Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ......

2018 Architecture Building Design (Architectural) Interior Design Landscape Architecture Visual Merchandising Architecture and Interior Design

Transcript of Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ......

Page 1: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will


› Architecture › Building Design (Architectural) › Interior Design › Landscape Architecture › Visual Merchandising

— Architecture and Interior Design

Page 2: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Bachelor of Architectural Design

BP250 City 3 years full-time VTAC 3200332731 Selection task (see below)

Your first step in becoming an architect

RMIT’s internationally celebrated Bachelor of Architectural Design is the first step in becoming an architect. It will provide you with diverse learning experiences to develop your communication and design skills.

Design is at the core of your studiesRMIT Architecture is highly regarded by the international design community for its approach to ideas-led venturous design exploration. At its core your studies will combine experimental and speculative design with real-life industry-linked projects that will help you to develop an innovative approach to architecture.

Study in an urban laboratory for designLocated in Melbourne, the design capital of Australia, RMIT Architecture is based in the award-winning Design Hub, designed by alumni and architect Sean Godsell. The City campus provides a dynamic urban laboratory for the exploration of ideas and design.

Model the best practice of an architectural design firmFirst term, first semester you will be hands-on in design studios developing drawing, 2D and 3D design skills, learning in an environment that models the best practice of an innovative architectural design firm.

It’s all centred around learning through design studiosDesign studios provide a unique way of exploring ideas by challenging future designers. Studios are run by academics and practicing design leaders from local and international architectural and design firms.

Career outcomes The Bachelor of Architectural Design is a stand-alone award that provides employment options for those who seek to work in architectural practices or design more generally in roles that do not require professional registration.

To be eligible to apply for accreditation as an architect you must complete the Master of Architecture.


¡ architect

¡ urban designer.

Learn from internationally recognised and award-winning architectsRMIT architecture has long-standing and extensive connections with the local and international architecture community through teaching staff, many of whom are internationally recognised award-winning architects.

Visiting national and international experts, consultants and specialists further strengthen this linkage across the programs. Recent studio partners include:

¡ RMIT Associate Lecturer Amy Muir MUIR Architecture

¡ RMIT Associate Professor Paul Minifie and Dr Jan van Schaik (lecturer). MvS Architects

¡ RMIT Professor of Architecture Carey Lyon Lyons Architecture

¡ RMIT Adjunct Professors Howard Raggatt and Ian McDougall. ARM Architecture

PathwaysGraduates of the Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) may be eligible to apply for exemptions of up to one-and-a-half years (three semesters) for the Bachelor of Architectural Design.

The Bachelor of Architectural Design provides a pathway into the Master of Architecture, which is required for professional registration.

Designed by Bachelor of Architectural Design students Xinyue Ge and Celestine. Sports Centre at the North Fitzroy Gasworks, tutors: Christine Phillips and Stasinos Mantzis.

Cover image design by Bachelor of Architectural Design student Nathalie Putri. Community Hub, Library and Civic Plaza, Springvale. Tutors: Jane and Paul Dash.



Studio 1: Architecture Design and Communication

Studio 2

Architecture Technology 1

Architecture Communications 2

Architecture History Introduction

Architecture Technology 2


2Studio 3

Studio 4

Architecture Communications 3

Architecture Technology 3

Australian Architecture

History of Western Architecture in the

20th Century


3Studio 5

Studio 6

Architecture Technology 4

University Elective

Architecture Portfolio and

CommunicationsUniversity Elective

Program structure

Legend: Design Studio Key Learning Area University Elective Communications/Portfolio History


Page 3: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

Entry requirements PrerequisitesYear 12: Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL.Non-Year 12: NoneSelection taskPre-selection kit: Submit by 5pm Friday 6 October 2017. Late submissions will not be considered. VTAC applicants: Register and submit the pre-selection kit here: RMIT current or recent students: when you submit your direct application you will receive an email prompt to complete the pre-selection kit.Interview: ¡ attend an interview (short-listed applicants only). If you

are required to attend you will be notified by email by Friday 24 November. Interviews will be held between Tuesday 5 and Thursday 7 December 2017.

The pre-selection kit requires: ¡ An applicant statement outlining your motivations and

aspirations for studying architecture including details of any relevant experience such as employment, voluntary work, etc and how this strengthens your application to this program (maximum 250 words).

¡ A design ideas exercise. For this exercise you are required to identify an issue or major site and respond to it by presenting bold ideas and visions for its future. Your site can be a building, a street or a public space that you wish to reconsider through design. Your design vision may be informed by opportunities you identify within the sight. Alternatively, you can engage with current or recurring issues facing society or the built environment as a way of expressing your ideas about design. Your design ideas exercise submission must be in a single PDF of up to four pages (maximum file size 10MB) including: 1. A graphic illustration of your design proposal. You are free to use any medium to communicate your ideas including: drawing, illustration, model making (submit photographs only), photomontage, collage, painting, computer modelling/rendering (hard copy printed material only) - anything that you think will express your ideas and proposal. Make sure to scan or digitise hand drawings and photographs at a higher resolution for clarity. 2. A written description of the design problem or site (clearly identify the issue or site you are responding to) and your

analysis of what you have identified as issues or opportunities for your design proposal (maximum 100 words). 3. A written description of your design proposal (maximum 100 words).

In preparing your response, think broadly, imaginatively and be creative. Your proposal does not have to be practical or even possible, it could be for now or a long way into the future. There is no one correct response to this exercise and you are not expected to have any substantial prior knowledge of architecture. The selection panel will be assessing your ideas and vision and not your ability to draft architectural drawings or plans. You should draw on your own experience and research to put forward your own ideas.Exemptions: If you have successfully completed at least one year of tertiary study in a design discipline, e.g. architecture, interior design, industrial design, landscape architecture, graphic design; or completed an Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) or Diploma of Drafting/Building Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will be asked to provide the following: ¡ Your official academic transcript/s for you previous study

in design. ¡ Your curriculum vitae (CV). ¡ A folio comprising of three to five projects. For each

project include a brief description of the project intent, some developmental work (drawings, models, renderings, sketches etc.) and a series of images of the final outcome. You are also encouraged to include photographs of 3D models and mock-ups. You may include up to one page of projects completed in architectural work-related project experience, but this is not essential. If you choose to do this it needs to be clearly differentiated and labeled.

Your folio must be uploaded as a single PDF (maximum file size 10MB) or you may supply a URL to your single PDF if hosted online. Each project may have up to 4 pages dedicated to it (no more than 20 pages for the entire folio). It is important to demonstrate in your folio how you have engaged in the creative process and how these efforts respond to the constraints and issues inherent in the project. The folio will demonstrate your development of creative ideas in a logical sequence. Projects can include work from previous study, as well as your own projects. Include any projects that demonstrate your potential to follow a design process. Projects that demonstrate an ability to realise a 3D outcome are encouraged.

Graduate successes

Claire Scorpo RMIT Design tutor and Alumna, Director, Claire Scorpo Architects Recipient of the Dulux Study Tour, 2017, National Prize, Australian Institute of Architects

Amy Muir RMIT Associate Lecturer and Alumna, Director, Muir Architects Recipient of the National Emerging Architecture Prize, 2016, Australian Institute of Architects

Clare Cousins RMIT Alumna, Director, Clare Cousins Architects Elected as the Australian Institute of Architects National President, 2017.

Architecture awards and success

Projects by RMIT Architecture and Urban Design staff, students, alumni and adjunct professors were shortlisted for the 2017 Australian Institute of Architecture Victorian Architecture Awards. Practices include:

¡ Lyons Architects

¡ McBride Charles Ryan

¡ M@ STUDIO Architects

¡ Baracco and Wright Architects

¡ Workshop Architecture

¡ ARM Architecture

¡ Architectus

¡ Harrison and White

¡ Kerstin Thompson Architects

¡ Clare Cousins Architects

¡ Make Architecture

¡ WOWOWA Architecture and Interior.

Quick facts

¡ 12 hours of classes per week

¡ 24+ hours additional self-directed learning and research per week

¡ concentrated periods of out-of-class work when assessments are due

¡ study tours and exchanges in the US, Europe and Asia


Page 4: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design

BP256 City 3 years full-time VTAC 3200332101 Selection task (see below)

Landscape architecture is about spaces – urban, natural, private and public. It is about investigating and proposing better ways of living in a complex and rapidly changing world.

Learning through design studiosYour studies will centre around design studios which provide a unique way of exploring ideas and creative practice.

Select from a range of studio offerings each semester and learn specific design techniques to develop ideas and outcomes in relation to a project brief.

You will work on real-life or simulated projects that make a positive contribution to communities around the world. Through your studies you will develop an understanding of design and develop the core skills and knowledge which allow you to respond to the diverse issues in the contemporary world.

Learning from experts and industry connectionsYou will connect with the industry through industry-led studios, field trips, critique and discussion and will study with acclaimed and award-winning international and Australian landscape architects, architects and urban designers. Experts in related fields are consistently involved with the teaching and research projects undertaken in this degree.

International opportunities International exchange options are available to universities in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the USA.

A range of design studios also offer travelling opportunities overseas to engage in field work, workshops and design projects. Previous locations include Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, France, Spain and Africa.

International Internships

Internship placements are offered to selected students in both the Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design and Master of Landscape Architecture degrees each year, allowing students to gain work experiences at acclaimed and award-winning practices overseas. Current internship partners include Stoss LU in Boston and EMF in Spain.

Career outcomesThe Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design is a stand-alone award that provides employment options for those who seek to work in landscape design, or design more generally, in roles that do not require professional registration.

To be eligible to become accredited as a landscape architect you must complete the Master of Landscape Architecture.


¡ landscape architect

¡ urban designer

¡ site or regional landscape planner

¡ urban designer

¡ park and recreation planner

¡ land development planner

¡ ecological planning and designer

¡ landscape reclaimer and restorer.

Quick facts

¡ 12-16 hours on-campus study per week

¡ 22+ hours additional self-directed learning and research per week

¡ concentrated periods of out-of-class work when assessments are due

¡ project-based learning in the field

Design studios are supported by core subjects to develop specialised skills and knowledge in the following three areas:

Communications Learn how to link design thinking, physical prototyping and digital experimentation to represent landscape in two, three and four dimensions.

Environments Develop skills in analysing and constructing landscapes through mapping, modelling and fabrication.

Theoretical Frameworks Interrogate design ideas in history and theory through creative and critical thinking and drawing.

Landscape architecture is not about pretty gardens, it’s about dealing with the challenges of urbanisation, such as water, energy and food security, as well as ensuring equitable access to transport, work, leisure, health and happiness.

Matthew Kneale Bachelor of Landscape Architectural Design

Master of Landscape Architectural Design

Program structureYear

1Studio 1

Studio 2

LA Environments 1

LA Communications 1

LA Theoretical Frameworks 1

LA Environments 2


2Studio 3

Studio 4

LA Environments 3

LA Theoretical Frameworks 2

LA Communications 2

University Elective


3Studio 5

Studio 6

LA Environments 4

University Elective

LA Theoretical Frameworks 3

LA Communications 3

Legend: Design Studio Key Learning Area Communications Theoretical Frameworks

University Elective4

Page 5: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

Graduate successes

Ben Kronenberg RMIT Design Tutor and Alumni Openwork, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Research and Speculation

Niki Schwabe Alumni Aspect Studios, Melbourne

Zhuocheng Gu Alumi and Master of Landscape Architecture Student Founding Director, GU#NOALA Studio

Entry requirements PrerequisitesYear 12: Units 3 and 4 – a study score of at least 25 in any English (except EAL) or at least 30 in English (EAL).Non-Year 12: NoneSelection taskPre-selection kit: Submit by Friday 17 November 2017.VTAC applicants: Register and submit the pre-selection kit here: RMIT current or recent students: when you submit your direct application you will receive an email prompt to complete the pre-selection kit.Exemptions: You are exempt from completing the preselection kit if you have successfully completed an Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) or Diploma of Drafting/Building Design; or a minimum of one year tertiary study in a design discipline e.g architecture, interior design, industrial design, landscape architecture, graphic design, art or fashion design. To confirm your exemption from the pre-selection kit you must email details of this study to [email protected] by 5pm Friday 20 October 2017.Folio presentation: ¡ attend a folio presentation (short-listed and exempt

applicants). If you are shortlisted or exempt from the pre-selection kit you are required to attend a folio presentation. You will be contacted by email by 5pm Tuesday 28 November 2017. Folio presentations will be held between Monday 4 December and Friday 8 December 2017. Advisory emails will be sent by mid-December.

The pre-selection kit requires: ¡ An applicant statement outlining why you wish to study

design. Consider elaborating on what interests you about design and what contributions you think design can make to our living environments (maximum 150 words).

¡ A creative exercise. Provide a single image of a key creative inspiration, influential creative work or an inspiring space. It can come from any field (e.g., landscape architecture, art, photography, architecture, etc) or be an example from your own work.

¡ Creative exercise questions. You will be required to submit responses to the following questions in relation to your image. 1. What is the key idea that you want to highlight in the work? (Maximum 100 words)2. What about the image makes it inspiring to you? (Maximum 100 words)3. Does it change the way you think about a particular issue, space, process or way of designing? (Maximum 100 words)4. What is the most successful element of the work? What is not as successful? (Maximum 100 words)

The creative exercise is an opportunity for you to communicate ideas and to express creativity using different media. There is no one correct answer and we do not expect you to have any prior knowledge of landscape architecture.

Landscape architecture awards and successes

¡ 2017 second-year student George Willmott was awarded the Damien Rasmussen Scholarship. The scholarship provides financial assistance to participate in an overseas exchange.

¡ 2016 Otto Linne Award (Honorable Mentions): Lewis McNeice, Xingyuan Chen, Zhaobo Kang

¡ 2016 Landscape Australia Student Prize (nomination): Martin Woodbine

¡ 2016 HASSELL Travelling Scholarship, Robin Edmond Award: Xujie Fang (RMIT nomination)

“Co-Inhabit” by Nellie Sheedy-Reinhard. Course: LA Communications 2. This project investigates the potential of waterflows and stormwater management to inform the direction and movement of people through a space.The park aims to be a dynamic space that can be responsive to both human occupation and hydrological performance.

“Incubator” designed by Lewis McNeice, Xingyuan Chen and Zhaobo Kang. 2016 Otto Linne Award Honorable Mention Studio: Wild Urbanism. The studio explores urban regeneration strategies in growing cities through green infrastructure. ‘Incubator’ focuses on the creation of habitats for regional and urban avifauna to improve ecological diversity for an industrial suburb in Hamburg, Germany.

Legend: Design Studio Key Learning Area Communications Theoretical Frameworks

University Elective 5

Page 6: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours)

BH115 City 4 years full-time VTAC 3200332691 Selection Task (see below)

In the 21st century, the definition of ‘interior’ can no longer be simply equated to the inside of a building; conditions of interior and interiority are increasingly affected and transformed by contemporary technologies as well as social and cultural forces and relationships.The Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours) is positioned as an ideas-led design discipline. It explores the potential and future of interior design as a practice, focusing on the dynamic relations between people and the surrounding environment.

Four years of ‘idea-led’ designingWorking in a highly creative studio setting, you will develop rich experiential sensibilities and a sophisticated range of approaches to the design of interior environments. These could range from detailed material-focused projects including furniture and joinery, to event-based situations like exhibitions, installations and performances, or large-scale complex organisations such as commercial spaces, retail precincts and public or community centres.

Learn to think and operate as a designerDesign studios make up a majority of your studies and are generally taught in small groups. In these classes, you will explore conceptual ideas and experiment with a breadth of media and innovative technologies. These range from detailed hands-on making processes to sophisticated digital modelling.

Learn from distinguished design practitionersDesign studios are run by academics and distinguished design practitioners from local and international design firms.

The city is your urban laboratoryStudying in the dynamic urban setting of Melbourne’s CBD will allow you to develop sophisticated design proposals in response to your immediate surroundings. In this way, RMIT’s Interior Design Honours degree uses Melbourne’s CBD as a kind of urban laboratory to test design ideas.

Travel studiosInternational travel studios provide you with an opportunity to engage in projects and workshops that bring into focus issues surrounding space, local customs, society and contemporary culture. Students focus on developing design projects in response to these complex issues. Previous locations include India, Argentina, Mexico, New York, Germany, Eastern Europe, South Korea and Morocco.

Internships – third and fourth yearYou will have the opportunity to gain valuable industry experience in a range of leading design practices located both locally in Melbourne, and internationally across South-East Asia. Organised as part of the Interior Design degree, these placements will embed you into design teams under the supervision of an experienced industry mentor, allowing you to develop your design skills and professional capabilities whilst working on real projects.

Local internship partners: Bates Smart, HASSELL, National Gallery of Victoria, Doherty Design Studio.

International internship partners: Woods Bagot, Cush Cush Gallery.

What will you learn?Your studies will focus on the following areas:

¡ communications

¡ design

¡ design theory

¡ digital technologies

¡ event design

¡ history (design)

¡ interior design

¡ spatial design.

INDEX Graduate ExhibitionINDEX is the final year graduate exhibition. Each year generates a unique event and the exhibition is an interior design project in its own right. The exhibition brings together industry, staff, and students to celebrate the discipline of Interior Design and its future through the work of these emerging designers.

Professional recognition This degree is recongised by the:

¡ Design Institute of Australia (DIA),

¡ Interior Design/Interior Architecture Educators Association (IDEA)

¡ International Federation of Interior Architects and Interior Designers (IFI).

Pathways Graduates of the following programs may be eligible to apply for exemptions of up to one year for the Bachelor of Interior Design:

¡ Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

¡ Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration

¡ Associate Degree in Interior Decoration and Design

Quick facts

¡ Four-year degree with embedded honours

¡ 12-16 hours of classes per week

¡ 22 hours additional self-directed learning and research per week

¡ concentrated periods of out-of-class work when assessments are due

¡ Study tours and exchanges to UK, Europe, US and Asia

Graduate successes

Graduates work in a broad range of contexts and settings relevant to the development of contemporary cities.

Lucy Mcrae Sci-fi Artist, Lucy Mcrae

Billy Ip Principal Interior Designer Woods Bagot – Hong Kong

Ingrid Rhule Exhibition Designer National Gallery of Victoria

Page 7: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

Entry requirements PrerequisitesYear 12: Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL.Non-Year 12: NoneSelection taskPre-selection kit: Submit by Monday 20 November 2017. VTAC applicants: Register and submit the selection kit here: RMIT current or recent students: when you submit your direct application you will receive an email prompt to complete the selection kit.Exemptions: Applicants who have successfully completed a minimum of one full year of tertiary study in architecture, interior design, industrial design or landscape architecture may be exempt from submitting the pre-selection kit. These applicants must email details of their tertiary study to [email protected] by 5pm Monday 23 October 2017.Folio presentation: ¡ attend a folio presentation (short-listed and exempt

applicants). Short-listed and exempt applicants required to attend will be notified by email or telephone by 5pm Tuesday 28 November 2017. These applicants must attend as assigned between Monday 4 December and Friday 8 December 2017. Advisory emails will be sent by mid-December 2017.

The pre-selection kit requires: ¡ an applicant statement outlining your interest in interior

design (maximum 150 words) ¡ a statement describing of your experience such as

employment, voluntary work, etc., or a description of what you have done, over what periods and how it strengthens your application to this program (maximum 150 words)

¡ a two-part design exercise which provides an opportunity to communicate your creative thinking through an image and written responses. You should draw on your own experience, imagination and skills in putting forward a thoughtful and creative response of your own. There is no one correct response that we are looking for and we do not expect you to have any substantial prior knowledge of interior design. In this task we are looking for you to demonstrate a critical and considered understanding of your own work. Part 1: Provide a piece of your own work (a single image) that demonstrates your creative abilities. You are free to use any medium, including drawing, illustration, model making or sculpture, photography, collages, painting – anything that you think will express your creativity. The image must be formatted as JPEG or PDF and must be no larger than 3MB or you may provide a URL to your single image if hosted online. Part 2: In no more than 300 words, discuss the thinking behind the creative piece you selected in Part 1 including the reasons why you selected it.

“Emotive Materials” designed by Chloe Zhu. This memorial embodies contemplation and reflection. The design uses engaging material relationships and exhilarating spatial volumes to incite emotive responses.


1Studio 1

Studio 2

Material and Spatial Communication: An introduction

Interior Theory and History:

An Introduction

Technical Drawing and Materials

Structures, Systems, Services


2Studio 3

Studio 4

Digital and Physical processes

Specialised Communication

Interior Detailing

Historical and Theoretical Precedents


3Studio 5

Studio 6

Theory and Research for Design

Specialisation 1

Specialisation 2

Program structure

Legend: Design Studio Key Learning Area Work-integrated learning/specialisation

Capstone University Elective


4Research Project Proposal

Research Major Project

Research Strategies

Professional Practice

Specialisation 3 or

University Elective

Specialisation 5 or

University Elective

Specialisation 4 or

University Elective


Page 8: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Associate Degree in Interior Decoration and Design

AD020 City 2 years full-time VTAC 3200333541 Selection task (see below)

Develop specialised applied knowledge, learn high-level technical skills, and use technology to communicate a broad range of interior concepts.The Associate Degree in Interior Decoration and Design is underpinned by the exploration of sustainable and theoretical practices in the planning and creation of interior spaces.

The program has a strong focus on the application of materials and surface treatments, furnishings, and colour and lighting solutions to create aesthetic and functional spaces in both residential and commercial environments.

Learn in a commercial design studio environment You’ll learn in an environment that is modelled on the best practice of commercial decoration or design studios, with teaching staff who will interact and work with you like you are a junior designer.

How you will learnYou’ll learn through a combination of

¡ lectures, workshops, and studios

¡ industry presentations

¡ project briefs and on-site visits.

What you will learnYou will acquire a broad range of skills in

¡ rendering

¡ architectural drafting

¡ sketching perspective drawing

¡ CAD, Revit, and Photoshop

¡ model making

¡ client presentation

¡ history and theory

¡ colour and design.

Quick facts

¡ 20 hours of classes over three-and-a-half days per week

¡ 10+ hours of off-campus research and study

¡ concentrated periods of out-of-class work when assessments are due

¡ approximately 25 students per studio class

¡ study tours and exchanges in US, Europe and Asia

Graduate successes

Manuela Mojica Millan Graduate designer at Elenberg Fraser

Natalie Viola Graduate designer at Artillery

Carmen Christy Colour consultant at Dulux

Ruby Maddison Techne Architects

Jacob Boutkan Interior designer at Nic Graham and Associates

Work with the industry Rather than undertaking block work experience, you will work with external companies on live projects and competitions throughout your studies. This learning approach mirrors the consultancy practice of interior designers.

Past students have worked with Dulux, Boyac, Artillery, Brave New Eco, Atticus & Milo, Adele Bates, Porta Industries in collaboration with Fiona Dunin Architects and Albedor Industries, Zwei Architecture and Interiors, and DesignBuild.

Graduates may work in a wide range of design environments including:

¡ assisting designers in large architectural firms

¡ CAD in commercial areas

¡ decoration and design consultancies

¡ soft furnishing, lighting, and textiles

¡ management roles in interior design departments

¡ self employed as freelance designers for architects and designers, or design consultants in the areas of colour, soft furnishings and textiles.


Page 9: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

Entry requirements PrerequisitesYear 12: Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in English (EAL) or at least 20 in English other than EAL.Non-Year 12: NoneSelection taskSelection kit: Submit by the following dates: ¡ VTAC applicants must register and submit the kit by 5pm Friday 3 November 2017 (current Year 12 students).

Access the kit here: or ¡ RMIT internal applicants must complete the kit as part of their application by 5pm Friday 27 October 2017 (all other applicants).

Access the kit here Advisory emails will be sent from 12 December 2017.The selection requires: ¡ an applicant statement of no more than 300 words outlining why you want to study interior decoration and design ¡ a folio of six to eight bodies of your work that reflect concept and finished skills in drawing, problem solving, creative use of

colour, communication and 3D/spatial thinking and a computer-generated project displaying skills of digital competency. Work should be a combination of development and finished work. Provide a statement of no more than 100 words for each piece of work, describing the task and the outcome. Your folio of six to eight bodies of work must be a single PDF (maximum 10MB), or a URL to a single PDF if online.

Makerspace by Tahnee Pfeiffer. Shortlisted for the Dulux Colour Awards 2017 Student Category.

The role of a designer is to understand our world and the people who reside in it. To be informed on many topics will only result in producing more solid and unique designs.

Natalie Viola Winner, Design Institute of Australia 2016

Graduate of the Year Award Victoria/Tasmania

Excellent in interior decoration and designDesign Institute of Australia, 2016 Graduate of the Year Awards

¡ Natalie Viola – winner, Victoria and Tasmania Graduate of the Year

¡ Steffanie Radnetter – commendation, Interior Design and Decoration Graduate of the Year

The New Academic Street (NAS) Project

¡ Theodosius Ng – finalist, “Makers Space”

Dulux Colour Awards

¡ Tahnee Pfeiffer – student finalist, “Makers Space”

Professional accreditationThis program is accredited by the Design Institute of Australia (DIA).

PathwaysGraduates of the following programs can choose to continue their studies in the Associate Degree:

¡ Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration

¡ Certificate IV of Interior Decoration

¡ Certificate IV in Design.

Graduates of RMIT’s Associate Degree in Interior Design and Decoration can continue their studies in the Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours).

Page 10: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

Quick facts

¡ project-focused delivery

¡ up to 22 hours of classes per week

¡ 12+ hours of additional self-directed learning and research per week

¡ custom-designed studio spaces

“Pixel Mixed Use Development” designed by Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) student Thomas Aitken.

— Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural)

C6136 City 2 to 2.5 years full-time VTAC 3200372034 NCC 22268VIC

ATAR – Not

Practical, hands-on and vocation-focused. Learn the skills to design, present and document buildings.RMIT’s award-winning building design program focuses on the practical and technical application of building design skills. The program inspires students to create innovative and sustainable designs for domestic and commercial-scale building projects. Designs that inform the future of the building industry and that contribute to the ongoing development of the built environment.

Each year offers a clear direction to develop your design abilities.

Year 1 – Domestic Classification

Year 2 – Commercial Classification

Year 3 – Complex Design

Areas of focusYour studies will focus on developing skills and knowledge in the following areas:

¡ design and presentation

¡ construction technology and documentation

¡ environmental sustainability and materials technology

¡ digital applications for design, documentation and productivity

¡ professional practice

¡ regulations, codes and standards, business and administrative processes, OHS and construction industry induction.

You’ll study in a studio-based environment that models the best practice of a building design firm.

Your studies are centered around real-life and simulated projects that are designed to build your skills and knowledge across various areas of study within the program.

Develop advanced skills with state-of-the-art specialist facilities including:

¡ Digital design studios

¡ Building Information Modelling (BIM) studio

¡ 3D printer

¡ 3D projector

¡ VR headsets.

Career outcomesGraduate ready to make your mark in technical positions in building design offices and architectural spaces. Career roles include:

¡ building designer

¡ building information modelling (BIM) and computer-aided design (CAD) specialist

¡ domestic and commercial designer.

Professional accreditationThis qualification, with appropriate industry experience, leads to registration as a building practitioner in Victoria.

PathwaysEligible graduates of the Certificate IV in Design who achieve a minimum overall grade of Competency with Distinction (CDI) will be given automatic entry into the Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural).

Graduates of the Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) can apply to continue their studies in the Bachelor of Architectural Design.

Entry requirements PrerequisitesNoneSubject bonus: A study score of 25 in any Mathematics equals two aggregate points per study.Selection taskCurrent Year 12: Applicants studying Year 12 in 2017 will be considered on the basis of academic achievement, e.g. ATAR.Non-Year 12: If you are not studying Year 12 in 2017 you are encouraged to submit a personal statement outlining: ¡ your reasons for wanting to study this program ¡ your intended career path ¡ your personal strengths and attributes relevant to the

program ¡ and details of any related work or voluntary experience.

Page 11: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

Building Design awards and success

Each year RMIT’s building design students have dominated the Building Design Association of Victoria’s Building Design Awards, showcasing a high standard of work that offers an insight into the future direction of the industry.

Ka Ping Lam Winner, Best Response to a Design Brief by a Student, 2016

Christine Abela Awarded BDAV Student Scholarship, 2015

Phalhong Mao Winner, Best Response to a Design Brief by a Student, 2015

Thomas Bird Winner, Best Response to a Design Brief by a Student, 2016

Hung Viet Tran Winner, Best Digital Presentation by a Student, 2014The spiral staircase demonstrates skills in 3D modelling software and an understanding of materials and construction techniques

developed throughout the program. “Smith Street Public Library and Childcare Centre” designed by Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) student Phalhong Mao.

Page 12: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration

C5333 City 1.5 to 2 years full-time VTAC 3200310034 NCC MSF50213

Selection Task (see below)

Designing for successGreat interior designers and decorators understand what makes a space work for a particular purpose, whether it be a home, office, hotel or commercial environment.

The Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration is highly regarded in the industry for producing job-ready designers with high-level technical and design skills.

In this dynamic, practical and industry-relevant program you’ll learn 2D and 3D design skills and the decorative aspect of design. You’ll develop high-level documentation and technical skills in order to present your ideas to both residential and commercial clients in a professional brief.

Learn in a commercial design studio environment You’ll learn in an environment that is modelled on the best practice of commercial decoration or design studios, with teaching staff who will interact and work with you like you are a junior designer.

Areas of focusProjects are themed around exploration of colour, materials and finishes, interior construction techniques, soft furnishings, and fabrics and furniture, based on historical and contemporary styles and trends.

Learn from industry-experienced teachersYou will study in state-of-the-art facilities at RMIT’s Melbourne City campus, working with industry-experienced teachers who have up-to-date knowledge of the market’s latest trends and innovations.

Mentor program – work alongside industry professionalsThe mentor program provides you with the opportunity to work alongside industry professionals in the design and decoration field, while completing your studies. Students are partnered with mentors from leading design companies, including:

¡ Cardamone Design

¡ Boyac

¡ Window Workshop

¡ Atticus & Milo

¡ Beautiful Room

¡ BQ Designs, and more.

Get noticed through industry competitions Second year students have the opportunity to enter a variety of competitions including:

¡ Design Institute of Australia Graduate of the Year Awards

¡ BQ Design awards.

Scholarship opportunitiesFirst-year students in the Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration have the opportunity to apply for the Wendy Royle Scholarship that could provide up to $1500 towards your study expenses.

Professional accreditationThis course is accredited by the Design Institute of Australia (DIA).


¡ Eligible graduates of the Certificate IV in Design who achieve a minimum grade of Competency with Credit (CCR) across all units will be given automatic entry into the Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration.

¡ Graduates can choose to continue their studies in the Associate Degree in Interior Decoration and Design or the Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours).

Entry requirements PrerequisitesNoneSelection taskSelection kit: Submit by the following dates: VTAC applicants: must register and submit the kit by 5pm Friday 3 November 2017 (current Year 12 students) Access the kit here: or RMIT internal applicants: must complete the kit as part of their application by 5 pm Friday 27 October 2017 (all other applicants). Access the kit here: .Advisory emails will be sent from 12 December 2017.The selection requires: ¡ an applicant statement of no more than 300 words

outlining why you want to study interior design and decoration

¡ a folio of six to eight bodies of your work that reflect concept and finished skills in drawing, problem solving, creative use of colour, communication and 3D/spatial thinking. At least one body of work must be a computer generated project displaying digital skills. Work should be a combination of development and finished work. Provide a statement of no more than 100 words for each piece of work, describing the task and the outcome.

Your folio of six to eight bodies of work must be a single PDF (maximum 10MB), or a URL to a single PDF if online.

Graduate successes

Amelia Williams Interior Designer, Bates Smart

Natasha Frohlich Elenberg Fraser

Caecilia Potter Director, Atticus and Milo

Kris Tsamis Interior Decorator, A Blind Pash Interiors

Joe Catania Business Development Manager, District Furniture

Heidi Dannals Interior Decorator, Ian McGilp Furnishings

Sofie Maiorano Interior Decorator, Window Workshop

Quick facts

¡ 21 hours of classes over four days per week

¡ 10+ hours of off-campus research and study per week

¡ concentrated periods of out-of-class work when assessments are due

¡ 25 students (approx) per studio class

¡ study tours and exchanges to the US and Europe

Designed by Jordan Johnston finalist for BQ design and Marco Fabrics 2017 competition.


Page 13: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Diploma of Visual Merchandising

C5325 City 1.5 years full-time VTAC 3200372164 NCC SIR50212

Selection task (see below)

With graduates working across the globe, RMIT’s Visual Merchandising (VM) program is recognised by the industry as a design leader.This influential diploma develops your design knowledge and technical skills, enabling you to create effective and engaging environments, presentations and displays that will enhance the promotion and sale of products and services.

Learn in a creative workshop environment The state-of-the-art VM workshops are modelled on the best practice of the industry. You will learn in commercial retail, exhibition and event environments, gaining both on-site and off-site location experience.

World-class facilities ¡ purpose-built studio workshops

¡ major street frontage window in Melbourne city

¡ new media and technologies – digital displays and interactive installations.

What you will learnYou will develop design knowledge and technical skills in 3D modelling, colour, computer-aided design (CAD), design (3D), digital imaging, exhibition design, illustration, lighting, merchandise presentation, photo styling, photography, retail design, store design, and technical drawing.

Learn from industry-experienced teachersYou will learn from industry connected and experienced teachers who have up-to-date knowledge of the market’s latest trends and innovations.

Mentor program – work alongside industry professionalsThe VM mentor program provides you with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how the industry operates, and seek valuable advice from experienced professionals and businesses. Previous students have worked with a range of companies, including:

¡ Country Road

¡ Myer and David Jones

¡ Ralph Lauren

¡ Kikki.K

¡ Gloss Creative

¡ and other stylists and design firms.

PathwaysEligible graduates of the Certificate IV in Design who achieve a minimum grade of Competency with Credit (CCR) across all units will be given automatic entry into the Diploma of Visual Merchandising.

Quick facts

¡ 20 hours of classes over four days per week

¡ 10+ hours of off-campus research and study per week

¡ concentrated periods of out-of-class work when assessments are due

¡ 25 students maximum per studio class

¡ study tours to Japan exploring Kyoto and Tokyo

Graduate successes

You’ll graduate ready for creative roles in the retail, event, exhibition and photo styling industries.

Past graduates include:

Joel Feldman Director, international and national exhibition design and display, Brandscapes P/L

Milica Mladenovski Visual merchandiser, Chanel

Kate Rossi Visual Merchandising, Supré

David Wenckowski National visual merchandising manager, Ralph Lauren

Entry requirements PrerequisitesNoneSelection taskFolio presentation: You must telephone (03) 9925 4819 by 5pm Friday 17 November 2017 to book a folio presentation. Folio presentations will be held between Friday 24 November and Monday 4 December 2017. Alternative arrangements may be made for overseas and interstate applicants. Advisory emails will be sent to applicants from mid-December. Folio requirements: Your folio should contain 15 to 20 images of your work that demonstrate your interests and creative thinking as well as your conceptual, design, problem solving and technical skills.Your folio should reflect concept and finished skills in: drawing, problem solving, creative use of colour, communication and 3D/spatial thinking, and a computer generated project displaying skills of digital competency.Examples of work to consider including in your folio are: illustrations, technical drawings, paintings, graphic designs, photographs, models, sculpture, video, scripting, short stories, and/or 2D and 3D animation. A variety of work that shows your potential 2D and 3D skills is preferred.Provide a brief explanation of no more than 100 words for each piece of work, to help understand its purpose and background. Prepare your 15 to 20 images of your work as a single PDF or JPEG file (maximum 10MB ) or a URL if online.

VM students worked to a brief from leading retailer Country Road to deliver an engaging display in the company’s high-profile Lygon Street, Carlton store. 13

Page 14: Architecture and Interior Design - RMIT University · Architecture and Interior Design — ... Design you are not required to complete the Design ideas exercise. Instead you will

— Certificate IV in Interior Decoration

C4355 City 1.5 to 2 years full-time VTAC 3200310034 NCC MSF50213

Selection Task (see below)

Develop your flair for design, colour and decoration. This dynamic, practical and industry-relevant program is your entry into the field of interior decoration.

Over two years of part-time study you will learn how to plan, design and decorate an interior, with a focus on the development of the project’s aesthetic, environmental, spatial and safety aspects, as well as your client presentation skills.

Who is suited to this program?This Certificate IV is designed to introduce you to the professional world of interior decoration. You can use the skills and knowledge learned in the program to:

¡ develop your personal interests in decorating

¡ lay the foundations for a career change

¡ improve your career opportunities

¡ build a pathway to further studies.

This program is suitable for people who are working full or part time.

Learn from industry experienced teachers You will study in state-of-the-art facilities at RMIT’s Melbourne City campus, working with industry-experienced teachers who have up-to date knowledge of the market and the latest trends and innovations. Throughout your studies you will have the opportunity to connect with key industry figures from the decoration and design field.

Study in a commercial design studio settingYou will study in design studios that reflect both industry and retail settings. This learning approach models the consultancy practice of interior decorators.

How you will learnYou’ll learn through lectures, workshops, seminars, studios, online learning, group discussions, and classroom and industry presentations and onsite visits. Practical demonstrations may be held in class or on-site in an industry environment.

Areas of focusIn your studies you will focus on the following areas:

¡ 2D and 3D form

¡ technical drawing

¡ colour and materials

¡ space planning and decorative arts.

Entry requirements PrerequisitesNoneSelection taskPre-selection kit: Submit by Friday 27 October 2017.You will receive an email prompting you to complete the selection kit upon submission of your application.The selection kit requires: ¡ an applicant statement outlining why you want to study

interior decoration and design (maximum 300 words) ¡ a folio of six to eight bodies of your work that reflect

both conceptual and finished skills in drawing, problem solving, creative use of colour, communication and 3D/spatial thinking. At least one body of work must be a computer generated project displaying digital skills. Work should be a combination of development and finished work.

¡ a statement for each body of work, describing the task and the outcome (maximum 100 words per work).

Your folio must be collated in a single PDF (maximum size 10MB).

Quick facts

¡ 6 hours of classes per week

¡ 6+ hours per week of off-campus extra study and investigation

¡ concentrated periods of self-directed learning are often required outside of class hours when assessments are due

¡ approximately 25 students per studio class

¡ classes are one full day per week (Fridays)

“Paradigm” is a bespoke rug designed by Certificate IV Interior Decoration graduate Greta Morton. The design is inspired by the geometric shapes of the clients’ room.

Career outcomesThis program positions you for further study in the Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration.

The Certificate IV qualifies you to work as an interior decorator or assistant in:

¡ interior decoration consultancies and shops

¡ furniture, furnishings and fabric suppliers

¡ retail stores.

You will also be able to work or as a self-employed interior decorator.

PathwaysGraduates of the Certificate IV in Interior Decoration part-time program can receive advanced standing to continue their studies in the second year of the RMIT Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration, which is a full-time program.


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Study in award-winning architectural buildings

Located in Melbourne, the design capital of Australia, RMIT architecture and design programs are based in the award-winning Design Hub, designed by alumni and architect Sean Godsell. The City campus provides a dynamic urban laboratory for the exploration of ideas and design.

World-leading innovation and design landscape architecture

RMIT’s Landscape Architecture is a world-leading degree, having previously won the International Schools Award at the European Biennial of Landscape Architecture held in Barcelona, and taking first place ahead of more than 90 universities involved.

Located in the design capital of Australia, RMIT’s City campus provides a dynamic urban laboratory for the exploration of design.

#1 in Australia*

#4 in Oceania#

#17 in the world*

* QS World University Rankings 2017 for Art and Design.# QS World University Rankings 2017 in Oceania for Architecture.


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This guide is designed for Australian and New Zealand citizens and permanent residents of Australia.

Further information for international/non-residents of Australia:RMIT InternationalEmail: [email protected] Tel. +61 3 8676 7047 (within Australia: 1800 998 414)

Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this publication is accurate and current at the date of printing. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the RMIT University website before lodging your application. RMIT University CRICOS Provider Code: 00122A. RMIT University Registered Training Organisation code: 3046. Prepared July 2017. 14566 0717

Acknowledgment of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land on which the University stands. RMIT University respectfully recognises Elders both past and present. We also acknowledge the traditional custodians of lands across Australia where we conduct business, their Elders, Ancestors, cultures and heritage.

1Find out the program and entry requirements from the RMIT website.

2Prepare early.

Take note of important dates.

Do not leave your application until it’s too late.

3Apply via VTAC.

Timely closing date: 5pm, 28 September 2017

Check VTAC website for other dates.

4Start preparing your material, images, folio, and anything else required for the selection tasks.

5Complete and submit the selection task/s for all programs that you are applying for.

6Wait to hear from RMIT about any next steps.

Not all programs contact applicants.

Refer to VTAC Guide.

— Steps for applying





Selection Mode

VTAC Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre Code

NCC National Curriculum Code

For more information contact:

Connect with RMIT on social media for all the latest news and updates

Info Corner330 Swanston Street(cnr La Trobe Street)Melbourne VIC 3000Tel. +61 3 9925 2260

To find out what’s on visit:

Fees and scholarships For up-to-date fee information visit .

RMIT also offers a number of scholarships for students, which you can find out more about at: .

RMIT’s equity placesIf you are studying VCE or VCAL at a Schools Network Access Program (SNAP) school and want to apply to RMIT, please talk with your school’s careers or pathway coordinator to help you go through the process for applying for equity consideration. For more information, visit .

How to applyVisit the program pages for more information on entry requirements and how to apply.