to the principle- examples- paint a picture.

4. Conclusion5. Tie-back

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Tips1. Quality over quantity2. The perfect trifecta: Logic, facts,

principle3. The life-saving extenders: - Why?

- So what?- Why is this

fact/example/principle/argument relevant?

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THBT Barbie is the enemy of the feminist movement

Gov/Prop:“Why is barbie the enemy of the feminist movement?”

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1. Label: She makes girls feel bad about themselves

Principle: Feminist movement stands for women empowerment.

Analysis: 1. Barbie sets an unreasonable standard

of beauty.2. Because young girls play barbie at an

early age, they become slowly convinced that looking like barbie makes you beautiful

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3. But due to differences in ethnicity, body types, social conditions etc. They don’t always meet this standard of beauty.

4. They feel bad for being “ugly”; their peers judge them too for being fat, dark, small,..

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Conclusion:Barbie disempowers women by making them feel less confident about themselves at an early age.

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Tie Back - Going against the core value of feminism by promoting a contrary value, barbie is an enemy of the feminist movement.