Are You In Or Are You Out? Verizon Wireless magazine advertisement - February 9, 2004, issue of...

Are You Are You In Or In Or Are You Are You Out? Out? Verizon Wireless magazine advertisement - February 9, 2004, issue of Newsweek mmkklmkljfdjffjfjekaefhjk

Transcript of Are You In Or Are You Out? Verizon Wireless magazine advertisement - February 9, 2004, issue of...

Are You In Are You In Or Are Or Are

You Out?You Out?Verizon Wireless magazine advertisement - February

9, 2004, issue of Newsweek


Introducing ‘IN’.Introducing ‘IN’.Introducing ‘IN’. Free IN-Network Calling.With Verizon you can call to any one of our 36 million customers anytime, anywhere, absolutely free when you call from the National IN-Network Coverage Area. It’s easy - Just sign up today, for a 1 or 2 year Customer Agreement on America’s Choice calling plans $39.99 or higher, and talk freely with he people that matter most. Are you ‘IN’?

ImageryImagery✤ The advertisement features a group of

seemingly young people, ranging in diversity. The people are all affably joined in a “connected” pose. This imposes on the audience a feeling of connectedness and friendship, a thing to be desired.

✤ The advert also uses the outline of a red circle around most of the group showing that they are all encapsulated in a connected space. However the one on the end has been excluded. This symbolises the inclusion customers are said to receive when involved in the ‘IN- network’.

✤ The red circle surrounding the IN group of people also links to the INK networks symbol. This corresponding logo or symbolism related the audiences desire to be in the circle with the IN network.


✤ Everyone is dressed casually and brightly but also like everyday people, making them relatable.

✤ The scenery of a beach represents a fun ideal lifestyle that the consumers may desire. The picturesque beach adds this element of desire to the advert.


✤ The colours are bright and used to grab the attention and appeal of young people.

✤ The peoples pose makes their arms look like connecting “wires”. As the advert is promoting wireless connectivity the arms connecting them all symbolise that friendships are the only connection not wires.


✤ The product itself is featured in the lower left corner. Not an obvious focal point for advertising. This is because the product itself isn't what consumers desire its more the lifestyle and connectivity that is said to come with it.

✤ The text also suggests that the networking aspects are “free” however this is a catch. For the free aspects to be applicable to you you must be apart of the IN network. Making this a desirable offer with a catch.

✤ The companies logo is also not a main focal part of the advert. However it is featured in an almost subliminal way.

LanguageLanguage✤ The advert uses language to appeal to

those who want to fit in and be connected. It talks about it being the IN network a sort of reference to the IN crowd.

✤ It attempts to persuade the audience to buy the product through the use of simple informative facts about the plans and the product. It demonstrates that the process of signing up and buying the product is an easy one that could simply be done “today!”.

✤ The information down the bottom also gives contact details for the company including their website and phone number so the audience can immediately get on to this “great offer”.


✤ At the end of the ad it poses the question “are you IN?”. This is a technique used as a proposition to jump on board and be apart of the network.

✤ The language featured in red on the picture is also posing a question of who the audience would rather be; in the IN crowd? or on the outer.

✤ Verizon’s slogan is placed in the bottom right corner. “We never stop working for you!”.This slogan brings the focus back on the company and their friendly claims of customer service.

FormatFormat✤ The adverts layout is used in a way to

bring all the focus to the picture part of the advert. Whereas the important information is placed down the bottom with relatively small text. The text informs about the contractual agreements and payments the products requires. This seemingly “undesirable” part of the product has been put out of the central focus of the advert.

✤ The people have been put in the very centre of the advert making them the key focus of the advert.

✤ The picture is made to take up most of the page so that attention stays on the desirable images that will “suck the audience in”.

Are You In Are You In Or Are Or Are

You Out?You Out?Verizon Wireless magazine advertisement - February

9, 2004, issue of Newsweek
