Arabic Legal Glossary 3 - Heritage for · PDF file3 Refer to a partial circuit for non-case...

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Transcript of Arabic Legal Glossary 3 - Heritage for · PDF file3 Refer to a partial circuit for non-case...

Page 1: Arabic Legal Glossary 3 - Heritage for · PDF file3 Refer to a partial circuit for non-case value jurisdiction (Jurisdictional Amount) Refer to another circuit for non-territorial


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Page 2: Arabic Legal Glossary 3 - Heritage for · PDF file3 Refer to a partial circuit for non-case value jurisdiction (Jurisdictional Amount) Refer to another circuit for non-territorial


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أGenocide State-of the-art Exhibits Civil court decision Axiological method Established practice Promotion Line Number Writ of Debt Garnishment order Writ of attachment Interim orders Commercial papers Negotiable commercial papers First reference to expert Navigation Making of contract Inform concerned authorities Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) Intra-office communication and noting Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Ascertainment of death Peer groups meetings Retreats Process cash receipt Order an investigation Procedures Appeal process Selection procedure Courts procedures Commercial disputes processing Civil (commercial) case processing Provisional measures Procedural Refer to expert dept. Refer to another circuit for non-specialty jurisdiction

إ27دة 01234/ أEFث 2C ورد @? ه=ا ا;2:3ل

IFازا/0JE3;2م اLFMا ?NOPب أRSTأ

UVا)W0;2 إC اء أوI4إ ?@(/0CENأ أIC أداء

أS1 ]:^;27 IC\ أ201ن RYZC;/ أو RYJد]:F ICأ /0_Nو ICأوا أوراق a:2ر`/

أوراق a:2ر`/ E_Cاو;/Fاء2أول إIcd;ا /^Se3; /; إ7^2ر

EYf;ام اI7إ ا ;2iSjت ا;V2d/إO7غ

k0`2رl_Tmا k0TEZn3S; ?;وE;2د ا^aoا

2eaل 2P ?c_LCر4?ا0LS3;ق اRYF /0N2pa27;_:2را /YSf_3;ا /`ILp;ة/ ا

إ2cqت ا;R@2ة ا4_2123ت IrZ;27اء

IY3;2رج اP EYfa ا4_2123ت U0e^_;اء اI4إ t0Y^a اءI4إ إI4اءات

إI4اءات ا2Zv_Tف إI4اءات اPm_20رwاءات ا;3^2آI4إ

إI4اءات 2Zaول ا;Z[ا21ت ا;_:2ر`//0JEC ىR1اءات دI42ر`/(إ:a(

/_NzC اءاتI4اق(إI{oا(?I4ا|إ

إ2F;/ إ;\ ا;IcdاءاإE; /;2Fا|Iة أIPى ) و2e_Pm)?|mص ا;Ef; ?1RZم

Page 3: Arabic Legal Glossary 3 - Heritage for · PDF file3 Refer to a partial circuit for non-case value jurisdiction (Jurisdictional Amount) Refer to another circuit for non-territorial


Refer to a partial circuit for non-case value jurisdiction (Jurisdictional Amount) Refer to another circuit for non-territorial jurisdiction Cost containment Access and security parameters Free on board (F.O.B) Rulings of Supreme Constitutional Court Preliminary judgments Contested decisions Rulings of Court of Cassation Decision on the merits Replacement of employees Case management Records management Industrial management Case disposition management Court administration Managing projects Dispute management Time management Personnel department Information Resource Management (IRM) Public services dept. Civil and commercial cases management Management of training process Inventory management Manage assigned caseload Case folder management Conviction Joinder Postponement for including new litigants Oral evidence Deference Jurists’ opinions Heritage Contract awards Receiving at expert Demolish Coherent and just basis Take testimony of witness Recreation rooms Retrieval of basic information Consultant Technical advisors Objection

\30Y;2ص اe_Pmم اEf; /e_d3;3/ ا;:[|0/ اL^3S; /;2Fإ

^S\أIPى ;Efم ا2e_Pmص ا;3إ3L^3; /;2F/ اE_7ا|0/

�0;2L_;اء اR_Fا kCM2ت ا�20_Fا

UYZ;د اRY1 اعRJأ EFا 20Sf;ر`/ اR_TE;3/ اL^3;2م اLFأ

/`E0n3a 2مLFأ 2n0S1 2زعZ_C 2مLFأ �YZ;3/ اL^C 2مLFأ /01R�RC 2مLFأ /;23f;ل اOFإ إدارة ا;R1Eى إدارة ا;O:jت/012Ze;إدارة ا

إدارة ا;Uep @? ا;21Eوى/3L^3;إدارة ا

ا ;Il3و21تإدارة إدارة ا;Z[ا21ت�NR;إدارة ا

k0SC2f;ن اRv� إدارة إدارة 2eCدر ا;2CRSf3ت/C2f;2ت اCEd;إدارة ا

و ا;_:2ر`/ /0JE3;ى اR1E;إدارة ا /030Sf_;0/ اS3f;إدارة ا

إدارة ا;2d3زن/SآR3;2`2 ا�Y;ا w:F إدارة

إدارة �SC ا;R1Eى/Jإدا

إد2Pل RePم E4د إد2Pل RePم E4د

� 0np/أد;/ ICا21ة/ اI_Fام/ إذ21ن

أراء ا;2nYpء ارث

إر2Tء ا;2ifءات إر2Tل ا;R1Eى ;L3_� ا;Icdاء

إزا;/و 21دل �T23_C 2سTأ

اR:_Tاب ا;Rnlد/FاI_Tا

/0T2TM2ت اCRSf3;24ع اI_Tا ا2l_Tري

k00Z@ k0`2رl_Tا ا2Ll_Tل

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Ready for reform Review judicial procedures Inquiry Sample form Res nellius Objection to judgments execution Declaration of insolvency, notice of bankruptcy Publications Special mailings Original writ of summons Reform Courts reform Regulatory reform Re-organizational reform in law Procedural reform Liquidated damages and penalties Scope of work Framework of cultural heritage Back from holding Reorganization Reschedule Restructure Redesign Reappraisal Re-engineered procedures Streamline procedures Rewrite Assault Documentary credit Judiciary members Sales tax exemption Acknowledgement Service Acknowledgement (serve) parties of submission of the expert’s report Acknowledge (serve) the indebted Acknowledge amendments to writ of demands Judicial service Investigations Hearing procedures Pre hearing procedures Dumping Rape Stimulate thinking

اEf_Tاد OV�; E04ح/0|2�Y;اءات اI4oاض اIf_Tا

zTال/0Y^a t/ اOf_Tم/Z01 23رة_Tا

)و�� ا;2C \S1 E0ل }RS3C I0ك(اO0_Tء=0pZ_;ت اm2Lإ� إ�2nر اO@oس

إEVارات إEVارات 2�Y;27 /V2Pة اp0^V UV/ ا;R1Eى

إOVحwح ا;3^2آOVإ ?30rZa حOVإ

إOVح 30rZa? @? ا;RJ2Yن إOVح @? اI4oاءات

أ�Iار 1RiYC/ أو IYCرة إ�2ر أ231ل وث ا;�2Y@? إ�2ر ا;R3ر

إ21دةw0rZa إ21دة إ21دة E4و;//SL0إ21دة ه

w03e_;إ21دة ا w00Ya إ21دة

إ21دة w0rZa اI4oاءاتو I0j0a اI4oاءات w0rZa إ21دة

/{20V إ21دة اE_1اء

ا1_23د EZ_jCي/0|2�Y;ا /v0n;أ2�1ء ا

إ2p1ء c`I� kC/ ا;2f0c3ت إO1ن إO1ن

I`IY_;رود اR7 مRed;ن اO1إ

O1مإ]S3;ن ا إO1ن U`Efa /p0^V UV�7 ا;2cSiت

?|2�N نO1إ أ231ل ا;_^2Y0Yت/jS:;أ231ل ا

/jS:;ا UcN 2C أ231ل إ}Iاق إ}_2eب

I0Lp_;أ@2ق ا

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Bankruptcy Insolvency Exemption of fine Case initiation File a case Admission of Liability Daily posting Subscription Obligations Cheque cashing privilege Purchase order Chief clerk, Registrar Impersonation Case flow Work flow Inherited system Discontinuation of litigation Discontinuation of case for death of one of the litigants Case termination Washing rights Sub-objectives Depreciation Priorities Priority requirements Rent Revenues Receipt Bond Voluntarily postponement Putting case on hold Punitive arrestment

إ@Oس إ2j1ر

/CاI�;ا kC /;2Nإ إC2N/ ا;R1Eى إC2N/ ا;R1Eىk`E;ار اINإ ?CR` 2لpNإ اآ__2ب

;_[ا2Cتإ اC_20زات IVف ا;2L0lت

أI� ICاءk0C3/ أL^3;2ب( 21م ا_L;ا I0cآ(

I0�;0/ اed� 2ل^_Jا /0�Y;اءات اI420ب إjJا

U3f;20ب اjJا /qروR3;3/ اrJMا

/CRed;ا I0T 2عiYJا k03e_d3;ا EF2ة ا@R; /CRed;ا I0T 2عiYJا

إ2nJء ا;R1Eى إهEار ا;^RYق/01I@ افEأه

إهOك و;R`2تأ `2ت ا;2cSi_3تRاو;

إ`:2رات إ`Iادات إ`2eل أJ2C/ إ`2eل

?N2pa2ف اY`إ ?Y0Sfa 2فY`إ إ`2Yف 4[ا|?

بLegal search Legal Researcher Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

• Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) • Legal Negotiation • Mediation • Conciliation • Arbitration

Protocols Rationale Regardless

?JRJ2N  ^7?JRJ2N  F27

E7ا|UF U ا;Z3[ا21ت•ILc3;ا E`2^3;ا w00Y_;ا •/0JRJ2Y;2و�/ اp3;ا •/�2TR;ا •t0@R_;ا •w0L^_;ا

اI7–/0N2paوRaآRلا2TMس ا;j7 ,?YiZ3£ أو I1ض ;¢2cTب

IrZ;ف اIe7

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Commodities Team building Bibliography

�|2�7U3f;ق اI@ 2ءZ7

207ن 2p;z37ت آIC �cq �a2ا�4

تPostponement, continuance Postponement for administrative reasons as hearing was not held for some reason Postponement as a request by litigants to submit documents / briefs Postponement as a request by litigants for Reconciliation Postponement for allegation of forgery Postponement for complaint against responsible for writ of execution Postponement for other reasons Postponement for re-acknowledgement of writ of demands amendments Postponement for acknowledging litigants with demands of intervening party Postponement for acknowledging absent litigants with a demand for exclusion from case Postponement for summoning witnesses Postponement for amending plaintiff’s demands Postponement for prosecution opinion Postponement for paying expert deposit money Postponement for paying fees of intervention on either litigant’s side Postponement for attachment of tax file Postponement for expert report Postponement for forensic medicine report Postponement for review Postponement for service Postponement for acknowledgement of renewing case processing Postponement for acknowledgement of enhancement of case processing Postponement for more investigation by police station Postponement for including other items Case delay Notations for registration on case roll

U04�a U04�aإ�cT يM /jS:;ا EY1 kC kL3_;م اEf; دارى

aاتEZ_jC w`EY_; مRed;ا �Siآ U04� /اتIآ=C

¥;2e_S; مRed;ا �Siآ U04�a

I`27;_[و kfi;اءات اI42ذ إdam U04�a 2e_Pm U04�aم ا;S3_[م EZj;27 ا;_0pZ=ي

aىIP2ب أcTM U04� 21o U04�aدة اO1oن U`Ef_7 ا;2cSiت

�a2ً0CR:ه UPE_3;2ت اcSi7 مRed;ن اO1�; U04

ا Red�kCم }I0 ا;^O1o U04�a;2ن 2da �Si7 k`Iرج ا;R1Eى

O1o U04�aن ا;Rnlد\1E3;2ت اcS� U`Ef_; U04�a

/720Z;أى اI; U04�a I0cd;ا /J2Cاد أEj; U04�a

2ً0CR:ه UPE_;ا wTاد رEj; U04�a

a\c`I�;ا �S3;ا w�; U04� ; U04�aI0cd;ا I`IYa م ورودEf

\1Il;ا �i;ا I`IYa م ورودEf; U04�a

aعO��; U04� O1�; U04�aن

�il;ا kC E`E:_;27 نO1�; U04�a O1�; U04�aن kC U0:f_;27 ا2Y`oف

�/ I^_S; U04�a`2ت 2iP§7رIl;ا wjN

Ip3S; U04�aدات I0P�a @? ا;Uep @? ا;R1Eى

ا;_��E:;27 E0Y;27 I0ول

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Affirm judgment Filing date Service date Consolidation date Dissipation Win twin Free trade Commercials Rescheduling the case Office renovation Fragmentation of court organization Preparations Site preparation Update Schedules court hearings Problem identification and solving Fees collection Disciplinary measures Arbitration Alternative analysis Requirements analysis Seizure of documents

• Freezing assets • Confiscation

Planning Deliberation Enforcing the binding force of contracts Structural support Fraudulence Legacy Backlog, case jamming Abandonment of litigation Rehabilitation Recording objections to execution Permanent record Case note recording Recording service result Facilities and support Amicable settlement Legislations-laws Legislations or regulations Alternative legislations Liquidation Microfilming documents Purging and handling Performance development

`�a/0|]4 /3L^C kC t72T wLF E0 2aر`ª إC2N/ ا;R1Eى

/p0^e;ا UV�7 نO1oا ª`2رa 2aر`IN ªار ;�0�N w/ أIPى

E`Eca �IافM�034 ا /^SeC tY^_a

a:2رة IFة a:2ر`Rن

�il;ا kC ىR1E;ا E`E:a�_L3;ا E`E:a

a:[|/ إدارة ا;3^2آ3/ 0n:a[ات

�NR3;0[ات اn:a  `E^a

E`E^a ا;:2jSتا E`E^a2nSF و /SLl3;

U0e^a ا;RTIم 2Y0Y^aت ا;L_2ب

w0L^a U|اEc;ا U0S^a

U0S^a ا;2cSi_3ت S1 «p^a\ ا;EZ_j3ات

E03:a اRVMل• 2eCدرة•£0ida Eaاول

F w01Ea:0/ ا;RYfد?30rZ_;ا UL0nS; w01Ea

¬0;Ea R_Cارث, Iaاث

2`2�Y;ا wاآIa /CReP كIa

w0CIa 0:jaoا U=0pZ_;2ل @? اL�

t0Nد U0:ja 2`2�Y;2ت اrFOC U0:ja J U0:ja_0:/ اO1oن/JRf3;و ا ا;_O0njت

Rja`/ ود`/ RNا2f`Ila–k0Jت

2f`Ilaت أو ;Rا|¥/S`E7 2تf`Ila

/0peawS0@وIL03;وراق @? اMا I`Rea

و ا;2Z3و;/ I0ni_;اI`Ria اMداء

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Skills development Upgrade Substantive improvement Endorsement Ethnic cleansing Procedural modification Legislative modifications Torture Identify the nature of action Consolidated identification Enhance existing institutes Promote reform Compensation Determination of heirs Positive change Negotiation Inspection Judicial inspection Annotation Construction of contract Interpretation of contracts Limitation of action or statute of limitation Periodic reports Reports on allegation of forgery Civil and commercial litigation Trade customs Case fees assessment Assessment and ratification of final fees Cost and procurement projections Debriefing Presentation Report White paper, official governmental report Requirements report Reduce time Fluctuations Reduce opposition Performance appraisal Knowledge evaluation Skills evaluation Lobby Summons Framing of the charge Suborn of a witness Local cost financing Financing Terrorism

I`Ria ا;2n3رات"اmر2Yaء R_j3;27ى"I`Ria إ20J2LCتR4 I`RiaهIي

0nraI?NI1 I0nia

O`Efaت إI4ا|0//0f`Ila تO`Efa

�`=fa�f0c/ اI4oاء \S1 فIfa

EFRC �`IfaUfp;27 دةR4R3;2ت اjTz3;ا ]`]fa

0S31 ]`]fa/ اOVoحRfa`�2ت/qرR;ا k00faI0�a ا`:72?2paوض°0_pa

?|2�Y;0° ا_p_;اI0jpaI0jpa EYf;ا

I0jpa ا;RYfد2Yaدم

2Yaر`I دور`/� I`2رYaI`27;_[و kf

و ا;_:2ري ?JE3;�2? اY_;ا/Zn3;ا E0;2YaI`EYa ا;RTIم

/0|2nZ;م اRTI;و ا1_23د ا I`EYaو ا;I_l3`2ت �0;2L_S; اتI`EYa

Ie_dC I`IYa w`EYaw`EYa /ضI1I`IYa

?3Tر ?CRLF I`IYat72j;ا k1 UepC I`IYa/0ZC];ة اI_p;ا I0eYa

2cSYaتU0SYa ا;2f3ر�/

w00Ya اMداء_w00Y ا;If3@? ا;

يا;_w00Y ا;2n3رU_La

R�^7 �0SLaر/3n_;�00 اLaE2هl;ا k0YSa

/0S^3;2;�0 اL_;ا U`R3aU`R3a اoره2ب

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Dispose Judge recusal Sentence execution Judgment execution Execution of contract Law enforcement Execution of court decision (judgment) Execution of a final fees claim Prepare environment for judicial reform Trial dates Distribute cash intake to multiple accounts Audiences’ expansion Project description Specific description of results Improve access to legal information

`Uep @? ا;R1Eى/ 2Zaزل 2C k1ل \^Zaرد ا;�2Y? أو=0pZa/7RYf;ا

wL^;0= اpZaEYf;0= اpZa

k0JاRY;0= اpZa/3L^3;ا wLF =0pZa

nZ;م اRTI;2ت اc;2iC =0pZa/0|2?|2�Y;ح اOV�; 2خZ3;ا /v0na

Raار`ª ا;3^2آ3//pS_dC 272تjF \;ذ إRP�3;ا EYZ;ز`� اRa

WZC k`E0p_j3;2ق اiJ �0TRa�0VRa ا;Il3وع

³|2_ZS; دE^C �0VRa/0JRJ2Y;2ت اCRSf3;ا \S1 لRe^;ا I0j0a

جAppealable Docket table Trip schedule itinerary Case indexing Crime

• Felony • Misdemeanor • Contravention

Organized Crime International Crimes War Crimes Crime of Aggression Hearings Subsequent court hearings Final court hearing First court hearing In camera session Public session Battery misdemeanor Kleptomania Assisting agencies Quality Substantive

ا2Zv_Tmف 24|[E4ول ا;21Eوى ا;EY3م

E4ول ا;[`2دةE4و;/ ا;R1Eى

/3`I4•/`2Z4 •/^Z4 •/p;2dC

/3rZC /3`I4I4ا|w دو;0/I4ا|IF wب

I4`3/ ا;Efوان ا;:2jSت

2jS4ت ا;3L^3/ ا;_2;0/)F:[ ا;R1Eى ;wL^S(ا;:jS/ اI0PMةا;:jS/ اMو;\/`IT /jS4/0ZS1 /jS4I� /^Z4ب/NIj;ن اRZ4)C?jpJ ضI(/J2وfC 2تn4

R4دةأR4 /?T2TهIي

حSyndic, Trustee ?|2�N 2رسF

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• Custodian Postponement for final judgment Caseload Binding force of a decision Reduce case delay Backlog reduction Elimination Disinheritance Judicial Immunity Parliamentarian Immunity Diplomatic Immunity Devolution of estate Child custody Appear before the court Appearance of parties In presence

• In absentia Human Rights Right to vote Pre-emption Property rights Undivided rights Judgment in absentia Administer oath Party Proposed solutions Draft written order of payment, remittance Adverse possession

•w0N أو و;? أو ?Vو wL^S; ]:F2`2�Y;ا w:FwL^;0/ ا:F

2`2�Y;ا IP�a kC E^;ا2`2�Y;ا wاآIa kC E^;ا

F /kC=ف ¶Sda2CIFن kC اoرث/0|2�N /J2eF/0J23;I7 /J2eF/0T2CRS7د /J2eFIeF اoرث

/J2�FUpi;ا/3L^3;2م اCأ I�F�IافMر اR�F


Joق اRYF2نj�`Re_;ا tF/fpl;ا tF/0LS3;ق اRYF

RYFق }C I0:[أة?720{ wLFk030;ا �SF

FS�/ب]FRSF //^�ICلRFا;/

�;2C W; ¬0; 2رY1 20زةF

خHands-on experience Efficient and timely judicial services Breach of contract Map for anticipated achievements Storage Streamline Letter of guarantee Letter of credit Work-plan Strategic plan Regulatory reform plan Payroll plan Academic background Strong base of support

/0S31 ةIcP/0|2�N 2تCEP\S12ءة أpL7 و UNا �Nو ?@ EYf;د اRZ7 قIP

/fNR_3;2زات ا:J�; /i`IP]PJ//k`]da

Jا £P?720j2iPب �23ن2iPب ا1_23دU31 /iP

/0:0aاI_Tا /iP?30rZ_;ح اOV�; /iP

�aواIS; /iP/0T0/ دراpSP

k`E`z3;ا kC ةE12N tSP

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دNo-penalty-on-suspicion Needs assessment studies Market research Technical assessment Realistic evaluation for finding facts Family cases Docket Labor cases Non-suited cases Sub-cases Subsidy Technical support Record invitation Urgent case Judgment register Journal Supporting Register for Accounts Administrative guidelines Panels Role

درء ا;2nclتو E`E^a اFm_2420ت IeF 2تTدرا

/TقدراRj;ا /0Zp;2420ت ا_Fmا IeF و E`E^a /Tدراt|2Y^;ا \eY_; /0fN0300/ واYa /Tدرا

/0ed� الRFد21وى أ/CEY3;21وى اE;اد21وى 231ل

/C2YC I0{ د21وى–/iN2T د21وى /01I@ د21وى

w1د?Z@ w1دR1ةدU:T

S:f_jC ىR1د/د@_I ا2LFMمد@_I ا;20CR0ت

د@_2j^; E12jC Iب اMرEVةدارىإU د;0

I|3/-دواL^C –/v0ه دور

رChief justice Chief Judge (presiding Judge) Prosperity Recusal (judge disqualifying himself) Challenging the judge (application to disqualify a judge) Mission statement Fees of intervention on either litigant’s side Anti-dumping duties Final court fees Refuse cause of action, Rejection Judicial control Lien, mortgage Case roll

/3L^3;ر|0¬ ا/3L^C ¬0|ر

ر2PءWjpZ; \�2Y;رد ا

رد ا;2�Yة

/;2Tر?CR:n;ا UPE_;ا wTررRTم 2LC@^/ اI{oاقرRTم R1ES; /0|2nJى

ر@� ا;R1Eى/72NI;اه2Y1 kرير

/jS:;رول ا

زCell Adultery Marriage


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Enhance knowledge and skills

و ا;2n3رات /@If3;ز`2دة ا

سWith malice aforethought Transaction log Register of action Record books Expert deposit payment Timely disposition of cases Receiving note Delivering note Peripheral Local travel / in-country Lapse of right Circuit clerk Chain of tasks Power Legislative Authority “Power” Judicial Authority “Power” Executive Authority “Power” Direct Authority for change Hallmark Bill of exchange Parties dispositions Securities

• Shares • Bonds

Judicial year Legal precedents Political sovereignty Rule of Law Judicial sovereignty Payroll policy Personnel policy Office policy and rules

EVI_;و ا tcT اIVoارU:T ا;U3f أو ا;^Iآ/

U:T ا;^Iآ/O:Tت

I0cd;ا /J2Cاد أET2`2�Y;ا ?@ Uep;1/ اIT

ITآ? اO_Tمw0Sja ?آIT

?^iTIpT داEF UPود ا;Eو;/

t^;ط اRYT/jS:;ا I0aILTkC /SjST ا;2n3م

/iSj;ا/0f`Il_;ا /iSj;ا/0|2�Y;ا /iSj;ا/`=0pZ_;ا /iSj;اI00�_;ا /iSTةI�2c3;ا 03C /3T[ة

EZTإ\Jذ�S^S; �0S3a EZT /ب]F

EZTات•wnTأ RLVك•

/0|2�Y;ا /Zj;ا/0JRJ2N t7اRT/0T20j;20دة اj;ا20Tدة ا;RJ2Yن20Tدة ا;2�Yء�aواI;ا /T20T

k0SC2f;ن اRv� /T20T�_L3;ا|¥ اR; و /T20T

شWitness for the prosecution Alibi Case Initiation and Receipting Network (CIRN) Islamic Law, Shari’ah Dismissal

�2هE إ2cqت?pJ E2ه�

U0e^_;و أ231ل ا �Lc/ إC2N/ ا;R1Eى

/0COTإ /f`I��i�

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Express warranties Exemption certificate Positive Certificate Certificate of no objection to assessed fees Certificate that no appeals were filed for a case before a partial circuit within a certain period of time Certificate of no objection to a demolition order Certificate that there are no bankruptcy cases filed against a specified person within a certain period of time Certificate that there are no rent cases filed against a specified person Certificate of a case in process Perjury Negative Certificate Certificate for non-protest claims

�2nدات ا;�23ن�2nدة ا2p1oء�2nدة ا`:072/

�2nدة Ef7م EFوث 2fCر�/ @? أI`EYa IC رRTمkC ا;:Eول Ef7م ReFل ا2Zv_Tف @? دR1ى �2nدة

E^CدةOP /0|]4 /3L^37ل @_Iة

�2nدة Ef7م ReFل �IN \S1 kfار إزا;/

�2nدة Ef7م EVور wLF إ@Oس �OP k0fC ¶d� Eل /Z0fC ةI_@

/0|2�N 2ز21تZC دR4م وEf7 2دةnإ�¶d� E� /`2ر:` k0fC

�2nدة 2J207ت دR1ى E_Cاو;/�2nدة زورST 2دةn�/0c

R_jaوI7 لReF مE1 2دةn�

صWrit Writ of summons Writ of proceedings with case after being dismissed Writ of demands for person intervening on either litigant’s side Final decision Reconciliation Codification Formation of contract

p0^V/ ا;R1Eىp0^V ىR1E;ا /

�il;ا kC E`E:a /p0^V

2ً0CR:ه UPE_C 2تcS� /p0^V

?|2nZ;ا wL^;ور اEV¥SV/{20Vk0ZYa ،

EYf;20}/ اV

ضApproval and priority setting Battery, beating Detriment Warranty for hidden defects Conscience

/`R;وMو ا /Y@اR3;ا £c��Iب�Iر

�23ن ا;R0fبI03�

طforensic science Invitation for Bid (IFB) Rent contest

?;E1 �� ،?1I� ��/eN2Z3;ح اI��Rfن إ`:2رات

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Irrevocable divorce Revocable divorce RFP administrative requirements RFP business requirements Request the appointment of experts Request for proposal (RFP) Request for Bid (RFB) Request for information

k|27 قO�\f4ق رO�

��S ا;_EYم If7ض 2C]S_jC I0@Raت إدار`/U3f;2ت اC]S_jC I0@R_; ضIf7 مEY_;ا �S�

I0cP k00fa �S�/FR_pC وضI1 �S�/eN2ZC وضI1 �S�

�2CRSfC �Sت

ظAggravating Factor Mitigating Factor

«Iف ElCد�pdC فI»

عPublic justice Individual justice Waiting period Days for service Non-case value jurisdiction Non-territorial jurisdiction Non-specialty jurisdiction Display Present ideas Technical proposal Rental or lease contract Contract of sale Loan contract Contract integration Penalty Public relations Hierarchical or one-to-many relationships Ontology Acknowledgment of receipt Generate notices Time sharing Create docket entries Client / server Regulatory impediments Papers returned unnerved Canceling partial circuit judgment

/C21 /;اE1–/01234 E1ا;/ @Iد`/

)ا;I3أة(E1ةE1د اM`2م ا;O1�; /7RSi3ن\30Y;2ص اe_Pmم اE1\S^3;2ص اe_Pmم اE1?1RZ;2ص اe_Pmم اE1)?|mو(

I1ضI1ض أ@2Lر?Z@ ضI1EY1 اo`:2ر�0c;ا EY1

EY1 ا;IYضE0FRa EY1/7RY1

/C21 2تNO1 اa:2ه2تSjSjC /NO1/ أو kC واEF إ;\ E1ة

wS1 ا;R4RدwS1 ا;RVRلإJ=ارات/ U31 إ2iPر

�NR;ا w0jYa /Y`Ii7 U3f;اOPEC U31ت ;:Eول ا;21Eوى ا;EY3م

U031 /2دمP/030rZa t|اR1

/31EC I0{ t|2qدة وR1/0|]4 /3L^C kC t72T wLF ا;�2ء

غMoney Laundering Drowning In absentia

ا �00ca ،الRCMا Uj{الRCM}Iق2ً0720{

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Coma /7Rc0{

فOpen argument Period of test Defects Liability Period Test period Sequestration Termination of contract Reporting system breakdowns Disposition of a case Indecent Act On-site system technician Microfiche indexes

I3;27ب ا ¥_@f@ا/@_Iة ا2c_Pر@_Iة ا;�23ن@_Iة ا2c_Poر/TاI^;ض اI@

EYf;ا ªj@I`2رY_;2م اrJ Ul@ا;Uep @? ا;R1Eى

¥�2@ Uf@?Z@ U3f` ?@�NR3;ا

@2nرس IL0Cو@°0

قBordereau Pop-up menu Judge of provisional matters Inquiry judge Mentor judge Competent Judge, natural Judge Law of evidence Rent law Commercial code private International law Public International Law Case law system (precedents law), Common Law system Continental law, Civil law system Civil code (law) Procedural law Customary law Affirm cause of action Acceptance of systems Receiving documents (judgment and supporting documents) Premeditated murder

• Manslaughter • Homicide • Genocide • Suicide • Abortion • Euthanasia

/3|2N)k0C�_;ا(/3|2NرRnr;ا�`Ij;ا اRCMر ا;2N/0_NRض ا;_^2Nt0Yض

E�I3;�2? اY;ا?f0ci;�2? اY;ا ،¶_d3;�2? اY;ا

RJ2Nن إ2cqتRJ2N2رات:`oن اa:2ريRJ2Nندو;? ا;2dصRJ2Nن دو;? ا;2fمRJ2Yن;

/0|2�Y;ا t7اRj;ن اRJ2N ،RS:JMن اRJ2Y;ا /?L`ICأ

ا;Z0aO?ا;RJ2Yن?JE3;ن اRJ2Y;اRJ2Nن ا;I3ا@2fت?@I1 نRJ2NRcNل ا;R1EىwrZ;ل اRcNt|2qR;ل اRcN)wL^S; ةE`z3;ات اEZ_j3;و ا )ا2LFMم

oا tcT �C U_NEVI_;و ا IVار•�iP U_N •U_N /3`I4 إ27دة 01234/• إJ_^2ر• إ2n4ض••/Ypl;ا U_N ،w0FI;ا U_Y;ا

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• Capital Punishment • Suffocation • Death

Search capabilities Slander Libel defamation Paying fines Piracy Loan Administrative judiciary Eliminate legal impediments Summary jurisdiction and procedure in matters of special urgency Pilot site judges Judges subject to challenge Experienced judges Senior judges Re-filed cases Rent cases Signature case Appealed case Private sector Public Sector Statistics Department Indexing Department Archives Department Service Department Rules Statutes Procedural rules National database Court administration laws Law and amendments Assume responsibilities Perform research function Recording documents of acknowledgement Indexing a case referred from another court Recording and indexing claims Restrictions

إE1ام••tZP RCت•

ENرات 7^ N=ف

N=ف U0cj7 ا;IlZ أو ا;L_72/ أو ا;RTIمw`I�a ارIN/ZVIY;اINضدارىإ2�Nء

/0JRJ2Y;2ت اNRf3;ا \S1 2ء�Y;اU:f_jC 2ء�N

2�Nة ا;3^2آw ا;Iا|Eةا ;RSi3ب ردهw ا;2�Yة

k0TI3_C 2ة�N2�Nة RLZ^Cن

2`2�N2أn_C2Nإ E012�N`2 اo`:2رات

�0NR_;ا /^V 2`2�N/pJ�_jC /0�Nا;2iYع ا;2dصا;2iYع ا;2fمwSN ا2eFoءwSN ا;:Eول«p^;ا wSN

k`I�^3;ا wSNE1اRNE1اRNwrJ ،

RNاE1 إI4ا|0//0CRY;2ت اJ20c;ا E1اRN

آRNwاYSf_C k0J/ 7§دارة ا;3^22naO`Efa و k0JاRY;ا

و RvjC;20ت 20Nم 2n37مp0»R7 20مY;0/ا�^c;ا /

/ZSf3;وراق اMا E0NE0N دR1ى 3L^C kC /;2^C/ أIPى

و @WTIn ا;2c;2i3ت E0NR0Nد

كNever filed Writing judgments in cases Disclosure of proposal contents Administrative capacity

kLa w; آ�نآ_72/ ا2LFMم @? ا;21Eوى

آR_^C k1 �l`2ت ا;Ifضآ2pءة اoدارة

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Guarantee Promissory note Kite Personal computer


آRV /;20c3ر`/?ed� IaR0c3آ

لAdvise committee Planning committee Remedy at law Role play Regulations

;:Z/ ا;Rl3رة0id_;ا /Z:; £)ر@� دR1ى أ2Cم ا;2�Yء(ا;R:Sء ;RJ2YSن;�f اMدوار


مMarriage officer Pitfall Performance indicators Associated degree Printed material Face amount Inherent Follow up execution Monitoring Government registers Speakers Requirements Mandatory versus desirable requirements Logistical requirements Training requirements Litigants Receptive Versatile Appraiser Disciplinary boards Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) Community board, Municipality council Converger (training) Responsive Nepotism Courts of First Instance – Trial Court Pilot Courts Court hearing Agenda Hearing or trial transcript Service Department Full Court

�Cذون�C ,IiPزق

I�zCات اJo:2زات£TR_C UهzC/1RciC 2دةC\3TMا ¼Sc3;ا

UV�_C=0pZ_;ا /f72_C

£0TR;ا I_@E;ا /f72_C "\CRLF"k0qE^_C /k`I�2^C2cSi_Cت

2cSi_Cت ا2c4ر`/ U72YC اP_20ر`/، ;2cSi_C/0L0_j4Rت اE1oاد2cSi_Cت ا;_Eر`�

0�2Y_C k)مRed;ا (ا ;:E`Eة2L@¢; UcY_Cر

�SY_C /�JاR:;د اEf_Ck3�C

C:2;¬ ا;_�د`�ا;S:3¬ ا2�YS; \S1Mء

\S^C ¬S:C�3:C�0:C ,�0:_jC ,2سjF ,/72:_Toا �`IT

C^272ة ا2NMربC^2آw اE_7ا|0/C^2آw را|Eة

/jS:;ا I�^C/jS:;ا I�^Ck`I�^3;ا/3L^C–/0Sة آI|دا

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Court of First Instance – Trial Court Court of Appeal (COA) District court Supreme Court Partial Court Partial Court (circuit) Court of Cassation (COC) Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) International Court Of Justice (ICJ) International Criminal Court (ICC) Synopsis Outputs Flowchart Postponement for more time for judgment Life span Entries Defendant Payment Over payment Dilatory debtor Pleading brief Brief Note of protest Jurisdictional statement Bench book Legal references Review procedural processes Revision of fees estimation Revoke the divorce Revision of collection of case filing fees Enterprise model revision Final case fees revision Utilities National Centre of state Courts (NCSC) Responsibilities Negligence responsibility Criminal responsibility Contractual responsibility, Liability Instrumental Accommodator (training) Plea bargaining Appealed from partial circuits Audiences (training) Targeted beneficiaries Standalone Assimilator (training)

3L^C/ اE_7ا|0/3L^C/ ا2Zv_Toف اMو;\ 3L^C2L`IC�7/ ا;Eر4/

2L`IC27 20Sf;3/ اL^C/0|]4 /3L^C

3L^C/ أو دا|Iة 4[|0/�YZ;3/ اL^C

20Sf;ر`/ اR_TE;3/ اL^3;ا3L^C/ ا;Efل ا;Eو;0/

ا;3L^3/ ا;:2Z|0/ ا;Eو;0/Ie_dC /]4RC24IdCت

t@E_;ا £idCwL^S; U4اECECة ا;^20ةOPECت

W0S1 \1E3;ا21R@ECت

21R@ECت زا|Eة23C k`ECU�)د@012/ أو R4اC)/07=آIة)إ;\ 2�N /n4ء(C=آIة

C=آIة اF_:2جC=آIة ا2e_Pص

Y;2 اnCEd_j` ?_;ا�4 اI3;2ا/jS:;2ء اZqأ ?�/0JRJ2N �4اIC اI4oا|0/تICاf4/ ا;RidاICاf4/ ا;RTIمICاf4/ ا;[و4/

ICاU0e^a /f4 رRTم ر@� ا;R1EىU3f;ذج اR3J /f4اIC/0|2nZ;م اRTI;ا /f4اICىR1E;ا ?@ Uep;ا Ef7 /Y^_j3;ا

t@اICا;I3آ[ ا;CRY? ;3^2آw ا;mR`2ت

RvjC;20ت/`I0eYa /0;RvjC/0|2Z4 /0;RvjC/`EY1 /0;RvjCE0pC E12jC

k`IP½ا E12jC/0|2Z:;2و�/ اp3;ا?|]4 kC �J�_jC



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Survey Procedural problems Problems related or leading to case delay Procurement Legislators and judges Program jurist Enterprise Unprescribed (public) interest Confiscation Repository Liquidator Expert department Fees claims Inimical Protest Extradition treaty Time standards Entrenched attitudes Legal parameters Mentor Scheduling management information Technical assistance, support Locally hired Diverger (training) Prime contractor Proposed regulatory reforms in law Legislative proposals Learning Assessment (for pre and post tests) Plan components Ownership Apparent ownership Ownership of response information Res nullius Criminal Prosecution Civil litigation Standardized curricula Training curriculum, materials & concepts Classroom facilitator Circulars Platform World Trade Organization (WTO) Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Task Strategy mission

¥jC2lCآU إI4ا|0/

`2�Y;ا I0P�_7 /YSf_C U2آlC2و Raر`Eات I_lC`2تو ا;2�Yة ا;R1Il3ن

³C2JIc;ا \S1 ف 21مIlCIlCوع

/STIC ¥;2eC2eCدرةdC[ن/ R_jCدع/ EeCر\peC

SeC^/ ا;Icdاءا;2c;2i3ت

ي 2fCد);^2fC)wLر�/

k0CI:3;ا w0Sja ةE2هfC/0_Nو I0`2fC

I00�_S; /`2دf3;ا /dTاI;ات اEY_f3;ا/0JRJ2N 20تifC

wSfC /E�IC2CRSfCت إدارة ا;:Eول

/0Z@ /JRfC2ً0S^C k0Z0fC

)او ا;IpC)�fl_3دEnf_C أو;\/ 2YCول او;\

2FI_YCت ا2FOVoت ا;_030rZ/ @? ا;RJ2Yن/0f`Ila 2تFI_YC

wSf_;ار اEYC

/id;2ت اJRLC/0LSC

/f|2� /0LSC/72:_Tm2ت اCRSfC /0LSC

R:nC /0LSCرة/0|2Z:;2ز21ت اZ3;ا

0JE3/ا;2Z3ز21ت ا;2ZCهEa ³ر`EFRC /0cة

/0c`رEa w02هpC و و 2Cدة 2ZCه³tjZC ا;Eورة

RlZCرات إدار`//eZC /wrZS; IcZC

/03;2f;3/ ا;_:2رة اrZCو ا;_03Z/ ا2e_Nmد`/ 3rZC/ ا;_2fون

/3nC/0^0aاI_To3/ اn3;ا

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Articles of commercial and civil laws Supporting Educational Material Resources Balancing of cash drawers Specifications Facilitator

و ا;_:2رى \JE3;ن اRJ2Y;اد اRCRCاد E12jC /030Sfaة

RCارد ا;RC/`EYZازJ/ ا;^272jت


نResearch results End outputs Legislative judicial seminars Round-table seminar on strategic planning Eminent domain Expropriation Generate a copy receipt for any cash receipt Information dissemination Dissemination Newsletter Testimony quorum Minimum value Arabic hyper text Ambit Case Management Application (CMA) Operating system American Judicial System Civil Court System Multiple Operating Systems Present system Responsive judicial system Tickler system Multi-user Criminal Justice Integrated System (CJIS) Proprietary system Data Management Systems (DMS) Management Information System (MIS) Information Systems Peer Lawyers syndicate (Bar Association) Maritime transport Land transport Communication method test model System model Reform program model Regular communication model

 ^c;2|³ ا_J/0|2nZ;2|³ ا_Z;ا

/0|2�N /0f`Ila واتEJ?:0aاI_To0£ اid_;ا k1 /FR_pC ¿وEJ

/fpZ3S; /0LS3;ع ا]J/C2f;ا/0LSC ع]J

�tc اkC UVM ا2e`oل /djJ

IlJ ا;2CRSf3تIlJ ,I�J

IlJات إ2cPر`/2eJب ا;2nlدة?30N 2بeJ

/07I1 /0f4IC صReJECى E^Cود, 2iJق

2rJم إدارة ا;R1EىU0�l_;2م اrJ

?L`ICM2ء ا�Y;2م اrJ/0JE3;ا w2م ا;3^2آrJ2rJم Ef_C U0�laد

?;2F 2مrJmا �`IT ?|2�N 2مrJ/72:_T

/f72_C 2مrJk0CEd_j3;د اEf_C 2مrJ

UC2L_C ?|2Z4 ?|2�N 2تCRSfC 2مrJtS�C 2مrJ)ةEFآ/ واIl7 2صP(

wrJ إدارة ا;2J20cتwrJ إدارة ا;2CRSf3ت

wrJ ا;2CRSf3تI0rZ;ا ,EZ;ا

k0C2^3;72/ اYJI^7 UYJيI7 UYJى

R3Jذج ا2c_Pر وU|2T ا2eamلR3Jذج ا;2rZم

�; ³C2JI7 ذجR3JحOVR3Jذج ;�2eaل ا;Eوري

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Mock-up COC terminal Mock-up system Case type Twisted pair cable Quality of education and training

�YZ;3/ اL^C ?@ 2زn:S; ذجR3JR3Jذج ;2rZSمRJع ا;R1Eى

�IافRJع kC اOTMكMدوج ا]Cو ا;_Eر`� w0Sf_;01/ اRJ

هـUser profiles Legislative bodies United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Panel Panels of three Judges Staffing patterns Organization charts Structure

هR`/ ا;Ed_j3م/0f`Ila 2تv0ه

ا;v0n/ ا03Z_S; /0L`ICM/ ا;Eو;0/

/v0هه2�N /qOq kC /v0ة/0p0»R;ا U20آn;ا/030rZa Uه20آ


وUnnerved papers Pertinent Deposits Workshop Access points Access protocols Mediation Mediator Outlines written for various courses Squatter settlement Plan development Legal status Draft enterprise model Off the roll Wife’s proxy Public Prosecutor Blood heir

/31EC I0{ t|2qو

وt0q ا;R�R3;27 /Seعودا|�

U3f;ور�/ اeam2|£ اT2ل و)I7وRaآmRت ا2eamل(وU|2T ا2eamل


و أL; ¬T_72/ ا;2Z3ه³ و�� À;20تو�� ا;2C \S1 E0ل }RS3C I0ك

/iP و��?JRJ2N و��

U3fS; ذجR3J و���Nو

وآU0 ا;[و4//720Z;ا U0وآو;\ ا;Eم

يAssemble Mitigating conditions Retrieve, redeem, recall, renew Register Perceive

�3_:`�pd``:Eد/ `I_j` /�4I_jدU:j`?f` ,p`wn,ركE`

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Disqualification Assess Assertory oath Conclusive oath, decisive oath Oath ex officio Suppletory oath Corporal or Solemn oath Judicial oath Official oath Qualified oath Promissory oath Generate

� /T0/ ;233رSهMا EYp`0]آIC أو Áw0Y`

/`E0آRa k03`/3T2F k03``k03 إI7اء/33_C k03`

wjN ،/rS�C k03`/0|2�N k03`/03Tر k03``E0YC k03ة/`Enfa k03`

³_Z` ,ثE^` ,E;R`

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���ت ��8م إدارة ا���6ى�� ����

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SieC w:fC^2ت 2rJم إدارة ا;R1Eى

أJudgments by judge Long title Order Clerck Lead Event subtype First hearing Overdue Pending Events Circuit reassignment Transfer case Case Management Court Administration Short title Alternative title Bankruptcy Rent

wTا �jF 2مLFM�2?اY;ا

k03 ا;k00j0|I ا;�0qO/ ا;edأ23TءICأk0C ا;Ijأk0CITأRJاع @kC /01I اI4oاءاتأول jS4/أ

2ًpST دE^3;ا E1R3;ا ?@ U3f;ا kC 2ءn_Jmا IP�aاI4oاءات ا;2nccj7 /YSf3 ا;R1Eى

أIPىا2Fo;/ إ;\ دا|Iة2F;/ ا;R1Eىإدارة ا;R1Eىإدارة ا;3L^3/إwT ا;:k03edS; E ا;k00j0|Iإ;R1ESى wTU`E7إ@Oسإ`:2راتإ

بReport Party details Representative details Reference

O7غwed;2ت اJ207\C2^3;2ت اJ207

2J207ت L37 /icaIC_� ا;E@2ع

تDue date Date commenced Filing date End date Start date Date of decision General commercial Appealed commercial Improving Compensation Circuit allocation Details

ا;_2ر`ª ا;Jo �NR_3:2ز اI4oاء ا;Eال

2aر`ª إC2N/ ا;R1Eى�Si7 مEY_;ا ª`2رa

2aر`ª ا2n_Jء اI4oاء ا;Eال2aر`E7 ªء اI4oاء ا;EالwL^;ور اEV ª`2رa

\S2رى آ:a�J�_jC 2رى:a

k0j^aRfa`�2تk00fa دا|IةU0V2pa

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جEvent schedule Hearing Auction session

E4ول اI4oاءات/jS4

?ZS1 اد]C /jS4

حBy parties by Name By Circuit number By Case number By Parties by ID/Number By Age and Circuit By Age and Event Type By Subject Judgment

�jF23ءTم أRed;ى@? اR1E;ا �jFةI|اE;ا wNر

�jF رwN ا;R1Eى�jF رt0Y^a wN ا;RedS; /0edlم @\ ا;R1Eى

و رwN ا;Eا|Iة EC �jFة Eaاول ا;R1EىI0PMث اE^;ع اRJ و EC �jFة Eaاول ا;R1Eى

R�RC �jFع ا;R1EىwLF

دPanel New Circuit Previous circuit Current Cases by Year Filed Associated cases

دا|Iة2n0;ة ا;3^2ل إI|اE;ا2nZC ة ا;3^2لI|اE;ا

/ZT �jF /;اوE_3;21وى اE;ا/C2NىإR1E;ا /icaI3;21وى اE;ا

رFees Postal code Identity Card National number Sequential party number Hearing Roll


/0edl;ا /N2ic;ا wNرwNI;ا?CRY;ا

d;ا UjSjC wNرweرول ا;:2jSت

زAge Bigamy Polygamy

زkC ا;_Eاولk0aأIC27 ا;[واج

k0aأICا kC Iزواج"ا;[واج �7آ�Mد ا;[و24ت أو اEfa "

شJudicial (juridical) person

�d¶ ا2c_1ري

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Natural person Positive Certificate Negative Certificate

¶d�?f0c��2nدة ا`:072/


صSignature Writ of service Capacity

�0NRa /^V/p0^VنO1إ/pe;ا

ضTaxes Attach judgment Attach transcript Attach document, docket

�Iا|�wL^;ا w��RV wرةEZ_jC w�

طEvent type Filing party Rent contest Status change Litigant request Service requests External request

�f0c/ اI4oاء ا;Eال�Si;27 مEY_3;ف اIi;ا

إ`:2رات�Rfن¥0^ea 2ب�

\�2Y_3;ا kC �S��2cSت اO1oن�2cSت 21ر�/

عCount Number of times postponed General labor Appealed labor Address

E1دE1د ا;_�O04ت\S231ل آ

�J�_jC 231لRZ1ان

غDeliberation room Fine

}I@/ ا;E3او;//CاI{

قHearing room

/3L^3;12/ اN

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CMA Cases Decision New status Previous status Litigant request decision External request decision Judgment decision

E12Nة 2J207ت ا;21EوىINار

E`E:;ار اIY;اا ;t72jا;IYار�kC �S ا;IN?@\�2Y_3ار �2cSت 21ر�/@?INار IN?|2�Nار


Keywords Panel and Circuit keywords

ا;23SLت ا;Eا;/

و ا;:2jSت I|واE;ا \S1 /;اE;23ت اSL;ا

مPast events Annex Pending Miscellaneous State Original case court Courts below Average duration Time since last step Plaintiff Defendant Civil General Appealed civil Deputy Document Case document Conflict documents Deleted documents Payer Exemption Filed File location Filing to First Expert Referral Filing to First Hearing Filing to service acknowledgement Filing to Decision Expert Request to Expert Opinion Event status Case status

kC wa 2CاءاتI4دا;/إ t^S3;ا \Zc3;ا


/r@2^3;ا/3L^3;�30 ا;_?اN2 أnC2CةأIC ولM ىR1E;ا

/0|]4 /3L^CECة إJ:2ز اI4oاء ا;Eال

نا;E3ة ZC= ا2daذ IPÀ إI4اء F_\ ا½\1E3;ا

W0S1 \1E3;ا\Sآ \JEC

�J�_jC \JECE12jCk0CأITEZ_jC

EZ_jCات ا;R1Eى/S72Y3;ات اEZ_j3;ا

ا;EZ_j3ات }I0 ا;R1E;27 /YSf_3ىا;Ej3د2fC@2ة/C2YC

2LCن �SC ا;R1Eى=ZC/C2Nإ \_F و ول إI0cdS; /;2Fأ ا;R1Eى

\_F و ول jS4/أZC= إC2N/ ا;R1Eى_F و \ 23aم اO1oنZC= إC2N/ ا;R1Eى

=ZC/C2NإwL^;ور اEV \_F و ا;R1EىI`IY_;ورود ا \_F و I0cd;2;/ إ;\ اFoا =ZC

�NRC اI4oاء ا;Eال�NRC ا;R1Eى

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نEven results =0pZa /:0_JاءاتI4إ/jS4 IPÀ

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���� أ��اع ا���6وى

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���� أ��اع ا���6وى

أMonuments, Antiquities Foreigners Martial laws Family cases Commercial work Order of performance Order on a petition Money Qualification, capacity Military orders Commercial papers Evidence Illicit enrichment Bankruptcy procedures Jurisdiction Enjoy a usufruct Heritage Appeal Investment Export Seizer Agricultural reform Declaration Bankruptcy Rents


/0@I1 2مLFأ/0ed� الRFأأ231ل a:2ر`/

أIC أداء/�`I1 \S1 ICأ


/`ILj1 ICأوااMوراق ا;_:2ر`/

ا2cqoتIqاء �cT O7إ إ@OستI4اءاإ


OVح زرا1?إإO1نإ@Oسإ`:2ر

بPost Nullity Banks Sale



تNationalization Insurance Social insurance In specie insurance


2Z0C�aت ا4_0123//0Z01 2تZ0C�a

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Partition Improvement Arbitration Patrimony Obligation Forgery Registration Adjoining Solidarity Education Compensation Statute of limitation Division Requiring reconsideration Supply Organizing Execution Real estate execution


2Yaدمw0jYa ا;IrZإ21دةا;_23سk`R3aw0rZa=0pZa=0pZa2ريY1

جCemetery Customs Affiliations Nationality


حCustody Guardianship Grung rent Judgment Occupation


خExpertise Successor


دProofs Evidence


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رReturning the undue Fees Mortgage Irrigation Profits

t^_j3;ا I0{ رد




شLegal Personality Companies Preemption Notary office Common property


صReconciliation Fictitious





طJudicial members’ requirements

�2cSت ر24ل ا;2�Yء

عTradition Contract Labor




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Benefits E|اR@

قJudge of timely matters Law Administrative decision Division Urgent cases Judges The force of the adjudged Force majeure, Act of God

اRCMر ا;2N/0_NRضRJ2Nناoداريا;IYار/3jN

U:f_jC 2ء�N2�Nة

ICMة اRN?�Y3;اRNة 2NهIة




مOrganizations Lawyers Court of the revolution High Court Court of values Subject matter court Commercial place Civil government Civil old Facilities Terminal sickness Responsibility Opposition Treaties Property Home land Employees


3L^C/ ا;�Rرة20Sf;3/ اL^3;اw0Y;3/ اL^C/3L^CعR�R3;ا

يا;U^3 ا;_:2ر?JEC)/CRLF(?JEC)w`EN(t@اIC

ICض ا;R3ت/0;RvjC2fCر�/2fCهEات/0LSCk�RCRp»RCن

نOwnership deprivation General system Syndicates Criticism Cassation

/0LS3;ع ا]J2rJم 21م272YJتEYJ�YJ

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Transfer Public prosecution

UYJ21 /720J/C

هـDonation Public entities


/C21 2تv0ه

وWill Cessation Agency


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���ت أ�9ع ا�����ن�� ����

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أ�9ع ا�����ن���� �� ���ت

Criminal Law �C�Dا�����ن ا�� Crime Criminal behavior Criminal Criminal responsibility Illegal act Punishment Voluntary criminal act Awareness Will Material element , Actus Reus Mental element, Mens Rea Legal element Felony Murder Capital punishment Misdemeanor Theft Imprisonment Fine Contravention Accused Warrant for arrest Search and seizure Prosecution Court Judge Prosecutor Attorney General Lawyer / Counsel Non bis in idem Nullum crimen sine lege Nulla poena sine lege ratione temporis Ratione Materiae Ratione Loci Ratione Personae Habeas Corpus Aut Dedere Aut Judicare

/3`I4 اI4oاC?ا;RSjك ا;I:3م

/0|2Z:;0/ ا;Rvj3;ا IlC I0{ U31وع

/7RYf;ا U31 إI4اC? إرادي

اoدراك اoرادة

ا;IeZf ا;23ديIeZf;ياRZf3;ا

?JRJ2Y;ا IeZf;ا /`2Z4 U_N

7RY1/ اE1oام/^Z4ُ/NIj;ا ¬c^;ا

ا;�IاC/ ا;23;0//p;2dCُwn_3;ا

�cY;ا ICأ ا;_p_0° وا;2e3درة

ا;3^2آ3//3L^3;ا ?�2Y;ا U0د21ءوآmا

ا;2Z|� ا;2fم?C2^3;ا

k0aIC مI:;ذات ا k1 ¶dl;2آ3/ ا^C ازR4 مE1 I4 m`3/ إZ7 m¶ ا;RJ2Yن7RY1 m/ إZ7 m¶ ا;RJ2Yن

ا2e_Pmص 0F kC  ا;[2Cن ا2e_Pmص 0F kC  ا;R�R3ع ا2e_Pmص 0F kC  ا;2L3ن

ا2e_Pmص 0F kC  ا2d�Mص R�C tFل ا;wn_3 أ2Cم ا;2�Yء

ا�4 ا;_w0Sj أو ا;3^2آ3/و

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International Law ا�����ن ا�6و��

State International organization United Nations International Court of Justice Sovereignty International peace Breaches of the peace Self determination Political independence National sovereignty Human rights Act of aggression Nationals Alien Nationality Domicile Domicile of origin Domicile of choice International dispute Boundary dispute Territorial dispute Diplomatic solutions Negotiations Good offices Mediation Conciliation Adjudicative procedures Convention – Treaty International community International Criminal Law International Humanitarian Law International Criminal Court Arab League Crimes against humanity War crimes Genocide Security Council General Assembly European Union Council of Europe Pacta sunt Servanda Jus cogens Jus Gentuim Erga Omnes


3rZC/ دو;0/ اwCM ا;E^_3ة

3L^C/ ا;Efل ا;Eو;0/ ا;20jدة

?3;2f;م اOj;ا ا2n_Jآ2ت أو IPق ا;Ojم

I0e3;ا I`IYa ?T20j;ل اOY_Tmا /0Z�R;20دة اj;ا RYFق ا2jJoن?JواE1 U31 k0Z� ا;R3ا?cZ4Mا /0jZ:;ا k�R3;ا

?SVMا k�R3;ا �k اPm_20ريR3;ا

]J?;اع دو J[اع S1\ ا;^Eود

?30SNاع إ]J /0T2CRS7ل دRSF ا;2p3و�2ت

ا;12j3? ا;^E03ة/�2TR;ا

k0@I� k07 t0@R_;ا /0|2�Y;اءات اI4oا

ا2fC–/0N2paهEة ا;3:_�3 ا;Eو;?

ا;JRJ2Y? ا;:2Z|? ا;Eو;? ا;RJ2Yن اJ2jJo? ا;Eو;? ا;3L^3/ ا;:2Z|0/ ا;Eو;0//07If;ول اE;ا /fC24

� w|اI:;0/اJ2jJoا E I4ا|w ا;^Iب ا27oدة ا;:0123/kCMا ¬S:C /C2f;0/ اf3:;ا

اam^2د اMورو7? S:C¬ أورو27

/0J kj^7 اتE2هf3;27 2ء@R;أ اEcC c3;ةاIC½2دئ ا

RJ2Nن ا;Rflب/@2L;ا UcN 2ريT

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Lex lata De lege Ferenda Ex aequo et bono Lex posterior derogat priori Lex Specialis derogat generali Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas Opinio Juris De Facto De Jure Uti possidetis juris Rebus sic stantibus

Rن آ23 هRJ2Y;ا ا;RJ2Yن آ23 `:� أن `RLن 2cCدئ ا;Efل وا2eJoفN 2C ªjZ` E`E:;ن اRJ2Y;اWSc ا;RJ2Yن ا;2dص `E0Y ا;2fم

k`IP½ا /`IF \S1 \�ia mأ �:` ¶dl;ا /`IF أEcC ا;IeZf ا;RZf3ي @? ا;Ifف ا;Eو;?

�NاR;ا wL^7 wL^7 ا;RJ2Yن

/qارR_3;ود اE^;ام اI_Fأ اEcC EcCأ I0�a ا;Irوف 4=ر`2ً

Civil Law ��6ا�����ن ا��

Contract Contractor Agreement Promise Promisor Promisee Defendant Plaintiff Party Evidence Formal contract Informal contract Unilateral contract Bilateral contract Legal capacity Assent Manifestation Offer Offeror Offeree Acceptance Qualification Condition Breach Total Partial Remedy Restitution Loss Gain Harm


ENِ2f_3ُ;ا ا2paق Enُfa–ا;_[امk`E3;ا-Enِf_3ُ;ا k|اE;ا–Wُ; Enَf_3ُ;ا

W0S1 \1E3ُ;ا ?1E3ُ;ا �Iف د;U0-إ2cqت

?SL� EY1 ?SL� I0{ EY1

EFوا �J2:; م]ِSCُ EY1 k0cJ2:S; م]ِSCُ EY1

/0JRJ2N /0Sأه RCا@Y/–2ء ر�I0cfa I1ض- إ`:2ب�4ِR3;2ِرض–اf;ا Wُ; �4RC–W0S1 وضIfC RcNل آ2pءة �Iط إOPل?Sآ ?|]4 4[اء اI_Tداد–رد

2jPرة آ�j–ر¥7 �Iر

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Act Joint promise Creditor Obligor Defect

Uf@ أو U31 ا;_[ام أو I_lC Enfaك

k|دا k`EC �01

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ـ���ت ا��Jـ��Dا�������

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�ـ��Dا�J���تـ���� ��

أPhased-in automation Office automation Automation Automation of the civil and commercial case litigation procedures Automate and streamline procedures Court automation Intra-office communication and noting Supporting equipment Hardware and software Audiovisual equipment External demands outstrip data availability Access and security parameters Beta testing Applications Acceptance Testing (AAT) Systems Integration Testing (SIT) System Acceptance Testing (SAT) Information Resource Management (IRM) Retrieval of basic information Technical advisors On screen inquiries Classroom norms Select and Monitor trainees Management of training process Training techniques, technology and curricula Group training technique Performance of mock-up terminal

_3aMر`:0/اE_;ا / 3a_/ ا;�a2L3أ 3a -/ZL0C_/أو ا;_:2ر`/أ /0JE3;2`2 ا�YS; ?�2Y_;اءات اI43_/ إa

و 2ni0jcaأ 3a_/ اI4oاءات 3a_/ ا;3^2آwأ 2eaل 2P ?c_LCر4?ا

/0S03La ة]n4أ n4M2ت اY0ci_;و ا و ا;Icا³C([ة )ا;f_2د

/`Ie7 و /0f3T ة]n4أ 2CRSf3;ق اRpa /042رd;2ت ا�20_FoةاI@R_3;ت ا

kCM2ت ا�20_Fا ا2c_Pmر اMو;\

ا2c_Pر UcYa ا;2cSiت/3rJMا UC2La 2رc_Pا ا2c_Pرات RcNل ا;2rZم

إدارة 2eCدر ا;2CRSf3ت/0T2TM2ت اCRSf3;24ع اI_Tا

k00Z@ k0`2رl_Tا /�2l;ا \S1 2تCOf_Tا

ا23JMط ا;RSjآ12Y7 /0/ ا;_Eر`�_C و wn_f72اP_20ر ا;2l3رآk0 @? ا;Eورات

/030Sf_;0/ اS3f;إدارة ا و و ا;2Z3ه³ا;_0ZY/أ2T;�0 ا;_Eر`�

ا;:123?�أRSTب ا;_Eر` أداء R3Jذج ا;2nZ`/ ا;Ii@0/ ا;3^2آ0/

ب ^7?@2n124I_Tو ا ا;ReZص

RN ?@  ^7اE1 ا;2J20cت³CاI7

U0�l_;³ اCاI7/0Y0cia ³CاI7/01I@ ³CاI7

/1RZeC ³CاI7)ضI�; 2ًY@و /p0LCk0fC(2ًYcjC ةEfC ³CاI7

/;EfC ³CاI7/Y^SC ³CاI7


Search and find Search database Programs System software Application software Sub-programs Tailor-made software Off the Shelf (OTS) Customized software Accessories (computer) Programming

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³C2JI7 اE1oاد ;UcN 23 ا;[`2دة?n04Ra ³C2JI7

RYS; ³C2JI7ا|w ا;E_33ة 2fC ³C2JI7;:/ ا;ReZص

Pre-visit orientation Orientation program Spreadsheet program Word processor


U|اEc;ا U0S^a U0S^a ا;2cSi_3ت"ا;IaR0c3L"ا;^�T2 ا½;? Iaآ�0 أn4[ة Iaآ�0 ا;2rZم/3rJMا U0S^a

03^a³CاIc;ا U U`R^a ا;2J20cت

³CاI7 /3rJأ w03eawS0@وIL03;وراق @? اMا I`Rea

/_3aM2ت اY0cia/0S^3;ا /Lcl;2ت اY0cia

2Yaر`I ا;_w00Y ا;I3S; ?Zpآ[IaR0c3L;ام اEd_Tا ?@ k0p»R3;2رات اnC w00Ya

/3rJ¢; �0VRaw03ea دورة Eaر`� إدار`/

I`Ria ا;2n3راتI`Ria اMداءCإ I`Ria20تJ2L"ىR_j3;27 2ءYaرmا"

R4 I`RiaهIي

Alternative analysis Requirements analysis Install computer equipment System installation System analysis Install programs Data transformation Software design Microfilming documents Automation applications LAN applications Technical evaluation reports Staff computer literacy skills assessment Systems descriptions Management training design Skills development Performance development Upgrade Substantive improvement

حJوI_آoا �T2^;ا?I0cL;ا ،?j0|ر �T2FI0�V �T2F

�T2F£TR_C³CاI7 /C]F/0Tت دراm2F/0S31 ةIcP

Mainframe Microcomputer Minicomputer Package (computer) Case study (training)Hands-on experience

خ/Lcl;2دم اP/Lcl;2دم اP /2تCRSf3;2دم اP/f72i;2دم اP


Network server Data server Print server Wallpaper (computer)


/0Zp;2420ت ا_Fmا IeF و E`E^a /Tدرا?Z@ w1د

Technical assessment Technical support


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زو ا;2n3رات /@If3;ز`2دة اEnhance knowledge and skills


U0e^_;و أ231ل ا �Lc/ إC2N/ ا;R1Eى

/0S^C 2تCRSfC /Lc�2Lc� kC /JRLC ىE3;ا /fTوا /Lc�/0S^C ت

/0S^3;2ت اCRSf3;ا /Lc� £`I2م�n3;ا

k07رE_3;ن اRv�

Case Initiation and Receipting Network (CIRN) Local Area Network (LAN) WAN LAN Taskbar Trainees affairs

ص20VJ/2مrZ;System maintenance


?;E1 �� ،?1I� ��forensic science

ع?Z@ ضI1

O1�`Rca /C E4 /CO1و;/

�S3;ا kC /0�20_Fا /djJ U31 ^c;2ت اCRYC و IV2Z1/3L^3S; ¥C2JI7 /Z01

Technical proposal Tab (dialogue box) Tab (keyboard) Backup (computer)Search parameters Sample court software

فI`2رY_;2م اrJ Ul@�NR3;ا \@ U3f` \Z@2n@°0رس IL0Cو@

Reporting system breakdowns On-site system technician Microfiche indexes


wrZ;ل اRcN/0CRY;2ت اJ20c;ا E1اRN

Pop-up menu Acceptance of systems National database

كآkC W03^` ULl7 £Z�3C U72 ا212f�oت

/0j0iZ{2CوInL;ا�2l/آ�I1 /@2ض ا;?ed� IaR0c3آ

Shield cable Electromagnetic Monitor resolution (computer) Personal computer

ل/0f4I3;ص اReZ;ا I`Ria /�;

w0L^_;ا /FR;Html hypertext markup language Control panel (computer)

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م?edl;ا �T2^;ا \S1 ¬TzC

/1RciC 2دةCEZ_j3S; ?|R� ¥T2Cات

24IdCت/_3aMة @? اE12jC

/_3aM0/ اS3f; /030rZa ةEJ2jC2CRSfCت إدارة ا;:EولIaR0c3L;ا w0Sfa U3fC

/0Z@ /JRfC)RiP Ic1ط ا;2n4 �a2nز U0VRa ا;^2cT2ت(RCدم�3:C

?j0|I;ا IaR0c3L;2آ2ة ا^Ck`IP½ا E12jC

E0p_jCون�1R_jC)او ا;IpC)�fl_3د

2ZCهEa ³ر`EFRC /0cةو 2pCهEa w0ر`2ZC/0cه³ و 2Cدة

tjZC ا;EورةwSf_;ا /CRrZC

RCاد E12jC /030Sfaة

PC based Printed material Scanner Outputs Assistance of automation Organizational backup for automation Scheduling management information Compute Literacy Laboratory (CLL) Technical assistance, support Modems Converger (training) Mock-up Accommodator (training) Audiences (training) Assimilator (training) Diverger (training) Standardized curricula Training curriculum, materials & concepts Classroom facilitator Learner Circle Supporting Educational Material

ن2rJم إدارة ا;R1Eى

U0�l_;2م اrJ/f72_C 2مrJ

k0CEd_j3;د اEf_C 2مrJUC2L_C ?|2Z4 ?|2�N 2تCRSfC 2مrJ

tS�C 2مrJ)ةEFآ/ واIl7 2صP(wrJ إدارة ا;2J20cت

wrJ إدارة ا;2CRSf3تwrJ ا;2CRSf3ت�IافRJع kC اOTMكMدوج ا]C

mا U|2T2ر وc_Pذج اR3J2لeaR3Jذج ا;2rZم

R3Jذج OV�; ³C2JI7حR3Jذج ;�2eaل ا;Eوري

�YZ;3/ اL^C ?@ 2زn:S; ذجR3JR3Jذج ;2rZSم

�23V /0@Iء /`2nJ�C /0@I^2آ0/ /`2nJ�C /0@I^2آ0/ /`2nJ

/0|2�N /0f`Ila واتEJ?:0aاI_To0£ اid_;ا k1 /FR_pC ¿وEJ

و ا;_Eر`� w0Sf_;01/ اRJ

Case Management Application (CMA) Operating system Tickler system Multi-user Criminal Justice Integrated System (CJIS) Proprietary system Data Management Systems (DMS) Management Information System (MIS) Information Systems Twisted pair cable Communication method test model System model Reform program model Regular communication model Mock-up COC terminal Mock-up system Dumb terminal Mock-up terminal Terminal emulation Legislative judicial seminars Round-table seminar on strategic planning Quality of education and training

Page 45: Arabic Legal Glossary 3 - Heritage for · PDF file3 Refer to a partial circuit for non-case value jurisdiction (Jurisdictional Amount) Refer to another circuit for non-territorial


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User interface Friendly interface (computer) Peripherals CPU Access points Access protocols Outlines written for various courses Workshop