April Ganja Gazette

April 2013 Also in this issue |Top 3 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana | More Governments Open up to Marijuana 4/20 Music & Culture Festival | Hash Contest | Grower’s Corner | Edible Review & Recipe | News of the Weird Daniel Marley wants to be...


Natures Herbs and Wellness Ganja Gazette publication! 4/20

Transcript of April Ganja Gazette

Page 1: April Ganja Gazette

April 2013

Also in this issue |Top 3 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana | More Governments Open up to Marijuana4/20 Music & Culture Festival | Hash Contest | Grower’s Corner | Edible Review & Recipe | News of the Weird

4/20/2013 @ Natures Herbs

Jammin’ with you!

Daniel Marley wants to be...

Page 2: April Ganja Gazette

IN This Issue

The Ganja Gazette is a monthly publication. The first copy of each Ganja Gazette is free. Each additional copy is $4.20. For more information call 970-353-1170. ©2013 Natures Gazette, LLC

Cooking With Cannabis Page 4Sudoku Page 4Hash Contest Page 6MMJ-What’s It Good For? Page 7 Top Three Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Edibles in Review Page 10Bud-O-Scopes Page 11WonderWord Page 11Grower’s Corner Page 12 8 Tips For Successfully Cloning Cannabis Clones

News of The Weird Page 14Foreign Correspondent Page 15

4/20 Issue

DAILY SPECIALSKickin’ It Sunday: $8 Grams on Premium

Medicate Me Monday: 2 Pre-Rolled Joints for $7

Tokin’ Tuesday: 10% Off Bubble Hash

Wheelin’ Wednesday: Spin The Prize Wheel After Any $20 Purchase For Your Chance

To Win Sick Prizes!

Sassy Grass Thursday: Buy One Get One 1/2 Off

On The Edible Of The Week

Twisted Friday: Buy A Top Shelf 1/8th And

Get A Pre-Rolled For A Penny.Buy A Premium Cap1/8 AndGet a Pre-Rolled For $1.00

Pick Your Special Saturday: Pick Any One Of Our Daily Specials


Altitude Wellness Center 3435 S. Yosemite St.

Denver, CO 80231303.751.7888


Natures Herbs &Wellness Center

522 27th St.,Garden City, CO 80631



MonthlySavingsCheck out the Ganja Gazette each

month for savings on your medication.

Must be a licensed Colorado medical marijuana patient to purchase medicine.

Half Gram atAmbrosiaStation

Buy a Quarter of Premium or Top Shelf.

Get a FREE Gram

Not valid with any other specials - Two coupons per patient, per month Expires 4/30/13

Not valid with any other specials - Two coupons per patient, per month Expires 4/30/13

Not valid with any other specials - Two coupons per patient, per month Expires 4/30/13

Not valid with any other specials - Two coupons per patient, per month Expires 4/30/13

Not valid with any other specials - Two coupons per patient, per month Expires 4/30/13

$2 Off



$5 Off




Bubble Hash

of equal or lesser value

Page 3: April Ganja Gazette

IN This IssueCooking With Cannabis Page 4Sudoku Page 4Hash Contest Page 6MMJ-What’s It Good For? Page 7 Top Three Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Edibles in Review Page 10Bud-O-Scopes Page 11WonderWord Page 11Grower’s Corner Page 12 8 Tips For Successfully Cloning Cannabis Clones

News of The Weird Page 14Foreign Correspondent Page 15

MEDICATIONat a higher level

DAILY SPECIALSKickin’ It Sunday: $8 Grams on Premium

Medicate Me Monday: 2 Pre-Rolled Joints for $7

Tokin’ Tuesday: 10% Off Bubble Hash

Wheelin’ Wednesday: Spin The Prize Wheel After Any $20 Purchase For Your Chance

To Win Sick Prizes!

Sassy Grass Thursday: Buy One Get One 1/2 Off

On The Edible Of The Week

Twisted Friday: Buy A Top Shelf 1/8th And

Get A Pre-Rolled For A Penny.Buy A Premium Cap1/8 AndGet a Pre-Rolled For $1.00

Pick Your Special Saturday: Pick Any One Of Our Daily Specials

Altitude Wellness Center

3435 S. Yosemite St. 303.751.7888

altitudewellnesscenter.comOpen 9am-7pm Daily

Shelf Gram 1/8 1/4 1/2 Oz.

Top Shelf $12 $35 $70 $120 $210

Premium $10 $30 $60 $110 $190

Bud ofThe Day $7 $2450 $49 $90 $170

Page 4: April Ganja Gazette

1. Combine your flour, yeast and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Slowly add water to your dough and consistantly mix to maintain consistancy. Cover the bowl with a towel or cloth and set aside in a somewhat warm place to rise for 30-45 minutes.2. Uncover, adding the salt and 2 tbsp of melted CannaButter, and mix into a dough ball. Coat this ball in a layer of flour.3. On a low temperature, simmer any toppings you want in your 5 tbsp of CannaButter. Next, add the tomatoes and oregano and allow to simmer, stirring occasionally, until it is develops into a sauce.4. Roll your dough into two separate but even balls. Flatten these and spread your sauce over the dough, subsequently adding the cheese and any more toppings you want.5. Bake in the oven for 13 to 18 minutes at 375°F and enjoy.

How to make:

CannabisPizza x2Provided by: Tucker Eldridge

Ingredients Needed:



Dough:3 cups flour 1 oz. and 1 tsp. yeast 8 fl. oz. water 1 tbsp granulated sugar 2 tbsp melted CannaButter (potency depends on dosage of your butter)Toppings:2 cups grated cheese of your choice 1 large can of chopped tomatoes 3 tsp freshly ground oregano Any other desired toppings 5 tbsp melted CannaButter

Page 5: April Ganja Gazette

Super Dank Dez Daze

Page 6: April Ganja Gazette

Natures Herbs and Wellness Center522 27th St., Garden City, CO 80631


The Ambrosia or Cannabis Caviar is created by taking the strain of your choice from our case, then its drizzled with hash oil testing at 88-90%THC and is topped off with a

sprinkling of Keef (Sativa, Indicia or Mix) creating a very strong and potent high. If you are wanting a stronger, longer lasting high,

The Ambrosia Station will suit your needs.

$15 for 1/2 Gram • $30 per Gram

We have added a new delight for you to savor...

Ambrosia Station

Suggestions Here!Hash Contest at Nature’s Herbs and Altitude Wellness CentersBy: Trey Gochenour, The Hash Man

I have had the

privilege of making Bubble Hash for Natures Herbs and Wellness for almost a year. I would like to share some of my experiences and knowledge with you. In the next few months I will be go-ing over the history and different types of hash. Things like

how to store it and how it is made. I would love to hear any sugges-tions you may have as far as any par-ticular strains you would like to have made into hash. To go along with that concept, I am start-ing a contest. Put your suggestions into the jars at Na-ture’s Herbs or at Altitude, our Denver store. If your card is pulled, you will win a free gram of the

hash that you sug-gested be made. To get to know some of you hash lovers out there, I will be doing a demonstration on 4/20 at Nature’s Herbs and Wellness. I will be glad to an-swer any questions you may have about Bubble Hash at that time. Don’t forgetto put your suggestions in the drawing because

the contest starts this month! Looking forward to meet

ing you all and until next time, keep your Stash full of Hash!

Page 7: April Ganja Gazette

by: Alvin Dy Marijuana legaliza-tion is a very hot is-sue. At the very least, it is very controver-sial. Once you serve up marijuana legalization as a topic for discus-sion anywhere in the United States, you can have all sorts of peo-ple and groups going at each other’s throats. On the one hand, you have the sick and their relatives who just want to be granted ac-cess to a substance that they need to help alle-viate the symptoms or heal their diseases. You have the medical ex-perts and the doctors who would vouch for the efficacy of medical marijuana to treat cer-tain diseases. You have myriads of studies say-ing that marijuana, or some forms of it, is not addictive. On the other, you have rabid oppo-nents. Church types and anti-crime groups who say that marijua-na is not only addictive but would lead to moral decay and more crime, hence a degenerate so-ciety. There are also those politicians who just want to muddle the issue by coming up with announcements and press releases about the evils of marijuana. Surely, the move to legalize marijua-na has been met with a lot of resistance and opposition. But here

are three reasons why states should legalize marijuana.

1. It is what the people want. Until now, it baf-fles us how the Feder-al government could move against people in Colorado, Washington and other states where the people themselves have voted to legalize marijuana. The Unit-ed States is the world’s biggest democracy and one of its biggest facets is the right to suffrage. At the very least, it is confounding to see the Federal govern-ment not respecting the people’s choice to legal marijuana, whether it is medical or not. The legalization of medical marijuana in 18 states and the District of Co-lumbia went through the usual phases and processes. In fact, mar-ijuana legalization often goes under more scru-tiny, more discussions and more debates than any other law. And so the legalization process takes more time. What’s more, mar-ijuana legislation un-dergoes the ballot ini-tiative. This leaves it to the state’s constitu-ents to decide whether or not they want legal marijuana around. To have all these pro-cesses rendered moot is just nauseating. Fed-eral law still lists mar-ijuana as a dangerous

substance, in fact as dangerous as heroin and other truly harmful drugs. The Federal gov-ernment, for reasons unknown and suspect, still wants to treat mar-ijuana as a substance from hell. Laughable, but true. And far from being funny. This is not how a de-mocracy works. What-ever happened to re-specting what the voters want?

2. It is humane. How would you feel if every single day of your life, you are wracked with intense pain? A pain so real that it blinds you, and pre-vents you from work-ing, from going out of the house, and from living a normal life? For most patients and suf-ferers who rely on med-ical marijuana, this is how they go through each day of their lives without cannabis. For most people with chronic diseases and severe illnesses, the only thing that could help them manage the symptoms is medical marijuana. In fact, it would not be an ex-aggeration to say that medical marijuana is the only thing that keeps them alive, or wanting to be alive in the first place. Because admit it or not, some people do not respond well to prescription drugs.

Besides, pre-scription drugs have side ef-fects that mari-juana does not have. Prescrip-tion drugs are also more addic-tive. Now imagine taking away the one thing that makes your life bearable. Isn’t that cruel? It is like watch-ing somebody drown, only when it comes to marijua-na and the diseases it heals, it takes hours, days and months even to see somebody die. For the most part, terminally ill patients of cancer, chronic pain, HIV and AIDS and oth-er similar diseases will not even care if they get addicted to medical marijuana. The chanc-es of developing addic-tion is already very low, and if it can help alle-viate their symptoms, then they will choose it. Which brings us to our top reason for legal-izing marijuana:

3. It is all about choice. Marijuana legaliza-tion is more than just politics and income for the state. It is all about choice. When you le-galize marijuana, you are giving patients the choice to use it as a way to manage the symp-

toms of their diseases and in some instances heal the disease itself. If a patient is not sold on marijuana being safe to use, or if they do not like to be addicted, they have the choice to stick to traditional prescrip-tion drugs or any alter-native healing methods that work for them. But for those patients who have tried medical mar-ijuana and were helped by it, it would nice if they are able to get it at an amount necessary for them, and conve-niently or without being nervous that some po-liceman would pounce on them. If you get right down to it, marijuana legal-ization is a discussion of health care and pa-tients’ rights. By con-tinuing to oppose mar-ijuana legalization, it is apparent that we are not yet ready to move into an age where we could respect another person’s rights and an-other person’s choices.

MMJ — What’s It Good For? Top Three Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Page 8: April Ganja Gazette
Page 9: April Ganja Gazette
Page 10: April Ganja Gazette

Edibles in Review:

Hello everyone, and happy 4/20! April is a beautiful time of the year because spring is in the air. I love the fact that Colorado gets all four seasons in one year, sometimes in one day! April is a great month for enjoying the outdoors in our awesome state. I also know that our unofficial (not recognized by the normal calendar) holiday is later this month, so I hope everyone will celebrate somewhere safe. Might I recommend “Solar Burning” on a sunny day? If you don’t know what this is, you use a magnifying glass instead of a lighter. Remember when kids used to burn ants with magnifying glasses? Exactly. I also know many of you will head to Boulder to partake in their big Smoke-a-thon. I will be at Nature’s Herbs and Wellness for their big 4/20 event. There will be live music, a beer garden, food vendors, and of course the medication available at Nature’s. Admission is free; it will kick off at noon and will go until eight that night. I know Nature’s will have some amazing deals that day, so I hope to see and meet a lot of you there. You can tell me what you think of my reviews! I hope many of you got to try the Dew Drops from last month’s review. I want to thank Christie and the staff a Dixie’s again for all their help on the research for the review of the drops. I understand many of you want the THC effect along with the pain relief, so I wanted to let you

know that Dixie’s makes two different Dew Drops, one that contains all CBD for pain relief, but the other one has THC in it for the psychoactive effect. The one with THC in it comes in a couple of flavors (Spearmint, Vanilla) and it tastes really good. I had the Vanilla flavored one and it worked just like it should with a kick of that THC feeling added to it. Ideal use for these products would be the CBD-only drops during the day, and the other drops (the ones with THC) at nighttime. You could totally manage your pain or anxiety using these two products without ever smelling of medicine. Great for work or anytime you are around people and can’t get away to medicate. These two products I would highly recommend for any patient. Now, the one I have been waiting for and I hope many of you try for 4/20 is “The Mile High-er” edible from Incredibles. They are the makers of the different flavored chocolate bars like the Monkey Bar, Peach Dream, Blueberry Bliss, Strawberry Cough Crunch, and the Fireberry. They first made a “Mile High” bar that contained 125mgs of medicine, but this new one has a little more kick to it. Okay, a lot more kick to it! I never had the original, but this one I had to try. When you open the package, it looks like a three-piece “Kit-Kat” with a big medicated mint “M” drizzled on top of the three pieces. I’m thinking the “M” stands for

mile but I could be wrong. Anyway, this bad boy comes in with a whopping 300mgs of medication, but the best part is that the medication is in three equal pieces. Each bar contains about a 100mgs of medication totaling the 300mgs I said earlier. Given the strength of the medication, I decided to give it a try while I went camping. My buddies and I went camping during a week that was really warm. We only went for two nights, but the weather was awesome and the mint chocolate bars were amazing. I decided to not to go into a comma and take all three pieces at once, but broke one out of the three pieces in half so I had two portions each containing one and a half bars, roughly equaling 150mgs of medication. Let me tell you, I did not need to smoke or do anything else, it was great.

The medication kicked in a lot faster than I expected and it lasted a very long time. I took the one and a half pieces around 3pm, and the effect lasted throughout the night. It was very strong a couple hours into it, but still lingered around during the wee hours of the night. I could feel the medication all over my bod, it was very strong. I would NOT recommend driving or operating any type of machinery if you decide to take all three bars, it’s that strong. You shouldn’t drive

while medicated anyway, that’s what the laws say, so be careful when using any edibles because you might not know how your body will react to eating THC instead of smoking it. Once again, Happy 4/20 to all of you and please enjoy yourself, but be safe. Come join me at Nature’s Herbs and Wellness in Garden City for the big event, I promise it will be a blast. If I don’t see you there, I will see you next month, and remember to always medicate with care.

Fu-Qua JohnsonGanja Gazette

Higher Than A Mile

Page 11: April Ganja Gazette

Bud-o-Scopes Horoscopes at a higher level

AriesMar. 21 - Apr. 19You’ll have several admirers this month,

some secret and some very vocal. Try not to let this go to your head, because you won’t be this popular every month of your life.

TaurusApr. 20-May 20You’ll be feeling very materialis-tic this month, swimming in your piles of cash like Scrooge McDuck. The uni-verse urges you to be gener-ous. Share the wealth!

GeminiMay 21- June 20Your career is quickly becoming a big focus for you as your mind turns to promotions

and raises and increased ad-oration from your coworkers. Don’t forget about your per-sonal life, though, as people there adore you, too.

CancerJune 21-July 22It’s time to start donating your oodles of spare time to those less fortunate. Check out your local shelters (homeless, animal, what have you) to see where you do the best good.

LeoJuly 23 - Aug. 22You are an absolute inspiration! Whether

that’s for the good or for the bad is up to you, so choose wisely.

VirgoAug. 23 - Sep. 22Don’t let the muck of day to day trials and tribulations bog you down. Keep your head held high and soldier on.

LibraSep. 23 - Oct. 22Open your eyes to the possibilities! It is time

for you to broaden your hori-zons and gain new perspec-tive. Do something you never thought you would do in a million years.

ScorpioOct. 23 - Nov. 21Flexibility is the name of the game this month—flexibility of time, that is. A lot of random stuff is going to come your way. Do your best to fit it all in and have a little fun!

SagittariusNov.22 -Dec.21You’re feeling very creative this

month. Let those creative juices flow by starting a new project. Paint a table! Knit some footie pajamas! Build a new house for your mother!

CapricornDec. 22 -Jan. 19You’ve been craving a change of pace, maybe a change of scenery. How about buying one of those treadmills with a rotat-ing backdrop like the ones in Scooby Doo?

AquariusJan. 20 - Feb. 18When bad things happen, just go with the flow. Stand

strong, and you’ll see the good things wash back to-ward you, sweeping the bad away.

PiscesFeb.19 - Mar. 20Happy Birthday! Feast upon a Choc-olate Get Wasted cake and partake in a few rounds of Pin the Tail on the Donkey.


Page 12: April Ganja Gazette

Rooting Canna-bis clones can be a daunting task. These are some tips to help improve your survival rates, as well as some addi-tional factors to be aware of when trying to successfully turn cuttings into clones.

1. Your Mother Plant Health is crucial to the overall health of the cuttings taken from it. Taking cut-tings from mothers that are diseased, pest ridden, or de-ficient in nutrients will result in cuttings sharing those same characteristics.

2. Maintaining an ideal Temperature range helps cut-tings root as quick-ly as possible. Try keeping your domes within the range of 65° to 75° Fahren-heit. Also, when us-ing seedling mats, watch the tempera-tures inside of your domes, as the mats can increase the temperature inside your dome outside of your acceptable range.3. Keeping the vents on your dome com-pletely sealed allows Humidity to remain around 95%, which is where you want

it. This keeps plant stoma closed and prevents your Can-nabis clone from wilting with no root structure. When roots begin to devel-op, you can begin opening the vents to lower humidity and allow your clones to transpire, and con-sequently use their roots, for the first time.

4. The Media you use to root in should be light and airy, with plenty of struc-ture and good water retention. You want your fledgling roots moving through the path of least resis-tance; and still al-lowing your media to support your root structure and retain moisture is import-ant to maintain rap-id root development. Things like Rockwool in hydroponics, or seedling starter mix-es for soil will be ef-fective media to root into.

5. Over Watering and under watering can also be huge im-pediments to suc-cess when prop-agating cannabis asexually. Over wa-tered clones do not have a high enough ratio of oxygen with-

in their media to initiate root growth. This also creates an ideal environment in which pathogen-ic bacteria and fun-gus can thrive and wreak havoc on your tender new cuttings. Under watering will cause a clone to dry out, wilt, and die in a relatively short pe-riod.

6. When rooting clones, they tend to root more quick-ly and respond with less shock if you keep their Light cy-cle consistent with that of the mother plants. This is what these cuttings are already used to and so this provides us an opportunity to minimize stress on our new cuttings. Also, CFLs (compact florescent lights) and T5s (traditional 5 cm fluorescent bulbs), are more than ad-equate to root your clones under. Light that is too bright can cause stunting of root growth and can even kill your cut-ting.

7. Using cloning spe-cific Nutrients is also an important step to quick and healthy root development. Cuttings benefit from

a unique ratio of nu-trients compared to growing plants. The goal of a cutting is to focus all of its energy on root development, and none into veg-etative or flowering growth. This means a very low strength, well balanced nu-trient is ideal, al-though success can be had with plain water, rooting hor-mone, and a touch of patience. Use a high quality rooting hormone product such as Clonex, Hor-mex, or Dip n’ Grow, and make sure your cutting comes tightly into contact with the surrounding rooting media as this gives fledgling root tips something to grab onto.

8. Using Beneficial bacteria and fun-gi can also greatly improve the health and root develop-

ment rate of your clones. Developing these populations early will allow them to work symbiotical-ly with your clones’ new root systems in seeking out nutri-ents and developing a strong, well devel-oped root system. They will also act to out compete, or “crowd out,” any po-tential harmful bac-teria or fungi that may impede root de-velopment or harm the health of our new clone. To everyone out there who clone to sustain genetics, who clone to main-tain self-sufficiency, and to those that are just trying cloning for the first time, I hope this informa-tion helps. And as always, feel free to send in any ques-tions to [email protected].

By: Tucker EldridgeGROWER’S CORNER 8 Tips for Successfully Rooting Cannabis Clones

Page 13: April Ganja Gazette

Everyday Low PricesEveryday Low Prices

And WellnessNatures Herbs970-353-1170

522 27th StreetGarden City, CO


OPEN DAILY8:00 am to 7:00 pmNaturesHerbsAnd


Gram 1/8 1/4 1/2 Oz. Top Shelf $12 $35 $70 $120 $210 Premium $10 $30 $60 $110 $190Bud of the Day $7 $2450 $49 $90 $170

Kickin’ It SUNDAY $8 Grams on all Premium Caps

Medicate Me MONDAY Two Pre-Rolleds for $7

Tokin’ TUESDAY 10% OFF Bubble Hash

Wheeling WEDNESDAY Spin the Prize Wheel

with a $20 Purchase for a Chance to

Win Awesome Prizes!

Sassy Grass THURSDAY Edible of the Week - Buy One Get

One1/2 OFF

Twisted FRIDAY Buy any Top Shelf 1/8 &

get a Pre-Rolled for 1¢ Buy any Premium Cap 1/8 &

get a Pre-Rolled for $1

Pick Your Special SATURDAYChoose from any Special of the Week

Daily SpecialsDaily Specials

Page 14: April Ganja Gazette

Recurring Themes

Police Report

In April, a woman in Swit-zerland identified as “Anna Gut,” in her early 50s, starved to death after try-ing to prove that she could survive by “consuming” only sunlight, just as had

happened to several others before her. An earlier prac-titioner, Australian Ellen Greve, died in 1999 at age 54 following a short career promoting “breatharian-ism,” subtitled in her books

and public lectures, “Lib-eration from the drudgery of food and drink.” None of the ones who have made similar claims and sur-vived have submitted to 24/7 monitoring.

Suspicions Confirmed: In March, WTNH-TV in New Haven, Conn., obtained an “internal” police memorandum referencing a challenge from state troopers in one barracks to “out-perform” colleagues in another barracks -- in writing traffic tickets. The memo, from Lt. Anthony Schirillo, refers

to the need “to issue at least 60 infractions/mis-demeanors each shift.” “One day Troop F issued 301 tickets. Troop G re-sponded by issuing 345 ... We can do better.” “I am asking that every-one, myself included, contribute to this effort.” “Note: If we happen to issue 350 tickets in one day that would be stel-lar.” (The station spoke to Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut state police, who denied that quotas are given.)

Officials in Burnsville, Minn., have brought the full force of the law to bear upon Mitch Faber (who was arrested, forced to pay a high bail, and re-leased under electronic monitoring and only on condition of drug test-ing), whom they have charged with the crime

of not putting proper siding on his house. Ac-cording to a March re-port on KSTP-TV, Faber said he started re-siding, but when the economy turned bad in 2008, he stopped, assuming that the worst he could even-tually suffer would be a fine.

Government in Action

Least Competent Criminals(1) Eric King, 21, was leav-ing a store in Eagan, Minn., in February when a police officer in the parking lot noticed his pronounced waddle. King was arrest-ed when the officer found a shoplifted 19-inch tele-vision set down his pants. (2) In March, a 34-year-old Lithuanian-born man led police in Wiltshire, En-

gland, in a nighttime foot chase after he had aroused their suspicion. Thermal imaging equipment was used from a helicopter to spot the man in the dark-ness. He was arrested “hid-ing” face-down in a manure pit. (Though he originally fled, there was little evi-dence against him, and he was released.)

Chuck Shepard’s News of Weird

Huh, that’s weird...

Page 15: April Ganja Gazette

With all the medical ben-efits one can get from mar-ijuana, including helping ease the pain of patients, as well as allowing them to manage their symptoms more effectively, it would only be a matter of time be-fore the states would be en-lightened enough to make sure that their constituents would be able to have ac-cess to medical marijuana as they need them. If medical benefits are not enough, there are also other indirect advantages of legalizing marijuana. For one, it would free up re-sources. The police would no longer have to spend time trying to pursue cas-es of marijuana possession and use. This means that not only will they be able to focus on real crimes, they would be saving money as well. Speaking of money, le-galized marijuana could easily bring millions of dol-lars into the state coffers. This additional revenue could be a lot of help when funneled into other state programs such as those on education and health care, or other projects. With all these good ef-fects, is it any wonder if more and more state gov-ernments are opening their eyes to legalizing medical marijuana? In fact, a lot of states are now debating the issue

of whether to join the 18 states and the District of Columbia who have al-ready legalized marijuana. In Maryland, Gov. Mar-tin O’Malley’s administra-tion has stepped down its opposition to a proposed bill that would make it le-gal for nurses and doctors to give their patients med-ical marijuana. The move is widely seen to be one roadblock less to the passage of the proposed bill, which is up for voting later this year. Maryland’s secretary of health and mental hygiene, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, says that the only thing that is preventing the gover-nor from fully giving the medical marijuana bill the green light is the specter of legal action and prosecu-tion against state employ-ees. The governor also says that he wants to be able to suspend the program if needed, especially since the Federal government still classifies marijuana as a prohibited drug. Gov. O’Malley has pre-viously voiced opposition to any and all medical marijuana bills. His rea-son? The U.S. attorneys in Washington and Dela-ware had made it clear that state employees will not be immune from being pros-ecuted. O’Malley also said that Federal law supersedes state laws, so even if they made it legal in Maryland,

it will still be prohibited once under Federal scruti-ny. In Rhode Island, the state government is already preparing two possible dis-pensaries that will be giv-ing out medical marijuana to users that are state li-censed. Patients who have been suffering from HIV and AIDS, cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, as well as other diseases, are excited about the opening of the new dispensaries, which could only mean more choices and convenience for them. They could finally have professionals selling them the much needed relief in a very tightly controlled en-vironment. But patients are not the only ones rejoicing over these new dispensaries. Da-vid M. Sullivan, the state’s tax administrator, says that the new dispensaries could easily add $1 million a year to the state’s budget. This is actually a lot of help as Rhode Island is currently grappling with a very high unemployment rate, the highest in the country. It is encouraging to see that more and more politi-cians are seeing the benefits of medical marijuana. It is even more encouraging to see that the debates in most states have shifted from whether marijuana is good or bad, to whether it is ad-dictive or not, to wheth-

er or not it will be against federal laws or, in the case of Maryland, whether it should be legalized conser-vatively or broadly. We do hope that there will be a time when people who need it will be able to

access medical marijuana conveniently and safely, without threat of persecu-tion. In the meantime, we would be content on seeing these baby steps that our governments have been taking.

Foreign Correspondent Alvin Dy

Elsewhere on MMJMore Governments Open Up to Medical Marijuana



Page 16: April Ganja Gazette

Natures Herbs & Wellness Center

522 27th St., Garden City, CO970.353.1170


Altitude Wellness Center

3435 S. Yosemite St., Denver, CO303.751.7888



Premium Oz.$125

Hourly Specialsat Natures Herbs & Wellness Center

8:00am - 7:00pm

Deals Too Good to Advertise

2 Pre-Rolleds for $4.20

Early BirdSpecials

(8:00 am to 9:00 am)

(Limit One)

(Limit 2)

$10 Grams on Bubble Hash

(All Day 4/20 at both locations)

For the month of April we will be handing out random Golden Tickets in our paper bags. If you receive a Golden ticket, you can redeem it for a $99 oz. on 4/20

Top Shelf Oz.

$175(4:20 to 5:20 pm

on 4/20 atboth locations

Limit One)

Wear Natures Herbs

or Altitude Gear Get

a Pre-Rolled for 35¢(All Day 4/20 at both locations)

Bud of the Day $5/gram(All Day 4/20 at both locations)

Premium Oz. $150 All Day!

Limit One(All Day 4/20 at both locations)