Archive Print Version

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  • 8/2/2019 Archive Print Version




  • 8/2/2019 Archive Print Version



    An archive is a collection of historicalAn archive is a collection of historicalAn archive is a collection of historicalAn archive is a collection of historical

    records, or the physical place they arerecords, or the physical place they arerecords, or the physical place they arerecords, or the physical place they are

    located. Archived documents may havelocated. Archived documents may havelocated. Archived documents may havelocated. Archived documents may haveaccumulated over the course of anaccumulated over the course of anaccumulated over the course of anaccumulated over the course of an

    individual 's lifetime.individual 's lifetime.individual 's lifetime.individual 's lifetime.

    the universe,the universe,the universe,the universe, which stands continually open to ourwhich stands continually open to ourwhich stands continually open to ourwhich stands continually open to ourgazecannot be understood unless one first learns togazecannot be understood unless one first learns togazecannot be understood unless one first learns togazecannot be understood unless one first learns to

    comprehend the language, and interpret the characterscomprehend the language, and interpret the characterscomprehend the language, and interpret the characterscomprehend the language, and interpret the characters

    in which it is written Galileo Galilei 1623in which it is written Galileo Galilei 1623in which it is written Galileo Galilei 1623in which it is written Galileo Galilei 1623

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    This years work will be based on a stuThis years work will be based on a stuThis years work will be based on a stuThis years work will be based on a study of medievaldy of medievaldy of medievaldy of medieval

    documents held in your county archives.documents held in your county archives.documents held in your county archives.documents held in your county archives.

    Manuscript, parchment, vellum are three words thatManuscript, parchment, vellum are three words thatManuscript, parchment, vellum are three words thatManuscript, parchment, vellum are three words that

    evoke a sense of past glory. They are surfaces thatevoke a sense of past glory. They are surfaces thatevoke a sense of past glory. They are surfaces thatevoke a sense of past glory. They are surfaces that

    took months to prepare. The materials required fortook months to prepare. The materials required fortook months to prepare. The materials required fortook months to prepare. The materials required for

    paint and ink being transported by horse and bopaint and ink being transported by horse and bopaint and ink being transported by horse and bopaint and ink being transported by horse and boat fromat fromat fromat from

    across the world.across the world.across the world.across the world.

    You are invited into your local records offices to seeYou are invited into your local records offices to seeYou are invited into your local records offices to seeYou are invited into your local records offices to see

    some of these beautiful, ancient documents and tosome of these beautiful, ancient documents and tosome of these beautiful, ancient documents and tosome of these beautiful, ancient documents and to

    learn their history from the County Archivists.learn their history from the County Archivists.learn their history from the County Archivists.learn their history from the County Archivists.

    We have asked for documents, indentures, scrolls andWe have asked for documents, indentures, scrolls andWe have asked for documents, indentures, scrolls andWe have asked for documents, indentures, scrolls and

    contracts to be availablcontracts to be availablcontracts to be availablcontracts to be available with a high visual impacte with a high visual impacte with a high visual impacte with a high visual impact

    from the medieval period (produced around 1200 tofrom the medieval period (produced around 1200 tofrom the medieval period (produced around 1200 tofrom the medieval period (produced around 1200 to

    1500AD), although Archivists may choose others to1500AD), although Archivists may choose others to1500AD), although Archivists may choose others to1500AD), although Archivists may choose others to

    show particular skills or subject particular skills or subject particular skills or subject particular skills or subject matter.

    What entertainment and education we have enjoyed inWhat entertainment and education we have enjoyed inWhat entertainment and education we have enjoyed inWhat entertainment and education we have enjoyed inthe pages of a book, or the contethe pages of a book, or the contethe pages of a book, or the contethe pages of a book, or the contents of a document.nts of a document.nts of a document.nts of a document.

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    WelcomeWelcomeWelcomeWelcome 5555

    Aspects to think aboutAspects to think aboutAspects to think aboutAspects to think about 7777Sublime words ridiculous imagesSublime words ridiculous imagesSublime words ridiculous imagesSublime words ridiculous images 14141414Parchment or Vellum?Parchment or Vellum?Parchment or Vellum?Parchment or Vellum? 14141414Bestiaries and PsaltersBestiaries and PsaltersBestiaries and PsaltersBestiaries and Psalters 18181818BooksBooksBooksBooks 23232323Exercises to tryExercises to tryExercises to tryExercises to try 24242424WebsitesWebsitesWebsitesWebsites 27272727Inspiration and Education daysInspiration and Education daysInspiration and Education daysInspiration and Education days 32323232Diana SyderDiana SyderDiana SyderDiana Syder 33333333

    Alison SamainAlison SamainAlison SamainAlison Samain 39393939Exhibiting your workExhibiting your workExhibiting your workExhibiting your work 43434343Registration FormsRegistration FormsRegistration FormsRegistration Forms 47474747Summer School 2013Summer School 2013Summer School 2013Summer School 2013 50505050Diary DatesDiary DatesDiary DatesDiary Dates 51515151

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    Welcome to Kick Start.Welcome to Kick Start.Welcome to Kick Start.Welcome to Kick Start.

    The East Midland Region of the Embroiderers GuildThe East Midland Region of the Embroiderers GuildThe East Midland Region of the Embroiderers GuildThe East Midland Region of the Embroiderers Guild

    runs Kick Start as part of its educationruns Kick Start as part of its educationruns Kick Start as part of its educationruns Kick Start as part of its educational programme.

    This is not a competition.This is not a competition.This is not a competition.This is not a competition.

    The aim is to stimulate the creativity of embroiderersThe aim is to stimulate the creativity of embroiderersThe aim is to stimulate the creativity of embroiderersThe aim is to stimulate the creativity of embroiderers

    of all kinds and to celebrate their work in a publicof all kinds and to celebrate their work in a publicof all kinds and to celebrate their work in a publicof all kinds and to celebrate their work in a public

    exhibition. By joining in we hope members willexhibition. By joining in we hope members willexhibition. By joining in we hope members willexhibition. By joining in we hope members will

    develop their skills, grow in confidence and reallydevelop their skills, grow in confidence and reallydevelop their skills, grow in confidence and reallydevelop their skills, grow in confidence and really

    enjoy thenjoy thenjoy thenjoy the journey.e journey.e journey.e journey.

    Beautiful old documents and their history will formBeautiful old documents and their history will formBeautiful old documents and their history will formBeautiful old documents and their history will form

    the start of this years journey.the start of this years journey.the start of this years journey.the start of this years journey.

    Kick Start is not a course with a syllabus but insteadKick Start is not a course with a syllabus but insteadKick Start is not a course with a syllabus but insteadKick Start is not a course with a syllabus but instead

    offers a series of selfoffers a series of selfoffers a series of selfoffers a series of self----development ideas.development ideas.development ideas.development ideas.

    In order to exhibit your work participants are expectedIn order to exhibit your work participants are expectedIn order to exhibit your work participants are expectedIn order to exhibit your work participants are expected

    to ato ato ato attend one of the Inspiration and Education days.ttend one of the Inspiration and Education days.ttend one of the Inspiration and Education days.ttend one of the Inspiration and Education days.

    It does not have to be in your own county, you mayIt does not have to be in your own county, you mayIt does not have to be in your own county, you mayIt does not have to be in your own county, you may

    travel to whichever venue you choose, and you maytravel to whichever venue you choose, and you maytravel to whichever venue you choose, and you maytravel to whichever venue you choose, and you may

    attend as many as you wish.attend as many as you wish.attend as many as you wish.attend as many as you wish.

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    The morning will consist of a group visit to the countyThe morning will consist of a group visit to the countyThe morning will consist of a group visit to the countyThe morning will consist of a group visit to the county

    archive office witharchive office witharchive office witharchive office with a talk and introduction by thea talk and introduction by thea talk and introduction by thea talk and introduction by the


    The County rules will vary but most have said thatThe County rules will vary but most have said thatThe County rules will vary but most have said thatThe County rules will vary but most have said that

    we may take photographs and make drawings.we may take photographs and make drawings.we may take photographs and make drawings.we may take photographs and make drawings.

    Check details on the booking page before you book.Check details on the booking page before you book.Check details on the booking page before you book.Check details on the booking page before you book.

    The visits will last between 1 and 3 hours.The visits will last between 1 and 3 hours.The visits will last between 1 and 3 hours.The visits will last between 1 and 3 hours.

    The afternoon will beThe afternoon will beThe afternoon will beThe afternoon will be spent in a nearby venue withspent in a nearby venue withspent in a nearby venue withspent in a nearby venue with

    this years artists.this years artists.this years artists.this years artists.

    Aspects of the mornings visit will be explored withAspects of the mornings visit will be explored withAspects of the mornings visit will be explored withAspects of the mornings visit will be explored with

    ink, paint and, paint and, paint and, paint and words.

    Details are further on in this book.Details are further on in this book.Details are further on in this book.Details are further on in this book.

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    Aspects to think about:Aspects to think about:Aspects to think about:Aspects to think about:

    There is often a box in which records are stored; a shoeThere is often a box in which records are stored; a shoeThere is often a box in which records are stored; a shoeThere is often a box in which records are stored; a shoe

    box inbox inbox inbox in the attic or an elaborately decorative form ofthe attic or an elaborately decorative form ofthe attic or an elaborately decorative form ofthe attic or an elaborately decorative form of


    The form the documents took?The form the documents took?The form the documents took?The form the documents took?

    Records took several forms in early history and theRecords took several forms in early history and theRecords took several forms in early history and theRecords took several forms in early history and the

    ones you see will vary.ones you see will vary.ones you see will vary.ones you see will vary.

    Was there a scroll? They are lovelyWas there a scroll? They are lovelyWas there a scroll? They are lovelyWas there a scroll? They are lovely

    things that you unroll ahead andthings that you unroll ahead andthings that you unroll ahead andthings that you unroll ahead and

    roll up behind as youroll up behind as youroll up behind as youroll up behind as you

    Consider Devotional scrollsConsider Devotional scrollsConsider Devotional scrollsConsider Devotional scrolls destroyed in the reformation =destroyed in the reformation =destroyed in the reformation =destroyed in the reformation =

    burnt offerings?burnt offerings?burnt offerings?burnt offerings?

    Consider other cultures:Consider other cultures:Consider other cultures:Consider other cultures:

    Mandalas: vividly depicted manuscripts, oftenMandalas: vividly depicted manuscripts, oftenMandalas: vividly depicted manuscripts, oftenMandalas: vividly depicted manuscripts, often

    ephemeral but still relaying information.ephemeral but still relaying information.ephemeral but still relaying information.ephemeral but still relaying information.

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    JainJainJainJain ---- invitation scrollinvitation scrollinvitation scrollinvitation scroll or Vijaptipatraor Vijaptipatraor Vijaptipatraor Vijaptipatra

    A highly decorated formal letter inviting a leadingA highly decorated formal letter inviting a leadingA highly decorated formal letter inviting a leadingA highly decorated formal letter inviting a leading

    monk of a certain monastic group to spend the nextmonk of a certain monastic group to spend the nextmonk of a certain monastic group to spend the nextmonk of a certain monastic group to spend the next

    rainy season in a certain place.rainy season in a certain place.rainy season in a certain place.rainy season in a certain place.

    These invitations take the form of long scrolls withThese invitations take the form of long scrolls withThese invitations take the form of long scrolls withThese invitations take the form of long scrolls withtext and patext and patext and patext and paintings. The text consists of poeticalintings. The text consists of poeticalintings. The text consists of poeticalintings. The text consists of poetical

    description and praises.description and praises.description and praises.description and praises.

    An example of an invitation scroll may be seen in theAn example of an invitation scroll may be seen in theAn example of an invitation scroll may be seen in theAn example of an invitation scroll may be seen in the

    collection of the British Library.collection of the British Library.collection of the British Library.collection of the British Library.

    Palm leaf manuscriptsPalm leaf manuscriptsPalm leaf manuscriptsPalm leaf manuscripts

    Made from Palm leaf, the size, for example, of theMade from Palm leaf, the size, for example, of theMade from Palm leaf, the size, for example, of theMade from Palm leaf, the size, for example, of the

    South Indian Palm leaf denotSouth Indian Palm leaf denotSouth Indian Palm leaf denotSouth Indian Palm leaf denotes the maximum size ofes the maximum size ofes the maximum size ofes the maximum size of

    each page; in this case pages approx 1 wide andeach page; in this case pages approx 1 wide andeach page; in this case pages approx 1 wide andeach page; in this case pages approx 1 wide and

    folded together, then bound in a brass ring to holdfolded together, then bound in a brass ring to holdfolded together, then bound in a brass ring to holdfolded together, then bound in a brass ring to hold

    together as a book. Another example has leavestogether as a book. Another example has leavestogether as a book. Another example has leavestogether as a book. Another example has leaves

    approx 1 wide and 8 long.approx 1 wide and 8 long.approx 1 wide and 8 long.approx 1 wide and 8 long.

    Look at the leaves around you; imagine drying them toLook at the leaves around you; imagine drying them toLook at the leaves around you; imagine drying them toLook at the leaves around you; imagine drying them to

    make pages to write upon?make pages to write upon?make pages to write upon?make pages to write upon?

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    Research theResearch theResearch theResearch the Palm leave manuscript of Jita kalpaPalm leave manuscript of Jita kalpaPalm leave manuscript of Jita kalpaPalm leave manuscript of Jita kalpa

    sutra. The British Library web site is a good place.sutra. The British Library web site is a good place.sutra. The British Library web site is a good place.sutra. The British Library web site is a good place.

    Garland Sutra, where narrative embodies symbols.Garland Sutra, where narrative embodies symbols.Garland Sutra, where narrative embodies symbols.Garland Sutra, where narrative embodies symbols.

    Symbols tell stories to nonSymbols tell stories to nonSymbols tell stories to nonSymbols tell stories to non----readers, as with Christianreaders, as with Christianreaders, as with Christianreaders, as with Christianchurch windows.

    BuddhBuddhBuddhBuddhist Sacred scrollsist Sacred scrollsist Sacred scrollsist Sacred scrolls ---- Japanese Hoke kyo or theJapanese Hoke kyo or theJapanese Hoke kyo or theJapanese Hoke kyo or the

    Lotus Sutra :Lotus Sutra :Lotus Sutra :Lotus Sutra :


    A Jewish art form developed in the 9th century, withA Jewish art form developed in the 9th century, withA Jewish art form developed in the 9th century, withA Jewish art form developed in the 9th century, with

    parallels in Christianity and Islam, utilizing minuteparallels in Christianity and Islam, utilizing minuteparallels in Christianity and Islam, utilizing minuteparallels in Christianity and Islam, utilizing minute

    letters to form representational, geometric andletters to form representational, geometric andletters to form representational, geometric andletters to form representational, geometric and

    abstract designs.abstract designs.abstract designs.abstract designs.

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    TradiTradiTradiTraditionally used totionally used totionally used totionally used to

    define images indefine images indefine images indefine images in

    biblical codices, it is nbiblical codices, it is nbiblical codices, it is nbiblical codices, it is noooo

    longer unique tolonger unique tolonger unique tolonger unique to

    Jewish art; theJewish art; theJewish art; theJewish art; the

    weaving of minuteweaving of minuteweaving of minuteweaving of minutelettering into yourlettering into yourlettering into yourlettering into your

    designs may give you adesigns may give you adesigns may give you adesigns may give you a

    starting point?starting point?starting point?starting point?

    Consider the quality of the document basis:Consider the quality of the document basis:Consider the quality of the document basis:Consider the quality of the document basis:

    The first words were recorded in claThe first words were recorded in claThe first words were recorded in claThe first words were recorded in clay; tablets of clayy; tablets of clayy; tablets of clayy; tablets of clay

    found in Mesopotamia began with pictograms thenfound in Mesopotamia began with pictograms thenfound in Mesopotamia began with pictograms thenfound in Mesopotamia began with pictograms then

    cuneiform script. Long before the ecuneiform script. Long before the ecuneiform script. Long before the ecuneiform script. Long before the early manuscriptsarly manuscriptsarly manuscriptsarly manuscripts

    written on papyruswritten on papyruswritten on papyruswritten on papyrus the first written recordedthe first written recordedthe first written recordedthe first written recorded

    communications were about taxes and financialcommunications were about taxes and financialcommunications were about taxes and financialcommunications were about taxes and financial

    transactionstransactionstransactionstransactions Money!Money!Money!Money!

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    The Gospel of St JohThe Gospel of St JohThe Gospel of St JohThe Gospel of St John 3n 3n 3n 3rdrdrdrd Century papyrus codex wasCentury papyrus codex wasCentury papyrus codex wasCentury papyrus codex was

    unearthed in a rubbish tip in 20unearthed in a rubbish tip in 20unearthed in a rubbish tip in 20unearthed in a rubbish tip in 20thththth C Egypt!C Egypt!C Egypt!C Egypt!

    Many manuscripts are created on:Many manuscripts are created on:Many manuscripts are created on:Many manuscripts are created on:

    Parchment = any animal skinParchment = any animal skinParchment = any animal skinParchment = any animal skin

    Vellum = highest quality skinVellum = highest quality skinVellum = highest quality skinVellum = highest quality skin

    Consider vellum itself:Consider vellum itself:Consider vellum itself:Consider vellum itself: Parchment Vellum is likeParchment Vellum is likeParchment Vellum is likeParchment Vellum is like

    waxed paper, what iswaxed paper, what iswaxed paper, what iswaxed paper, what is its colour, textureits colour, textureits colour, textureits colour, texture, and, and, and, and


    Does it look new or is it worn and cracked and faded?Does it look new or is it worn and cracked and faded?Does it look new or is it worn and cracked and faded?Does it look new or is it worn and cracked and faded?

    How much of the writing can be read?How much of the writing can be read?How much of the writing can be read?How much of the writing can be read?

    What is the quality of line that the quills made?What is the quality of line that the quills made?What is the quality of line that the quills made?What is the quality of line that the quills made?

    Was colour or gold used?Was colour or gold used?Was colour or gold used?Was colour or gold used?

    Gilding was polished with a stone or tooth on glue; itGilding was polished with a stone or tooth on glue; itGilding was polished with a stone or tooth on glue; itGilding was polished with a stone or tooth on glue; it

    still glows istill glows istill glows istill glows in manuscripts centuries later.n manuscripts centuries later.n manuscripts centuries later.n manuscripts centuries later.

    What has been keptWhat has been keptWhat has been keptWhat has been kept????

    Wills and inventories?Wills and inventories?Wills and inventories?Wills and inventories?

    Treaties e.g. 1360 of CalaisTreaties e.g. 1360 of CalaisTreaties e.g. 1360 of CalaisTreaties e.g. 1360 of Calais

    Letters?Letters?Letters?Letters? Maps? Books?Maps? Books?Maps? Books?Maps? Books?

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    Books were very precious, hand copied and owned byBooks were very precious, hand copied and owned byBooks were very precious, hand copied and owned byBooks were very precious, hand copied and owned by

    very few people.very few people.very few people.very few people. Before printing, all books wereBefore printing, all books wereBefore printing, all books wereBefore printing, all books were

    written by hand.written by hand.written by hand.written by hand.

    Manuscript =Manuscript =Manuscript =Manuscript = LatinLatinLatinLatin

    Scriptus = writtenScriptus = writtenScriptus = writtenScriptus = written

    Manu = handManu = handManu = handManu = hand

    Liber VitaeLiber VitaeLiber VitaeLiber Vitae book of lifebook of lifebook of lifebook of life a medieval record of namesa medieval record of namesa medieval record of namesa medieval record of names

    of those destined for heaven!of those destined for heaven!of those destined for heaven!of those destined for heaven!

    EtymologiaeEtymologiaeEtymologiaeEtymologiae 1111stststst encyclopaedia AD560encyclopaedia AD560encyclopaedia AD560encyclopaedia AD560----636 by Isidore636 by Isidore636 by Isidore636 by Isidore

    of Seville.of Seville.of Seville.of Seville.

    Why are some things stored so carefully?Why are some things stored so carefully?Why are some things stored so carefully?Why are some things stored so carefully?

    Value? Historical inteValue? Historical inteValue? Historical inteValue? Historical interest?rest?rest?rest?


    Titles? Parish?Titles? Parish?Titles? Parish?Titles? Parish?


    Tax? Public?Tax? Public?Tax? Public?Tax? Public?

    Tithe? Manorial?Tithe? Manorial?Tithe? Manorial?Tithe? Manorial?

    Accident of history?Accident of history?Accident of history?Accident of history?

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    Where were they originally kept?Where were they originally kept?Where were they originally kept?Where were they originally kept?

    Grand houses?Grand houses?Grand houses?Grand houses?

    Churches and monasteries?Churches and monasteries?Churches and monasteries?Churches and monasteries?

    Big trading guilds?Big trading guilds?Big trading guilds?Big trading guilds?

    Who were the people who wanted them kept?Who were the people who wanted them kept?Who were the people who wanted them kept?Who were the people who wanted them kept?

    Sacred textsSacred textsSacred textsSacred texts

    The handwritThe handwritThe handwritThe handwritten St Cuthbert Gospel from the 7ten St Cuthbert Gospel from the 7ten St Cuthbert Gospel from the 7ten St Cuthbert Gospel from the 7thththth

    Century was placed in St Cuthberts coffin on hisCentury was placed in St Cuthberts coffin on hisCentury was placed in St Cuthberts coffin on hisCentury was placed in St Cuthberts coffin on his

    elevation to sainthood. It is an exceptionallyelevation to sainthood. It is an exceptionallyelevation to sainthood. It is an exceptionallyelevation to sainthood. It is an exceptionally

    important landmark in the history of book production.important landmark in the history of book production.important landmark in the history of book production.important landmark in the history of book production.

    Illuminated manuscripts were produced for display inIlluminated manuscripts were produced for display inIlluminated manuscripts were produced for display inIlluminated manuscripts were produced for display in

    the Scriptoriumthe Scriptoriumthe Scriptoriumthe Scriptorium of a Cathedral Priory; sumptuouslyof a Cathedral Priory; sumptuouslyof a Cathedral Priory; sumptuouslyof a Cathedral Priory; sumptuously

    adornedadornedadornedadorned gold leaf leaf leaf leaf tooled.

    Lit by candlelight, illumination would have glowed.Lit by candlelight, illumination would have glowed.Lit by candlelight, illumination would have glowed.Lit by candlelight, illumination would have glowed.

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    Sublime Words Ridiculous images:Sublime Words Ridiculous images:Sublime Words Ridiculous images:Sublime Words Ridiculous images:

    In the later Middle Ages, sacred, solemn texts wereIn the later Middle Ages, sacred, solemn texts wereIn the later Middle Ages, sacred, solemn texts wereIn the later Middle Ages, sacred, solemn texts wereoften accompanied by images seemingly intended tooften accompanied by images seemingly intended tooften accompanied by images seemingly intended tooften accompanied by images seemingly intended todistract, to amuse and perhaps even to shock theirdistract, to amuse and perhaps even to shock theirdistract, to amuse and perhaps even to shock theirdistract, to amuse and perhaps even to shock theirreaders.readers.readers.readers.

    Playful and sometimes perverse, such images offerPlayful and sometimes perverse, such images offerPlayful and sometimes perverse, such images offerPlayful and sometimes perverse, such images offerpowerful insights into the nature of devotion in thepowerful insights into the nature of devotion in thepowerful insights into the nature of devotion in thepowerful insights into the nature of devotion in theperiod. Drawing on the monkeys and monstersperiod. Drawing on the monkeys and monstersperiod. Drawing on the monkeys and monstersperiod. Drawing on the monkeys and monstersdepicted,perhaps, in the margins of the Britisdepicted,perhaps, in the margins of the Britisdepicted,perhaps, in the margins of the Britisdepicted,perhaps, in the margins of the BritishhhhLibrary's Royal manuscripts, consider what theseLibrary's Royal manuscripts, consider what theseLibrary's Royal manuscripts, consider what theseLibrary's Royal manuscripts, consider what theseimages tell you about the people who made and theimages tell you about the people who made and theimages tell you about the people who made and theimages tell you about the people who made and thepeople who owned these books.people who owned these books.people who owned these books.people who owned these books.

    Edward 4Edward 4Edward 4Edward 4thththth 1461146114611461----83 was the founder of the old royal83 was the founder of the old royal83 was the founder of the old royal83 was the founder of the old royal

    library. Fifty illuminated manuscripts acquired by himlibrary. Fifty illuminated manuscripts acquired by himlibrary. Fifty illuminated manuscripts acquired by himlibrary. Fifty illuminated manuscripts acquired by him

    are at the heartare at the heartare at the heartare at the heart of the collection now in the care of theof the collection now in the care of theof the collection now in the care of theof the collection now in the care of the

    British Library. He began his collection just at theBritish Library. He began his collection just at theBritish Library. He began his collection just at theBritish Library. He began his collection just at the

    time printing arrived.time printing arrived.time printing arrived.time printing arrived.

    These hand written and decorated books were oftenThese hand written and decorated books were oftenThese hand written and decorated books were oftenThese hand written and decorated books were often

    huge in size and lavishly illustrated.huge in size and lavishly illustrated.huge in size and lavishly illustrated.huge in size and lavishly illustrated.

    Edwards books were intended to be read aloud!Edwards books were intended to be read aloud!Edwards books were intended to be read aloud!Edwards books were intended to be read aloud!

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    CCCCodex Sinaiticus is a jewel beyond price one of theodex Sinaiticus is a jewel beyond price one of theodex Sinaiticus is a jewel beyond price one of theodex Sinaiticus is a jewel beyond price one of the

    most important landmarks in the history of the bookmost important landmarks in the history of the bookmost important landmarks in the history of the bookmost important landmarks in the history of the book

    from the 4from the 4from the 4from the 4thththth Century.Century.Century.Century.

    Alongside codex Vaticanus & Codex AlexandrinusAlongside codex Vaticanus & Codex AlexandrinusAlongside codex Vaticanus & Codex AlexandrinusAlongside codex Vaticanus & Codex Alexandrinus

    equal three of the most important manuscripts of theequal three of the most important manuscripts of theequal three of the most important manuscripts of theequal three of the most important manuscripts of the

    bible, and two are availablebible, and two are availablebible, and two are availablebible, and two are available to view at the Britishto view at the Britishto view at the Britishto view at the British


    The Dawn of printing arrived in Korea AD704The Dawn of printing arrived in Korea AD704The Dawn of printing arrived in Korea AD704The Dawn of printing arrived in Korea AD704----751751751751

    The first printed book in England 1454The first printed book in England 1454The first printed book in England 1454The first printed book in England 1454----5 was the Bible5 was the Bible5 was the Bible5 was the Bible

    on Vellum, with mass production by 1480.on Vellum, with mass production by 1480.on Vellum, with mass production by 1480.on Vellum, with mass production by 1480.

    Family treesFamily treesFamily treesFamily trees

    Family trees were popular. They could be beautifullyFamily trees were popular. They could be beautifullyFamily trees were popular. They could be beautifullyFamily trees were popular. They could be beautifully

    written and iwritten and iwritten and iwritten and illustrated but often in a way that gavellustrated but often in a way that gavellustrated but often in a way that gavellustrated but often in a way that gave

    the appearance of a much closer relationship with athe appearance of a much closer relationship with athe appearance of a much closer relationship with athe appearance of a much closer relationship with a

    grand family than was the case.grand family than was the case.grand family than was the case.grand family than was the case.

    For example, all European Medieval Kings claimed toFor example, all European Medieval Kings claimed toFor example, all European Medieval Kings claimed toFor example, all European Medieval Kings claimed to

    be descended from Trojans, who came to Europe afterbe descended from Trojans, who came to Europe afterbe descended from Trojans, who came to Europe afterbe descended from Trojans, who came to Europe after

    the fall of Troy.the fall of Troy.the fall of Troy.the fall of Troy.

    The TrojanThe TrojanThe TrojanThe Trojans were seen as heroic and noble; suchs were seen as heroic and noble; suchs were seen as heroic and noble; suchs were seen as heroic and noble; such

    excellent ancestors to claim lineage toexcellent ancestors to claim lineage toexcellent ancestors to claim lineage toexcellent ancestors to claim lineage to

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    William the Bastard had an unenviably difficultWilliam the Bastard had an unenviably difficultWilliam the Bastard had an unenviably difficultWilliam the Bastard had an unenviably difficult

    status, as both illegitimate and the usurper of thestatus, as both illegitimate and the usurper of thestatus, as both illegitimate and the usurper of thestatus, as both illegitimate and the usurper of the

    English throne; efforts were made to reconcile himEnglish throne; efforts were made to reconcile himEnglish throne; efforts were made to reconcile himEnglish throne; efforts were made to reconcile him

    with 'English royalty' thrwith 'English royalty' thrwith 'English royalty' thrwith 'English royalty' through the House ofough the House ofough the House ofough the House of


    What stories can they tell us of the lives of real peopleWhat stories can they tell us of the lives of real peopleWhat stories can they tell us of the lives of real peopleWhat stories can they tell us of the lives of real people

    in a real place and time?in a real place and time?in a real place and time?in a real place and time?

    Documents can change historyDocuments can change historyDocuments can change historyDocuments can change history; designs for; designs for; designs for; designs for

    Stephenson's "Rocket or Clause Four of the LabourStephenson's "Rocket or Clause Four of the LabourStephenson's "Rocket or Clause Four of the LabourStephenson's "Rocket or Clause Four of the Labour

    Party's constitution, for example.Party's constitution, for example.Party's constitution, for example.Party's constitution, for example.


    TTTThen there were the lengths people went to, to preventhen there were the lengths people went to, to preventhen there were the lengths people went to, to preventhen there were the lengths people went to, to preventthe documents being falsely copied, the signatures,the documents being falsely copied, the signatures,the documents being falsely copied, the signatures,the documents being falsely copied, the signatures,seals, crests and wax impressions.seals, crests and wax impressions.seals, crests and wax impressions.seals, crests and wax impressions. With extravagantWith extravagantWith extravagantWith extravagantgilded clasps and sumptuous velvet covering, agilded clasps and sumptuous velvet covering, agilded clasps and sumptuous velvet covering, agilded clasps and sumptuous velvet covering, amanuscript of Henry VII, a legal contract betweenmanuscript of Henry VII, a legal contract betweenmanuscript of Henry VII, a legal contract betweenmanuscript of Henry VII, a legal contract betweenHHHHenry VII and Westminster Abbeyenry VII and Westminster Abbeyenry VII and Westminster Abbeyenry VII and Westminster Abbey had seals as bighad seals as bighad seals as bighad seals as bigas side side side side plates.

    The jaggedThe jaggedThe jaggedThe jagged edge of the manuscriptedge of the manuscriptedge of the manuscriptedge of the manuscript ---- the indenturethe indenturethe indenturethe indenture ----fits an exact copy of the Will held by the monks in thefits an exact copy of the Will held by the monks in thefits an exact copy of the Will held by the monks in thefits an exact copy of the Will held by the monks in the

    Abbey and constitutes two halves of a legal contract.Abbey and constitutes two halves of a legal contract.Abbey and constitutes two halves of a legal contract.Abbey and constitutes two halves of a legal contract.Magna CartaMagna CartaMagna CartaMagna Carta large seals, rilarge seals, rilarge seals, rilarge seals, ribbons and tapes.bbons and tapes.bbons and tapes.bbons and tapes.

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    Some examples have little seals all along the bottomSome examples have little seals all along the bottomSome examples have little seals all along the bottomSome examples have little seals all along the bottom

    edge. Some have glorious decoration and gilding.edge. Some have glorious decoration and gilding.edge. Some have glorious decoration and gilding.edge. Some have glorious decoration and gilding.

    The beauty of the book displays my genius EadwineThe beauty of the book displays my genius EadwineThe beauty of the book displays my genius EadwineThe beauty of the book displays my genius Eadwine

    mid 12mid 12mid 12mid 12thththth Century.Century.Century.Century.

    Book covers often show of their importance to theBook covers often show of their importance to theBook covers often show of their importance to theBook covers often show of their importance to theowner and theirowner and theirowner and theirowner and their VALUE and POWER.VALUE and POWER.VALUE and POWER.VALUE and POWER.

    Bright and Beautiful.Bright and Beautiful.Bright and Beautiful.Bright and Beautiful.

    When these documents were made they wereWhen these documents were made they wereWhen these documents were made they wereWhen these documents were made they were

    resplendent, things of pride as well as practicality.resplendent, things of pride as well as practicality.resplendent, things of pride as well as practicality.resplendent, things of pride as well as practicality.

    Consider making yours the same. They used coloursConsider making yours the same. They used coloursConsider making yours the same. They used coloursConsider making yours the same. They used colours

    made from semi precious stones. We are lucky we canmade from semi precious stones. We are lucky we canmade from semi precious stones. We are lucky we canmade from semi precious stones. We are lucky we can

    use the same brightuse the same brightuse the same brightuse the same bright blues, greens, reds and goldblues, greens, reds and goldblues, greens, reds and goldblues, greens, reds and gold

    without being a prince of the church or state.without being a prince of the church or state.without being a prince of the church or state.without being a prince of the church or state.

    Bestiaries and PsaltersBestiaries and PsaltersBestiaries and PsaltersBestiaries and Psalters

    Although monastic scriptoria continued, aroundAlthough monastic scriptoria continued, aroundAlthough monastic scriptoria continued, aroundAlthough monastic scriptoria continued, around

    1200AD, provision of education shifted from the1200AD, provision of education shifted from the1200AD, provision of education shifted from the1200AD, provision of education shifted from the

    cathedral schools to universities such as Oxford.cathedral schools to universities such as Oxford.cathedral schools to universities such as Oxford.cathedral schools to universities such as Oxford.

    New textsNew textsNew textsNew texts began to circulate for the urban and ruralbegan to circulate for the urban and ruralbegan to circulate for the urban and ruralbegan to circulate for the urban and rural

    secular elite and middle classes, such as works onsecular elite and middle classes, such as works onsecular elite and middle classes, such as works onsecular elite and middle classes, such as works on

    natural history (the bestiary). Books of Hours alsonatural history (the bestiary). Books of Hours alsonatural history (the bestiary). Books of Hours alsonatural history (the bestiary). Books of Hours also

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    emerged as the most popular book, geared to privateemerged as the most popular book, geared to privateemerged as the most popular book, geared to privateemerged as the most popular book, geared to private


    A bestiary, a popular manual providing informaA bestiary, a popular manual providing informaA bestiary, a popular manual providing informaA bestiary, a popular manual providing informationtiontiontion

    about animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and fish, muchabout animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and fish, muchabout animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and fish, muchabout animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and fish, much

    of it interpreted as illustrating a Christian moral.of it interpreted as illustrating a Christian moral.of it interpreted as illustrating a Christian moral.of it interpreted as illustrating a Christian moral.

    The Felbrigge Psalter was written in northern FranceThe Felbrigge Psalter was written in northern FranceThe Felbrigge Psalter was written in northern FranceThe Felbrigge Psalter was written in northern France

    around 1250. An embroidered panel on the bindingaround 1250. An embroidered panel on the bindingaround 1250. An embroidered panel on the bindingaround 1250. An embroidered panel on the binding

    dates to around 1300.dates to around 1300.dates to around 1300.dates to around 1300.

    This book was oThis book was oThis book was oThis book was owned by a Suffolk nun called Annewned by a Suffolk nun called Annewned by a Suffolk nun called Annewned by a Suffolk nun called Anne

    Felbrigge in the fifteenth century, and hence gets itsFelbrigge in the fifteenth century, and hence gets itsFelbrigge in the fifteenth century, and hence gets itsFelbrigge in the fifteenth century, and hence gets its

    popular name.popular name.popular name.popular name.

    The Gorleston Psalter a manuscript made, probablyThe Gorleston Psalter a manuscript made, probablyThe Gorleston Psalter a manuscript made, probablyThe Gorleston Psalter a manuscript made, probably

    in the 1310s, for someone connected with the church ofin the 1310s, for someone connected with the church ofin the 1310s, for someone connected with the church ofin the 1310s, for someone connected with the church of

    St Andrew at Gorleston in Norfolk. This manusSt Andrew at Gorleston in Norfolk. This manusSt Andrew at Gorleston in Norfolk. This manusSt Andrew at Gorleston in Norfolk. This manuscriptcriptcriptcript

    is rich in basis rich in basis rich in basis rich in bas----dededede----page, literally bottompage, literally bottompage, literally bottompage, literally bottom----ofofofof----thethethethe----page,page,page,page,

    illustrations. Images in the margins of medievalillustrations. Images in the margins of medievalillustrations. Images in the margins of medievalillustrations. Images in the margins of medieval

    manuscripts were there to instruct but also to amuse.manuscripts were there to instruct but also to amuse.manuscripts were there to instruct but also to amuse.manuscripts were there to instruct but also to amuse.

    They often contain visual observations of the timesThey often contain visual observations of the timesThey often contain visual observations of the timesThey often contain visual observations of the times

    and society.and society.and society.and society.

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    Like our own notebooks ofLike our own notebooks ofLike our own notebooks ofLike our own notebooks of modern times, often theremodern times, often theremodern times, often theremodern times, often there

    can be found inscriptions and notes added in marginscan be found inscriptions and notes added in marginscan be found inscriptions and notes added in marginscan be found inscriptions and notes added in margins

    personal messages and annotations.personal messages and annotations.personal messages and annotations.personal messages and annotations.


    What records do we keep? How do they compare withWhat records do we keep? How do they compare withWhat records do we keep? How do they compare withWhat records do we keep? How do they compare with

    those that are nearly a thousand years old?those that are nearly a thousand years old?those that are nearly a thousand years old?those that are nearly a thousand years old?

    I recently had the job of clearingI recently had the job of clearingI recently had the job of clearingI recently had the job of clearing the home I grew up inthe home I grew up inthe home I grew up inthe home I grew up in

    of more than fifty years of accumulated records.of more than fifty years of accumulated records.of more than fifty years of accumulated records.of more than fifty years of accumulated records.

    There were:There were:There were:There were:

    Letters home from college written in the 1960s.Letters home from college written in the 1960s.Letters home from college written in the 1960s.Letters home from college written in the 1960s.

    School reports, Piano certificatesSchool reports, Piano certificatesSchool reports, Piano certificatesSchool reports, Piano certificates

    Drawings from childhood, Newspaper cuttingsDrawings from childhood, Newspaper cuttingsDrawings from childhood, Newspaper cuttingsDrawings from childhood, Newspaper cuttings

    Hundreds of photographsHundreds of photographsHundreds of photographsHundreds of photographs

    Ration books and idRation books and idRation books and idRation books and identity cards.entity cards.entity cards.entity cards.

    They brought back vividly the live that had been ledThey brought back vividly the live that had been ledThey brought back vividly the live that had been ledThey brought back vividly the live that had been led

    there. If you had your own tin box that was goingthere. If you had your own tin box that was goingthere. If you had your own tin box that was goingthere. If you had your own tin box that was going

    down the generations what would you include?down the generations what would you include?down the generations what would you include?down the generations what would you include?

    Would you use a box, or a book or a scroll?Would you use a box, or a book or a scroll?Would you use a box, or a book or a scroll?Would you use a box, or a book or a scroll?

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    Many quilts had memories stitched in.Many quilts had memories stitched in.Many quilts had memories stitched in.Many quilts had memories stitched in.

    Rag rugs eRag rugs eRag rugs eRag rugs evoke the people who wore the clothes thatvoke the people who wore the clothes thatvoke the people who wore the clothes thatvoke the people who wore the clothes that

    eventually were cut up and used.eventually were cut up and used.eventually were cut up and used.eventually were cut up and used.

    Look out for laundry identification marks on oldLook out for laundry identification marks on oldLook out for laundry identification marks on oldLook out for laundry identification marks on old

    linens; a nun, for example, may not have owned muchlinens; a nun, for example, may not have owned muchlinens; a nun, for example, may not have owned muchlinens; a nun, for example, may not have owned muchbut her nightgown or under garments were personalbut her nightgown or under garments were personalbut her nightgown or under garments were personalbut her nightgown or under garments were personal

    and precious, they needed toand precious, they needed toand precious, they needed toand precious, they needed to return to their originalreturn to their originalreturn to their originalreturn to their original

    owner. Finely stitched initials helped identification.owner. Finely stitched initials helped identification.owner. Finely stitched initials helped identification.owner. Finely stitched initials helped identification.

    Many of us record a special event in textiles. Birth isMany of us record a special event in textiles. Birth isMany of us record a special event in textiles. Birth isMany of us record a special event in textiles. Birth is

    one where beautifully worked christening robes areone where beautifully worked christening robes areone where beautifully worked christening robes areone where beautifully worked christening robes are

    used down the generations. I have shawls knitted forused down the generations. I have shawls knitted forused down the generations. I have shawls knitted forused down the generations. I have shawls knitted for

    my children andmy children andmy children andmy children and one knitted by the same great aunt,one knitted by the same great aunt,one knitted by the same great aunt,one knitted by the same great aunt,for their father.for their father.for their father.for their father.

    There are also the records we keep for our own interestThere are also the records we keep for our own interestThere are also the records we keep for our own interestThere are also the records we keep for our own interest

    that can be very interesting for future generations.that can be very interesting for future generations.that can be very interesting for future generations.that can be very interesting for future generations.

    Things like personal weather records, personal animalThings like personal weather records, personal animalThings like personal weather records, personal animalThings like personal weather records, personal animal

    and bird sighting records, records ofand bird sighting records, records ofand bird sighting records, records ofand bird sighting records, records of hunts and fishinghunts and fishinghunts and fishinghunts and fishing

    tips, and diaries which can encapsulate a life just bytips, and diaries which can encapsulate a life just bytips, and diaries which can encapsulate a life just bytips, and diaries which can encapsulate a life just by

    recording day to day events.recording day to day events.recording day to day events.recording day to day events.

    PersonalPersonalPersonalPersonal ---- You may have a very strong connectionYou may have a very strong connectionYou may have a very strong connectionYou may have a very strong connection

    with one aspect of all of this. Go for it!with one aspect of all of this. Go for it!with one aspect of all of this. Go for it!with one aspect of all of this. Go for it!

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    To Start:To Start:To Start:To Start:


    The first stage of any design process is to collectThe first stage of any design process is to collectThe first stage of any design process is to collectThe first stage of any design process is to collect

    everything related to it in one place. Many artists useeverything related to it in one place. Many artists useeverything related to it in one place. Many artists useeverything related to it in one place. Many artists use

    a drawing book but a large envelope or box will do.a drawing book but a large envelope or box will do.a drawing book but a large envelope or box will do.a drawing book but a large envelope or box will do.

    I use a notice board.I use a notice board.I use a notice board.I use a notice board.

    IIII find it helps to see the whole collection at once. I willfind it helps to see the whole collection at once. I willfind it helps to see the whole collection at once. I willfind it helps to see the whole collection at once. I will

    print some photographs and pin them up and I will addprint some photographs and pin them up and I will addprint some photographs and pin them up and I will addprint some photographs and pin them up and I will add

    any drawings or rough notes taken on the day (noany drawings or rough notes taken on the day (noany drawings or rough notes taken on the day (noany drawings or rough notes taken on the day (no----oneoneoneone

    will see this but me). I will hang the work done withwill see this but me). I will hang the work done withwill see this but me). I will hang the work done withwill see this but me). I will hang the work done with

    Diana or Alison on the inspiration dDiana or Alison on the inspiration dDiana or Alison on the inspiration dDiana or Alison on the inspiration days. I often collectays. I often collectays. I often collectays. I often collect

    newspaper articles, art gallery handouts; post cardsnewspaper articles, art gallery handouts; post cardsnewspaper articles, art gallery handouts; post cardsnewspaper articles, art gallery handouts; post cards

    from museums and maybe pictures of work by artists Ifrom museums and maybe pictures of work by artists Ifrom museums and maybe pictures of work by artists Ifrom museums and maybe pictures of work by artists I

    like. I root through my threads and fabrics and putlike. I root through my threads and fabrics and putlike. I root through my threads and fabrics and putlike. I root through my threads and fabrics and put

    small pieces in the mix. If ideas start to bubble I writesmall pieces in the mix. If ideas start to bubble I writesmall pieces in the mix. If ideas start to bubble I writesmall pieces in the mix. If ideas start to bubble I write

    notes to myself andnotes to myself andnotes to myself andnotes to myself and add them in.add them in.add them in.add them in.

    You may be going on a course or having a designYou may be going on a course or having a designYou may be going on a course or having a designYou may be going on a course or having a design

    evening with your Guild. Take some of this along andevening with your Guild. Take some of this along andevening with your Guild. Take some of this along andevening with your Guild. Take some of this along and

    get a different slant on it.get a different slant on it.get a different slant on it.get a different slant on it.

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    Suggested books:Suggested books:Suggested books:Suggested books:

    Illuminated Letters: A treasury of decorativeIlluminated Letters: A treasury of decorativeIlluminated Letters: A treasury of decorativeIlluminated Letters: A treasury of decorativecalligraphy .calligraphy .calligraphy .calligraphy .Margaret Morgan Published by A &Margaret Morgan Published by A &Margaret Morgan Published by A &Margaret Morgan Published by A & CCCCBlack, 2006.Black, 2006.Black, 2006.Black, 2006.

    A richly illustrated book with six complete historicalA richly illustrated book with six complete historicalA richly illustrated book with six complete historicalA richly illustrated book with six complete historicalalphabets, from 7th to 16th centuries and extensivealphabets, from 7th to 16th centuries and extensivealphabets, from 7th to 16th centuries and extensivealphabets, from 7th to 16th centuries and extensiveinformation on all materials & techniques needed toinformation on all materials & techniques needed toinformation on all materials & techniques needed toinformation on all materials & techniques needed tocomplete beautiful decorated letters.complete beautiful decorated letters.complete beautiful decorated letters.complete beautiful decorated letters.

    Lark Studio SeriesLark Studio SeriesLark Studio SeriesLark Studio Series Handmade BooksHandmade BooksHandmade BooksHandmade Books

    ThisThisThisThis onononon----thethethethe----page gallery presents the unlimitedpage gallery presents the unlimitedpage gallery presents the unlimitedpage gallery presents the unlimited

    potential of the form, from leatherpotential of the form, from leatherpotential of the form, from leatherpotential of the form, from leather----tooled covers andtooled covers andtooled covers andtooled covers and

    handmade papers to exotic bindings.handmade papers to exotic bindings.handmade papers to exotic bindings.handmade papers to exotic bindings.

    ISBN13: 9781600596827ISBN13: 9781600596827ISBN13: 9781600596827ISBN13: 9781600596827

    Britannia: One Hundred Documents That Shaped aBritannia: One Hundred Documents That Shaped aBritannia: One Hundred Documents That Shaped aBritannia: One Hundred Documents That Shaped a

    NationNationNationNation by Graham Graham Graham Graham Stewart. ISBN:ISBN:ISBN:ISBN: 9780857400222

    An illAn illAn illAn illustrated chronicle of British history, thatustrated chronicle of British history, thatustrated chronicle of British history, thatustrated chronicle of British history, that

    considers documents that arguably changed the face ofconsiders documents that arguably changed the face ofconsiders documents that arguably changed the face ofconsiders documents that arguably changed the face of

    Britain. From eighthBritain. From eighthBritain. From eighthBritain. From eighth----century Lindisfarne Gospels tocentury Lindisfarne Gospels tocentury Lindisfarne Gospels tocentury Lindisfarne Gospels to

    the Domesday Book, to Neville Chamberlain's 1938the Domesday Book, to Neville Chamberlain's 1938the Domesday Book, to Neville Chamberlain's 1938the Domesday Book, to Neville Chamberlain's 1938

    Munich agreement with Hitler.Munich agreement with Hitler.Munich agreement with Hitler.Munich agreement with Hitler.

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    Exercises to tryExercises to tryExercises to tryExercises to try

    The AgingThe AgingThe AgingThe Aging Process.Process.Process.Process.

    Here are some suggestions for creating the look andHere are some suggestions for creating the look andHere are some suggestions for creating the look andHere are some suggestions for creating the look and

    feel of old objects.feel of old objects.feel of old objects.feel of old objects.

    WashWashWashWash----leathers bought from garages take acrylic andleathers bought from garages take acrylic andleathers bought from garages take acrylic andleathers bought from garages take acrylic and

    metallic paints very well.metallic paints very well.metallic paints very well.metallic paints very well.

    Most papers and many fabrics slowly turn brown ifMost papers and many fabrics slowly turn brown ifMost papers and many fabrics slowly turn brown ifMost papers and many fabrics slowly turn brown if

    they are exposed to light. Dyes bleach and cothey are exposed to light. Dyes bleach and cothey are exposed to light. Dyes bleach and cothey are exposed to light. Dyes bleach and colourslourslourslours

    turn blue, as the yellow used in green dye is fugitive.turn blue, as the yellow used in green dye is fugitive.turn blue, as the yellow used in green dye is fugitive.turn blue, as the yellow used in green dye is fugitive.

    The favourite way to mimic this is using tea or coffeeThe favourite way to mimic this is using tea or coffeeThe favourite way to mimic this is using tea or coffeeThe favourite way to mimic this is using tea or coffee

    to stain.

    If you require an even all over colour, iron the paper orIf you require an even all over colour, iron the paper orIf you require an even all over colour, iron the paper orIf you require an even all over colour, iron the paper or

    fabric flat and put it in a flat tray. Dampen slightly;fabric flat and put it in a flat tray. Dampen slightly;fabric flat and put it in a flat tray. Dampen slightly;fabric flat and put it in a flat tray. Dampen slightly;

    pour on the tepour on the tepour on the tepour on the tea or coffee solution. The dye takesa or coffee solution. The dye takesa or coffee solution. The dye takesa or coffee solution. The dye takes

    quickly so the excess can be poured off in a minute orquickly so the excess can be poured off in a minute orquickly so the excess can be poured off in a minute orquickly so the excess can be poured off in a minute or

    two and the material left to dry. Repeated applicationstwo and the material left to dry. Repeated applicationstwo and the material left to dry. Repeated applicationstwo and the material left to dry. Repeated applications

    give a darker colour. However if you would like angive a darker colour. However if you would like angive a darker colour. However if you would like angive a darker colour. However if you would like an

    uneven spread, which I have found gives a betteruneven spread, which I have found gives a betteruneven spread, which I have found gives a betteruneven spread, which I have found gives a betterimpressioimpressioimpressioimpression of age, leave the material dry and add then of age, leave the material dry and add then of age, leave the material dry and add then of age, leave the material dry and add the

    tea or coffee in the bag.tea or coffee in the bag.tea or coffee in the bag.tea or coffee in the bag.

    This stain is very difficult to remove!This stain is very difficult to remove!This stain is very difficult to remove!This stain is very difficult to remove!

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    I once bought the little embroidered flowers that areI once bought the little embroidered flowers that areI once bought the little embroidered flowers that areI once bought the little embroidered flowers that are

    used on bridesmaids dresses. Stained with tea theyused on bridesmaids dresses. Stained with tea theyused on bridesmaids dresses. Stained with tea theyused on bridesmaids dresses. Stained with tea they

    worked well representing a time worn plworked well representing a time worn plworked well representing a time worn plworked well representing a time worn plan of aan of aan of aan of a

    Victorian garden. In the same project I printed imagesVictorian garden. In the same project I printed imagesVictorian garden. In the same project I printed imagesVictorian garden. In the same project I printed images

    on tissue paper, stained them with tea and then sewedon tissue paper, stained them with tea and then sewedon tissue paper, stained them with tea and then sewedon tissue paper, stained them with tea and then sewed

    over them with a layer of sheer fabric on top.over them with a layer of sheer fabric on top.over them with a layer of sheer fabric on top.over them with a layer of sheer fabric on top.

    Valerie CampbellValerie CampbellValerie CampbellValerie Campbell----Harding; in her book MachineHarding; in her book MachineHarding; in her book MachineHarding; in her book Machine

    Embroidery, Stitched Patterns, explains howEmbroidery, Stitched Patterns, explains howEmbroidery, Stitched Patterns, explains howEmbroidery, Stitched Patterns, explains how to baketo baketo baketo bake

    and grill fabrics and paper to get the required shade ofand grill fabrics and paper to get the required shade ofand grill fabrics and paper to get the required shade ofand grill fabrics and paper to get the required shade of


    One of the advantages of this project is it gives you aOne of the advantages of this project is it gives you aOne of the advantages of this project is it gives you aOne of the advantages of this project is it gives you a

    dead line. Working back from it, plan a timetable anddead line. Working back from it, plan a timetable anddead line. Working back from it, plan a timetable anddead line. Working back from it, plan a timetable and

    enjoy the journey.enjoy the journey.enjoy the journey.enjoy the journey.

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    Another aging method uses plain typing paper andAnother aging method uses plain typing paper andAnother aging method uses plain typing paper andAnother aging method uses plain typing paper and

    cotton fabric. Machine stitch lines with white cottoncotton fabric. Machine stitch lines with white cottoncotton fabric. Machine stitch lines with white cottoncotton fabric. Machine stitch lines with white cotton

    in a loose form that suits your subject. Lay thein a loose form that suits your subject. Lay thein a loose form that suits your subject. Lay thein a loose form that suits your subject. Lay the

    combined materials flat and make them wet and allowcombined materials flat and make them wet and allowcombined materials flat and make them wet and allowcombined materials flat and make them wet and allow

    the paper to soften. It gets very mushy so be careful.the paper to soften. It gets very mushy so be careful.the paper to soften. It gets very mushy so be careful.the paper to soften. It gets very mushy so be careful.

    When it is soft gently rub the paper away untWhen it is soft gently rub the paper away untWhen it is soft gently rub the paper away untWhen it is soft gently rub the paper away until youil youil youil youlike what is left. Leave until it is completely dry. Itlike what is left. Leave until it is completely dry. Itlike what is left. Leave until it is completely dry. Itlike what is left. Leave until it is completely dry. It

    will stain well and can be over sewn with care.will stain well and can be over sewn with care.will stain well and can be over sewn with care.will stain well and can be over sewn with care.

    Sand paper and stone can be used to distress theSand paper and stone can be used to distress theSand paper and stone can be used to distress theSand paper and stone can be used to distress the


    Dilute emulsion or acrylic paint can be spread over theDilute emulsion or acrylic paint can be spread over theDilute emulsion or acrylic paint can be spread over theDilute emulsion or acrylic paint can be spread over the

    whole piece of work and thenwhole piece of work and thenwhole piece of work and thenwhole piece of work and then rubbed back or workedrubbed back or workedrubbed back or workedrubbed back or worked

    into again.into again.into again.into again.

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    Suggested web sites:Suggested web sites:Suggested web sites:Suggested web sites:


    Medieval ManuscriptsMedieval ManuscriptsMedieval ManuscriptsMedieval Manuscripts making of:making of:making of:making of:


    CodexCodexCodexCodex CodicesCodicesCodicesCodices


    Look aLook aLook aLook at the British Library blog:t the British Library blog:t the British Library blog:t the British Library blog:


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    My books and websites:My books and websites:My books and websites:My books and websites:

    Website for the East Midlands region:Website for the East Midlands region:Website for the East Midlands region:Website for the East Midlands region:

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    The Finished Piece.The Finished Piece.The Finished Piece.The Finished Piece.

    By now one idea has taken hold. Try to resist startingBy now one idea has taken hold. Try to resist startingBy now one idea has taken hold. Try to resist startingBy now one idea has taken hold. Try to resist starting

    from cold on the piece.from cold on the piece.from cold on the piece.from cold on the piece.

    Give yourself permission toGive yourself permission toGive yourself permission toGive yourself permission to make a paper model, amake a paper model, amake a paper model, amake a paper model, a

    rough collage to gauge the layout, to put some coloursrough collage to gauge the layout, to put some coloursrough collage to gauge the layout, to put some coloursrough collage to gauge the layout, to put some colourstogether in paint and thread to assess the overalltogether in paint and thread to assess the overalltogether in paint and thread to assess the overalltogether in paint and thread to assess the overall


    Have the courage to say, I need to find out some moreHave the courage to say, I need to find out some moreHave the courage to say, I need to find out some moreHave the courage to say, I need to find out some more

    about that, or That looks clumsy, or This methodabout that, or That looks clumsy, or This methodabout that, or That looks clumsy, or This methodabout that, or That looks clumsy, or This method

    has not givehas not givehas not givehas not given me the results I expected I will ask xxsn me the results I expected I will ask xxsn me the results I expected I will ask xxsn me the results I expected I will ask xxs

    advice when I see her.advice when I see her.advice when I see her.advice when I see her.

    Finally give yourself time!Finally give yourself time!Finally give yourself time!Finally give yourself time!

    Moving onMoving onMoving onMoving on....

    Kick Start is part of the East Midland RegionsKick Start is part of the East Midland RegionsKick Start is part of the East Midland RegionsKick Start is part of the East Midland Regions

    Education Programme. The aim is for participants toEducation Programme. The aim is for participants toEducation Programme. The aim is for participants toEducation Programme. The aim is for participants to

    grow and develop their potential as they take pargrow and develop their potential as they take pargrow and develop their potential as they take pargrow and develop their potential as they take part.t.t.t.

    This means that if you want to include your designThis means that if you want to include your designThis means that if you want to include your designThis means that if you want to include your design

    process in an adult education programme you areprocess in an adult education programme you areprocess in an adult education programme you areprocess in an adult education programme you are

    following that is fine.following that is fine.following that is fine.following that is fine.

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    You might search out a oneYou might search out a oneYou might search out a oneYou might search out a one----day course to help youday course to help youday course to help youday course to help you

    over a hurdle. Having a discussion with a friend orover a hurdle. Having a discussion with a friend orover a hurdle. Having a discussion with a friend orover a hurdle. Having a discussion with a friend or

    supportive group could suisupportive group could suisupportive group could suisupportive group could suit you.t you.t you.t you.

    Getting help if you need it is part of the learningGetting help if you need it is part of the learningGetting help if you need it is part of the learningGetting help if you need it is part of the learning


    At home try pinning the work up. Put it somewhereAt home try pinning the work up. Put it somewhereAt home try pinning the work up. Put it somewhereAt home try pinning the work up. Put it somewhere

    like the mantelpiece or above your computer so thatlike the mantelpiece or above your computer so thatlike the mantelpiece or above your computer so thatlike the mantelpiece or above your computer so that

    you see it at unexpected times. Quite often one aspectyou see it at unexpected times. Quite often one aspectyou see it at unexpected times. Quite often one aspectyou see it at unexpected times. Quite often one aspect

    will really start to grate.will really start to grate.will really start to grate.will really start to grate.

    TaTaTaTake a digital photograph and print it in black andke a digital photograph and print it in black andke a digital photograph and print it in black andke a digital photograph and print it in black and

    white. Try printing it larger and smaller can you seewhite. Try printing it larger and smaller can you seewhite. Try printing it larger and smaller can you seewhite. Try printing it larger and smaller can you see

    what to do now?what to do now?what to do now?what to do now?

    It sometimes helps to hide it away and then see it withIt sometimes helps to hide it away and then see it withIt sometimes helps to hide it away and then see it withIt sometimes helps to hide it away and then see it with

    fresh eyes.fresh eyes.fresh eyes.fresh eyes.

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    Inspiration and Education daysInspiration and Education daysInspiration and Education daysInspiration and Education days

    In order to exhibit their workIn order to exhibit their workIn order to exhibit their workIn order to exhibit their work, participants are, participants are, participants are, participants are

    expected to attend one of our inspiration andexpected to attend one of our inspiration andexpected to attend one of our inspiration andexpected to attend one of our inspiration and

    education days.

    The five Inspiration and Education days will beThe five Inspiration and Education days will beThe five Inspiration and Education days will beThe five Inspiration and Education days will be

    concerned with starting points and looking at how youconcerned with starting points and looking at how youconcerned with starting points and looking at how youconcerned with starting points and looking at how you

    may develop ideas from a morning session ofmay develop ideas from a morning session ofmay develop ideas from a morning session ofmay develop ideas from a morning session of

    immersion into historicaimmersion into historicaimmersion into historicaimmersion into historical archives into designs thatl archives into designs thatl archives into designs thatl archives into designs that

    will be useful for a variety of techniques and processeswill be useful for a variety of techniques and processeswill be useful for a variety of techniques and processeswill be useful for a variety of techniques and processes

    (research and design development).(research and design development).(research and design development).(research and design development).

    We have booked two artists this year, neither workWe have booked two artists this year, neither workWe have booked two artists this year, neither workWe have booked two artists this year, neither work

    primarily in textiles. They will get you working inprimarily in textiles. They will get you working inprimarily in textiles. They will get you working inprimarily in textiles. They will get you working in

    their usual mediums. Their daytheir usual mediums. Their daytheir usual mediums. Their daytheir usual mediums. Their days will be funs will be funs will be funs will be fun andandandand

    challenging.challenging.challenging.challenging. We must attend one to participate in theWe must attend one to participate in theWe must attend one to participate in theWe must attend one to participate in the

    Kick Start programme but you are very welcome to goKick Start programme but you are very welcome to goKick Start programme but you are very welcome to goKick Start programme but you are very welcome to go

    to more!to more!to more!to more!

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    DonDonDonDont forget to keep checking the blog for updates,t forget to keep checking the blog for updates,t forget to keep checking the blog for updates,t forget to keep checking the blog for updates,

    information, research ideas andinformation, research ideas andinformation, research ideas andinformation, research ideas and


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    One of our artists isOne of our artists isOne of our artists isOne of our artists is Diana SyderDiana SyderDiana SyderDiana Syder


    Diana will work with groups at venues in Matlock,Diana will work with groups at venues in Matlock,Diana will work with groups at venues in Matlock,Diana will work with groups at venues in Matlock,

    Lincoln and Nottingham.Lincoln and Nottingham.Lincoln and Nottingham.Lincoln and Nottingham.

    Dianas Biography:Dianas Biography:Dianas Biography:Dianas Biography:

    I am a painter and poet. As a painter I work in allI am a painter and poet. As a painter I work in allI am a painter and poet. As a painter I work in allI am a painter and poet. As a painter I work in all

    media and move between abstract, semimedia and move between abstract, semimedia and move between abstract, semimedia and move between abstract, semi----abstract andabstract andabstract andabstract and

    figurative styles. I regularly exhibit afigurative styles. I regularly exhibit afigurative styles. I regularly exhibit afigurative styles. I regularly exhibit and in 2005 wonnd in 2005 wonnd in 2005 wonnd in 2005 won

    the Derbyshire County Council Oil painting prize.the Derbyshire County Council Oil painting prize.the Derbyshire County Council Oil painting prize.the Derbyshire County Council Oil painting prize.

    My work can be seen at Bakewell Art and Design,My work can be seen at Bakewell Art and Design,My work can be seen at Bakewell Art and Design,My work can be seen at Bakewell Art and Design,

    and The Beetroot Tree, Draycott. At the time ofand The Beetroot Tree, Draycott. At the time ofand The Beetroot Tree, Draycott. At the time ofand The Beetroot Tree, Draycott. At the time of

    writing I have a painting in The Harley Gallery openwriting I have a painting in The Harley Gallery openwriting I have a painting in The Harley Gallery openwriting I have a painting in The Harley Gallery open

    exhibition, Welbeck, and an exhibition schexhibition, Welbeck, and an exhibition schexhibition, Welbeck, and an exhibition schexhibition, Welbeck, and an exhibition scheduled foreduled foreduled foreduled for

    June 2013 at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. I tutorJune 2013 at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. I tutorJune 2013 at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. I tutorJune 2013 at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. I tutor

    painting workshops and demonstrations. Im also apainting workshops and demonstrations. Im also apainting workshops and demonstrations. Im also apainting workshops and demonstrations. Im also a

    poet for whom science and nature are major themes,poet for whom science and nature are major themes,poet for whom science and nature are major themes,poet for whom science and nature are major themes,

    with four published collections:with four published collections:with four published collections:with four published collections: String, MaxwellsString, MaxwellsString, MaxwellsString, Maxwells

    RainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow(a Poetry Book Society Recommenda(a Poetry Book Society Recommenda(a Poetry Book Society Recommenda(a Poetry Book Society Recommendation),tion),tion),tion),

    Hubble,Hubble,Hubble,Hubble, andandandand Planet BoxPlanet BoxPlanet BoxPlanet Box. I have a Public Awareness. I have a Public Awareness. I have a Public Awareness. I have a Public Awarenessof Science Award from the Institute of Physics for myof Science Award from the Institute of Physics for myof Science Award from the Institute of Physics for myof Science Award from the Institute of Physics for my

    poetry and, as a poet, am on the British Councils listpoetry and, as a poet, am on the British Councils listpoetry and, as a poet, am on the British Councils listpoetry and, as a poet, am on the British Councils list

    of science writers. I have taught and tutored creativeof science writers. I have taught and tutored creativeof science writers. I have taught and tutored creativeof science writers. I have taught and tutored creative

    writing extensively both in univwriting extensively both in univwriting extensively both in univwriting extensively both in universities and withersities and withersities and withersities and with

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    community groups. I live and work in Taddington incommunity groups. I live and work in Taddington incommunity groups. I live and work in Taddington incommunity groups. I live and work in Taddington in

    the Derbyshire Peak District where I design our Wellthe Derbyshire Peak District where I design our Wellthe Derbyshire Peak District where I design our Wellthe Derbyshire Peak District where I design our Well

    Dressing. We use around 60 different materials, so inDressing. We use around 60 different materials, so inDressing. We use around 60 different materials, so inDressing. We use around 60 different materials, so in

    late August I can usually be found up to my knees inlate August I can usually be found up to my knees inlate August I can usually be found up to my knees inlate August I can usually be found up to my knees in

    foliage and flowers, leadinfoliage and flowers, leadinfoliage and flowers, leadinfoliage and flowers, leading our petalling team.g our petalling team.g our petalling team.g our petalling team.

    Intention for the day:Intention for the day:Intention for the day:Intention for the day:

    Writing in pictures, drawing in wordsWriting in pictures, drawing in wordsWriting in pictures, drawing in wordsWriting in pictures, drawing in words

    Artists often find inspiration in text, just as writersArtists often find inspiration in text, just as writersArtists often find inspiration in text, just as writersArtists often find inspiration in text, just as writers

    find inspiration in visual images. This workshop willfind inspiration in visual images. This workshop willfind inspiration in visual images. This workshop willfind inspiration in visual images. This workshop will

    give you a chance to experiment in both media. Wellgive you a chance to experiment in both media. Wellgive you a chance to experiment in both media. Wellgive you a chance to experiment in both media. Well

    taketaketaketake ideas from the archivists talk and images fromideas from the archivists talk and images fromideas from the archivists talk and images fromideas from the archivists talk and images fromancient documents to jumpancient documents to jumpancient documents to jumpancient documents to jump----start both your verbal andstart both your verbal andstart both your verbal andstart both your verbal and

    visual imaginations. A series of stimulating,visual imaginations. A series of stimulating,visual imaginations. A series of stimulating,visual imaginations. A series of stimulating,

    interconnected exercises will take you beyond theinterconnected exercises will take you beyond theinterconnected exercises will take you beyond theinterconnected exercises will take you beyond the

    obvious, leading towards a final piece that combinesobvious, leading towards a final piece that combinesobvious, leading towards a final piece that combinesobvious, leading towards a final piece that combines

    both tboth tboth tboth text and visual images/textures. This is anext and visual images/textures. This is anext and visual images/textures. This is anext and visual images/textures. This is an

    opportunity to broaden your Archive project work, oropportunity to broaden your Archive project work, oropportunity to broaden your Archive project work, oropportunity to broaden your Archive project work, or

    to introduce new elements into your practice. Dontto introduce new elements into your practice. Dontto introduce new elements into your practice. Dontto introduce new elements into your practice. Dont

    worry if you think you cant draw or cant write; youworry if you think you cant draw or cant write; youworry if you think you cant draw or cant write; youworry if you think you cant draw or cant write; you

    will surprise yourself! You will go home with all sortwill surprise yourself! You will go home with all sortwill surprise yourself! Y