April 2015 Newsletter

How many days do you wake up in need of encouragement to face the daily routine? Or come to the end of the day and wondered where you would get the strength to face tomorrow’s challenges? If we are to face each day with courage and hope we need to recognize that God is our strength and sustainer. God’s steadfast love never ceases. God never gives up on us. When we come to the end of our ourselves and fall short, God’s mercy is there every day. Know that God wants to see you and be near you everyday. Stay connected to the true source of power, God , and grace, mercy and love will be yours! Here we are in March and I am looking back to one of the resolutions I made for 2015. I was going to lose some weight. Guess what, I am doing it , but I do miss those double cheeseburgers with fries for lunch. I still have a way to go and I doubt I’ll get back to my high school weight goal. I feel a lot healthier. I have the same goal for my spiritual life. I may never get to where I want to be in my relationship with God . I want to be close and tight with God. Just when I start to feel good about it, I slip up and fall short. You know the feeling , I try so hard ,one step forward and then it’s two steps back. Then I fall back on the promise of never failing grace and love. One day a rabbi was teaching his students about the miracle of the manna in the wilderness, one of the students asked, “why didn’t God give them enough manna for the full jour- ney?” The rabbi gave him this parable, Once there was a rich man who had a son to whom he promised an annual allowance. Every year on the same day he gave the son the allowance? After a while it came that the father only saw his son on the day he was to receive the allowance. So, the father changed his plan and gave the son only enough for the day. If the son wanted to receive his allowance he had to return the next day. The father then saw his son every day. I believe that God wants to see us and be with us every day. The point is to trust God day by day and our challenge is to maintain the relationship. Visioning Ahead Greetings from Fr. Chuck Newsletter April 2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church We know the story as it is familiar to us. The women arrive to discover the empty tomb. They came with grief and sadness. Each one of us can relate to loss, disappointment, and sorrow. The emptiness leaves us with a hollow feeling inside. And yet out of the tomb, comes the Risen Christ. Jesus Alive! Easter is about resurrection. Out of despair can come something new with the promise of life and hope. Just as new life was experienced by the disciples, we too, can share the hope as we experience Easter anew. Easter is about new life and a promise. New life can grow inside of us. The Easter story is our story as we are God’s Easter People. The story lives in us. How might we witness this new life in the days ahead?


Emmanuel Episcopal newsletter for April 2015

Transcript of April 2015 Newsletter

  • How many days do you

    wake up in need of encouragement to

    face the daily routine? Or come to the

    end of the day and wondered where

    you would get the strength to face

    tomorrows challenges? If we are to

    face each day with courage and hope

    we need to recognize that God is our

    strength and sustainer.

    Gods steadfast love never

    ceases. God never gives up on us.

    When we come to the end of our

    ourselves and fall short, Gods mercy

    is there every day. Know that God

    wants to see you and be near you

    everyday. Stay connected to the true

    source of power, God , and grace,

    mercy and love will be yours!

    Here we are in March and I am

    looking back to one of the resolutions I

    made for 2015. I was going to lose some

    weight. Guess what, I am doing it , but I do

    miss those double cheeseburgers with

    fries for lunch. I still have a way to go and

    I doubt Ill get back to my high school

    weight goal. I feel a lot healthier.

    I have the same goal for my

    spiritual life. I may never get to where I

    want to be in my relationship with God . I

    want to be close and tight with God. Just

    when I start to feel good about it, I slip up

    and fall short. You know the feeling , I try

    so hard ,one step forward and then its

    two steps back. Then I fall back on the

    promise of never failing grace and love.

    One day a rabbi was teaching

    his students about the miracle of the

    manna in the wilderness, one of the

    students asked, why didnt God give

    them enough manna for the full jour-

    ney? The rabbi gave him this parable,

    Once there was a rich man who had a

    son to whom he promised an annual

    allowance. Every year on the same day

    he gave the son the allowance? After

    a while it came that the father only

    saw his son on the day he was to

    receive the allowance. So, the father

    changed his plan and gave the son

    only enough for the day. If the son

    wanted to receive his allowance he

    had to return the next day. The father

    then saw his son every day. I believe

    that God wants to see us and be with

    us every day.

    The point is to trust God

    day by day and our challenge is to

    maintain the relationship.

    Visioning Ahead

    Greetings from Fr. Chuck

    Newsletter April 2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church

    We know the story as it is familiar to us.

    The women arrive to discover the empty

    tomb. They came with grief and sadness.

    Each one of us can relate to loss,

    disappointment, and sorrow. The

    emptiness leaves us with a hollow feeling


    And yet out of the tomb, comes the

    Risen Christ. Jesus Alive! Easter is

    about resurrection. Out of despair can

    come something new with the promise

    of life and hope. Just as new life was

    experienced by the disciples, we too,

    can share the hope as we experience

    Easter anew. Easter is about new

    life and a promise. New life can

    grow inside of us. The Easter story

    is our story as we are Gods Easter

    People. The story lives in us. How

    might we witness this new life in

    the days ahead?

  • 1 Devin Keator

    2 Lindsey Markham

    3 Andrew Everard

    4 Lawrence & Anne Tucker

    5 Madison Loeffler

    7 Tim Thompson

    Nicole Thompson

    10 Linda Turner

    10 Brayden Supensky

    11 Brandon Smith

    12 Nancy Gibbon

    Alice Angle

    16 Dylan Gladstone

    19 David Loomis

    Brian Frink

    Elverd Jack Frink

    20 Gary Brookins

    Mary Alice Whitney

    21 Jason Woodard

    22 April Woodard

    23 Amy Hart

    24 Sarah Carnachan

    Terri Ann Woodard

    25 Sarah Spittler

    Jason was driving his car on a busy two-lane highway when suddenly his cars engine failed. The cars around

    him were going the speed limit. Jason knew he had to get his car to the side of the road.

    Within twenty seconds of his car stalling, four foot ball players dressed in uniforms stopped behind Jason and

    asked if he needed help. They and their sturdy Ford pushed the disabled car to the side of the road. Like angels

    of mercy, they disappeared before Jason could offer them something for their kindness. One of them simply said,

    Hope you day gets better.

    Little did they know that they had made Jasons day better, they helped Jason understand the power of giving

    to others. Giving that does not expect or demand anything in return is an example of Jesus loving spirit in ac-

    tion. Small sacrifices, such as being delayed a few minutes in order to assist others, reaps harvests of hundreds.

    One should make the stewardship of time a regular component of each day.


    April Lessons

    12 1st Acts 4: 32-35

    Psalm 133

    2nd 1 John 1: 1-22

    Gospel John 20: 19-31

    April Birthdays

    Page 2 Newsletter

    28 Daniel Andrew

    Drew Macintosh

    29 Megan Carnachan

    30 Mark Hitchcock

    19 1st Acts 3: 12-19

    Psalm 4

    2nd 1 John 3: 1-7

    Gospel Luke 24: 36-48

    26 1st Acts 4: 5-12

    Psalm 23

    2nd 1 John 3: 16-24

    Gospel John 10; 11-18


    5 1st Acts 10: 34-43

    Psalm 118: 1,2,14-24

    2nd 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11

    Gospel John 20: 1-18

  • Page 3 Newsletter

    Holy Week Worship Schedule


    9:30 A.M. Passion Sunday

    Palm Sunday Liturgy with reading of the Passion

    Narrative and Holy Eucharist

    April 1 Wednesday

    9:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist

    April 2 Maundy Thursday

    5:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Liturgy with Stripping of the Altar

    April 3 Good Friday

    1:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross with Good Friday Liturgy


    9:30 a.m. The Lighting of the Pascal Candle, Vigil of Prayers

    and Festive Holy Eucharist

  • Egg-stra facts

    Although Easter eggs were once part of pagan spring festivals, theyve become Christian symbols of new life. A cracked-open shell also represents Jesus empty tomb on Easter morning.

    The early Christians of Mesopotamia began staining eggs red in honor of Jesus blood shed on the cross. Red eggs remain part of Greek Orthodox celebrations today.

    For Lent, some families used to give up eggs and dairy, so they prepared a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. They solved the egg surplus by hard boiling them in various broths, which led to colored eggs.

    In medieval times, churches held egg-throwing festivals. The priest threw a hard-boiled egg to-ward the choir boys, who tossed it back and forth. When the clock struck 12, whoever was holding the egg got to keep it.

    In some European countries, children go from house to house to collect Easter eggs

    Each year, the PAAS Dye Co. sells more than 10 million egg-coloring kits, which consumers use to decorate 180 million eggs.

    Peach Dump Cake by Joan Chapin

    This is super easy and super delicious.

    1 29 oz. can sliced peaches Spread cake mix over the top 1 yellow cake mix Slice butter over the cake mix

    1 stick of butter Pour peach juice over the top

    Drain peaches, save juice

    Lay peaches in bottom of 9 x 13 dish that has been sprayed. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes

    After a long winter, spring appears to be starting to arrive. The demand for food in the community is not seasonal, and your continued support of Our Daily Bread Food Pantry is much needed. Monetary contributions are always appreciat-ed, as are any food items you may be able to contribute. Thanks for your generosity, past, present and future. Some of the items much needed for the month of April are: canned

    fruit and vegetables, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, canned tuna or chicken.

    Barb and Gary Tompkins, Volunteer Coordinators

    Page 4 Newsletter

  • The Bible is not written as a historical narrative. It is stories from God to teach us lessons on what

    life is like and what happens to us when we make our choices.

    Such is the story found in Genesis Chapter 4, the story of Cain and Abel. The story of Cain and Abel

    mirrors life. It is also a story of the increase of sin and the growth of the human race.

    Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain, the first born and then Abel. Cain was a farmer and Abel a

    shepherd. Cain brought some of his harvest to the Lord. Abel brought the first born lamb, killed it, and

    offered the best part to the Lord. The Lord was pleased with Abels offering, but rejected Cains (Genesis

    4:4,5). Cain was furious.

    The Lord said to Cain, Why are you angry? Why that scowl on our face? If you had done the right

    thing, you would have been smiling. But because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants

    to rule you, you must overcome it. (Genesis 4:7)

    Cain did not listen to the Lord. Cain was very jealous of his brother. He

    led his brother Abel out into the field and killed him.

    When the Lord asked Cain where Abel was, Cain lied and said he did not

    know. Am I supposed to know, am I my brothers keeper. (Genesis 4:9)

    The Lord then bestowed a consequence on Cain. He cursed him and said

    you can no longer farm the soil. If you try, nothing will grow. You will become a

    homeless wanderer of the earth. Cain is afraid that he will be killed as he wanders

    the earth.

    In Genesis 4: 13, 14 Cain said to the Lord, This punishment is too hard

    for me to bear. You are driving me off the land and away from your presence. I will be a homeless wanderer

    on the earth, and anyone who finds me will kill me.

    The Lord answers in Genesis 4:15, No, if anyone kills you, seven lives will be taken in revenge.

    Here the Lord shows that even when we do wrong, He still loves us. The Lord put a mark on Cain, so

    anyone who met him were warned that he was not to be killed.

    Cain left Gods presence and went east of Eden to Nod which means wandering.

    Cain married and had a son named Enoch and a civilization was created. Cain built a city and named

    it after his son.

    God blessed Adam and Eve with another son, Seth.

    Cain was still under Gods care and the advancement of civilization was begun.

    Genesis Chapter 4 The Story of Cain & Abel by Joan Chapin

    Page 5

  • Fr. Chuck Taylor, Rector

    PO Box 203

    Norwich, NY 13815

    Phone: 334-8801 or 847-6361

    Email: [email protected]

    Editor: Fran Nash

    Phone: 607-334-8801

    Email: [email protected]



    Norwich, NY 134815 PAID

    PERMIT # 8


    We Worship Together

    To Know God and To Make Him Known

    Remember the church in your Will!

    A different sort of church school Because the ocean is vast, fish surviveand thrive by living and working together. A shoal is a loose grouping of fish that forage individually but deter predators by staying close together. A school of fish is more tight-knit. Thousands of small creatures move as one great organism, shimmering through the water to confuse and fend off larger fish on the prowl.

    God also sets humans in groups to help us thrive. Worldwide church denominations function somewhat like shoals, while our local congregations are like schoolsto teach us, yes, but also to nourish us with both physical and spiritual food, give us a sense of belonging, and empower us to accomplish good things together that we could never do alone.

    Jesus called his disciples to fish for people. The Holy Spirit, gathering us as Church, calls people to live like fish!

    Emmanuel Soul Kitchen

    April 9, 2015 @

    Emmanuel Episcopal Church

    5:30 6:30

    Free Meal

    Goulash, tossed salad, & dessert

    Come for the fellowship

    Hosted by Emmanuel Episcopal Church