ARDS New Definition - Berlin Consensus

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  • 8/13/2019 ARDS New Definition - Berlin Consensus




    Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe Berlin DefinitionThe ARDS Definition Task Force*

    VALID AND RELIABLE DEFINI-tions are essential to con-duct epidemiological stud-i e s s u c c e s s f u l l y a n d t o

    facilitate enrollment of a consistent pa-tient phenotype into clinical trials.1 Cli-nicians also need such definitions to

    implement the results of clinical trials,discuss prognosis with families, andplan resource allocation.

    Following the initial description ofacute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) by Ashbaugh et al2 in 1967,multiple definitions were proposed andused until the 1994 publication of theAmerican-European Consensus Con-ference (AECC) definition.3 The AECCdefined ARDS as the acute onset of hy-poxemia (arterial partial pressure ofoxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen[PaO2/FIO2]200 mm Hg) with bilat-eral infiltrates on frontal chest radio-graph,with no evidenceof left atrialhy-pertension. A new overarching entityacute lung injury (ALI)was alsodescribed,using similar criteriabut withlesssevere hypoxemia (PaO2/FIO2300mm Hg).3

    The AECC definition was widelyadopted by clinical researchers andclinicians and has advanced theknowledge of ARDS by allowing theacquisition of clinical and epidemio-logical data, which in turn have led to

    improvements in the ability to carefor patients with ARDS. However,after 18 years of applied research, anumber of issues regarding variouscriteria of the AECC definition haveemerged, including a lack of explicit

    criteria for defining acute, sensitivityof PaO2/FIO2to different ventilator set-tings, poor reliability of the chestradiograph criterion, and difficultiesdistinguishing hydrostatic edema(TABLE1).4See related article.

    *Authors/WritingCommitteeand the Members of theARDS Definition Task Forceare listed at the end ofthis article.Corresponding Author: Gordon D. Rubenfeld, MD,MSc,Programin Trauma, Emergency, andCritical Care,Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, 2075 BayviewAve, Toronto, ON M4N 3M5, Canada ([email protected]).

    The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was defined in 1994 by the

    American-European Consensus Conference (AECC); since then, issues regard-

    ing the reliability and validity of this definition have emerged. Using a con-

    sensus process, a panel of experts convened in 2011 (an initiative of the Eu-

    ropean Society of Intensive Care Medicine endorsed by the American Thoracic

    Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine) developed the Berlin Defi-

    nition, focusing on feasibility, reliability, validity, and objective evaluation of

    its performance. A draft definition proposed 3 mutually exclusive categoriesof ARDS based on degree of hypoxemia: mild (200 mm HgPaO2/FIO2300

    mm Hg), moderate (100 mm HgPaO2/FIO2200 mm Hg), and severe (PaO2/

    FIO2100 mm Hg) and 4 ancillary variables for severe ARDS: radiographic se-

    verity, respiratory system compliance (40 mL/cm H2O), positive end-

    expiratory pressure (10 cm H2O), and corrected expired volume per minute

    (10 L/min). The draft Berlin Definition wasempirically evaluated using patient-

    level meta-analysis of 4188patientswith ARDS from4 multicenter clinical data

    sets and269patients with ARDS from 3 single-center data sets containing physi-

    ologic information. The 4 ancillary variables did not contribute to the predic-

    tive validity of severe ARDS for mortality and were removed from the defini-

    tion. Using the Berlin Definition, stages of mild, moderate, and severe ARDS

    were associated with increased mortality(27%; 95%CI, 24%-30%; 32%; 95%CI, 29%-34%; and 45%; 95% CI, 42%-48%, respectively; P.001) and in-

    creased median duration of mechanical ventilation in survivors (5 days; inter-

    quartile [IQR], 2-11; 7 days; IQR, 4-14; and 9 days; IQR, 5-17, respectively;

    P.001). Compared with the AECC definition, the final Berlin Definition had

    better predictive validity for mortality, with an area under the receiver operat-

    ing curve of 0.577 (95% CI, 0.561-0.593) vs 0.536 (95% CI, 0.520-0.553;

    P.001). This updated and revised BerlinDefinition forARDSaddressesa num-

    ber of the limitations of the AECC definition. The approach of combining con-

    sensus discussions with empirical evaluation may serve as a model to create

    more accurate, evidence-based, critical illnesssyndrome definitionsand to bet-

    ter inform clinical care, research, and health services planning.

    JAMA. 2012;307(23):doi:10.1001/jama.2012.5669

    2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA,Published online May 21, 2012 E1

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    For these reasons, and because alldisease definitions should be re-

    viewed periodically, the European So-ciety of Intensive Care Medicine con-vened an international expert panel torevise the ARDS definition, with en-dorsement from the American Tho-racic Society and the Society of Criti-cal Care Medicine. The objectives wereto update the definition using newdata(epidemiological, physiological, andclinical trials) to address the currentlimitations of the AECC definition andexplore other defining variables.


    Consensus Process. Three co-chairswere appointed by the European Soci-ety of Intensive Care Medicine, who inturn selected panelists based on theirwork in the area of ARDS and to ensuregeographic representationfrombothEu-rope and North America. An overviewof the consensus process used by the

    panel is outlined in theFIGURE. In re-vising the definition of ARDS, the panel

    emphasized feasibility, reliability, facevalidity (ie, how clinicians recognizeARDS), and predictive validity (ie, abil-ity to predict response to therapy, out-comes, or both). In addition, the paneldetermined that any revision of thedefi-nition should be compatible with theAECC definition to facilitate interpre-tation of previous studies. After initialpreparations and an in-person consen-sus discussion, a draft definition wasproposed,13 which underwent empiri-cal evaluation. The definition was fur-ther refined through consensus discus-sion informed by these empirical data.

    Empirical Evaluation of Draft Defi-nition.

    Cohort Assembly.Through the reviewof the literature presented at the con-sensus meeting, discussions with otherexperts,andreview of personal files, thepanel identified studies that met the fol-

    lowing eligibility criteria: (1)large, mul-ticenter prospective cohorts, includ-ing consecutive patients or randomizedtrials, or smaller, single-center prospec-tive studies with unique radiological orphysiological data that enrolled adult

    patients with ALI as defined by AECC;(2) studies collected granular data nec-essary to apply the individual criteriaof both the draft Berlin Definition andthe AECC definition; and (3) authorsof these original studies were willing toshare data and collaborate. The panelidentified 7 distinct data sets (4 mul-ticenter clinical studies for the clinicaldatabase14-17 and 3 single-center physi-ological studiesfor the physiological da-tabase18-20) that met these criteria. Fur-ther details of these studies are includedin the eMethods (http://www.jama

    .com).Variables.Studies provided data on

    hospital or 90-day mortality. Ventilator-free days at 28 days after the diagnosisof ALI were calculated as a compositemeasureofmortality andduration ofme-chanical ventilation. Duration of me-chanicalventilation in survivorswasse-lected as an indirect marker of severityof lung injury because this outcome isnot biased by mortality or decisionsrelated to the withdrawal of life-sustainingtreatments.21 Progression ofse-

    verity of ARDS within 7 days was as-sessed using the longitudinal datacollected within eachcohort. We distin-guished patients with more extensivein-volvement on the frontal chest radio-graph (3 or 4 quadrants) from those withthe minimal criterion of bilateralopaci-ties (2 quadrants).

    Static compliance of the respiratorysystem (CRS) was calculated as tidal vol-ume (mL) divided by plateau pressure( c m H 2 O ) m i n u s p o s i t i v e e n d -expiratory pressure (PEEP) (cm H2O).

    The corrected expired volumeper min-ute (VECORR) was calculated as the mea-sured minute ventilation multiplied bythe arterial partial pressure of carbondioxide (PaCO2) divided by40 mmHg.


    Total lung weight was estimated fromquantitative computed tomography(CT) images.23 Shunt was calculated atone site as previously reported.24

    Table 1. The AECC Definition3Limitations and Methods to Address These in the Berlin Definition

    AECC Definition AECC LimitationsAddressed in

    Berlin Definition

    Timing Acute onset No definition of acute4 Acute time framespecified

    ALI category All patients with PaO2/FIO2 300 mm Hg

    Misinterpreted asPaO2/FIO2= 201-300,

    leading to confusingALI/ARDS term

    3 Mutually exclusivesubgroups of

    ARDS by severityALI term removed

    Oxygenation PaO2/FIO2 300mm Hg (regard-less of PEEP)

    Inconsistency of PaO2/FIO2ratio due to theeffect of PEEP and/orFIO2


    Minimal PEEP leveladded acrosssubgroups

    FIO2effect lessrelevant in severeARDS group

    Chest radiograph Bilateral infiltrates ob-served on frontalchest radiograph

    Poor interobserverreliability of chestradiographinterpretation8,9

    Chest radiographcriteria clarified

    Example radiographscreateda

    PAWP PAWP 18 mm Hgwhen measured orno clinical evi-dence of left atrialhypertension

    High PAWP and ARDSmay coexist10,11

    Poor interobserverreliability of PAWP andclinical assesments ofleft atrial


    PAWP requirementremoved

    Hydrostatic edemanot the primarycause ofrespiratory failure

    Clinical vignettescreateda to helpexcludehydrostatic edema

    Risk factor None Not formally included indefinition4

    IncludedWhen none

    identified, need toobjectively rule outhydrostatic edema

    Abbreviations: AECC, American-European Consensus Conference; ALI, acute lung injury; ARDS, acute respiratory dis-tress syndrome; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PAWP, pulmonary arterywedge pressure; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.

    aAvailable on request.


    E2 JAMA,Published online May 21, 2012 2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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    Analytic Framework and StatisticalMethods. The analytic framework forevaluating the draft Berlin ARDS Defi-nition was to (1) determine the distri-bution of patient characteristics acrossthe defined severity categories; (2)

    evaluate the value of proposed ancil-lary variables (more severe radio-graphic criterion, higher PEEP levels,static respiratory compliance, andVECORR) in defining the severe ARDSsubgroupin the draft definition; (3)de-termine the predictive validity for mor-tality of the final Berlin Definition; and(4) compare the final Berlin Defini-tion to the AECC definition. In addi-tion, in a post hoc analysis, we soughtthresholds for CRS and VE CORR thatwould identify a severe group of pa-tients with ARDS who had more than

    50% mortality and include more than10% of the study population.

    We did not evaluate other PaO2/FIO2cutoffs or the requirement of a mini-mum PEEP level (5 cm H2O) as theywere selected by the panel using facevalidity criteria and to ensure compat-ibility with prior definitions. Simi-larly, we did not explore other vari-ables that might improve predictivevalidity, such as ageandseverity of non-pulmonary organ failure, because theywere not specific to the definition of


    To compare the predictive validity ofthe AECC definition and the BerlinDefinition, we used the area under thereceiver operating curve (AUROC or Cstatistic) in logistic regression modelsof mortality with a dummy variable forthe ARDS definition categories.26 Be-cause this technique requires indepen-dent categories to create the dummyvariable and the AECC definition forARDS is a subset of ALI, we could notcompare the AECC definition as speci-

    fied. Therefore, we modified the AECCdefinition and divided ALI into the in-dependent categories of ALI non-ARDS (200 mm HgPaO2/FIO2300mm Hg) and ARDS alone (PaO 2/FIO2200 mm Hg). Although the cat-egory of ALI non-ARDS is not explic-itly described by the AECC, it has beenused by many investigators.27,28

    P values for categorical variables werecalculated with the2 test; P values forcontinuous variables were estimatedwith thet test, Mann-Whitney, analy-sis of variance, or Kruskal-Wallis, de-pending on the distribution and num-

    ber of variables. The receiver operatingcurve statistical analyses were per-formed by using MedCalc for Win-dows version (MedCalc Soft-ware) and other statistical tests wereperformed with SAS/STAT for Win-dows version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc).Statistical significance was assessed atthe 2-sidedP .05 level.


    Draft Consensus Definition.

    The ARDS Conceptual Model. The panel

    agreed that ARDS is a type of acute dif-fuse, inflammatory lung injury, lead-ing to increased pulmonary vascularpermeability, increased lung weight, andloss of aerated lung tissue. The clini-cal hallmarks are hypoxemia and bilat-eral radiographic opacities, associatedwith increased venous admixture, in-creased physiological dead space, anddecreased lung compliance. The mor-phological hallmark of the acute phaseis diffuse alveolar damage (ie, edema,inflammation, hyaline membrane, or


    Draft Definition Criteria. Following 2days of consensusdiscussions, the panelproposed a draft definition with 3 mu-tually exclusive severitycategories (mild,moderate, and severe) of ARDS. A set ofancillary variables was proposed to fur-ther characterizesevereARDSand thesewere explicitly specified for further em-pirical evaluation.13

    Timing. Most patients with ARDS areidentified within 72 hours of recogni-tion of the underlying risk factor, with

    nearly all patients with ARDS identi-fied within 7 days.30 Accordingly, for apatient to be defined as having ARDS,the onset must be within 1 week of aknown clinical insult or new or wors-ening respiratory symptoms.

    Chest Imaging. The panel retained bi-lateral opacities consistent with pul-monary edema on the chest radio-

    graph as defining criteria for ARDS, butalso explicitly recognized that thesefindings could be demonstrated on CTscan instead of chest radiograph. Moreextensive opacities (ie, 3 or 4 quad-rants on chest radiograph) were pro-

    posed as part of the severe ARDScategory and identified for furtherevaluation.

    Origin of Edema. Given the declin-ing use of pulmonary artery cathetersand because hydrostatic edema in theform of cardiac failure or fluid over-load may coexist with ARDS,10,11 thepulmonary artery wedge pressure cri-

    Figure.Outline of Consensus Process

    Premeeting preparations

    (May to September 2011)

    Selection of panelists by chairs

    Precirculation of key topics for discussion

    Preparation of background material bypanelists

    In-person discussions

    (September 30 to October 2, 2011, Berlin,


    Presentations of key background material

    Development of the conceptual model of


    Draft of Berlin Definition based on informal

    consensus discussions

    Empirical evaluation of draft definition

    (October 2011 to January 2012)

    Assembling clinical and physiologic cohorts

    Demonstration of patient characteristics

    and distribution according to definition


    Evaluation of impact of ancillary variables

    for severe ARDS subgroup

    Follow-up of consensus discussions and


    (February 2012 by multiple teleconferences)

    Presentation of empirical evaluation

    Final definition created based on further

    informal consensus discussions

    Decision to present the results of a

    post hoc higher-risk subset

    Testing of predictive validity

    ARDS indicates acute respiratory distress syndrome.


    2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA,Published online May 21, 2012 E3

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    these variables in one of the cohorts.Therewasno significant difference in thepredictive validity of the weight-adjustedcriteria. Theconsensus panel re-viewed these results and considered thelack of evidence for predictivevalidity of

    these ancillary variables and their po-tential contribution to face validity andconstruct validity and decided to usethesimpler definition for severe ARDS thatrelied on oxygenation alone.

    The Berlin Definition. The final Ber-lin Definition of ARDS is shown inTABLE 3. Twenty-two percent (95% CI,21%-24%) of patients met criteria formild ARDS (which is comparable withthe ALI non-ARDS category of theAECC definition; TABLE 4), 50% (95%CI, 48%-51%) of patients met criteriafor moderate ARDS, and 28% (95% CI,

    27%-30%) of patients met criteria forsevere ARDS. Mortality increased withstages of ARDS from mild (27%; 95%CI, 24%-30%) to moderate (32%; 95%CI, 29%-34%) to severe (45%; 95% CI,42%-48%). Median (IQR) ventilator-free days declined with stages of ARDSfrom mild (20 [1-25] days) to moder-ate (16 [0-23] days) to severe (1 [0-20] day). Median (IQR)duration of me-chanical ventilation in survivorsincreased with stages of ARDS frommild (5 [2-11] days) to moderate (7 [4-

    14] days) to severe (9 [5-17] days).Using theBerlin Definition,29%(95%

    CI, 26%-32%) of patients with mildARDS at baseline progressed to moder-

    ate ARDS and 4% (95%CI, 3%-6%) pro-gressed to severe ARDS within 7 days;and 13% (95% CI, 11%-14%) of pa-tients with moderate ARDS at baselineprogressedto severeARDSwithin7 days.All differences between outcome vari-

    ablesacross categoriesofmodified AECC(ALI non-ARDS and ARDS alone) andacross categories of Berlin Definition(mild, moderate, and severe) were sta-tistically significant (P .001).

    Compared with the AECC defini-tion, the final Berlin Definition had bet-ter predictive validity for mortality withan AUROC of 0.577 (95% CI, 0.561-0.593) vs 0.536 (95% CI, 0.520-0.553; P .001), with the difference inAUROC of 0.041 (95% CI, 0.030-0.050). To ensure that missing PEEPdata in one of the cohorts did not bias

    the results, the regression analysis wasrepeated without this cohort andyielded similar results.

    The Berlin Definitionperformedsimi-larly in the physiological database as inthe clinical database (TABLE5, eFigure

    1, and eFigure 2). Twenty-five percent(95% CI, 20%-30%) of patients met cri-teriafor mild ARDS, 59% (95% CI, 54%-66%) of patients met criteria for moder-ate ARDS, and 16% (95% CI, 11%-21%) of patients met criteria for severeARDS. Mortalityincreasedwith stagesofARDS from mild (20%; 95% CI, 11%-31%) to moderate (41%; 95% CI, 33%-49%) to severe (52%; 95% CI, 36%-68%), withP =.001 for differences inmortality across stages of ARDS. Me-dian (IQR) ventilator-free days de-clined with stages of ARDS from mild

    Table 3.The Berlin Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    Timing Within 1 week of a known clinical insult or new or worsening respiratorysymptoms

    Chest imaginga Bilateral opacitiesnot fully explained by effusions, lobar/lung collapse, ornodules

    Origin of edema Respiratory failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overloadNeed objective assessment (eg, echocardiography) to exclude hydrostatic

    edema if no risk factor present


    Mild 200 mm Hg PaO2/FIO2 300 mm Hg with PEEP or CPAP 5 cm H2Oc

    Moderate 100 mm Hg PaO2/FIO2 200 mm Hg with PEEP 5 cm H2O

    Severe PaO2/FIO2 100 mm Hg with PEEP 5 cm H2O

    Abbreviations: CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PaO2,partial pressure ofarterial oxygen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.

    a Chest radiograph or computed tomography scan.b If altitude is higherthan 1000 m, thecorrectionfactorshouldbe calculated as follows:[PaO2/FIO2 (barometric pressure/

    760)].cThis may be delivered noninvasively in the mild acute respiratory distress syndrome group.

    Table 4.Predictive Validity of ARDS Definitions in the Clinical Database

    Modified AECC Definitiona Berlin Definition ARDS a

    ALI Non-ARDS ARDS Mild Moderate Severe

    No. (%) [95% CI] of patients 1001 (24) [23-25] 3187 (76) [75-77] 819 (22) [21-24] 1820 (50) [48- 51] 1031 (28) [27-30]

    Progression in 7 d from mild,No. (%) [95% CI]

    336 (34) [31-37] 234 (29) [26-32] 33 (4) [3-6]

    Progression in 7 d from moderate,No. (%) [95% CI]

    230 (13) [11-14]

    Mortality, No. (%) [95% CI]b

    263 (26) [23-29] 1173 (37) [35-38] 220 (27) [24-30] 575 (32) [29-34] 461 (45) [42-48]Ventilator-free days, median (IQR) b 20 (2-25) 12 (0-22) 20 (1-25) 16 (0-23) 1 (0-20)

    Duration of mechanical ventilation insurvivors, median (IQR), db

    5 (2-10) 7 (4-14) 5 (2-11) 7 (4-14) 9 (5-17)

    Abbreviations: AECC, American-European Consensus Conference; ALI, acute lung injury; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; IQR, inter-quartile range; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.

    aThe definitions are the following for ALI non-ARDS (200 mm HgPaO2/FIO2300 mm Hg, regardless of PEEP), ARDS (PaO2/FIO2200 mm Hg, regardless of PEEP), mild Ber-lin Definition (200 mm HgPaO2/FIO2300 mm Hg with PEEP 5 cm H2O), moderate Berlin Definition (100 mm HgPaO2/FIO2200 mm Hg with PEEP 5 cm H2O), andsevere Berlin Definition (PaO2/FIO2100 mm Hg with PEEP 5 cm H2O).

    b Comparisons of mortality, ventilator-free days, and duration of mechanical ventilation in survivors across categories of modified AECC (ALI non-ARDS and ARDS) and acrosscategories of Berlin Definition (mild, moderate, and severe) are all statistically significant ( P .001).


    2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA,Published online May 21, 2012 E5

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    plex pathology and mechanisms. Theproposed definition does notresolve thisproblem. Investigators maychoose to de-sign future trials using 1 or more of theARDS subgroups as a base study popu-lation, which may be further refined

    using criteria specific to the putativemechanism of action of the interven-tion (eg, IL-6 levels for an antiIL-6trialor more stringent hypoxemiacriteriafora study on extracorporeal membraneoxygenation). Furthermore, some vari-ables that were excluded from the Ber-lin Definition because of current feasi-bility and lack of data on operationalcharacteristics may become more use-fulin thefuture. Weanticipate that clini-cal research using our model of defini-tion development will be used to revisethe definition in the future.

    There are limitations to our ap-proach. First, although the Berlin Defi-nition had statistically significantly su-perior predictive validity for mortalitycompared with themodifiedAECC defi-nition, the magnitude of this differenceand the absolute values of the AUROCare small and would be clinically unim-portant if the Berlin Definition was de-signedas a clinical prediction tool. How-ever, predictive validity for outcome isonly one criterion for evaluating a syn-drome definition andthe purpose of the

    Berlin Definition is not a prognostica-tion tool.33 Although the Berlin Defini-tion wasdeveloped with a framework in-cluding these criteria, we did notempirically evaluate face validity, con-tentvalidity, reliability,feasibility, or suc-cess at identifying patients forclinical trialenrollment.

    Second, it is possible that our resultsarenot generalizable because of thedatasets we studied. This seems unlikely be-cause patients from a broad range ofpopulations, including clinical trials, aca-

    demic centers, and community pa-tients, were included in the analyses.Third, some variables (eg, CRS and

    PEEP) were missing in some patients inthe data sets we used, either due to themode of mechanical ventilation that pre-cluded their measurement or the prac-ticalities of population-based research.However, bias dueto cohort selection or

    missing data seem unlikely because ourresults were robust to sensitivity analy-ses that excluded individual cohorts.

    Fourth,it ispossible thattheancillaryvariables did not identify a higher-risksubset becausethenumber ofquadrants

    on the chest radiograph cannot be as-sessed reliably, PEEP was not used in apredictable fashion, or CRSand VECORRwerenot accuratelymeasured.However,ifthisistrue,itislikelyalsotobetrueinfuture studiesand inclinicalpractice be-causethestudydatabasewasconstructedfrom clinical trial, academic, and com-munitysitesreflectingpracticeinthe realworldofclinicalresearch.Inaddition,weevaluated PEEP and CRSas used by cli-nicians inpracticeandnotas a testof pre-specifiedventilator settings that maybebetterthanthevariablesevaluatedherein,

    butmaynot be practical, particularly inobservational cohort studies.5,6

    Fifth, because our study was not anexercise in developing a prognosticmodel for ARDS, we only consideredthe variables and cutoffs proposed bythe consensus panel. We could notcompare this definition directly to theAECC definition because the catego-ries of that definition overlap. It is pos-sible that the outcomes as well as therelative proportion of patients withineach category of ARDS will change if

    the underlying epidemiology of the syn-drome evolves due to changes in clini-cal practice or risk factors.34 This is par-ticularly true for the post hoc higher-risk subset reported, for which the cutpoints were derived from the data sets.


    In conclusion, we developed a consen-sus draft definition for ARDS with an in-ternational panel using a frameworkthatfocusedon feasibility, reliability, andva-lidity. Wetested thatdefinitionusing em-

    pirical data on clinical outcome, radio-graphic findings, and physiologicalmeasures from 2 large databases con-structed from 7 contributing sources toassess the predictive value of ancillaryvariables, refine the draft definition, andcompare the predictive validity of thedefinition to the existing AECC defini-tion. This approach for developing the

    Berlin Definition for ARDS may serve asan example for linking consensus defi-nition activities with empirical researchto better inform clinical care, research,and health services planning.

    Published Online: May 21, 2012. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.5669Authors/Writing Committee:V. Marco Ranieri, MD(Departmentof Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medi-cine, University of Turin, Turin, Italy); Gordon D.Rubenfeld, MD, MSc (Program in Trauma, Emer-gency, and Critical Care, Sunnybrook Health Sci-ences Center, and Interdepartmental Division of Criti-cal Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto,Ontario, Canada); B. Taylor Thompson, MD (Depart-mentof Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital andHarvard Medical School, Boston); Niall D. Ferguson,MD, MSc(Departmentof Medicine, University HealthNetwork and Mount Sinai Hospital, and Interdepart-mental Division of Critical Care Medicine, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada); Ellen Caldwell,MS (Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medi-cine, Universityof Washington, Seattle); Eddy Fan, MD(Department of Medicine, University Health Net-work and Mount Sinai Hospital, University of To-ronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada); Luigi Camporota,

    MD (Department of Critical Care, Guys and St.Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, Kings Health Part-ners, London, England); and Arthur S. Slutsky, MD(Keenan Research Center of the Li Ka Shing Knowl-edge Institute of St. Michaels Hospital; Interdepart-mental Division of Critical Care Medicine, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).Author Contributions: Dr Rubenfeldand Ms Caldwellhad full access to all of the data in the study and takeresponsibility for the integrity of the data and the ac-curacy of the data analysis.Stu dy con cep t and des ign : Ranieri, Rubenfeld,Thompson, Ferguson, Caldwell, Camporota.Acquisition of data:Ranieri, Rubenfeld, Thompson.Analysis and interpretation of data:Rubenfeld,Thompson, Ferguson, Caldwell, Fan, Slutsky.Drafting of the manuscript: Rubenfeld, Ferguson,Caldwell, Slutsky.Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-

    tellectual content:Ranieri, Rubenfeld, Thompson,Ferguson, Caldwell, Fan, Camporota, Slutsky.Statistical analysis:Rubenfeld, Caldwell, Slutsky.Obtained funding:Ranieri.Administrative, technical, or material support:Rubenfeld, Thompson, Fan, Camporota.Study supervision :Ranieri, Rubenfeld, Thompson,Slutsky.Conflictof InterestDisclosures: All authorshave com-pleted and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosureof Potential Conflicts of Interest. Dr Ranieri reportedreceiving consulting fees or honoraria from MaquetandHemodecand board membership from Faron.DrRubenfeld reportedreceiving consulting feesor hono-raria from Ikaria, Faron, and Cerus. Dr Thompson re-ported receivingsupportfor travel from EuropeanSo-ciety of Intensive Care Medicine; being an advisoryboardmember of Hemodec and AstraZeneca; receiv-ing consultancy fees from US Biotest, Sirius Genetics,

    sanofi-aventis,Immunetrics, Abbott, and Eli Lilly; andreceiving grants from the National Heart, Lung, andBlood Institute. Dr Slutsky reported receiving sup-port fortravel expenses from European Societyof In-tensiveCare Medicine; board membership fromIkaria;receiving consultancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline andTarix; having stock/stock options with Apeiron andTarix;and sittingon advisory boardsfor MaquetMedi-cal and NovaLung and steering committees forHemoDec andEli Lilly. No other authors reported anyfinancial disclosures.Members of the ARDSDefinition TaskForce: V. Marco


    2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA,Published online May 21, 2012 E7

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  • 8/13/2019 ARDS New Definition - Berlin Consensus


    Ranieri, MD (Department of Anesthesia and Inten-sive Care Medicine, University of Turin, Turin, Italy);Gordon D. Rubenfeld, MD, MSc (Program in Trauma,Emergency, andCritical Care,SunnybrookHealth Sci-encesCenter and Interdepartmental Division of Criti-calCare Medicine, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, On-tario, Canada);B. Taylor Thompson, MD (Departmentof Medicine, Massachusetts GeneralHospital andHar-vardMedical School, Boston); Niall D. Ferguson,MD,

    MSc(Departmentof Medicine, University Health Net-work and Mount SinaiHospital,and Interdepartmen-tal Divisionof Critical CareMedicine, University of To-ronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada); EllenCaldwell, MS(Division of Pulmonary andCritical Care Medicine, Uni-versity of Washington, Seattle); Eddy Fan, MD (De-partmentof Medicine, UniversityHealthNetworkandMount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, To-ronto, Ontario, Canada); Luigi Camporota, MD (De-partment of Critical Care, Guys andSt. Thomas NHSFoundation Trust, Kings Health Partners, London,En-gland); and Arthur S. Slutsky, MD (Keenan ResearchCenter of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St.Michaels Hospital; Interdepartmental Divisionof Criti-calCare Medicine, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, On-tario, Canada); Massimo Antonelli, MD (Diparti-mentodi Anestesia e Rianimazione, UniversitaCattolicadel Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy); Antonio Anzueto, MD(Department of Pulmonary/Critical Care, Universityof Texas HealthSciencesCenter, SanAntonio);Richard

    Beale,MBBS (Department of Critical Care, Guys andSt.Thomas NHSFoundation Trust,KingsHealthPart-ners, London, England); LaurentBrochard,MD (Medi-cal-Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Hopitaux Universi-tairesde Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland); Roy Brower,MD (Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medi-cine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Mary-land); Andres Esteban, MD, PhD (Servicio de Cuida-dos Intensivos, Hospital Universitario de Getafe,

    CIBERES, Madrid, Spain); Luciano Gattinoni, MD (Is-tituto di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione,Universita de-gliStudi di Milano, Milan,Italy); AndrewRhodes,MD(Department of IntensiveCare Medicine, St. GeorgesHealthcare NHS Trust, London, England); Jean-LouisVincent, MD (Department of Intensive Care, ErasmeUniversity, Brussels, Belgium); Provided data for theempiric evaluation of the definition but werenot partof the consensus development: Andrew Bersten, MD(Department of Critical Care Medicine, Flinders Uni-versity, Adelaide, South Australia);Dale Needham, MD,PhD (OutcomesAfter Critical Illness and Surgery Group[OACIS], Department of Physical Medicine and Re-habilitation, JohnsHopkinsUniversity, Baltimore,Mary-land); and Antonio Pesenti, MD (Department of An-esthesia and Critical Care, Ospedale San Gerardo,Monza, Italy; and Department of Experimental Medi-cine, University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy).Funding/Support: Thiswork wassupportedby theEu-ropean Society of Intensive Care Medicine and grant

    R01HL067939 from the National Institutes of Health(Dr Rubenfeld). Dr Ferguson is supported by a Cana-dian Institutes of Health Research New InvestigatorAward (Ottawa, Canada).Role of the Sponsors: The European Society of Inten-sive Care Medicine, the National Institutes of Health,theCanadianInstitutes of HealthResearch, andthe en-dorsingprofessional societies had no rolein the designand conduct of the study, in the collection, manage-

    ment, analysis, andinterpretationof thedata, or in thepreparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.Online-Only Material:The eMethods, eReferences,eTables 1 through 4,and eFigures1 through 4 areavail-able at Contributions:Salvatore Maggiore, MD,PhD (Department of Anesthesiology and IntensiveCare, Agostino Gemelli University Hospital, Univer-sit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy), and An-ders Larsson, MD, PhD (Department of Surgical Sci-ences, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine,Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden), attended theroundtable as representatives of the European Soci-ety of Intensive Care Medicine. Drs Maggiore andLarsson received no compensation for theirroles. KarenPickett, MB BCh(Department of IntensiveCare, ErasmeHospital, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,Belgium), provided technical assistance. Dr Pickettreceived compensation for her role in the con-ference.


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