ArcheoInt: An upgraded compilation of geomagnetic field … ·  · 2010-06-246] Our new...

ArcheoInt: An upgraded compilation of geomagnetic field intensity data for the past ten millennia and its application to the recovery of the past dipole moment A. Genevey Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Muse ´es de France, UMR 171, CNRS, Palais du Louvre—Porte des Lions, 14 Quai Franc ¸ois Mitterrand, F-75001 Paris, France ([email protected]) Y. Gallet Equipe de Pale ´omagne ´tisme, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, UMR 7154, CNRS, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France ([email protected]) C. G. Constable Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0225, USA ([email protected]) M. Korte GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany ([email protected]) G. Hulot Equipe de Ge ´omagne ´tisme, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, UMR 7154, CNRS, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France ([email protected]) [1] This paper presents a compilation of intensity data covering the past 10 millennia (ArcheoInt). This compilation, which upgrades the one of Korte et al. (2005), contains 3648 data and incorporates additional intensity and directional data sets. A large majority of these data (87%) were acquired on archeological artifacts, and the remaining 13% correspond to data obtained from volcanic products. The present compilation also includes important metadata for evaluating the intensity data quality and providing a foundation to guide improved selection criteria. We show that 50% of the data set fulfill reasonable reliability standards which take into account the anisotropic nature of most studied objects (potsherds), the stability of the magnetization, and the data dispersion. The temporal and geographical distributions of this sub–data set are similar to those of the main data set, with 72% of the data dated from the past three millennia and 76% obtained from western Eurasia. Approximately half of the selected intensity data are associated with at least an inclination value. To constrain the axial and full dipole evolution over the past three millennia requires that we avoid any overrepresentation of the western Eurasian data. We introduce a first-order regional weighting scheme based on the definition of eight widely distributed regions of 30° width within which the selected data are numerous enough. The regional curves of virtual axial dipole moments (VADM) and of mixed VADM-virtual dipole moments (VDM) averaged over sliding windows of 200 years and 500 years testify for strong contributions from either equatorial dipole or nondipole components. The computation of global VADM and mixed VADM/VDM variation curves, assuming an equal weight for each region, yields a dipole evolution marked by a distinct minimum around 0 B.C./A.D. followed by a maximum around the third-fourth century A.D. A second minimum is present around the eighth century A.D. This variation pattern is compatible with the one deduced from earlier, more G 3 G 3 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems Published by AGU and the Geochemical Society AN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF THE EARTH SCIENCES Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems Article Volume 9, Number 4 29 April 2008 Q04038, doi:10.1029/2007GC001881 ISSN: 1525-2027 Click Here for Full Articl e Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 23

Transcript of ArcheoInt: An upgraded compilation of geomagnetic field … ·  · 2010-06-246] Our new...

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ArcheoInt: An upgraded compilation of geomagnetic fieldintensity data for the past ten millennia and its application tothe recovery of the past dipole moment

A. GeneveyCentre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France, UMR 171, CNRS, Palais du Louvre—Porte des Lions,14 Quai Francois Mitterrand, F-75001 Paris, France ([email protected])

Y. GalletEquipe de Paleomagnetisme, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, UMR 7154, CNRS, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005Paris, France ([email protected])

C. G. ConstableInstitute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego,9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0225, USA ([email protected])

M. KorteGeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany ([email protected])

G. HulotEquipe de Geomagnetisme, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, UMR 7154, CNRS, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005Paris, France ([email protected])

[1] This paper presents a compilation of intensity data covering the past 10 millennia (ArcheoInt). Thiscompilation, which upgrades the one of Korte et al. (2005), contains 3648 data and incorporates additionalintensity and directional data sets. A large majority of these data (�87%) were acquired on archeologicalartifacts, and the remaining �13% correspond to data obtained from volcanic products. The presentcompilation also includes important metadata for evaluating the intensity data quality and providing afoundation to guide improved selection criteria. We show that �50% of the data set fulfill reasonablereliability standards which take into account the anisotropic nature of most studied objects (potsherds), thestability of the magnetization, and the data dispersion. The temporal and geographical distributions of thissub–data set are similar to those of the main data set, with �72% of the data dated from the past threemillennia and �76% obtained from western Eurasia. Approximately half of the selected intensity data areassociated with at least an inclination value. To constrain the axial and full dipole evolution over the pastthree millennia requires that we avoid any overrepresentation of the western Eurasian data. We introduce afirst-order regional weighting scheme based on the definition of eight widely distributed regions of30� width within which the selected data are numerous enough. The regional curves of virtual axial dipolemoments (VADM) and of mixed VADM-virtual dipole moments (VDM) averaged over sliding windows of200 years and 500 years testify for strong contributions from either equatorial dipole or nondipolecomponents. The computation of global VADM and mixed VADM/VDM variation curves, assuming anequal weight for each region, yields a dipole evolution marked by a distinct minimum around 0 B.C./A.D.followed by a maximum around the third-fourth century A.D. A second minimum is present around theeighth century A.D. This variation pattern is compatible with the one deduced from earlier, more



Published by AGU and the Geochemical Society





Volume 9, Number 4

29 April 2008

Q04038, doi:10.1029/2007GC001881

ISSN: 1525-2027




Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 23

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sophisticated analysis based on the inversion of both intensity and directional data. In particular, there is agood agreement among all VADMs and dipole moment estimates over the historical period, which furtherstrengthens the validity of our weighting scheme.

Components: 14,277 words, 15 figures, 3 tables.

Keywords: data compilation; archeointensity; dipole evolution; Holocene; regional variations.

Index Terms: 1503 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism: Archeomagnetism; 1521 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism:

Paleointensity; 1522 Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism: Paleomagnetic secular variation.

Received 31 October 2007; Revised 23 January 2008; Accepted 6 February 2008; Published 29 April 2008.

Genevey, A., Y. Gallet, C. G. Constable, M. Korte, and G. Hulot (2008), ArcheoInt: An upgraded compilation of geomagnetic

field intensity data for the past ten millennia and its application to the recovery of the past dipole moment, Geochem.

Geophys. Geosyst., 9, Q04038, doi:10.1029/2007GC001881.

1. Introduction

[2] Global modeling of the Earth’s magnetic fieldover the past few millennia requires the use of largecompilations of both directional and intensity data.While the description of geomagnetic directionaldata usually is relatively straightforward, that offield intensity data is by contrast more complex.Knowledge of the age of the studied samples (asfor directions), of the definition of a site and of theexperimental procedures, including the correctionsapplied to account for the anisotropy of the thermo-remanent magnetization (TRM) and for the coolingrate dependence of TRM acquisition, are all im-portant parameters in evaluating paleointensitydata. As a consequence, not all intensity data setscan be considered equivalently reliable and effortstoward geomagnetic field modeling must integratethat diversity through selection and/or ranking ofthe available data.

[3] Korte et al. [2005] recently built a compilationof directional and intensity data covering the past7 ka (available from the EarthRef Digital Archive,ERDA). That compilation was intended for deriv-ing global models, such as the CALS7K.2 modelof Korte and Constable [2005a] and included asubset of data from the present work, which wasstill in progress at the time. Korte et al. [2005]made a consistent evaluation of the data throughuncertainty estimates, but details like material,experimental procedure and corrections had notbeen listed with the data. The present paper shouldthus be viewed as an upgraded compilation ofintensity data, spanning the past ten millenniaand including previously lacking important meta-data for evaluating the data quality. It follows, and

in some way integrates, previous intensity compi-lations carried out by McElhinny and Senanayake[1982], Burlatskaya et al. [1986], Yang et al.[2000], Korte et al. [2005] and Donadini et al.[2006, 2007].

[4] The present upgraded compilation also incor-porates additional data sets mainly acquired on lavaflows from Hawaii, Italy and from the CanaryIslands [e.g., Tulloch, 1992; Laj et al., 2002]. Itincludes new information, in particular on technicalaspects (i.e., experimental procedures, nature of thesamples and meaning of the derived mean intensityvalues) whenever provided via personal conversa-tions with the authors of reported studies. Inparticular, we acknowledge fruitful discussionswith K. Burakov, S. Burtlatskaya and I. Nacha-sova, who obtained a large collection of intensitydata from western Eurasia and several importantmodifications were made following instructionsfrom these authors. Unlike Korte et al. [2005],who compiled intensity data independently fromthe directional data, we now simultaneously com-pile both directional and intensity data wheneverthey have been obtained from the same structuresor objects making it possible to compute the VDMrather than just the VADM.

[5] In what follows we describe the general struc-ture of the data tables andmetadata compiled, beforepresenting statistics about the geographic and tem-poral distributions and about the various types ofdata. Then we turn to a discussion of experimentalmethods, providing a foundation to guide improvedselection criteria when using data for regional andglobal analyses. The present compilation of geo-magnetic field intensity data can be downloaded

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from the ERDAweb site (

2. Description of the Excel Workbook

[6] Our new compilation includes 3648 absoluteintensity data, and these have been entered in anExcel workbook (ArcheoInt.xls). The basic formatof the workbook resembles the one developed byPerrin and Schnepp [2004] for their 0–300 Mapaleointensity database version 2003, comprising4 worksheets dealing primarily with (1) the data,(2) the references with additional details andremarks, (3) the abbreviations and the controlledvocabularies and (4) the design of the data compi-lation. This final table provides the definitions of

the different fields documented in the three othertables. A simplified scheme of this sheet is shownin Figure 1. The general outline of each of the threeother tables is described below.

2.1. Data Table

[7] The data table is the home for the actualintensity values themselves, but can contain nu-merous other fields that document their provenanceand quality. These fields can be divided into sevenmain categories which we list here and describein more detail in the ensuing sections 2.1.1–2.1.7:(1) data location and provenance, (2) material andsample description, (3) dating, (4) experimentalmethods, (5) intensity value and statistical informationrelated to number of samples and inferred reliabil-

Figure 1. Structure of the ArcheoInt compilation. The Excel worksheet includes four tables dealing primarily with(1) the data, (2) the references with additional details and remarks, (3) the abbreviations and the controlledvocabulary, and (4) the design of the data compilation. The bold font in the data table indicates the fields which arealways documented for each intensity value.

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ity, (6) any associated directional data and infor-mation about their uncertainties, and (7) VADMand/or VDM results.

[8] Not every column of the data table is filled forany given result, because of the diversity of infor-mation recorded in the publications from whichthey are drawn. However, every intensity valueentered in the data sheet is characterized by at leastsix different fields: (1) a record number whichidentifies the intensity datum in our compilation,(2) the (short) reference to the paper(s) where thedata were presented, (3) the latitude, (4) longitudeand (5) age of the studied structure(s) and (6) ageneric description of the intensity method used bythe authors. Except for the last field, the sameinformation was given in the intensity data filesdescribed by Korte et al. [2005].

[9] It is also important to include more detailsabout the intensity data, whenever available, inorder to allow some judgment of individual data,independently from any, possibly quite subjective,uncertainty estimates. Perrin and Schnepp [2004]included some of these in their paleointensitydatabase, but additional fields were defined inorder to take into account specific methods usedin archeointensity studies. In particular, this con-cerns the corrections for the TRM anisotropy andfor cooling rate effects, which are usually notevaluated in classical paleointensity experiments.We did not intend to be exhaustive but tried todisplay characteristics that we believe are essentialfor the evaluation, ranking and/or the selection ofthe archeointensity data.

2.1.1. Data Location and Provenance

[10] In addition to the latitude and longitude, thefirst category includes two more fields providingthe name of the country and the name of the sitewhere the samples were collected. Another col-umn, so-called ‘‘identification,’’ is used for enter-ing the label chosen by the authors to identify theirintensity data. In many cases, this label is alaboratory or an arbitrary number, but in otherinstances it corresponds to an archeological tagon a monument, a stratigraphic unit or to the nameof a volcanic outcrop, all of which thereforeprovides additional information on the location. Itshould be pointed out that the precise location ofthe studied objects or structures was not systemat-ically given by the authors. When the name of acity, an archeological site or a volcano was indi-cated in the papers, a precise latitude and longitudefor the data could often be recovered. But for some

papers, the only information available was thename of a region or a country. A bounding boxwas then defined for the area of study. The meanlatitude and longitude of this box were allocated tothe data and uncertainties about this mean locationdefined in terms of the geographical extension ofthe box (DLat, DLong fields). Note also that forsamples obtained from displaced archeologicalartifacts (i.e., displaced from the location of theirinitial baking) the place where the samples havebeen found is not always the relevant one forgeomagnetic studies. Ceramics are good examplesof such samples since production centers maysometimes be very distant from the places wherepotsherds are later discovered.

2.1.2. Material and Sample Description

[11] The material studied for the intensity determi-nations is documented in the present compilationwith three columns providing the volcanic orarcheological nature of the objects, their ‘‘in place’’or ‘‘displaced’’ characteristic relative to the loca-tion of their last heating-cooling and their lithologyor archeological classification. In addition, a finalfield displays a short description of the samplesanalyzed with indications on their form, size andthe possible use of substance (like plaster) toembed the fragments.

2.1.3. Dating

[12] Dating, precision and reliability are keyparameters in archeointensity studies. In our com-pilation, different fields define the method(s) usedto constrain the age (Age_Method column) and,when specified in the papers, the name of theculture/dynasty/period associated with the ana-lyzed archeological material (Age_Culture_Namecolumn). This last information ensures a relativeand independent dating of the samples and leavesroom for future reevaluation of say the age of aculture. For some data, the ages were ascertainedby radiocarbon dating and a calibration of theconventional C14 age was therefore necessary toaccount for the fluctuations of atmospheric C14.When a conventional age C14 was indicated in theoriginal papers (or when we were able to find thisage in the literature), a calibration using thecalib4_3 software was systematically performedwith the same settings as used by Korte et al.[2005], the 1998 atmospheric decadal variationcurve being smoothed with a moving average over5 points. No other correction or assumption wasconsidered except for one C14 age obtained on amarine shell from the Japanese sea for which a

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correction of the reservoir effect was necessary[Kitazawa, 1970]. Note that when two or moreconventional C14 ages were associated to a singleintensity value, a weighted C14 conventional agewas computed for the calibration [Bevington, 1969]and the 95% confidence interval obtained from theprobability distribution method was used to infer amean calibrated age and its error.

[13] Both conventional and calibrated C14 ageshave been included in our compilation. The con-ventional age is indeed the original information andproviding it makes it possible for users to performtheir own calibration. However, for comparisonwith other intensity data, only the calibrated age isrelevant. The conventional C14 ages and standarddeviations have thus been reported in the Age andDAge columns, while the calibrated ages and theiruncertainty are entered in the Best_Age_Estimateand DBest_Age_Estimate columns. It is importantto specify that the ages are given in ‘‘±years A.D.,’’negative years corresponding to years before Christ.To obtain ages in years before present (years B.P.),which is the standard unit used for conventional C14ages, one may simply subtract the ages in ‘‘±yearsA.D.’’ unit from 1950. When available, the radio-carbon laboratory number, identifying the radiocar-bon laboratory where the measurements wereobtained and the sample analyzed in that particularlaboratory, was also entered in the present compila-tion. For some data, we were unable to reperform acalibration because only the calibrated ages wereindicated in the papers. In these cases, the same ageswere entered in both theAge andBest_Age_Estimatecolumns, but the exact definition of these two ageswas systematically given in the Age_Descriptioncolumn. This column, which is particularly importantfor C14 ages, may also display other details on theage or on the dating method, for example when theages were indicated as approximate or uncertain bythe authors themselves.

[14] For some intensity results not dated by radio-carbon measurements, different ages (or no age atall) were sometimes entered in the Age and theBest_Age_Estimate columns. This was the casewhen new information was found in more recentpapers, also quoted in our compilation, after, e.g., atemporal recalibration of a relative chronology. Inmostcases, however, the Age and the Best_Age_Estimatewere simply set equal.

[15] In their previous compilation, Korte et al.[2005] assigned their own default age uncertaintieswhen the latter were not indicated by the authors inthe original papers. These estimates were indeed

necessary for the computations of global geomag-netic field models [Korte and Constable, 2005a].In the present compilation, no such default ageuncertainties are reported to keep with the originalinformation provided by the authors. Note, how-ever, that for the computations of VADM/VDMcurves, we did of course assign age uncertainties(see section 6).

2.1.4. Intensity Experimental Methods

[16] The third field category was defined to allowfor a relatively detailed presentation of the intensityexperiments used by the authors to obtain their data.The general description of the methods is providedvia generic names (Thellier and Thellier, Shaw,Microwave,. . .). This information is complementedby four fields specifying (1) the use or not of pTRM-check test (for partial Thermoremanent Magnetiza-tion checks) when a Thellier derived protocol wasapplied (note that the boundary limit considered bythe authors for a positive check is indicated whenspecified in the original papers), (2) the possible useof correction for alteration, (3) the correction forTRM anisotropy, and (4) the correction for thecooling rate TRM dependence effect. Note thatalthough new tests and intensity protocols haverecently been developed to detect multidomain(MD) grains behavior which could bias the intensitydetermination [e.g., Dunlop and Ozdemir, 1997;Riisager and Riisager, 2001; Krasa et al., 2003;Yu et al., 2004; Leonhardt et al., 2004], this infor-mation is not provided in the present compilation asit concerns a very limited fraction (less than 1%) ofthe available intensity data.

2.1.5. Statistical Information on theMean Intensity Values

[17] In this field category statistical parameters oneach mean intensity result are reported, such as theerror associated with the mean value, the definitionof this error and the number of individual intensityvalues used to derive the mean. This rapid andsimple description, however, hides some consider-able complexity related to the diversity of theanalyzed structures or objects, the variability ofthe site definition and the different methods usedto compute the mean intensity values and their errorbars.

[18] Each mean intensity result incorporated in ourcompilation corresponds to the data obtained for adated site as indicated in the original publication.The definition of a site is, however, variable inarcheomagnetic studies. When working on struc-

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tures in place, such as a baked hearth, a kiln or avolcanic outcrop, the definition of a site is straight-forward: the structure is considered as one site andthe mean intensity is derived from intensity valuesobtained from different samples taken from thisstructure. But a very large number of archeointen-sity data were also obtained from small displacedarcheological artifacts such as fragments ofceramics, tiles or baked bricks. In this case, thesite may be either a single fragment or a set ofdifferent fragments dated of the same age. Bothdefinitions were considered in the literature. Ourphilosophy was to enter in each case what wasjudged by the authors as the best estimate of theancient geomagnetic field intensity. This approachwas principally guided by arguments related to thetemporal homogeneity of the fragments that mayconstitute a site. This temporal homogeneity is notsystematically ensured for fragments found in thesame archeological layer and dated within the sametime interval. When the authors only gave intensityvalues at the fragment level in the original pub-lications, we did not compute a mean intensity thusallowing for the possibility that the fragmentscould have been produced at different instantswithin their interval of age uncertainty. Conversely,when an average was computed by the authors,only this mean has been reported, and not theindividual values, because we assumed thatthe authors considered the former mean value asthe best estimate of the geomagnetic field intensity.This strategy is probably different from the oneused by Yang et al. [2000]. The number of dataincluded in their compilation is indeed close to thenumber of results in our own compilation althoughwe entered new data sets. Moreover, when onlyconsidering the papers reported by Yang et al.[2000], we find a much lower number of intensityresults, which indicates that they probably enteredthe data at the fragment level. Our approach,however, appears to be the same as the onefollowed by McElhinny and Senanayake [1982]and Donadini et al. [2006, 2007].

[19] In the present compilation, the number of dataconsidered by the authors to derive a mean inten-sity value is indicated in the ‘‘Nmean_INT’’ col-umn. This parameter can, however, have differentmeanings. It can correspond to the number ofsamples collected from a single thermal unit (i.e.,a large structure still in place or a small displacedfragment) or to the number of samples collectedfrom several thermal units dated of the same age(fragments from different pottery). To discriminatebetween these two cases, we introduced (in addi-

tion to the column specifying the type of materialanalyzed by the authors) two columns respectivelyproviding the number ‘‘NT_INT’’ of studied ther-mal units and the total number ‘‘ns_INT’’ ofsamples analyzed and retained to compute themean for this (these) thermal unit(s). For example,if an intensity mean value was derived from twovalues obtained from two samples taken from asame potsherd, NT_INT was then set to unity andns_Int to 2 (Nmean_INT is 2). If the number ofstudied potsherds was 3 but with 2 samples perfragment, NT_INTwas then set to 3 and ns_Int to 6.Note that in this case, Nmean_INT could be either3 or 6 depending on the way the authors computedtheir mean. Another typical example is the case ofa structure found in place, such as a kiln, fromwhich three fragments of bricks (taken from thekiln) have been analyzed for intensity. The site isthen the oven and the different bricks, samplesfrom this kiln, which hence acquired their magne-tization at the same time during the last cooling ofthe structure. In this case, NT_INT would be set to1 and ns_Int to 3. In several studies, however, therewas an ambiguity with respect to the number ofintensity values used to derive the means and wewere unable to determine if the ‘‘N’’ indicated bythe authors was the number of samples from asingle fragment or the number of different frag-ments (with probably a combination of both pos-sibilities in some cases). Note that we then usuallychose the second and in a way more ‘‘optimistic’’option, underlying this ambiguity by a star in the‘‘Flag_Int’’ column.

[20] Various options were also used by the authorsto report the precision associated with each meanintensity data. We tried to standardize these errorsand chose to enter a standard deviation among theindividual intensity values whenever possible. Thisstandard deviation was sometimes recomputedfrom the standard error indicated in the originalpapers. However, in several cases, we were notable to associate a standard deviation to an inten-sity value because of a lack of information orproper definition in the original publications. Inthose cases, we nevertheless reported the errorsprovided by the authors in the ‘‘error column’’ andindicated their definition in the correspondingcolumn (Def_DInt).

[21] The final column in this field category dis-plays the reliability of the data as graded by theauthors themselves. Several parameters were con-sidered for that ranking. The grades for the data setacquired by Aitken et al. [1984, 1988a, 1988b,

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1989a, 1989b, 1991] [see also Wei et al., 1987;Papamarinopoulos, 1987] were directly linked tothe dispersion, expressed in percentage, of theintensity values obtained from samples of a samesite. But in most other cases, the ranking was notbased on statistical factors related to the meanintensity values and relied on other parameters,sometimes more subjective, such as the visualscattering in intensity diagrams.

2.1.6. Directional Information

[22] The upgraded intensity compilation alsoincludes directional information whenever bothintensity and directional data were obtained fromthe same objects or structures. This new informa-tion is reported in different columns which detailthe method used for these determinations, thenumber of analyzed samples, the declination (whendetermined), the inclination and the associatederrors. The errors can be on the inclination onlyand is then provided as a standard deviation aroundthe mean inclination value, or on both the declina-tion and the inclination. To account for the fact thatthese errors may have been computed separately bythe authors, these are entered again as standarddeviations in two columns unless an ‘‘a95’’ [Fisher,1953] was indicated by the authors which we thenreported in the corresponding column. Anothercolumn displays the Fisher parameter k when pro-vided in the papers.

2.1.7. VADMs and VDMs

[23] The location and directional information canbe used to produce two additional fields, one forthe VADM computed from the data and the otherfor the VDM when inclinations were provided.These values and their uncertainties (wheneverpossible) were computed from the following for-mulas [e.g., Merrill et al., 1996]:

VADM ¼ 4pR3F

m0 1þ 3 sin2 l� �0:5

VDM ¼ 4pR3F 1þ 3 cos2 Incð Þ0:5


with m0 the permeability of free space (m0 =4p10�7 H.m�1), R the radius of the Earth (R =6371 km), F the intensity in micro Telsa, l thelatitude of the site in degree, and Inc the inclinationassociated to the intensity in degree.

2.2. Table of References

[24] The reference table provides all the completereferences of the papers included in the presentcompilation. Important information on each publi-cation is also reported in this table, such as the agewindow, the geographical bounding box of eachstudy, the names of the country(ies) where thesamples were collected and the number of intensityresults reported. A comment field further makes itpossible to specify when intensity data not reportedin a table, had nevertheless been recovered from afigure (by scanning the figures). This field alsoincludes some comments regarding the ages of thedata, the location of the sampling sites, the defini-tion of these sites and how the mean intensityvalues were obtained (in particular with possibleweighting).

2.3. Controlled Vocabularies

[25] When building this compilation, the mainobjective was to make it as intuitive as possiblefor the users. Abbreviations are therefore rare andrestricted to those very common for paleomagneticstudies. Codes for the different fields were alsodefined to be most straightforward.

[26] The third table of the ArcheoInt compilationdefines the few abbreviations employed and liststhe selected terms for each main category ofmetadata. For the intensity methods, we furtherindicated the reference of the paper(s) where theprotocols were first defined and/or fully described.

3. Type, Geographic, and TemporalDistribution of the Data

[27] Approximately 87% of the intensity datareported in the present compilation were acquiredon archeological artifacts, while the remaining�13% correspond to data obtained from volcanicproducts. The latter proportion is slightly higherthan the one in Korte et al. [2005] because thenewly entered data were mostly obtained from lavaflows. Among the archeological data, those ac-quired on displaced artifacts are predominant,corresponding to �66% of the results, and �57%if the whole (archeological and volcanic) data set isconsidered. Data obtained from structures found insitu represent �21.5% of the archeological data setand the last �12.5% include archeological struc-tures or objects that were not clearly specified inthe original publications.

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[28] Directional information is available for only�38% of the whole data set (Figure 2). Thisreflects the fact that intensity experiments wereprincipally carried out on displaced archeologicalartifacts. For �20% of these objects, geomagneticinclinations were, however, determined. These aremainly bricks for which two hypotheses had to bemade with respect to their baking position in theoven: first, that the oven floor or the surface wherethe bricks were placed during the firing had been

horizontal and second, that the bricks themselveshad been positioned lying on one of their flat sides.

[29] The intensity data are not evenly distributedover the globe (Figure 3). Only �5% of the dataare from the southern hemisphere and among thissmall proportion, �74% were obtained from Peru.The southern hemisphere is thus almost devoid ofdata. The situation is better for the northern hemi-sphere although the distribution of the data is farfrom ideal, as nearly 70% of the intensity data are

Figure 2. Proportions of intensity data acquired alone (in blue) or associated with directional information (green,inclinations only; yellow, both declinations and inclinations) as a function of type of analyzed objects.‘‘Miscellaneous’’ includes archeological artifacts of unknown type.

Figure 3. Geographical distribution of the intensity data (red dots) provided in the present ArcheoInt compilation.

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clustered in the western Eurasian area. The rest ofthe data was essentially obtained in eastern Asia(�12%), in the southwest part of the North Amer-ica (�6%) and in Hawaii (�5%).

[30] The temporal distribution of the availableintensity data is also clearly nonuniform with about70% of the results dated from the past threemillennia (Figure 4). The dating constraints arenot systematically specified in the papers, and for�49% of the objects analyzed they are linked toarcheological arguments, including stratigraphyand/or relative chronology of human societies.About 7% of the results were dated on the basisof historical events, mainly well-known volcaniceruptions. The radiocarbon method was rarely usedalone (�6.5% of the data set), but often combinedwith other methods. About 20% of the intensitydata had their age determined using a combinationof different types of constraints (archeomagnetism,radiocarbon, thermoluminescence, dendrochronol-ogy, archeology, etc.).

4. Diversity of the ExperimentalMethods

[31] Most of the data (about 90%) were obtainedby thermal demagnetization of the Natural Rema-nent Magnetization (NRM) recorded by the objectsduring their last cooling following the methodologydeveloped either by Thellier and Thellier [1959] orWilson [1961]. More precisely, �51% of the wholedata set were acquired by relying on the originalThellier and Thellier [1959] method via a double

heating-cooling cycle performed in field, while�22% relied on the Coe [1967] version of theThellier and Thellier method (i.e., double heating-cooling step performed first in zero field and thenin field) and �9% relied on the Aitken [e.g., Aitkenet al., 1988a] version of the method (i.e., doubleheating-cooling step performed first in field, thenin zero field).

[32] Another �6% of the data were acquired byrelying on methods based on NRM demagnetiza-tion in alternating fields as developed by Shaw[1974] and Van Zijl et al. [1962]. For the remainingdata, microwave demagnetization technique (�2.5%of the data [Walton et al., 1993]), combined protocols(�0.5%) and an adapted version of the Shaw [1974]method applied to adobe bricks for which themagnetization acquisition is due to a shear straininduced by the molding of the humid clay (41absolute intensity data acquired by Games [1977,1980]) were used.

[33] The categorization above does not completelyreflect the diversity of the protocols used by theauthors. One critical parameter concerns the con-trol of alteration of the magnetic mineralogy duringthe experiments. pTRM-check tests, first intro-duced by Thellier and Thellier [1959], which givean estimate of the stability of the TRM acquisitioncapacity, are widely considered as the most effi-cient methods for detecting magnetic alterationduring thermal treatment and are now requestedto constrain the reliability of intensity results. Nosuch tests, however, were performed for �52% ofthe relevant data (i.e., that acquired using a Thellierand Thellier type protocol with a thermal or amicrowave demagnetization), most of which wereacquired before 1985. After 1985 indeed thesechecks were more systematically included in theexperimental routine. But even when used, thepTRM-check tests were not all equivalent, withdifferences in the way the percentage of alterationwas computed (difference ratio normalized eitherby the pTRM, the total TRM or by the hypotenuseof the selected segment, i.e., using the so-calledDRAT introduced by Selkin and Tauxe [2000]), thenumber of tests performed, the threshold value (notsystematically indicated by the authors), the num-ber of samples for which the tests were made (insome studies, checks were only performed for apart of the collection), etc.

[34] Several authors tried to correct their intensityvalues for the effect of alteration detected duringthe thermal treatment. About 50% of the dataacquired using the Shaw-type methods were for

Figure 4. Temporal distribution using 250-year bins ofthe intensity data provided in the present ArcheoIntcompilation (blue, intensity data only; pink, intensitydata with inclination).

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instance corrected for alteration using factors basedon measurements of the anhysteretic remanentmagnetization [Kono, 1978; Rolph and Shaw,1985]. But Tanguy [1975], Burakov and Nachasova[1985], Walton [1984, 1986, 1990], Walton andBalhatchet [1988] and more recently Valet et al.[1996] also developed correction methods applica-ble to the Thellier and Thellier or Wilson protocols.These corrections were applied to �18% of thewhole data set, mainly (�13%) using the Burakovand Nachasova [1985] correction method.

[35] A second key parameter is related to theanisotropy of the thermoremanent magnetizationwhich can have a large effect on the intensitydeterminations, as can be seen in Figure 5. TheTRM anisotropy observed in baked clay artifacts isgenerally interpreted as reflecting a preferentialalignment of magnetic grains caused by a stretch-ing of clay during the manufacturing process [e.g.,Rogers et al., 1979; Aitken et al., 1981]. However,the TRM anisotropy effect was not investigated atall for 50% of the whole collection. For the secondhalf, various approaches were considered toaccount for this parameter. For �15% of the data,the field during laboratory TRM acquisition wasapplied in the direction of the NRM; a reason-able way to proceed if the anisotropy is weakenough. For strong anisotropic specimens, thisapproach is not adequate (unless of course theancient field was parallel to one of the principal

axes of the TRM tensor). Aitken et al. [1984,1988a, 1988b, 1989a, 1989b, 1991; see also Weiet al., 1987; Papamarinopoulos, 1987] thereforedetermined the TRM anisotropy tensor and cor-rected their intensity values whenever the anglebetween the TRM and the laboratory field direc-tions was found to be large. Similarly, Gallet et al.[2006] [following Le Goff and Gallet, 2004] ad-justed the direction of the laboratory field to alwaysproduce a TRM almost parallel to the NRM. Inother cases the TRM anisotropy effect was evalu-ated directly through the determination of the TRManisotropy tensor (�7.5%) or from other magneticanisotropies, such as that of the magnetic suscep-tibility (MS; �4.5%), of the isothermal remanentmagnetization (IRM; �8%) or of the anhystereticmagnetization (ARM, less than 1%). The remain-ing �15% include data for which anisotropy wasassumed negligible or for which anisotropy correc-tions were made using relationships experimentallyestablished between the TRM and the MS or ARManisotropy tensors. In particular, �13% of thewhole data set were corrected using the originalprocedure developed by Burakov [1981] involvingthe determination of parameters relating the TRM(and NRM) and susceptibility anisotropy tensors atseveral temperatures steps.

[36] Another important characteristic of the intensi-ty procedures documented in our compilation con-cerns the cooling rate (CR) dependence of TRM

Figure 5. Example of TRM anisotropy effect on French ceramic fragments (site A29 [Genevey and Gallet, 2002]).The two specimens analyzed per fragment were oriented along the same direction relative to that of the appliedlaboratory field. Intensity results before (after) TRM anisotropy correction are indicated in blue (pink) after coolingrate correction. The shaded band shows the mean intensity value and its standard deviation obtained for this site.

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acquisition. This effect is predicted by Neel’s theory[Neel, 1955; see also Dodson and McClelland-Brown, 1980; Halgedahl et al., 1980] for singledomain grain assemblages. It was further studied for

different types of domain grains and experimentallyobserved for both volcanic products and archeolog-ical artifacts [e.g., Fox and Aitken, 1980; Biquand,1994; Chauvin et al., 2000; Leonhardt et al., 2006].This cooling rate effect is due to the fact that thecooling of the samples in the laboratory is typicallyfaster than the original cooling. When not corrected,it usually results in overestimates for the intensityvalues, sometimes by more than 10% (Figure 6)[e.g.,Genevey and Gallet, 2002]. For almost 80% ofthe data, no attempt was made, however, to evaluatethis effect. Among the remaining �20% fraction,the cooling rate effect was directly measuredthrough additional experiments for �40% of thedata. The results of these studies were used byseveral authors to derive a rough estimate for a‘‘reasonable’’ CR correction (‘‘educated guess’’)which was then applied to �14% of the CR cor-rected data. Some authors also judged that a CRcorrection was unnecessary in their study becausethe experimental and the original cooling rates wereconsidered similar; this concerns �29% of thecollection of CR checked data. For an additional�14% of this data, theoretical computations weremade to derive a CR correction factor [Walton,1984, 1990;Walton and Balhatchet, 1988]. Finally,we should also mention the case of archeointensitydata recently acquired from high-temperature mag-netization measurements [Le Goff and Gallet,2004]. Those data represent �3% of the CR cor-rected data [Gallet and Le Goff, 2006; Gallet et al.,2006] for which the cooling rate effect was shown tobe automatically corrected when using the experi-mental procedure developed by these authors.

[37] Although, as just emphasized, intensity proto-cols vary substantially among the 151 studiesconsidered in this compilation, a few large homo-geneous sub–data sets can still be identified. Themost important one was acquired by K. Burakovand I. Nachasova after 1986. These data represent�13% of the whole data set and were obtainedusing a procedure derived from the Thellier andThellier [1959] method, including both correctionsfor the anisotropy effect [Burakov, 1981] and forthe magnetic alteration during the thermal treat-ment [Burakov and Nachasova, 1985]. Before1986, these authors mainly applied the originalThellier and Thellier method with pTRM-checkand a limit of 10% for this alteration test (211data, �6%). The same protocol was also used byS. Burlatskaya and coauthors leading to a collec-tion of 417 results (11% of the whole data set).Altogether, these authors from the Institute ofPhysics of the Earth (Russia Academy of Sciences)

Figure 6. Cooling rate dependence of TRM acquisi-tion. (a) Examples of evolution of the TRM over-estimates obtained from several French and Syrianfragments of ceramics and bricks as a function of theratio between different slow cooling durations (from 0.5to 33 hours) and a fixed rapid (0.5 hour) coolingduration [Genevey and Gallet, 2002; Genevey et al.,2003]. The thick line corresponds to the TRM over-estimate derived from equation (11) of Halgedhal et al.[1980] for grains with a narrow blocking temperaturerange near the Curie temperature. (b) Histograms of theTRM overestimates (underestimates) obtained from alarge collection of French and Syrian baked clayfragments [Genevey and Gallet, 2002; Genevey et al.,2003] (and new data).

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acquired more than 30% of the archeointensity dataincluded in our compilation. Of interest is the factthat they used pTRM-checks during their intensityexperiments, although no indication on this impor-tant point was provided in the original publications(K. Burakov, S. Burlatskaya, and I. Nachasova,personal communication, 2004). The data of Aitkenand coauthors also constitute another, yet smaller,homogenous collection of results (�6.5%),obtained using the ‘‘In field-Zero Field’’ versionof the Thellier and Thellier method, with bothcorrections for anisotropy and cooling rate effects.Finally, one should also mention the important set ofBulgarian results (292 data, �8%) obtained byKovacheva [1997], who relied on the original Thel-lier and Thellier method, used pTRM-check testsafter�1982 and applied anisotropy correction usingIRM anisotropy tensor after the eighties.

5. Discussion on Selection Criteria andApplication to the Data Compilation

[38] The various intensity experiments and defini-tions of intensity sites considered by the authorsclearly show that the data cannot be regarded asequally reliable. The definition (and the use) ofcriteria for selecting what one could judge as the‘‘best data’’ is therefore a crucial issue, but not asimple task. Two approaches can be followed. Thefirst consists in retaining all available data andweighting them according to some assigned mea-sure of quality (or reliability). This is the approachchosen by Korte and Constable [2005a] for thecomputation of global geomagnetic field models.The second, alternative, approach is more selectiveand consists in eliminating those intensity datawhich do not fulfill minimal reliability standards.We explore below the consequences of such astrategy for our data set.

[39] First, consider standard basic criteria forselecting the data: (1) the data must be acquiredusing the original or derived Thellier and Thelliermethod with pTRM-check tests or with the Shawprocedure (here we ignore data obtained withcorrection for alteration), (2) the mean intensityvalue must be computed from at least three results,regardless of the definition of the site (fragment orgroup of fragments), (3) the standard deviationmust be less than 15%, and (4) the TRM anisotropyeffect must be taken into account for objectsgenerally recognized as strongly anisotropic, suchas fragments of pottery or tiles. Using these simplerather weak criteria would then lead us to selectonly 644 data, i.e., 18% of the whole data set, with

no cooling rate correction for 543 of them. Most ofthe discarded data (�90%) would be rejected onthe basis of criteria 1 and 2. Among the 644retained results, 250 data were obtained fromBulgaria by M. Kovacheva with pTRM-checksperformed only after �1982 and another 135 datahad either no threshold value indicated for thepTRM-check tests, or pTRM-checks only appliedto part of the sample collection. Note that if moresevere selection criteria were to be used, such asthose normally favored: thermal method withpTRM-checks, anisotropy correction performedfor all samples and quantified from the TRM an-isotropy tensor (and not from a proxy, which isknown to be a questionable approach [e.g., Chauvinet al., 2000]), the final world data compilationwould dramatically shrink to about 110 data.

[40] The four selection criteria above lead to therejection of all data acquired with no pTRM-check,including those obtained by Aitken et al. and byBurakov and Nachasova after 1986. In that case,however, alternative strict criteria had been usedby the authors and rejecting these data is thereforeperhaps too severe. Aitken et al. applied strictcriteria to keep only the most reliable data (grade1, 2 and 3T [Aitken et al., 1986, 1989a]) replacingthe pTRM-check by a test on the linearity of theslope in their intensity diagrams. Only the resultswith an uncertainty of less than (2/

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiN � 2

p)% in

the slope determination, N being the number ofsteps for this computation, were retained. Asnoted by Aitken et al., this stringent requirementindeed likely eliminates samples that sufferedmagnetic alteration during the thermal treatment.Moreover, data from Aitken et al. and fromBurakov and Nachasova are generally very con-sistent with other results obtained with pTRM-check tests. This is for instance the case for dataobtained from the Middle East and from CentralAsia [Nachasova and Burakov, 2000; Genevey etal., 2003; Gallet et al., 2006]. In fact intercom-parisons between data obtained by K. Burakovand I. Nachasova using their original protocol anddata obtained using a more classical procedure[Genevey and Gallet, 2002] including pTRM-check, anisotropy correction via the determinationof the TRM anisotropy tensor and cooling ratecorrection, show very consistent results. Theseintercomparisons (not yet published) were per-formed on brother specimens from C2RMF &IPGP’s French and Syrian collection. This under-lines the quality of the experimental work con-ducted by Burakov and Nachasova, validates theirprotocol and suggests that an alternative approach

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for assessing the reliability of the intensity com-pilation should be considered.

[41] A reasonable option would consist in com-pensating for the lack of pTRM-check tests formagnetic alteration by using other criteria basedon the dispersion of the data about their meanintensity value as well as the number of samplesanalyzed per site. Indeed, if this number is suffi-cient and the dispersion low enough, one canhope that the magnetic alteration (if any)remained limited. The same approach could alsobe used for TRM anisotropy correction whendealing with anisotropic objects. Working alongthose lines, we defined several alternative selec-tion criteria according to the type of the structureanalyzed and to the characteristics of the intensityprocedure, requesting the number of samples perobject or the number of objects studied to begreater than two or three (depending on theprotocol applied) with a dispersion around themean no greater than 15%. In particular, wedistinguished studied objects on the basis of theirpotential anisotropy. Figure 7 shows the degreeof TRM anisotropy measured on a collection of375 ceramic fragments analyzed in IPGP’s labo-ratory [Genevey and Gallet, 2002; Genevey et al.,2003] (and new data). It is obvious that for suchfragments the anisotropy degree greatly variesbetween potsherds. This can strongly bias an

intensity determination if not corrected for. Bycontrast, the degree of anisotropy observed inbricks is generally more limited (also shown inFigure 7). For selecting the data, we thereforesuggest considering bricks as essentially isotropic.The same reasonable assumption can be made forthe in place structures of volcanic (pyroclastic orlava flow) or archeological (kilns, ovens, hearth. . .)nature. In the case of potsherds and tiles for whichneither pTRM-check nor anisotropy correctionhave been performed, the new criteria would con-sist in requiring a minimum of three differentfragments analyzed per site to produce a meanintensity value. Indeed when working on a singlefragment but with several studied specimens, onecan obtain consistent intensity values if the speci-mens are roughly oriented along the same directionrelative to that of the applied laboratory field. But,this consistency can also occur in the presence ofstrong TRM anisotropy and therefore be mislead-ing (Figure 5). The analysis of several independentfragments is thus necessary to estimate the impor-tance of the anisotropy effect when not experimen-tally corrected for.

[42] Tentatively applying this set of new criteria toour main database leads to a collection of 1839data, i.e., �50% of the whole data set, which fulfillquite minimal reliability standards. The character-istics of this sub–data set, i.e., the proportion of thedifferent types of analyzed objects and their tem-poral and geographical distributions, are similar tothose of the main database: �72% of the selecteddata are dated from the past 3 millennia and �76%were obtained from western Eurasia. The data areeven more localized with �54% confined inside asmall geographical box of 30� in latitude andlongitude centered around a mid point at 45� inlatitude and 35� in longitude. The proportion ofdata with directional information is notably higherwith �47% of the results (instead of �38% in themain database) associated with at least inclinations.This latter point is simply due to the fact that ourselection criteria tend to reject anisotropic objectslike pottery and tile fragments for which no direc-tional information is usually available.

[43] The selection of the data discussed in thisparagraph could be viewed as a rather subjectiveexercise. However, we believe that it gives somegeneral ideas on the reliability of the data presentlyincluded in the compilation. Finally, it should berecalled that all the information given in the maindata table is anyway provided for users to define

Figure 7. Histograms of the degree of TRM aniso-tropy measured on a large collection of French andSyrian fragments of ceramics and bricks [Genevey andGallet, 2002; Genevey et al., 2003] (and new data).

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the data selection strategy best suited for their ownstudy.

6. Regional Versus ‘‘Global’’ VADM andVADM/VDM Variation Curves

[44] An interesting question one can discuss withboth the present compilation and the sub–data setselected in the way described above is that of themeaning of so-called VADM and mixed VADM/VDM variation curves classically derived wheneverenough intensity data are available [e.g.,McElhinnyand Senanayake, 1982; Yang et al., 2000]. This istypically done by converting all intensity data intoVADM and VADM/VDM values, which are thenused to compute worldwide average values withinsliding temporal windows, the hope being that boththe geographical and temporal averaging willsmooth out most of the nondipole signal (basedon, e.g., Hulot and Le Mouel [1994]), and that theresulting curve will properly reflect the true slowtime changes of the axial (or full) dipole moment.Such a procedure, however, involves a number ofpotential pitfalls as we shall now illustrate.

[45] The first thing to note is that most of theavailable data come from western Eurasia. For thisreason, we first focus on the region located be-tween longitudes 10�W and 80�E and for latitudes�0�, which contains �76% of the data selected.

Relying on those data, a rather high resolutionVADM/VDM variation curve spanning the past8 millennia can be computed with the help ofsliding intervals of 100 years shifted by 50 years(Figure 8 and Table 1). This was done by imple-menting an arbitrary but reasonable cooling ratecorrection of 5% decrease when data had notoriginally been corrected for the cooling rateeffect (Figure 6) [e.g., Genevey and Gallet, 2002;Genevey et al., 2003]. We also systematicallyassigned age uncertainties of 25 years, 50 years,75 years and 100 years for those results dated fromthe second millennium A.D., first millenniumA.D., first millennium B.C. and beyond when nopublished age uncertainty was provided, respec-tively. The derived curve shows large variationswith a relatively high mean value over the past fourmillennia, contrasting with more moderate varia-tions and a lower mean value between 6000 B.C.and 2000 B.C. A prominent peak in intensity isobserved during the first half of the first millenni-um B.C. which Genevey et al. [2003] and Gallet etal. [2006] already discussed. This peak is followedby two fast decreases during the second half of thefirst millennium B.C. and the second millenniumA.D. which bring the present VADM/VDM esti-mates back to the level that prevailed some 4000years ago. It is interesting to plot this curvetogether with the VADM/VDM variation curvecomputed in the same way from the selected datafor all the rest of the world over just the past threemillennia (Figure 9). This reveals significant differ-ences, in particular during the first half of the firstmillennium A.D. and around the middle of thesecond millennium A.D. when the curve from ‘‘therest of the world’’ displays two maxima not seen inthe ‘‘western Eurasia’’ curve. This clearly reflectsstrong contributions from either equatorial dipoleor nondipole components which appear not to beaveraged out.

[46] The strong geographical bias of the intensitydatabase toward western Eurasia is thus likely toproduce erroneous estimates of the global VADMand VADM/VDM values if some care is not takento properly weight the data as a function of theirlocation, as noted by Korte and Constable [2005b].To illustrate this, we introduced the followingsimple first-order weighting scheme. We first de-fined a number of widely distributed geographicalregions within which selected data are numerousenough. For the northern hemisphere, 7 suchregions of 30� width (both in latitude and longi-tude) were carefully chosen to avoid any overrep-resentation of western Eurasian data (Figure 10a).

Figure 8. Eight thousand-year-long mixed VADM/VDM variation curve computed for western Eurasia(latitudes �0 and longitudes comprise between 10�Wand 80�E) with the help of sliding windows of 100 yearsshifted by 50 years. Mean values are reported only whenat least three independent results are available per timeinterval with a data dispersion of less than 20%. Thecomputations are carried out using the selected datadiscussed in section 5. When data had not originallybeen corrected for the cooling rate effect, a cooling ratecorrection of 5% decrease was implemented.

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Table 1. Western Eurasian VADM and Mixed VADM/VDM Data Computed Over the Past 8 Millennia UsingSliding Windows of 100 Years Shifted by 50 Yearsa

AgeNumberof Data






6000 B.C. 5 8.09 1.80 8.31 1.735950 B.C. 5 8.90 1.49 9.13 1.275900 B.C. 7 8.91 1.03 9.03 0.895850 B.C. 12 8.60 0.72 8.70 0.665800 B.C. 16 8.38 0.46 8.48 0.405750 B.C. 21 8.41 0.36 8.49 0.335700 B.C. 24 8.40 0.30 8.42 0.295650 B.C. 20 8.14 0.26 8.15 0.255600 B.C. 21 8.14 0.30 8.11 0.325550 B.C. 23 7.60 0.47 7.61 0.475500 B.C. 16 6.94 0.60 7.03 0.625450 B.C. 11 6.40 0.39 6.64 0.555400 B.C. 9 6.13 0.44 6.30 0.605350 B.C. 10 6.48 0.43 6.70 0.525300 B.C. 10 6.67 0.36 6.86 0.435250 B.C. 9 6.65 0.40 6.87 0.485200 B.C. 10 6.91 0.25 7.39 0.525150 B.C. 9 7.38 0.48 7.97 0.655100 B.C. 8 7.46 0.60 8.03 0.795050 B.C. 6 7.23 1.09 7.56 1.275000 B.C. 6 6.83 1.38 7.02 1.584950 B.C. 4 7.75 1.22 8.04 1.474900 B.C. 5 7.78 0.91 8.15 1.244850 B.C. 5 7.07 1.20 7.56 1.634800 B.C. 8 6.59 1.11 7.03 1.444750 B.C. 6 6.47 1.27 7.10 1.814700 B.C. 11 7.03 0.80 7.87 1.124650 B.C. 16 7.29 0.54 8.20 0.764600 B.C. 21 7.59 0.34 8.48 0.484550 B.C. 20 7.54 0.38 8.31 0.544500 B.C. 17 7.40 0.49 8.00 0.634450 B.C. 12 7.63 0.50 8.29 0.594400 B.C. 6 7.19 0.58 7.74 0.724350 B.C. 6 7.23 0.91 7.84 0.864300 B.C. 5 6.31 0.68 6.97 0.984250 B.C. 9 6.85 0.76 7.54 0.734200 B.C. 13 7.02 0.50 7.98 0.454150 B.C. 11 7.14 0.57 8.14 0.444100 B.C. 8 6.92 0.57 7.95 0.534050 B.C. 10 7.24 0.67 8.05 0.454000 B.C. 9 6.97 0.80 7.37 0.863950 B.C. 10 7.02 0.72 7.48 0.803900 B.C. 9 6.94 0.74 7.26 0.883850 B.C. 7 6.78 0.76 7.15 1.063800 B.C. 9 6.97 0.76 7.15 0.893750 B.C. 6 7.12 1.05 7.23 1.153700 B.C. 4 6.99 1.57 7.00 1.573650 B.C. 4 6.99 1.57 7.00 1.573600 B.C. 5 6.50 1.04 6.50 1.043550 B.C. 3 6.01 0.85 6.01 0.853500 B.C. 11 6.99 0.64 7.12 0.633450 B.C. 10 7.17 0.59 7.31 0.563400 B.C. 13 7.19 0.53 7.55 0.603350 B.C. 13 7.45 0.47 7.95 0.573300 B.C. 15 7.49 0.40 8.09 0.553250 B.C. 8 7.40 0.30 8.12 0.703200 B.C. 18 7.14 0.27 7.58 0.45

AgeNumberof Data






3150 B.C. 17 7.17 0.25 7.53 0.353100 B.C. 15 7.20 0.39 7.56 0.313050 B.C. 20 7.14 0.45 7.44 0.423000 B.C. 26 7.23 0.37 7.50 0.362950 B.C. 18 7.26 0.52 7.53 0.542900 B.C. 26 7.19 0.37 7.45 0.392850 B.C. 27 7.13 0.37 7.33 0.362800 B.C. 30 7.29 0.34 7.52 0.442750 B.C. 22 7.54 0.42 7.83 0.562700 B.C. 33 7.98 0.35 8.28 0.452650 B.C. 33 8.32 0.35 8.62 0.412600 B.C. 28 8.40 0.51 8.66 0.572550 B.C. 20 8.57 0.63 8.79 0.672500 B.C. 19 8.57 0.64 8.89 0.722450 B.C. 18 8.56 0.68 8.90 0.762400 B.C. 15 8.52 0.79 8.94 0.932350 B.C. 11 8.86 0.59 8.81 0.552300 B.C. 13 8.50 0.66 8.57 0.642250 B.C. 14 8.70 0.66 8.74 0.652200 B.C. 17 8.76 0.61 8.83 0.622150 B.C. 17 8.70 0.56 8.79 0.582100 B.C. 21 8.38 0.39 8.45 0.422050 B.C. 21 8.39 0.38 8.46 0.412000 B.C. 23 8.25 0.39 8.32 0.421950 B.C. 18 7.84 0.40 7.88 0.431900 B.C. 29 7.87 0.35 7.92 0.401850 B.C. 25 7.75 0.44 7.84 0.531800 B.C. 30 7.75 0.36 7.83 0.431750 B.C. 25 7.82 0.44 7.92 0.521700 B.C. 23 8.04 0.54 8.14 0.611650 B.C. 16 7.88 0.64 7.92 0.681600 B.C. 18 8.06 0.58 8.07 0.601550 B.C. 21 8.54 0.48 8.55 0.491500 B.C. 26 8.76 0.44 8.73 0.441450 B.C. 30 9.56 0.55 9.50 0.551400 B.C. 32 10.00 0.52 9.87 0.531350 B.C. 33 9.86 0.59 9.74 0.601300 B.C. 34 9.99 0.53 9.84 0.531250 B.C. 29 9.99 0.53 9.90 0.531200 B.C. 32 10.07 0.56 10.04 0.551150 B.C. 25 10.29 0.74 10.25 0.731100 B.C. 33 10.20 0.63 10.23 0.611050 B.C. 31 10.12 0.55 10.13 0.541000 B.C. 43 10.44 0.49 10.35 0.47950 B.C. 33 10.42 0.52 10.29 0.50900 B.C. 39 10.92 0.51 10.91 0.59850 B.C. 36 11.04 0.61 11.09 0.69800 B.C. 46 11.65 0.57 11.59 0.59750 B.C. 44 11.85 0.60 11.78 0.62700 B.C. 52 12.22 0.48 12.14 0.50650 B.C. 44 12.07 0.40 12.03 0.41600 B.C. 53 11.98 0.32 11.86 0.36550 B.C. 47 11.93 0.36 11.81 0.39500 B.C. 53 11.54 0.46 11.42 0.48450 B.C. 43 11.18 0.59 11.13 0.60400 B.C. 60 11.13 0.49 11.00 0.49350 B.C. 56 11.42 0.48 11.28 0.48300 B.C. 75 10.95 0.40 10.82 0.39250 B.C. 59 10.66 0.37 10.55 0.34

Table 1. (continued)

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For the southern hemisphere, only one equivalentregion could be defined comprising all archeointen-sity data from Peru. Altogether these 8 regionsgroup �95% of the selected data. For each region,we next computed the mean VADM and mixedVADM/VDM curves spanning the past three mil-lennia (whenever possible) using both time intervalsof 500 years shifted by 250 years and time intervals

of 200 years shifted by 100 years (Figures 10b and10c, respectively, for the VADM/VDM variations).Mean values were derived only when at least 3independent results were available per sliding inter-val with data dispersion of less than 20%. Theresulting curves are clearly of different qualities,as can be seen from standard errors (although thedata dispersion may reflect nondipole and temporalsampling variations), but some common regionalfeatures can be recognized. Common high VADM/VDM values during the first half of the first millen-nium A.D. are for instance found in the easternEurasia, Far East, Pacific and the northwest part ofthe South America curves which contrasts withlower values seen in curves from the other regionsduring the same period. Values from the southwestpart of the North America and Pacific during thesecond millennium A.D. are also significantlyhigher than those obtained from the other regions.Considering the relatively poor quality of most datafrom the present compilation, it is likely that thoseregional differences originate both from equatorialdipole and nondipole effects and from erroneousintensity determinations. However, for the sake ofthe present discussion, we assume intensity errorsare reasonably accounted for by the VADM andVADM/VDM error bars.

[47] Starting from those eight regional VADM andVADM/VDM curves, it is then straightforward to

Table 1. (continued)

AgeNumberof Data






200 B.C. 63 10.35 0.34 10.28 0.33150 B.C. 43 9.74 0.42 9.68 0.39100 B.C. 56 9.68 0.34 9.80 0.3550 B.C. 52 9.76 0.34 9.91 0.350 64 9.70 0.31 9.84 0.3450 A.D. 54 9.80 0.37 9.95 0.42100 A.D. 69 9.77 0.32 9.93 0.37150 A.D. 59 9.65 0.34 9.82 0.38200 A.D. 82 9.62 0.28 9.83 0.31250 A.D. 67 9.93 0.30 10.30 0.36300 A.D. 78 9.74 0.29 10.18 0.35350 A.D. 63 9.85 0.39 10.24 0.45400 A.D. 71 9.97 0.37 10.25 0.40450 A.D. 46 9.81 0.42 9.91 0.45500 A.D. 56 10.01 0.32 10.12 0.37550 A.D. 46 10.17 0.42 10.23 0.46600 A.D. 49 10.23 0.42 10.26 0.47650 A.D. 25 10.09 0.63 9.97 0.71700 A.D. 37 10.42 0.50 9.88 0.46750 A.D. 27 10.81 0.49 10.19 0.40800 A.D. 31 11.10 0.54 10.41 0.43850 A.D. 23 11.00 0.72 10.41 0.57900 A.D. 33 11.22 0.53 10.59 0.44950 A.D. 27 10.64 0.58 10.31 0.521000 A.D. 30 10.41 0.48 10.12 0.421050 A.D. 21 10.45 0.48 10.26 0.451100 A.D. 45 9.75 0.29 9.99 0.281150 A.D. 38 9.66 0.30 10.07 0.311200 A.D. 43 9.52 0.28 9.89 0.311250 A.D. 37 9.40 0.28 9.62 0.291300 A.D. 60 9.04 0.26 9.30 0.281350 A.D. 55 8.88 0.27 9.17 0.301400 A.D. 57 8.71 0.26 8.99 0.311450 A.D. 48 8.51 0.27 8.61 0.291500 A.D. 77 8.65 0.24 8.60 0.231550 A.D. 79 8.66 0.26 8.51 0.231600 A.D. 93 8.49 0.26 8.36 0.241650 A.D. 98 8.21 0.22 8.14 0.231700 A.D. 106 7.98 0.21 7.95 0.211750 A.D. 88 7.70 0.21 7.75 0.211800 A.D. 91 7.51 0.18 7.67 0.181850 A.D. 76 7.45 0.16 7.64 0.171900 A.D. 46 7.61 0.26 7.80 0.271950 A.D. 25 7.90 0.45 8.04 0.43

aMeans reported with their standard errors in 1022 A.m2 were

derived from the selected sub–data set (see text for furtherdescription). Data in italic have a standard error greater than 20%and were not considered in Figure 8.

Figure 9. Mixed VADM/VDM variation curves ob-tained over the past three millennia for western Eurasia(blue dots) and for all the rest of the world (grey dots).Mean values are reported only when at least threeindependent results are available per time interval with adata dispersion of less than 20%. The computations arecarried out using the selected data discussed in section5. When data had not originally been corrected for thecooling rate effect, a cooling rate correction of 5%decrease was implemented.

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compute averaged global VADM and VADM/VDM curves (assuming equal weight for eachregion), which, we may hope, will better reflectdipole field changes. Also it is hoped that the ratherlong duration of the considered sliding intervalswill smooth out some of the remaining nondipolefield components [Hulot and Le Mouel, 1994] (butsee Constable [2007, Figure 11]), further reducingpossible biases due to the small number of intensitydata from the southern hemisphere. Because of thelimited number of data outside western Eurasia,

such global VADM (Figure 11) and mixed VADM/VDM (Figure 12) curves can be computed onlyback to the first millennium B.C., the first half ofwhich is clearly less determined (Tables 2 and 3).The curves were in fact computed twice usingeither all compiled data (grey dots) or only theselected ones (blue dots). The two sets of curvesreported in Figures 11 and 12 exhibit the samevariations marked by a distinct minimum aroundthe transition between the first millennium B.C.and the first millennium A.D., followed by a

Figure 10. Geographical distribution of the selected data (red dots) discussed in section 5 and regional mixedVADM/VDM variation curves over the past three millennia. (a) Definition of the eight regions (each 30� width bothin latitude and longitude) chosen for the VADM and VDM computations: 1, western Europe (latitudes between 30�Nand 60�N, longitudes between 10�W and 20�E); 2, central Europe and Near East (latitudes between 30�N and 60�N,longitudes between 20�E and 50�E); 3, central Asia (latitudes between 12�N and 42�N, longitudes between 55� and85�E); 4, eastern Eurasia (China; latitudes between 20�N and 50�N, longitudes between 95� and 125�E); 5, Far East(Japan; latitudes between 20�N and 50�N, longitudes between 127�E and 157�E); 6, Pacific (Hawaii; latitudesbetween 5�N and 35�N, longitudes between 190�E and 220�E); 7, southwest part of North America (latitudesbetween 17�N and 47�N, longitudes between 235�E and 265� E); 8, northwest part of South America (Peru;latitudes<0�, longitudes between 270�E and 300�E). (b and c) Mixed VADM/VDM regional variation curves (seecolor code) obtained with the help of sliding windows of 500 years shifted by 250 years and of 200 years shifted by100 years, respectively. Mean values are reported only when at least three independent results are available per timeinterval with a data dispersion of less than 20%. When data had not originally been corrected for the cooling rateeffect, a cooling rate correction of 5% decrease was implemented.

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maximum around the third-fourth century A.D. Asecond minimum is present around the eight cen-tury A.D. (Figures 11b and 12b) which is practi-cally smoothed out when the 500-year-long slidingwindows are considered (Figures 11a and 12a). Inthe latter case, a long decrease in VADM andVADM/VDM values is observed over the past�1750 years. These characteristics are commonto all curves, but note that considering all the datagenerally tends to decrease the amplitude of theobserved variations.

[48] We are now in a position to consider the extentto which the regionally weighted estimates of theaxial dipole and dipole moment variations differfrom more classical estimates derived by combin-ing all data without introducing any regionalweighting scheme (white dots, Figure 13). Notsurprisingly (recall Figure 10), differences aremainly found within the first half of the first

millennium A.D. and the long-term VADM varia-tions from the regionally weighted curve appear tobe much smoother (Figure 13a). Comparing ourresults to the dipole evolution recovered from pub-lished spherical harmonic archeomagnetic models,is also of interest [Hongre et al., 1998; Korte andConstable, 2005a, 2005b, 2006; Constable, 2007].Large discrepancies are observed between thedifferent curves shown in Figure 14. Consideringonly the pattern of variations, we note that thedipole moment variation curve computed fromregionally averaging the data is similar to the oneobtained by Korte and Constable [2006] based onthe inversion of the directional and intensity dataset of Korte et al. [2005] for a dipole field only.The same pattern of variations, but with signifi-cantly lower dipole moment values, is also foundfrom the CALS7K.2 model of Korte and Constable[2005a, 2005b, 2006] based on the inversion of the

Figure 12. ‘‘Global’’ mixed VADM/VDM variationcurves over the past three millennia derived from theaverage of the regional mean values assuming an equalweight for each region. The computations are carried outwith the help of sliding windows (a) of 500 years shiftedby 250 years and (b) of sliding windows of 200 yearsshifted by 100 years. Blue dots, selected data; grey dots,all data.

Figure 11. ‘‘Global’’ VADM variation curves over thepast three millennia derived from the average of theregional mean values assuming an equal weight for eachregion. The computations are carried out with the helpof sliding windows (a) of 500 years shifted by 250 yearsand (b) of sliding windows of 200 years shifted by100 years. Blue dots, selected data; grey dots, all data.

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Table 2. ‘‘Global’’ VADM and Mixed VADM/VDM Data for the Past Three Millennia Computed Using SlidingWindows of 500 Years Shifted by 250 Years and Assuming an Equal Weight for Each Region Defined in the Texta

AgeNumber ofRegions



Number ofRegions



1000 B.C. 5 10.92 0.68 4 10.22 0.43750 B.C. 7 10.69 0.71 7 10.83 0.62500 B.C. 8 11.18 0.56 8 11.24 0.59250 B.C. 8 10.72 0.5 8 10.83 0.560 8 10.72 0.57 8 10.86 0.56250 A.D. 8 10.97 0.45 8 11.21 0.47500 A.D. 8 10.82 0.4 8 11.01 0.42750 A.D. 8 10.23 0.33 8 10.35 0.371000 A.D. 8 10.23 0.35 8 10.37 0.351250 A.D. 8 10.11 0.49 8 10.19 0.441500 A.D. 8 9.53 0.54 8 9.54 0.491750 A.D. 8 8.66 0.39 8 8.7 0.36

aMeans derived from the selected sub–data set (see text for further description) are reported with their standard errors in 1022 A.m2.

Table 3. ‘‘Global’’ VADM and Mixed VADM/VDM Data for the Past Three Millennia Computed Using SlidingWindows of 200 Years Shifted by 100 Years and Assuming an Equal Weight for Each Region Defined in the Texta

AgeNumber ofRegions



Number ofRegions



1000 B.C. 3 10.48 0.18 4 10.31 0.19900 B.C. 4 11.42 1.26 4 11.47 1.31800 B.C. 4 11.54 0.94 5 11.19 0.86700 B.C. 5 10.88 0.84 6 10.44 0.69600 B.C. 6 10.99 0.69 6 11 0.69500 B.C. 4 11.05 0.63 4 11.01 0.62400 B.C. 7 11.46 0.5 7 11.55 0.56300 B.C. 5 10.81 0.44 5 10.79 0.45200 B.C. 4 10.44 0.48 4 10.44 0.5100 B.C. 4 10.23 0.77 4 10.27 0.750 5 9.99 0.53 5 10.04 0.54100 A.D. 6 9.6 0.43 6 9.8 0.55200 A.D. 7 10.62 0.56 7 10.86 0.6300 A.D. 6 11.12 0.7 7 11.44 0.59400 A.D. 7 11.11 0.52 8 11.43 0.47500 A.D. 8 10.92 0.45 8 11.11 0.48600 A.D. 7 10.39 0.44 7 10.6 0.46700 A.D. 6 10.42 0.34 6 10.62 0.36800 A.D. 8 10.06 0.39 8 10.11 0.38900 A.D. 8 10.29 0.44 8 10.38 0.451000 A.D. 7 10.38 0.38 7 10.48 0.371100 A.D. 7 10.37 0.41 6 10.72 0.371200 A.D. 8 10.21 0.4 7 10.43 0.371300 A.D. 7 10 0.55 7 10.03 0.51400 A.D. 6 9.56 0.65 6 9.61 0.571500 A.D. 8 9.64 0.58 8 9.64 0.541600 A.D. 8 9.04 0.48 8 9.06 0.441700 A.D. 8 8.73 0.57 8 8.77 0.521800 A.D. 7 8.3 0.55 7 8.37 0.53

aMeans derived from the selected sub–data set (see text for further description) are reported with their standard errors in 1022 A.m2.

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same Korte et al. [2005] data set up to degree 10.Interestingly the earlier model of Hongre et al.[1998] based on a much smaller database [Dalyand Le Goff, 1996], and restricted to dipole andquadrupole terms plus a few octupolar terms be-cause of the poor distribution of the data, appearsto provide better numerical agreement (but not interms of pattern) with our VADM/VDM estimatesover the �600–1700 A.D. time period. The vari-ability among all these estimates can be understoodfrom their distinct implicit parametrizations whichpartition the intensity variations differently amongdipole and nondipole contributions and imposevariable temporal resolutions. The temporal reso-lution of the CALS7K.2 model depends on the dataquality at any given time and is difficult to calcu-late directly, but is certainly no better than the twocenturies represented in each of the overlappingblock averages in Figure 14. The general smooth-ness of Hongre et al.’s curve also points to rather

low temporal resolution in keeping with the sparsedata set. In the interval 300–600 A.D. where thedisagreement among the various curves is largest itis possible that an adequate fit to the mainlydirectional data sets used in CALS7K.2 and byHongre et al. [1998] requires nondipole field con-tributions which could then perhaps lower therecovered dipole moment compared with theVADM/VDM estimate inferred from the presentintensity compilation.

[49] Finally, and relying on the same procedures(i.e., splitting the data set in 8 regions and using a20% limit for the data dispersion), we also com-puted estimates of the regionally weighted ‘‘global’’VADM over the past four centuries. Figure 15shows that our rough regionally weighting schemeleads to a VADM variation curve with a rather flatevolution between �1600 A.D. and �1850 A.D.very comparable to that described by Gubbins etal. [2006], who relied on intensity data from Korteet al. [2005] powerfully complemented by direc-tional information from the historical model ofJackson et al. [2000] thanks to an appropriateuniqueness theorem [Hulot et al., 1997]. For themost recent period, our inferred VADM values alsoturn out to be compatible with the model ofJackson et al. [2000] at times when historicalintensity observations were directly available andthe historical VADM estimates thus very reliable.

Figure 13. Effect of the geographic bias in thedistribution of the available intensity data on theestimates of the (a) ‘‘global’’ VADM and (b) mixedVADM/VDM variation curves. Computations are per-formed using the selected data smoothed over slidingwindows (a) of 500 years shifted by 250 years and (b) of200 years shifted by 100 years. Blue dots, regionallyaveraged estimates; brown dots, values obtained fromdirect averaging of the data.

Figure 14. Comparisons between the ‘‘global’’ mixedVADM/VDM variation curve and published dipolemoment evolutions. Blue dots: regionally averagedestimates using sliding windows of 200 years shiftedby 100 years. The other curves were obtained from thespherical harmonic inversion of both directional andintensity data (green, Hongre et al. [1998]; purple, Korteand Constable [2005a, 2005b, 2006]; pink, Constable[2007]). See the text for further details.

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[50] As concluding remarks, it appears that com-puting VADM or VADM/VDM estimates from thepresent most up-to-date intensity database requiressome care. Regional curves can provide interestingregional information, but clearly contain someamount of equatorial dipole and nondipole contri-butions which make direct interpretations of suchcurves potentially hazardous. Computing globalcurves yields more robust information, but thisrequires at least some regional weighting scheme.The one proposed in this study is rough, but leadsto estimates compatible with more sophisticatedanalysis. The general agreement among all VADMand dipole moment estimates over the historicalperiod is very encouraging, but the overall successof the rough procedure described here should nothide the fact that more sophisticated analyses areclearly needed to recover additional informationbeyond just the dipole field behavior. It is our hopethat the present compilation, which still lacks datafrom many different regions of the world (inparticular in the southern hemisphere) will prompt

both new data acquisition and renewed geomag-netic field modeling efforts.


[51] We would very much appreciate if the authors of the

various publications considered in the present compilation

contact us in the event that the information provided about

their data happens to need any corrections. The selected sub–

data set discussed in the present study will be made available

upon request. We are very grateful to Konstantin Burakov,

Serafima Burlatskaya, and Inga Nachasova from the Institute

of Physics of the Earth (Russia Academy of Sciences) for the

fruitful discussions we had together in Moscow about their

methodology and their archeointensity data set. We also thank

a lot Volodia Pavlov, who warmly welcomed Agnes Genevey

during her stay in Moscow. We are also pleased to thank our

colleagues who helped us in building this compilation: Annick

Chauvin, Ian Hedley, Mimi Hill, Mary Kovacheva, Maxime

Le Goff, Martine Paterne, and John Shaw. We further thank

Mary Kovacheva and Michael Jackson, who reviewed the

manuscript and made helpful comments. This study was partly

financed by the INSU-CNRS program ‘‘SEDIT’’ and by NSF

EAR-0112290. This is IPGP contribution 2324.


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