Arganlife Products Review


Transcript of Arganlife Products Review


Argan oil is produced from an argan nut from the argan tree, which grows only in southwestern Morocco.

Local women working in fair trade cooperatives where they hand-crack in the argan nuts between two stones, a technique they have used for centuries. Instead of by means of a machine is put, the crude argan kernels are hand-out of the hard shell, with the hand ground in a stone mill, with the hand kneaded for hours and the first cold-pressed in the oil. It takes a woman three days to make one liter of oil. This is why argan oil is so valuable.

If you want to simplify your beauty routine, argan oil can be your go-to beauty elixir from head to toe. It is packed with essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote your overall health by hydrating, soothing, as well as your face and protect hair from sun damage without harmful toxins and parabens.

Synthetic ingredients in shampoos and conditioners can be harmful in the long-run because harmful chemicals like parabens, which have recently been linked to some types of cancer can seep into your pores and into the bloodstream. Plant-based hair cleansers and styling agents are better choices than synthetic versions.

That’s why ArganLife is the best, if you are looking for the ultimate Argan product, to moisturize your hair properly!These bottles are clearly labelled as containing 100% Pure Argan Oil!