ARCH 4602 LARC 4506 & 6406 ID 4606 Collaboration Studio site inventory and analysis...

ARCH 4602 ARCH 4602 LARC 4506 & LARC 4506 & 6406 6406 ID 4606 ID 4606 Collaboration Studio site inventory and analysis . . .

Transcript of ARCH 4602 LARC 4506 & 6406 ID 4606 Collaboration Studio site inventory and analysis...

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Collaboration Studio

site inventory and analysis . . .

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phase one: site inventory . . .

linkages between site and surrounding landscape

three types1. physical

2. biological

3. cultural

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for each type of site inventory . . .

collect the essential data

map the essential data

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do a site reconnaissanceidentify potentially significant site assets

identify potentially significant site liabilities

develop a base map

attributes of the site . . .

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base map . . .is a template for attribute mapping and analysisis a template for subsequent planning and designshould include

topographic characteristicsclimate indicationsproject boundaries

(adjunct aerial photographs are helpful)

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base map . . .

must be embedded in its contextcultural context of surroundings

circulation of surroundings

views into surroundings

“urban fabric” shown so that your site design will be related

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eight types of topographic site data . . .

5. topography

6. vegetation

7. soils/geology

8. hydrology

1. legal

2. utilities

3. structures

4. circulation

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types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

1. legalproperty lines and distances

easements and building setback lines

site area

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2. utilitiestype (sanitary sewer, electric, gas, telephone)

manholes, hydrants, and other fixtures

types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

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types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

3. structuresbuildings



articulation (fenestration)

visual quality

sense of place

historical significance

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types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

4. circulationexisting streets and rights-of-way

existing curbs and gutters

existing parking areasparking requirements

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Fall 2005 12

types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

5. topographyelevational change = contour lines on mapsspot elevations for high and low points

USGS maps available –

topographic survey gives info on three important and fundamental landform components = elevation (spatial variation), slope (gradient), and aspect


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site elevationsaffects drainage patterns

affects visibility

variation of elevationdetermines size and spatial configuration of local viewsheds

on site and into surrounding landscape

5. topography (cont.)

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6. vegetationwooded areas

isolated trees species and diameter at about five feet high

types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

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7. soils/geologyborehole samples may be taken for analysis in an undeveloped site

types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

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8. hydrologysurface water


hundred-year floodways and flood fringe

types of topographic site data (cont.) . . .

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the climate . . .varies annually, seasonally, dailydetermines the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone

eleven zones

web site for U. S. National Arboretum

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temperaturemaximum, minimum, day-to-night variation

humidityhigh, low, averages

windmaximum, average velocity, direction

rainfallmonthly total, maximum for any one day

snowfallmonthly total, maximum for any one day

solar radiationmonthly average

potential natural hazards

climate data (cont.) . . .

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in urban settings, particularly . . .

shade diagrams are important10:00 a.m.noon2:00 p.m.4:00 p.m.

the above shown at the time ofthe summer solstice (around June 21)the winter solstice (around December 22)vernal or autumnal equinox (near March 21 or September 22)

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noise factor must be consideredbuffering needed?




also in urban settings . . .

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phase two: site analysis . . .

identify the criteria for each anticipated land use

identify site locations that meet the identified criteria

map these onto the base map

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another way to phrase it . . .

what are the site’s constraints, based on the program requirements?

what are the site’s opportunities, based on the program requirements?

map these onto the base map

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additional design factor to consider . . .

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important for two aspects of the built environment

heating and cooling of buildings

comfort of people using outdoor spaces

a site’s microclimate . . .

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Fall 2005 25

modifying the microclimate . . .vegetation

shade trees intercept solar radiationleaves of plants cool through evapotranspirationcertain chemical pollutants removed from the airoxygen added to the atmosphere

color of hardscapesdark = absorbs heat and re-radiates it into the atmosphere

vertical elements (structures/trees)shadow patterns as the sun moves through the site in summer and winter

cools in summer

open spaceslets solar heat into the site in the winter

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