Are your dedicated servers secure

Are Your Dedicated Servers Secure? Presented By “bodHOST”

Transcript of Are your dedicated servers secure

Page 1: Are your dedicated servers secure

Are Your Dedicated Servers Secure?

Presented By “bodHOST”

Page 2: Are your dedicated servers secure

If you’ve got websites with a lot of traffic or scripts that use a lot of

resources, upgrading to dedicated servers will decrease load

times dramatically, even during times of peak traffic. Despite being

expensive, these servers are an excellent option if you run an online business and need more bandwidth

and speed.

Page 3: Are your dedicated servers secure

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

Use a free CDN such as CloudFlare to deny access to spammers and save server resources.

Set up a notification system so you can receive messages when your website experiences higher traffic or resource usage than usual.

Check the server log for suspicious IP addresses that appear frequently and deny access to them or entire IP ranges.

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Malware Infections

Always check your applications for bundled malware before installing them.

Be sure to have antivirus software installed to prevent malicious programs from executing.

If you can, opt for a hosting provider who offers comprehensive vulnerability scanning for dedicated servers.

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Brute Force Attacks

Always create a strong password by mixing numbers and upper and lowercase letters.

Never use a dictionary word or a phrase as your password, as it will likely be included in the wordlist attackers will test.

Create different passwords to access different applications on your server.

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