April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading...

KG-2 EXCITING GRAUDUATION First things first, we decided what will be the theme for the commence- ment exercise, and we came up with a very glamorous idea that best suit for kids, the Disney theme wherein it focuses on Frozen, the most pop- ular story for kids now a days. Kids are as excited as their teachers that they are very eager to learn their sing and dance per- formance which is also based on Disney songs. Tasks are being distribut- ed to every teacher to start the preparation. The preparation isn t that easy because it emotion- ally and physically tiring but it is fulfilling after seeing how wonderful the result is. Everything is all set, everything is ready and the spotlight is on. Parents are one of the most proud of this moment, they will be see- ing their sons and daugh- ter as the march towards their dreams. One of the most exciting momentum for a dreamer has ar- rived. The day they have been waiting for to reap every- thing they saw for almost 2 years on the happiest stage of education, the kindergarten. Contents KG Graduation Ken-Ken Competition Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading Challenge Arabic Week Hooray! It s graduation day, not a mark of an end, but start of a new beginning for a better future for the little dreamers. It s a fabulous day for every- one, especially for the kids. They will be going home with their hearts filled with so much joy, and they are now ready to take their another ladder of the journey, great- er challenges may come their way, but with guidance and all the things they have learned, they will say, I can and I will be able to achieve anything! April 2018 Issue 7 1

Transcript of April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading...

Page 1: April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading Challenge Arabic Week Hooray! It’s graduation day, start of a new beginning for a better



First things first, we

decided what will be the

theme for the commence-

ment exercise, and we

came up with a very

glamorous idea that best

suit for kids, the Disney

theme wherein it focuses

on Frozen, the most pop-

ular story for kids now a


Kids are as excited as

their teachers that they

are very eager to learn

their sing and dance per-

formance which is also

based on Disney songs.

Tasks are being distribut-

ed to every teacher to

start the preparation.

The preparation isn’t that

easy because it emotion-

ally and physically tiring

but it is fulfilling after

seeing how wonderful the

result is. Everything is

all set, everything is

ready and the spotlight is


Parents are one of the

most proud of this

moment, they will be see-

ing their sons and daugh-

ter as the march towards

their dreams. One of the

most exciting momentum

for a dreamer has ar-


The day they have been

waiting for to reap every-

thing they saw for almost

2 years on the happiest

stage of education, the



KG Graduation

Ken-Ken Competition

Cybercrime Awareness

Spelling Bee Emirates Level

Arabic Reading Challenge

Arabic Week

Hooray! It’s graduation day,

not a mark of an end, but

start of a new beginning for a

better future for the little


It’s a fabulous day for every-

one, especially for the kids.

They will be going home with

their hearts filled with so

much joy, and they are now

ready to take their another

ladder of the journey, great-

er challenges may come their

way, but with guidance and

all the things they have

learned, they will say, I can

and I will be able to achieve


April 2018 Issue 7


Page 2: April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading Challenge Arabic Week Hooray! It’s graduation day, start of a new beginning for a better


Ken-ken competition


The term originates from the Japanese word meaning cleverness. KenKen puzzle was created by a Japanese math teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto, who aimed to develop an instruction- free training method for the brain, in the form of a simple puzzle. KenKen trains the mind to think on its feet.

Ken Ken is a math grid-based puzzle that

uses all 4 numerical operatives, namely ad-

dition, subtraction, multiplication and divi-

sion. One can alter the size of the grid be-

tween 3×3 and 9×9 and create infinite

number of puzzles with varied levels of dif-

ficulty. It is a unique combination of num-

ber dexterity and combinatory skills while

applying logical reasoning to arrive at a so-


KenKen combines plain mathematics with 2

crucial skills like logical reasoning.

● Back in the classroom, it develops prob-

lem solving, reasoning and communica-


● Expose your child to a global platform

where he/she interacts with peers from

different schools and countries.

● It instills a sense of determination, con-

fidence and resilience.

● Above all, KenKen is a fun way to do


All the students from same category solve

same puzzles at the emirates and national

level. For school level exams are different

at each school.

From our school 10 students from all


Grade4 Omar Mohammed,Sidharth,Moaz

Mohammed ,Muzammil

Grade 6-Mira,,Baraa,Yazaan,Shaady

Grade 7-Sara Shady

Grade8-Khalid Mohammed

They were enthusiastically participated in

Ken Ken test.

Page 3: April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading Challenge Arabic Week Hooray! It’s graduation day, start of a new beginning for a better


Spelling Bee Emirates Level

“Picture of the Spelling Bee Winners with the

Principal (Ms. Rahma)”

APRIL 14, 2018-

Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Pakistani

School hosted this year’s national level

of the Royal Spelling bee. Approxi-

mately, 20 schools all over Abu Dhabi

participated in the competition. IJPS

Spellers were able to bag and bring

home awards this year.


The event started early morning on Saturday

with around 500 students participating from

different schools in Abu Dhabi. IJPS is repre-

sented by 16 students from different catego-

ries (KG, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-5, G-6 and G-7.)

The competition started with the written and

dictation round. Students were asked to write

down dictated words and spot the misspelled

words from a group of words.

After rounds 1 and 2, judges and proctors

check the results and eliminate the students

who are not qualified. Third level is the oral

round. In this level, qualifying students are

asked to spell words orally and give its syno-

nyms or antonyms.

Fortunately, six students from IJPS managed

to bring home awards in the competition. Lu-

cas Caleb Suelto (G2A) secured 6th Place and

will represent Abu Dhabi in the National

Competition in May 2018.

Zach Sebastian (KG2C) – 6th Place, Jenar

(KG1-C) - 5th Place, Irvine Paulo (KG2E)- 4th

Place, Lara Cortez- (KG2-E) 2nd Place and

Ali Radwan (KG2-E) 1st Place, KG students

from IJPS bagged almost all awards in the

Junior Level of the Spelling Bee.

All the winners were also recognized and

awarded in the school’s morning assembly on



Page 4: April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading Challenge Arabic Week Hooray! It’s graduation day, start of a new beginning for a better


ad police visits ijps to

spread awareness on

cyber safety

23rd and 25th April 2018,

IJPS Activity Room- Members of the

Abu Dhabi Police Department visited

IJPS in pursuit of spreading awareness

on Cyber Crimes and Cyberbullying.


This workshop aims to inform the stu-

dents on how to be safe when using so-

cial media platforms and other similar

activities on the World Wide Web. The

speakers, Mr. Bader Saif and Capt. Sul-

tan Al Hattali also talked about Cyber-

bullying and its effects on a person’s at-

titudes and self-esteem.

The speakers also discussed about being

observant and vigilant when searching

on the internet and speaking to

strangers on the web. They emphasized

on dangerous situations that may arise

when minors use technology without

taking necessary measures.

The workshops will continue on May

2018 with another batch of students to

spread awareness on the same issue.


Page 5: April 2018 Issue 7€¦ · Cybercrime Awareness Spelling Bee Emirates Level Arabic Reading Challenge Arabic Week Hooray! It’s graduation day, start of a new beginning for a better




By: Sara Shadi

12th of April, 2018-

IJPS Library, students of IJPS partici-pated in the yearly Arabic Reading Challenge. Led by Miss, Dalia Ali (Vice Principal) and Miss Hana (Librarian), they asked students from different grade levels some questions regarding the 50 books required in the competi-tion.

Reading is probably one of the most benefi-

cial and feasible activities that a person can

do. Through reading, a person is going to be

able to discover new ideas, concepts, places,

and people. Some people even describe read-

ing as a journey that starts as the opening of a

page, and finishes as the last page is turned.

The reason why reading is so important is be-

cause reading is relaxing to our mind; it is a

way for children to reach out to the world,

and improve our thinking process.

The Arabic reading challenge is one of the

things that we can train our minds with. This

challenge has its complexities but fun. All you

have to do to enter this challenge is to read

fifty Arabic books then summarize them all.

It seems complicated at first but then you re-5

alize that it is fun. A very good advice I can

give is that, if you take this challenge as a

task you need to do or you are forced to do,

then it will be complicated but, if you take it

as something you are willing to do or a pas-

sion, you will find this experience a very

pleasant experience and an entertaining one


I was one of the 6 students qualified in this

competition. I was nervous, I am not going

to lie but, I had fun. I entered the room and

there were two men waiting for me, I sat

down and I gave them the books that I sum-

marized; All of the fifty books. They asked

me my name and why I participated in this

competition. Then, they told me the name of

the book and I have to tell them the sum-

mary. They were giving us marks based on

our language, confidence, and how well we

memorized the books.

I was the only one who got qualified for the

Emirates level from my school. I went to the

semi-final round that was held on June 9,

2018 in Dubai, Scientific Research School. I

was nervous and excited at the same time,

but mostly I was proud to represent my

school in this competition. I am also proud

of myself because I read fifty books and

summarized them all, so I think that was

enough to present myself and present my


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Arabic week celebrated in


April, 2018-

In celebration of the Arabic Week, IJPS celebrates this week with fun and exciting activities to commemorate the importance of this country’s language. Arabic is the official language of Unit-ed Arab Emirates, in which attention is given to elevate its role as it represents the national identity.


Arabic Week at IJPS underpins the Abu Dhabi's government vision of supporting the role of the Arabic language and na-tional identity. This year, Arabic week in-cluded various activities that aimed to support the Arabic language skills of stu-dents and raise their interests in the lan-guage both for native speakers and non-Arabic speaking students.

Many activities have been held during the events such as competitions in the gram-matical structure of the language, Arabic drama about the importance of the lan-guage, poetry of famous poets in Arab liter-ature and so on.

Students were excited and responsible to-

present their maximum efforts for their col-leagues to raise the awareness of the Arabic language in the UAE community and worldwide.


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Spelling Bee



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Arabic Language Week Celebration

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Arabic Language Week Celebration

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