Archival and manuscript materials - James H. Meyer Folder/Microsoft Word - WORKS CITED.pdfArchival...

264 BIBLIOGRAPHY Archival and manuscript materials National Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan (NART). Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation Fond 1 Kantseliariia Kazanskogo gubernatora Fond 2 Kazanskoe gubernskoe pravlenie Fond 22 Kazanskaia Tatarskaia ratusha Fond 92 Popechitel’ Kazanskogo uchebnogo okruga Fond 160 Direktor narodnykh uchilishch Kazanskogo uchebnogo okruga po Kazanskoi gubernii. Fond 199 Kazanskoe gubernskoe zhandarmskoe upravlenie Fond 420 Kazanskii vremennyi komitet po delam pechati Fond 1370 Lichnyi fond Fatikh Kerimi. Azerbaijan State Historical Archive (ADTA). Baku, Azerbaijan Fond 44 Bakinskoe gubernskoe pravlenie Fond 45 Kantseliariia Bakinskogo gubernatora Fond 62 Elizavetpol’skoe gubernskoe pravlenie Fond 288 Zakavkazskoe Sunnitskoe Sheikh ul-Islam Fond 289 Zakavkazskoe Shiitskoe Mufti Fond 290 Zakavkazskoe Shiitskoe dukhovnoe upravlenie Fond 291 Zakavkazskoe Sunnitskoe dukhovnoe upravlenie Fond 312 Neshri-Magarif Fond 486 Bakinskoe gubernskoe zhandarmskoe upravlenie Fond 524 Osobaia komissiia po sobraniiu materialov po Russkoi politike v zakavkazii v otnoshenii Musulman pri ministerstve inostrannikh del Azerbaidzhanskoi respubliki g. Baku, 1863-1920 gg. State Archive of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (GAARK). Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine Fond 26. Kantseliariia Tavriskogo gubernatora Fond 27. Tavriiskoe gubernskoe pravlenie Fond 100 Direktor narodnykh uchilish Tarvicheskoi gubernii. Fond 315 Tavricheskoe Magometanskoe dukhovnoe sobranie Fond 706 Tavricheskoe gubernskoe zhandarmskoe upravlenie.

Transcript of Archival and manuscript materials - James H. Meyer Folder/Microsoft Word - WORKS CITED.pdfArchival...



Archival and manuscript materials

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