April 9, 2017 ctÄÅ fâÇwtç - Liturgical Publications · In the liturgical and traditional...

CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA MARIA April 9, 2017 ctÄÅ fâÇwtç Original artwork by Fr. Bruno Segatta

Transcript of April 9, 2017 ctÄÅ fâÇwtç - Liturgical Publications · In the liturgical and traditional...

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017


ctÄÅ fâÇwtç

Original artwork by Fr. Bruno Segatta

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017

SAINT MARY’S STAFF / PERSONAL DE STA. MARIA Pastor / Párroco ~ Rev. John Worster, 1(208) 680-0608 ~ [email protected] Rev. Jesús Camacho, Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial ~ [email protected]

Rev. Bruno Segatta, Assisting Priest / Asistente del Sacerdote ~ [email protected] Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, Pastor Emeritus (Ret.) / Párroco Emérito ~ [email protected]

Deacons / Diáconos Francis Hess ~ [email protected] ~ 409-4103

John Carpenter ~ [email protected] José Ayala ~ 344-2597 ext. 201/204

Gene Fadness ~ 890-2712 [email protected] Harley Salazar ~ [email protected] Bill Petzak ~ [email protected] ~ Retired

ADDRESS: 2612 W. State Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ~ PHONE: (208) 344-2597 FAX: (208) 344-9337 Monica Pittman, Business Manager/ Gerente de Finanzas [email protected] (Ext. 206)

Roxanne Harlow, Parish Manager / Gerente parroquial [email protected] (Ext. 214)

Alejandra Díaz, Parish Manager / Gerente parroquial [email protected] (Ext. 201)

Meg Lawless, Coordinator, Children/Family Ministry [email protected] (Ext. 207) Coordinadora del Ministerio de los Niños y de la Familia

Mike Dambach, Facilities Manager/Gerente de Mantenimiento [email protected] (Ext. 208)

Patty Gabica Haas, Director of Music [email protected]

Tammy Emerich, Principal, St. Mary’s School / [email protected] 342-7476 Directora de la Escuela de Santa María


Holy Week

Holy Thursday, Jueves Santo ~ April 13 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Misa de la Cena del Señor 7pm- Bilingual Mass * * *

Good Friday/Viernes Santo ~ April 14 12:15pm- Stations of the Cross Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Celebración de la Pasión del Señor 6pm (English)/ 8pm (Español)

* * * Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual ~ April 15 8pm- Mass/Misa * * * Easter Sunday/Domingo de Resurrección April 16 8:30 & 10:45am- English/12:45pm- Español

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017


A GUIDE TO HOLY WEEK What a storyline -- adulation, praise, betrayal, food, drink, politics, blood, humanity, divinity, pain, humiliation, religion, deceit, torture, death, resurrection! Holy Week has it all, which is why it is, for Christians, the most important time of the year. In the liturgical and traditional churches, each of the days of Holy Week has its own special history and form of celebration. Much of the tradition comes from legends, myths, stories that have grown and accumulated over the years. Some of it is biblical in origin, some is not. But the essential elements of each day are found in the scriptural accounts of the last days of Jesus. PALM SUNDAY ~ This day is also called Fig Sunday or Passion Sunday. On Palm Sunday the Christian people celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In the liturgical churches, people receive blessed palm branches and there is often a procession outside the church building. The Gospel reading for Palm Sunday is one of the Passion Narratives read or sung by three lectors with all the people having a part. After Mass or the service, people take the palm branches and hang them on the walls of the home, often after braiding them into cross-es, towers, or crowns. MONDAY AND TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK ~ On these days the liturgical churches follow the Gospel stories of Jesus during the first Holy Week. He was staying the night either at Gethsemane or in Bethany [both near Jerusalem], and would come into the city and spend the day preaching at the Temple. Events that took place on the days just before or just after Palm Sunday include a banquet in Bethany where a wom-an anoints his feet with oil and Judas Iscariot objects; the cursing of a fig tree which does not have fruit; the condemnation of Jerusalem; and the expulsion of the moneychangers from the temple. Jesus is very busy and the religious authorities are very angry. SPY WEDNESDAY ~ This is the day remembered for the actions of Judas Iscariot who goes to the chief priests and agrees to betray Je-sus. They needed someone to tell them where he would be at night so that they could arrest him quietly without a big crowd all around him. HOLY THURSDAY ~ This day is also called Maundy Thursday or Shear Thursday. In the liturgical churches this day begins the "Triduum", the Three Great Days. Once the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper begins, it is one continuous service until the end of the First Mass of East-er on Saturday night. No other sacraments or services [weddings, funerals, baptisms, or even confessions except in emergencies] can be celebrated from this time on. At the Lord's Mass or service, the feet of twelve people are washed. At the end of Mass, the Blessed Sacrament or Reserved Eucharist to be used on Good Friday is carried throughout the church in memory of Jesus leaving the Upper Room and going to Gethsemane. It is then taken to a special chapel with flowers, representing the garden. Just as Jesus and the apostles spent time there in prayer, so are people asked to do so today. The church is stripped of everything movable. Many families eat lamb at home on Holy Thursday in honor of the Passover. GOOD FRIDAY ~ The official liturgy of Good Friday is the oldest ritual in Christianity, changed very little since the early centuries. The Eucha-rist [Mass] cannot be celebrated, giving rise to the name of the "Service of the Pre-Sanctified", meaning that Holy Communion comes from hosts consecrated the night before. For the liturgy, the people assemble in the barren church and the priest and ministers walk in silently. In somberness a prayer is said, the lessons are read, and the Passion is proclaimed by three readers and the people. After the homily, the ancient general intercessions are sung, followed by the unveiling and veneration of the cross. The distribution of Holy Communion, consecrated the night before, completes the service and all leave in silence. Many private devotions are also held on Good Friday such as Stations of the Cross and prayers during the "Tre Ore" [traditionally the three hours Jesus was on the cross, from noon until 3pm]. HOLY SATURDAY ~ Technically this day does not exist in Christian liturgical tradition. No service, no sacrament, nothing can be done on this day until the beginning of Easter after sundown and the lighting of the Easter Fire. EASTER VIGIL AND FIRST MASS OF EASTER ~ The service, which must begin between sundown and sunrise, is the most important event of the liturgical church year. At Saint Mary’s, the Great Doors are open. Most churches begin the service about 9 or 10pm. As the people gather outside a fire is lit, symbolizing the act of resurrection and the restoration of light into a world plunged into darkness by the death of Jesus. A large ornate Pascal candle is carved with symbols, blessed, and then lit. Small candles reminiscent of baptismal candles are lit by everyone from the Pascal candle and carried into the church which is decorated but kept dark. An ancient poem called the Exsultet is sung, and everyone is invited to go back in time and listen to the story of God’s saving love for humankind by listening to nine Old Testament readings [often in America, these are reduced to just three readings]. In response to the readings, the people sing the "Gloria", the lights are turned on, and the story of the resurrection is proclaimed in a read-ing from the Epistle and then from the Gospel. At Saint Mary’s the Triptich is opened. The great Easter cry of "Alleluia" is sung for the first time since Ash Wednesday. Following the homily are the rituals of baptism. These consist of the calling of those to be baptized, the Litany of the Saints, the Blessing of the Water, the Baptism [preferably by full immersion], then the celebration of Confirmation, and the reaffirmation of baptismal promises by everyone present. Mass then continues for the first time since Holy Thursday. EASTER SUNDAY ~ For the liturgical churches, the celebrations on Sunday proper are a continuation of the great feast of the Easter Vigil, with the singing of the Great Alleluia and the renewal of baptismal promises. It is the fulfillment of a week of great grace, emotion and growth. In all churches, visitors are always welcome to come and share in these great events, and thank God for the great gift of the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus the Christ. ~ Fr. Tom Faucher, Pastor Emeritus

A message from Fr. Faucher

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017


EASTER MEMORIAL FLOWERS If you would like to contribute to the flow-er fund, please take an Easter flower en-velope located in the narthex and leave your donation in the collection basket or at the parish office. These donations are used to purchase flowers to decorate the

church for Easter and throughout the year. If you wish to donate in honor of, or in memory of, a loved one, you may write one or several names on the envelope.

April 10 ~ 16, 2017 Mon. 10th Bill Breen, repose Tues. 11th Louis Murdoch Wed. 12th Tara Klapprich Thur. 13th No Mass intention Fri. 14th No Mass intention Sat. 15th For the people Sun. 16th 8:30am– Our parish priests 10:45am– John Bentwood

COOKIE BAKERS NEEDED FOR EASTER VIGIL We are in need of lots of cookies for the reception at this year’s Easter Vigil. If you can help, please call

Joanne Lechner at 344-2782. Thank you!


All are invited to join the 8th grade students as they re-enact the Living Stations of the Cross on Tuesday, April 11 at 2:15pm in the church. This powerful reflection will enhance

and bless your Lenten journey.

LAST STATIONS OF THE CROSS Join St. Mary’s parishioners for the last Sta-tions of the Cross of the season on Good Friday at 12:15pm.

Semana Santa o Semana Mayor (como le llamamos en México). Comienza con la celebración de la entrada de Jesús a Jerusalén y termina con su Resurrección. Quiero invitar a todos ustedes a que vivamos en nues-tra propia vida el Misterio Pascual que celebramos. Si hemos dado muerte al pecado en nuestra vida, entonc-es podremos experimentar el gozo de la Pascua, porque habremos pasado de la muerte a la vida, del pecado a la gracia y de la esclavitud a la libertad de los hijos e hijas de Dios. Que nuestra semana sea verdaderamente santa. Su amigo y servidor ~ Padre Jesús Camacho Holy Week or Great Week (as we call it in Mexico) be-gins with the celebration of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and concludes with His Resurrection. I would like to invite all of us to live out our own lives in the paschal mystery that we celebrate liturgically. If we have died to sin in our lives, then we can experience the joy that the Resurrection brings because we have gone from death to life, from sin to grace and from slavery to freedom as God's sons and daughters. May our week be truly a holy one. Your friend and servant ~ Padre Jesús Camacho

Please pray for all those who will receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.


Lyndon Carlos Box Yasmine Herrera

Juan Carlos Godinez Juarez Amida Angelani Mukucha

John Sterrett Walborn Leah Grace Walborn

Nicholas Shaffer Walborn Patricia Grace Walborn Lynne Marie Williams

CATECHUMEN Amanda Jocelynne Angel Jacqueline Rosyta Angel

Delia Garcia Boden Angelo Joaquin Garcia

Chance Scott McCammon Margaret Elizabeth Phillips

PROGRAMA DE PADRES ACTIVOS Caridades Católicas, de Idaho con orgullo presenta el exitoso programa de Padres Activos. Este taller tiene una duración de seis semanas, em-

pezando el miércoles 26 de Abril de 6 a 8 de la noche. Este curso le enseñará una manera efectiva de usar disciplina sin violencia y mejorar la comunicación. El curso se llevará a cabo en Boise, 7255 W Franklin Rd. 83719. Favor de inscri-birse con Ramón o Gaby al 345-6031. El cupo es limitado.

SPECIAL PRESENTATION St. Mary’s Deacon Gene Fadness will share the story of his conversion from the LDS faith to evangelicalism and, finally, to the Catholic Church. Gene has shared his story throughout Idaho and at conferences in Wyoming and Nevada. He has been a guest on EWTN’s “Journey Home” and “Catholic Answers.” The presentation, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., Sunday, April 23, in the church is for the St. Mary’s confirmation class, but is open for all who want to attend.

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017



• KC pancake breakfast, 9:30am-12pm– Gym • R.E. K-8, 9:40am- Various rooms • R.E. Pre-school, 10:45am- Classroom 1 • RCIA Children, 11:15am- Various classrooms • Clases de Primera Comunion, 11am- Varios salones • Pinochle, 5:30pm- Gym

Monday,April10• Knights of Columbus, 7pm- Room D


• Holy Conversations, after the morning Mass- Faucher Library

• Living Stations of the Cross, 2:15- Church • Estudio bıblico, 7pm- Salon D

Wednesday,April12• The Light is On ~ La Luz esta Encendida

(Reconciliation-Reconciliaciones), 5pm to 9pm- Church/Iglesia

• Rosary, 5:15pm- Day Chapel

• Christian Meditation, 7pm– Faucher Library

Thursday,April13• Holy Thursday Liturgy (bilingual) 7pm– Church

Friday,April14• Parish Of ice closed • Stations of the Cross, 12:15pm- Church • Good Friday Service, 6pm (English) • Viernes Santo, 8pm- Iglesia

Saturday,April15• Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascuel, 8pm- Church


• Regular Mass schedule • Clases de Primera Comunion, 11am- Varios salones

PRAYINGTHEROSARYSt. Mary’s parishioners are invited to pray the rosary either privately or at the church every Wednesday at 5:15pm. We tally the number of rosaries said each week and publish the results in the bulle-tin. Tally sheets are available in the narthex of the church. Write down the number of rosaries you said

during the week and put the sheet in the tally box. Lastweekwetallied188rosaries.

24TH ANNUAL BISHOP KELLY YOUTH FOOT-BALL CAMP is set for June 26-29. Boys in grades 3 through 8 will be introduced to basic skills of tackle football. Fees are $150. Additional family members pay $120. Camp includes fundamentals, helmet,

camp shirt, insurance. For applications and online registration go to www.bkfootballcamp.com.


BISHOP KELLY WELCOMES STUDENTS Bishop Kelly has room in most grade levels for the 2017/2018 school year, and generous financial aid packages are available to families. Students currently in 8th through 10th grades who are interested in learning more about becoming a Knight can spend the day shadowing a BK student. Call the admissions director, Kelly Shockey at 375-6010, to schedule a visit, or sign up online at www.bk.org/admissions. The heart of Bishop Kelly is our Catholic environment, which differenti-ates us from other high schools. BK students have the opportunity to ex-plore, challenge, develop, and live their faith in theology classes, at morn-ing and All School Mass, by participating in class retreats, and by perform-ing acts of service in our greater Treasure Valley Community. Spend a day at BK and experience our school prayer in action, "Help me to see Jesus in others, and help others to see Jesus in me."

NOTE FROM “PARTY LADIES” The Party La-dies need help in reaching St. Mary's parishion-ers who are, or will be, 90 years young in 2017. If you know anybody who fits this category, please call Gloria McDonald, 866-0715, or Alejandra Diaz, 344-259, with a name and contact phone number by April 17.



Please refer to your

email from

Sam Murano for a full

Easter Lector

and Altar Server


You can also go to our parish web-

site for the Easter ministry schedule.

A GIFT FROM OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights are honored to offer Rediscovering Catholicism, a free book, (one per family), to our parishioners as a gift. The book is available in the narthex at the Easter Vigil and at Easter Sunday Masses. The Knights pray that this in-formative publication will be fruitful for all who attend St. Mary’s.

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017

SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCIES AFTER HOURS For those who are in need of anoinƟng for a TRUE LIFE THREATEN-ING EMERGENCY, please call Fr. Worster at 1 (208) 680-0608. For someone who is in the hospital, is homebound or is in a nursing home and wishes to be anointed, please call the parish at 344-2597. EMERGENCIAS SACRAMENTALES FUERA DE HORAS DE OFICINA Les recordamos que si Ɵene una emergencia de vida o muerte y necesita la presencia de un sacerdote para ungir a alguien que este en el hospital o muy grave en casa o casa de asistencia, llame al Padre John Worster al 1 (208) 680-0608.


CONSEJO HISPANO/HISPANIC COUNCIL Coordinadores/Coordinators Francisco y Socorro Corona ……………… ...... .861-4846 Sub Coordinadores/Assisting Juan y Juana Sánchez …………...……………..466-4150 Tesorero/Treasury Alfredo Garibay ..………...……………………….371-1612 Secretarios/Secretaries José y Martha Ayala ………….Favor de llamar a la oficina

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017


Saturday, 5:00 p.m. English Sábado, 7:00 p.m. Español

Sunday, 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. English /Domingo, 12:45 p.m. Español

Weekdays – 8:30 a.m. Misa diaria – 8:30 a.m.

RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACION Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., or by appoint-ment/Sábado 6:30 - 6:50pm o previa cita

BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Expectant parents should call the office

to register for baptismal instructions. Bautizos en español, favor de llamar a la

oficina parroquial para pedir los requisitos.


Please contact the parish office six months in advance / Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial por lo menos con 6

meses de anticipación.


3890 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83703 Monday, Wednesday & Friday:

11am–3pm Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes:


BULLETIN ITEMS [email protected] &

[email protected]


www.stmarysboise.org School/Escuela:


THEOLOGY OF THE BODY SEMINAR & THE JOY OF LOVE WITH CHRISTOPHER WEST The Marriage and Family Life Office is sponsoring a day-long seminar on Sat. Apr. 22, from 9am-4pm at St. Mark’s Church. Find true hope and healing for the wounds inflicting marriages and family life today. Registration is $35 per person and in-

cludes day-long seminar, lunch, and study guide. If you have questions, please contact Jay Wonacott at [email protected] or call 350-7535.

SUN. Is 50: 4-7; Ps 22: 8-9. 17-20. 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26: 14 – 27: 66

MON. Is 42: 1-7; Ps 27: 1-3. 13-14; Jn 12: 1-11

TUES. Is 49: 1-6; Ps 71: 1-6. 15 and 17; Jn 13: 21-33. 36-38

WED. Is 50: 4-9; Ps 69: 8-10. 21-22. 31 and 33-34; Mt 26: 14-25

THURS. Ex 12: 1-8. 11-14; Ps 116: 12-13. 15-18; 1 Cor 11: 23-26; Jn 13: 1-15

FRI. Is 52: 13 -- 53: 12; Ps31: 2. 6. 12-13. 15-17. 25; Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9; Jn 18: 1 -- 19: 42

SAT. Gn 1: 1 -- 2: 2 or 1: 1.26-31; Ps 104: 1-2. 5-6. 10. 12. 13-14. 24. 35 or Ps 33: 4-5. 6-7. 12-13. 20-22; Gn 22: 1-18 or22: 1-2. 9a. 10-13. 15-18; Ps 16: 5. 8- 11; Ex 14: 15 -- 15: 1; Ex 15: 1-6. 17-18; Is 54: 5-14; Ps 30: 2. 4-6. 11--13; Is 55: 1-11; Is 12: 2-6; Bar 3: 9-15. 32 -- 4: 4; Ps19: 8. 9. 10. 11; Ez 36: 16-28; Ps 42: 3. 5; 43: 3. 4 or Is 12: 2-3. 4bcd. 5-6 or Ps 51:12-13. 14-15. 18-19; Rom 6: 3-11; Ps 118: 1-2. 16-17. 22-23; Mt 28: 1-10

SUN. Acts 10: 34. 37-43; Ps 118: 1-2. 16-17. 22-23; Col 3: 1-4 or 1 Cor 5: 6-8

Scripture Readings Palm Sunday

April 9 - 16, 2017

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

April 9, 2017


Advertiser of the week

MSGR. MORGAN HAS MOVED Msgr. John Mor-gan has moved to an assisted living facility and welcomes visitors. His address is 5815 Coffey St. #105, Garden City, Idaho 83714. His cell phone remains the same; home number is 375-0478. He recently had a surgical procedure and his sister is requesting prayers.

CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME St. Mark’s Catholic Church, 7960 W. Northview Street, will offer a Catholics Returning Home program, on April 27

at 6:30 pm. For more information, call Audrey at 375-6651.

FOOD BANK IN NEED OF FREEZER One of the up-right freezers at the food bank broke last week. If you have an extra up-right freezer, please consider donating to this worthy cause. For more information, please call Stacy at 208-450-9494. Thank you!



The Idaho Catholic Appeal supports 17 diocesan ministries, including cultural ministries, seminarian vocations, clergy special needs, catechesis office, and deacon and lay ministries. St. Mary’s goal is $96,541 and so far our parish has pledged $46,856. If you have heard the call and have not yet responded, please do so today. Pledge envelopes are in the narthex. You can drop them in the collection basket, or mail them directly to the diocese. You can also donate online at ww.catholicidaho.org.