



Transcript of April_2012.2e

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Starting this month we have changed the location of our monthly meetings. Beginning April 15th, our meetings will be held at the Elks Lodge # 6, at 6446 Riverside Way, Sacramento. Click on address for link to map. Buffet breakfast starts at 8:30 with the meeting beginning at 9. Cost of breakfast is $9, but you do not have to eat here if you don’t want to. Coffee is free, but they ask to feed the Purple Charity Pig that is placed on each table.

The annual Oroville Gold Rush Car/Motorcycle show this year is Saturday, May 12th. Please let me know if you plan to attend. Tickets are $10 for each bike and includes the dash plaque and raffle tickets we get. We should have our registration in by April 20th. Show starts at 9 am. I figure to have breakfast at Peachtree Restaurant first in Marysville. KSU from L1 at 7 am.

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I don't know about all of you but I am certainly ready for a

great spring and summer riding season.

If you are dusting off the riding clothes don't forget that even

though we are experiencing the driest winter in some time, you

still need to be ready for rain. If you don't have any rain gear,

it doesn't need to be fancy motorcycle specific stuff. For rainy

season duds you can try using a garbage bag wrapped around

your legs and draped over your torso, but the flapping noise

and the smoke, from the plastic getting on the exhaust, can be

a bit distracting. You could try ducking behind that expansive

fairing on your Goldwing and drive real fast so the rain blows

around you, but when your as large as me, that attempt would

be futile. You could try wearing your wet suit from when you

took those scuba diving lessons a few years back however,

there are questions as to what restaurant would allow you to

sit and eat your lunch with your co-riders. That’s why I would

recommend going over to Bass Pro Shop or on line and picking

up a set of Frogg Toggs rain gear. These super lightweight spun

polyester suits are available in a myriad of colors and sizes

(even Bob size) for around 60 bucks or so. They compress into

a small package as to not take up much room on the bike and

will last a long, long time. If you get the sport angle version the

pants are similar to bib overhauls. There may be some incur-

sion of rain but not much.

Now what about getting stung in the face by rain drops or even

worse …..hail? I wear a 3/4 helmet without a shield and in

most weather that works fine, but when it rains hard or small

hail stones start spitting out of the clouds, I need to pull over.

If I know there is a potential for rain or if it is starting to drizzle,

I can put on a temporary shield called a 5 snap shield. A univer-

sal from Vega is about 8 dollars. It packs as a flat thin piece of

plastic and virtually takes no room in your storage.

Now how about dry feet?? I know that some of you never

have dry feet, but you don't want rain to make it worse. Again,

you could use a couple of plastic grocery bags from Raley’s and

some duct tape, but looking like an ax murderer trying to pro-

tect his Forshiems may not be the look you are after. Consider

getting some tall totes or Frogg Leggs. Tall totes might require

a bit of duct tape to seal against your rain pants, but the Frogg

Leggs work with your Frogg Toggs or any other rain gear to

cover your shoes or boots and your lower leg.

Don’t forget the most important riding accessory of all,

Gloves...without good weather proof gloves riding can be mis-

erable. I carry usually 3 pair of gloves on my bike at any given

time. Breathable gloves for warm or normal days, thinsulate

gloves for when it’s a bit nippy out and weather proof gloves

for rain in the spring through fall and monster insulated double

thick Yeti hand fitting gloves for when its is cold and wet in win-


Be prepared to ride and ride safe.

Bob and Nancy Harris

From the research basement at Harris Labs.


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From Your Assistant Chapter Director Rocco

Hello all, and I do mean ALL. In the past, this newsletter only went out to the

40 or so participating members of the CA-C Chapter. Since CA-C is the fur-

thest northern Chapter in California, and since anyone who lives north of Sac-

ramento is automatically assigned to this Chapter, I figured ALL 175 members

should receive this newsletter. So to the approximately 125 members who

have been added to our mailing list, welcome.

I know most of you that live further up north, didn’t join GWRRA for the Chapter events, but

rather for the benefits, such as the Gold Book, Rescue Plus and the Wing World magazine.

While those are great reasons for joining, there is so much more GWRRA has to offer. Just

within our Chapter we have rides, usually twice a week. We have Riding Skills Practice and

Parking Lot Practices to help make you a better and safer rider. We also have fun events, such

as our Bear Fair in July that attracts riders from all over the state, north and south. But most

of all we have fun riding with, and getting to know fellow Goldwingers. That’s why I joined

almost 5 years ago, so I could meet others who ride Goldwings, and get the opportunity to

ride places I never knew existed, with people who share the same love for riding that I do.

That’s where you northerners come into play. While you may or may not want to come

down to the BIG city of Sacramento to ride, us city folk would love a tour of your beautiful ar-

ea up north. I am sure you have favorite spots you love to ride, and if you are willing to share,

we would love to join you. And if you live up near the Oregon boarder, we also do overnight


So what I am asking is this. If you would like to share your beautiful area with us, please let

us know by emailing or calling me to set up a ride date. Summer is just around the corner

and we would love to get away from the city heat. Plus, you may get to liking us city folk and

join us for some of our rides and events down here.

One other thing. In speaking with some of you by phone, I have learned that there are those

who may not ride anymore, but still have their bikes and or trailers. If you would like to sell

anything Goldwing related and see it go to a good home, shoot me an email with a descrip-

tion and, if possible, a picture, and I will gladly advertise it for you.

Well that about does it for me. Have fun, ride safe and thank you for being a member of the

GWRRA family.

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I recently read a column on Team riding responsibly. In our chapter we often doing things in

groups. We meet with our fellow chapter members for weekly dinner rides and a lot more ac-

tivities. Much of the time we ride together in groups traveling to and from various destina-


Whenever we ride in groups, someone is in the Lead position, the Road Captain. Also work-

ing with the Road Captain is the Tail gunner, or rear Drag bike, working together they secure

the lanes, etc. They communicate with each other and the rest of the team (group).

We all need to remember that even those of us in the middle of the formation have respon-

sibilities as well. We are responsible to pass on the hand signals from the lead bike, such as

for single file, stagger formation, pointing out potholes and road kills, sand in the corners and

other hazards. We need to be aware of who we are riding with too. The burden is not all on

the Road Captains. We cannot sleep because we ride in the middle of the pack. We need to

maintain safe spacing with the other bikes around us, keeping in mind that we need to ride

our own ride. We need to be aware of our surroundings and always be prepared to react to

the unexpected. Remember that just because our Road Captain is leading us, we are not ex-

cused from thinking for ourselves. We are all responsible for our safety. A good team mem-

ber has several responsibilities. Those responsibilities are:

1. Assumes a responsibility to ride with and work with the other team members for the

safety and protection of the whole team while on the road, and especially, while in


2. Maintains steady speed and spacing. This will, as I have previously talked about the Yo-

Yoing effect, disrupt the rhythm and efforts of the other team members and reduces

the benefits of riding as a team.

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3. Stays alert and announces to the other team members any obstacle, condition or po-

tential situations which could become hazardous to the team or a team member.

4. Should be aware of the other team members and maintain the formation (staggered)

and a safe riding distance (spacing) between team members. Spacing will be deter-

mined by the road, weather conditions and visibility.

Whether you ride as an individual or in a group, in order to survive on the road, your motor-

cycle riding habits and techniques must be constantly thought of as defensive. When you ride

in a group, your actions not only affect you, but the other riders as well. Therefore, it is im-

portant to recognize and remember that riding in a group is a TEAM effort. To be safe, you

must rely on the cooperation and coordination of all riders in the group.

“I never saw him. They came out of nowhere!” That’s probably the most common state-

ments heard in a motorcycle and vehicle incident. A lack of attention on the part of the driver

does explain some of the incidents. The distracted driver, cell phones, unruly children, etc. All

these can contribute, BUT some responsibility belongs to the motorcycle. I believe motorcy-

cling is a skill, and with it takes practice. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. PLP is

one of the most effective ways to keep your skills sharp. Whether you are just beginning or

have been riding for years. We all need practice whenever we can.

PLEASE NOTE: We have an official Parking Lot Practice (PLP) on April 14th, at 9 AM.

PLP is at 8101 Auburn Blvd, Citrus Heights, just south of I80.

For this event you must wear proper riding gear which includes: shoes that cover your an-

kles, full leg coverings, full hand gloves, full arm coverings and a DOT helmet.

Any questions please call me at (916) 276-8397

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Spur Of The Moment Ride

I was out in the garage doing my T-Clock on my bikes and after finishing up I looked outside

and the weather looked great. A few puffy clouds and lots of Sunshine was all that I could

see. I thought why not go for a short ride before the rain that is supposed to come in tomor-

row rears its ugly head. I made some quick phone calls and nobody else was able to make it

for a ride. At first I was going to abandon my Spur of the Moment idea, but I thought why not

just go anyway by myself. After all, the ride is the still a good idea even if it is a solo thing. I

headed out by way of White Rock and Sunrise to fill my tank and since it was so close to

Noon, I decided to take advantage of Costco and have a pauper’s lunch (Hot Dog and a Coke

for $1.50 ). I mounted up after eating and headed up the back way to Hang Town. From there

I rode on up to Jackson and then to Sonora. The weather was beautiful and all of the hills

were green from the recent rains. I was on the Classic Wing and didn’t have the convenience

of a cup holder, so I stopped for coffee and then continued on. There was really no traffic and

the roads just beckoned me to ride on and on. I decided that I really had to head for home

and so as much as I felt like riding on I decided to call it a day and head for the Barn.

By the time I pulled into the driveway my little Spur of the Moment ride ended up covering

just under 150 miles and it really did feel good to just get away and enjoy the wind and fresh

air up in the mountains. Maybe next time I will have some company on the ride.

So Long for Now

Iron Horse aka Tom J.

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A View from my Handlebars

(The aquarium that sprung a leak)

By Rodney Brooks, Past CD

Sunday, March 4th , CA-C had a trip scheduled to the Steinhart Aquarium located in

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. This was one of those trips you dream of as a motorcy-

clist. Anytime you can ride your bike and throw in the beauty of San Francisco; a match made

in heaven.

This trip started three months earlier, before we ever got on the bikes. I was gently pres-

sured to be one of a three person planning committee that would decide where the chapter

would visit the first quarter of 2012. Since I was the one to bring up going to San Francisco, I

now became the Ride Captain too. I agreed and we went on planning the balance of the calen-


March rolled around quickly. I asked Bill Palmer to add a footnote on the calendar that

we would be having a ride meeting before departing L-4. My thinking was we would break-

down the group into smaller groups of 3-4 motorcycles for ease of traveling through San Fran-

cisco. That was a great idea but we only had five (5) bikes show-up for the ride which includ-

ed; Bill Palmer, Tom Jefferies, Rich James, Lodi Chuck, myself and Linda Passini, who was

my co-rider for the day. Bob and Nancy Harris came in the car since Bob was just two days out

from hand surgery.

It was decided that I was going to be the leader and Bill Palmer would tail gun for me.

Bob and Nancy rode as out-riders with the idea of meeting us at the restaurant for breakfast,

then going back home. We proceeded West on Interstate 80 towards Fairfield. The weather had

a chill but not as bad as it could have been, God knows we’ve all ridden in much colder. The

route showed us departing L-4 (West Sacto), down the freeway to hwy 12 North towards Napa.

When we reached the “T” in the road we made a left and headed towards Vallejo to the Ameri-

can Canyon Café. I still think this place has the best value

and the sweetest waitress we have come across…I’m getting

off track. We enjoyed breakfast, gave Nancy a hug and jester

good-by to them as we continued on our trip. When we got

back on the bikes I noticed everyone shedding clothing. The

temperature gauge was showing 68 degrees and it’s only

10am. This is going to be a good day to be on a motorcycle.

The idea was to go West towards San Rafael and over the

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Golden Gate Bridge. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I had mentioned to Linda; this is a

“Chamber of Congress day”. The weather was great and the sun was shining bright. After pay-

ing the toll we proceeded towards Golden Gate Park. I was depending on my GPS to navigate

us to the address.

My GPS had a route that looked a little odd but that’s nothing new for me. We trusted it

and made all the correct turns until be got on Fulton Street. Fulton Street is the “Only” street

you can enter the park, coming from our direction. The City closes most of the feeder streets as

to control weekend traffic. Everything is good until we pass a dead skunk on Fulton. The smell

could peel paint, and to make things worse…we got stuck at the light. Thank GOD the light

turned green and all the pedestrians cleared the sidewalk so

we could bolt out of there.

Following the GPS, we entered the park. Let me re-

mind you its all one-way traffic. We’re looking around en-

joying the sights and trying to pay attention to the GPS. We

come up to a very large building with at least 250 people

standing in line to get in. The sign on the building said Sci-

ence, nothing about Steinhart Aquarium. Convinced we had

the wrong building, I suggested we look around for the

Aquarium before parking the bikes; everyone agreed. We rode on until we’re out of the park

and back on Fulton Street. Did I tell you about the dead skunk? Yes, we passed it again, much

faster this time.

Having a better idea what we’re looking for and lay of the land Linda sees a small sign

that said the aquarium is in the building that all those people

were waiting to get in. We took a quick vote as to stay or

go? The vote was to keep riding.

By this time some in the group needed to go to the bath-

room. In San Francisco that can be a “crap shoot”, yes I

mean crap shoot! Our best bet was to stay in the park all the

while heading towards the coast. The park is lovely. We

came across many picnic areas with running trails, but the

thing that really caught out attention was when we came

around the corner to see 20-30 head of Buffalo…that’s right buffalo. Up a little further was the

lake where they do RC remote boats and next to the lake was a bathroom. We stopped did our

business, looked at the boats and proceeded to the coast.

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When we got to Hwy 1 we made a left, or South, towards Half-Moon Bay. Now our at-

tention was changed from aquarium to riding, we really didn’t have a destination in mind. The

view was breathtaking. The sun was shinning, no clouds in the sky. I checked my outside temp

gauge and it was registering 70 degrees, we were in heaven! Our thoughts soon turned to

FOOD! When we started to come into Pacifica I noticed a “New” Philly Cheese Steak shop

that was open for business. We made the first right and took the side street back to the restau-

rant. When we turned into the parking lot it was full of vintage cars, needless to say it was an-

other half hour before getting in the restaurant. Everyone but “Lodi Chuck” ordered a sand-

wich. During lunch Rich James suggested we go by Al-

ice’s Restaurant on our way home. We all agreed and

since Rich is more acquainted with that part of the world

he took lead. Linda and I dropped back in second posi-


The roads to Alice’s were clean and clear. When we made

the final turn towards Alice’s Restaurant their must have

been 250 motorcycles parked, with every make and mod-

el you could have ever wanted. Someone in the group

said “next time they’re looking for a motorcycle, forget

going to the dealer, come to Alice’s to window-shop

first”. We’re thinking we might get something to drink,

but the wait for a beverage was a ½ hour. Rich noticed a

strange looking two-seat car parked in front of the res-

taurant. To me it looked like something you would use

on the Baja 500 race. Rich said it was a Limited produc-

tion car called Atom. Rich told us the cost of that car, since it was an 8 cylinder, was 148K. It

must be nice to have extra money.

It was now time to head home. Rich took us almost back to San Jose before getting on

the 880 freeway towards Livermore (back-way of course). It was predetermined we would stop

at Nations in Tracy for the customary pie and coffee before saying our final good-byes. We

strapped the helmets on for the last time of the day and headed home. As we got closer Sacra-

mento, we kept loosing fellow riders as they peeled of to head home.

We never made it inside to view and enjoy the aquarium, but that didn’t seem to stop us.

We had a great day taking in the wonderful Golden Gate Park, the one of a kind California

coast line and the most treasured gift of all… my riding friends.

Keep the rubber side down, Rodney Brooks, Past CD, GWRRA

CA-C Sacramento Capital City Wings

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Tom Whitson returned the Wing Nut at the March Chapter Meeting with a phenomenal $60 for the

Charity Account. Thanks so much, Tom!

Spike Redding solicited nominations for the dubious distinction of the March recipient. Tom Jef-

fries, with support from Tom Whitson, threw his dollar in the ring for Ken Knox. While on a Patriot

Guard Mission, Ken refused to wear his helmet at the cemetery after being asked and reminded 5

times during a slow ride on private property. Discussion followed about the mission of GWRRA, the

need to set an example of safe riding and the legality of riding without a helmet at a slow speed.

Rodney Brooks re-nominated Noland Mayo for last month's transgressions. Noland had not worn

a helmet and seat belt while riding in a motorcycle side car. Rodney added that 93% of accidents

happen at slow speeds and close to home.

Tom Jeffries also chimed in with another nomination for Noland. While on a PGR mission, Noland

asked Tom Whitson about the Wing Nut, but failed to report to the others that Tom Whitson did not

have it on his person. Ken Knox added that Noland did pass that information along, only after Tom

Whitson was out of CB radio range, thereby depriving the group of the opportunity to increase the

charity donation.

Lucky Noland Mayo! He was bound to win the Wing Nut eventually after escaping last month. The

group does not forget very easily and gave him an enthusiastic round of applause. So give Noland

a call at (916) 276-8397 to make sure that he has it with him sometime during the month.

April 2nd—Melanie Mayo

April 9th—Rocco

April 10th—Myrna Ernst

April 16th—Sharon Scoggins

April 21st—Bill Palmer

April 25th—Amil Gray

April 25th—Bill Fox

April 8th—Elmer & Joan Tivner

April 17th—Ken & Dianne Knox

April 17th—Felix & Pamela Gonzales

April 26th—Bob & Nancy Harris

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District Director’s Review

March 2012. . . What’s the significance of March, really. In my opinion, March

is the best month of the year, and not because its my Birthday month. March is a

time when everything starts to wake up after a long cold winter. March brings

more change than any other month in the year. Changes like Daylight Savings

time change, all the trees sporting their new foliage, everyone becomes Irish on

St Patrick’s Day, and we change from Winter to Spring on March 20th.

If you live in Washington DC, this is the time of year when the Cherry Blos-

soms are in full bloom, simply amazing. March is also the best month of the year

for planet watching! Mercury, the innermost planet, makes its best evening ap-

pearance for the year in the Northern Hemisphere. All over the world, Mars

shines at its greatest brilliance for the year – and moreover, the red planet stays

out all night long. Plus, the brightest and second-brightest planets – Venus and

Jupiter, respectively – come together for a stunning conjunction in mid-March.

Saturn, the farthest and faintest visible planet, is nonetheless as bright as the

brightest stars, and its glorious rings are surprisingly easy to view through a

backyard telescope. Did you Know March was named for the Roman God "Mars"?

Need more March Madness? March also boasts National Pig Day, Peanut But-

ter Lovers' Day, Employee Appreciation Day, National Salesperson Day, Old

Stuff Day, I Want You to be Happy Day, If Pets Had Thumbs Day, National An-

them Day, Peach Blossom Day, Holy Experiment Day, Hug a GI Day, Multiple Per-

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sonality Day, Dentist's Day, National Frozen Food Day, National Crown Roast of

Pork Day, Be Nasty Day, International (Working) Women's Day, Popcorn Lover's

Day, Panic Day, Middle Name Pride Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, Worship of Tools

Day, Girl Scouts Day, Plant a Flower Day, Ear Muff Day Jewel Day, Learn about

Butterflies Day National Potato Chip Day, National Pi Day- (Why March? Because

Pi = 3.14, Everything You Think is Wrong Day, Ides of March, Incredible Kid Day,

Dumbstruck Day, Everything You Do is Right Day, Freedom of Information Day,

National Quilting Day, Submarine Day, St. Patrick's Day, Goddess of Fertility

Day, Supreme Sacrifice Day, Poultry Day, International Earth Day, Extraterres-

trial Abductions Day, Proposal Day, Fragrance Day, National Goof Off Day, Na-

tional Chip and Dip Day, Near Miss Day, National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day,

Pecan Day, Waffle Day, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, National "Joe" Day,

Something on a Stick Day, National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day, Smoke

and Mirrors Day, National Doctor's Day, I am in Control Day, Take a Walk in the

Park Day, Bunsen Burner Day, National Clam on the Half Shell Day, and last but

not least – National hug a District Director Day. OK, I made that one up, but how

about “Hug your CD today”???

If that isn’t enough to fill your March calendar, March also brings us CA-1R’s

“The Rally in the Valley”, I hope to see you all in Las Vegas.

Until we meet again, “Hang on – we’re going for a ride”.

Bill & Rene Johnson

GWRRA – California District Directors

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Chapter Directors Bob & Nancy Harris 209-744-8560 [email protected]

Assistant Chapter Directors

Membership Enhancement Coordinator

Scot Smith

Mary Kimbell-Smith 916-647-9013

[email protected]

[email protected]

Assistant Chapter Director

Rocco 916-743-2358 [email protected]

Assistant Membership Enhancement

Coordinator Rocco 916-743-2358 [email protected]

Chapter Educator Noland Mayo 916-276-8397 [email protected]

Treasurer Cathy Flowers 916-363-4349 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Rocco 916-743-2358 [email protected]

Chapter Auction Bob Stephens 916-372-2260 [email protected]

After Chapter Meeting

Ride Coordinator Rich James 559-901-0092 [email protected]

Chapter Stores Rodney & Anita

Brooks 916-601-9461 [email protected]

Webmaster Bill Palmer 916-416-8423 [email protected]

Sunshine Coordinator Sharon Scoggins 916-681-6595 [email protected]

Chapter Photographers Bill Palmer




[email protected]

[email protected]

50/50 & Raffle Tom & Barbara

Jefferies 916-682-3469 [email protected]

Wing Nut Bob Harris 209-744-8560 [email protected]

CACACA---C TeamC TeamC Team

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Meeting Date/Time Chapter Chapter Director Meeting Location 3rd Sunday CAC Bob and Nancy Harris Elks Lodge #6 (Sacramento)

8:30 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.capitalcitywings.com 209-744-8560 6446 Riverside Blvd.—Sacramento

1st Saturday CA1A Gary & Dee Bowers Greenhouse Café

8:30 Breakfast 9:15 Meeting www.ca1a.org 661-792-6754 1169 Commerce Center Drive—

3rd Saturday CA1C Sherman & Dorie Jared Burger Time

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting 760-989-7138 78365 Varner Road—Palm Desert

3rd Sunday CA1D Tim McShane Paramount Elks Lodge

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1-d.com 562-920-6564 8108 E. Alondra Blvd.—Paramount

2nd Saturday CA1F Dana & Carol Rowley The Broken Yolk Café

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1f.org 619-921-5419 1851 Garnet Avenue—San Diego

(Pacific Beach Area)

1st Sunday CA1I Gary & Denece Newman Covina Bowl

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1i.org 909-949-9832 1060 W. San Bernardino Road


Last Saturday CA1K Nadine Galli Home Town Buffet

8:30 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.ca-1k.org 818-398-0763 6705 N. Fallbrook Avenue

Canoga Park

2nd Saturday CA1L Fred “Rusty”& Janey Angleton International House of Pancakes

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1l.org 805-345-8776 212 Madonna Road—San Luis Obispo

2nd Sunday CA1M Steve & Sandy Damico The Food Connection

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.ca1m.org 909-391-4021 22400 Barton Rd—Grand Terrace

3rd Saturday CA1N Len & Carolyn Foley Grandma BB’s Café

7:30 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1n.org 760-467-9450 539 Vista Bella—Oceanside

2nd Sunday CA1Q Pat & Ellen O'Donnell Hof’s Hut

7:30 Breakfast 8:00 Meeting gwrra-ca1q.org 714-525-3993 7005 Knott Avenue—Buena Park

1st Sunday CA1R Cathy & George Diaz Home Town Buffet

7:00 Breakfast 8:00 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1r.org 949-551-4896 1008 East 17th St — Santa Ana

3rd Saturday CA1S Joel Jolitz Carrow’s Restaurant

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.ca1s.org 805-216-6661 2401 Harbor Blvd.—Ventura

(Park in back)

3rd Sunday CA1V Mike & Barri Critzman Maxwell's

7:30 Breakfast 8:00 Meeting www.gwrraca1v.org 760-949-2186 17772 Wika Road—Apple Valley

1st Saturday CA1Z John & Linda Boman Home Town Buffet

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.gwrra-ca1z.org 951-440-0657 40390 Margarita Road—Temecula

1st Saturday CA2A Greg & Kay Boyajian Old Salles Cafe

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.gwrraca2a.org 559-638-4937 2082 N. J Street —Tulare

2nd Saturday CA2J Alex & Marcy Ageev Home Town Buffet

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrradeltawings.com 925-497-4480 2050 Diamond Blvd.—Concord

4th Sunday CA2K Steve & Karen Palatino Jack & Linda’s Country Cafe

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrraca2k.org 707-426-4847 2390 N. Texas Street—Fairfield

2nd Saturday CA2N Lee & Barbara Spencer Pine Tree Restaurant and Lounge

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.goldcountrywings.org 209-996-4664 19601 Hess Avenue—Sonora

(off Highway 108)

3rd Saturday CA2Q Steve & Jacque Foster Coco’s Restaurant

8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting www.gwrra-ca2q.org 925-829-3747 7505 Dublin Blvd.—Dublin

3rd Saturday CA2S Charlie & Deborah Porzio Home Town Buffet

8:00 Breakfast 8:45 Meeting www.ca2s.org 408-710-6227 212 Ranch Drive—Milpitas

1st Saturday CA2W Jim & Caren Moody Yosemite Falls Cafe

8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Meeting www.ca2w-gwrra.org 559-974-9193 4020 N. Cedar Avenue—Fresno

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April 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



Fools Day

2 3 4 5 Dinner Ride

5 Guys Pizza

Elk Grove

Meet @ 5 Guys






Day Ride

Daffodil Hill

L-7 @ 9:00

Brkfst Prior



9 Planning



Dinner @ 5:30

Meeting @


10 11

Dinner Ride

Elephant Bar


L-7 @ 6:30

12 13 14 Parking Lot


8101 Auburn

Blvd, Citrus


9 AM

15 Chapter


Elk’s Lodge #6

Breakfast 8:30

Meeting 9:00

16 17

Dinner Ride


W Sacramento

L-4 @ 6:30

18 19 20

3 Day Trip


Brkfst Prior

L-5 @ 9 AM





23 24

Dinner Ride


W Sacramento

L-4 @ 6:30

25 26 27 28



Amador County

Wine Country

L-7 @ 9:00


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May 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 Spaghetti




L3 @ 6:30




Day Ride


L4 @ 9:00

7 8




L2 @ 6:30


10 11 12


Car & Bike


L2 @ 7:00




14 Planning



Dinner @ 5:30

Meeting @



16 17




L2 @ 6:30



Day Ride


Stumpy Mead-


L7 @ 9:00

20 Chapter


Elks Lodge #6

Breakfast 8:30

Meeting 9:00

21 23 Dinner

Purple Place

Bar & Grill

El Dorado Hills

L7 @ 6:30

23 24 25

Region F


St George, UT

26 Region F


2 Day Ride

Fort Bragg

L1 @ 8:30


Region F

Fort Bragg




29 30 31


El Aztecz


L6 @ 6:30

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Capital City Wings

Departure Locations L-1 Interstate 80 @ West El Camino Blvd. Chevron Gas Station

2738 El Centro Rd (49er Truck Stop)

L-2 Hwy 99 @ Laguna Blvd. Chevron Gas Station

8296 Laguna Blvd.

L-3 Folsom Blvd. @ Power Inn Rd. Chevron Gas Station

8098 Folsom Blvd.

L-4 Interstate 80 @ Enterprise Blvd. Chevron Gas Station

4800 West Capitol Ave.

L-5 Elk Grove Blvd & Interstate 5 Chevron Gas Station

9615 West Taron Drive

L-6 Sierra College Blvd & Interstate 80 Chevron Gas Station

4211 Sierra College Blvd. (North side of freeway)

L-7 Sunrise Blvd & White Rock Blvd. McDonald’s Restaurant

11250 White Rock Blvd.

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Carmichael Honda Motorsports

7829 Fair Oaks Blvd Carmichael CA 95608

1018 East Chestnut Ave - Unit I

Santa Ana, CA 92701

(714) 836-8584

JBJ Cycles, Inc. is committed to excellence in Gold Wing service

As well as repair, restoration, and trike conversions.

We install genuine Honda parts and the finest after-market accessories.