April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New...

April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room

Transcript of April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New...

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April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m.

Scholes Hall, Roberts Room

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TAB 1 Action Item 1 Call to Order, Confirmation of a Quorum and Adoption of Agenda

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The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee

April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room

Open Meeting AGENDA


1. Call to Order, Confirmation of a Quorum and Adoption of Agenda

2. Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting Summary from March 7, 2017

3. Approval of Disposition of Surplus Property for Main Campus for February and March 2017(Bruce Cherrin, Chief Procurement


4. Approval for UNM Taos Project – STEMH Technical Career Center Phase II (Chris Vallejos, AVP, ISS)

5. Approval of Five-Year Capital Plan (Chris Vallejos, AVP, ISS and Lisa Marbury, Exec. Dir., ISS)

6. Discussion and Possible Approval of FY 18 Employee Benefits (Dorothy Anderson, VP, HR and Brenda De La Pena, Dir., Univ. Benefits) 7. Recommendations for Consent Agenda Items on Full Board of Regents’ Agenda (Marron Lee, Chair, F&F Committee)


8. Discussion of Restated Bylaws of the UNM Alumni Association (Dana Allen, VP, Alumni Relations, James Lewis, Pres. of the

Alumni Assoc., and Henry Rivera, Exec. Committee member, Alumni Assoc.)

9. Monthly Consolidated Financial Report for Main Campus (Liz Metzger, Univ. Controller)

10. BLT Progress Report on FY 17-18 Budget Development (Craig White, Provost, BLT Committee, Co-Chair and David Harris EVP for Admin.,

BLT Committee, Co-Chair)

11. Differential Tuition for Emergency Medical Services (Steven Mc Laughlin, Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine)


Open for Comments

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Vote to close the meeting and proceed into executive session. B. Discussion and determination where appropriate of potential purchase, acquisition, or disposal of real

property, pursuant to Section 10-15-1 H (8), NMSA (1978). C. Vote to re-open the meeting. D. Certification that only those matters described in paragraph B above were discussed in executive session,

and any matter discussed in executive session will, if necessary, be subsequently ratified in the open session of the public meeting.

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TAB 2 Action Item 2 Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting Summary from March 7, 2017

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THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee (F&F)

March 7, 2017 – Meeting Summary <<DRAFT>>

Committee Members Present: Regent President Robert Doughty (participating as a voting member) and Regent Marron Lee. Committee Members Absent: Regent Tom Clifford Administration Present: Chaouki Abdallah, President; David W. Harris, EVP for Administration; and Craig White, Provost/EVP for Academic Affairs. Presenters in Attendance: Dr. Joe Cecchi, School of Engineering Dean; Bruce Cherrin, Chief Procurement Officer; Joey Evans, HR Projects Specialist; Dr. Geraldine Forbes Isais, School of Architecture and Planning Dean; Liz Metzger, University Controller; Lisa Marbury, Executive Director, ISS; Daniel Ortega, Master of Law Program Director; Jason Strauss, Lobo Energy CEO; Chris Vallejos, AVP, ISS; and Dr. Amy Wohlert, Naming Committee Chair. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Call to Order, Confirmation of a Quorum and Adoption of Agenda. Chairperson

Marron Lee called the meeting to order at 8:43 a.m. in Scholes Hall, Roberts Room and confirmed that a quorum was established. Due to a short quorum and time constraints, Regent Lee deferred Action Items 5, 6, and Information Item 9 to the full Board of Regents meeting. Information Items 10 and 11 would be presented together. No discussion or action would occur at the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting on the deferred items. Regent Doughty moved to adopt the agenda as amended and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.

2. Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting Summary from February 7, 2017. Regent

Doughty moved to approve and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.

3. Contract Approvals:

a. UNM Division of Human Resources – Dental Health Plan Administrative Services.

Bruce Cherrin and Joey Evans made the presentation. Regents’ approval was requested for the Dental Health Plan contract with Delta Dental for administrative services. Mr. Cherrin stated the University is self-insured for dental insurance; the RFP and contract were only for the Administrative Services component. There were two respondents, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Delta Dental; Delta Dental was the incumbent. The fees are $351K projected for FY 17 and $339K projected for FY 18. Regent Doughty inquired about faculty and staff thoughts on the contract, and if they’ve had an opportunity to review it.

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Pamela Pyle, Faculty Senate President, stated they have not looked at it. Dorothy Anderson, VP HR, stated the contract was a decrease in the overall costs which could result in a decrease in premiums. Typically they have a representative from the Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee (FSBC) on the RFP committee and they do have an opportunity to voice concerns. Mr. Evans stated they had individuals from HSC Faculty and from the FSBC to participate in the RFP process. The recommendation was unanimous amongst group. Regent Lee inquired if companies declined to bid as they only had two bidders. Mr. Evans stated that Delta Dental is the major player and network within New Mexico offering the largest choice for employees in the dental network. They did make multiple attempts to receive as many competitive bids as possible. Mr. Cherrin stated that the company who runs the State dental plan did not bid. The University has been with Delta Dental for over 20 years. Regent Doughty moved to approve and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.

b. Cogeneration Turbine Unit #1 Engine Overhaul. Bruce Cherrin and Chris Vallejos made the presentation. Regents’ approval was requested for the Cogeneration Turbine Unit #1 Engine Overhaul. Mr. Cherrin stated the University has two cogeneration turbine units; Unit #1 was installed in 2005. It is considered a major maintenance contract as it is over $1M. They have a maintenance agreement with the Utilities Division, so they receive a 5% discount of the bid. Regent Doughty inquired if Lobo Energy was involved in the contract. Mr. Vallejos stated it is an asset owned by the University through the Utility Plant which is in conjunction with Lobo Energy. The cogeneration turbine unit helps drive the energy conservation program as cogeneration generates both steam and electricity. President Abdallah inquired how often they do the overhaul. Larry Schuster, PPD, stated that the overhauls are based on the number of operating hours, about 50,000 hours, which ranges from four to five years. This is the third overhaul for the unit. Regent Doughty moved to approve and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.

4. Approval of Appointment of Erica Jorgensen as Non-Positional Board Member to the Lobo Development Corporation Board. Chris Vallejos made the presentation. Regents’ approval was requested for the appointment of Erica Jorgensen as a non-positional Board

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Member to the Lobo Development Corporation Board. In accordance with the Lobo Development Corporation bylaws, the non-positional board appointment is for a one year term. Ms. Jorgensen was in attendance and her resume was included in the agenda eBook. EVP Harris asked Mr. Vallejos to explain for Ms. Jorgensen the debt posture at Lobo Development and how they service that debt. Mr. Vallejos stated that Lobo Development has purchased two buildings, they service that debt by revenues generated from the tenants occupying the two buildings; Lobo Development is the landlord. EVP Harris stated the UNM Hospital has its business operations in one of the buildings, which they have a long term lease with. The UNM Press building is being rented to a large research grant that is operating in the building. Mr. Vallejos stated that within the corporation, they also have cash flow from their public private partnership with American Campus Communities for two student housing: Lobo Village on South Campus and Casas Del Rio on Main Campus, both of which help generate revenue to service the debt portfolio. Regent Doughty knows Ms. Jorgensen and stated she is talented and dedicated to the University and believes she will make a wonderful addition to the Lobo Development Board. Regent Doughty moved to approve and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.

5. Approval of Lobo Development Corporation Annual Meeting Minutes and External

Audit for FY 15-16. Item was deferred to the full Board of Regents meeting. There was no discussion or action taken on the item.

6. Approval of Lobo Energy, Incorporated Annual Meeting Minutes, External Audit for FY 15-16, and Update on Energy Conservation Program. Item was deferred to the full Board of Regents meeting. There was no discussion or action taken on the item.

7. Naming Committee Request for Approval to Name the Antoine Predock Architectural Studio at 300 and 308 12th Street NW exterior space, the “Antoine Predock Center for Design and Design Research.” Dr. Amy Wohlert and Dr. Geraldine Forbes Isais made the presentation. Regents’ approval was requested to name the Antoine Predock Architectural Studio at 300 and 308 12th Street NW exterior space, the “Antoine Predock Center for Design and Design Research.”

Dr. Wohlert stated that the naming request is for a couple of small former houses that were the studio of Antoine Predock. They have been donated to the University to house a center to benefit the School of Architecture and Planning. It will also house the archive the estate is giving to the Center for Southwest Research. It benefits the University in two ways; it provides a solution for housing the archive, as well as expansion space for these programs. The request was approved by the Naming Committee and by the President. Regent Doughty moved to approve and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.

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8. Recommendations for Consent Agenda Items on Full Board of Regents’ Agenda.

Chairperson Marron Lee recommended action items 4 and 7 to be placed on the full Board of Regents’ consent agenda. Regent Doughty moved to approve and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of committee members present and voting.


9. Monthly Consolidated Financial Report for Main Campus. Item was deferred to the full

Board of Regents meeting. There was no discussion on the item.

10. Differential Tuition Proposals: a. School of Engineering. Dr. Joe Cecchi presented the School of Engineering (SOE)

Differential Tuition proposal, which was also included in the agenda eBook. The rational for the SOE differential tuition request was discussed. SOE delivers high quality research driven graduate engineering and computer science degree programs, which are expensive to deliver. They have difficulties in recruiting and retaining the outstanding research-active faculty who are successful in bringing research funding that supports students. They also face challenges in recruiting high quality graduate students. In both cases, they are recruiting on the national market. Unique among UNM’s graduate programs, approximately 70-80% of MS and PhD students are supported by companies and continue to draw salaries, as Teaching Assistants, or by a tuition stipend support from research faculty contracts. The SOE differential tuition request proposed a $100/credit hour fee to be phased in over two years. The average course load for their students is 6 credit hours per semester, 12 credit hours per year, which turns out to be a $1,200 increase with a differential tuition fee. Dr. Cecchi showed a comparison with UNM and 22 peer institutions. With the proposed differential tuition, the tuition would be 24% below the AY 16-17 engineering tuition average of the 22 peers. That places UNM 15th in tuition among 23 schools; however, UNM ranks 10th in annual research and 12th in current US News graduate program rankings. Most graduate engineering students would be supported by faculty research contracts and grants, the faculty are competing in a national market for graduate students so they have to cover mandatory fees and a stipend in addition to tuition. Currently, faculty members are paying slightly over $45K per students including all of these costs. The average stipend is $27,330 which is a necessary component of the package to compete. With the increase in differential tuition, the total cost per student would go up to $46,358 which is slightly less than a 3% increase. A slide illustrated the comparisons for MS and PhD post graduate salaries; SOE MS students earn $30K more and SOE PhD students earn $12K more. The proposed graduate differential tuition for SOE would be the third lowest at UNM. They estimate the differential tuition would bring in $1.2M. The allocation of the differential tuition would include 20% set aside for need-based financial aid of $240K, $400-500K for recruitment and retention of faculty, $270-370K for TA/RA/GA

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expense, $80-120K for graduate student recruiting, and $60-120K for operating expenses. Regent Lee inquired about past differential tuition proposals. Dr. Cecchi stated this is the second differential tuition proposal; the first was for undergraduate tuition. The SOE pulled their differential tuition request last year. SOE is the only graduate program that does not have differential tuition. President Abdallah stated the 20% need based aid would cover those SOE graduate students not being supported on a research contract or by their company. Dr. Cecchi stated the increase being passed to the contracts and grants represents a 2.7% increase in what they are now spending to support a student. It is not just tuition that is needed to recruit students nationally, they have to offer a package with a stipend that equates to a little of $27K per year. President Abdallah stated UNM SOE is still very inexpensive, other schools’ tuition and stipends are much more. The peer group included the 22 public institutions that the University uses for comparisons. With the differential tuition, SOE will be able to get more faculty members; each faculty member in SOE generates about $300K in funding. Regent Lee is worried about relying on the idea of federal funds flowing to the University. Dr. Cecchi stated they hire good faculty to bring in these research funds.

b. School of Law. Daniel Ortega presented the School of Law Differential Tuition proposal, which was also included in the agenda eBook. The differential tuition request was for the new Master of Studies in Law program at the Law School. The degree was approved in 2015 by the Regents and received final approval from the State Board of Finance in late 2015. It is intended to address the need for more workers who have some knowledge of the law to enhance skills in the workplace, or for those interested in legal education. It is a graduate degree, not a professional degree. The program will allow for diverse classroom experiences to enrich discussion. It is a very small program peaking at eight FTE students, a combination of full-time and part-time students, due to the requirements set by the ABA Legal Education Standards that require limited MSL enrollment to avoid interference with the JD program. Based on what they’ve seen from the applications, they expect part-time students will outnumber full-time students, and NM residents will be the entire population of students. This is something new for the Law School and first new degree since it was founded. It will open the door to legal education in NM beyond JD students and it will teach the students how to understand court cases, statues and regulations, how the legal system addresses situations, learn legal principles applicable to the job, and understand how the law works. It is a 30 credit hour program and could be done full-time in three semesters, or part-time in eight semesters. There is one required course; otherwise it is a self-designed program. People will take the courses that pertain to their interests or needs for the job. They do have optional concentrations related to circular strengths of Indian Law and Natural Resources-Environmental Law. It is not a practitioner degree, so the graduates cannot take the bar exam, practice law, or give legal advice. The ABA

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does not allow MSL credits to be applied to a JD degree program because these students to not have to take the LSAT or the GRE. The request is to extend the existing differential at the Law School to the new MSL program and the students enrolled in that program. All courses are taught by law professors so the cost of instruction is the same for both programs. The current differential tuition is $342.34/ credit hour for residents. The differential will never generate a lot of revenue; at its peak they estimate $85K per year. They did post the request as required and received no feedback from current and prospective applicants. They have a 10% financial aid set-aside, approximately $35K, but there are other options for these students. These students could also obtain loans, work study, assistantships in other departments, and scholarships from Graduate Studies. UNM School of Law is reasonably priced and was listed as the seventh best value law school in 2016 according to preLAW magazine. Tuition for 2016-17 full-time residents is $16,236 and non-residents is $35,292; part-time residents pay $677/ credit hour and part-time non-residents pay $1,470/ credit hour. When they were developing the proposal and going through the process, they did receive letters of support within UNM and outside UNM. The interest they have received is from a diverse cross-section of full-time employees; interest from Tribal Government Leaders, University Administrators, Compliance Managers, biologists, small business owners, hydrologists, and others. Regent Lee stated that the MSL is not a practitioner license, but in areas such as compliance, they may be perceived as practicing law. Mr. Ortega stated they are having non-attorneys perform these compliance functions in a lot of companies. Many compliance managers report to their general counsel, in house counsel, or outside counsel of their company, so they do not do their compliance work without legal supervision. They are not practicing but ensuring companies stay within regulations and statues of the enterprise. They are not practicing law or giving advice. Regent Lee commented that the program may dilute the professional responsibility and believes there are some unthought-of pitfalls that could affect the legal practice in the State of New Mexico.

11. BLT Progress Report on FY 17-18 Budget Development. EVP David Harris and Provost Craig White provided a progress report on the BLT and FY 17-18 budget development. The report was included in the agenda eBook.

EVP Harris discussed the Budget Leadership Team (BLT) which has extensive membership including several Deans, faculty, staff, and students who meet regularly. It is led by EVP Harris and Provost White. This year they created sub-committees to focus on specific components of the budget to bring back reports to the full committee which has proven very useful. Those sub-committees included: Budget Development, New Revenue Models, Tuition and Fee Modeling, Cost Reallocation, Long-Term Strategic Planning, and Branch Campuses. The BLT has been in existence for eight years and has been a useful tool in assisting the President in formulating recommendations to the Regents.

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Provost White stated that the committee has worked well this year and they are receiving a lot of feedback and input across the spectrum this year. They have been working on many elements that will continue on into the future for longer term processes. President Abdallah stated in the past they’ve dealt with the budget on a year to year basis but due to many changes at the University, the State, and in higher education in general, they need to focus on long-term planning and improve processes in the future. That was the key improvement to the BLT. EVP Harris reviewed a budget spreadsheet that was provided to the Committee. On the revenue side, they tried to capture the impacts of revenue reductions the University experienced this past year. After the Special Session in October 2016, the current fiscal year appropriation for the University was reduced by 5%. They are planning on another potential reduction of 2% in State appropriations for next year. House Bill 2 currently sits at a 1% reduction, but there is potential for much greater reductions perhaps as high as 6% additional reduction. Regent Doughty inquired what dollar amount a 1% reduction equates to for UNM’s State appropriation. EVP Harris stated a 1% reduction to the State appropriation equates to $1.7M based on the current base State appropriation. In terms of tuition, they are projecting a 3% decline due to a reduction in spring student credit hours and potential decrease in overall enrollment which will be built into the budget. The mandatory student fees reflect the bond issue that the Regents approved last week. Norma Allen, Associate Director of Planning, Budget and Analysis, stated they had an increase of $292K from interest revenues. EVP Harris stated that in the revenue portion of the FY18 budget, they’re projecting about a $13.5M decline in revenue from the current fiscal year. Provost White reviewed some of the spending dynamics, almost all of them calling for a reduced level of expenditure. The bottom line, $11.6M gap, is a reflection of what they are projecting in terms of declines in revenue where they are coming in this year. It would have been higher if they didn’t make any cuts earlier in the fiscal year. New items were added to the budget spreadsheet that they are trying to take into account for the budget build including fixed costs for healthcare, Department of Justice compliance, faculty promotions, and UNM Press. EVP Harris stated they are not talking about aggressive increases in spending. Faculty promotions will keep the promise to faculty as they improve and gain experience and tenure as they are traditionally awarded with increased pay. Health insurance is being monitored carefully. UNM Press has had a difficult time historically operating without

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some form of central subsidy. There have been a number of consulting studies that have been done that indicate that is the norm nationally for these university presses that continue to survive. There is an internal discussion whether or not this is the right number, it was put in the spreadsheet for planning purposes but may be different once President Abdallah reviews the budget. If the University is going to have a UNM Press, they will have to figure out how to finance it. President Abdallah stated they will have a University Press and will support it at some level. They need change the model so they can survive with a reasonable subsidy. Very few presses in the United States can live on their own. Regent Doughty stated they have an $11M gap they need to fill in order to balance the budget. EVP Harris stated the spreadsheet did not include Athletics or HSC. They are working with VP Paul Krebs to specifically address Athletics’ challenges. Regent Doughty stated that overall UNM is a $3B institution and they are projected to be down $11M; he inquired what the percentage was. EVP Harris stated that it may not be an accurate calculation because a major portion of the $3B is the HSC and UNMH. The portion of the budget they are concerned about is the Instruction and General (I&G) portion of $315M. In Research, there is approximately $180M restricted dollars; those all come into the $3B. Regent Doughty stated if the University was focused on being “one” institution like he is advocating for, then it would be a much easier task; it continues to be a work in progress. Provost White stated that when looking at the big picture, they need to look at the transferability of different elements and how much can be integrated. They have been working hard in the BLT to make each unit stand on its own to minimize some subsidies that are sent to those units. Regent Lee stated they are at a critical juncture; they can make some real changes in the institution, multi-year substantial changes. EVP Harris stated after the Legislature concludes they will have more information to provide the Committee. Terry Babbitt, AVP Enrollment Management, stated that enrollment looks solid. Summer was poor performing, fall was solid, and spring saw reductions in credit hours taken. They are optimistic that enrollment is leveling out. They will continue to be conservative in planning. They have made progress in areas including online and international programs, specifically a program with China that will bring 70 Chinese students to ASM.

12. Major Capital Projects Update. Lisa Marbury made the presentation. An update was

provided to the Committee on the University’s major capital projects. They are in the second largest period of capital improvements that the University has gone through in its

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history. A slide was presented which illustrated the current project timelines for capital projects, not all projects were listed on the slide as they were still consulting with some departments. Three of the University’s major capital projects were in construction including Farris Engineering, HSC Health Education Building Phase 3, and McKinnon Center for Management at ASM. Three projects were in design including the Physics and Astronomy Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, Johnson Center, and Smith Plaza/Union Square. Regarding Farris Engineering Center (FEC), the project budget was $25.5M and it was 56% complete with an expected occupancy date of November 2017. It is a 90,000 square foot facility. They had a beam signing and several slides with images were shown depicting the progress. Regarding the Health Education Building Phase 3, the project budget was $27.3M and it was 43% complete with an expected occupancy date of January 2018. It is a 76,000 square foot facility. They had a beam signing and several slides with images were shown depicting the progress. Regarding the McKinnon Center for Management (MCM) building, the project budget was $24.3M and it was 11% complete with an expected occupancy date of April 2018. It is a 60,000 square foot facility. They held a ground breaking event, and the Mayor of Albuquerque, UNM Regents and Leadership, and the generous ASM donors Ian and Sonnet McKinnon were in attendance. Regarding the Physics and Astronomy Interdisciplinary Science (PAIS) building, the project budget was $65.7M and it was in the design phase. The project was slowed down while awaiting approval for the bonds, which they received. They will seek Regent approval in May 2017, HED approval in June 2017, and SBOF approval in July 2017. Construction is estimated to begin in November 2017 and ending in July 2019. They anticipate the reservoir site will come down in July or August 2017. They have an occupancy date of August 2019 and it is a 137,000 square foot facility. Regarding Smith Plaza/Union Square, the project budget was $3M and it was in the programming phase. They received the final $1M funding from the bond package. It is 130,000 square feet of space; including the lower basin and Union Square outside of the upper level of the Student Union Building (SUB). There are many ADA concerns with Smith Plaza so they are working that into programming. They have had student, faculty, and staff forums to present picture boards to get ideas of what other things would go into the space and how it would look. They have received a lot of good feedback and participation. They will seek Regent approval in June 2017, HED approval in July 2017, and SBOF approval in September 2017. Construction is estimated to begin in September 2017 and ending in June 2018. They have an occupancy date of August 2018. Regarding the Johnson Center Expansion and Renewal, the project budget was $35M and it was in the master planning and programming phase. It is 100,000 square foot new building and renewal of some of the current structure. They will seek Regent approval in June 2017, HED approval in July 2017, and SBOF approval in September 2017. Construction is estimated to begin in April 2018 and ending in November 2019. They have an occupancy

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date of December 2019. The $35M they received does not solve all of Johnson Center’s problems but if they receive more funding in the future, they can focus on other areas/phases of the project. They are focusing on recreation for the students which is what students want and will help with recruiting. Three concept drawings for Phase 1 were presented and illustrated what areas were on levels 1 through 3. On Level 1 they are repurposing some spaces for multipurpose courts. The current parking lot will be a new fitness center. They will also be fixing code compliance issues. On Level 2 is the main floor, and the new concourse will become the main entry way for the fitness center areas. They are going to expand the shop where students can rent equipment and get their bikes fixed. There will also be a three story climbing wall. On Level 3 there will be an indoor jogging track and some cardio/strength space. An image rendering of the building was presented, it will be very open building but is still in design. They are sitting currently at $180M worth of capital projects. Albuquerque Business First has contacted the University about doing a story on the projects as they are all major capital renewal for the State, City, and University. Regent Lee thinks it is important that they show the cost benefit analysis as spending a lot of money on capital outlay at a public institution facing budget challenges can be seen as contradictory. The public need to know their money is not being wasted. Ms. Marbury stated they can show where their funding is coming from, capital outlay and GO Bonds, and were fortunate to receive funding from the State when it did have money. The University has gone out for institutional bonds to fund the rest of the projects. EVP Harris commended the students for stepping up and agreeing to support this project for future students.

COMMENTS: There were no comments. EXECUTIVE SESSION: No executive session was held.

Regent Doughty moved to adjourn at 9:55 a.m., and Regent Lee seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote with a quorum of Committee members present and voting.

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TAB 3 Action Item 3 Approval of Disposition of Surplus Property for Main Campus for February and March 2017 (Bruce Cherrin, Chief Procurement Officer)

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TAB 4 Action Item 4 Approval for UNM Taos Project – STEMH Technical Career Center Phase II (Chris Vallejos, AVP, ISS)

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TAB 5 Action Item 5 Approval of Five-Year Capital Plan (Chris Vallejos, AVP, ISS and Lisa Marbury, Exec. Proj. Dir., ISS)

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The University of New Mexico MSC07 4210 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 Phone 505.277.3600 Fax 505.277.2238 www.unm.edu 1818 Camino del Servicio, Suite 149



DATE: March 29, 2017 TO: David W. Harris, EVP for Administration, COO & CFO FROM: Chris Vallejos, Associate Vice President, Institutional Support Services Lisa Marbury, Executive Director, Institutional Support Services

RE: UNM Five-Year Capital Plan RECOMMENDED ACTION: Attached for your approval is the Five-Year Capital Plan, detailing projects which will construct and/or significantly improve and renew numerous facilities on The University of New Mexico Campuses. Staff recommends approval of the Five-Year Capital Plan so that it may be submitted to the Higher Education Department. As part of the HED Capital Outlay process, the Plan must be submitted by their June 1, 2017 deadline. The list takes into consideration the state budget outlook, the significant facility and infrastructure needs of the institution and projects that can be completed in discreet phases. We look forward to your feedback on the Five Year Capital Plan.

cc: N. Allen, Associate Director, V. Staples, Budget Officer, Budget Planning & Analysis, R. Henrard, A. Coburn, L. Chance, C. Martinez, T. Murray Allred, Planning Design & Construction

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Five-Year Capital Plan

Central Campus

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rity #

Overall Fund

ing Priority #



Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)


College of Fine Arts Renewal & Replacement

Renewal and replacement of College of Fine Arts facilities Jul‐18 Dec‐20 $     30,000,000 


10% Private Funds Yes Yes TBD

UNM 2 2 GOBChemistry Renovation ‐ Phase II

Design & Construction of Phase II of the building renewal for Chemistry Jul‐18 Dec‐20 $     16,000,000 


UNM 3Art Annex, Biology Annex Improvements

Facility Improvements and Renewal for Art Annex and Biology Annex buildings $        6,100,000 

100% Institutional Bond No Yes TBD

UNM 4Main Campus Wide Wireless Initiative ‐ Phase 1

Provide  campus wide coverage for Main Campus, including intra building copper cabling and wireless infrastructure. The wireless initiative would be a 3 year effort  Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $        2,300,000  90% GF/STB

10% UNM Minor Capital No No N/A

UNM 5Child Care Center Expansion

Expansion of Child Care Facility to meet student waiting list demand for the services Jul‐18 Dec‐20 $     10,000,000 

50% Student Facility Fees; 50% UNM Bonds/Other Funds Yes 17000

UNM 6 ROTC ComplexConstruct or remodel a facility to host all three branches of the ROTC programs hosted at UNM Jul‐18 Dec‐20 $     15,000,000 

100% GF/STB/GOB Yes No TBD


Classroom Technology Upgrades (Centrally Scheduled Classrooms)

Upgrade audio visual system and computing infrastructure in 118 UNM IT managed centrally scheduled classrooms.  Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $           816,000  100% GF/STB No Yes

UNM 8Edge Switch Refresh/Upgrade

Provide network refresh with enhanced capabilities for wireless and VoIP access.  Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $        2,500,000  100% GF/STB No No N/A

UNM 9 IT Electrical Upgrades

Electrical Infrastructure: Replace aging infrastructure and provide redundancy in case of power failure for the IT Building Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $        2,200,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM 10Olympic Sports Weight Room

Construct new facilities to provide enhanced capability Jul‐18 Dec‐20 $        6,000,000  100% GF Yes No

UNM Parking Lots Improvements Improvement within the Athletic Complex Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $        1,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM New Sound SystemReplace the existing sound system in Wise Pies Arena Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $        1,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMFacility Planning to relocate KUNM

Planning funding for relocating KUNM to be adjacent to KNME Jul‐18 Aug‐19 $           300,000  100% Other No No TBD

UNM IT Electrical Upgrades

Electrical Infrastructure: Replace aging infrastructure and provide redundancy in case of power failure for the IT Building Jul‐18 Jun‐20 $        2,200,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A


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rity #

Overall Fund

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)


UNMZimmerman Fire Protection ‐ Phase 2

Upgrade fire protection and sprinkler system in Zimmerman Library Phase 2 Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $        2,500,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMHousing Heating and Cooling Renewal

Heating and cooling distribution piping renewal at Student Family Housing Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $           500,000 

100% Utilities Funded No Yes N/A

UNMNew Roof for Wise Pies Arena AKA the Pit New roof for Wise Pies Arena AKA The Pit Jul‐18 Dec‐18 $           500,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMStudent Union Building ‐ Taproom

Build a 2,400 sf Taproom that will feature NM Brewing companies and services the UNM community May‐18 Aug‐18 $        1,300,000  100% Other Yes Yes 2400

UNMCoronado Hall Bathroom Remodel ‐ Phase 2

Remodel 11 remaining communal bathrooms to contain fully enclosed and lockable showers and toilets and add disabled accessible unit for each one May‐18 Aug‐18 $        2,000,000 

100% Housing Capital Funds No Yes

UNMCoronado Lobby Resident Activity Center

Create a central recreational space for Coronado Hall residents by restoring the lobby to be the architectural focus of the building, adding lounge and recreation furnishings and move the office suite to the side area. It will also increase accessibility for the building by adding ramps for access to resident living spaces May‐18 Aug‐18 $           600,000 

100% Housing Capital Funds Yes Yes

UNMReplace Domestic Water System

Replace domestic hot water system at Student Residence Center Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $        1,500,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMGolf Course Electrical System Golf Course electrical system Jul‐18 Dec‐18 $        1,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Facility ImprovementsBranch Stadium lighting and elevator modernization Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $        2,750,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMNatatorium HVAC Upgrades Install dehumidification system Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $           800,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Photovoltaic System Valencia Campus Photovoltaic System Jul‐18 Jun‐19 $           300,000 100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A

UNMSTB Bandelier Hall West 


Renewal and upgrade of outdated facilities to support research and instruction in Bandelier Hall West Jul‐19 Dec‐21 $        4,056,000  100% GF/STB No Yes 15600

UNMMain Campus Wide Wireless Initiative ‐ Phase 2

Provide  campus wide coverage for Main Campus, including intra building copper cabling and wireless infrastructure. The wireless initiative would be a 3 year effort  Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $        2,300,000  90% GF/STB

10% UNM Minor Capital No No N/A

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rity #

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)


UNMCampus Fiber (Zones 1 and 2)

UNM Fiber Zones are aging and in some cases, at least 20 years old. UNM's Research Network has low speed connectivity in some areas since the old fiber  can't support faster throuput, which hampers UNM's research activity. Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $        2,000,000  100% GF/STB

Evaluating STB options and common good debt service for fiber Yes Yes N/A


Classroom Technology Upgrades (Departmentally Scheduled Classrooms) (Request 1 of 2)

Upgrade audio visual systems and computing infrastructure in 50 departmentally scheduled classrooms (out of 100 total).  Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $           825,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Sand Volleyball Courts Design and construct 4 sand volleyball courts Jul‐19 Jun‐20 $        1,125,707  100% GF/STB Yes Yes

UNMJohnson Field Improvements

This well used athletic field is overdue for a new efficient irrigation system and new turf. The path around the edge would benefit from better definition and surfacing. A line of shade trees around the  perimeter would add to the precious shade provided. Jul‐19 Jun‐20 $        4,000,000  100% GF/STB N/A

UNMRecreational Fields South Campus

Develop Recreational fields on South Campus at address the continued growth of Residential housing and Recreational programming for Competitive Sport, Sports Clubs and Student Activities Events Jul‐19 Jun‐20 $        5,000,000 

100% GF/STB/GOB Yes N/A

UNM KNME Upgrades Renew Infrastructure Jul‐19 Aug‐20 $           750,000 100% Institutional Yes Yes N/A

UNM Student Health Center SHAC expansion to Plaza Level Feb‐19 Dec‐20 $        2,400,000 

50% SHAC Reserves; 50% Institutional No Yes 15081

UNM Student Health Center SHAC remodel of 1st & 2nd Floor Feb‐19 Dec‐21 $        7,630,500 95% Institutional No Yes 25435

UNMElectrical Distribution ‐ Phase 1

Electrical Infrastructure: Main Gear and Emergency Generators Replacement Jul‐19 Aug‐20 $        2,000,000  75% GF/STB

25% Sustainability Surcharge No Yes N/A

UNMSewer System Upgrades ‐ Phase 1

Civil Infrastructure: Correction of Sanitary and Storm Sewer System Issues Jul‐19 Aug‐20 $        1,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMInfrastructure & Site Improvements

Provide parking and drainage infrastructure to meet growing demand Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $        1,500,000  100% GF/STB Yes No N/A

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rity #

Overall Fund

ing Priority #



Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)


UNM Surface RestorationsSurface restorations from prior year utility projects at Student Residence Center Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $           500,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Chiller ExpansionAdd additional chiller capacity for projected new building expansion Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $        2,000,000 

100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A

UNM Photovoltaic Project Location TBD Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $           300,000 100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A

UNM Gas Turbine #2 Gas Turbine Generator #2 Overhaul Jul‐19 Dec‐20 $        2,000,000 100% Utilities Funded No No N/A

UNM GOBCollege of Fine Arts Renewal & Replacement

Renewal and replacement of College of Fine Arts facilities Jul‐20 Dec‐23 $     38,000,000 


10% Private Funds Yes Yes TBD


Anthropology Facility Renewal and Upgrade ‐ Phase I

Renewal and upgrade of outdated facilities to support research and instruction Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $     15,000,000 

100% GF/STB/GOB No Yes TBD

UNMMain Campus Wide Wireless Initiative ‐ Phase 3

Provide  campus wide coverage for Main Campus, including intra building copper cabling and wireless infrastructure. The wireless initiative would be a 3 year effort  Jul‐20 Dec‐21 $        2,300,000  90% GF/STB

10% UNM Minor Capital No No N/A


Classroom Technology Upgrades (Departmentally Scheduled Classrooms) (Request 2 of 2)

Upgrade audio visual systems and computing infrastructure in 50 departmentally scheduled classrooms (remaining 50 should funding 2019 request above get funded). Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $           825,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMMedia & Information Technology

Construct a new Information Technologies Center Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $     36,378,000  100% GF/STB Yes No TBD

UNM Finish Baseball RenovationSeating, Plaza, Concessions, Press Box, Club House Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $        5,000,000  100% GF

UNM SUB Expansion

Expand the Student Union Building (SUB) to accommodate the growth and needs of the students Jul‐20 Jun‐22 $     25,000,000 

100% Student Facility Fees Yes Yes TBD

UNMElectrical Distribution ‐ Phase 2

Electrical Infrastructure: Main Gear and Emergency Generators Replacement Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $        2,000,000  75% GF/STB

25% Sustainability Surcharge No Yes N/A

UNMRe‐Roof Center for Fine Arts Re‐roof Popejoy Hall Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $           400,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Duck Pond Renovation

Includes relocating pump house, new pumps and filters, replace liner, increase depth, replace bridge, replace sides, replace path around pond and landscape enhancements Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $        5,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)


UNMSewer System Upgrades ‐ Phase 2

Civil Infrastructure: Correction of Sanitary and Storm Sewer System Issues Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $        1,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Demolition of Buildings Demolition of buildings #125, #207, Triclock Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $        2,825,000  100% GF/STB No No N/A

UNM Surface RestorationsSurface restorations from prior year utility projects at Student Family Housing Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $           500,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Photovoltaic Project Location TBD Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $           300,000 100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A


Campus Water and Fire Protection System Improvements

Connection between North and Central Campuses, UNMH Improvements and New North Campus well, reservoirs and pump station Jul‐20 Dec‐22 $     16,500,000  100% GF/STB Yes No N/A

UNM STB Honors College Phase I Honors College expansion Jul‐21 Dec‐23 $        5,000,000 100% GF/STB/GOB TBD


Logan Hall ‐ Phase II

Renewal to modernize building to support student enrollment and faculty/student retention Jul‐21 Dec‐23 $        5,000,000  100% GF/STB Yes TBD

UNM IT Fiber Connections Provide new connections at UNM West Jul‐21 Dec‐22 $           650,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMElectrical Distribution ‐ Phase 3

Electrical Infrastructure: Main Gear and Emergency Generators Replacement Jul‐21 Dec‐23 $        2,000,000  75% GF/STB

25% Sustainability Surcharge No Yes N/A

UNM Repaving and Road Repair

Civil Infrastructure: Repave failing roads, milling, overlays, seal coat, crack seal curb and gutter replacement and stripping on both Main and HSC campus Jul‐21 Dec‐22 $        1,800,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNMSewer System Upgrades Phase 3

Civil Infrastructure: Correction of Sanitary and Storm Sewer System Issues Jul‐21 Jun‐23 $        1,000,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Johnson Field RenovationComplete renovation including irrigation, grading, track, turf and landscape enhancements Jul‐21 Dec‐23 $        3,100,000  100% GF/STB No Yes N/A

UNM Photovoltaic Project Location TBD Jul‐21 Jun‐22 $           300,000 100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A

UNM GOBCollege of Fine Arts Renewal & Replacement

Renewal and replacement of College of Fine Arts facilities Jul‐22 Dec‐24 $     36,000,000 


10% Private Funds Yes Yes TBD

UNM GOBAnderson School of Management Phase II

Design & Construction of Phase II of the Anderson School of Management Jul‐22 Jun‐24 $     20,000,000 

50% GF/STB/GOB 50% Other Yes No TBD

UNM Track Team RoomConstruct a Track team room which will also function as a Soccer half time room Jul‐22 Jun‐23 100% Other Yes No TBD

UNMPhotovoltaic Solar Power Panels Generate solar power for use on campus Jul‐22 Dec‐23 $        5,000,000  100% GF/STB Yes No N/A

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ing Priority #



Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)


UNMElectrical Distribution Phase 4

Electrical Infrastructure: Main Gear and Emergency Generators Replacement Jul‐22 Dec‐23 $        2,000,000  75% GF/STB

25% Sustainability Surcharge No Yes N/A

UNM Photovoltaic Project Location TBD Jul‐22 Jun‐23 $           300,000 100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A


STB Bandelier Hall Renewal and Upgrade (Geography)

Renewal and upgrade of historic and outdated Bandelier Hall to support instruction and research for Geography in Bandelier Hall East Jul‐23 Dec‐24 $        2,860,000  100% GF/STB No Yes 11000


Northrop Hall RenovationRenewal and renovation for Earth & Planetary Sciences building in Northrop Hall Jul‐24 Jun‐26 $     20,000,000 

UNMElectrical Distribution Phase 5

Electrical Infrastructure: Main Gear and Emergency Generators Replacement Jul‐24 Dec‐25 $        2,000,000  75% GF/STB

25% Sustainability Surcharge No Yes N/A

UNM Photovoltaic Project Location TBD Jul‐24 Jun‐25 $           300,000 100% Utilities Funded Yes No N/A

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Five-Year Capital Plan

Health Sciences Center

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rity #

Overall Fund

ing Priority 




Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

UNM HSC 1 Replacement Adult Hospital Phase I of III

Replacement hospital due to outdated facilities and unsustainable, inefficient infrastructure. Replacement will be highly functional and adequately sized

Jul‐17 Jan‐20  $   220,000,000  100% Other Funds

Yes No TBD

2 Demolition of Elks Lodge The systems in this building have been deteriorating over the years. According to the State Fire Marshall's Office, the building does not meet existing fire code requirement. The roof needs to be replaced and HVAC, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing needs to be updated and brought to code. Asbestos abatement also need to be done. Investing to upgrade systems to meet all code requirements including ADA will be cost prohibitive.

Apr‐17 Sep‐17  $           700,000  100% Other Funds

No No 56,000

3 Pre‐Anesthesia Care Clinic Similar to North 4th Street and SW Clinics to expand Services to the Community to increase access to health care.

Sep‐17 Sep‐18  $        6,000,000  100% Other Funds

Yes 17,000

UNM‐HSC 1 4 GOB Nursing/Pharmacy Building Construct a modern, efficient building to house wet and dry labs, and faculty and staff offices.

Dec‐18 Dec‐20  $     22,750,000  100% GF/STB/GOB

Yes 50,000

UNM‐HSC 5 Health & Educational Careers Facility and Equipment

Partnering with both UNM Hospitals and Sandoval Regional Medical Center to grow the professional healthcare workforce by coordinating with Central New Mexico Community College, Bernalillo County,  Sandoval Health Collaborative, and secondary education institutions in Central New Mexico. The workforce positions needed include Nurse, Physical Therapy,  Occupational Therapy to name a few

Nov‐18  $     10,000,000  100% GF/STB/GOB


6 Brain and Behavioral Health Institute Phase I of III

Construct an addition to Domenici Hall to study and treat brain disorders such as Alzheimer's, autism, epilepsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, mental

Dec‐18 Dec‐20  $     11,020,000  100% Other Funds


7 Community‐Based Clinic Similar to North 4th Street and SW Clinics to  Jul‐18 Jul‐19 $        6,000,000  100% Other  17,0008 GOB Family Community 

Medicine BuildingRenovate, refurbish, and repurpose the Family Community Medicine Clinic into HSC Academic Space.

Mar‐19 Nov‐20  $        4,100,000  100% GF/STB/GOB

No Yes 16,200

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Health Sciences Center 3/24/2017

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Overall Fund

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Health Sciences Center 3/24/2017

UNM‐HSC 9 GOB School of Medicine Building 2 (Med II)

Renovate, refurbish and re‐purpose the first School of Medicine building which was originally a 7‐UP bottling plant. To house HSC health professional programs

Mar‐18  $     15,000,000  100% GF/STB/GOB

Yes 37,500

UNM‐HSC 10 GOB UNM HSC West Health Care Education Building

This is an intensive science education laboratory building to meet the health care needs of New Mexico, the UNM Health Sciences Center will be expanding healthcare workforce degree offerings on the UNMHSC West Campus

Mar‐18 Jan‐20  $     16,000,000  50% GOB 50% Other Funds ($10,000,000 Sandoval County Higher Education GRT)

Yes No 35,000

UNM‐HSC 11 Health & Educational Careers Facility and Equipment

Partnering with both UNM Hospitals and Sandoval Regional Medical Center to grow the professional healthcare workforce by coordinating with Central New Mexico Community College, Bernalillo County,  Sandoval Health Collaborative, and secondary education institutions in Central New Mexico. The workforce positions needed include Nurse, Physical Therapy,  Occupational Therapy to name 

Jul‐18  $     10,000,000  100% GF/STB/GOB


12 Community‐Based Clinic Similar to North 4th Street and SW Clinics to expand Primary Care Services to the Community to increase access to health care

Jul‐18 Jul‐19  $        6,000,000  100% Other Funds


13 Community‐Based Clinic Similar to North 4th Street and SW Clinics to expand Primary Care Services to the Community to increase access to health care

Jul‐19 Jul‐20  $        6,000,000  100% Other Funds


14 HSC Campus Parking Structure

The UNM HSC Core Campus has a total of 4,006 parking spaces, including 1,298 garage parking spaces and2,708 surface parking lot spaces. This new structure will alleviate the parking constraints for HSC faculty, students, staff and visitors who arrive and leave daily. This 800 space structure will be similar to the UNM Structure located at Lomas & Yale.

Jan‐19 Jan‐20  $     18,400,000  TBD Yes 300,000

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Health Sciences Center 3/24/2017

UNM‐HSC 15 Child and Elder Care Facility

This facility is highly valued by UNM Faculty and Staff who cover 24‐hour operations at the Clinical facilities of the Health System. It may be located in the backfill space at the old hospital.

Nov‐19 Jan‐21  $     35,000,000  50% GF/STB/GOB

50% Other Funds

Yes No TBD

UNM‐HSC 16 Health & Educational Careers Facility and Equipment

Partnering with both UNM Hospitals and Sandoval Regional Medical Center to grow the professional healthcare workforce by coordinating with Central New Mexico Community College, Bernalillo County,  Sandoval Health Collaborative, and secondary education institutions in Central New Mexico. The workforce positions needed include Nurse, Physical Therapy,  Occupational Therapy to name 

Jul‐19 Jul‐20  $     10,000,000  100% GF/STB/GOB


UNM‐HSC 17 GOB Re‐purpose, remodel old UNM Hospital for teaching/faculty offices

Some of the 1954, 1966 and 1977 in‐patient and operating facilities, can be renovated to provide intermediate behavioral health services, teaching and research space for patients, faculty, students and staff

Jan‐21 Aug‐23  $     25,000,000  100% GF/STB/GOB

No Yes TBD

18 Replacement Adult Hospital Phase II of III

Replacement hospital due to outdated facilities and unsustainable, inefficient infrastructure. Replacement will be highly functional and adequately sized

Mar‐21 Dec‐23  $   200,000,000  100% Other Funds

Yes No TBD

UNM‐HSC 19 GOB Renovate existing Nursing/Pharmacy Building

This building is 41 years old and building systems are failing on a weekly basis. To continue to maintain is becoming cost prohibitive. Renovation will include wet and dry labs and faculty and staff offices

Dec‐20 Dec‐22  $     43,816,000  100% GF/STB/GOB

Yes 96,300

UNM‐HSC 20 Health & Educational Careers Facility and Equipment

Partnering with both UNM Hospitals and Sandoval Regional Medical Center to grow the professional healthcare workforce by coordinating with Central New Mexico Community College, Bernalillo County,  Sandoval Health Collaborative, and secondary education institutions in Central New Mexico. The workforce positions needed include Nurse, Physical Therapy,  Occupational Therapy to name 

Jul‐20 Jul‐21  $     10,000,000  100% GF NA

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Health Sciences Center 3/24/2017

21 Community‐Based Clinic Similar to North 4th Street and SW Clinics to expand Primary Care Services to the Community to increase access to health care

Jul‐20 Jul‐21  $        6,000,000  100% Other Funds


22 Low Cost HSC Graduate Student Housing

Provide close proximity and affordable housing for students in the health professions due to their challenging schedules

Jul‐20 Jul‐21  TBD  Public/Private Partnership


UNM‐HSC 23 Health & Educational Careers Facility and Equipment

Partnering with both UNM Hospitals and Sandoval Regional Medical Center to grow the professional healthcare workforce by coordinating with Central New Mexico Community College, Bernalillo County,  Sandoval Health Collaborative, and secondary education institutions in Central New Mexico. The workforce positions needed include Nurse, Physical Therapy,  Occupational Therapy to name 

Jul‐21 Jul‐22  $     10,000,000  100% GF/STB/GOB


24 Replacement Adult Hospital Phase III of III

Replacement hospital due to outdated facilities and unsustainable, inefficient infrastructure. Replacement will be highly functional and adequately sized

Mar‐22 Dec‐24  $   200,000,000  100% Other Funds

Yes No TBD

25 Brain and Behavioral Health Institute Phase II of III

Construct an addition to Domenici Hall to study and treat brain disorders such as Alzheimer's, autism, epilepsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, mental illness, stroke and trauma.

Dec‐21 Dec‐22  $        5,510,000  100% Other Funds


26 Child Psychiatry Inpatient Facility

Remodel, renovate, repurpose portions of old UNMH for Child Psychiatry.

Jan‐22 Aug‐24  $     20,000,000  100% Other Funds

No Yes TBD

27 Child Psychiatry Center Demolish Child Psychiatry. Aug‐24 Aug‐17  $        2,000,000  100% Other Funds

No No

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Five-Year Capital Plan

UNM Gallup Branch

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rity #

Overall Fund

ing Priority 




Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

UNM‐G 1 1

GOBMulti Purpose Facility/Career Technology Education Center  Career Technology Education  Nov‐18 Dec‐20 $        2,000,000 


25% Local Match              8,000 

UNM‐G 1 2STB Classroom Renovation/ Site 


Renovation of Facilities/Roofing/HVAC, Energy Efficiency Improvements and Technology improvements campus‐wide Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $           500,000  75% GF/STB

25% Local Match No Yes NA

UNM‐G 2 3 STBUtilities & Infrastructure Upgrades

Repair, upgrade, and construct primary utilities, drainage and roadway system Jul‐18 Dec‐19 $           500,000  75% GF/STB

25% Local Match Yes NA

UNM‐GCareer Technologies Education Center Phase II

Planning, design, construct and equip a facility to house Career Technology Education programs. This building will have the flexibility to house a mechanical industrial technology program, technical allied health  green technology programs, and other workforce training efforts Jul‐19 Jul‐22 $        6,000,000 

100% Other Funds Yes No 13000

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Gallup Branch 3/15/2017

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Five-Year Capital Plan

UNM Los Alamos Branch

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe 


Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

UNM‐LA 1 1 GOBSustainability, Infrastructure, and Classroom Updates

Renew, replace and upgrade existing facilities infrastructure at the Los Alamos Campus.  This includes energy savings components not fully funded in the 2016 GO Bond and the classrooms in building 6.  This building has two non‐compliant ADA restrooms, several classrooms configured for old ITV delivery, others with compromised acoustics, poor lighting and outdated learning environments unchanged since the 1980s. Jan‐18 19‐Jan $       1,000,000  75%GF/STB/GOB

25% other funds no yes 11,399

UNM‐LA 2 2 STB Library and Loft Renovations

Renew, replace and upgrade existing space in the library to establish a comprehensive testing center and upgrade the loft area to maximize staffing opportunities and space utilization. Jan‐19 Jul‐19 $          500,000  75% GF/STB/GOB

25% other funds No Yes 7,302


Dedicated STEM Labs and Classrooms, an Academy Transitional Center and Workforce Development Lab

Renew, replace and upgrade space dedicated to programs with STEM labs, classrooms and a transitional center for Dual Credit, Early College Academy and a Workforce development lab. Jul‐18 Jul‐19 $       1,500,000  75% GF/STB/GOB

25% other funds No Yes 10,000+

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Los Alamos Branch 3/16/2017

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Five-Year Capital Plan

UNM Taos Branch

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rity #

Overall Fund

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

UNM‐T 1 1


Natural Resources Center Plan, design, construct, renovate, equip, furnish Center for Natural Resources to include classrooms, laboratories, computer simulation/modeling facilities, and research lab. 

Nov‐18 Dec‐20  $        4,000,000  75% GF/STB 25% Other Funds

No y 13,000



Site and Parking Lot Repair and Improvements

Site improvements, including repair, resurface, and upgrade of campus entry road and parking lot with wayfinding and safety signage  at the UNM‐Taos Klauer campus that will address safety and drainage issues. 

Jul‐19 Aug‐21  $           750,000  75% GF/STB 25% Other Funds

No Y


Center for Academic Success, and Achievement

Plan, design, construct, equip and furnish a Student Center for Academic Success, Retention and Achievement

Nov‐20 Dec‐22  $        4,000,000  75% GF/STB 25% Other Funds

Y N8,000



Site infrastructure and  road improvements

Engineer, design and construct  fire and safety circulation roadways infrastructure, utility feeds and accessible parking with phased construction

Jul‐21 Aug‐23  $        1,500,000  75% GF/STB 25% Other Funds

y y



Construction Technologies & Education and Facilities Management Center

Plan, design, construct, equip and furnish a dual use center for Construction Technologies education and Facilities Management with shared  site improvements, storage and infrastructure

Nov‐21 Dec‐24  $        4,000,000  75% GF/STB 25% Other Funds

y 10,500sf


Site infrastructure and  road improvements

Engineer, design and construct  utilities, infrastructure, roadways and building safety upgrades

Jul‐22 Aug‐24  $        1,500,000  75% GF/STB 25% Other Funds

y y

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Taos Branch 3/2/2017

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Five-Year Capital Plan

UNM Valencia Branch

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rity #

Overall Fund

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Project Title DescriptionMonth/Year Project to be 


Month/Year Project to be 


 Cost of Project or Phase 

Percentage to be funded from 

Legislative Funding (list % and describe funding)

Other funding sources   (list % and describe funding)







Square Footage (GSF)

UNM‐V 1 Westside Expansion Project will provide a facility to meet service demands on the county's west side.  The Development will include 3 general classrooms, 3 computer classrooms/labs, a Library/Learning Center, Admin/Faculty Offices and a Student Commons Area

Jul‐19 Jul‐20  $        5,600,000  100% Local Funds

Yes No 18,000

UNM‐V 2Site and Facility Renewal/Remodeling

Classroom and office remodeling and site renewal updates

Jul‐19 Dec‐20  $        2,700,000  75% GF/STB/GOB

25% Local Funds No Yes 14,000


Sustainability Improvements

Replace high water use plumbing fixtures /Install building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solar modules at existing facilities

Jul‐20 Jul‐21  $           600,000  75% GF/STB/GOB

25% Local FundsN/A

UNM‐V 4Student Center Facility Renewal/Remodeling

Classroom and office remodeling Jul‐20 Dec‐22  $        2,500,000  75% GF/STB/GOB

25% Local Funds Yes No 3,900


Academic Program Expansion

A new wellness/fitness facility will be constructed to meet increased demands.  Bookstore and gallery will expand into space vacated.  The Digital Media Arts program will require the expansion of the Arts Facility

Jul‐21 Dec‐23  $        8,580,000  75% GF/STB/GOB

25% Local Funds Yes No 28,400

INSTITUTION'S 5 YEAR PLAN for STATE FUNDINGUniversity of New Mexico Valencia Branch 3/15/2017

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TAB 6 Action Item 6 Discussion and Possible Approval of FY 18 Employee Benefits (Dorothy Anderson, VP, HR and Brenda De La Pena, Dir., Univ. Benefits)

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TAB 7 Action Item 7 Recommendations for Consent Agenda Items on Full Board of Regents’ Agenda (Marron Lee, Chair, F&F Committee)

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* Recommendations for Consent Agenda Items on full Board of Regents Agenda

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Information Item 8 Discussion of Restated Bylaws of the UNM Alumni Association (Dana Allen, VP, Alumni Relations, James Lewis, Pres. of the Alumni Assoc., and Henry Rivera, Exec. Committee Member, Alumni Assoc.)

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TO: University of New Mexico Board of Regents & Finance and Facilities Committee

FR: James Lewis, President, University of New Mexico Alumni Association

RE: Governance Documents

One of my first acts as President was to commission a Task Force consisting of two board members,

Henry Rivera and Rosalyn Nguyen, Dana Allen and me to review and (if necessary) revise the

Association’s Governance Documents. I initiated this project because the Bylaws were initially adopted

in 1962 and I suspected that they were obsolete and no longer reflective of the way the Association

operates and does its business.

The Task Force confirmed the obsolescence of these documents and recommended changes. The

Association’s Executive Committee has been involved in this project from the beginning and has seen,

discussed and approved the various iterations of the documents. We come before you because the

Board of Regents must approve any changes to these documents. Based upon the assumption that the

Regents would rely on University Counsel to advise them regarding the appropriateness of the

documents, the Executive Committee directed that a draft be sent to University Counsel for review and

approval. University Counsel approved the attached documents in January.

The balance of this Memo is a summary of the changes in the documents that the Task Force thinks

might be of interest to you. Therefore, not all changes are described. You will observe that the

amendments to the Bylaws are so extensive that Task Force deemed it prudent to restate them in their



1. Article VIII is amended to delete provisions regarding membership. The reason for this will become

clear in the paragraph 2 of the following discussion of the Bylaws. .

2. Article IX is added to permit amendment of the Articles. The ability to amend the Articles is not

explicit in the current Articles.


1. Article II has been revised to be consistent with the Purposes stated in the Articles of Incorporation.

2. Article III has been revised to delete the requirement that the Association have members. Of course,

the Association will continue to have members but New Mexico law provides that non-profit

corporations need not have provisions for members in their bylaws. Deleting such provisions from our

Bylaws will permit us much more flexibility in how we create membership categories and in the role

members will play in our organization. These proposed changes will enable us to change membership

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categories and corresponding obligations and privileges without having to amend our Bylaws every time

we do that thus making the Association more responsive to its needs and the needs of its members.

3. Article IV, Section 3 gives the Association President the ability to appoint up to 3 Board members.

This provision gives our President flexibility to quickly fill needs he or she sees on the Board.

4. Article IV, Section 4 has provisions that are required by the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

signed with the Regents in 2016, including provisions that require that our Board members must be

approved by the Regents.

5. Article IV, Section 5 provides that the Board, upon petition by the Association President, may waive

the requirement that a Director not serve a third term prior to sitting out a year before doing so. Such

waivers are discouraged.

6. Article IV, Section 6, expands the Board’s powers so that it is consistent with that provided for by

New Mexico law. It also specifies that the Board may adopt policies and regulations it deems necessary

to comply with the law and conduct the Association’s business.

7. Article IV, Section 10 provides for two Regents on the Board, one of whom is also a member of the

Executive Committee. This change is required by the MOU.

8. Article V, Section 1 changes provisions in the current bylaws that specify dates when the Board must

meet. This gives Association leadership more flexibility to determine when the Board will meet as best

suits the needs of the organization. In addition, it permits notice of meetings to be given by email, a

provision absent from current bylaws.

9. Article V, Section 5 permits participation in Board meetings by telephone or other technology that

allows all participants to hear each other at the same time, a provision absent from the old bylaws.

10. Article VI, Section 1 provides that Officers must be Board members, a provision absent from the old

bylaws. This Section also recognizes that the Secretary is not an elected position and that the President-

Elect automatically succeeds to the office of President at the end of the President’s term. Finally, this

Section provides for a Board waiver from the requirement that an officer must sit out a year prior to

being elected to another term. Such waivers are discouraged.

11. Article VII, Section 1 specifies that the Executive Committee will consist of the Association’s officers

as well as people appointed by the President. Old Bylaws identify Members of the Executive

Committee who are not officers as “At Large Members” and specify that the Nominating Committee will

nominate the At Large Members of the Executive Committee and the Board will elect them. Having the

President appoint these members is, therefore, a change from the old Bylaws. This change was made in

recognition of the reality that the Nominating Committee has generally deferred to incoming Presidents

when it comes to choosing the members of their leadership team and, therefore, only one candidate has

been nominated for At Large Member positions.

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12. Article VII, Section 2 requires that any decision of the Executive Committee be reported to the Board

at the Board meeting immediately succeeding the Executive Committee’s action. Old bylaws require

minutes of Executive Committee meetings be provided to the Board by mail within thirty days after such


13. Article VIII, Section 2 provides that the Association’s Executive Director will not be a member of the

Audit Committee.

14. The Bylaws provide for both a Conflict of Interest and Guiding Principles and Reporting Policy . The

Association did not have such policies and “best practices” indicate that we should. Moreover, the IRS

Form 990 that we file every year asks if we have such policies. The Association would prefer to answer

“yes” to that question.

A. Conflicts—this policy is intended to provide a prohibition on the Association having business

dealings with its officers and directors, unless alternative arrangements are discussed and a rational and

defensible decision is made that dealing with an officer and/or director is in the Association’s best

interest. The IRS wants to assure that tax exempt organizations closely examine any business dealings

with its directors and officers.

B. Guiding Principles —this policy is intended to provide a vehicle by which a director, officer or

member of our staff may bring violations of law or regulation to the Board’s attention for resolution

without fear of retaliation. Association staff are covered by this policy so that the Board can address any

concerns they may have that involve Association operations. Association staff, as UNM employees, may

make use of the University’s Conflicts Policy to deal with concerns that involve the University.

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A New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation



Pursuant to the provisions of the New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation Act, the undersigned

corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment for the purposes of amending its Articles of



The name of the Corporation is The University of New Mexico Alumni Association and the New Mexico

Corporation Number is 477,190.


The following articles are amended as set forth here:


The second paragraph is deleted.

The third paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following:

“The Bylaws shall be amendable by the Corporation’s Board of Directors as provided in the Bylaws.”

Article IX Is added as follows:



These Articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Board at which a quorum is

present by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present, provided notice of the proposed

change is given in the notice of the meeting. “


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The date of the meeting of the board of directors at which the amendment was adopted was _____. The

corporation has no members entitled to vote thereon, therefore, the amendment was adopted by a

majority of the board of directors in office.


These Articles of Amendment are effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.






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A New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation


As adopted by the Board of Directors




The name of the corporation is “The University of New Mexico Alumni Association,” (hereinafter

the “Corporation”). Its principal office in the State of New Mexico shall be located at Hodgin Hall—Alumni

Center, MSC01 1160, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001. The

Corporation may have such other offices, either within or without the State of New Mexico as the business

of the Corporation may require from time to time.



The Corporation is organized under the New Mexico Nonprofit Corporation Act and shall be

operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of

the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue

Law) (hereinafter the “Code”). The object and purposes of the Corporation are for benevolent,

charitable, educational, eleemosynary, literary, and scientific purposes and specifically to advance and

promote the cause of higher education at the University of New Mexico (hereinafter “the University”);

to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the University and the alumni of the University ;

to promote in every way the best interests of the University and particularly to interest persons,

corporations or societies to contribute to its support, to raise funds and assist in raising funds for the

general purposes of the University; to acquire monies, securities, land, buildings, and hold the same;

invest or reinvest or pay out the same or the income therefrom for the aforesaid purposes; to engage

generally in all causes or objects similar to the above-mentioned in order to promote the development

and growth of the University. The Corporation is organized to do everything necessary, suitable or

proper for the accomplishment of these purposes.

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The Corporation shall have no members within the meaning of the New Mexico Nonprofit

Corporation Act. The Corporation may, however, in order to provide financial or other support, in

furtherance of the Corporation’s purposes, designate individuals, organizations or other entities as

“Member,” “Associates,” “Patrons,” “Friends,” or any like term, under such terms and conditions as the

Corporation may deem appropriate.



Section 1. Number of Directors.

The Board of Directors (hereinafter the “Board”) shall consist of no fewer than thirty (30) or

more than forty (40) members, including the Immediate Past President of the Association.

Section 2. Ex-Officio Members.

The following persons shall be ex-officio, non-voting, members of the Board and shall be invited

to attend all meetings and other functions of the Board and be ineligible to hold office in the

Corporation: the President of the University, who may designate a representative to fill this position; the

Vice President of Alumni Relations, who shall serve as Executive Director and Secretary of the

Corporation; the President of the University Foundation; the President of the Young Alumni Chapter; the

ASUNM President; the GPSA President. These individuals shall not be included in the total count of

board members provided for in Section 1.

Section 3. Board Appointments.

The President of the Alumni Association (hereinafter “President”) may appoint up to three (3)

members of the Board provided these appointments do not cause the Board to exceed the maximum

number of Board members provided in Section 1 above. The President will notify the Executive

Committee by email of such an appointment prior to the start of the appointee’s term. The beginning

and end of such appointee’s term, shall be at the discretion of the President but may not exceed three

(3) years. An appointee may be appointed to succeed him or herselfone time. The beginning and end of

such appointee’s second term shall be at the discretion of the President but may not exceed three (3)

years. An appointee may be elected to the Board at the end of his/her appointed term as provided

herein and may serve two (2) successive terms as provided herein.

Section 4. Term of Office and Election.

The term of office of a member of the Board shall be three (3) years beginning with their

election. A Director may be elected to succeed himself or herself once for another term, but thereafter

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shall be ineligible to serve again until at least one year shall have elapsed from the date of the ending of

his/her last elected term. Directors shall be elected at the Board’s June meeting (hereinafter the

“Annual Meeting”) by majority vote however, the Director’s term will begin on July1. Upon petition by

the President, the Board may, at its discretion by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the Board

present at any regular or special Board meeting, at which a quorum is present, waive the requirement

that a Director not serve for one year before becoming eligible for reelection to the Board. The

President’s petition shall make the case for the waiver stating with particularity why the Director’s

continued presence on the Board is considered to be of extraordinary benefit to the Board and to the

Corporation. Waivers are discouraged and the burden of the President to obtain the waiver is a heavy

one. This provision limiting membership on the Board to two (2) consecutive terms shall not apply to

the President-Elect until this person has served their first three (3) year term on the Board while serving

as President.

Section 5. Duties.

The activities, affairs and property of the Corporation shall be directed and controlled by the

Board, which may delegate duties to the Executive Director and staff. The Board shall exercise all of the

powers that may be performed by the Corporation under the laws of the State of New Mexico and

United States, these Bylaws and the Corporation’s Articles of Incorporation. The Board may establish

and adopt such rules, policies and regulations that it deems necessary to comply with the law and

effectively and efficiently conduct its and the Corporation’s business.

Section 6. Removal.

Any Director may be removed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors

present at any regular or special meeting at which a quorum is present.

Section 7. Resignations.

A Director may resign at any time by giving notice of such resignation to the President. Unless

otherwise specified in the notice, such resignation shall take effect on receipt thereof by the President.

Section 8. Successor Board Members.

A vacancy on the Board shall be filled as follows: the Board Development Committee will

propose a candidate to the Board to fill the vacancy; the Board must approve the candidate by a two-

thirds (2/3) vote of the Directors present at the regular or special meeting immediately following the

nomination. The term of the replacement Director shall be the unexpired portion of the term of the

replacement Director’s predecessor. At the expiration of the predecessor’s term, the Board

Development Committee shall determine if the replacement Director should be nominated to serve on

the Board and, if nominated, he/she shall then be subject to election as provided herein. If the

replacement Director is nominated and elected, the replacement Director shall be eligible to serve two

(2) three (3) year terms as provided herein.

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Section 1. Annual and Regular Meetings.

As stated above, the Annual Meeting of the Board will be held each year in June. Regular

meetings shall be held at such time and place as the President or Executive Committee shall prescribe,

but the Board shall hold regular Meetings each year at a minimum during Homecoming Week, February

and June. Written notice of the Annual Meeting and regular meetings and an Agenda for such meetings

shall be given by email or other method to all Directors at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting


Section 2. Special Meetings.

The President, a majority of the Executive Committee, or ten (10) or more members of the

Board, on at least five (5) days written notice to the Board by email or other method, may call a Special

Meeting. This notice must include the purpose of the meeting.

Section 3. Waiver of Notice.

Attendance of a Director at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting

except where a Director attends for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business

because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened.

Section 4. Quorum.

At any meeting of the Board, the presence of a majority of the Directors shall be necessary to

constitute a quorum for all purposes, and, unless otherwise specified herein, the act of a majority of the

Directors present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the full Board.

Section 5. Participation by Telephone.

Any one or more Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board by means of a conference

telephone or similar communications equipment allowing all persons participating in the meeting to

hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means shall constitute presence at the meeting

and shall count towards the establishment of a quorum.

Section 6. Absence from Meetings.

If a Director is absent without excuse from the President from two (2) consecutive regular

meetings, the President or his/her designee will communicate in writing with that Director to ascertain if

the Director wants to continue his/her service on the Board. If not, the President or his designee will ask

that Director for a written resignation from the Board. If such resignation is not forthcoming within two

(2) weeks of the communication from that Director, the President or his designee will send an email to

that Director stating that a vacancy is deemed to exist on the Board by virtue of that Director’s prior

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statement that he/she no longer wishes to serve on the Board. Upon receipt of that Director’s written

resignation or notice to the Director that a vacancy is deemed to exist, such vacancy will be filled as

provided in Article IV, Section 8 hereof.



Section 1. Enumeration of Officers and Terms.

The Officers of the Corporation must be members of the Board and shall consist of a President, a

President-Elect, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The President-Elect and the Treasurer shall be elected by

the Board. Other than the Secretary, the officer’s terms are one (1) year, or until his/her term on the

Board terminates, whichever is shorter. As noted below, the Executive Director of the Corporation will

automatically occupy the office of Secretary and therefore is not elected by the Board. The Executive

Director will occupy the office of Secretary so long as he/she is the Executive Director. The President-

Elect automatically succeeds to the office of President at the end of the President’s term and is

therefore not elected to the office of President by the Board. The Treasurer is the only officer that may

be elected to succeed himself or herself for two (2) additional terms, but thereafter shall be ineligible to

serve again until at least one (1) year shall have elapsed from the date of the ending of his or her last

elected term of office. The President-Elect may be elected to that office more than once so long as at

least one (1) year shall have elapsed from the date of the ending of his or her last elected term of office

as President. The Treasurer may be elected to that office more than one (1) term so long as at least one

(1) year shall have elapsed from the date of the ending of his or her last elected term of office as

Treasurer. Provided, however, that if a President-Elect succeeds to the unexpired term of a President

who vacates the office, he or she shall be eligible to continue in office as President for a full term during

the ensuing year. Upon petition of the President, the Board may at its discretion by a two-thirds (2/3)

vote of the members of the Board present at any regular or special meeting at which a quorum is

present, waive the requirement that the Treasurer not serve for one (1) year before becoming eligible

for reelection. The President’s petition shall make the case for the waiver stating with particularity why

the Treasurer’s continued service is considered to be of extraordinary benefit to the Board and to the

Corporation. Waivers are discouraged and the burden of the President to obtain the waiver is a heavy


Section 2. Resignation, Removal, Vacancies.

Any officer may resign by giving notice thereof to the President. Unless otherwise specified in

the notice, such resignation shall take effect on receipt thereof by the President. Any officer may be

removed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors present at any regular or special

meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present. Any vacancy in any office shall be filled pursuant to

the procedure specified in Article IV, Section 8 hereof. The term of the replacement officer shall be the

unexpired portion of the replacement officer’s predecessor. At the expiration of the predecessor’s

term, the Nominating Committee shall determine if the replacement officer should be nominated to

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continue serving as an officer. If so, the replacement officer shall be subject to election as provided

herein. If elected, the replacement officer shall be eligible to serve two (2) one (1) year terms as

provided in Section 1 above. The President may temporarily fill such vacancies until the vacancy is filled

by the Board.

Section 3. Election of Officers.

At the Annual Meeting, the Board will elect the officers by majority vote.

Section 4. Duties of Officers.

(a) President. The President shall: preside at all regular meetings of the Board; act in an

advisory capacity to all other Officers; have the general responsibility for carrying out the policies

established by the Board; have general executive powers as well as specific powers conferred by these

Bylaws; have and exercise such further powers and duties as from time to time may be conferred or

assigned by the Board; appoint the chairs and members of all committees; and, be an ex-officio, non-

voting member of all committees established by the Board.

(b) President-Elect. The President-Elect shall act in the place of the President in his or her

absence. At the expiration of the President’s term or if there is otherwise a vacancy in the office of

President, the President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President.

(c) Secretary. The Executive Director of the Corporation shall: serve as Secretary of the

Corporation; give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board; keep or cause to be kept an

accurate record of the meetings of the board; act as parliamentarian of Board meetings; and, be the

custodian of all documents pertaining to the Corporation.

(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Corporation. The

Treasurer shall report to the Board on the financial status of the Corporation at each Board meeting,

shall be a member of Corporation’s Finance Committee and shall annually report the auditor’s findings

to the Board.



Section 1. Composition.

There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board consisting of the Corporation’s President,

President-Elect, Treasurer, Immediate Past President and those members of the Board nominated by

the Nominations Committee to serve as “At Large Members.” The Corporation’s Secretary shall be an ex

officio, non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a

member of the Executive Committee for a period of one year after his/her term as President has

concluded whether or not he/she is a Director.

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Section 2. Powers.

The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the Board when, in the President’s judgment,

the Corporation has to take immediate action or when, in the President’s judgment, the Board must

consider an urgent matter or when the President deems it is impractical to convene the Board. The

President shall be chair of the Executive Committee, and the Secretary shall keep the minutes, or cause

the minutes to be kept. In the absence of the President and the President-Elect, the members of the

Executive Committee shall select a Chairman pro tempore, who shall serve until the process described in

Article IV, Section 8 is complete. Any decision of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board

at the Board meeting immediately succeeding the Executive Committee’s action.

Section 3. Meeting.

The President may convene the Executive Committee at any time he/she deems it prudent.

Section 4. Nomination and Election of At Large Members.

The Nominations Committee shall submit to the Board nominations for vacancies among At

Large Members for election at the Annual Meeting. A majority vote shall suffice to elect At Large

Members who shall assume office immediately upon conclusion of the Annual Meeting.



Section 1. Appointment.

The Executive Director will be appointed by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of

the President of the University. The Board will submit its own recommendations of candidates to the

President of the University to fill this position.

Section 2. Responsibilities.

The Executive Director shall be responsible for the management and operation of the

Corporation, shall be the Corporation’s Secretary, shall work closely with the Board, and shall be an ex

officio non-voting member of all committees.



Section 1. Standing Committees.

The Standing Committees are:

(a) Board Development

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(b) Executive

(c) Audit

Section 2. Other Committees.

The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may create other committees, as

he/she deems necessary. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will appoint the

chairs and committee members, at least two of whom will be Directors, for a term of one (1) year. There

is no prohibition on a committee member or chair succeeding himself/herself at the discretion of the

incoming President.

Section 3. Action by Majority and Quorum.

Action of all committees, including the Executive Committee, shall be by vote of a majority of its

members in attendance. A quorum shall be a majority of the committee members.

Section 4. Board Development Committee.

The Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) members. The

Immediate Past President of the Corporation shall be a member of the Committee.

The Committee shall nominate candidates for vacancies on the Board, vacancies in the positions

of President-Elect and Treasurer and vacancies among the At Large Members of the Executive

Committee. The Committee will submit its nominees to the Board no later than fifteen (15) days prior

to the Annual Meeting.

The Committee shall also work to ensure that any requirements for active board membership

are being met and assist in the creation of any processes or timelines needed to complete the

nominations process in a timely manner, to include development of a pool of prospective board


Section 5. Audit Committee.

The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the Corporation’s accounting functions and

the performance of the Corporation’s independent auditor. The Committee shall cause an annual audit

of the Corporation’s financial operations to be made and shall review and resolve complaints or

concerns about the Corporation’s accounting practices, internal controls and auditing practices.

As part of its oversight of the Corporation’s independent auditor, the Committee will work

closely with the Executive Director to prepare the Corporation for the annual audit and will evaluate the

audit process. The Treasurer will present the auditor’s findings to the Board and recommend changes in

the practices or reporting in order to maintain or bring the Corporation into a “best practices” position.

The Executive Director shall not be a member, ex officio or otherwise, of the Committee.


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On dissolution and final liquidation of the Corporation, the Board shall, after paying and making

provision for payment of liabilities of the Corporation, distribute all the assets of the Corporation to the

University and otherwise abide by the provisions of NMSA 53-8-48 or its successor statute.



The Corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless any current or former Director, Officer or

committee member in accordance with, and to the fullest extent authorized by the New Mexico

Nonprofit Corporation Act, as the same now exists or may be hereafter amended. No amendment to or

repeal of this Article shall apply to or have any effect on the rights of any individual referred to in this

Article for or with respect to acts or omissions of such individual occurring prior to such amendment or

repeal. The Corporation shall maintain liability insurance to cover its Directors, Officers and committee

members in an amount to be approved by the Executive Committee. The Corporation shall also assure

that adequate property, liability and other necessary insurance Is maintained for the Corporation. The

Executive Committee shall annually review the amount and scope of all insurance policies to assure their




Section 1. Authority to Sign Contracts and Checks.

The persons authorized to sign contracts and to sign, endorse and otherwise execute checks,

drafts, notes, orders or other instruments for the payment of money issued by or to the Corporation

shall be designated by appropriate resolution of the Board or Executive Committee.

Section 2. Fiscal Year.

The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be the twelve (12) month period beginning July 1 and

ending June 30 of each year, or such other period as the Board may establish.

Section 3. Compensation of Directors.

Directors shall not be entitled to compensation for their services in that capacity but may be

entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by them in the discharge of their duties.

Section 4. Corporate Seal.

The Corporate Seal of the Corporation, if any, shall be in such form as the Board shall prescribe.

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Section 5. Conflict of Interest.

The Board herby adopts a Conflict of Interest Policy, the current form of which is attached

hereto as Exhibit A.

Section 6. Non Discrimination.

The Corporation will not practice or permit discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity,

religion, creed or sexual orientation and hereby adopts a Whistleblower Policy the current form of which

is attached hereto as Exhibit B.



These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Board at which a

quorum is present by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present, provided notice of the

proposed change is given in the notice of the meeting.


The undersigned Officers of the Corporation, certify that the foregoing Bylaws are the Bylaws of

the Corporation and all of them are now lawfully in force and effect.





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TAB 9 Information Item 9 Monthly Consolidated Financial Report for Main Campus (Liz Metzger, Univ. Controller)

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Monthly Financial Report Consolidated Total Operations Current Funds Fiscal Year to Date as of February 28, 2017

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Consolidated Total Operations – 3-Year Net Revenue 05

YTD I&G Consolidated Revenues / Expenses (3 Year) 06

Executive Budget Summary 07

Financial Reports

Consolidated - Total Operations Current Funds 09

Main Campus - Athletics and Auxiliary Operations 12

Main Campus – Total Operations Current Funds 15

Branch Campuses – Total Operations Current Funds 18

HSC Campus – Total Operations Current Funds 20

Appropriations Schedules

Consolidated – Total Operations Current Funds 23

Main Campus – Total Operations Current Funds 24

Branch Campuses – Total Operations Current Funds 25

HSC – Total Operations Current Funds 26

Debt Service

Schedule of Debt Service 27

Source of Funds 28

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Summary of Items in the Consolidated Financial Report As of February 28, 2017  

  Instruction & General – Other Revenue (page 9): The February Financial Report includes 

investment activity through January. For the months of January and February investment income stabilized, with the two bond portfolios returning 2.15% for the month of January and 2.20% for the month of February. The March results have not been reported as of 4/10/2017, however the Fed raised rates by .25% on March 15th, consequently staff anticipates unrealized losses for the month of March. Below is a graph of the fiscal year‐to‐date unrealized gains and losses.  










Jul‐16 Aug‐16 Sep‐16 Oct‐16 Nov‐16 Dec‐16 Jan‐17 Feb‐17McDonnell Unrlzd G/L 12,692 (789,060) 20,974 (808,136) (2,771,47 (225,312) 322,308 275,324

Ryan Unrlzd G/L (76,619) (268,583) (51,758) (166,354) (674,751) (9,572) 55,310 95,411

Unrealized Gain/(Loss) from 7/1/16‐2/28/17

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Summary of Items in the Consolidated Financial Report As of February 28, 2017 

Athletics (page 12):  The February Financial Report indicates a small Athletics deficit of $96K. Athletics revenues and expenses include the following: non‐endowed spending, operations, and debt service on the Wise Pies Arena. The breakout for these categories is shown in the chart below.  




Operations, $(736,848)

Non‐Endowed Spending, $556,473 

Debt Service, $84,092 


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2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7







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Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Feb

2015 2016 2017



Fiscal Year

YTD I&G Consolidated Revenues / Expenses (3 Year)Fiscal Year to Date as of February 28, 2017

Revenues Expenses

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Executive Budget Summary University of New Mexico Consolidated Financial Report

FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget

This report covers current fund operations for the University, including Main Campus, Branch Campuses, and HSC Campus. Budget adjustments were approved at the December Board of Regents meeting to reflect the current budget shortfall at the state level. Typically, HSC is the only campus that re-forecasts their operating budget on a monthly basis.

Instruction and General operation projects a use of reserves of $9.3M for the FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget. The use of reserves of $9.3M is comprised of $4.8M use of reserves at the Main Campus, a $3.8M use of reserves at the Branch Campuses, and a $663K unfavorable net margin at the HSC Campus. The $4.8M use of reserves at Main Campus is primarily due to the budgeting of use of reserves in Provost Academic Affairs at 75% including $3.6M to offset the mid-year State budget reduction, and Administration budgeting 25% of I&G reserves including $800K to offset the mid-year State budget reduction. The $663K unfavorable net margin at the HSC Campus is primarily due to the 5% cut in State funding for FY 2017.

The next block of information shows the Unrestricted Research operations. The FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget projects a use of reserves of $9.0M, of which $7.2M use of reserves is related to Main Campus and a $1.8M use of reserves is related to the HSC Campus. The $7.2M use of reserves at Main Campus is primarily due to Provost Academic Affairs’ departments budgeting reserves. The departments that budgeted the largest use of reserves are the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering, and VP for Research. At the HSC Campus, the $1.8M use of reserves for non-recurring expenditures includes CTSC startup packages, equipment purchases and research supplies and College of Pharmacy equipment purchases and new faculty startup costs.

The third business category shown on the first page of this report is Unrestricted Public Service. The operations in this category include special projects funded by State Appropriations, for example Project ECHO, and non-endowed gifts flowing from the UNM Foundation to departments and many small events funded by user fees. The FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget projects a use of reserves of $6.6M. These reserves are comprised of $4.8M use of reserves at the Main and Branch Campuses and a unfavorable net margin of $1.8M at the HSC Campus. The $4.8M use of reserves at the Main and Branch Campuses is primarily due to Provost Academic Affairs’ departments budgeting reserves. The departments budgeting the largest use of reserves are the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering, the School of Law, and VP for Research. At the HSC Campus, the $1.8M use of reserves includes anticipated equipment purchases and a budgeting of reserves in non-endowed spending indices.

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Page 2 of this report begins with the Student Aid function. The FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget projects a use of reserves of $9.0M. These reserves are comprised of $8.2M use of reserves at the Main and Branch Campuses and a use of reserves of $784K at the HSC Campus. The budgeted use of reserves at Main Campus is primarily due to Provost Academic Affairs’ departments budgeting reserves in endowed spending indices for the payout of major and departmental scholarships in the new fiscal year. Those departments include: VP Division of Enrollment Management, College of Fine Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education, and School of Law.

Student Activities are the operations of Student Government and Student organizations. The FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget shows a use of reserves of $671K.

Auxiliaries and Athletics The FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget for Auxiliaries and Athletics projects a use of reserves of $914K. These reserves are primarily due to a combination of Athletics budgeting a $445K use of reserves, VP for Institutional Support Services budgeting a $363 use of reserves, VP for Student Affairs budgeting a use of reserves of $27K, and the Provost and Other Units budgeting a $79K net use of reserves.

Sponsored programs operations are our contract and grant research and public service projects funded by outside agencies and companies. These operations will always record a zero net revenue over expense by the nature of their funding. The agency pays for a service or research project, and normally any unspent funds must be returned to the agency.

The next block of numbers on the third page is a summary of our Clinical Operations. These operations are essentially all the patient care activities of the HSC Campus, including the UNM Hospitals, SOM physician professional services, Cancer Center operations and Housestaff/Medical Residents who are being trained in the UNM and VA hospitals. The FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget projects a favorable net margin of $1.2M. UNM Hospitals budgeted a favorable net margin of $198K. The School of Medicine budgeted a favorable net margin of $995K which is primarily due to increased clinical volumes at the UNM Cancer Center and Neurosurgery.

Contingencies are additional amounts set aside to cover any shortfalls in the previously mentioned budgeted areas. As of February, the FY 2017 UNM Re-Forecasted Budget projects a use of reserves of $4.9M; Main Campus budged $7.4M use of reserves and HSC budgeted a favorable net margin of $2.5M.

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

University of New Mexico - Consolidated Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Actual Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualInstruction and General

Tuition and Fees Revenues Main Campus 155,108,000 148,997,022 (6,110,978) 96% 147,952,690 1,044,332 Branch Campuses 8,030,757 7,622,361 (408,396) 95% 7,543,713 78,648 HSC Campus 16,751,725 15,790,959 (960,766) 94% 14,500,044 1,290,915

Total Tuition and Fees Revenues 179,890,482 172,410,342 (7,480,140) 96% 169,996,447 2,413,895 State/Local Appropriations 265,605,520 177,059,598 (88,545,922) 67% 190,399,379 (13,339,781) F & A Revenues 44,500,000 29,201,659 (15,298,341) 66% 28,322,387 879,272 Transfers (43,915,378) (29,864,338) 14,051,040 68% (44,657,766) 14,793,428 Other Revenues 20,926,016 8,086,841 (12,839,175) 39% 21,917,725 (13,830,884)

Total Instruction and General Revenues 467,006,640 356,894,102 (110,112,538) 76% 365,978,172 (9,084,070)

Salaries 291,454,088 198,660,389 92,793,699 68% 198,423,971 (236,418) Benefits 96,882,304 64,878,063 32,004,241 67% 62,398,146 (2,479,917) Other Expenses 87,968,609 52,638,309 35,330,300 60% 55,734,824 3,096,515

Total Instruction and General Expenses 476,305,001 316,176,761 160,128,240 66% 316,556,941 380,180

Net Instruction and General Revenue/(Expense) (9,298,361) 40,717,341 50,015,702 49,421,231 (8,703,890)

ResearchState/Local Appropriations 11,755,521 7,821,530 (3,933,991) 67% 7,937,955 (116,425) Transfers 26,161,294 16,120,311 (10,040,983) 62% 15,354,133 766,178 Other Revenues 3,707,639 2,963,943 (743,696) 80% 2,881,461 82,482

Total Research Revenues 41,624,454 26,905,784 (14,718,670) 65% 26,173,549 732,235

Salaries and Benefits 28,426,502 16,517,952 11,908,550 58% 15,991,688 (526,264) Other Expenses 22,211,876 11,445,485 10,766,391 52% 11,570,049 124,564

Total Research Expenses 50,638,378 27,963,437 22,674,941 55% 27,561,737 (401,700)

Net Research Revenue/(Expense) (9,013,924) (1,057,653) 7,956,271 (1,388,188) 330,535

Public ServiceState/Local Appropriations 3,420,150 2,280,167 (1,139,983) 67% 2,722,169 (442,002) Sales and Services Revenues 24,342,657 15,895,382 (8,447,275) 65% 9,267,689 6,627,693 Gifts 9,135,730 7,316,223 (1,819,507) 80% 7,897,623 (581,400) Transfers (6,951,034) (5,172,239) 1,778,795 74% 2,016,070 (7,188,309) Other Revenues 7,814,332 4,899,819 (2,914,513) 63% 4,411,489 488,330

Total Public Service Revenues 37,761,835 25,219,352 (12,542,483) 67% 26,315,040 (1,095,688)

Salaries and Benefits 17,843,939 12,070,757 5,773,182 68% 11,222,294 (848,463) Other Expenses 26,492,446 13,770,152 12,722,294 52% 14,291,557 521,405

Total Public Service Expenses 44,336,385 25,840,909 18,495,476 58% 25,513,851 (327,058)

Net Public Service Revenue/(Expense) (6,574,550) (621,557) 5,952,993 801,189 (1,422,746)

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

University of New Mexico - Consolidated Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Actual Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualStudent Aid

Gifts 5,792,361 4,655,591 (1,136,770) 80% 3,722,953 932,638 State Lottery Scholarship 33,750,000 33,750,000 - 100% 33,347,285 402,715 Transfers 18,751,504 11,916,797 (6,834,707) 64% 11,570,954 345,843 Other Revenues 461,114 107,898 (353,216) 23% 772,879 (664,981)

Total Student Aid Revenues 58,754,979 50,430,286 (8,324,693) 86% 49,414,071 1,016,215

Salaries and Benefits 3,777,980 3,258,825 519,155 86% 3,117,419 (141,406) Other Expenses 64,035,749 56,320,471 7,715,278 88% 55,932,020 (388,451)

Total Student Aid Expenses 67,813,729 59,579,296 8,234,433 88% 59,049,439 (529,857)

Net Student Aid Revenue/(Expense) (9,058,750) (9,149,010) (90,260) (9,635,368) 486,358

Student Social & Cultural ProgramsFee Revenues 8,236,537 7,238,260 (998,277) 88% 7,263,412 (25,152) Sales and Services Revenues 1,391,656 999,306 (392,350) 72% 1,190,873 (191,567) Transfers 357,310 407,219 49,909 114% 394,202 13,017 Other Revenues 106,902 93,981 (12,921) 88% 128,635 (34,654)

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenues 10,092,405 8,738,766 (1,353,639) 87% 8,977,122 (238,356)

Salaries and Benefits 5,690,893 3,786,188 1,904,705 67% 3,875,496 89,308 Other Expenses 5,072,271 2,571,538 2,500,733 51% 3,000,656 429,118

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Expenses 10,763,164 6,357,726 4,405,438 59% 6,876,152 518,426

Net Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenue/(Expense) (670,759) 2,381,040 3,051,799 2,100,970 280,070

Auxiliaries and AthleticsBranch Campuses Auxiliary Revenues 3,273,656 1,632,120 (1,641,536) 50% 1,657,758 (25,638) Main Campus Auxiliaries Revenues 53,302,291 43,118,548 (10,183,743) 81% 42,061,434 1,057,114 Athletics Revenues 36,429,912 27,759,169 (8,670,743) 76% 24,792,496 2,966,673

Total Auxiliaries and Athletics Revenues 93,005,859 72,509,837 (20,496,022) 78% 68,511,688 3,998,149

Branch Campuses Auxiliary Expenses 3,273,656 1,654,445 1,619,211 51% 2,024,680 370,235 Main Campus Auxiliaries Expenses 53,772,046 36,055,031 17,717,015 67% 35,190,957 (864,074) Athletics Expenses 36,874,519 27,855,451 9,019,068 76% 26,127,476 (1,727,975)

Total Auxiliaries and Athletics Expenses 93,920,221 65,564,927 28,355,294 70% 63,343,113 (2,221,814)

Net Auxiliaries and Athletics Revenue/(Expense) (914,362) 6,944,910 7,859,272 5,168,575 1,776,335

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

University of New Mexico - Consolidated Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Actual Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualSponsored Programs

Federal Grants and Contracts Revenues 253,753,918 176,851,451 (76,902,467) 70% 176,718,242 133,209 State and Local Grants and Contracts Revenues 34,729,831 23,226,512 (11,503,319) 67% 22,566,451 660,061 Non-Governmental Grants and Contracts Revenues 30,719,656 23,006,761 (7,712,895) 75% 21,155,707 1,851,054 Gifts - - - N/A - - Transfers 5,672,639 3,984,911 (1,687,728) 70% 3,048,548 936,363 Other Revenues - (953,997) (953,997) N/A 429 (954,426)

Total Sponsored Programs Revenues 324,876,044 226,115,638 (98,760,406) 70% 223,489,377 2,626,261

Salaries and Benefits 151,182,877 94,573,265 56,609,612 63% 93,031,885 (1,541,380) Other Expenses 173,693,167 131,542,373 42,150,794 76% 130,457,492 (1,084,881)

Total Sponsored Programs Expenses 324,876,044 226,115,638 98,760,406 70% 223,489,377 (2,626,261)

Net Sponsored Programs Revenue/(Expense) - - - - -

Clinical OperationsState/Local Appropriations 25,305,380 16,870,200 (8,435,180) 67% 18,403,727 (1,533,527) Physician Professional Fee Revenues 130,053,773 82,004,819 (48,048,954) 63% 80,204,854 1,799,965 Hospital Facility Revenues 902,747,843 597,373,840 (305,374,003) 66% 567,910,792 29,463,048 Other Patient Revenues, net of Allowance 162,983,762 102,818,018 (60,165,744) 63% 97,510,107 5,307,911 Mil Levy 95,977,991 63,985,328 (31,992,663) 67% 62,411,238 1,574,090 Investment Income (273,140) (43,410) 229,730 16% 200,708 (244,118) Gifts 3,267,753 3,092,871 (174,882) 95% 1,664,688 1,428,183 Housestaff Revenues 37,907,661 25,353,125 (12,554,536) 67% 25,057,463 295,662 Other Revenues 24,454,058 13,690,650 (10,763,408) 56% 10,616,442 3,074,208

Total Clinical Operations Revenues 1,382,425,081 905,145,441 (477,279,640) 65% 863,980,019 41,165,422

Salaries and Benefits 762,841,326 498,681,610 264,159,716 65% 467,302,534 (31,379,076) Interest Expense 3,846,613 2,564,402 1,282,211 67% 2,562,091 (2,311) Housestaff Expenses 37,907,661 25,230,449 12,677,212 67% 24,705,797 (524,652) Other Expenses 576,637,223 378,363,613 198,273,610 66% 362,594,097 (15,769,516)

Total Clinical Operations Expenses 1,381,232,823 904,840,074 476,392,749 66% 857,164,519 (47,675,555)

Net Clinical Operations Revenue/(Expense) 1,192,258 305,367 (886,891) 6,815,500 (6,510,133)

ContingenciesTotal Contingency Revenues (1,188,384) - 1,188,384 0% - - Total Contingency Expenses 3,744,829 - (3,744,829) 0% - -

Net Contingencies Revenue/(Expense) (4,933,213) - 4,933,213 - - -

Net Current Revenue/(Expense) (39,271,661) 39,520,438 78,792,099 53,283,909 (13,763,471)

*** Clinical Operations include the SOM Clinical Departments which currently have a consolidated gain of $112,389 and UNM Hospitals operations whichcurrently has a net margin of $192,978

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

University of New Mexico - Main Campus Athletics & Auxiliary Operations

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Actual Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualResults of Athletics Operations:

Athletics Revenues 39,245,714 28,770,602 (10,475,112) 73% 27,255,040 1,515,562 Athletics Transfers (2,815,802) (1,011,433) 1,804,369 36% (2,462,544) 1,451,111

Total Athletics Revenues 36,429,912 27,759,169 (8,670,743) 76% 24,792,496 2,966,673 Athletics Expenses

Salaries and Benefits 14,466,109 10,115,953 4,350,156 70% 9,986,297 (129,656) Grant-in-Aid 4,615,847 4,320,633 295,214 94% 4,193,982 (126,651) Other Expenses 17,792,563 13,418,865 4,373,698 75% 11,947,197 (1,471,668) Total Athletics Expenses 36,874,519 27,855,451 9,019,068 76% 26,127,476 (1,727,975)

Total Net Athletics Revenue/(Expense) (444,607) (96,282) 348,325 (1,334,980) 1,238,698

Results of Auxiliary Operations:

VP for Institutional Support ServicesBookstore Revenues 14,358,413 11,296,132 (3,062,281) 79% 12,367,496 (1,071,364) Bookstore Transfers (410,888) (233,334) 177,554 57% (233,333) (1) Total Bookstore Revenues 13,947,525 11,062,798 (2,884,727) 79% 12,134,163 (1,071,365) Total Bookstore Expenses 13,947,525 10,261,344 3,686,181 74% 11,035,479 774,135 Net Bookstore Revenue/(Expense) - 801,454 801,454 1,098,684 (297,230)

- Faculty & Staff Club Revenues 45,000 29,184 (15,816) 65% 67,682 (38,498) Faculty & Staff Club Expenses 73,191 41,060 32,131 56% 41,236 176 Net Faculty & Staff Club Revenue/(Expense) (28,191) (11,876) 16,315 26,446 (38,322)

Food Service/Dining Revenues 2,444,914 1,577,364 (867,550) 65% 1,610,699 (33,335) Food Service/Dining Transfers (520,357) (40,934) 479,423 8% (38,333) (2,601) Total Food Service/Dining Revenues 1,924,557 1,536,430 (388,127) 80% 1,572,366 (35,936) Total Food Service/Dining Expenses 1,924,557 916,923 1,007,634 48% 1,037,516 120,593 Net Food Service/Dining Revenue/(Expense) - 619,507 619,507 534,850 84,657

Golf Courses Revenues 2,394,850 1,230,817 (1,164,033) 51% 1,272,085 (41,268) Golf Courses Transfers (39,250) (14,439) 24,811 37% (26,167) 11,728 Total Golf Courses Revenues 2,355,600 1,216,378 (1,139,222) 52% 1,245,918 (29,540) Total Golf Courses Expenses 2,355,600 1,467,194 888,406 62% 1,456,221 (10,973) Net Golf Courses Revenue/(Expense) - (250,816) (250,816) (210,303) (40,513)

Housing 10,408,000 11,356,355 948,355 109% 10,751,630 604,725 Housing Transfers (2,134,240) (3,085,970) (951,730) 145% (2,973,721) (112,249) Total Housing Revenues 8,273,760 8,270,385 (3,375) 100% 7,777,909 492,476 Total Housing Expense 8,273,760 5,296,522 2,977,238 64% 5,373,809 77,287 Net Housing Revenue/(Expense) - 2,973,863 2,973,863 2,404,100 569,763

Other Revenues 1,350,000 740,000 (610,000) 55% 707,931 32,069 Other Transfers (1,677,000) (1,330,000) 347,000 79% (1,480,000) 150,000 Total Other Revenues (327,000) (590,000) (263,000) 180% (772,069) 182,069 Total Other Expense 8,162 - 8,162 0% - - Net Other Revenue/(Expense) (335,162) (590,000) (254,838) (772,069) 182,069

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Page 113: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

University of New Mexico - Main Campus Athletics & Auxiliary Operations

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Actual Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualParking and Transportation Revenues 8,641,253 6,503,645 (2,137,608) 75% 6,622,020 (118,375) Parking and Trans Transfers (2,204,991) (1,302,669) 902,322 59% (1,286,903) (15,766) Total Parking and Trans Revenues 6,436,262 5,200,976 (1,235,286) 81% 5,335,117 (134,141) Total Parking and Trans Expenses 6,436,262 3,974,897 2,461,365 62% 3,958,746 (16,151) Net Parking and Trans Revenue/(Expense) - 1,226,079 1,226,079 1,376,371 (150,292)

Popejoy Events Revenues 7,995,978 6,326,677 (1,669,301) 79% 3,959,720 2,366,957 Popejoy Events Transfers - (11,525) (11,525) N/A - (11,525) Total Popejoy Events Revenues 7,995,978 6,315,152 (1,680,826) 79% 3,959,720 2,355,432 Total Popejoy Events Expenses 7,995,978 6,254,191 1,741,787 78% 4,035,017 (2,219,174) Net Popejoy Events Revenue/(Expense) - 60,961 60,961 (75,297) 136,258

Taos & Lawrence Ranch Revenues 58,784 62,202 3,418 106% 38,267 23,935 Taos & Lawrence Ranch Expenses 58,784 40,422 18,362 69% 46,870 6,448 Net Taos & Lawrence Ranch Revenue/(Expense) - 21,780 21,780 (8,603) 30,383

Ticketing Services Revenues 1,050,795 827,747 (223,048) 79% 797,361 30,386 Ticketing Services Transfers - - - N/A - - Total Ticketing Services Revenues 1,050,795 827,747 (223,048) 79% 797,361 30,386 Total Ticketing Services Expenses 1,050,795 677,123 373,672 64% 696,565 19,442 Net Ticketing Services Revenue/(Expense) - 150,624 150,624 100,796 49,828

Total VP for Institutional Support Services Revenues 41,761,261 33,931,252 (7,830,009) 81% 32,156,434 1,774,818 Total VP for Institutional Support Services Expenses 42,124,614 28,929,676 13,194,938 69% 27,681,459 (1,248,217)

Net VP for Institutional Support Services Revenue/(Expense) (363,353) 5,001,576 5,364,929 4,474,975 526,601

VP for Student AffairsLobo Cash Revenues 89,315 66,083 (23,232) 74% 67,513 (1,430) Lobo Cash Expenses 89,315 79,023 (10,292) 88% 38,440 (40,583) Net Lobo Cash Revenue/(Expense) - (12,940) (12,940) 29,073 (42,013)

Student Health Center Revenues 7,966,426 6,416,164 (1,550,262) 81% 6,769,957 (353,793) Student Health Center Expenses 7,994,119 4,931,898 3,062,221 62% 5,128,688 196,790 Net Student Health Center Revenue/(Expense) (27,693) 1,484,266 1,511,959 1,641,269 (157,003)

Student Union Revenues 3,228,157 2,511,055 (717,102) 78% 2,887,940 (376,885) Student Union Expenses 3,228,157 1,904,864 1,323,293 59% 2,128,018 223,154 Net Student Union Revenue/(Expense) - 606,191 606,191 759,922 (153,731)

Total VP for Student Affairs Revenues 11,283,898 8,993,302 (2,290,596) 80% 9,725,410 (732,108) Total VP for Student Affairs Expenses 11,311,591 6,915,785 4,375,222 61% 7,295,146 379,361

Net VP for Student Affairs Revenue/(Expense) (27,693) 2,077,517 2,105,210 2,430,264 (352,747)

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Page 114: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

University of New Mexico - Main Campus Athletics & Auxiliary Operations

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD Actual Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualProvost and Other Units

Art Museum Revenues 5,500 1,029 (4,471) 19% 3,598 (2,569) Art Museum Expenses 8,500 815 7,685 10% 725 (90) Net Art Museum Revenue/(Expense) (3,000) 214 3,214 2,873 (2,659)

CE Conference Ctr Revenues 225,000 170,434 (54,566) 76% 169,329 1,105 CE Conference Ctr Transfers - 12,715 12,715 N/A (33,100) 45,815 Total CE Conference Ctr Revenues 225,000 183,149 (41,851) 81% 136,229 46,920 Total CE Conference Ctr Expenses 225,000 157,487 67,513 70% 160,457 2,970 Net CE Conference Ctr Revenue/(Expense) - 25,662 25,662 (24,228) 49,890

Maxwell Museum Revenues 40,000 26,939 (13,061) 67% 34,541 (7,602) Maxwell Museum Expenses 40,000 10,955 29,045 27% 9,268 (1,687) Net Maxwell Museum Revenue/(Expense) - 15,984 15,984 25,273 (9,289)

Other Revenues (13,368) (17,123) (3,755) 128% 5,222 (22,345) Other Expenses 62,341 40,313 22,028 65% 43,902 3,589 Net Other Revenue/(Expense) (75,709) (57,436) 18,273 (38,680) (18,756)

Total Provost and Other Units Revenues 257,132 193,994 (63,138) 75% 179,590 14,404 Total Provost and Other Units Expenses 335,841 209,570 126,271 62% 214,352 4,782

Net Provost and Other Units Revenue/(Expense) (78,709) (15,576) 63,133 (34,762) 19,186

Auxiliary TotalsTotal Auxiliary Revenues 53,302,291 43,118,548 (10,183,743) 81% 42,061,434 1,057,114 Total Auxiliary Expenses 53,772,046 36,055,031 17,717,015 67% 35,190,957 (864,074)

Net Auxiliary Revenue/(Expense) (469,755) 7,063,517 7,533,272 6,870,477 193,040

Net Athletics Revenue/(Expense) (444,607) (96,282) 348,325 (1,334,980) 1,238,698

Net Auxiliary and Athletics Revenue/(Expense) (914,362) 6,967,235 7,881,597 5,535,497 1,431,738

Net Branch Campuses Aux Revenue/(Expense) - (22,325) (22,325) (366,922) 344,597

Net All Auxiliary and Athletics Revenue/(Expense) (914,362) 6,944,910 7,859,272 5,168,575 1,776,335

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Page 115: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Main Campus - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualInstruction and General

Tuition and Fees Revenues 155,108,000 148,997,022 (6,110,978) 96% 147,952,690 1,044,332 State/Local Appropriations 178,567,500 119,045,000 (59,522,500) 67% 128,333,467 (9,288,467) F & A Revenues 20,500,000 13,078,389 (7,421,611) 64% 12,424,046 654,343 Transfers (54,013,813) (33,415,063) 20,598,750 62% (39,741,854) 6,326,791 Other Revenues 15,978,843 4,387,259 (11,591,584) 27% 10,883,217 (6,495,958)

Total Instruction and General Revenues 316,140,530 252,092,607 (64,047,923) 80% 259,851,566 (7,758,959)

Salaries 196,565,522 134,234,395 62,331,127 68% 134,652,103 417,708

Benefits 66,635,211 44,944,667 21,690,544 67% 42,733,479 (2,211,188) Other Expenses 57,738,267 37,013,756 20,724,511 64% 39,740,174 2,726,418

Total Instruction and General Expenses 320,939,000 216,192,818 104,746,182 67% 217,125,756 932,938

Net Instruction and General Revenue/(Expense) (4,798,470) 35,899,789 40,698,259 42,725,810 (6,826,021)

ResearchState/Local Appropriations 1,863,350 1,242,233 (621,117) 67% 1,340,233 (98,000) Transfers 13,666,997 8,903,346 (4,763,651) 65% 8,106,021 797,325 Other Revenues 1,038,550 1,422,398 383,848 137% 1,151,513 270,885

Total Research Revenues 16,568,897 11,567,977 (5,000,920) 70% 10,597,767 970,210

Salaries and Benefits 12,529,822 7,664,455 4,865,367 61% 7,461,615 (202,840) Other Expenses 11,270,523 5,318,593 5,951,930 47% 5,908,416 589,823

Total Research Expenses 23,800,345 12,983,048 10,817,297 55% 13,370,031 386,983

Net Research Revenue/(Expense) (7,231,448) (1,415,071) 5,816,377 (2,772,264) 1,357,193

Public ServiceState/Local Appropriations 3,165,550 2,110,367 (1,055,183) 67% 2,539,033 (428,666) Sales and Services Revenues 8,561,451 5,022,710 (3,538,741) 59% 5,256,087 (233,377) Gifts 7,202,583 5,769,956 (1,432,627) 80% 5,429,429 340,527 Transfers (1,123,329) (817,796) 305,533 73% (381,715) (436,081) Other Revenues 4,937,508 3,090,566 (1,846,942) 63% 3,110,567 (20,001)

Total Public Service Revenues 22,743,763 15,175,803 (7,567,960) 67% 15,953,401 (777,598)

Salaries and Benefits 12,143,556 8,497,503 3,646,053 70% 8,700,785 203,282 Other Expenses 15,223,089 7,977,244 7,245,845 52% 8,796,895 819,651

Total Public Service Expenses 27,366,645 16,474,747 10,891,898 60% 17,497,680 1,022,933

Net Public Service Revenue/(Expense) (4,622,882) (1,298,944) 3,323,938 (1,544,279) 245,335

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Main Campus - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualStudent Aid

Private Grants/Gifts 3,892,964 3,556,201 (336,763) 91% 2,775,311 780,890 State Lottery Scholarships 33,750,000 33,750,000 - 100% 33,347,285 402,715 Transfers 16,175,347 10,059,993 (6,115,354) 62% 9,851,319 208,674 Other Revenues 444,114 91,997 (352,117) 21% 755,932 (663,935)

Total Student Aid Revenues 54,262,425 47,458,191 (6,804,234) 87% 46,729,847 728,344

Salaries and Benefits 1,900,769 1,846,773 53,996 97% 1,934,602 87,829 Other Expenses 60,442,845 54,798,370 5,644,475 91% 54,371,930 (426,440)

Total Student Aid Expenses 62,343,614 56,645,143 5,698,471 91% 56,306,532 (338,611)

Net Student Aid Revenue/(Expense) (8,081,189) (9,186,952) (1,105,763) (9,576,685) 389,733

Student Social & Cultural ProgramsFee Revenues 8,006,537 7,008,004 (998,533) 88% 7,029,226 (21,222) Sales and Services Revenues 1,330,557 948,440 (382,117) 71% 1,131,603 (183,163) Transfers 405,670 456,579 50,909 113% 418,840 37,739 Other Revenues 104,402 91,106 (13,296) 87% 127,735 (36,629)

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenues 9,847,166 8,504,129 (1,343,037) 86% 8,707,404 (203,275)

Salaries and Benefits 5,682,587 3,781,839 1,900,748 67% 3,851,549 69,710 Other Expenses 4,789,513 2,389,378 2,400,135 50% 2,840,553 451,175

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Expenses 10,472,100 6,171,217 4,300,883 59% 6,692,102 520,885

Net Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenue/(Expense) (624,934) 2,332,912 2,957,846 2,015,302 317,610

Auxiliaries Auxiliaries Revenues 53,302,291 43,118,548 (10,183,743) 81% 42,061,434 1,057,114 Athletics Revenues 36,429,912 27,759,169 (8,670,743) 76% 24,792,496 2,966,673

Total Auxiliaries Revenues 89,732,203 70,877,717 (18,854,486) 79% 66,853,930 4,023,787

Auxiliaries Expenses 53,772,046 36,055,031 17,717,015 67% 35,190,957 (864,074) Athletics Expenses 36,874,519 27,855,451 9,019,068 76% 26,127,476 (1,727,975)

Total Auxiliaries Expenses 90,646,565 63,910,482 26,736,083 71% 61,318,433 (2,592,049)

Net Auxiliaries and Athletics Revenue/(Expense) (914,362) 6,967,235 7,881,597 5,535,497 1,431,738

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Page 117: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Main Campus - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualSponsored Programs

Federal Grants and Contracts Revenues 144,273,888 104,244,142 (40,029,746) 72% 104,801,942 (557,800) State and Local Grants and Contracts Revenues 17,087,338 11,804,522 (5,282,816) 69% 10,829,300 975,222 Non-Governmental Grants and Contracts Revenues 12,600,000 9,485,144 (3,114,856) 75% 9,491,441 (6,297) Gifts - - - N/A - - Transfers 2,885,000 1,520,252 (1,364,748) 53% 961,756 558,496 Other Revenues - (953,997) (953,997) N/A - (953,997)

Total Sponsored Programs Revenues 176,846,226 126,100,063 (50,746,163) 71% 126,084,439 15,624

Salaries and Benefits 67,960,226 37,776,619 30,183,607 56% 37,050,578 (726,041) Other Expenses 108,886,000 88,323,444 20,562,556 81% 89,033,861 710,417

Total Sponsored Programs Expenses 176,846,226 126,100,063 50,746,163 71% 126,084,439 (15,624)

Net Sponsored Programs Revenue/(Expense) - - - - -

ContingenciesTotal Contingency Revenues (1,183,234) - 1,183,234 0% - - Total Contingency Expenses 6,284,979 - (6,284,979) 0% - -

Net Contingencies Revenue/(Expense) (7,468,213) - 7,468,213 - -

Net Current Revenue/(Expense) (33,741,498) 33,298,969 67,040,467 36,383,381 (3,084,412)

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Page 118: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Branch Campuses - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualInstruction and General

Tuition and Fees Revenues 8,030,757 7,622,361 (408,396) 95% 7,543,713 78,648 State/Local Appropriations 27,260,320 18,173,547 (9,086,773) 67% 19,095,467 (921,920) Transfers (2,339,051) (1,642,270) 696,781 70% (1,735,534) 93,264 Other Revenues 691,664 789,176 97,512 114% 703,620 85,556

Total Instruction and General Revenues 33,643,690 24,942,814 (8,700,876) 74% 25,607,266 (664,452)

Salaries 21,185,791 13,547,457 7,638,334 64% 13,724,131 176,674 Benefits 6,892,695 4,236,683 2,656,012 61% 4,210,007 (26,676) Other Expenses 9,402,122 4,596,663 4,805,459 49% 4,933,408 336,745

Total Instruction and General Expenses 37,480,608 22,380,803 15,099,805 60% 22,867,546 486,743

Net Instruction and General Revenue/(Expense) (3,836,918) 2,562,011 6,398,929 2,739,720 (177,709)

Public ServiceState/Local Appropriations - - - N/A - Sales and Services Revenues 397,098 257,991 (139,107) 65% 336,412 (78,421) Gifts 79,035 239,974 160,939 304% 138,870 101,104 Transfers 40,000 (1,184) (41,184) -3% 45,453 (46,637) Other Revenues - 115,449 115,449 N/A 191 115,258

Total Public Service Revenues 516,133 612,230 96,097 119% 520,926 91,304

Salaries and Benefits 253,669 330,602 (76,933) 130% 283,046 (47,556) Other Expenses 452,531 151,974 300,557 34% 152,217 243

Total Public Service Expenses 706,200 482,576 223,624 68% 435,263 (47,313)

Net Public Service Revenue/(Expense) (190,067) 129,654 319,721 85,663 43,991

Student AidPrivate Grants/Gifts 100,025 55,417 (44,608) 55% 49,024 6,393 Transfers 378,110 357,261 (20,849) 94% 186,322 170,939 Other Revenues 17,000 15,901 (1,099) 94% 16,947 (1,046)

Total Student Aid Revenues 495,135 428,579 (66,556) 87% 252,293 176,286

Salaries and Benefits 12,225 11,851 374 97% 10,073 (1,778) Other Expenses 676,110 309,743 366,367 46% 399,992 90,249

Total Student Aid Expenses 688,335 321,594 366,741 47% 410,065 88,471

Net Student Aid Revenue/(Expense) (193,200) 106,985 300,185 (157,772) 264,757

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Page 119: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Branch Campuses - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualStudent Social & Cultural Programs

Fee Revenues 230,000 230,256 256 100% 234,186 (3,930) Sales and Services Revenues 9,900 9,627 (273) 97% 11,328 (1,701) Transfers (40,000) (41,000) (1,000) 103% (38,000) (3,000) Other Revenues - 225 225 N/A - 225

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenues 199,900 199,108 (792) 100% 207,514 (8,406)

Salaries and Benefits 7,840 3,883 3,957 50% 23,775 19,892 Other Expenses 192,360 155,324 37,036 81% 122,440 (32,884)

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Expenses 200,200 159,207 40,993 80% 146,215 (12,992)

Net Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenue/(Expense) (300) 39,901 40,201 61,299 (21,398)

Auxiliaries Bookstore Revenues 1,929,560 1,477,005 (452,555) 77% 1,463,827 13,178 Housing and Food Service Revenues 770,000 99,427 (670,573) 13% 111,065 (11,638) Transfers (52,500) (62,500) (10,000) 119% (10,000) (52,500) Other Auxiliaries Revenues 626,596 118,188 (508,408) 19% 92,866 25,322

Total Auxiliaries Revenues 3,273,656 1,632,120 (1,641,536) 50% 1,657,758 (25,638)

Bookstore Expenses 1,929,560 1,261,981 667,579 65% 1,618,340 356,359 Housing and Food Service Expenses 717,500 81,491 636,009 11% 89,811 8,320 Other Auxiliaries Expenses 626,596 310,973 315,623 50% 316,529 5,556

Total Auxiliaries Expenses 3,273,656 1,654,445 1,619,211 51% 2,024,680 370,235

Net Auxiliaries Revenue/(Expense) - (22,325) (22,325) (366,922) 344,597

Sponsored ProgramsFederal Grants and Contracts Revenues 6,337,373 5,346,710 (990,663) 84% 4,894,561 452,149 State and Local Grants and Contracts Revenues 2,310,476 978,846 (1,331,630) 42% 1,151,928 (173,082) Non-Governmental Grants and Contracts Revenues - (10,402) (10,402) N/A 20,372 (30,774) Gifts - - - N/A - - Transfers - 153,691 153,691 N/A 377,375 (223,684) Other Revenues - - - N/A 429 (429)

Total Sponsored Programs Revenues 8,647,849 6,468,845 (2,179,004) 75% 6,444,665 24,180

Salaries and Benefits 5,168,748 4,099,412 1,069,336 79% 4,013,097 (86,315) Other Expenses 3,479,101 2,369,433 1,109,668 68% 2,431,568 62,135

Total Sponsored Programs Expenses 8,647,849 6,468,845 2,179,004 75% 6,444,665 (24,180)

Net Sponsored Programs Revenue/(Expense) - - - - -

Net Current Revenue/(Expense) (4,220,485) 2,816,226 7,036,711 2,361,988 454,238

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Page 120: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Health Sciences Center - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualInstruction and General

Tuition and Fees Revenues 16,751,725 15,790,959 (960,766) 94% 14,500,044 1,290,915 State/Local Appropriations 59,777,700 39,841,051 (19,936,649) 67% 42,970,445 (3,129,394) F & A Revenues 24,000,000 16,123,270 (7,876,730) 67% 15,898,341 224,929 Transfers 12,437,486 5,192,995 (7,244,491) 42% (3,180,378) 8,373,373 Other Revenues 4,255,509 2,910,406 (1,345,103) 68% 10,330,888 (7,420,482)

Total Instruction and General Revenues 117,222,420 79,858,681 (37,363,739) 68% 80,519,340 (660,659)

Salaries 73,702,775 50,878,537 22,824,238 69% 50,047,737 (830,800) Benefits 23,354,398 15,696,713 7,657,685 67% 15,454,660 (242,053) Other Expenses 20,828,220 11,027,890 9,800,330 53% 11,061,242 33,352

Total Instruction and General Expenses 117,885,393 77,603,140 40,282,253 66% 76,563,639 (1,039,501)

Net Instruction and General Revenue/(Expense) (662,973) 2,255,541 2,918,514 3,955,701 (1,700,160)

ResearchState/Local Appropriations 9,892,171 6,579,297 (3,312,874) 67% 6,597,722 (18,425) Generated Revenues 405,501 256,371 (149,130) 63% 243,667 12,704 Transfers 12,494,297 7,216,965 (5,277,332) 58% 7,248,112 (31,147) Other Revenues 2,263,588 1,285,174 (978,414) 57% 1,486,281 (201,107)

Total Research Revenues 25,055,557 15,337,807 (9,717,750) 61% 15,575,782 (237,975)

Salaries and Benefits 15,896,680 8,853,497 7,043,183 56% 8,530,073 (323,424) Other Expenses 10,941,353 6,126,892 4,814,461 56% 5,661,633 (465,259)

Total Research Expenses 26,838,033 14,980,389 11,857,644 56% 14,191,706 (788,683)

Net Research Revenue/(Expense) (1,782,476) 357,418 2,139,894 1,384,076 (1,026,658)

Public ServiceState/Local Appropriations 254,600 169,800 (84,800) 67% 183,136 (13,336) Sales and Services Revenues 15,384,108 10,614,681 (4,769,427) 69% 3,675,190 6,939,491 Gifts 1,854,112 1,306,293 (547,819) 70% 2,329,324 (1,023,031) Transfers (5,867,705) (4,353,259) 1,514,446 74% 2,352,332 (6,705,591) Other Revenues 2,876,824 1,693,804 (1,183,020) 59% 1,300,731 393,073

Total Public Service Revenues 14,501,939 9,431,319 (5,070,620) 65% 9,840,713 (409,394)

Salaries and Benefits 5,446,714 3,242,652 2,204,062 60% 2,238,463 (1,004,189) Other Expenses 10,816,826 5,640,934 5,175,892 52% 5,342,445 (298,489)

Total Public Service Expenses 16,263,540 8,883,586 7,379,954 55% 7,580,908 (1,302,678)

Net Public Service Revenue/(Expense) (1,761,601) 547,733 2,309,334 2,259,805 (1,712,072)

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Health Sciences Center - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualStudent Aid

Gifts 1,799,372 1,043,973 (755,399) 58% 898,618 145,355 Investment Income - - - N/A - - Transfers 2,198,047 1,499,543 (698,504) 68% 1,533,313 (33,770) Other Revenues - - - N/A - -

Total Student Aid Revenues 3,997,419 2,543,516 (1,453,903) 64% 2,431,931 111,585

Salaries and Benefits 1,864,986 1,400,201 464,785 75% 1,172,744 (227,457) Other Expenses 2,916,794 1,212,358 1,704,436 42% 1,160,098 (52,260)

Total Student Aid Expenses 4,781,780 2,612,559 2,169,221 55% 2,332,842 (279,717)

Net Student Aid Revenue/(Expense) (784,361) (69,043) 715,318 99,089 (168,132)

Student Social & Cultural ProgramsFee Revenues - - - N/A - - Sales and Services Revenues 51,199 41,239 (9,960) 81% 47,942 (6,703) Transfers (8,360) (8,360) - 100% 13,362 (21,722) Other Revenues 2,500 2,650 150 106% 900 1,750

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenues 45,339 35,529 (9,810) 78% 62,204 (26,675)

Salaries and Benefits 466 466 - 100% 172 (294) Other Expenses 90,398 26,836 63,562 30% 37,663 10,827

Total Student Social & Cultural Programs Expenses 90,864 27,302 63,562 30% 37,835 10,533

Net Student Social & Cultural Programs Revenue/(Expense) (45,525) 8,227 53,752 24,369 (16,142)

Sponsored ProgramsFederal Grants and Contracts Revenues 103,142,657 67,260,599 (35,882,058) 65% 67,021,739 238,860 State and Local Grants and Contracts Revenues 15,332,017 10,443,144 (4,888,873) 68% 10,585,223 (142,079) Non-Governmental Grants and Contracts Revenues 18,119,656 13,532,019 (4,587,637) 75% 11,643,894 1,888,125 Gifts - - - N/A - - Other Revenues - - - N/A - - Transfers 2,787,639 2,310,968 (476,671) 83% 1,709,417 601,551

Total Sponsored Programs Revenues 139,381,969 93,546,730 (45,835,239) 67% 90,960,273 2,586,457

Salaries and Benefits 78,053,903 52,697,234 25,356,669 68% 51,968,210 (729,024) Other Expenses 61,328,066 40,849,496 20,478,570 67% 38,992,063 (1,857,433)

Total Sponsored Programs Expenses 139,381,969 93,546,730 45,835,239 67% 90,960,273 (2,586,457)

Net Sponsored Programs Revenue/(Expense) - - - - -

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Health Sciences Center - Total Operations Current Funds FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 YTD ActualFull Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate Year-to-Date Change From

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67% Actual FY 2016 YTD ActualClinical Operations

State/Local Appropriations 25,305,380 16,870,200 (8,435,180) 67% 18,403,727 (1,533,527) Physician Professional Fee Revenues 130,053,773 82,004,819 (48,048,954) 63% 80,204,854 1,799,965 Hospital Facility Revenues 902,747,843 597,373,840 (305,374,003) 66% 567,910,792 29,463,048 Other Patient Revenues, net of Allowance 162,983,762 102,818,018 (60,165,744) 63% 97,510,107 5,307,911 Mil Levy 95,977,991 63,985,328 (31,992,663) 67% 62,411,238 1,574,090 Investment Income (273,140) (43,410) 229,730 16% 200,708 (244,118) Gifts 3,267,753 3,092,871 (174,882) 95% 1,664,688 1,428,183 Housestaff Revenues 37,907,661 25,353,125 (12,554,536) 67% 25,057,463 295,662 Other Revenues 24,454,058 13,690,650 (10,763,408) 56% 10,616,442 3,074,208

Total Clinical Operations Revenues 1,382,425,081 905,145,441 (477,279,640) 65% 863,980,019 41,165,422

Salaries and Benefits 762,841,326 498,681,610 264,159,716 65% 467,302,534 (31,379,076) Interest Expense 3,846,613 2,564,402 1,282,211 67% 2,562,091 (2,311) Housestaff Expenses 37,907,661 25,230,449 12,677,212 67% 24,705,797 (524,652) Other Expenses 576,637,223 378,363,613 198,273,610 66% 362,594,097 (15,769,516)

Total Clinical Operations Expenses 1,381,232,823 904,840,074 476,392,749 66% 857,164,519 (47,675,555)

Net Clinical Operations Revenue/(Expense) 1,192,258 305,367 (886,891) 6,815,500 (6,510,133)

ContingenciesTotal Contingency Revenues (5,150) - 5,150 0% - - Total Contingency Expenses (2,540,150) - (2,540,150) 0% - -

Net Contingencies Revenue/(Expense) 2,535,000 - (2,535,000) - -

Net Current Revenue/(Expense) (1,309,678) 3,405,243 4,714,921 14,538,540 (11,133,297)

*** Clinical Operations include the SOM Clinical Departments which currently have a consolidated gain of $112,389 and UNM Hospitals operations whichcurrently has a net margin of $192,978

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Page 123: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month period ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Detail of State/Local AppropriationsConsolidated - Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67%Instruction and General

Instruction & General Appropriations 255,576,300 170,373,456 (85,202,844) 67%State Special Project Appropriations 1,145,800 763,866 (381,934) 67%Tobacco Settlement Appropriations 1,081,600 721,063 (360,537) 67%Mill Levy 7,801,820 5,201,213 (2,600,607) 67%

Total Instruction and General Appropriations 265,605,520 177,059,598 (88,545,922) 67%

ResearchState Special Project Appropriations 6,344,950 4,229,833 (2,115,117) 67%Tobacco Settlement Appropriations 937,200 624,800 (312,400) 67%Cigarette Tax Appropriations 4,473,371 2,966,897 (1,506,474) 66%

Total Research Appropriations 11,755,521 7,821,530 (3,933,991) 67%

Public ServiceState Special Project Appropriations 3,420,150 2,280,167 (1,139,983) 67%

Total Public Service Appropriations 3,420,150 2,280,167 (1,139,983) 67%

Clinical OperationsState Special Project Appropriations 24,465,080 16,310,000 (8,155,080) 67%Tobacco Settlement Appropriations 840,300 560,200 (280,100) 67%

Total Clinical Operations Appropriations 25,305,380 16,870,200 (8,435,180) 67%

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month period ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Detail of State/Local AppropriationsMain Campus - Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67%Instruction and General

Instruction & General Appropriations 177,421,700 118,281,134 (59,140,566) 67%

State Special Project AppropriationsAfrican American Student Services 67,400 44,933 (22,467) 67%Degree Mapping 69,500 46,333 (23,167) 67%Disabled Student Services 177,800 118,533 (59,267) 67%ENLACE 59,400 39,600 (19,800) 67%Hispanic Student Center 146,600 97,733 (48,867) 67%Minority Graduate Recruitment 109,900 73,267 (36,633) 67%Native American Studies Intervention 330,300 220,200 (110,100) 67%Pre-College Minority Student Math &Science 184,900 123,267 (61,633) 67%Total State Special Project Appropriations 1,145,800 763,866 (381,934) 67%

Total Instruction and General Appropriations 178,567,500 119,045,000 (59,522,500) 67%

ResearchState Special Project Appropriations

Center for Regional Studies (SW Research Ctr) 915,950 610,633 (305,317) 67%Manufacturing Engineering 520,800 347,200 (173,600) 67%Morrisey Hall 44,100 29,400 (14,700) 67%Resource Geographic Information System 61,500 41,000 (20,500) 67%Utton Transboundary Resource Center 321,000 214,000 (107,000) 67%Total State Special Project Appropriations 1,863,350 1,242,233 (621,117) 67%

Total Research Appropriations 1,863,350 1,242,233 (621,117) 67%

Public ServiceState Special Project Appropriations

Bureau of Business Research (Census) 356,500 237,666 (118,834) 67%College Prep Mentoring/School of Law 111,900 74,600 (37,300) 67%College Prepatory Mentoring 159,000 106,000 (53,000) 67%Corrine Wolfe Law Center/Child Abuse Training 159,300 106,200 (53,100) 67%Family Development Program 527,100 351,400 (175,700) 67%ISTEC 45,200 30,133 (15,067) 67%Judicial Selection 21,300 14,200 (7,100) 67%KNME-TV 1,091,300 727,534 (363,766) 67%Land Grant Studies Program 122,200 81,467 (40,733) 67%N. M. Historical Review 44,500 29,667 (14,833) 67%Southwest Indian Law Clinic 192,500 128,333 (64,167) 67%Spanish Colonial Research Center (SW Research Ctr) 137,850 91,900 (45,950) 67%Spanish Resource Center 38,800 25,867 (12,933) 67%Substance Abuse Program 68,800 45,867 (22,933) 67%Wildlife Law Education 89,300 59,533 (29,767) 67%Total State Special Project Appropriations 3,165,550 2,110,367 (1,055,183) 67%

Total Public Service Appropriations 3,165,550 2,110,367 (1,055,183) 67%

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Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month period ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Detail of State/Local AppropriationsBranch Campuses - Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67%Instruction and General

Instruction & General AppropriationsGallup 8,841,700 5,894,468 (2,947,232) 67%Los Alamos 1,749,300 1,166,200 (583,100) 67%Valencia 5,345,000 3,563,333 (1,781,667) 67%Taos 3,522,500 2,348,333 (1,174,167) 67%Total Instruction & General Appropriations 19,458,500 12,972,334 (6,486,166) 67%

Mill LevyMcKinley County 2,575,000 1,716,666 (858,334) 67%

Los Alamos County 675,000 450,000 (225,000) 67%Valencia County 2,658,490 1,772,327 (886,163) 67%

Taos County 1,893,330 1,262,220 (631,110) 67%Total Mill Levy 7,801,820 5,201,213 (2,600,607) 67%

Total Branch Appropriations 27,260,320 18,173,547 (9,086,773) 67%

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Page 126: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets - UNM Regents FormatFor the eight month period ended February 28, 2017Preliminary and Unaudited

Detail of State/Local AppropriationsHealth Sciences Center - Total Operations Current Funds

FY 2017 FY 2017 Fiscal YTD Actual to Budget Full Year Year-to-Date Favrbl/(Unfavrbl) Benchmark Rate

Re-Forecasted Budget Actual Budget 67%Instruction and General

Instruction & General Appropriations 58,696,100 39,119,988 (19,576,112) 67%

Tobacco Settlement AppropriationsInstruction & General 581,600 387,729 (193,871) 67%Pediatric Specialty Education 250,000 166,667 (83,333) 67%Trauma Specialty Education 250,000 166,667 (83,333) 67%Total Tobacco Settlement Appropriations 1,081,600 721,063 (360,537) 67%

Total Instruction and General Appropriations 59,777,700 39,841,051 (19,936,649) 67%

ResearchState Special Project Appropriations

Cancer Center 2,494,500 1,662,900 (831,600) 67%Hepatitis C, Project ECHO 1,987,100 1,324,700 (662,400) 67%Total State Special Project Appropriations 4,481,600 2,987,600 (1,494,000) 67%

Tobacco Settlement AppropriationsGenomics, Biocomputing, Environmental Health 937,200 624,800 (312,400) 67%Total Tobacco Settlement Appropriations 937,200 624,800 (312,400) 67%

Cigarette Tax Revenues 4,473,371 2,966,897 (1,506,474) 66% Total Research Appropriations 9,892,171 6,579,297 (3,312,874) 67%

Public ServiceState Special Project Appropriations

Center for Native American Health 254,600 169,800 (84,800) 67%Total State Special Project Appropriations 254,600 169,800 (84,800) 67%

Total Public Service Appropriations 254,600 169,800 (84,800) 67%

Clinical OperationsState Special Project Appropriations

Newborn Intensive Care Unit 3,105,400 2,070,200 (1,035,200) 67%Office of the Medical Investigator 4,754,800 3,170,000 (1,584,800) 67%Pediatric Oncology 1,208,200 805,400 (402,800) 67%Poison and Drug Info Center 1,471,000 980,600 (490,400) 67%Native American Suicide Prevention 92,400 61,600 (30,800) 67%GME Residencies 1,675,200 1,116,800 (558,400) 67%UNM Hospitals 12,158,080 8,105,400 (4,052,680) 67%Total State Special Project Appropriations 24,465,080 16,310,000 (8,155,080) 67%

- Tobacco Settlement Appropriations

Pediatric Oncology 250,000 166,666 (83,334) 67%Poison and Drug Info Center 590,300 393,534 (196,766) 67%Total Tobacco Settlement Appropriations 840,300 560,200 (280,100) 67%

- Total Clinical Operations Appropriations 25,305,380 16,870,200 (8,435,180) 67%

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As of February 28, 2017 *Includes Hospital Debt

UNM Bond Issue

Fixed or Variable Rate

Issue Original Issue


Outstanding Principal Balance on

June 30, 2016Principal Payment due on

June 1, 2017Interest Payment paid on December 1, 2016

Interest Payment due on June 1,

2017FY 2017

Principal & Interest

Sub Lien System Rfdg Revenue & Improvegment Bonds Fixed Rate $160,290,000 $158,435,000 $985,000 $3,109,850 $3,109,850 $7,204,700(7) Series 2016 A: Interest Range 2.0% to 4.5%Final Maturity Year 2046

Sub Lien System Rfdg Revenue Bonds Fixed Rate $8,215,000 $8,030,000 $160,000 $77,374 $77,374 $314,748(\8) Series 2016 B: Interest Range .72% to 2.48% Final Maturity Year 2024

(1) GNMA Collateralized Taxable Hospital Revenue Bonds* Fixed Rate $115,000,000 $108,965,000 $5,540,000 $1,585,989 $1,585,989 $8,711,979Series 2015: Interest Range .484% to 3.532% (due 6/20/2017) (due 12/20/2016) (due 6/20/2017)Final Maturity Year 2032

Sub Lien System Imp Revenue Bonds Fixed Rate $10,980,000 $8,475,000 $1,280,000 $179,325 $179,325 $1,638,650(4) Series 2014 A: Interest Range 3.0% to 5.0%Final Maturity Year 2033

Sub Lien System Rfdg Revenue Bonds Fixed Rate $3,710,000 $3,005,000 $370,000 $37,627 $37,627 $445,254(5) Series 2014 B: Interest Range 0.496% to 3.280%

Final Maturity Year 2024

Sub Lien System Rfdg Revenue Bonds Fixed Rate $100,085,000 $95,475,000 $2,620,000 $2,386,875 $2,386,875 $7,393,750(6) Series 2014 C: Interest Range 1.5% to 5.0%

Final Maturity Year 2035

Sub Lien System Imp Revenue Bonds Fixed Rate $35,215,000 $29,165,000 $1,450,000 $695,025 $695,025 $2,840,050(3) Series 2012: Interest Range 2.0% to 5.0%Final Maturity Year 2032

Sub Lien System Imp Revenue Bonds (portion refunded 03/08/2016) Fixed Rate $7,010,000 $5,010,000 $2,090,000 $104,633 $104,633 $2,299,266Series 2007 A&B: Interest Range 4.096% to 5.302%

Final Maturity Year 2036

Sub Lien Sys Rfdg Revenue Bonds Variable Rate $25,475,000 $17,450,000 $1,300,000 $334,168 $334,168 $1,968,335(2) Series 2002 B: Variable Rate Demand Bonds - rates reset weekly

Weekly rate as of June 30, 2014 was 0.05%Final Maturity Year 2026

Sub Lien System Rfdg Revenue Bonds Variable Rate $37,840,000 $32,460,000 $985,000 $639,462 $639,462 $2,263,924(2) Series 2002 C: Variable Rate Demand Bonds - rates reset weekly

Weekly rate as of June 30, 2014 was 0.05%Final Maturity Year 2030

Sub Lien System Imp Revenue Bonds Variable Rate $52,625,000 $28,755,000 $2,365,000 $575,100 $575,100 $3,515,200

(2) Series 2001: Variable Rate Demand Bonds - rates reset weekly

Weekly rate as of June 30, 2014 was 0.07% Ceiling of 12%Final Maturity Year 2026

System Revenue Bonds Fixed Rate $6,621,671 $921,702 $382,969 $0 $732,031 $1,115,000Series 2000 B: Interest Range 5.50% to 6.35%

Final Maturity Year 2019

System Revenue Rfdg Bonds Fixed Rate $36,790,000 $11,600,000 $2,190,000 $348,000 $348,000 $2,886,000Series 1992 A: Interest Range 6.0% to 6.25%

Final Maturity Year 2021Grand Total $599,856,671 $507,746,702 $21,717,969 $10,073,428 $10,805,459 $42,596,855

Note: See attached matrix for funding sources.

(1) Source: UNM Hospital - UNM Hospital Principal payment is due on June 20; interest payments are due on December 20 and June 20.(2) Variable Rate bonds reflect the actual synthetically fixed interest rate that UNM pays.

It is noted that all ranges of interest rates and final maturity dates are reflective of Serial bonds.

(3) Series 2012 bonds refunded 2002A bonds,

(4) Series 2014A bonds refunded 2003A, 2003B bonds,

(5) Series 2014B bonds refunded 2003C bonds,

(6) Series 2014C bonds refunded 2005A bonds,

(7) Series 2016A bonds refunded a portion of 2007A bonds, March 2016

(8) Series 2016B bonds refunded a portion of 2007B bonds, March 2016

FY17 UNM Debt Service Schedule

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As of February 28, 2017

FY17 UNM Debt Service - Source of Funds


s 20



s 20



s 20

15 (U





s 20



s 20



s 20



s 20






s 20



s 20



s 20







Student Fees- Facility X X X X X X X X X X

Student Fees - IT X X

Parking Services X X X X X X

UNM Hospital X X X

Bookstore X X

Housing & Dining Services X X X X

Building R&R X X X

Real Estate Department X X X X X X

Physical Plant Department X X X X X X X

Information Technologies X X

Athletics X X X


Opto Bldg (CHTM Res Park) X


Continuing Education X

Golf Course - North & South X X


Interest on Reserve Funds X X X X

ASM New Facility X

Johnson Center Expansion & Renewal X

Smith Plaza X

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Page 129: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

TAB 10 Information Item 10 BLT Progress Report on FY 17-18 Budget Development (Craig White, Provost, Co-Chair BLT Committee and David Harris, EVP for Admin., Co-Chair BLT Committee)

Page 130: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Supporting documentation for this item will be submitted on or before the day of the Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee meeting.

Page 131: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

TAB 11 Information Item 11 Differential Tuition for Emergency Medical Services (Steven McLaughlin, Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine)

Page 132: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

University of New Mexico School of Medicine Emergency Department EMS Academy

1 University of New Mexico MSC11 6260 Albuquerque, NM 87131 Phone: 505-272-5757 Fax: 505-272-6503 email: [email protected] website: www.unmems.org

TO: UNM Board of Regent’s Finance and Facilities Committee FROM: Steve McLaughlin, MD, Regents’ Professor and Chair Department of Emergency

Medicine Lindsay Eakes, MBA, NRP, EMS Academy Director, Paramedic Programs Director

RE: EMS Differential Tuition Request Information

The UNM EMS Academy is designated by statute as the lead Emergency Medical Services training agency for New Mexico. As are many departments, we are passionate about our mission which is to provide outstanding prehospital medical education and educator training. We educate prehospital providers such as EMTs and Paramedics who serve in our local communities and throughout the state of New Mexico. We are seeking tuition differential of $60 per credit hour to support the EMS Bachelors of Science degree. This additional $60 per credit hour in comparison to 10 EMS or similar degrees would still have the UNM EMSA in the lowest 3 for tuition costs, and well below the median of all compared institutions. Our program has seen a significant increase in graduates and retention in the last several years, over 35%, and we expect that number to keep growing. Additionally our job placement rate within three months of graduation exceeds 99%. We understand the increasing cost of education and burden it has placed on students which is why we have partnered with local EMS services to provide employment opportunities that not only ease financial burden but also increase our students’ success in the program. It allows them to work part-time while going to school, and the employer works around their school schedule, contributes to their education, and the students gain experience in the EMS field. Upon successful program completion, the graduates are offered fulltime positions. We have also set aside 10% of the tuition differential revenue for student financial aid. We request this necessary increase to support faculty expense, support staff, operating expenses and simulation equipment. All are necessary for training our future EMS professionals. Additionally, increasing accreditation standards, required physician involvement and specific instructor- student ratios require these items that I’ve mentioned, to produce competent entry-level providers to care for the people in our communities. Ensuring sustainability, being fiscally responsible and retaining the established quality of our nationally recognized program are our highest priorities, we feel tuition differential will provide us with the necessary resources to ensure these are accomplished.

Page 133: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.
Page 134: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.
Page 135: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.
Page 136: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.
Page 137: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.
Page 138: April 11, 2017 12:30 p.m. Scholes Hall, Roberts Room · 4/7/2017 4:30 PM The University of New Mexico Board of Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee April 11, 2017, 12:30 p.m.