Are There Any Cures for Alcoholism

Are There Any Cures for Alcoholism? www.spiritualriver .co 888-262- 1297


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Are There Any Cures for Alcoholism?

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Of course there aren’t. That is a bit like saying that there is now a cure for suicide. You can’t stop someone from self destructing. There is no magic formula. Sure, there are things you can try, things you can do, but none of them are a magic bullet.There are many different strategies that people might employ for getting help with their problem, but none of them constitute a real “cure”.

Are There Any Cures?

Are These the Cure?

1. Alcoholic Anonymous2. Medication3. Therapy or Counseling

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This is social recovery, 12 step groups that offer daily meetings and support to recovering alcoholics. But this is far from a cure. In fact, almost 80 percent of everyone who attends an AA meeting will leave the program within one year and never return. Of those who stay, many struggle with relapse for years and years. Some do find success, but it is definitely not a cure.

1. Alcoholic Anonymous

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Medications to cure alcoholism - nope, not a cure. Not even close. There are current medications on the market that help reduce cravings for alcohol, and they do show some promise, but most who have tried these have relapsed. Definitely not a magic bullet.

2. Medication

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888-262-12973. Therapy or Counseling

Therapy or counseling - this is a supplemental strategy at best. You can definitely benefit from long term counseling as a means to more growth in recovery, but simply attending counseling is not going to sober anyone up.

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