Arduino Distance Detector With a Buzzer and LED

Arduino Distance Detector with a Buzzer and LED's S t ep1: Material s N ee d ed  The Materials needed for this project ar e: (1x) Arduino Uno (1x) Breadboard (1x) HC-!"# Ultrasonic ensor (1x) Bu$$er (%x) &reen 's (%x) *ello+ 's (%x) !ed 's (,x) . oh/ !esistors A lot of ju/per +ires

Transcript of Arduino Distance Detector With a Buzzer and LED

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Arduino Distance Detector with a Buzzer and LED's

Step 1: Materials Needed

 The Materials needed for this project are:

• (1x) Arduino Uno

• (1x) Breadboard

• (1x) HC-!"# Ultrasonic ensor

• (1x) Bu$$er

• (%x) &reen 's

• (%x) *ello+ 's

• (%x) !ed 's

• (,x) . oh/ !esistors

• A lot of ju/per +ires

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Step 2: Setup

 The photo abo0e sho+s the setup of the project The ju/per +ires shouldbe connected as follo+s:

Connect a ju/per +ire fro/ the 2 0olt pin on the Arduino to the botto/

channel of the breadboardConnect another ju/per +ire fro/ a 3round pin on the arduino to theupper channel of the breadboard

Bu$$er -4 pin

("n Ultrasonic ensor)cho -4 pin 5 Tri3 -4 pin ,

(6n "rder fro/ !i3ht to 'eft)

'1 -4 pin 7'% -4 pin 8' -4 pin 1.'# -4 pin 11'2 -4 pin 1%'5 -4 pin 1

 The ju/per +ires connected to the 's should be connected to the leadon the ri3ht9 +hile the left lead of the ' should connected to the 3roundchannel 0ia a . oh/ resistor

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Step 3: Assembly: Breadboard

irst thin3s ;rst9 let<s connect the 2 0olt and 3round pin to the breadboard

 A3ain9 the +ire attached to the 2 0olt pin should be connected to the

botto/ channel of the breadboard9 +hile the +ire attached to the 3round

pin should be connected to the upper channel of the breadboard

Step 4: Assembly: Ultrasonic Sensor

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=o+ it<s ti/e to attach the HC-!"# ultrasonic sensor 6t is easiest to

place the ultrasonic sensor as far ri3ht to the breadboard as possible

 !eferrin3 bac> to the setup picture9 ?ou should connect the 3round pin on

the ultrasonic sensor to the 3round channel on the breadboard =extconnect the cho pin on the sensor to pin 5 on the Arduino =o+ connect

the Tri3 pin on the sensor to pin , on the Arduino9 and lastl? connect the

@CC pin on the sensor to the 2 0olt channel on the breadboard 6f ?ou did

that all correctl?9 ?our asse/bl? should loo> li>e the picture abo0e

Step 5: Assembly: LEDs

=ext is connectin3 the '<s to the breadboard and Arduino "nce a3ain

referrin3 bac> to the setup picture9 attachin3 the 's is prett? basic9 just

+ith a lot of repetition The +a? to connect the/ is to connect the anode9

or the lon3er le39 or the one on the ri3ht9 to a pin on the Arduino +ith a ju/per +ire9 and to connect the cathode9 or the shorter le39 or the one on

the left9 to the 3round channel on the breadboard usin3 a . oh/

resistor Then just repeat that step for all six of the 's9 +ith the red '

all the +a? on the ri3ht bein3 connected to pin 7 on the Arduino9 the

anode of the red ' to the left of that one bein3 connected to pin 8 on

the Arduino9 and so on The last '9 that bein3 the 3reen ' all the +a?

on the left9 should ha0e its anode9 or ri3ht le39 connected to pin 1 on the

Arduino "nce ?ou ha0e done that9 ?our setup should loo> so/ethin3 li>e


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!esistors are not absolutel? necessar? for the build9 ho+e0er the are

hi3hl? reco//ended to be used The onl? reason 6 a/ not usin3 the/ is

because 6 don<t ha0e enou3h resistors

Step 6: Assembly: Buzzer

 The last part of the ph?sical setup for this build is attachin3 the bu$$er to

the breadboard and the Arduino This part is probabl? the easiest part of

the setup All ?ou ha0e to do is attach the lon3er le3 of the bu$$er to pin

of the Arduino and attach the shorter le3 of the bu$$er to the 3round

channel of the breadboard


6t is H6&H'* reco//ended to use a resistor in connectin3 the shorter le3

of the bu$$er to the 3round channel of the breadboard This 3reatl?

reduces the 0olu/e of the bu$$er *ou don<t ha0e to use a resistor9 but if

?ou don<t9 the bu$$er +ill be 0er? loud and uite fran>l? anno?in3

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Step 7: The Code

Now that you have finished the physical setup of the build, now its time for the

code. I assume that you already have the Arduino program on your computer,

so now all you have to do is copy and paste the code from below.

#define trigPin 7

#define echoPin 6

#define led 13

#define led2 12

#define led3 11

#define led4 10

#define led5 9

#define led6 8

#define buzzer 3

int sound = 250;

void setup() {

 Serial.begin (9600);

 pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

 pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(led4, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(led5, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(led6, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);


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void loop() {

 long duration, distance;

 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


 digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

 duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

 distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;


if (distance <= 30) {

 digitalWrite(led, HIGH);

 sound = 250;


 else {

 digitalWrite(led,LOW); }

 if (distance < 25) {

  digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);

  sound = 260;


 else {

  digitalWrite(led2, LOW);

 } if (distance < 20) {

  digitalWrite(led3, HIGH);

  sound = 270;


else {

 digitalWrite(led3, LOW);


 if (distance < 15) { digitalWrite(led4, HIGH);

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 sound = 280;


 else {



 if (distance < 10) {

 digitalWrite(led5, HIGH);

 sound = 290;


 else {



 if (distance < 5) {

 digitalWrite(led6, HIGH);

 sound = 300;


 else {




if (distance > 30 || distance <= 0){

 Serial.println("Out of range");



 else {


 Serial.println(" cm");

 tone(buzzer, sound);





Once you've done that, and you've plugged in your Arduino to your computer,

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run the code and you're finished. If you've followed all the directions, the

closer you're hand gets to the HC-SRO4, the LEDs should progressively light

up until and the closer your hand gets, the buzzer will produce a higher tone

each time.