Araucana World September 1981



Araucana World back issue

Transcript of Araucana World September 1981

Page 1: Araucana World September 1981
Page 2: Araucana World September 1981

' , 1 '\


Page 3: Araucana World September 1981


mE ARAUCANA WORLD .DeTOted to Araucanae and .Araucana Bantams of All Combs and ill Colonrs •• ................ ~~ ..

Subscribe-! 1 year (12 issues), $ 8,00. Send to FRANKLIN WRIG!!X, Editor, Bax 355, Eleva, Wisconsin 547)8. Phone: 715-287..11417· ·

Edition of September, 1~88

Dear Friend and Fellow-Fancier of Araucanas:

With this edition or THE ARAUCANA WORID, we again res.- what""' (this time!}, hope~ trust will he the start of a serles of unint"""'1pl;ed monthly"·issues.

?OU can help make this possible, with your .ANERTISil«l SUPPOR!', if you are not ;,et an advertiser, and with your StlBSCRIP!'ION SUPPORT, if Y'"' are not as ,.,t a subscriber.

It :you are receiving this issue as a sample copy, an:! if you do not care to sub­scrlhe °" advertise, we still will welcome your membership in THE INTERNATIONAL ARAUCANA s=, which will cost you nothing (unless you decide to contrlbute something to the cause!), as Ll.fe llemhership in this club is Free of Charge •••

Faithfully yours, Franklin ~ght, Editor and Publisher


192S ..........

Dear Fellow-M>mbere of The International Arauoana Soeiety:

1988 .........

May we have PHorOGRAP!!S and Al7fER'l'ISID:l for the colnmns of THE ARA1JCANA WORLD, aa ""11 as frr ttSe in our 1988 - 64th Annual - Yea?' Book & DI.rectory of llomhership?

Also, please send in the names an:! addresses of those to wbmn you have sold Araucanas, stock, eggs, or chicks, wer the past ft1t1 years; and also; the names and addres~es ot 1

those who enquired but did not bey. lists like these help keep our Clnb AIJ:VE-1


716-287-441.7 715 -287-4530


Page 4: Araucana World September 1981


A warm and hearty weleome is extended to the following new members:

MAl!l'IN llJIJRA 6o8 South state street, Westville, Illinois 6188)

Piml GUNN Bax: 122, Littlefield, Teas m:l9

AGUILEr.t MEN!XlZ& llAGOllERr<J Calle Norte 74, #5205 Cot; Bcndojito, liaioo, D.F., C.P. 07850; Mox!.co

RICHARD L. SCJ!LEC!!T, Jr. Rt.2, Green L!land, Iowa 52051

DONAID IE C!IEN'l', Jr. Rt.1; Watson St;, Peekskill., N.Y. 10566

Jalll BERTHIAUME Rt;2, Orr, Ml.mesota 5577l

Of eourse, we have already sent a letter of wel­eome to eaeh of these new members. but a letter of weleome from YOU would be greatly appre­eiated also.

~lay we have your eo-operation in making these new members weleome in our ever-grow­ing organisation - ?

Thanks in advanee for your helpful assistanee in this matter:

Your Membership Committee

Page 5: Araucana World September 1981

BREEDERS DIRECTORY Listing in the llRl!SIER! m~oirr is $ 24.oo rar 12 consecnti.., insertions, (1 yea,.),

which w believe is the most reasonable advertising of its kind you will find anywhe:r>e. Listing includes Name, A&h-ess, Telephone Nnmbe?", and up to ten (10) additional worda.

:+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ ' ALBERTA . MINNESOTA .

+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ Jo!ros. EDNA G, SOIJ:CK, LAWRENCF: E. KEIJ.NE:R, Rt.1, TOM MILIER, 5906 Tri-

R.R.2, Lacombe, Alberta, Bmc 482, Stewartville, MN C0U!lt7 Pd., Sardinia, OH Canada TCC 1SO. Arauca,,.,r, 55976. Araucanas, Swiss Mon- 45171. Araucana Bantams, 'Aridalusians, Crevec0eurs. daine Pigeons, Rheas~ White Faced Black Spanish. +++++++++++++

cAtli'o11N14 +++++++++++++

~---"-- ,_

!+ + + + + + + + + + + + + ,t TOH TORGERSEN, 6262 Jil!',

·.Purdlla nr;, Eureka, CA 95501. ~ Araucana Bantams. Butte~cups~~

T T + + + + + + + + + + + ~r-T""'"t

+++++++++++++~~ IN DIANA

ALBERT !i>MILIAN, Rt.4, ~ ~ Box 100, Wabash, IN 46992. ,..._

~ ..... A?"ancanas and Araucana Bantams ~ or the Finest Quality.

+++++++++++-t-t ++i·++++++++++


ARAUCA!IA BANrAMS-- Eddie Haworth, Jit;1, Box 322, Tahlequah, OK 74464, All awards.

ARAUCA!lAS AT IBCENJ:Jr, ARIZONA, 13-14 Febl'uary 1988

ARAUCANAS-- Jean G. Barnitz, !420 W. Cypres" Pd., Tucson, AZ 85704, All awards.

ARAUCA!IA BANrAMl--(BLACK BREASTED RED) Starlene Kalinski, 3455 W. Turkey lane, Tucson, AZ 85741, 1 cock, 1 coclco1'91. Nellita Sto:ye, 1111 w. Maryland, Phoenix, AZ 85013, 1 hen (Best of Bl'eed).

ARAUCA!IA BA!lrA}B--~l starlena lralinslci, 1 pullet.

' I

I i '

Page 6: Araucana World September 1981

---------------------- ---- - --

1 inse?"tion, 20 cente per vo?'d. CLASSIFIED

ADVERTISEMENTS 3 aonseoutive inee?'tions,

.ft.O cents per wo:rd.

• No M&rlmum •••

• No M!nil!ll'lml •••

IW° ADVERTISEMENTS CLOSE THE FIRST ._ ' + + ±___+ __ + + ±_±. ± _ _± + + + + + + + + +

AltAlTCANA.<i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

ABAUCANAS AND ABAUCANA BANI' AMS, Several Colours. !EON c. BURCH, Bax: 122, ld.ttlefield, TX 79339·

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ARAUCANAS OF aorH SIZES' .All

Combs, All Colours. Tailed atd Rumpless, Tufted and Normal F.a.~ed. _ FRANKLIN WRIGJ!l', B"" 355, El.ava WI ,54738; ++++++++++++++++++++

+ t + + + *- ±_+ + + + + + + + + + + + AIL'\11('AlVA HA1''TAMS

+ + + + + + + + + + +, + + + + + + + + ARAUCANA BANTAMS-- All Combs. All

Colours.. Bearded and Plain. Tutted and Normal. Tailed and Rumoleas~ . · FRANKLIN WIITGHT, Bm: 355, Eieva, WI 547:38.

C..- You ma:.' apply for membership. adVertisiflg. and subscription, using the form below. _ V

><" ~--------------------- ------------------------- f\ I I I • I I • • • I I • • I • • I

I • • I • I I • I I I I I I

P?' I I

FRASliLI1\l' WRIGllT 1 BOX 355 ELEV .. \.. 'll'ISCOs-S1s 54738 Date.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

I D Enter my membership in THE INTERNATIONAL I

(I understand there are no dues. rees. or a.ssessments required) * Just say, "CoUL1t Me lD- !n


D Enter my subscription t.o THE ARAUCANA WORLD (to be issued monthly when on full schedule)

O 1 year (12 issues), $ 8.00 0 2 (24 issues), 12.00 0 3 (36 issues). 16.00 Cl 5 years (60 issues), 20 00

D my Classified Advertisement (copy attached) of words . ($, .•••• :enclosed). in the next issue. at 2o cents per wOCd:.:

O n1.v Display Advertisement (copy attached). in next issue. in · the"~mount of space indicated. and at the rate indicated. Size of pajite. 8 1/2xlt inches .

C One·Eighlh Page ....... $15.00 O One-Fourth Page ........ 20.00

c Two-Thirds Page ....... $35.00 O Three-Fourths Page 40.00

C One-Third Page ..... , .... 25.00 C Full Page (8 1/2xll) ..... SO_OQ C One·HIL!f Page .' ......... , 30.00 Cl Double Page Spread ..... 75.00

I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I • I I I I •

0 my Breeders Directory Listing (Name. Address. Telephone Number. and upt.o : ten (10) additional words) (copy attached). in the next 12 issues. at $24.00... I

• {NOTE: ln subscrib1ng or a.dverLisinJ?. bear in mind that if at any time you I mia,:ht become dissaLisf1ed with either the quality or Lhe frequency oft.his publication. I you may request and receive a full refund of all moneya subm1l.ted ... ) ~I NA.ME: · I ADDRESS:


Page 7: Araucana World September 1981

We are compiling material for a New Book on the Araucana Fc:Ml •• •

*This book is scheduled for publication soon ... Excellent material bas been rece1ved from numerous sources. for use in this book. However. further material will be welcomed ...

*Please send clear black-and-white photographs (preferably 8x10, but smaller photos will be appreciated also). and an article concerning your experiences with the breed ... There will be no charge for including these photographs. and the article. if accepted for publication in this book, but we will accept your advertising in the pages of this book. \Ve would like, for the sake of uniformity. as many full page advertisements as possi­ble. We have kept the rate for a full page ad down to the veryminimum-$50.00- and all advertising in this book is very reasonable. Every leading breeder should have at least a f¥ll page ad in this book ... The book will no doubt increase in value over the years. and in time become a most sought-after collector's item ... There is no reason why. in spite of the comparatively modest price of $7.95. postpaid anywhere in the world, that this book cannot be one of the finest ever compiled on the subject ...

* This book will be a reference guide for present and future breeders. for a long time, and it will contain the most up-to-date Standards of the breed . . Every active, conscientious breeder should have at least one pho-tograph. an article, and a generous advertisement in this book. ..

*You may use the form below in sending in an advertisement. and in ordering one or more copies of the book... x

~------------------------------------------------F~ Wrlght, Date ..................... . I Box 355, E le va, Wis09ns~ 64738 I

: o I enclose o an article (o photographs) for use in the book. THE ARAUCANA FOO. • • •


' I I I I I I I I I I I I I

o I enclose copy and remittance for an advertisement to appear in the book, at the fol­lowing rates and in the amount of space as indicated:

o One-Eighth Page . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 o One-Fourth Page . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 o One-Third Page .............. 25.00 o One-Half Page .. .... ......... 30.00 o Two-Thirds Page ............ 35.00 o Three-Fourths Page . . . . . . . . . 40.00 o Full Page (8 1/2x11) . . . . . . . . . 50.00 o Double Page Spread . . . . . . . . . 75.00

*Closing date for advertising and other material is flex­ible. but we would like to have your articles. photo­graphs. and advertising, just as soon as possible ...

o Send copy(ies) of the book. at $7.95 per copy. postpaid. to be mailed as soon as off press ...





Page 8: Araucana World September 1981




THE UC WORLD ~--------------------~---~--~-------------------- ~· ~ ~.. FIL \XliLIX WIUGllT '

: 2m; Sl~COXD STUE1~1· S O l.'TU D aie . ....... ...... .. .............. ...... . . I UOX :l55 I E l .I; \ ' .\. ll'IS('OXS IX 5 4 7 38

0 Enter my subscription to '"' SPECiAL: Save 1/2 off regular 1 year subscription rate.


THE ARAUCANA WORLD ( to be issued monthly when o full schedule)

0 1 year (12 issues), $ .0 $ A .00 a 2 years (24 issues). 1 0 6.00 a 3 years (36 issues). 1 . 0 8.00 0 5 year s (60 issues), 0.0 10.00


ONLI'~4.00 0 Enter my membership (Fr ee of Charge) in THE Ir\TERNATIO?~AL ARAUCANA So:IETY ; . •

1 I £ J · (NOTE: In subscribing or advertising. please bear in mind that if at any time you 1

I might become dissatisfied with either the quality or the frequency of this publication. I you may request and receive a full refund of all moneys s u bmitted .. . ) I NA M E: :

1 A D D R E S S : ~.... I ' CLASSTFIED ADS: 20 cents per word per insertion . • ... I x {~! _o!~!.•!1:,: -t~p- ~ -~".'.' :_ .:~ _ u~'::."!'!::t:i _ ~'!."!!£:.•~ ~C:. ~:1::~· 2 _________ ~

Page 9: Araucana World September 1981


* B 0 u Q u ET s ll rg] *CTil RATFS-I -- ATrE~'l"ION: Return this page vi th your subscription, along a recent copy . of your

local nevspaper, and aend to wi in a large ol&S"p enYelope by PREPAID U.P.s., and we will include your )0-word Classified Ad !n om !§.l:[ n!!1 issue, ~ 9i. Charge.•• . Fr~ AUCKLAND, NEH ZEALAND-- "! a!'! so nleased to ?"eceive today our o~ficial organ. What a wonderful effort. T've just finished readin~ it. I ?!lade a cup or tea and sat out cm the patio and read it through ~1.ce. It's a pleasure and a grand thrill to read all this news, and what the people are doing ••• "

++++++++ horn COLORAOO- - "There has 'been so little available on the breed, that I am truly glad to see someone take action. I wish you success."

++'++++++ Frol'I FLORIDA-- "I wish you had sent me a sample before this. I really enjoy it. I wish to ~nter an advertisem~nt ••• " (this letter was accompanied by a list of names and addresses of o~osnective members and subscribers)

++++ .... ~+ + From ILLINOIS-- •Received my first issue and it is very impressive."

++..l.++•++ f?"o~ NF:v~-- "So glad to receive your little paper. Have ?"ead it froc cover to cover."

+++ +.L. + 4· + Fro:n APJ:ZOlU-- 'tThe booklet is just wor:derful! Let me know what I can do tc help ••• "

+ + + + ..&. + + + From CJ.J;ADJ.. __ "Received your publication this morning, and if this is a sample, I am very glad of my ten-year subscription ••• "

+ ..,. + + + + + + From CAL!FO;t?ITA-- "Just received and read our official organ. It sure ought to tnake it. I ~ure ~-ish you the best of success ~-ith the b?"eed-books ••• "

+ + + + + ~ + + Fr~ ENGLAND-- "Thank you for the news-letter; a job well done. Appreciated it immensely. The Society has O'Oened up Eo whole new world for me ••• "

+ + + + + + + ... From TENlra."SSEE-- "It was such a great pleasure to receive our official organ! I have read it floom cover to cover, and l have thE> feeling that I have just had a wonderful personal visit with breei4ers all over the world, many of whom are already acquaintances and many o!' ~holt. I feel as though I kn°"· now!

~?earing news about the activities of other br~eders acts as an incentive (as if one were needed) to do even more one's own! Being scattered as fe~ and far between as .1?'eeders generally are; it is wonderful to be b?"ought into contact with so ma,,y others who similar interests. Your publication promotes a floiendly spirit of cameraderie which I hope will long continue to prevail among the entrusiasts of the breed.

"I am especially pleased to note, amonF" the list of new members, a number of names l:hich I bad su'ani tted as possible prospective meT11bers. It is a good feeling to knm.• that peOPle who have purchased from me are sufficiently interested in the b?"eed to wish to ~come active members of tbP Society ••• "

+ + + + + + + +

From WASirrNGT0?1-- "Keep up the good work. rt is a boon to the breed that we have fellOlo'S like yourself to work fO!' us. Thank you ever so much • •• "

+ + + + + + + + Also from WASHit.1GTOl1-- "l have received the free issue and after reading it have decided to subscribe for five years of tbis fine publication. I have met more wonder­ful people in my five years as a breeder, and have really m~tured with our Society."

la::a::::cs:a::1cci:::s::::a::::cs:a::1c:::1::s:i:::s::s:::a:::a::icci::+::s::s::~+:a:::+cs: ~ ·, ~+:a:::c+r::c:s:::s::::::a::::a::::a.":ia::1::a::s::s:::a::::::::a::1::a:::c:::a::::s:rJ !Q'.!!: 'We issue a nUJ11bf!r of periodicals• II "Bouquets" are from seYeral publicat"I ons.