Are ET Real? as Real as the Nose on Your Face by Lou Baldin

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Lou Baldin's compilation of questions answers to the existence of extraterrestrials on Earth. They walked among us.

Transcript of Are ET Real? as Real as the Nose on Your Face by Lou Baldin

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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 02:37 single this post

    Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face.

    Once upon a time I was in the United States Army and I not only seen

    alien space ships UFOs, but I was in one. Inside the ship is real life Alice in

    Wonderland stuff. Dist inguishing what is real or imaginary is impossible.


    What government is going to admit they are inferior? Really inferior, like

    an ant against an elephant.

    Governments are terrified of the aliens ---- should they tell that to the


    Aliens are not here to do harm ---- if they were a snap of the finger would

    eliminate all life on this planet.

    Proof ---- not going to happen --------------- for awhile.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 02:53 single this post

    Originally posted by Frith

    While there is little here to give your story veracity, can you go into any more

    detail on what you pers onally have seen and know about ETs and their vehicles?

    Also, how could anything be "imaginary" inside a UFO? Wouldn't everything inside

    be real? Why would ETs put fakery in their own vehicles? To amuse themselves?

    [edit on 10 -4-2005 by Frith]

    Perhaps everything is real, but while inside the ship the atmosphere is like

    a drug induced experience and difficult to differentiate between reality and

    imaginary. The minute y ou step out of the craft the mind goes back to



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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 02:59 single this post

    Originally posted by Lady of the Lake

    I do not believe it is about inferiority it is about suppression for government gain -

    not ours. They do not want us to know the t ruth - but it will prevail.

    The governments are not calling the shots ---- never have --- never will.

    If the aliens wanted to make contact with the general population th ere is

    nothing stopping them ---- they don't want to ----- yet.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 10:43 single this post

    Originally posted by PsykoOps

    Some1 has seen Steven Spielberg's 'Taken' bit too much lately.

    Steven Spielberg's TAKEN is so far off the mark that even the military with

    their vast resources could not come close to matching the depth of

    deception in that one film.

    Perhaps Spielberg works for the aliens.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 11:03 single this post

    Originally posted by ShadowHasNoSource

    It's not that inside the ships is imaginary. It's simply that you are in two different

    realms simultaneous.
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    What shape was the vessel?

    How big was it?

    What did the inside and outside look like?

    What t ype of propulsion system was used?

    What else do you know about the alien contact with our hapless leaders?

    Did someone actually pilot the vessel or just turn it on?

    And about a million and a half other questions....

    You got that one right "two realms" can be confusing at first.

    The ship I was in was about thirty feet wide, but once inside the ship was

    much larger.

    The propulsion system is magnetic wave of sorts , and runs on a mixture of

    pixy dust, far to complex to explain or understand. Reverse engineering is

    a long way off on that system.

    I know they are helpless leaders, concerning the aliens.

    The craft had no seats, and no cockpit. It operated on its own , perhaps

    controlled by telepathy, not sure.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 11:14 single this post

    Originally posted by MiTo

    In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country

    whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to

    recapture an army entire than to destroy it.

    -Sun Tzu, the Art of War

    The aliens have no intention of conquering the human race, nor would they

    be conc erned about preserving infrastructure if they did ---- in comparison

    to them we live in caves.

    However, they are involved in world affairs, nothing happens without their

    knowledge and possibly their approval.
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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 12:06 single this post

    Originally post ed by Vitchilo

    The wine is hard, the king is harder, the woman harder than the king but the truth

    is harder than anything and it's eternal... so the truth will prevail soon.

    The truth is as clear as the nose on your face, but we can't see our own

    noses very well unless we look in the mirror.

    You've heard the old clich "t ruth is stranger than fiction." Most people

    don't want strange, or truth, they prefer fiction, it's easier on the digestive



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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 12:31 single this post

    Originally posted by Klepto

    Could you perhaps draw a diagram of what you saw, explain what business you

    had in entering the craft and also if they are in the future going to take 'action'

    against humanity that they would make humanity privvy to their existance..

    Certainly an interesting thread I must admit but I can see it fizzing out when the

    author loses interest like so many threads similar to this have done

    [edit on 10/4/05 by Klepto]

    A diagram proves nothing, there are hundreds of diagrams out there an d

    anyone can draw whatever they want.

    The military never told me why they gave me access to the ship --- my

    guess they didn't know.

    I can see this tread going south because after all It's only my word ---- it's

    not in my power to provide proof.
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    All I can do is tell some of my story, I was in a ship, the ship flew away

    from this planet while I was in it ---- there was no sensation of movement --

    -no g - force.

    I was standing up looking out one of the port holes and in seconds I was in

    space, the force didn't k nock me down.

    The extraterrestrials are not going to take over this planet, its possible

    they have always had some control of this planet and the inhabitants.

    What do they look like? Whatever they want to look like.

    I had contact with them but in an a ltered state of mind, and telepathic


    You have to really be drunk or drugged up to meet them face to face ----

    they provided the altered state telepathically, otherwise no communication

    was possible.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 13:08 single this post

    Originall y posted by baaronhaile

    so the "dreamland" is just that. a physical space on earth mixed with a dimension

    shift. the source of the shift is a space craft.[???]

    a diagram of your experience would be great sleeper, maybe some more words to

    describe the f eeling of "pushing reality".

    lately in the morning when im still half asleep, it feels like two worlds are getting

    closer. could the dimensional shift you experienced be similar?

    I don't know if it's a dimensional shif t or if it has something to do with the

    high magnetic energy on the ship that somehow alters or interferes with

    the electrical circuits in the human brain.

    The ship is definitely a dreamland but it can be a chamber of horrors ----

    many unknowns inside the ship.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 13:26 single this post


    There were others perhaps four or fiv

    each other. They were preoccupied with stuff, I was in contact with an

    not a question and answer session, it told me things and that was i t. I had

    Even though I was in army uniform those who gave me access to the ship

    They were not allowed access to the ship wh en it flew into space, perhaps

    they were jealous.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 13:38 single this post

    Originally posted by pantha

    As others have said, I think we are missing some detail here. When you relay an

    experience to people, there is usually a beginning a middle and a n end to the tale.

    I think this is what is making this so hard for people to take in.

    It might be a good idea to start again from the very beginning and tell us exactly

    what you experienced start to finish.

    [edit on 10 -4-2005 by pantha]

    I'm sure you would agree that this is not a run of the mill tale; It's to say

    the least very complex phenomena. There is a reason people like me don't

    tell their stories, much cannot b e told, and what is told has to be done



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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 19:49 single this post

    Originally posted by Croat56

    Okay where exactly did the government get a 30 foot extra terrestrial craft?

    The aliens are garrisoned on this planet and on the moon. They have bases

    in several countries in cooperation with those governments. They let us

    play with their toys, take them for a spin, learn a few things along the way

    on how t o improve our technology.

    Humans are on the verge of stepping into space ----- there is a lot of stuff

    to know about that next big leap.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 21:16 single this post


    I know they are stationed here because I was in their ships. They are not

    planning to take control of this planet; control was theirs from day one.

    My military rank and clearance had nothing to do with my involvement

    with the aliens; it came about because of my previous contact with aliens

    from childhood. My clearance to enter the ships was from the aliens, not

    the military.

    I was not a military experiment taki ng drugs and having hallucinations.

    The military was curious of my involvement with the aliens ---- much like

    those posting questions on this post ---- except they know aliens are real.

    The military is eager to know as much as possible about aliens, like


    death of that fact.

    ---- if anything.


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    posted on 10/4/05 @ 21:43 single this post

    Originally posted by Alien Infiltrator

    Since when did you have alien contact from ch ildhood? You should have said that

    earlier.Your story has lots of holes in it.

    You mean like Swiss cheese?

    You know as well as I do that nothing I say will convince you.

    Short of you and the others seeing and joy - riding in a spaceship you will

    not believe.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 11:25 single this post

    me if I talked about extraterrestrials ----- - they lied!

    language like metaphorical, not Peter Pan.

    Since we are the inferior race here describing fantastical things (to us)

    where words have yet to be invented to descr ibe them --------- silly words

    like pixy dust will have to do.

    How would you describe nuclear physics to a tribe of aborigines whose

    highest form of technology is throwing a spear?

    There is a huge gulf, gap, void, space or whatever you wish to call it

    between human technology and alien technology.

    Explaining things I saw and experienced in the alien ship is not simple ----

    I will write more about my experience when I find the correct words to

    describe it.


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    po sted on 11/4/05 @ 12:24 single this post

    There is nothing spectacular about my mil itary service, I enlisted in

    January of 1970 and my tour ended three years later in 1973. My rank was

    spec 4, primary mos was tank crewmen, secondary mos was supply. My

    basic training was in fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

    I was stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky, F ort Ord California, Fort Hood,

    Texas, and did a tour in Okinawa. I have some college.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 13:54 single this post

    As I mentioned I was stationed at several military installations, I received

    my joy rides more than once and at more than one base. I was able to

    observe the exterior of the ship on a military base ---- not going to mention

    which one for obvious reasons. But entering the alien ship took place

    mostly away from military bases, and I found myself inside them, in other

    The ship I remember the most about had corridors. There was a main

    corridor that circled around the main compartment like a hallway

    separating the portholes or viewing area from the interior of the ship. I

    was able to walk around the interior circumference and look out of the ship

    from the many portholes. Never noticed it they were tinted, the view was

    crystal clear.

    The ship was not a large open space, there were rooms or compartments.

    magnetic because in certain parts of the ship I could feel a strong energy

    force around my body, electrical or something like it, difficult to put into



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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 14:17 single this post

    I smoked a little marijuana until I was told by one of the aliens to stop, I

    also liked drinking, and they told me to cut back on that, you would have

    thought they were my mother. I was never injured or given drugs other

    than the vaccinations the military gives out in basic training and when they

    ship you overseas.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 14:33 single this post

    What contradiction, the electrical force I felt had nothing to do with the

    movement of the ship; I felt it while the ship was parked in the VIP parking

    space on one of the military bases, and at other times.

    The military brass never gave me permission to enter the ship even when

    it was on a military installation ----

    with the ali ens, the aliens have parking privileges on any military base.

    I was never debriefed by the military because I never entered the ships on

    behalf of the military or the government.

    trust me to tell them what they wanted to know.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 16:47 single this post

    Originally posted by electric

    Is there anything more you can tell us about the aliens? What do you know about

    them beyond appearance?
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    any lizard types, or the big bug eyed ones reported by most p eople that

    have been abducted.

    I have been approached by normal looking people on base and civilian life

    I may have been around those weird looking aliens and if so for some

    reason unknown to me their images have been blocked from my


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 16:56 single this post

    Originally posted by NoPhobos


    What kind of material were the outside, inside floor, and inside walls made of, or

    what did they look like they were made from?

    Were you taken from the bases, or other locations?


    Besides being disoriented at times the ship was a comfortable place ----- the

    materials were soft, it seem to be somewhere between organic and

    synthetic ---- with very strange properties ---- like standing on a cloud ---- if

    you can imagine that.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 17:29 single this post


    I was never formally questioned by military people but I have observed

    I knew they were human because aliens radiate energy that affects

    humans psychologically and physiologically, and these particular soldiers

    We had infrequent conversation ab out human stuff ----- they never talked
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    ----- from what I could tell they went along

    with whatever the aliens wanted ---- the aliens were training them.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 17:44 single this post


    contact from day one.

    ked about it because of the stigma place on those who have ---


    anymore ----

    I was involved with some secret military stuff, many of us were during that

    war but it had n othing to do with the aliens that I was aware of.


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    posted on 11/4/05 @ 20:23 single this post

    Originally posted by Hal9000

    Can you elaborate on the secret military stuff? What purpose was the special

    programming for? I'm sure your refering to hypnosis, right? And hav e you stayed

    in contact with anyone who might corroborate your story?

    And BTW, thanks for serving.

    [edit on 4/11/2005 by Hal9000]

    Once it was over we were split up and sent to new units, names were

    aliases, but it didn't matter I had no desire to get back in touch.

    alive ---- they were a rough bunch anyway ---- doubt that they cared about

    anythin g.
  • 13

    Aliens can hypnotize anyone, any place, at any time ----- those soldiers on

    the ship were being trained for other things ---- not sure what.

    Everything is on a need to know basis ---- if it didn't concern me I wasn't


    It's the best way to keep secr ets.

    If the aliens were concerned about this story getting out they would stop

    it. Perhaps they know most people will not believe it and are unconcerned.



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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 09:40 single this post

    Originally posted by Truthforall

    1. Who else saw these c rafts parked at Army bases?

    2. What was your assignment during the end of the Korean War?

    I was born at the end of the Korean War.

    Others that have seen the ships one would presume would be a few select

    scientists, government officials, and certain military people.

    When I entered the ship there were a few people standing behind what

    was a protective? Glass partition, no guards near the ship, they were

    posted outsi de the building.


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 09:57 single this post

    Originally posted by Gazrok

    Thank you for your answers, but I'm still not seeing WHY you were brought on
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    board by the aliens, nor allowed to be by the military (as you say, they agreed

    obviously to this). Y ou've mentioned no specific training done by them, nor

    reported anything back to superiors, so we're still left with no identifiable reason

    for these repeated joyrides.

    There would be no military without alien technology. The military (US)

    receives huge amounts of information from the aliens ---- but few

    understand how that knowledge is transferred. The aliens don't had our

    people a set of blueprints and tell them to go build it. Information is

    transferred partially threw telepathy, like uploading information on a


    I use the word telepathy because we don't have a word to describe higher

    forms of brain - to -brain transfers of knowledge, ideas, creativity.

    We (I) don't always know who is sending the information ---- aliens, a super

    computer on the ship ---- a living mind on the ship?

    We are like ants cleaning up a piece of candy that has melted on the



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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 10:07 single this post

    Originally posted by La dy of the Lake Had you expressed interest or belief in


    Why did the millitary 'select' you above others if as you say is correct they allowed

    this exchange to happen.

    Did the aliens convey to you what your mssion was post contact. That is did th ey

    say your role was to help create awareness about their existence?

    I have no idea why I am involved with the aliens ----- but it began from the

    first day I was born ---- and possibly before ----- I have vivid memories of

    my early contacts ---- not sure what I can talk about.

    The military did not select me ---- they knew about me ---- before I knew

    about them.

    I don't know what my role is, perhaps I'm the dishwasher on the ship and

    when I leave they blank that part out.
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    Maybe to tell this story.


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 10:17 single this post

    Originally posted by Hal9000

    Sleeper, have you done any research on this, and found any cases similar to your


    Can you tell us where you were tak en on your trips? You mentioned bases, where

    you taken there? If so can you describe them.

    Also, can you tell us about one of your childhood experiences. Thanks.

    I ha ve read books, magazines, and the internet, hoping to find something

    like my experience ----- I haven't yet.

    [edit on 12 -4-2005 by sleeper]

    [edit on 12 -4-2005 by sleeper]


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 12:59 single this post

    Originally posted by Gazrok[/i

    That ship has sailed...

    That's a good one!
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    Alpha Centauri one of the nearby stars is about 4.3 light years away. For

    hnology it

    would take several lifetimes.

    Our probes can travel about 22,000 miles an hour ----

    that can carry humans that fast yet.

    But if we did, it would only take about 130,000 years to get to our nearest

    neighbor, so pack a big l unch.

    I visited a star system much further than Alpha Centauri ----

    how long the journey was, but it was under a month that I was away. It

    was like taking an ape into New York city and showing it the town and

    taking it back to the jungle and letting it tell the other apes what it saw.

    I remember crystal type structures ---- not much about the people.

    However I have seen places more in line with earth, human looking people

    in what we would call futuristic cities

    I leaned one thing ----- Darwin was wrong, nothing evolved from slime.

    [edit on 23 -4-2006 by sleeper]


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 13:57 single this post

    Originally posted by robertfenix

    Sleeper, since you know already that the "a lien" can present themselves as

    anything or anyone they want. How can you tell what is real and what is not ?

    You stated that normal soliders did not give off the "power" type feeling and thats

    how you knew they were not aliens as opposed to the "real" a liens that you felt

    some sort of energy off of. How is it that you have the ability to sense this energy

    while the mass of humanity is unaware ????

    As for where you are going with this I already know. I know what it is that you are

    trying to say without saying it. But I am curious why is it that you have the ability

    to "see" them, yet you know nothing about what they really look like or even any

    physical features.

    Instead of trying to lead us down a path of bogus data, why don't you just tell

    everyone t he one secret that you are hiding from us. The one thing you know for

    sure without a doubt about the information that you want to tell us all.
  • 17

    Some of us know more then others and some of us can "see".

    ----- it that

    is what you mean?

    I know there are a lot of people that know infinitely more about this stuff

    than I; perhaps you are one of them.

    Feel free to point out the bogus material, or correct me if you know I

    strayed off base on something.

    ----- everything I said is bogus.

    Belief in my story is not integral to my existence.

    What all encompassing secret to you thi nk I am holding out on?

    All humans know when an alien is near them ----

    the feeling with the alien.


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 14:23 single this post

    Originally posted by robertfenix

    You can fabricate stories about "constructs" becauce they can alw ays be plausible,

    but you can not fabricate "stories" about tangible evidence of an alien culture

    because you are unsure if anyone else knows the real truth, thus you never say

    anything because you, yourself do not want to have your story shot with a bunch of


    Steven Spielberg can give you more details, crisp dialog and lots of visual

    effects ---- that's what most people want.

    The truth is not as polished, can be boring, definitely lacking in detail ----

    and would not make a good movie unless it was pumped full of

    "fabricated" material.
  • 18

    Sorry but I'm not a fancy movie director or screen writer.


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 14:36 single this post

    Originally posted by pompano

    Sorry "sleeper" Alpha Centauri is actually a star in the milky way; that would be

    the galaxy we live in. By the way no galaxy is 4.3 light years away, our own galaxy

    is about 100,000 light years across. Despite your apparent lack of knowledge about

    basic astrono my I guess that doesn't mean you are not being truthful, If I were you

    I would continue with the story because I know their are many on the boards who

    will continue to lap it up like dog in heat.

    Well here on planet earth that's called a typo

    Feeling pretty proud of yourself I bet.


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 15:01 single this post

    Originally posted by robertfenix

    But be honest, you have said somethings that are not the truth for a re ason. Tell

    me what your fear is... Tell me why you can not say what it is that you really want

    to say.... Why is it that you can not make that ultimate connection in your mind.

    What is it that is betraying your confidence in what you think you know from wh at

    "they" want you to believe to be the truth.....

    Obviously you know something why keep me and the rest of the board in

    suspense ---- spit it out.
  • 19


    There are lots of people that would like me torpedoed ----

    life worth living.

    What are you waiting for?


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 15:40 single this post

    Originally posted by lost_shaman

    Sleeper , you said earlier in this thread, that they used " Pixy Dust" for propulsion.

    Any connection to this "Angel Hair" stuff ?

    [edit on 12 -4-2005 by lost_shaman]

    Angel hair is very strong, and a fine filament that can stretch hundreds of

    feet without breaking

    hoaxers t hat fastened Frisbees to it, and pawned the film off as footage of

    a flying saucer.

    Kidding! Have to entertain the skeptics every now and then.

    Interesting story ----

    [edit on 12 -4-2005 by sleeper]


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    posted on 12/4/05 @ 15:58 single this post

    Originally posted by lost_shaman

    Sleeper what an interesting story!

    Its true that in 2002 , I had a sighting of a Foo Fighter , or ball of light , and I

    found myself in a state of fear!

    Is that what your talking about ?
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    Fear comes after, that may be why most people miss the early signs or

    triggers in the central nervous system. However you have to be near

    them, inside their magnetic "like" field.

    The sensation is subtle, once you identify it you never forget.


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 00:03 single this post

    Hey I agree, the aliens should have made contact with more deserving

    people like Gazrok, or Spielberg, or any other more articulate individual

    than I.

    intelligence, otherw ise why would the aliens pick a bone head like me to

    indulge in their magic?

    I apologize for putting so many people through my agonizingly cryptic,

    detail lacking, boring and tortuous account.

    ---- for starting this

    post, if I could take it all back I would.

    [edit on 12 -4-2005 by sleeper]


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 10:59 single this post

    Thanks TheObserver,

    information sharing.

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    We are not always fascinated by the prospect of our relationship with

    friendly or otherwise.

    Aliens can be your worst nightmare or they can be like angels from


    The major ity of people that come into contact with aliens ----- are terrified

    beyond belief for having done so, and have no desire to ever experience

    aliens again. So be careful what you wish for!

    This is not Disney Land, few people ever what to return after their first

    visit ----- not for the faint of heart.

    On the other hand some like myself have had enjoyable times ----- fantastic

    experiences ---- and look forward to more contact ----- but not always, there

    And I never want to go there again ----- wherever there was.

    Making up a story is easy ----- there are millions of fiction writers and story


    Writing or relating alien contact is so difficult ----

    many skeptics and

    attempting to tell my story.

    We are not allowed ----

    mind -boggling things we see and experience when we are with aliens ---- in

    their machines or in th eir cities, planets, etc.

    We live in two realities ----- and information does not transfer from one of

    the realities to the other very well.

    There are huge gaps ----- how do we (I) fill them in?

    counts ----- my

    quandary is do I keep torturing those who wish to know more about my

    and bring it to and end.

    Ps--- on think again ----- I would pay if I

    could undue what I have started on this post.


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    Originally posted by jritzmann

    Sleeper -

    Can I ask ya a few questions? Theyre real simple.

    1)Have you ever experimented with drugs. (I thin k this would be a yes considering

    your previous posts.)

    2)What is your IQ? Do you know?

    3)What nationality are you decended from?

    4)Have you ever "messed with" the occult in any way, including something as

    seemingly mundane as a Ouija board, to Wicca n practices, etc. List anything you

    can think of in relation to such.

    If you wouldnt mind, I'd appriciate you answering those questions.


    Italian, born in Ital y, grew up in the states.

    US citizen

    Smoked a little pot in the army.

    Did not dabble in the occult

    Don't know my IQ


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 13:16 single this post

    Originally posted by Gazrok

    And despite not being allowed (a common contactee copout), you are tell ing it...

    I'd advise also against using the other copout of "our brains can't handle it".

    anonymity, so no problem, right?

    [edit on 13 -4-2005 by Gazrok]

    Those copouts are used often because they are true. Most contactees

    remembe r nothing of their experiences ----- and those that have tried
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    regression are not getting accurate information --- aliens and sometimes the

    government can implant fake scenarios during abductions.

    You know very well that no one can hide their identity behind on internet


    me if they want me.


    during her abduction (no one in my family believes in aliens including my


    My mental awareness was not that of a child but near to that of an adult.

    The ship I was in was all over the place like I was being given a tour of the


    I remember leaving this solar system and then returning. It was like a

    train ride I could see planets in the distance some sh rouded in the haze of

    the sun as we made our approach to the earth ---- at that time I did not

    know that the planet I was looking at was earth and my new home? The

    glare of the sun did not bother my eyes --- presumably the glass or

    whatever it was blocked out harmful radiation.


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 13:27 single this post

    Originally posted by elevatedone


    Have you by any chance read the book "Above Black" ?



    Never heard of it.
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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 17:03 single this post

    Originally posted by el cid

    great book, IMHO...ha s that "ring" of truth that so many other books do not. plus

    similar to your experiences, sherman is somewhat at a loss to explain exactly WHY

    he was chosen...other than the fact that he had the "ability".

    Thanks for the link, I read some of the comments on his webpage,

    interesting stuff and I know he is telling the truth.


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 17:20 single this post

    Originally posted by pantha

    one thing that I don't understand is, if you were the subject of abduction all of your

    life, why did these aliens chose to invite you aboard their craft within the setting of

    the military base. Why bring you to the attention of the military?

    Also , sorry if I've missed this anywhere, but have you had any experiences since

    leaving the army and have the army kept tabs on you because of this?

    The aliens don't want to create panic in the military establishment and

    they try to be diplomatic ---- letting the military know who they have an

    interest in ---- it's like diplomats here on earth they have immunity but their

    is protocol that must be followed.

    You have seen how nervous the US and the USSR were during the col d

    war ---- having to share the same planet in not easy.

    The aliens know our paranoia and as far as I have been able to determine

    they don't want to rock the boat.

    However, the waters are turbulent ---- and the military does not trust the

    aliens ---- for obvi ous reasons.

    I have experience aliens many times since my army days ----- if the military

    or anyone else is watching me I am not aware of it.

    Maybe after this they will.
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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 18:29 single this post

    Originally posted by electric

    Thanks for answering this question. What I'm really after though is some

    information about where ET's may have originated. Obviously if you can say

    "there's life within 50 light years of Sol," then you can start 'guesstimating' about

    how prevalent life is in this galaxy.

    The aliens never told me where they were from but they did tell me that

    planets like earth and humans similar to us are the most common species

    in the galaxy ----- the planet s with life number in the billions.

    In other words we are not unique.


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 18:52 single this post

    Originally posted by TrentReznor

    tell me more about these "fantastic experiences"

    What if someone handed you the keys to a Lamborghini and said enjoy the

    ride and let you take the car for a day, a week.

    Most people would have an orgasm on the spot.

    As nice as a Lamborghini is an alien space ship is a billion ti mes cooler.

    Unfortunately most people who are taken into a UFO are so freaked out

    they crap in their pants. The anal probing is a clean -up job.
  • 26

    Ever pick up a turtle or bird and see the terror in their eyes ---- they know

    you are going to eat them and they let loose. That is how most respond to

    alien contact.

    If you can get through that, the ship is pure magic ---- and there is no

    fatigue, you can go twenty - four seven without ever being tired.


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    posted on 13/4/05 @ 21:29 single this post

    Originally posted by Frith

    Was anything else mentioned about the origins of life, man, or ETs?

    Since so many other planets with human - like beings are around, did they mention

    any having the same problems that we have here? Is earth and its inhabitants

    unique in any way?

    From w